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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1888, p. 3

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.. , - fluenca over t hat weak and giddy nature, .Relation of Diet to D-eams. I AnvrsE To M-OTHERS. - Are y ot1 dis· like t he power of a snake over a bird . Poor .. t urbed at night and b r oken of you r r est little bird, how it fluttered and d ropped " Ah, if our dreams only came true,' eigh· by a sick child suffering and crying with under the spell, and wai ted helpleesly to be e~ t.h? young ma?, t hat b.oards on South pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If ao Sll·\d at caught. H is earlier feelings were those of Division street. · Last mght I dreamed 1 once and get a bott le of " Mrs. Win , ! · amusement, il!!.ttered vanity only. He did that 1 called on a. lord. I find t hat I can Sootl ·n S " F h" d ?Ws WEDNESDAY. M AY 9, 1888 not me!l.n to be d isloyal to Adrian. And control my visiom to a considerable extent . .u g . y~np. or c i i ren . t~e! J nng, then arose within him the old thirst for con- by dietin~. For instance, if I wish to i~a value ~ 8 mcalculabl_e. It .w1l1 r1,liev0 quest, the hunter 's passion for the chase, enjoy a.calm night, with dreams of a plea.s- 1 t .~e poor httl~ sufferer immediately. _ D e· .k.UTl!OR OF " L ADY AUDLEY's SECRET, vVYLL.ARD'S WEIRD, ETC., ETC. and the kill. It was not enough to h ave ant character, 1 eat toast or bread ancl J Pv_nd upon it , m othe:'s" ; there is n o flutt ered thE 1t foolish heart. He must be milk jnst before r etiring. If I wish to have : mist ake about it. I t cures D ysent ery 0.EIAPTER XrV.-NoT A COMMON GIRL. She t hought she had a. mission,· somet hing sure of victory. His own fancy had b een a littl_e excite:irnnt, q~arrelling, dfaputi~g I and Diarrhooa, reg~lates t~e St omach and T he thing which decided M d e to d o in this life; a nd that her first duty kindled in the p ursuit, and he told himself, or a httlE' active exercise, I cat iquash pie. B o1felR, cureo 'iVrnd Coho, sof t ens th& 0 leavin~ the comfort and protecti~n g of 11/ta~ was t o car e for the mot her who natl never as he had of~en done ~efore, _th~t this was I have fvnad from experience and observa- Gums, r ed uces Inflammation and u ivem field Abbey for the uncertainties of a reat cared for her. _ the most ~erious passion of his hf?. What tion t~at Equash pie act.a strongly ?n t he t o!le and energy t o t h e wh~le sy.:tem. ciity , wit h i ts imminent daocrers and gossi· . She h~d been careful!y taught m her place fidelity to . a brother t.hat 1t should po2ten or part of. t he bram whe~e. }1e the 1 " Mr'3. Winslow's S oothing Syrup" Nol' bility of sta.rvatiun was a F pa.ssa e iE t h m the village school, tau gh t earnestly and hm der a man's hfe long h appmess? bumps of combat~venesa and acqumt1veness. children tee th ing is pleasant t o the tast e I P olice R eports of tl~at L~ndon pager whic~ conscien Mr. R?ckatone, and s~e It was seven o'clock in the evening wh en I have known times when the conanmp - d 18 · th . . 1 Wa.R most a.lfected in t he scr vants' t a.ll. had a stronger idea o_f duty t~an many a girl Madtre f~und herself at _Waterloo sta~ion. tion of two pieces of HJ11ash pie ha.R led me an e prescr ip tion °~ ?ne of the old" Mrs. 1-fandevilte, of No, H , Litt le who l1aa been expensively t ra.i!1ed by F r.ench In her 1gnora.nce of ~adways and t ime- to sla.y a mi>n for his money within fifteen est and be~t fe~ale physic1i:ns and n m·l!el!l 4 befor e and G~~man governesses, with occas1onal table!, she ~ad contrived t<? spend a long minutes after going to bed. T o make my in the United S tat es, and ts for s al e by L op old-street, Mayfair, W>LS b rought 9 the magistrates, at the Westminster Police sup erv1s1on fro~ t~e pare~ta.l. eye. She da.:l'. upon a JO.u rney .that might ~ave been brain a chamber of horrors, however , I sit a ll druggists through the world. Price had ta.ken t he v1ca.1· s t eachmg Ill her own easily accomplished. m five o~ six hour~. down an hour before bed-time aud cat 25 cents a bottle. Be sur e and a ak for Court, for att empting t o commit suicide b ta.king oxa.' ic a.cid. 