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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1888, p. 8

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The Deserted Mill. BowMANVILLE, ONTARIO TO 'UlEFRONI'! A MATTER oF Vru1, hn·oRTANCE, HORSE ROUTES, 1888. MA:>PREn the property of Percy & Young, Bowmanville, will have stands as follows : Monday noon, Dr. Young's V eterinary Stables ; Hallett's hotel, Or.ono, all Tuesday, Johnathan Stephens, noon ; Moyae's hotel, Tyrone all night ; Wednesday, Beer's hotel ' Hampton, noon; H .ll'a h otel, Enniakil: !en,.night. 'Thursday, .Jease William'~ noon; D. Dye r's Et1field, all night. ]'l'i~ day, Jordan VauNest'B, noon ; Lewie Annis' all mg ht. Saturday ,at Ruebottom's, D'Jon.; thence to hiP own stable, High Strl'et, and till Monday morniog. JAME~ MANN, Manager. CArnNBRO<llE A GAIN, Mesn~ . P ercy & Young, pmprietors, will have the same stands as MANl!'RED, THO.S. V EALE, man· ager. OLIVER T w1sr, William P atterson, proprietor, will have s tands t h us :- Monday llOfln, John Mulligan's, lot 12, con, 5, Clarke ; :N ewtouvi Ile all night. Tuesday nig ht, Windsor hotel, N ewca.·tle. Wedues. day, proceed by way of Orono t o own stable for night. Thursda.y, at Tyrone, noon ; back t o own stable for night . Fl·iday, to Conlter's T emperance H ousu, Pontypool, noon; thence to his own stable Kirby, till Monday. ' THE AitCIIER, J ohn Joll, proprietor, Hampton, will have stands as follows : Monday night, Moyse'11 hotel, Tyrone. Tuesd ay night, Hall's hotel, Enniskilleu. Wednesday n oon, own staL!e ; Georae Leask's, 6th con., all night. Thursd~y noon, Wesley Glaspe ll's; W. Oke's, 2nd con., all oight. F'riday noon, Levi Annis': Ruebottom's, Bowrnallville, & II night. Saturday, at Beer's hotel, two hours thence to own stable till Monday. Tllos: GAY, aesistant manager. PmoE o~· SCOTLAND, t he property of John J oi! , H ampto n, will havo st11onde t his season the same as "The Archer. " HIGHLAND BoY, J&.- Willism Oakes Proprietor, lot 33, con. l , Clarke, wili have stands this eeason: Monday noon Rnebot tom H ouse, B owman ville; thane~ t o H ampton for two h ·,urs ; Emii~killen all 111ght. Tuesdn.y, A. McCullouR"h's, En· field, noon ; R aglan all !light \Y edues· day, Mauche:Jter, noon; Dancaster's Port Perry, night. 'fhura day, Mr. Brown's, C"n. 4 Oarr.wright, noon ; Blackstock, all night . Friday, Jas. McKe.,'a, con 4, noon ; Wtlliaineou's, Ballyduff, two hours; Cuulter's, Pontypool, nii:ht. Saturday, Bennett'a Or·.·110, noon ; B11nntitt's, New· 0 ~,::t.lo, two h nurs ; own stable, till M1,:n· day m01 ning. You:rm PmNdk:rs, t ho pr operty ot Mr. Alfred Hogarth, Solma, wi ll stand for mares this st1ason : On M< )nday noon, at Oentral hotel, Oshawa.; at R ay's hotel, Whitby, all night. Tuesd~y at Chinn's, B rooklin, noon; P. Holt's h otel, Man· cheater, all Dight. Wednesday, at Oriental, Port Parry, noon ; S wain's H otel, Blackstock, all night. Tb ursday, Gifford's hotel, Burketoo , noon ; Beer's h oFriday, Hc1llett's t.el, H ampton, uight. hotel, Orono, noon; Royal Hutel, Newcastle, all night. Saturday will proceed t o his own stable, Ruebottom H ouse, Bowmanville, and remllin till Monday morning. WILSON Powx1i, Manager. MACHARIOCII, H . F onter, proprietor, will have. sta1.ds as follo ws :- Monday, Windsor, N ewcastle, night . '.1.'oeaday, Moses Cowan '11, Cbrke, noon ; BenneWs, Orono, night. Wednesday, Aar"u D ?.vis', Town Line, night. T hur;;day, J no. Cole's, nonn ; Moyse's hotel, Tyrone, night. Friday, S. Soper's, Haydon, noon ; Hall's hotel, Enni~kill e u, night . Saturday, Ed ·vard Moore's, noon ; own stable t ill Monday. HIGHL A ND CIIIEJo', 'J~h omas Harness, Manager, will have stands at Jno. Mulligan's, Clarke, Monday noon ; N1iwtonville, all night. Tuesday, Geo. B ..msby's, noon; N oble Brown'e all night. Wednesday , Mrs. ,Jones', Garden H ill, noon; Elizabethville. all night . 