- .. ./ WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1888 Gents' Clothing r AT , THOS. P 1:i1 L!J Dyer a ml Clothes Cleaner. Goods warranted to be as no one will kno'~ them from new when done. Corner of Kmg and Ontano Strcots, Bowmanville. Cleaned, Died. Pressed and R epaired by EXPENSES PAID. Any determined man can succeed with us. Pecuho.r advantages to beglnnera. Stock Clmplete, mcludmg m ~ny fastselhng specialties. Uutfit free. Address at once, (N11me this pap ~rNvas1rnYMEN. I3ROWN BRO L'IIEH.S, S!k~~~!.~~N Notice to Creditors - OF36 is Roonll1STER, N. Y. 16- 3w HANN AH BROOKS. Deceased. t o Chapter 110, Section of the Hev1sed Stat·1tes of Ontario, P DRSTANT notice hereby given that all creditors 1887 and' other persons hu.ving any debts. claims or demands agamst the estato of HANNAH BROOh.S lute of the Town ot Bowmanville, in the Oounty of Durham. widow, deceased, who died on or about the First day of April, A. D., 1888. are hereby required to send by post prepaid. or deh ver particulars 1n w1 'tmg. of their de .s;'>olaims or dema nds, and the nature of tl:!e security !if a.ny) held by them, to John K. Galbraith. of the Town of Bowmanv1lle, aforesaid Solicitor for M rs Mary Mmns, the admmistratrix o1' tho personal estate of so.id deceased on or before the 'l'hirty·llrst du.y of May, A. b., 1888, at tho expiration of which time the said admmistratnx will proceed to d str1bnte the assets of the sa1d deceased - among the _p<rsons entitled thereto, havmg regard to the debts and claims only or which notice shall have been given as above reqmred and the emd adn11nietratr1x will not be liable for the as~eta BO distributed to any person of whose debt or claim she shall not have had notice at the time ol' snoh distribution. Bowwanvllle, April 20th, 1883. · JOHN: K. GALURAITlI. Solicitor for said Admm1etratr1x TO ADVERTISERS. A. list or 1000 newspapers divided into S'l'A Tgs A.ND SECTIONS Will be sent on apphc4tion- 1·1um, 'l'c those who wa11t their advertising to pa,y. we can offer no better medrnm for thorough and offcotivo "ork than the various se>ct1ons or our 8elcc& Locnl J,fsj, GEO. P JUI ll ELI, al> Cit , ~ Newspupor Advertismg Bureau. 10 Spruce street, New York T 0 F...,a r me r S and Thr c:::15hers l Cl · --o-- C. ROGERS' Silver Sti:e et, Bowmanville, " , cheapest place to buy a tea: -,,'J.'h1esbing Machine, or a No. 1 Steel Binder-somethmg new but thorougblv tested, 800 working last year ; a new Double Speed Mower~th e best in the market ; a HoISe Rake that a 5year-old boy can dump ; 4 kinds of Seed Drills, cheap ; Sulky Plows, Twin and Single Plows , a new k ind of Diau.ond Harrows ; Honey Fanning Mills ; Spring Tooth Cultivators and Harrnws , Farmen:. Scales ; Horse Forks ; 8heaf Slings ; Machine Oil and Binder Twine. fi'arm&rs call and inspect before pl ,urg· your orders. C. ROGERS. TO BE HUNG --o-- · I ' 3000 rolls of fine lITALT. . . ._P A PERS fl' l _Li just received by Hy. C. Tait. --o-- A fine line of BABY CARR I AGEs to choose from --o-~ H DT IA A R1 R.\ n He ~ ~ U g I ' ~F " ?ot u in as good style as'can be supplied ! in this section ~RRORS vous Deb1ltty, Seminal Losses and prema)ecay promptly 11.ud permanently cm·ed by 1 OF YOUTH, a not interrero witlt Diet or uanal ocoupa. and flllly resto1cs lost vigor and inBtLl'eB ·ct manhood. Sent to any address, post. in roceil)t of price One Dollar par bQ:>:. .gency, SCHOifIELD'S DRUQ STORE, str ·et, Toronto. morning, I suddenly heard the bell :.. ~he account of our shipwreck, in which the HOGAN'S AWFUL DRUP. engine room sound to reverse the · gme fate of the pa.ssengerR was left uncertain. a.ud signal full speed a.stern. Well kn· w10g l!'ea.ring the effect of the news on Mrs. Scott, Slngulru- Sosceptl'blllty of VtsUlng Yonng what thl>t sound meant, I was out ,.f my who was in very delicate health, the Wa JAiat· From a Balloon When Nciu·ly T'To CATARRII.-A. new treatment has been d.1s· ov1>rad whereby a permanent cure of thrn Ladles to a 1'4?citllur Dlscuse-The berth 1u an mstant and was almost o · deck I thoughtful and brave-hearted mothe1·quictly Hllcs Away froru the Earth. "\\'oudcrful FortiUcatlons- A h 1ltberto mcurable disease, is absolutely affect~efore the sound had died ~way. On · oil.~ dropped the paper outot the window, riding "It is c.airned by the balloonist, B.1.ldwin, id iu from one to three applications. no uw.t~er Story or Shipwreck. mg the deck I almost i·a.n mto the cu.ptia.m, all the way to New York under the terrible that he has dropped 5,000 feet from a. bal- l'lhether standing one year or forty years. 