'rhe evidence showe~ w_ay; and she was a.Psuredly not a common She had t ravelled 1!1 loca~ tra_:.ns, and ba_ d three sardines, six olives, a little Rochefort "l\:1Rs. WINSLOW'S SooT.IUNG SYRUP. ,. t>hat the la dy ha.d been dining with a. ent le- girl. wasted hours at var10us JUnct10ns, and 1t cheese ".l'ith cr ackers, w ashing the whole a.nd take no ot her kind. =-· man who passed in t h e house as Majo~ Man· I She knew t~1a.t she was handsomer t han seemed to her that she h;i.d been tr~velling down with a bot tle of Bass. Before'morniog = deville, but who is suppoeed to ha ve lived 1 one m fifty. · She had lo~ked at for a week, when she aught ed am~dst the I charge single handed .wHh m y r azor on 7 there under an assumed name, and that af. I her self m the shabby little glass. which her crowd and bustle at 1' a.terloo. She had herds of wild horses, and jurnp trom sundry ter d inner a. scene of some violence occurred mother had bought of a travelling hawker eaten only a p enny roll u pon her journey, steeples. Oh, yes, it is possible to ooutr()I 1 bet ween Mra. Mandeville and t he gentle :hve a.nd twenty years b~fore-the blu1'.recl and she longed for t he refreshment of a cup one's dreams, and when we understand psy-1 Wbon Baby waa sick, we gave her Caetoria,. · man in question, in the course of which and c~ouded wl~ich hung agamst of tea. after the dust and heat of th'l way, chology aright we can lie down and map Wbeu she wa· a Child, she cried !or Caatoria, Mrs. M andeville rushe1 from the room , a.n d the w!11tew~shed wall m th<: old basket but 11he had t o husba.~d her kYT shil.lings, ou~ our dr"ams as we now map out a day's maker s cabm -aud t he rdlect10n had t old and so t ramped off, and thirsty, Ill the work , "-BvJfalo Ooiirier . ran to a cupboard u on an u e flo(.) When she became Mis~, she clung to Cas toria, her th~t she 'Yas beau tiful. Those flashing direction which a policema.n ha d indica.ted -·- Wheu she had Children, she gave them Castotia, PUREST, STRON<a EST , BEST, where a solution of oxah ci ac,id wrii k~pt Cremation in Italy. t he h ousemaid for the purpose of cleanin~ eyes wit h their lo.n~ bl~ck la.shes a.~d a.r~h· to her a.a the nearest way t o M"' CONTAINS NO glasses. She drank a large quantity ?d brows, that nc olive complexion with The w ay seemed a very long way ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, of. t his solut ion, an d was immediate ly seized its warmth. and c.~Ior, t he perfect.~outh and to t hat solitary e;rpl~rer before she had Th? cr emation syst em seems to b~ ma.king or any rnjuricus materials. with nil the symptoms of virulent poison, teeth, and l1eaut1.u!ly moulded . chm. set on roached her destmation, and York road, way Ill I taly , slowly though surely. Milan 'l"OlWNTO, ONT . E.W. GI LLETT, CH IC~GO, I LL. m1ghht have givlen imtmorf - Lambeth, gave her a sorry idea of the great was the first Italia.n city in which t his me· imd was for some hour s in danger of h er tol~ throat thb life. '.l'he person pll.ssing a.s Major Maude· tu ity to mar e-~ eBe were e emen s o city. But when ahe came to Westminster thod of disposing ot the dead was revived llan'f'r o!thG CELEBl!ATEO ROYAL YEAST C AKES. ville left th e house while she was lying in bea~ty not to be mi~taken ?r under:ated by Bridge the grandeur of colossal London under Government sanction. But now a agony. The screams of one of t he ser vants the ignorance of an mexperience~ girl. . burst upon her all in a. moment. She was new cremll.torium has bei::n E>rected a.t the exSlae T1·ied in \ ' aili to Get ht\d attracted a. police.constable, who enter· She k new that she ~as beanti~ul, and Ill by that spectacle ot Senate Houses treme end of the Campo Santo, just ou tside the house, and took t he prisoner in her sc~nty converse with t he world she had and Abbey, t ho broad river veiled in the the walls. T he Temple, a.sit is called, is a. Relict· and had quite ed charge as soun as she was so far reco\'ered !earn t JUstenough to unde1 :stand that beau ty mists of evening, the long lines of golden building in t heGrooco-Doricst:yle, cocstructGiven up all Hope. as to be brought to the station. It was n ot is a rare an d ~ond?rful gift, and that her lamps. It was all grand an d wonderful ; ed of stone and having an open fa cade supihe first time she had attempted suicide. whole futuro_l1fe might depend upon the use but the heavy smoke-la.den atmosphere op· ported by columns, from behind which rises Oa.mpbellford , June 9, 1887. His Worship : And I suppose you had . ehe made