'l'hursday , at Thos. Smith's, lot 3, con. 4, Clarkt>, noon; Kendall, all nigh t·, l·'. iday, at J. Gray's, lot 3, con. 10, Clurke, noon ; Coulter's, Pontypool, all night. Saturday, proceed to hi~ own a . table, Kirby. W. PATl'ERSON, Proprietor. YoUNG ViNDEllDILT, M. J, Foy, 1'.>rO· p~ietor, will B top this ee~son at L . M. Courtice'e, Monday noon ; Ruebottom's, Bowmanville, all nigh t . Tuesday noon, Windsor hotel, N ewcastle; Bennett's, Orono, all night. W eduesday noon, at Thoe. Henderson's, Kirby ; c .. ulter'a, Pontypool, all night. Thursday noon, at W. Nelson's, Lotus; Swain's h otel, Black· stock, all night. Friday, Oriental hotel, Port P erry, all nighr. Saturday noon, at Wilcockson's, Columbus ; th ence to own stable, Queen's hotel, Whirby, till Monday morning. 0. PowELL, Manager. Wheezing, gaaping sufferers from Asth· ma receive quick and permanent i·elief by using Southern Asthma Cure. Sold by druggist.a or by me.ii on receipt of price. / Tho following uno<>licited opinions from your friends aml neighbors, men A~bo r Day was well kept at the school; and women, whom you know and rethe ya.rd and room look greatly improved. spect, ought to carry comiction to any Me1Jsrs. \Vru. Bingham andP. Maroney do.ubting m ind. These words Qf gratl· at t he present time in Haldimaid tude are from those who have been af. township erecting a resideuce. :Jlicted ,but are now well, and ,the perRev. Dr. CarmaR will, (D. Y.), preach the Methodist church anniversary sersons ,givdng them are naturally solici· ' muns he:re on the 20th inst., instead of tiou$ that .others, troubled as Yero they, tho 27th, as stated last week. may ,k no.v ·the means of cure. alhere is Haydon, April SD, 1883, s. #Wrli ara pleased to hear that the Lieut. no .r eason why you should be Ion.gar ill . Governor of Ontario in Council has apLetter from Africa . from kidney, liver or stomach ti:o.u.bles. J2.0inted Mr. Wm. Bingham, of this place, , issuer of marriage licenses in phce of the You can be cured as well as otl1e1·a. D o YAWKY, Liberia, J an. 22, 1888. fate Sc1uirn Sylrester. An excellent ap· DEAR EJJITOR,-Cape Palma.a is a"sm.;i,ll .not longoc .delay treatment, but to ,poiutment and one that will give general town iuhahited by color~d people, e;cept· obtain that which will restore you to , , ' sfaction. ing the Dutch, Belguitn and German a:'ho last quarterly meeting of the ~raders who are the only ~tore keepers :Permanent <health and strength: .2.!'16 McNa,;b St. North, HA11um·o!ll, M eth1,diat church, this circtqit, for present m the place, exceptinp; Bishep Taylor's oJlicial year was h eld at Mt. V eruon agent. This place is the last country .Can., Nov.~. 1886.- l had been suffer· cl.rnrch, on Sabbath, Gth inst . The Rev. sett.led in Liberia. 'l'he inha'bitants are ing for over t wenty years from a pain E . Barrass, preached. The Rev. S. Americans or of American descent and · in the back and one side of the head Salto u conducted the after services. are called by the natives Americans. All and indig,estiou. I could eat scarcely A great many communicants from all business is done by the colored. White anything , and everything I ate disagreed with me. I was atte nded by phyparts .Qf the circuit were in attendance. men are excluded from the Government, Onl' ;v.iHa!