'l'n1 s wh~ said_ to. m~, "This i~ a _t,erriblo sh·te of apprehen~ion that her daughter's husband lo on with a pa.rachute. I shall drop at lea.st ·emedy ia only applied onoo in twehe dave JJY s .l< w. affairs, 1rn t it, Scott? Ihe worde had had been drowned. On arriving at the 10,000 feet, and shall attempt what no md does not mterfl.'re with business. Des crip~ pamphlet aent free on receipt of ata.inp by his ~inguhr that in 80 cha.rmiog a spot, scarcet:i; been utte.red w~en the ship cragh , metropolis and on going to their hotel tnere, othei balloonist ever did. I shall drop with iive A.. H. Dixon &; Son, 305 King street, v.--est with such a m11.gnificent clim!l.te, surrounded ed a.gamat a sohd wail of rock, ,md as ~he m?ssage I had sent to Boston was placed the chute closed, leaving it entirely to the l'oronto, Canada. \Vl!Al' IS ClT\RR!J! by the sea the air havmg been put·ified she . had only then begun to feel the m their hands, and the brave old lady was re- air to OJlen the chute " is a dangerous d1s!'><1.se whiC;h tho:is by hundreds of miles of travel over lhe motion of the ECrew o.ste~u we started lteved of the weight of d1·ead which ahe h;i.d eo So sa.1d Edward D. Hogan to a group of &nCiotarrll da are oonscwusly or unconscrouslysnffermi;: great ocean, the drainage perfect, no marsh ba_?k aud had hi;,rdly gone the length of the courageously bnrnefo1· those Jong hours." newspaper men, who had assembled the from. It is a muco·pur.1lent drnollarge oaused l!l.nd at nil on any of the rnlands, that SJarlet ship bef<;>re the ste;n struck on a~other Anot~er at_ory, told by an English naval other morning at Jackson, Mich., on a large hy the presence of a vegetable pri,ras1tc m the fever should be so prevalent among visiting ~oc~, wh1~h we ~ad rn the ~arkness ev1de~t- c,ifucr, is perhapa worth repeating. He wi.s vacant lot northwest of tho town to see him lining membrane of the nose. 'l'hll prcdrnpos· cauae~ are a morbid state of the blootl, the young la.dies. I wa.nt to show you both graz;d Ill p~ssrng, sma9hm~ the steer?1g on b?ard an Alla:n liner some yea:ra ago re- m~ke his foolhardy venture. Hogan is a Ing \Jlighted corouscle or tllhercle. the germ poison Many fair young wo- !\!la.r. rhe sails bemg all. set and the wmd turnmg to America. when, during a few days local ueronaut, and lives with his family at ?f syphilis, mercury, toxomre, from the rnten6 icles of the shield. men are stricken the moment they land. right after us, now freshening to a gale, we rough weather, a little boy and his ha.by 421 Van Buren s~reet. H.,was forfourreen tion ofthe effete mattee of tile Bkm, suppressed Various rea.sons are given for this lamentable wer.e forced o~1 this rock at the ste!n a;ncl ~1ster about two years old were left alone yea.rs employed in a planing mill here, and parap1rat10ne, badly ven tilated sleeping apart· tnents and the germrnatmn of other poisons in state of affairs but the bes" and I think agam struck rn a mther slantrng dtrect1on rn a stateroom a few minutes, the nurse and only durmg the :a.st four years has devo'ed che blood. Irritated by thc~c. the hnrng mem· the truest one,' is the great '~umber of red about a hun~,red fe?t from wher.e we had mothe~ both b eing seasick. The mother on himself to ballooning as a profession. He orane of the nose is over ready tor the recep coats that a.re to be met with at every turn. first struck. Ihe engmes were ag un revers returnm~ t? the room aeked the little boy has studied the subject thoroughly, however, 1ion of t he parasite, which raviU:y spreadsJup Theie uertainly is a large number of hand- ed and. sent full speed a.head, try mg to cro_ wd where his s1ater was. "Oh," said the boy, for many years, hr.vinl( from chiltlhood oho nostrils and down tho ranees, 01· back of the throat, causinl'( ulceintion of tho throat; np some young oflicera in the service of Her t,he ~hip cl~se . on to. the face of gra.mte. "baby wa.utcd to play m the top berth taken the keenest interest and delight in 1 he eustach1an t.ltbes, causing deafness, bu.:, Most Gracious MaJesi;y here and I really Fmdmg this 1mposaiblc,_ an attempt was there, and I just helped her up a.ud she the science of s!l.iling air ships. He rigged rnwmg Ill the vocal cords, causfog hoarseness; don't blame the dear girls o~e bit. Some then made to ~ack up agam to the rock on crawled out of that little round window and up a workshop at his home, and there he ttsnrping tho proper Btructure of the bronchial mbes endmg m pulmonary consumpt wn and recover soon under the most vil'or- our stern, hopmg we would be able to land