of it. . pressed her. She seemed to lose R.11 the a t-0wer- so at least in appearance, though ao more int ention of dying on this occasion I ~:i\,E b eatnty hats i tsb ptrh we al! thef w horl~ oNYert . elasticity of her nature, t he light free step cf in reali ty it is a chimney· The inside of the M R. E . MoRms, Tor onto, 6 0 0 11 t han you had upon your previous attempt. t 'h wads . f e ehpr~"._ d h eraf. Not t he ruetic. building is divided into several room~, in \ . · , D EAR Sm :- I feel i t my d uty to give y 1 t dt · M · M d ·n 1 s an m, s e "" erse1 . o I . the first of which t he religiousrites attendL a w!dry wal \ from the bridge to iug t he incineration take place, and the walls you my t estimon y for t he g ood I had a. l~s~~ ~ wan e 0 '1lve a.Jor an eVI e 1such a. name as her mother had lef t behind L"t:l wa 1 Th p.. I her among t he villagers who still remem- 1 ' e ~opo ·str eet, or at almost every of which are lined with funer al urns confrom your Dan d elion L iver a nd K idney e nsoner: w~nt~d t o mak e an end ber ed and t alked of her.' turn she had to ii:quire _!ier way, a.nd the taining t he ashes of many of t hose who have Bittera. My liver was in a b ad s tate and of myself on both occasions. I have been Th . th t h V 1 t · B l fi Id roa.r of t he traffic bewildered her while b I wad a great ~ufferer. I ~ad ~ried in very cruelly trea.t~d, and I have nothing in uts H th wasb kat w k e n ' ahen ilne e e d every omnibus look ed like a Juggernaut eencremated at M ilan. There is a separate T'Y.R.ON E . came o e as e ·ma er s ove , prep1ue I b · d h . apar tmen t in which the bodies placed vain to get r eh ef and ha d q uite g iven up the world t o live fo n· w h " '1/· t · b dl · f for easy conquest, he found a woman of a. ?ar earmg own upon er with murderous and a third in which the relatives and friend; - 0all h ope, till a friend t old me of your spen t the two hours wh ich t he ohaatly cere- 'fhe above store is now is a position to supply . is ors Ip : aa I~ a a iearmg rom different stamp from ot her women whom he , m te?t· Bitters. I got a bo ttle at on ce and I a m a person of you r attractive appearance. h d d . d d d . th ~ N t Little Leopold st reet seemed a haven of " the public with a. first article of Spring;_ r · ht h b b t te a a. mire an pursue m e pas.. o f h . db 1 and Summeratock. mony takes. The pra.ctice seems to be T he r-· happy t o say the Bitters m ad e a. ne w wo- ff .f I h·~0~e : 1 mtg ~ve een e r so easily did t he bird fall int o the net of the res~ a rer t e noise an us~ e 0.f the great epread ingthroughoutitaly, al· I purchased from one of tlle best manu· .en ais ug Mly as d sm .. fowler. th.oroughfa.r es. I t was a qmet llttle street, r ead y a bou t t h" .e ties . established .ac · t urmg · · Toron t o a 1arge· m a n of me . I can h eartily recommen d o H1. Wa be ir t y . two soc1 est a bl" ish men t s m es ors 1p: s an ev111c your r ea1 H e upon her unawares one day a.s 1ly1d o g p~rd1! a.mong streets of great er altit~de fori!s promotion. I t maybe mentioned that of assor tment of fine Boots and Shoe~, a.lao a fine them t o any one trouble d wit h liver com- · in1 9 · h d h b" d h" h " an soc1a impor tance 1 t was a.n exclusive ar ticle in Woma.n's Slippers in all sizes to fit D~ pla int. Youra t ruly 'Jh p · . It · th I h s e stoo at t e ca m oor, mg L!I , · · · · · the to tal number of 952 cremations that have purchaser which yon will find to your a.dva ntCaRRIE STEPl:IENS. b e nsoner · Is c name boat drift slowly by wit h the t ide as he sat little street, or gave itse~f an·s of ari·~ocracy, taken place in seventeen Italian cities sinci age to examine· They . marked in ·price tQ ·- - - -- -- - -orne for nearly t wenty years. H 10 1k d d and th ere were flowers m all t he wmdows. 18~ · 5 18 . . suit the t imes' . d " h. 16 ' as ~any as Good News at Hom e. His Worship : And y ou think you a 1azt1Y re1oa mg 18 gun. e ~ ~tp an INumber 144 wa.s brightened by red silk have occurred m Milan I have ln stock Mens Summer Sh oes from $1 h" , . a.nd 155 in R ome. up·, also Wom 11n'~. Mens a nd :MT a1' H.nbhera. r etty oood r ight to it- a·r'3 righ t saw her at her cottage door, a dazzlmg nn· 1bl" d b l . d h" h l " ht P . .., - · · expected appa.rition Ill s, e 110 w 1c 1g a were & m mg m E. M onms, EsQ.,- D E..lR SIR, - l ha v J But it IS not your real name? H t d h' · d t k b t ilra.wing-room a.nd dining room shin ing So come alon~ friends a n d bring your cash Th p · · I h e p u own is !