<e is increaeing-we not only though since we have been here there Btctans who examined me and stated fine 1m excellent veterinary surgeon here has been some talk of opening the con- tlmt I had enlargement of the liver.and again in the person of Mr. Austin, but stitution to the whites. Most of the that it was impossible to cure me. They we e:xpt3ct shortly a new medical man, Dr. houses are built after the American style also stated t.hat l was suffering from Ls.mmima.u., who has recently graduated and are raised about !} foet from t he heart disease, inflammation of the iil high standing at TriniLy University, ground. Some of them several years lgo bladder, kidney :Heease, bronchiti5 and Toronto, is about to locate here. The were good houses, but the place is going catarrh, and that it was impossible for Dr. is already well and favorably known, back sadly. The Protestant Epiacopal me to live. 'I'hey attended me three Church of .A werica has a church and we,eks without 1111\king any improve· ea his home i11 at Solina. school hel'e, and this is the residence of ment in my condition. I commenced Ht!MP'l'OR. their Bishop. We had 11:ood acoommoda- takin!! "Warner's Safe Cure" and Warner's Safe Pills," acting strictly up to ()µr stylish dressmakers are all vl'ry tion while we et.ayed h ere and tho people bney'. ¥ were very glad to welcom11 us to their directions as to diet, and to<>k thirtysix bottles, and have had the best of Farmer& llre nearly all through seeding ahort-s. About a milti from the cap11wbich is only a small procuoat.ory with an health ever since. l\:Iy r egular weiJ;iht ill thie old lighthouse ou it- li11s t · e hull of a used t.o be 180 l bs. When I commenced .£louse cleaning w.~1 l soon b~ over, and large iron steamer, dry on the beach. Warner's 8afe Cure" I only weighed f{Y,rdening all done up. Several attempts havo been to float 140 lbs. I now weigh 210 lbs. The warm rain on Friday u~ght was her, but without success. 'Vhile near very bt>neficial, the ground beil;q very the cape lies the broken hull of a smaller dry m many places. " one. The p~ace is .v~ry da'?gerous for We our genial friend Miss V 6..,.!!fels, e~pecially sa1lmg ships, few of Eunictl R oach has returned to our villaao w,.,,di onre to corno here on account of S:r. 0.<l.THAlUNEs, Ont., Jan. 24th agaio. Hope she's come to stay. " curre.'t8 and st~1~.~en. ro~ks.. Mo3t 1887.- About six years ago I was ~ Europea·:'.' coxnt1 w1tJi,1;;i. /~ t o o miles from B . . · · "'A'U owmanv1lle dis t 1- . JJ. k :roo b oys who Me / grea~ sutt:erer from kidney disease, and '~ ·li . "~llllor <>~·- · ,_ . - the shore to i>...e o A U' '" ~ '<el'S ln ti ' was rn misery all the while. I hardly poaed ol a number of very fine :I\'"\, . ta!e1! out to l~ID I~ c;moes... The had s t rength enou/;'h to walk straight .this villa<re ou..' day bst week. I eople 1-1~ ""minu tr'JlJl ;Jl;uropo b.n ug bu-ean'tl ~ii~ ashamed to go on the s treet. !" l 'th th S thi kl · ve~ae1a - ~~o.& th we1·e ~el ig 1teu w1 f ethm. bomte . In ._ ' " a few men with tham a11- . - nGOll 611 . ey '.l'he pains acroa.: !I!! back were almost 1 the season or em, u we mow t h th ' t th t k I t of the ea.rly m · ·1 r t t th ;~ t kroo ouc 1s coa11 ey a e a o sb of a village not many mi es ~ 18 an boys on board who are the young unbl:larable, and 1 w11s l'~'.t~I~ "? fincl WAii a resort for sucke~s all. wm~el'. men of the interior villages. 