has not come back yet." The port hole spent every spare moment experimenting ieath. ous treatment of unhappy ma.mmn.a. M<1.ny there. Ba) the screw must. have been too happened to be ne~rly on a level w!th the in the construcuiug of balloons, and on e very Many Ingenious speifics for for the cure of carry the effects of the fever with badly danlllged by the previous crash and top berth and bemg open the clnld had possible occasion had made an ascension, ea.tanh have been mvented, but without sucthem a.way to New York a.ndmany get rid of would not revolve. Here was crept out of it and hai of course fallen into frquently going ap to considerable heights. cess, until o. physician of long standmi;: rliscov· sred tho exact natnre of th d1sea~e and the it ab sea on the way, as the voya.~e is almost A .P.llRILous POSITION the sea. . . During the past few months he has given ~nly appliance which will pcrmnnently des troy ALWAYS A VERY ROUGH ONE. indeed. 'I'he frowning w11oll of granite in Auoth".1 gentleman so.id he was returnmg his atte11tion to parachutes, and on Feb. 1he parasite, no matter how aggravated the front of us offered no me!l.ns of escape and from India. about three years ago when, aa 9 laat announced, that a.s soon as the frost oase. Sufferers sbonld send stamp at onoe Then theie are others who shake off the 1 ·t d ·f t .' to soon as the ship began to roll and pitch a was out of the ground he should ascend to ror !1esor1pt ive pa mphlet on catarrh, to tho disease with the soil oi the Islands, but some b nobwl atpp~,1reh atshJ. we kwere nod ~omgh d 1 n11otive Indian nurse who had been broug'ht an altitude of 10,000 feet and drop from the buemess mana~era, A, H, Dixon & Son, 306 Ring street, west, Toronto, Canada. 't t ll t "It th · d c a e o rcac e roe moun we a I . h f . · d on re~over a a i ey_ are marr1e . Just left. 'l'here was no time to waste, Some- , wit a. amity to look after the baby, got ca.r. What the Rev. E. B. Stevenson,B.A.,a Clm·g11 se~aick and wonted t? retu~n home. On "There is uo use," he a..id, "of my Among. the native birds ot the Islands a.re thing must be done, and that quickly. man of the London Oo1~ference of the Met ho dist Clmrcl1 of Canada, has to say in t·eaard the red b1r~· . Seen ~li!'ong th? dark green of rea.dy the ship waB settling down. In a few be;ng told tha,t it was imposs1ble, that the attempting to do anything unless I can beat To A.~I. Dixon&: Son's New T· eatment for the cedar, 1t is a hnlhant crimson and ~t- minutes we ahould be overwhelmed in the· ~hip mmld not be turned back for her, she all previoua records, and fall further than Oatarrl&. tracts the eye of a. _passer-by at a great ~1s- 1ocean. The boats th~t had not been broken I in a rage rushed to the side of t he ship and a.ny living man. A few hundred feet less or Osklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 ta.nee. I s song is a. pem~lmrly p_lant1ve when we struck were hastily lowered but I ca.st the baby overboard, a.nd then, realizing a few hundred feet more will count nothmg Mesars. A.H. Dixon & Son: one. The. beautiful blue bi~d. that 1s seen owing to the high sea runnina they 'were w~a.t she had done, flung herrnlf after the for me. I must at lea.st double the distance. DEAR Sms.-Yours of the 13th Inst. to hand, o? every side makes an 1 additional ~ttrac either capsized or torn aw:' from their · chilr1, Of cou~se both we~e drowned. · To describe this particular "chu~e " it is It seemed almost too good to be true that I !I.ID oured of Catarrh, but I know tbat I am I t1on to the_ landscape. Then there_ is the moorings before any one could into them. ~~me one s_a1d, on he;i-rmg these stones, only neceseary to imagine a wlute globe have had no re turn ot the disco.so, and never gra.cef~l httle ground dove, ~hat 1a only Each moment our oaition was becomin whwh are p1ven, as strictly true from the 20 feet m diameter cut through tho centre ; lelt better ln my life, I have tried so many found m the Bur~udas. It 1s some~hat more critical, De!th seemed inevitable: , personal _knowle;ige of the narrators,_ that in this wey you have two p!lrachute·, tbe things for Catarrh, suffered so much and tor smaller than our romn and has a strange little 'Vhat could we do? they remmded him of the man who sa.1d he professor only ha.ving one. lt con tamed 100 so many years, that lt is hard to realize that really better. strut w~en walkin.,,. '.l'~ese are three fowls "The ca.ptain ostima.ted that the mound sa.w a great_swimmer. start to cross the yards of stout cloth. It is not u nlike o. [ Iam consider that