\Un an oo up a oa · d ' . . h d k , · R l , , and yoLt w i! I d ecid edly i;:ct a. b.irgfOin . r~ason to sp~ak we!~ of your D a11 d e I1011 · e n soner, . ,no rea1 name-not hook and pushed it towards the bank, tied , i!l11y ID t e us . Madge s heart almost ao 111 mrng Land in Egypt, Ordered work n.nd 1 ·qu ir'ng prom ptly L iver and Kidney B itters. I have b een m 1he Red _ Book- if t hats w_ h at you mean. h is boat to the branch of a. polla.rcl willow I failed her aa sl1e rang t he bell, The house A Cairo despat h to th L d St d d Thanks at\eodacl Lo troubled for Rome time w ith my K idney :My father 1a a bilsket-maker 10 the country. and landed had such an aspect of elegance and luxury, sa . "I b ~ t e do £°n an C:". for the nas t favors and soliciting a 1 and a friend of mine r ecommended Jn m y He went up to the threshold where fl.8 she '!a.i1ed wit1Ethe e of the ,, 0 werfsfl to m e and I tried them in my case, and j other n:·me a any the girl was standing, and accosted her f 01 i n er n oAs nd~·t vefry wm ohw was are now well ·d,··nced A· t l11 ·a sch'eme h us s· f h B. D " .k I . h ~ · ·1 . d f kl k' ' u 1 o owers. n 1 was r om sue a nest 1 ~ ~ · · ' ~ rn;n t. e · ' " 0° · b found them to wor k li e a~ larm ' t er e· j H ereupon followed a brief lecture from eas1 y an . ran y , a.a mg some common- as t h is she was to ask her mother to o ou t a wa.ys ee71 .r?garded .or less as a. t est Tyrone, April 2, 1888. 15-3m fore I h ave m u ch pl easure lll recommend· t he ma~istra.te, and the prisoner promised j place. questions about the gr~1mds and the [with her into the stony wilderness of Lon- of the pos~1b1lity of recla1mmg salced liLnds in g them to all persons who are troubl ed t o refrain from any future attempt upon her shoo~mg. . Sbe a~swered him. as free~y, don t o toil for daily bread. too m?ch importance ~a.n aca.rcely be attach· life, and was finally dismissed in a spirit of l~kh~ ~ 1n;. fu~l -~~ the fa.ce, m no w~se I She had to remember the dialogue in the ed t o 1.t ~ success or failure. The concession, in any way with their K id nev. Yours truly, half -contemptuous pity upon the part of his a ll.~ e ~isld ~1- rnglrrt~efce 0[clsbpe:ild police court in order to give herself courage ~~~p{rsi~g a.bout l0,000 acres, is the largest J . J. J oN.t<;S. worsh ip. ran · c 0 · im : a. cou · e 0 1 A smartly dressed young woman opened th~ aa as een mll; e of,rn, a.nd if tho M The paper gave tl:ie little scene and dia- a.bout the sport 1n tha .. desolate reg~on. Aud door re~ult pr oves satisfactory si milar .ioncessions N t . 0 ew onv1 11e, ay "'· 1887 · __ logue in oxtenso. T he offender was a hand - tnen he went on to .talk of oth~r t~inga, and w~ll probably quickly be given in other distion Surely"Cured. some woman, livin in Mayfair and the asked h~r for a light for his cigar, and I 'f.ant. to see Mrs. Ma.ndev1lle, if you t n cts. '.l'hc irrigation canals and drai ns are onsu m p I ease was t herefor e ~eemed of sufficient in- seated himself on a bench by the dool" to pl~~se, . ~Md Madge. a.lrca.dy con;pleted over about 12,000 acres, ·t d f ll "th t· smoke. I amt at a.11 sure as she cCLn see you. all convergmg on a point on Abo>Jkir Bn , · to b m oeresu repor "M e u y, WIM a. sensa SIie 1 · ch ui·ch occas10na · lly ,xrh t 's your b usmess · ?" ~y, to ,T HE EDITOR. · ·a h e d" ,, ion· tad seen h" 1m m " .. m where two powerful Gwynne en ines are J"RE:El¥.KAN'S ·Please inform your reade~s that I have a1 Th e· ea mlj_, f it~J!'AIR tO~Ar,s. d th with h is mot her, and had reco~nized him at " You can tell her that I am a. relation of discharging foul salt water into tKo sea at a nositive r emedy for the above named scale e f0~Is~ ? · i~ rep;.r h ':;nde b .e the first glance. She was in no wise abashed J hers, and that I have come a. long wa.y on the ra te of 240 000 tons every twelve hours POWDERS~ 0 8 disease. By its timely n ae thomand s of wavering fora s~~e ~:e ~d ;~n by h is presP.nce. She looked at h im fear- ' purpose to see her:" this water holding in solution 8 400 tons of 0 hopeless eases h ave b een permanently I L Jndon a.nd seek out her mot~~~ r~s ·u lessly w ith those deep inscrutable eyes of "You can step mside while I go and ask, solid salt. In the comae of ne~t