'l'h0y are relief, even tempor~ry. I began t he use Reader, your attention ls directed to able to work hard aa.d stand the climate, of "Warner's Safe Cure," and inside of one week I found relief, and after F. A. Cole's annou~cement . th~s week. while the s t.> ip's crew keep in the shade. taking eight bottles, I was completely You probably never m your hfetune saw There is a post office here which does ~uch ~ooJ materials ~old a~ cheaply as he duty for a large trdct of counury. The cured . 1s sellmg. L"ok at the,pnces h e quotes. mail is generally brought by the d:erman He actually makes men ~ trou~ers to or- steamer and it does not do to expect your der for $~. 50'. and an w~ole suit for ~7, mail till you get it. They se~m to mix 2;\Dd be ~1ves fits ev~ry time.. One thmg .it up very badly and letters for ono office ts certam, euc~ high quality of fiOods often lay in mether weeks before they are were never sold m Hampton so che aply sent on. 'l'he surf between h ere and Manager for American Express Co. before. Call und see for yourself while Canlly River a distance of 18 mifos is these bargai?~ are offered. very rough. ' ' TOR.ON1'o, (18 Division St reet,) Sept. S LOW B oY. All the stations to which our party 17, 1887. - 'l'i1ree years ago las t August The following is the correct standing of were appointed are on the Ct\ Vally River; my daughter '\Vas taken ill with Bright's . tlw pupils of Hampton ~chool for perfect moat of our gooda were sent by sea in disease of the kidneys. The best medical skill in the city was t asked to the l'ecitation a.n d good conduct for month of small boats to the mouth of the river, April. SENIOR DIVISION.- 5th ClassAfter staying at the cape for two weeks utmost, but to no purpose. She was L Ellis, A Brimacombe, L Elford. Sr . we left ourselves in two boats, loaded to racked with conv ulsions for forty -eight 4ih- E Scott, W Coleman, F M ason. the water's edge, with gocds ;md our- hours. Our doctor did his best, arid went away sayrng the ease was hopeless. Jr. 4th-L McLean, I Ellis, L Beet'. Sr. eelves At the mouth of this river there 3rd- R Robin s, F Cryderman, M Pascoe. 1s a very dangerous sand-bar, which can After she ca me out of the conyuJsious, Jr. 31d- B Wilc0x, N M uyse, I McL,.an. be crossed only at particula r times, so we she was very weak and all her hair fell G. W. JAMIESON, '.l'eacher . J UNIOR DI were landed in canoes before the boats o ut. The doctor had left us about a viSION.-2nd Clasa-1 Taylor, M Wilcox, crossed. In crossing the one that con- month when I concluded t o try Warn · E Cryderman. Sr. Part 2nd-E Clarke, tai11ed my tru!lk was 11olmost wrecked . er1s Safe Cure," a nd after having tEtken H Cole, '.I.' Suonehouse. Jr. Part 2nd- E The bo1>t was half filled with water and six bottles, along with several bottl ee -P arish, B. Hooper, T McLean. Sr. Part several of my t hings spoilt;, though I of Warner's Safe Pills," I saw a decidtid . l st- J McL ean, E Olatworthy, Maud was not t.he only one s·dfered. We then change for tho better in her condition . West. Int. Part 1st-A Cryderman, E proceeded up the river, and 'II' hen about After t aking twenty.five bottles there J: O'Harn, H Wilcox. Jr. Part lst- W 10 miles up, and opposite a town named was a complete cure. My daughter hns Clarke, L. E ilioti;, E. O'Rara. E. J. Teblebo, we were ru shed upon by a no1v a splendid head of hair and wei<>hs 0 KE11SLA:itlll1 'feagher. crowd of armed natives in canoes who more than she ever did before. =~--·-··_.---~",..