mine was a very bad case; it the air tha.t seldom fa.it to take the atten- of rock on our stern was not more than ocra.'l f.roi;i Lworp~ol with the anchor. of an mammoth umbrella without a, st wk, the was tJ.ggravated and chronic, invclving the tion of the stranger. . _. seventy five or a. hundred feet awa . But Atlantic l!ner on his back, and was given a. braces being flexible cords running dowu 25 hroat 11.s well ma the nasal passages. and I Sof!le of the caves are well worth v1sitmg. how to get to it was the question AnJ having few ho_urn start of the steamer,_ and actually feet, and fastening to au iron ring t wo feet thought it would require the three ;treatments, ~ut I feel fully cured by the two sent me. and Walsmgh~m, near where the. poet ~oore oncereacheditwasitfargeenoughtoaccom- swamii;ito New York barb.or iust a.head of in chameter. '.l'he other cords all run clear r am thankful that I waa ever mdnced to senr. used to h ve when on the islan~, rn the moda.te the seventy five souls on board? the ~hip. A, green lookmg c?untryman up to the seams of the "chute" so they lo you. 1 first one usually shown. Joyce s c<1.ves Amon, the \1.Bsen ers waa a Mr Har ·er sta.ndmg by said, "Stranger, did you see cannot give way, rhis pan.chute was You are at liberty to use this letter stating are next. Th~n _cornea the l_uge cavern son ofgone the ~elebnted firm. of Je.,; that 11?-an?' The story teller said "Yes, I fasLeued to the outside of tho hot air ha.Ucon eha.t I have be6n oured at two treatments. and [shall glndly recommend your r emedy to sol" over on Tuckers 1sla.nrl, down m the outer y ork publishers. This gentleman was aa.w him iust a. few yards ahead of the boat in a p erpendicular form by the cord. When 1t my !nends who 11.re sufferers. harbor. as we ateamod pa.st Sandy Hook." "I am the balloon Vias at the proper height the Yours, with many thanks, The coral forma.tion ia very beautiful, and A POWERFUL SWIMMER , glad of that, .. ea.id tbe green-looking coun: Professor intended to take hold of the iron R n:v. E, B. STEVENSON And hundreds of others to be rowed around the Carter cave after 1t and he volunteered to attempt to swim to 1 tryma.n, "for I was that man." ring, swing clear from the hlllloon, depend is well illuminated by the candles of the the rock. A light line was placed a.bout his on the air to in:fia.te the " chute, ' and take guides, is a most interesting study. waist a.nd he jumped overboard. l!'or a few his ch1> nces of reaching terra. firma in safety. There a.re many strange stories told by minutes the silence was ,\!most deathlike, 1 Learning to Howl. 'I'he balloon was in.llu.ted by 60,000 feet of natives about relieved only l;>Y the muttered prayer ~f It is an old Sp!!.nish proverb, we beliE!_ve, hot _ a:r, b_alloon, parachute, an~ apparatus · ~ OJ' PIRATF.S FREQUENTING THE ISLANDS some terror stricken passeng~r. ~h Jeng.h I "He who lives with wolves will soon learn for rn~a,tmg the b'1.lloon all bemg of Mr. long ago, but as they seem to lack the ese6n- a shout was hellord from the direction of the 1to howl." He who lives with the faults of Hogan e own manufacture. As ho stepped Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Order. tial clements of truth I will not repeat them. ro7~, · . !his friends, and counts them over and sor ..s l1l t!10 oar and gave orders for the ropes ~------------~--------< Among the notables visiting in Bermuda . .All right. Make fast a. hawser to the . i;hem and weighs them and measures them, noldmg the ball oon the grnund to be cast is Dr. Ormiston, of New York, referred to lu~~· · . . will soon have equally grave ones of his off, the P10fessot said to the co~respondeut, 1 in a. previous letter. The D.·. has f\lmost This W!L3 quickly done. The hawser was own, which his friends will be sure to see, who took what the latte1· believed to be b t ll If I h d t pulled rapidly over the side of the ship aud laud which will make hi"m po·i "ti·v~ly unab]a fmal leave of a darrng and reckless man: Ios th1s voice, BO e e s us. 1e a no th d , .All f , " v v . . l\" b h k t informed us of the fa.ct we would not have Ill "" mJment e wor s, '.I-st, were to oure them. There is nothing that so de., iy a11oon oug t to ta e me ,up wo Your attent10n is directed to the immense k 't f h h d "t' ll h" l l heard. Now came the most perilous pnt teriorates chf\racter as this undue looking m11es at least. The pani.chute wont mfhte stock of 1 .nown fi wi. n ath isl 0ttcl- of the adventure so far. The vess3l waa I ~ter faults and blemishes in others whi"Je we inside of 300 feet from t he time I leave the · or d<- vr ea.c e 1 time re an e cquence m e to 1 a.n e now 1ow d own. an. d the rm~ ran up'."ard to ! ~ are blind to our own. We may abhor meau- ba.11oon. Th:s a· ·u occupy t h ree Presbyterian Church in Hamilton, !stance w1 · h I h t the rm;k, makmg it exceechngly d1llicult to noes and stinginess in our neighbor and be secol'lds, after that I txpect to come ,down 1 fl over ouse. very t unc t 0 rig . the able to give a hnnrlred reasons why he , ·hould a II ng . ht. . 