week the Are ple?,snnt to t ake. Contain their o~ cured. I shall be g lad to send two bottles ihat brand from the burning, if it ' wer~ i: her_s, wh~ch seemed fraught '!"ith the mys· but I'm p retty sure M_rs. Ma.nd~ville wo_n't . ma.chines will be kept work ing all t he lnr~n.ti.1"o. I~ n. e~, e"tro, a nd clfcc iuu.B' ~f m y remedy FREE to any ~f your ilie power of her intelligence and her affec- t~nous mfl.nences of a.u . ancient race. It ; ~,~r!nle to,,see you to-mght. Shes expecting twenty-four hours, when t his a.mount will deatroyor <Ji wo= Ul. Chilclron or .Ad'llJ.ts. readers who have consumptwn if t h ey tion to do as mueh. It would be something \\ as he who_ felt abashed m h~r presence,_ as I -.. lp~ny. k h to 1 t k h of. cour se b.e doubled. The same system will send me their E x press a nd p . 0. for her to do, some fixed purpose and useful she . st~tld a oar:l~BB k~ttitnde, /e~IJIDg if its ~~li;er: fivee~inut:o ~e spea. to er, . r~ 1bo~e applied ne_xt_ year to the r emaining address end in lifeatthe least. Her eshehadneither a.gll.1!18 te oorpos,,oo mggravey own! "Wll I'll y "' · I ' acres,and1t1shopedbeforelong to R es ~ctfolly, DR. 1'. A. SLOCUM, 37 ~nd nor aim. She despised herself as an at bun~ . while j ~ u at:i~~.... ou can taK:e a. sea.t offer the whole as a cultivable su~·face for I p t T ro t o Ont imposter a.nd a. spy. '.l'o watch Valentine He Imgered for a.n hou r; went nga.rn the g P the benefit of the town of Alexandria., which j Yonge s r eet, 0 n ' · _ from a dista.noe, to see him foiling deeper next d ay 1 and the.n?xt , a.nd the nex t, and Madge ent?red the hall: .It w_as small, pos~eases scarcely ~ny arable land _within.a 0 F CA N A D A· )\n1l deeper in love with Helen Daverill, to 80 ron daily, ~·emu.mmg longer .a.i:d longer bu t s et ~ff with all t he art1st1c t,n~kery of ra?ms of ten m_iles. The exper n:ient IS C1tpltal pnltl up, $1,000,000 . Rest, $260,0IH · ; hi ar an occasiona.l sna.tch of tal k between d ay, until he reached the h m1t of safe· the. faah1onablc upholst~rer. ~ hit e pan· bemg watched w_1th the greMest m terest - . - .,,-those two. words and tones which said 80 ty, anrl only left e!1.l'ly enouL(h to escape a ,nellmg, Japaneee, Japanese Jara. bot h b:y ;Alexandna.n specula tors and by the Thia Bank lll pr epared t o do Legftf., Many persons wonder at the, w.oru mu<oh to that eager ear- to k now that what- meeting with the basket.maker. H e wen IMa:dge sat down on a. ban:ib.oo bench, a.nd author1t~~ of the .J?,ep ;u·tments of Fmance mate B a nking ln all l t s bra.nchee. and wea.ry fe~ling tha.t ~pprosscs them w1tb- ever fancy he h ad once had for her was dead a.s one dra\\ n by. a sp~ll. He carried his gun Iwaited. The door of the dmmg-room_atood a.nd Pub.1c Work s. Farmers n otes d isco unt ed ; Depoalte out ah ny b alppa.dient caudiae. d It md aytobe pohv:er~y and forgotten all t his had been acutest and g ame bag with him every morning but . open, u.nd she saw a. t a.ble luxuriously of t e oo or a sor ere s mac · m · th b " d h d t· Th 'b· ' &rra.nged for four peo le s· h" received a nd Inte r es t paid on a mount s ol'I 1 11 1 either case the, blood and liver are agony, a.nd yet she h ad stayed on at the e ir 8 a. a.n easy ime. e only ird 1 · P · ver, c ma, .a W Id "t b 1 · d ? f5 d i S · B kD t t not performing their regular. functions, and, A bbey to endure t hat jealous pain, that bit - h e wanted to snare wore a. very different , the service more extravag!mt tha.n anythmg OU l e Uarrie out · u p wa r B n avmge an epar men : -with ma.ny pereons, there will follow a dull, ter humiliation plumage. ·she had seen a.t the Abbey. 'Vh1le she was It often happens that men who enter D R A. F T S :;::i';iloi!:if!~~~ee~~~siawe'!f~e~~~ied0~~=~ ·j The report in t he newspapers decided He ha.d pr actised all the tempter 's ar ts, \l<_>oking at t his bri1-1ht in~erior,. the tab.le, salo?ns a~e set !'Pon .and seriously assaulted [ssned and Collections made In Europe of Dyspepsia. Purify t he blood, cleanse the 1 her . She would go to he1· mother at once, and yet he seemed no nearer success than h e 1sideboard, and ~ante_l·piec~ lighted with I by mfunated mebria.tes who are allowed Onlted States a n d Canada. system of the clogged secretions by using in the honr of her despair. That was surely had ~een when he first stopped his boat, 1wax candles, and glowmg wi th