- .._.. ___--·"l;iew horns, yelled, made the most hide. OSHA w.A. 1 QUB noi11e poa8ib·t.i1 ~f)\~e<l the boats, rowed th em ashore anu iook the g.'!:)ds out. We (F rom the 011/m·io Refo1·,.) were kept there 24 hours, after which we The Iron mouldere cleared $75. 65 by were gl11d to be able to return with our C IIATllAM , Ont.. March 6. 1888.-fo t.hefr recent ooocert. goods. We 1iad two palavers at which 1884 1 was completely run down. I tney said the river belonged to them, and , ~~v. !~th~r :J?avis, of Dixie1 Ont., is that the bushmen- as they ca.II the in· suffared must severe pains m my b:1ck !~~mtg mends In town. and k idneys, so severe that at times I ter1or tribes- did not want book nor God. 'Mr. John Deans, 0£ t his town, h a11 Afterwards we found out that this tribe would almost be prostrated. A loss of canted the hotel at Columbue. was in the pay of another and were or· ambition, a great desire to urinate, Dr. Rosebrugh, of Toronto, will be at dered by t.h em to do what they did for without the.ability of so doing, coming the Ruebottom House, Howmanville, on their own selfish ends. We reached the from me as it were in drops. The urine Saturday, May 12th. Cape safely after having been a.way near· wns of a peculia1· color and contained Rumor says th:it a t11arriage is to take ly a. week, everyone feelin~ worn .out by condderable foreig n matter. I became place in town between a young widow the expoaure. Not to be foilt'ld in our 11atistied that my kidneys were in a conobject, we started to walk to our statfo1u gested state and that I was running and a.n ag1 .' d widower. Mine is 'l.bout 45 down rapidly. Finally I concluded to Rev. George Webber will preach in through the bush. Medcalf-st. Church on Sunday, May 13th, miles ; the walk included swam ps, try "'Varner's Safe Cure," and in fortymarohes, woods and jungles ; sometimes eight hours after I had · taken the remorning and e'l'ening. of hii the path was au narrow that we could m edy I voided urine that was as 1\11·. J . R . Blot.te h as di:iposed hardly get through, yet we all got. through black as ink, containing quantit ies of r;tock of dry gooda to Me11srs. F. Kean, eafely and arrived at y aw ky, D eo. 5th , mucus, pm1 and gravel. I continued, Sons & Co'y, of Orillia. and tound a fr11me house 12x24, divided and it was n e t many hours before my John Beaton, of Oshawl}, has aC· into 2 r oo!lls, with a large verandah, urine was of a natural straw color, ccpted a. situation with Messrs Steele beautifully eituated on tho river and sur- although It contained considerable sediBros. & Oo., of Toronto. roundod, withm about a rod of the h ouse ment. The pains in my kidneys subThe Young People of the Oslaawa by buijh , I saw at once tllat nothing but sided as I continued the use of the rePi'erbyterian Church intend ha.ving a eo- hard work lay before me. Four days medy,and it was but a short time before af1 er my arrival I was called to help bury I was complet ely relieved. My urine ciaJ on Friday evening, 11th inat. Yesterday in the Police Court, Mr. W. one of the childre.n of of our mission- was normal and I ooo truthfully say that I was cured. · H. Wil11on was fined 50 cents and $2.50 aries. This letter is :.i.lrea.dy too long, eo I cOflt, for allowi11 g h is cow to run at large. Yours Sincerely, will close, 'rhe Oshawa Board of Education at a H. GARWOOD. meeting on Tuesday, imposed a fee of liO P. S.