'de 0 f one mrnu . te an d th" t 1 t d t owmg h th t . t muct . regre d · pass over. "'h .L . em was no ' IUSI ll y f d . t' t e .o e~rf ow1_ n g ~ con m~~usual breecheR buoy, and the passage along I give awa.y more in charity and see a." thou se~onds. Let her go." o every escr1p ion ~' s tomn~a anh. M tmg tvo! ceN, e ywa.ks o dig':ll the hawsel' had to be made hand sand little things indicatin'g his smallress of "The chute's guy has broken," cried ores1gn ora. em ew . tor an w1 · . t antly. · · I 'llh ave t o come cl own i 1 l!i · t . tispas k I t ff over h and · one a ft er ano th er t h e p nssen- I soul and at the same time we may be .ao en . H ogan ms · 18 1 ,ros~ed with one hase of meanness in hiU: und start over." Ae soon as possible Hogan no agam a. ea. regu ar appom men · gers were transferred to the rock. O:ie, -: o~urch loses a moat c!oquent preacher and .a. man whose wife and two children were ! g t f . P h f · . descended. " I'll go up aga.m man hour 11 She hae JUst opened out one of the largest 1wivh him made the J. ourntJy twice. He as o 1 o1get W kmd a.nd ~ympathetic pastor. T_he Dr. is J another pbhase o tmetahnness m he said ' and most stylrnh stocks ever brought , fuller than ever of anecdotes and 18 a won' ourse vea. . e may a. or un,ru so ve · . 1 to town · t f ·J d f 11 t t - · t lk first hemently m some one else th11.t we shall forThe second tna. W:\S a success. The , consis mg o · elr u ye~ er ta.inilng a. .:~· t . ·rooic o::m CHILD get to hate impudty in 01irselves. We may balloon shot up almost straight to a distance lU il Ii n cl' y Dres s §ii!{§ was going 0 c ose wi ou saymg anyd · - b · f f1 11 IO 000 feet It then settled about ' "' thing about the Dockyards. They are the Iover, committing the other one to a brnve j ~pikse our ndeigh odr for h 13 :1harpness and ~OO eJ"t an'd hung llke a ball in the heavens Ve l Ve ts 1 &c mos· extensive in the world Tho floating sailor's c<1.re and theP ret urned for hla wife trio ery, au sprea over onr own slackn<ilsa _ . ' · " "It ' tl CI d d I h '1 l . d f I th k' and idleness and shiftlessness the coverlet 1 The anxious and excited crowd of people o~ with a very fine stock of Feathers an~ d ry -'dook tlm t was b m on 10 y e an w 1om e a so p ace s!l. e y on o roe . Tl k G d I' the around wat<>hed tl·e balloon with ba.teCI Fl towed across the Atlantic is capable of The heroic captain was the last to leave the ot " ian m not a. sharper ! ' The "i Th ~ · h owers. 1 d taking in the largest ships i~ the navy, and ship, and just as he landed there was a idle, ~hrif~e~a maf can n~ver reform tho! ~~::rtul ofo=s~:p~~;~!:li~Ja~~~~e r:.~y Ca,ll and inspect this fine disolay, wluch 8 seoms t'O be pretty coushntly in use. 1gurgling saund, a rush of waters, the heavy lover rew l f sphecu ator; ftl e impure man to JUmp "' , ' ' j cannot fail to give sat1sf;ct,wn The English Governmen l munt spend very rope snapned hke a t hread and the Pteamer can never l t t e uutiuph u man out of the R · k ,, "d · b th · 15 - 110t fi· t 0 th6 · " e'll wea en sa- somc:one ' · 581 I large sums of money annually in keeping this went to the bottom. og ! " g? P ". cure miser "N0 ,, cried an~the; "he is ettin out " 18 naval station in such perfect readmes~ fot " It has taken a long time to narrate this, of his selfisuues. There only one way, af T ' ·d ' H g 1 . g -. ' _ ,, ' -· vv· h B· - b . 1 f fi . £. h ter all, to reform the world. Not by learn he chute Wtl.S c1OS-.c · og,~n. ( tew Iv. up any emer 0 ency tnat may n,1se. it er u t it was on y .orty ve mmutes rom t e . t h 01 l .t f 1 t b 1 ' _ till he reached tha ropes to whwn he lesned 10 muda in the south, na~urally alm:ist impreg- time we struck till the ship went down. It ~ ~ a.t,,i ~ aubts,, or ho ark at its himself He did ~not exp~ct t he chute to rJ t'J t uable on account of the encilclmg cornl wi:os now .