tl?wers, t he 1 to har bour. there. The supr eme c ,mrt of ME AOHAM'S M ANDRAKE t he t ime in which a daughter's love might su rprised b~ that sudden yiaion of low: born, door of a. back room waft ope!1ed Peansylvan~a has by a recent decisi on de· W. J . ,TONES, MIXTU R E. avail most , migh t mean redemption. b eauty· . His p~offered gifts. had been re· 1and a sha.bby-lookmg old. ma~1 with a. grimy ? tha:t rn _such oases the saloon keeper Ageo · She would go · but before leaving she fnsed with a. q uiet scorn which was a new countenance ·peered cunous1y at her, a.nd i s responsible ior the cunsequences. Their prepare.d by J .. B . MeachaJl!.133 Y.oung street, would launch a. th~nder bo!t, ' Those t wo- 1thi?g in his exper ience. H is subtlest fla.t- ithea withdrew. She ~ad been just in t ime d ecision is baaed o~ the common law of the .a chemist or.nmeteen_ experience. Sold traitor and traitreaa- abould stand revealed ten es had been r esisted with,~ steadfaetness ~o see a small room, with two candles and a. country, so that it should apply t o t he ~~i:_v ille by Jiiggmbotham & Son. to the man who 80 blindly trusted in both which might be pride or ca.lcula.tion. And JUg r.nd glass upon a t able. whole of the United States. T he l a.ngua."'e She wrote her fe.w words of warning, and ye~ he t hought she lovtd h~m ; that b eneath Who could t hat horrid look!ng old ma._ n of ~~e court in t h is m!lt ter is clear a;d put t he slip of p aper in Sir Adrian's room this strengt,h of character t nere burned hid· be, !l.nd what ha._ d he to do amidst all this positive : in t he t wiligh t, after his valet had laid out den fire:8. Ye~, he had seen ner face light lsm~rtness and glitter ? "Where one enters. a aaloon or tavern, his master's dress clothes and made all ready up a.this commg, and ho.d noted t he cloud 'Ihe maicl reappeared upon the narrow opened fo~ the. cntel·ta1nmen t of the public, for t he evening toilet. o! sadness. whe.n he ba de her goou ·nigh t. stn.ircase. the propr1etoris bound to see t h at he is pro· POWD ERED et to his reiterated . pnyer that. t~ere "Yo;i can step this wav," she said, perly protected fr~m t~e assaults or insults . W ithin an hour of daybreak nex t mornmg she had l eft the Abbey and was trudging should be no s uch partin~, t hat t heir l~ves ; beckonm g, a.n? Madge wen t up tv the second of t hose wh o are l1l h_ 1s. employ, as well as along the road to t he s tation. She had a should flow on together Ill some luxunous fiolr, wondering as she went a.t the hot. of the drunken and v1c10us men whom he little i::ioney, just enough to pay for a. t hird· r~treat, some. :.da.inty h ouse beside yonder house fl owers o~ t he staircase, t he velvet- , may choose to ~ar?our. " . elass ticket for Waterloo, and to her n.ver where its banks were loveiest, some covered hand-rail, t he amber brocade cur .lf such _a prmc1pal were laid down and ··-When I say Cu m'l 1 do tl()t mean mer ely t <J> a._few shillings in hand. Mrs. Marrable had hidden haven. were they might m\\ke 't heir i taio~ wh ich veiled t he la.rge wind ow on t he e:if.or ced m Canada, particularly in the atop them for a t ime, and then have t be1i1 r eagain . I l\ll!AN A. RADICAL CURE. given her t hree sover eigns on account of mutual paradise a.par~ from t he outer world, jlanding. 01t1 es, the Lu mber of cases of persons re- t urn I have made the disease of wages to be t:.xed in the future, when it was she had been a.a a~amant to ~is pleading. ."She ain't in a. state to see any one, " ahe ported a.eaaul.te~ ?r r obbed in saloons would PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST. decided how much her services were worth She provoked ln m at last mto quarreling 1sa1d as she retir ed, and left Madge standing be speedily d1m101shed. Ready fo1· use i n nny q uantity. For FI7J:IS 9 EPILEPSY Ql1' m a king Soa1>, Softeninf ·water, Di.sin~ the household. with h er. That stubborn persistence roused ' just within the threshold. · .. :fecting, and a b u.ndrec othel'." u ses. FALLING SICKNESS, She had been on trial hit herto, a.a it were, his w ors t J?assions, his pride, h is cruelty, his She had never been in such a room before A P ersian proverb says: If yon enlist in A can equals 2 0 pounds Sal Soda. A m e long study. I WAR R ANT my remedy t i> an apprentice to domestic service. She had a~ger, agamst a.