\ " Well, I suppose we must 1 ..ve them to THE RIGHTS TH.E POOR. - - REGISTERE D - - dinner for once. He has m u.11e a fool of himself bu t I won't have the (),.none~s com- llnrdlnnl Hn11nlng Sh M 'l'S How They are Be· 18 PUllLISJIED gar·le1l by the llatboUc ()hurch. plaining t hat I t:i.ke no n otice pf him ; and EVER Y WE. D NESDAY 1110RNING it is easier done while he is her" than when The April number of the A merican Gath· llY CH AltLOTTE M. YOUNG. - BYho has got into sc:;me hole in tf,., City-that olfo Q1 1arterly Re·view, of Philadelphia, con· is if he ever gets anyth ing to d1· .." · · tains an important paper from the pen of Our latest importation has a r rived from F rance, and we w ill 1 18 CHAPTER XXVIIl.-ICoNTINUED) " Mr. D11tton ha.s ·severa.l liltu:i.tions m Cardinal Manning, entitled "The L aw of glad to see .our fnends and a cquaintances and those with whom we AT THE Oi!'EIOlil have been Ill correspondence. in fact any anrl. 1tll who are in search of Oh, Mr . Dutton, I'm so glad 1 Mark will view for him. " Na t ure Divine and Supreme." Th e article first class P E lWH!iJRONS a nd FRENCH lJOA CIIEUS to look thorn !Post o mce JH ncli:, IUn:i; !H.1·ect, Dowmnu· be delighted." " In view. That's a fani-e or der. Or does was written for the purpose of makiDg mor e over. We have an exceptionally fine lot, and our stud is s o Iarv;e vi.Uc, Onta r io, " Is he at h ome?" it men.n living on Dutten··and doing some· clear the doctrine of t he Catholic Church I ha~ a ll may be pleased. We otfe 1· the JarRest number and greatsst vanety to select from. A ll our im ported s tock is selected by MR. "Oh no, n.t the office, wa.ding thr ollgh th~ng r ominal ? I should think D 11tton t~o regarding the rights of the poor, as stated TER~S : Ji' .Ail.NUi\1 h i m self per sona lly in France, e.nd h e accepts not hing b11t !'1.so p er Annu m , or $ 1 i i p ahl ln :ul vnn ec. l!ell.!l of papers with Mr. Greenlea.f, but he ol a and.sharp a hand _for t~~~· though he is by his Eminence last J~nurny, and which. .tho boa~ Horses of the mo' t u ~1Foved broedinli\'. . · will come home to eat in a quarter of an quartning them on h1mselr. ha.d been more or less m1su·nderst ood. The Olli Home-bred Steck 1s a il tho progeny of selecte1l s1 res and dams P ayment strictly In advance r oquired (rom hour. So come in ;" th<m, as her boy's merry " I b~lieve there. -1s- nothing ~r. _Dut ton following are extr acts from the article :.·. of the best form and modt desirable breeding. '.V c g uarantee our p.bscr>bern 011tsid e of the county. Or ders to voice and a. gruffer one were hea,r d, "That 's would like bctt~r, if he thought it r1g1 stock. Sell on easy terms and at l ow prices. 1t for Tlie Atiantfo cable has so fully explamed '1scont\nue t.h e ilaper m m1t b e accompa nied by "\>Ve will be glad to answor a ll corres pondence p romptly ; but we them, hut I am quite sure Mark 9,nd An· the circumstances under which I appeale· i ~e amount due, orthepa pe wi~ no t bes t opped, the bailiff. He is Willie's devoted slave." . would strongly a dvise persons contemplating the;purohase of a hor~a "I hoped to have been in ti me to have naplewould not couseut. " · to the law of na ture that I hardly like to or ma1e Per~heron or French Coach, to get on the t rain and come a'nd see us. ubsoribertl r,raresponalhleunt,i f ull paymen tia &ade. saved you that." "Ha, ha I" and JY.:r. Egremont laughed. we<0.ry the reader with a r epetition. N ever · Cat alogue free by M uil. ";TI' d !, l'm c0uv i.cced L ha tamong Lhe much "Their nos e is uo t broughnto toe grindstone thelesa, I may so far ret urn upon tl-.e paat lU.'.i'i<i!S ®£' A ~VEii'i'Jl§UiG : I~~,.. m, Ursufa.'