>boat five o'clock. A blea.k Novem- ~msta. · es, u: ~rat to ogm tu~ wor of rn op·e~ fo~ the first 200 or .,00 fee· and he I 1 VETEt<.UTARY SURGEON. u iefs, to which is added the im nense her morning, with alternate h ail u.ud sleet .orm.at~oln wit oulrdse vesl. n fcome ba.ok w·is afraid he mi.,\t be ~l,akPn ';;ff the b·r 1 t" I t · t f · ll Tn d h d l t I mev1tao y to t he o trut 1 so o cen before 0 " ~ for t I.fi - ca io,ns ou _a mo ~ , ever! porn o ' I!I· :ng. o spray is ~~ .com.p e e y over stated : " In order to make vhe beat of by the rapidity of the fall. unless he took t he the rnlanas, brrntlrng ~1th tho tr ost pow- us JS the waves surged a 5 amst the b'.l.se of h f" k precaution to fast"n him<clf When he I erful can norl 1>n d othe·· modern im cur unrert·'n resting-place The men ot em we must irst ma e the best of our d ~u f h " · · ~"" ~· solves. stepped on the e 5e o t e car to spring ou plements. of warfare , Wlull Halifax i.ucl T111JE irnn.oEs AS TJlllY WERE, into spa:Je some of the spectators grew pale 1 Q11obec the Rritam North a nd Vt.1.ncouver on d , f t t d h ·k S ure Iy th' - ~ man was go1n g the east 1u Grefj,t holrla tile ('ontinent , Gt11ppe tiiemse1ves o coa. s, ves s an ')t_,er Keep Your Eyes on Thia, an d sic: 1s d ann;; of North Amdicl1 in her raa . Some of ' garments to protect the women aud child. to cer~am de .. th. h f t h" t ~ f p B l nm, who Wt>l 6 for the mo~t part cfod only Dr, Lunday lays down the followmg rules A f.lnout of t error g'?es up. H ogan has erldM _ warf e tipshsen , ou, ro'!1 ermucha in their n i - ht rlrernes. Notwithstanding the for the better care of the eyes: 1un.ped. Down like a cam on ball he fell ~o; ~n or Y th oun tl,eamml reac d efforts of Orn men to protect the women. t wo 1 1 Avoid readiug and study by poor for 500 feet. The chut e has not yet opened I a~l1es on doi to "b8 \ b~ ler~ c~ 168 an I elderly ladies died shortly ,\fter laud in"' I light Down it came like a g1g<.1ntic elongated bird. a.y iem un er n u e e ~re. ie mencan ' from terror aud exposure. "' · . · · He wes falling like a. meteor, and the spec· 1 Gover~meut could open tneir eyes to the d d .. k . f 2. Light should co.ne from the side, and t;i.tors shut their eyes while still keeping -t tAf h , f H 11 .f ...... new rea now ooo pnssess1on o us 1 t fr th, b k f th f t si ~a ion. . ew ours run ro.m a ax as we huddled together in the storm. Ro\V J_o om ac or rom e r_on · tb.eir glasses elevated. Suddenly a shout a.nu .a great iron _ clad could station herseH long would t he rock afford us a foothold? ' 3 Do not .re~d or s tud! while suffering goes up. The chute has caught the air. It ou tarde Sandy Hook and bombard New W a.a it now high or low t ide ? If it were /clrei.\t bodily rntxgne or during recovery from opens like the wings of a monster e:>,gle. York , ,_ , low tide another hour or so and we would b 3 illneas. li?gan's flight down Nard was almost stepped so SUDDEJSJ,Y' AND. so SUCCES:] li LJ,"\: _ i SWp~ into these~ by the ioclvancing waters I 4 Do not read while lying down. ;, 1th & ierk. ~heu the chute settle~ do'Yn that the belles o! tnat c_ 1 ty _wouldu t have tune · as they rushed up against these shores in ! f. Do not use the eyes too long at 11 ti mo to a. steady JO~rney eart?w!l.rd with its eraduate of the Ontario VP.tel !nary Colle:;:e, to gather toget~1er their diamonds! i;heir false I obodieIJce to the law of nature. We could I for near work, but give them occasion- P.assenger , and m three mmutes from t he Regrntered mernber of the Ontarw Veterinar:r teeth, and then. gum b~fore fleerng to the only wa.it . al periods of rest. time the reck ~ess man le.ft the bal.loon he Medical Association. fastnesses vf Philadelphia, aud the caves of Grey dawn at length app~v.ied, and with d d landed safely m an open field some little dis d'"Office and Residence, Newtonville, Out. R d" 6 1 Jersey City. Boston, too, would be rudely it a pa.rtial lifting of the fo<>' lt was now t :~ ~g an stu Y should be done ta.nee from where the a.scent was ma.de. Will visit Oroooevery Tuesday and!Saturdo y 1 0 interrupted by the screech of flying shells. about eight o'clock. '!'he captain made sys e~) i~a Y·t d 'd h _ . The correspondent was almost the first to 1 Otnce hours fr m 10 a. m., to i p. m.,. at 8 7 S10n Francisco could eGsily a.nd quickly be some observo.tions and as a result decli;red . · urrng u Y avoi t e stoopmg pos1. grasp the hand of the aeronaut. Coulters' H<?tel, Calls by T~legraph receive reached by the Pacific squ11.dron from British his belief that we we:e on the Newfound- t!on, or wh1>tever tends to produce uonges"I lost my breath," said he, " when I im:i: ediate att.ent1on1 Columbia and would surrender on hearing land coast and h'elve or fourteen miles tton of the head and_ face. shot down so fast, but I caught it again CHAI, GES MODERATE. 