~y crea ture. w~o opposed his so gaudily decorated and richly furnish ed: the army, say a. prayer; if you go t o sea, Sold by a ll Gr ocers and Druggists, · Cu 1m the worst cases. Decause others li:w<i ta.ken one ofher sover eigns to Mr. R~ckstone, wd l. ~e upbraide~ her with ner coldness, and so wanton in its disorder The low !lay two; if you get married, say three. I. W. Gu.Ll11'~. ~OiON:l'O A.Nil CBICAQO, failt:d is no reason for not now receivi1 w a Cl!r<'~ and had insis ted upon his receiving it as her selfish, calculat mg temper. French bed was draped with ve1~et and lace Send & t once ror a t reati se and a Fm r. R J30T'H,I:' o! m~· INF AT,LIBLE :RE MEDY. Give Exprc~s part payment for the money he had advanced " You playing me as an angler plays and the silken cover let was hea.ped wi th :md Post Office. It costs you n ot.hing ;:or a. for her clothes, She had given t en shilli?&s !I' fish," he said. ': ou think that by ke~p· ithings that ha.d been llun~ there h aphazard L rial, and i t will cur e you. Address to her grandfather on her last Sunday v1s1t rn ~ me a.t b11.y, dnvmg me to ms dneas with one upon another. A silk "own a r iding D1 ·, !I. C h ROOT. 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Om.;· to. the h<;>v~l by t_ he riv~r. She ha~ tbus your col d·hear.ted, you will make 1habit, hat , whip! and ~~ove~, a pearl and ; Una11ridg_~~j)iciionary. 1 I thirty sh1llmgs with which ro be gm t he a. better barg ·ID. It 1s a matter of exchange feather fan a. p:tir of sat1u slippers a news " · J: t1J. . · . · . ·. · · world.. _What was she to do when t hose and barter with you, }f you loved me you p:i.per or t~o, and a volume of a n~vel. All A DICTIONARY, ~·· · · . .. . . 118,000 Words, HO O O :1"ngravi ng· , a few sh1llmgs were exhausted, when bhe found would not treat me sc. ~he chair s were f ncumbered a Persian cat G A ZETTEER OF THE WORLD , her self p enniless in the great desert of "Perh aps I don't love you. " coiled round upon one, a heap of books and ~ of 20,000 '1 i tlei:i nud o. - o -London ? "You are a str an ge girl, with a heart as newspapers on another a tea tray on a In1 ·11tn nble I in e\'etY 8 No~shedid i:otmeao tolive uponher mother, hard as t he nethermost millstone," he a.n· third. Ma.ut lepiece and fireplace were Schoo l nod 19~~~.m~~J~ N~t~Ji~M~r. :\t e vf'.ry And with its advent M_rs. Mandeville, whose W est E nd h ouse swer e :l, and left her in a fever of rage, drnped with point la,ce, over turquoise 1 Flre~l d c. ALL IN ON E BOOK . To buy Foot G e ar for Men, Women, might be an abode of .wealt~ and lux ury. . N ever before had he been so thwarted, velvet. There was a fire burning in the low Or, she had no mtent1on of acceptmg never had he been so resolved on conqueat, hearth, and the atmosphere was oppressively Coutitin s3000 more Words r,;,dn~lrl~ 20\>:I rnon· Boys and Maidens, at ei·ther food or shelter in t hat house, which He hardly knew whether he . loved or hated }: ot I 1l 11"trution s t ha n uny oUwr Am e rie11ri T>ictioni<ry: seemed to he1· ~s Tophet in little. Mrs. her most, tha~ w inter evening, as he tramped A woman was lying on a sofa. in front of Shoul d 1 ;;-in ;ve1 :;, ~-;;bonl in the JJ·;min ion.~ Marrable ~ad said .of h~r tha~ she was not a along . the. t a.useway, l~a.Villg the tell-tale the fireplace, her ~on~ black hair hanging Owadn Edur.aliO//(l/, Jlfontill/I, 'l'oron ln. v~ lfos t Diotion a,.y ofthobngnagc.-Lundonnin,><. .'I has opened out a fine new st ock common.girl, ll.nd her mtent1ons as to her footprmts m the clay which w_ere to be frozen loose over her white muslin d ressing -gown. G. & (). 11:1li:IUU A ill & CO., l 'nbl ish e r ,;, f u.t ure 11fe were not t h ose of a common l1 ard bef ore to·morrow mornmg.. A woman who had once been strikingly Sp rin g ficl<l, J\';: a~ s. , 17. f~ . A· - ofIIe wou ld 1eave h er to h er pndc and her h and some, and who was handsome st ill, even g1r1· . . She waa exceptionally strong, and she folly; he would leave her to find out what in decay. Her cheeks were hollow and I ·--------- - ----m eant to work for a living, to labour with life was worth without liim, once having t here were lines upon the low broad' foru. !' ~YI: \l1 Li.