· as to say th<1t my words were spoken in· a Wh )!e Colnmn one'year ..... . . ...... $50 oO lf:'~:;; maligned raoea a,re bailiffs. I wonder what I yet I S"'y Sat urd o,y, the "Am I to ask M r. Du~Loi; ?" cnnferenco, not a mere publio meeting, and PROl'ltlETOltS OF JSLANI) llO:!lE STOCK F ARin, U Jl'OltT.t; m! AND BREEDERS, " :· R aH'yaai' .,. ......... .. 36 O~ ~~ couid get by an article on prejudice against " · One ouarter ....... . . 20 0 ~ cla.sses! Iwasthinkinghowmuchbeer Ishonld "Of course; I'm not gorng to have o. writ t en for use in one of our most literary, A~<dr ess all communications to Detroit, Mich.] G R OSSJ& l SLl·:, W A 1'NE co., illllllUG.&N, H a1tColu.mn one year . .............. 36 oo - - have to lay in for this one, and behold he is tete-a-tete with Master Mark. " I may say esoteric, reviews. " Half year ... ... . .·.··. . 20 00 - · a teetotaller, and besides that amateur nurseSo U rsula had t he satisfaction of writing It can hardly be necessa-ry t o j ustify what " One quarter .. ....... .. 12 50 ma.id, parlour -maid, kitchen -maid, etc. a more agreeable note to. Mr. D11tton than I have said am?n~ Catholics, 1 migh.t ev.en ·t i11&rtsr Colurr.n one yes.r . ... , .. . ... 20 00 -" " HaH year ·..... ·.... 12 60 ber Ju.st and her invitl\t1011 was accepted, say among Chnstians; but both Cu.t holica 5 etc--" " " One qua rter . .. ... .. 8 00 "Wbo,t bailiff could w ithsta,nd Mrs. but to her vexation Mr. Earemont further I ~ nd Christians are often not fully aware of Ten lines and nr:1<ler ,first insertion . $0 50 - . E11;remo11t? P er haps you ho.ve t amed h im?" guarded himself from anything confiden tial the _ b road a,nd solid ~round on which i;hey ll:&oh au bsequen t ins ertion .... .. O 2~ "Not I. The cook d id th~t. Indeed I by verbally asking Mr. Clarence Fane on ~abitually rest. I w1J1, therefore, draw o?t JB'rom six to ten lines, first insertion 0 75 ·Each nu bss q uen t insertion...... 0 35 ·- 10 believe ther e's a nice little idyll going on in that very day, and as that gentleman was a m full what the other day I gave only m Over tenliues tlrstinsertlon,perline 0 10 the k i tchen, and besides he wore t he blue baronet's son, she knew sh e should fall to r eference. I do this not out of pedan try, Eaoh 1mbs~quent insertion " 0 03 ribbon, and was already a devoted follower his lot at d inner ; and though she was glad but out of prudence, for some good men may, 'l'he numt.er or lines to be reckoned by _ of you n'{ Mr. Godfrey !" when t his was the case a t t heir ordinary . for want of knowledge, be misled. ~e. space ocoll;vied,,measured bya sca.leor 1 " H owever, if the valuation is r eady, I par ties, it was a misfortune on the pre~ent 1 1. B y ~he l~w of nature all ~en hav; a 01,d Non·pare1J, hope you may be relieved from him, if you occasion. She had not seen Annaple s mce common right uo the me of ~hmgs which ~ won't be too much concerned at t he par t- her marriage ex ce{lt at the family gat hering were created for them and their sustenance. DltS, JlfeLA.lJGil U N" .t: B EITH, on the Cano~'s death, when she was ver y 2. But t his common right does not ex · ing !" " Mrs. Egr8mont told us that our people much absorbed by t he requireme~ts of elude the possessio~ of anything ~hie~ he· f 'OF FICE :-MORRIS' B LOCK, BOWMANVILLE· are very good to us," said Annaple, "and the st ricken household; and Nutt1 e ex comes proper t o ea.en. Co.n;mon right is by 'IDr.J.