8 the first thunderbolt, as that city has prac- from a fohing village whfoh he nam;id. Selec~ well-prmted books. . atter a time. lt was u great jump, wasn't -------------------~ tica.lly no means of defen~e against the pros- W'th the d ay rtg bt h ope sesmed t o revive. . 9 glasses Correvt errors of refraction with pro- it ?" _ I per · -d b d h · ent powerful weapons of destruct10n There It was thought likely th ·~t the wreckage · 10 A 01 d">" d Prnf Hogan was smeared with smut He is, however, not the remotest possibility of whioh floated off the steamer when she sank 1 th · fv 1 h al dygtenbic cou i,ions a.n had n~ver seen a man 3ump with a dhute · · to th f l J e use o a co o an o acco. . . . · a.ny tinng occurrmg mar e peace u re a- would ffi . t . . th He was much d1sa.ppomtetl at the slow tune 11 T a k tions that now exist between these two gt·e!l.b DRIFT OUT TO SEA · e sn , ien exercise m e open made expecting to come down in ninety se1 · · n ations. Long ml\y peace and ha.rmoy con. I air. L h . · cond; The chute was 20 feet in dfameter. tinue But England evidently thinlrs that a.ud perhaps s.ttract the attention of some . l 2 . et the p ys1cal keep pace with the d d - tb f . . · t" the p'o sition she holds with everything in fishing smack As the light became bright, mental culture, for a.sthenopia. is most 0 afci11a_ 1onh whaal g?arthe aga1nsH y means o 1 0 10 ' is the surest gua.r- er, one 0 f the b 0~t 8 was d' usually · a 'hour e ed was per feet readiness for war .iscovered ru bb. mg I . observed in those who are I a.ck" mg Ill 1 me d "ti e n t apex. l t' · over"te ' up a.nd down aga.mst the rocky wall wl1e1·e physical development, wh e me wf lhl vhongra. u a 10na, an IS qui antee Of Pe·ce ~ h 8 h" h d fi t 9 t k Tl b t c hero o t e our. 1 The return voyage ha.s turned out to he t e P a . re ruo · ie r~ve you?g Mr. Hogan ea.me to this oity eighteen as usunl an abominGble pass11oae Learned Ha.rper agam volunteered to sw1m for it, f y ·1 t " h b ' .., · h" h h d'd b · · 1 ·t f l . t0 A Honevm!Joning :Experience years ago rom psi an 1, w ere, as a oy, ~)9 1 doctors of divinity, senators and colonels w ic e ' ~mgmg sa e Y over us. he made his first ascension in the eummer of had to join the common he d at the com· The boat, thouga a. good deal battered, wa~ 1 A newly-married pair, who arrived on 1866 The man who first put ballooning PUREST,STRONCEST,B~ST. Heady for use In any quantity. . For munion rail and pay their tribute to F<1.ther still safe, a?d !1' crell was res~ati°hed ~b the I t~eir hone:ymoon trip a.t. ~ celebrated Scot- into the boy's head was \V. M. Clayton, who Neptune and help feed the fishes, and final supposed fishmg vi age or e p. out 1 tish watermg-place at 11o tune when aocom- followed circuses during the summer and m aking So.~p, Softening \\'ater, D1s1nf'ccting,1:ind a huudrc<l ether uses, A ly, after ma.ny attempts to laugh it off, to an hour after ~he dep~rtur~ of t~e boa~ a modation was a.ta premium, had a mattress made trips in hot air balloons, He lived in the ca.>.l e q uals 20 pounds Sal Soila, seek the seclusion that their cabin granted sohooner was aightded m the_o fli 0,~; bhowdlmg spread for them by a compassionate inn- family with Ed all winter and when spring E-0ir1' ~ - ., G1 occrs a n d. T',.~ ,. ..... fot~.. and use the ," vomiters," as the neat little along the ~oast ~n er u sai · vre a no keeper in one · of his bathe. In the middle came the future balfooniat'wa.'3 as full ot visbrown covered tins hung on the side of the 1 means of signalling a.?d could, therefore, _not of the night the house was alarmed by loud tas as a boy who is to see his first circus. berths, were christened by the boys. ) hope to make the ship seo ~a, 80 st:e sailed shrieks proceeding from the nuptial chamber, That summer Clayton came to Ypsilanti 1 Some of the owners of seasoned and sick- on past. But . look 1 She is a~ter11!g her j What was tho m)tter ! Well, this. 