-' ' QQ those hands and of her s, the of his fla.tteries, t he head, the larg e d ark eyes had lost lit.tie to accept .he roughest ~011, were i t neces· dehght of h is company. He had a letter of their splendour, and fo., finely cut : ~ ll flJlry, to ea~n her .bt·ead m tho sweat of h~r from an ol d ~ollege friend in his pocket, a features were u nimpaired by t ime. 6 orow, a.nd 1f possible t o earn h er mother s letter proposmg a month at Monte Carlo. The woman who ca.lied herself Mrs. · . · W'H~0~,1;.~S~~'i;'~ and a lovely stock of bread Yes , he would go; he would forget this Mandeville t urned t hose di;rkly brillfant I 1· ··1 . C ROUP, INFLUENZA. "I will r escue her ou t of that hell upon gipsy girl, and let her forget him if she eyes upon the intruder with a look of keen- 1 · I I 1 D m"IOULT BREA T H ING earth, if ,I can, " ehe s_ aid t? herself, " Peo- could. est scrutiny. Then slowly, withou b a word, l'il-.;i;~~~Lullg 1 ple ?an hve upon so httl~ if they have only · H e W4;'n t back to the Abbey half curl'd of she rose with languid movements froin her Jj'l · ~ PleaEant to take; childa mmd to do 1t. BreCLd cheap, and I have his pasa1on for that etrange girl, o.nd it was sofa., walked a.cross t o Madge and her 1 . I\ ·,, . .· J.1 Insf:~t"::1f~ft.g!,1~rst Our New Stock has arrived, and com· lived qpon dry brea.d before now." a shock to him, and fa.r from a ple'\Sa.nt on e hands upon the girl 's-shoulde;s. ~ ~ dose; heals and c1u:es pr ises somet hing neat a n d pr etty for Ladies in want of a choice of fine In the bask household, find her in d his Silently, deliberately ' ghe scanned her : ' "'p lilrle m.agit~fi· d ma.ker'a th h d lifef had to H l mother's house· .. ' ~ reparet scien 1 ca y Ladies, G ood and S erviceable for M en · et b een sus t ame upon e . ~r e~t. ar e., · e accep te 1 er ~resei;ice there _as a sign face, as they s tood t hus, confronting each ! · ··from t he :Pure PlncTar. and B oys, and Boots t hat R Boo ts for Fancy Dry Goods, please give m e Madge had never ~een . amokiug Jomts or or her complete subiugat10n, She lmd risk . 0t h. e r. M adge'a eyes seemed transfixed by ! J OSEPH Il roKAllY Vnd say sa 8 · ·' w 11 ever y member of t he h ouseh old . r . k t h , . . h t th! y I e a call. I have them in endless good cheer of any kmd till she wen t t o tile ed everything to b e near h im. H e folt ;:er- t hose other eyes so like her own 8 Abbey . H er soul had almost revolted of ultimat e conquest. She might carry " 'l 'o my knowledge I have bi;t two rela - I sir, you r~c, .e r i,g m~ w en y ou variety at store, opposite S. A. against.that plethora of food in the aervauts' herself ever so proudly, but at heart she was tions in the world," said Mrs. Mandeville, got ndp ~errm 5 P me rar Cor dial_. I don; hall. She. thought of th~ multitudes who bis slave. slowly, "my father, and my daughter. Are ~on er it t~ke~ ~o well. The ~e is no fool~ TB1TNKS, l'A.J.ISES, ~tJSA'.l"(JDEJ..S. JN S'.l'OCX i ·-"-Barracks. were starvmg, those seethmg ~asses of Lon· Then cEime an u nexpected dist raction in you my daught er?" i m g ~bout it, its t he b est thmg we ever ...-ordered Work and Repairin g I' don poor abo~t who"! the v1~ar had rol<l the presence of an~ther woman. H e bega.n l "Yea, mother," answered Madge, with : had m t he ~ouse for coughs, colds, and Specialty, as usual. · · · her, and she sickened m that atmosphere of to ma.kc love t o his brother's betrot hed in her arms ronnd her . mother's neck. hoarseness, m fact any t hroa t and lung D . DAVIS: 12 plent y, Not. by any means a common girl, sport. It pleased him to discover his in· (TO llE OONTINUlllD,) I troubles." Eowmanvi!le, March 13, 1888, ~llua«illu Jtlltt11mau. rIKEAND uNi:Y' K E. I -----·-----·-----. By M . .E . BRADDON. l - ---- ~ I CREAM I I j{· 1 DUNN'S BAKINC_POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND CtNTRAL B O OT & SHOES T ORE, I 1 them !~~~~:; alf?e~:ral~:ar~o~~a~a.:~eb, I ~tra.ight 'I I the~ per~umd It/:h;Abouk~~ Jr~~l~:~:i~~ w;~::i aw~~~~ con~:n~Io: ~_; ~~Ii:S ° s.,! c I "· I . . Sh: W ORM I I I I ';r I s· TANDARD BANK CAUSE AND E FFE CT I I I I GILLETT'S I. ICURE LYE x I FITS! 99 PER CENT in - SPR IN G- '¥ EBSTER'$ 1 1 . · ~ N !i· ~ -·~ · G! Op MRS .IVES I I I l I I I DA I fjj"' . Laces, E mbroideries, P lushes stro~g ro~ust arm~ kn~wn s~eetness b~t ~~1! ~~~ ~!!!B~Gc · lo'Llnll"~:oo1r s~I "ft' 0 · t NT Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe LADffS' f IN f UNOfRWfAR. Ib EMPORIUM ! IB ! t:1'Q, R DI Ah' t . · 1 1 I I h MRS IVES

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