~, MCLAUGHJ,IN, , Dr. A.. BEITII. Gra.du · lloentmte of the Hoya l ate of the Tor onto don' t mean to send us out wi th nothing but pected to see her in the same subdued 1natural law, and the pos1t1ve l aw of proCollege of Physicians n pacK at our backs. It is very kind in condition. All Mr. D11tton ha d said perty is expedien t for three reasons: (a) and mem.ber of t he Um versity, l:'hyaio1a n t hem and in you , Mr. Dutton, to take the ha,d said or Marv N ugent bad writ ten abou t What is our own is more carefully used Royal College of Sur· Surgeon, &c. t r ouble of i t I No, I'll not worry you with her coura.ge and cheerfulness had given th: t han whab is common. (b) H~man a!fairs Begs t o inform t hs i nhabitants of Bowmanville and su rrounding , flOOns, Edinburgh. t hanks. The gr eat poin t is, hope for some- impression of "pa tience smiling at grief;' a_re better order ed by_ rec? gmzed pnv~te Townships that he has opened out business in the old stan d formerly D lt · .J, (). !lllT4Jll1ELL, t hing for Mark to du. That will k eep up and in!\ very compassionate mood she start- rights. (c) Human societ y 1s more peace.ul EMBER OF COLLEGE OF P H YSI CIANS his spirits beet; ! Poor .Mr. Greenleaf is so ed for a forenoon call a t Springfield House ; when ~ac~ has his o~n, protected by the occu pied l y Mr. W. M. H orsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and and Surgeons, Ontario, Cor oner, et c. · melancholy tho.t it is all I can do to keep but early as it W!\S, nobody was at home, law of JUSt1ce, suitm cuique, will at all tim es keep in stock all goods usually k ept i n a first-class . ··.Umoe and Residence, E nniskillen. 74. him up to the mar k ," · . · unl~as it might be the little b )y, whose voice 3. Theft, therefo: e, is al ways l'I> ~in, _ for H ardware Store, comisting of "I hav1i been mak m u enqumes, and I ahe thought she heard while waiting at the 1tw<J reasons : (a) It 1s contrary to 3ustice. '\V, s. OR!tJISTON, J,, L, B. have three possible openings, but I hardly gate. · (b) It is committed either by stealth or by Barrister , Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c, M_on~y like to lay them before.you." . . She was out driving with herfather after- 1violence. . . t o Ioa.n. Ofll oa, in Beayer Block upetauds m '_'Oh, we are not particu~ai: abom gentility! wards in the l ong summer evening, ~d only 4. But the human and pos1t 1ve law. c~n :roo·ns for.merly occupied by Dr. Harn sin, It is work we ~vant, and if it was a nything found Mark 's card on returning JUSt in not dergodate. from the natu~a! and D1v1ne Bowman viii e. where I could help that would be all the time to dres. It was a bright, glaring day. 1law . Accordmg to the Div me law all D R. E. c. HcDOWEI,L. I bett~r 1 I'm sure I onl~ w~nd.er there ai:e 1and she was si.tting by the win~ow,1 rat~!'.r j th ings are ordained to a!ls.t~in the life of I OENTI \.'fE OF H OYAL OOL LEGE I so .nurny as three. , I thmk .~t is som ebod y s inattentively Listening to :Mr . ]] ase s cr1h · , m~n,_ and ther?for e t he d1v1s!on and approI shall also keep a well assorted stock of the best maLufacturer s' L l .,,. ·M be or domg. Ah ! t heres Mo.rk, and she flew cism of a new p' ay at one of the the~tres, pnat1on of thmgs cannot hmder the sus · . '1 P ans, a ont onSurgeons . ..,,ng., em r ·d , on when she heard the bell, and there entere d t enance o f ma.n Ill · ca,se of necess1.,. "6 There c n of hysic t Physician ana Ont ario. out to meet h" 1m. " '"' mar k !" sh e sa.t SgR~~~,? AND RESIDENOE:- Rear o't Messrs. the lit1.le path, "here's the good genius, I t he slight br igh t creature who migh t still fore the possessions of those who have food Higginbotham·s Drug Store, Bowmanvllle,· with t hree chances in h is pocket . K eep 1 have been't:i.ken for a. mer e girl. T he refined supembundan tiy a re due b y t he _na t ural 6 1 _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ ___Y_ r ._ him to luncheon. I've got p lenty. though p ronounced featur es, the transparent · law f?r the s:isten~nce of the p oor. . Stove Pipes, Micas, &c. 1 D. Bmurn S llUPSON, P oor. old m11.11, h?w hot you lo.o