'rhe with a 01rcus, and was to make the ascen-1 proof stoma.cha sat around in the smoking 1 c~urse. The sai}s are. now bflapprni m the ·young bride, wishing to ring for a maid, had sion bnt Ed persuaded Clayton to allow room, while ~he 'Ymd was howlmg aloH aud wmd and she 18 coming a out. ow she caught hold of what .she supposed to be t}ie him'to go up instead. The matter was kept 1 the sea p_ourmg 1n tons on the decks, and FJEARS DOWN u ON us, bell-iope and pulled it sm~rtly. Unhappily secret between t he two, and when the leaky I told stones. One, by Mr. Scott, of Scott 's b t" g up against the wind which now for her and her spouse, H was the cord of old hot-air affair sailed up in the atmosphere, 1 Emuls1?n Pui·? Cod Liver Oil fame, ran I' bf:w ~irectly off the coast She approached th_e shower-hath over their heads, and forth- Mr. and Mrs. Hogan sitting on i;heir stoop l so~ethmg like. thrn : - , us as cloaely as prudence would allow, and '":1th ~own plumped such a deluge of cold a few rods from the scene, waved their hands On returnmg from Europe a. fe'Y ye~rs ha.vin cast ancr.or Bent a boll<t to our rescue. water as would _throw a ~amper upon the lat the boy, supposing he was Clayton. The ago, '!here I had been on a s~ort tnp with Wew!resoonsafely on board thelittleschoon- most devo~ed o! honeymoomog cou~lee. Her next day th 3 papers told the story, and my wife. I was c?n.fronte_d with '!' teleg~am er W e recited our story to 0 ir kind-hearted husba.nd, m d1sn;ay\ caught franticn.ll:I". at Ed got a good thrashing, but it didn't oure a.t N ew ~ork wh10h reqmred ll?Y 1mmed!a.te J re~cuers, wh o kindly consented to wait rill 1-\nother cord on his side ot the ~xtcmponeP.d ! him, The future balloonist th~n began to presence m Newfoundll-\nd. I JUSt had time the boat returned. We then hove ancho·, set c_ouch, but the only/llspo:ise .w..s an cqual~y study and save, always d eclarmg that so t~ get over to the Quebec and Gulf ~orts sail for the village, which we reached be- ~iberal del?gc of wa,er, tlus .time nearly boil- soon as he could get money enough to build Lme dock from whwh the steamer sailed, fore nooll. I telegraphed to my wife as !ng h~t. _The unha.pp_y p~u· then so.reamed and inflate a balloon he would go up. _No I when I found myself once more afloat 011 the 1 . 1 f y safety in umsou , and the bndo, m the exciten1ent amount of talk ever had any effect on him. WILL CURE OR RELIEV~ Atfantic. T he steamer was .owned by the su;:1lnde~:w have t~ relate one of the of the mom~nt, uttered ~cntiments anything He was bound to rise in the world, even if lll/OU8N£88, DIZZINE88, ,,. same comp!"ny that runs this ltne to Be:- most interestmg incidents in connection but complimentary to the fond spoua~. he ca.me down hard. mnda. rThis f was before the Alla.us ran their · w1 "th When the servant.a came, they were 3ust m· H emad e h' fi · . . M ay, 1880, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, k . · , T t· t th f is rsv ascene1onm regu1 ar we o steams111ps to ...,ewfoundland. TRIS ·rJIRILLUW EXPEltIENCR. .1me o rescue e un1uc -y pa.1r rom d1·own, 1 vin the ground hanging by hia toes toe. INDIGEBTION, FLUTTERIN(J Our steamer was only about 2,000 tons . ing. ~a gf · h" h h 11 d t JAUNDICE. OF TH: HEAR'I; b d d t f t t It 60 happened that on the mornmg I had p12ce o gas pipe, w ic e ca e a rapeze. urftcn, an no a very as or very a rong · ent my despatch my wife and n:other inThe balloon was up two hours and twenty ERYSIPELAS, A(]IDITY OF THE STOMACH, craAf't b · t b t t d d 'law left Boston fo~ New York not getting His Own Doctor. minutes, landing a.t Stockbridge, eighteen I 8ALT RHEUM, · th" wo a.ys an a. the messa.ge. At the depot my' wife . boul(ht ·1es north o1 ·tY· - T 'na t t r, 'p ms. d e HEAITTBURN, ORYNE88 h lf er emg - ~t0 ou a ou " I say, mister," aa.id a countryman at mi ia 01 a we ra.n m the morning paper placing it be~ide her on the cirous, "what makes thatelepha.nt keep him "Prof." He has saved a snug sum, HEADAOHE, OF THE BKUI, AN ALMOST IMPP:Nl!.TBAFlLE .FOG. the s~o.t in the trai~. It ws.s picked up by bobbing hia head up 11.u' down fer?' b11ilt a. couple of nice house~, h as a. healthy And every 11J>l'Ofer. o~ dls&ase a.rising fr1>n.. We had proceeded slowly all day and ne!!.rly I my wife's mother who proceeded to "He nae n. headache, air," explained the bank account, and twenty hot-air balloons. ~11rden>d LIVER, t<IDJ\!EYS. STOMACH. BOWELS OR BLOOD, all ~he nex ~. ~ight. I was very u:ieasy, I 1ook over the new~. Nearly the firsv attendant, indulgently, "anti ilJ trying to He has now fallen further than any_ other feanog a. collmon or some other such C !l.ta.s- J thing to attracb her notics w1i.11 an shake the p1>in out." man and escaped unha.rmed.-St. Loms Pa· MILD~ ~O., P~ trophe, wht.11, about four o'clock in the par. IN THE BERM.UDAS. CATARRH. I I'! o! j I j I I j l AI-I :et o! I j J. i R PEAT E T a1 ·1 :o I I LADIES ·t I md I M I L L I N E RY I IIRs DONNE LY'S I I I I f °' I A · b w· w ° I · ' I I · .; · I I · · ,. ' I I ", I l i 1 I I G.ILLETTS POWDERED · I LV PERCENT I 1 11 1 I I o! I I I I I 0 I I rrl I I ! 'f. l Children Cry for Pltcher~~-C~f!a~ -~