k ! Uo and complexion, cr ispy yellow hair and merry This .d~ctrme .hes at the . found~h?n ot The 111auutact11re arul JHttti:ug UJ> o:C Ea1re Troug h s cool m the drawmg-room, wlnle I wash my eyes were a,s sunbeam-like as at the R ec · t he pos1t1ve law of prope:r ty m all Cnriaten · "D ARRISTEU, SOLICI'l'OR, &o. MOPRIS son's face." tory' garden p11.rty almost five years ago, and dom. It exists an u nwr itten l aw in all will r eceive s p~ cial atten tion. D!le. BLOCK, up stai ra, King Str eet, Bowman· And she disappeared into the back 1·e- the' black dress on'y marked the contrast, Catholic countries ; in F rance it is the Solicitor for the Onte.ri oBank · l d · · I h d l!"·r i vatc l'llonevs loaned a t t he lowest rates, gions, while Mark, the smile she had called ani m a.de the slenderness of the figure more Droit au Travail ; in E ng an it is c ot e up vanishing from h is face, co.me into the evident. s. legal sta.tute in our poor law, under wh ich .Jcftm Keith Ga tbr alt:lt., drawing-room~ a.nd~held out a cordi_ al, ~ban~Mark looked older, o.nd wr~ng his cousin's ever yone has. " a r ight eit~cr to '";ork or A R R I s T Ji: H. SOLICITOR, NOTAR Y ful hand to !u s friend, w! ose chief,:ntell1,~ hand with a pressure of gra~1tude .a nd feel- to bread :without woi;-k. In tne ?Id PUBLIC, & o. ' Ofllce- Bonnss.ll's Bloc,k gence was soon communicated. Yes, ing, but Anna.pie's was a, h ght h lltle gay Scotch law i t was recognL~e.d under the title King Streat, Bowmanville. Monev t o lend,_ said Mark, when he heard the amount en- kiss and there was a n ent ir e unconacious· of B urndensech : a starving man had a .RC HSERT A.:BMOlJJl, tr_ust ed by the fa.m~ly1 to Mr . ~utton, " thl'l>t nesa' about her of the role of p oor relation. 1right t o ca:ry away as muoh meat .a~ he Bowrnanville, April 2nd, 1888. l:l:GISTRAR, WEST DURHAM I SSl,Jll:R will save u.11 my w ife s poor little household She made a n easy little acknowledgment of j coul d on h1.s back. All these author1t1es I o! Marr iage Ucensee, Ba.rrlste r and A.ttd~ gods. Not tha.t I should call thew so for I the intr oduction of Mr. Fane, and, an Mr. give, not by the way ot example or exhor ta· ae:r a t Iiaw a nd Solicitor.in Chanoery. Mon(lt am sure she does not worship t hem. I don't Egremont appeared the next mQment, ex- tion t o larceny_, but in proof of t he n a.t ura.l osned on R eal Estate. Office on King otredt, know what woul d become of me if she were changed greetings with him in a lively or - right from which they tlow. - - - - liko pooi· Mrs. Gr eenleaf who wont int o dinary fashion. It must be borne in mind that m y purp ose B!lwme.nvllle. wiu:.u .u WIGHT . hysterics when th e ba.lilf arrived. and has '.!.'his was j ust wh11.t he liked. H e only was t o justify and elevate t he poor law of kept her : oom ev er since. I soi:ietimes feel wanted t o forget ~hat was unpleasant, and, R agland by show~ng that it wa~ founded I CENSE D AUCTIO NEER for the as if !1otbmg coul~ ?,urt us while Anna.pie ii:iggling Scotch girl a.s she was, he was re· upon the natur al n g_ht of man t o ~1fe an~ t o · County of Durham. Orders left at the r emams what she is. fieved to find tha t sh e could not only show the sust enance of hfe. In provmg t h is I S~tirEsM~N olllce o;- f~fe'i.~\;;1;d to Tyro~8:61:n.0 · Mr. Dutton did not wonder that he said well-bred interest in the surface mat t ers of was compelled t-0 show that t his natur al law "' receive promp a · so, when she came in lee~ding her litt le son, thetime butput in bright flashes of eagernesa is supreme over a ll positive l aw. 'f he op · s. (), lllJNKJNG, with hfa sunny ha ir newly brushed and and originality well seconded by Mr. D 11tton. ponen ts of the poor law, to evade the main ICENSED A U CTIO N EER FOE. shiniug , and carrying a little bouquet for Mr. F<tne w 8,; always a professor of small question, promptly_seized on the l atter to · the Countv of Durham. Sales a ttended the g~.e~t of one r~a Mar que r osebud and t alk , and Nuttie ~ad learnt to use the cur- e3cape the _for~er. · as ~o on sl;)ortest not ic" a nd lowest rates. A~d7esa thr~e i~hcs. of the ve,lley. . . r en t change of so~iety, so t hat. though Mark T he obhgat1on t? feed the hung1 ·y spri_ngs ClauRTIO!I P. O. 36.tf '. T;.;rn It t o Mr. Dut t on, Billy-boy_, I was somewhat Bllen~, ~he dmner wn.s ex· from the natural right of every m a.n to live, _ · ·: thmk he knows how the flowers oa,me mto ceeding pleasant a.na lively ; and , as Mr. and to the food. necessary for the susteno.noe P ia nos T uned :isnd Repaired. t he ' rden. Ye n s~all have daddy's but-1 Fane remarked afterward~, he ha d be en ask - of life. So strict is t h is natural right t hat $ 11 - . ~:i;i.-hole to take to hun n~~t. There, Mark, ed to enliven a doleful feast to ruined kin· it preva ils over a.11 p ositive l aws of :i:roper ty. ' · · · · · ··· ·· ··· · · · · · · ·p aRTIES WISHIN G 'l'lIEl:R P IAN' it is a p >.1nsy of most s mllmg c ~untenance, dred he could only say he wished pr osper · N ecessity ha e no law, and a s tarvmg man Tuned or repair;iu canha.vet hom a.tten!l; such &s should beam on you through your ity ei.lwv ,ys ma.de people so agreee,blo. has a natural righ t to hfo neighbor's bre1,1,d. , t o by loaving word .a t t he DOMINION Ona . · 1 accounts. I decl~,re, there'sth!l,t para:gon.of " This is all high spirit and self-respect," I am afrai d that t hose who speak so confi· C o's OFFICE, powmnnvl~o .A flrst-olaB m b a Mr. Jor~es _ hlllpmg ~essy t o bi:mg m dm t h ought N uttie. "Annaple is talking as I . dently a.bout righ ts, obligations a.nd laws 0 ' · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ' · ·· · · 11 ?W bolnR In ,heir emplo . - - - - - · - - - ner I Ian t it ~ery k m d to prov ide a man- am, from the teeth outwar ds. I sh11.ll hs.ve · have not ~ tudied, er have forgotten, the ·. I ser vant. or us ? . . . i t ou t with her wh~n we go u:pat airs ! " At first pr inciples of all ~uman positive law. If Twenty-five cents extra will be cliarged when accounts run It nught be.rattl e, and it migh t be mcon- a ny rate my father is pleased with her i · t he l aw of p roper ty did not rest upon a na· · . · · sequen.t , bu.t _ it was much pl easanter than N utt ie made t he signa.l to move as soon as tural right it could not long exist. Before hyst~rics. Billy-boy was Sl~a.11 enou_ g h t o she could, and a.s t hey went upstairs, pnt the natural l'ight t o live all hum1 m laws over one month. requi:e a good d_-ial of at,tent10u a t ~mner, her c.r m rou nd the slim waist and ga ve c. must give W!\y. especi.a lly as . ne waa mcra disprised sympi>thetic pressure, but the voice t h11ot adto open big blue eyes at t he dressed her had still t he cheery ring t hat A p I B · i Al' ? stra.nger, than . to make . use of his 1she fancied had been only assu med. re ~ope _ unec ive · sp_oon, .and Annaple seei_ned ch1.efly engrossed j ·, I'm sorry I m issed you, but we set out T he way m which a certain cla5:1 _ of with him, t houg h a qmck keen wor d a t the I ea.rly and ma.de a d av of it · an d oh ! we've 1occurrences passes over t he face of the 01vd . h and a right moment showed that she was aware been into such funiiy pl~ces s.s I never/ ! ized world in periodic waves is truly r emark· of all th11.t was going on, as Mark and Mr. dream t of ! You didn't see my boy ?" able. Firec, J;-lizz!l.rda, raih vay accidents, Dutton d iscussed bhc presen t situa tion and " No. I thonght I heard him. I must murders, s uicides and n.11 t he o ther preuty @I future mea8ures. see h im to-morrow ." lit t le thing s w hich g o to give the newspaper 1 1 0 1 · in at ! ·i* _ _ __ · 1 Snrgeone, Ontario. out of th? race f~r er_nploy ment, and ~r. gloat over him a t night. " which ~re exported with ~uch remarkable 0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. Dutton d1d not thmk 1t needful t o mention "Well I do generally run up after din- r egularity from the U mted States of GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY t he tor~e of the r.rgu me!"ts he was ush~g t o ner; b n t'after your da.y, I can't think of America. Geo:ge Sima, writing in tho R!lback his recommendation of Mark E gre· d ragging you u p all thes e stairs." feree, says t ha" r ecently there has been m A lt TIF IClAL T E E'rH l liSEltTED WITHOUT mout. The po~sibilities h: h_ad hen.rd ,of "Oh, t hat 's n othing ! Only you sec it is Brita.in ,a.n epidemic of c11.ees of bury ing v.live. , . PLATJlS . were a clerkship at a _sh1pp?1g age~t s, jollier to have my Billy·boy in t he next J In Lonao~, the matter of fact a nd utt erly Great n cductlons in price on all Dental another at a wareh ouse m their own !me, room." unromantic House of Commons has a ctually I work. V~talizei', Air, consta ntly !n. use pro· and a desk at an insurance cfli·!e. This They were mounting all the t ime, a nd 1 had a burying nlive cas11 before it, and we ...A_ ~ucmg 1rim£~ss sounded beRt, but h a.d the smallest sa.lary were r eceived in t he day nursery by the j hei.ve had a Home Secretary gravely reply . · --iC:L ., 0 0 Ope?'~~tons.! ~~;~cul\l'r.ft~~ 8 on pa regu a ion i r~n ee to be11;in with, and locality had t o be t aken old Rectory nurse m uch increased in d ig- 1 iug to a q uer y about !\ corpse giving t hree lfi/W'ALL lVO R K W .A RR.AN'l. .E D. · · in account. Mr . Duttcn's p l:i.n was, that j nity, but inclined t o be pathetic as she I k nocks on the inside of i ts own coffin, a nd .Branch office. Dr. Ruth erford's Oro no. as soo~ as Mark was no longer necessar y inq uired af ter " Mr. M ark ," while Annaple, / ~he local cor oner has been ordered to look ·- - - ------- for wnat Annaple was p!ea<ed to ca.II like a little insensible bein a, answ9red with mto t he matter . 1 the fall of the sere and wit her ed leaf, the 1 provoking complacency a~ t o his p erfect Burials alive are far more common in hot pair should come .to staf, with him, so t hat he!>.lth, and begged Mrs. P oole to bring 1 ~ouutries, where t he burial takes place with""""" · a Mark could see his voss10le employers, and Master A lwyn to play in t he garden at m twenty-h ours a fter death, t han they are Annaple consider of t.ha situations. They Springfield wit h her Willie. I n fact there 1in Engla.nd, wher e one gets, as a rule, a ~ccepted this gr atefully, ~ark only _propos - was a. general invit11otion already to Alwyn I week's g race. In Spain the body is fre ing that she should g o e~ther to his. st ep· t o play there, but his a ttendants so much j quently r emoyed t o the under taker 's shop a mother. or her own r elat ions to avoid the preferred the society of their congeners in ! few hours after ~eat h. In. one of t~e lar gest j final cri~es. ,, . . t he parks t hat t hey did not avail the m· o.f t hese estabhshm~nts i:i;i. Madrid ,_ some "As if I would 1 she exola.1med. "\Vhat selves of it nearly as often as Ursula wished. time ago, an extraordinary sig ht was wi tness. sort of a little recreant goose do you t ake Little Alwyn a,sl ecp was, of course, a 1 ed. A gent leman was broug ht in hi'!! " casme for?" beautifnl sight with a precioas old head- ket" one a fternoon and placed in the room " I take you ~er a gallan t ,!itt!e woman, less rabbit pr.,~ed t ight to h is cheek ; An· set apart _ for t h?'t branch o_f t he ~usiness. W lTll T l! BT B. W I TH JUT TBBT!I ready to sta.nd .m the breach, said Mark. nBple's face grew ten.der a,s she looked at t he The proprietor h ved over h is premises, and 1W " Ah, d on ·t flatter yourself I Ther e is motherless creature · and she ad mir ed him on this especic.l evening was givi ng a grand 1 L AU. . 1 a thing I have not got courage t o face- to any exten t except saying that he excelled ball. When the ha.ii was at its height a. · · PJU.C'l'ICA.J. DjjjN1'JST, with~ut _necessity , and that'~ .Ta.net's trium· her own. Being more than a year t he el~er, ~e_ntleman in full evening dress su? denly fJVICll TWENTY YEAUS EXPERililNOB. p ba.n , pity. Mr. Dutton lives ra ther too I t here could be no rivalr y as to acoomgh eh· i omed the company. H e danced w it h the ·i r o a 10:11:ltlcGuAd mtnlHtered rorPal n l e& nea~ your u ncle:, hut he is a man and he ments ; but r.s soon as they were out in wife of t he un~ertaker and he danced with o u oon t be so b11.d. the nu rsery ' hueh Annaple l aughed her the undertakers daught~r and seemed to pera ons. . T his of course did n ot pase till Mr. D utton! way down again with t ales of Billy -boy 's be thoroughly enjoy ing h imself. The underSauc~rs, O :t"FHJE · · lllll4JJ,liNG'S BJ.OUK . had gon~ in to gr eet t he ladies ~ext _door~ ! wonder at h is first experiences of trawJling. t!1'ker t houg ht he knew ~is fa~e, but didn't Inspe('tion ~olicited. t o promise to t ell t~em of t hen- child a" They s~t down a mong t he plant s in the bal- h ke to be l'Udc and ask him his Mme ; but fl length when the buam ess hours of the d a.y cony , as far fr.om t he lamps as possible, and by-and-bye all t he guests departed and t he JJIURDOCJH BR OS. should be over . talked themsel ves in to intim!l.cy over Mick· 11trange gentlemiin was t he only one left. Vicfor ia B uildings. . i Shall it be told ? There was something in let h"R-a.yte. Ther e are t wo E den homes in " shall I send for a cab for yon?" said t he 1 his tone- p erfec tly indefinable, with which I ' peopl e's lives one that of later childhood, host at last . "No t hank you, " replied the he spoke of "Miss Egremont," t hat was like the other t he' first of wedded happiness, a.nd gentleman;" I'm staying in t he house !' the old wistfully revereutia l voice in wh ich St Ambrose Roa.d had t he same halo to " Staying in the house, exclai med t he under · 1 he used to men·ion " Mrs. Egremont." lt both of these . for both had been uprooted taker ; " who are you," sir ?" "What , d on't , smote Mary .N11gent'11 quiet ~eart with a : from it against t heir will ; the chief d iffer- you lrno'Y m~ 1 - l'm t he, corpse t hat was I t 1 pang. W a a 1t that the alteratum from t he ! I ence being that Ursula could cast longinv brought m this aft ernoon.' The trnder taker, ;/ old k_i~~ly fatherliness of reg~rd to "little ; lingcl"ing looks beh ind , while Anna.pie h eld; horritied, rushed t o t he ~ort~ary r oom and N uttre r<>ve~led that a ny d im ?nde~ned her self resolutely st "1eled again~t sentiment found t he coffin emp_ t y. H~s w1fe rnddaugh . hope of Mary s own m ust be extmgul!lhed and only t.urn it off l;y somethm" absu rd. t er had been dancmg with a corp~e. An for ever; ~ir w as i t t~at s~e grieved t hat he N othing w.ail absolutely Eettled y~t ; Ma.rk expl anation, of cou~se foEowed. T he gentle- QT '~ N ~ ~hould ~gam be wast mg h .1 a heei.rt upon t he had been ·preaenting h imself at offices, and man, had only been m. a trance! had sudd.enly 1.n;_,.,... -~ ~ unpraoticable? she hoo been aeomg r ooms and lodgings . recover ed, and hearmg music and r !lvelry . . After spen d mg much time and money I aru A r t tl f b th h b t M ,. b d h · k o f1 now. prepared to fi.11 a ll orders rompt ly. I i e o o ' p er aps, .u ary W i!Jl ('.l'O BE CONTINUED.) a ove, an avmg a ve_i y e.,n sense o j have a ft ne assortment of w AVl s BANGS as r eady as ever t o sympathise, and t o re- · humour, had got out of his coffin (the SpanSWl 'l'CHES, COMDS and P I NS very cheap.' j oicc in hearlug that t he impet uous child ish coffin closes wit h a lid, which is only :SAN GS FROIY-1: $2 U Phad grown into the forbearing dutiful woAccountmg For a Fa1lure. · locked j us t previous t o in to1·mcnt) an d joined ,,.., Old..Swlt~lt es co:o.re d llIJd made to look like m~,u. ! Wife--! stopped at Mad:ime Mediu~'s _to- the_ festiv.e party. :S:e was quite presen~u.bl:1 ll HE BEST L lf BRICA.TOR I N T D E MA.BK ET, ne\\. H1 g. h est price paid for long cut liair. day, and asked t o be pu t xn commumcat1on as m Spam t he dee.a are gener ally buried m Wl b . C . . El.A.IR TONIC CHAPTEU. xxrx. I with moth er's iq;ir it. full evenine dreae. ien uy mg oal 0 11 ask y our dealer for the N ew Oils, Husband- Did yon mcceea ! - -- - - -- Warranted to p1 ·even t the hair from falling A FREBII START. Wife-No ; after two or thre.i ineffectual Sunday school t eacher - " Tommy , do you 1 out and will make it grow, ' \Did you say tl11:1li Mark and hi3 wife I ' t ri>.nooa 't hio madame l v:i.s for<-'Od to give it T know what t h e mea.?:<ing of " Amen" ~ B I have also a fine lot of new Stamping S y · · ' l h l T Pfitterna. All orders p1,1omptly a t tended to. were come to pringfiel<l House?" . up. . ommy- " e.s m ; 1t d w iat t e p eop e say .. ry it once, and you will use llO other. " They come thQ day after t o-morrow, " 1 · Husbt\nd- Pc1rhaps, my \dea.r, 1he tried when t bey t hink it's timo for the mini ster to answersd Urusl&. .. M ark could n o· linttih th~ wroo1 pl ace. stop." ~. O L BRO 0..,. IJ Neads' Block, Bowmanville. up t he busine'iS sooaer. " nl~t; . L S. & C ' .._, Toronto·. T HE CANAD IANSTATE S M A N M . A.. J AME S , NUTTIE'S FATHER. or PERCH ERON FRENCH COACH HORSES. H 0 R SE S . I SAVAG E & FARN U M , = HARDWARE ! HARDWARE I I Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. 0 ! I I. .. BEO.£.MANNINB · M I I I L 1 I I Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' H ardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnish es, Bar bed Wire, F orks, Hoes, Spad es, Shovels, &c. COOK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. B H aving purchased cheap for cash, I a m. prepared to s ell g oods a t small profits and prices will be cut close t o su it t he times. ~mQ~@g :me MIAllflfJlOO~e R L McD OUGALL & METC A L F, are ottering Coal L I I I StQVe a Il d Ch t Il U t follows : $ 6 25 6 00 G rat e an d E ag D ENT I ~ TRY LU M B E R, S H INGl.ES, LATHS, POST & G O R DWOO D Always on lowest prices. GH~u! ~t~~tv:l~:i1c~;f ~~ta! f:i'i~ieu~:sY~ ~r~~~ta:n;~~f b~~~~:r~ µ!~:~;~ :O~~;~;~c f.~~r~~ d!!b~ ~~~~o~:d ~~~rfh! :u~i!c~~i rh~~~~~h ~~~~h~os~~;~: _ _ . I Murd0ch Brothers' McDO U GALL & M ETCAL F I I i N'"E-W- C :ffIN"" :::E1 ALL ° I w here ar e t o b e seen DE N T I S T RY J 1'l B R IM: AC 0 BE I I 21 Dinn er Sets, lovely pa tterns) 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 50 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, _ Superior Print ed B ed Room Sets ' 20 White Bed Room Sets. S E VERAL CASES SUPERIOR CLASS W AR EJUST ARRIVED. I I )Ile F H ·}" Goods al TRADE · I L arge variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy W a re, Bohemian a n d China Cups a nd. &c. LADIE S . · H a e P troni Ze 0m TH BEsHERs L A R . I I 1 '· . 1 l USE QNL Y McCOLL'S AND FARIER· s .. E.m o I L. I ) J[ - · - · - - · - - - I I I MA C H I N E I is?"] F .A M ILY s AF ETY & SUN LI G H T COAL QI L M r s . A . D ..A.VIS, ObHdren _OrJ"'-r. ~itoh·r'~ _oa_~ria~