- A letter from any one to me in ·cents per month on all pupil11 attending this comparative wilderne1S will be very tho High School except in the lowest di- acceptable. Address me in of Mr. vieion. .T. S. P ratt, Ca.pePalmss. Liberia., Africa. GAr:r , Ont., Jan. 27, 188'7.- For Mrs. J . H. H owe, who formerly lived about fi ve ·years previous to two years in Otmnington, Ont., wa3 murdered by ago la11t October, I was troubled with bar drunken h usban<l, at Fort Collins, AUOTION SALES. kidney and liver trouble, and finally I 001.. on the 5th inst. The huaband was AUCTION S.nEs.- S.C. Htinking, C(,urt- was confined to my bed and suffered the [yuched by an enraged mob. tice, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer, for most excruciating pain, and for two A by-law to gra nt R. S. Williams & Darlington and Wliitby, Dowma.nville weeks' time I did not know whether 1 Son, piano m1n111facturMe, of Toronto, a and Osha.wa, Appraiser, &c. All business was dead or alive. My physfoiane said bonns· of $20,000 to remove their works attended io promptly. Orders may be I had enlargement of the liver, though t o Oshawa., was carried on Saturday by left at th e STA.TESMA.N office, Bowmanville, they i?ave me only temporary reliet. ~'70 out of a total vote or 3!H . or Reformer office, Oshawa. Hee.ring of the wonderful cures of A most contemptible depredation has R. Hutehison, Licensed Auctioneer for "Warner's Safe Cure" I began its use, been committed in the .old Methodist the Townships of Darlinl{ton, Whitby, andafter 1 had taken two bottles 1 Cemetery in this town, where no less Clarke, Manvers and Cartwright. Sales noticed a change for the betterr. The · i:;ban eeven monuments to the dead :Pave attended to promptly and at reasonable pains diaappeared,and my whole system been demolished and broken the past few rates, Where it is not convenient to see seemed fo feel the benefilt of tho r emedy weeks. me, arrangements can be made with the I have .continued taking "Warner'fl The widflW of th e late Dr. 'Beckett, EditoroftheSTATESMAN.- R .HuTc m soN, Safe Cure" and n o other medieine ainee. 1 consider the r emedy a great mother of Mr. Joh n Becket t , 3rd Con- Enniskillen boom, and if I ever feel out of sorts cession of li:ast Whitby, is n ow 96 years """'~=-~ ~~~~..,, "Warner'11 Safe Uure" fixes me of age. The old lady is quite s mart yet, BILIOUSNESS.-" I should not t hink it right did I not give my tesbimony of what all right. I weij,n t wenty-four poon d 11 nd can call to mem ory many incidents wh ich trans1lired more than eighty years I know to b e the value of Burdock Blood heavier no w than before. ago. Bitters. Being a suffer er from Biliou~. neea, I took one bottle of B. B. B. and it ·mE RED <:OLOR of tile Mood h enu sed b y , gave m\3 immediate r elief. I r ecommend . 11'-0n u contallli!. S npply &be i r on whe n 1 it as a cure for Biliousness. Annie Mo·.- eklnr; by ualug Jlllburn's lleet. Iro11 ~·<1 ; L W d ' l! 0 t u e, : ean, oo Vl e, n . === -====== =====-· ENNISKILLEN. MAY G, 1888. Beltoid tl1ls ruin ! 'Twas a mill Once enelir.ined with busy thrill .And ne>iae of mo.nufacture. Here standi! the vondrous water-wheel, Here whirled the stone and here the l'<el If rightoly we conjecture. What but1Y ·BOOE ea have filled this spot What foi-ma mad faces long forgot Have l ~fttD.@ record here. 1'hese sharts e-re coated now with rust, 'l'he fl.rat old m.iller hatt. returned to dmt 'l'hia manil', many a 7ear. ' Ah. poor percl< aeer, perchance he'll dle While struggling 'gal nst the mighty tide Of milling revolution· , · He will not grind. with oui;:ht but stones And so he'll fail, Go ti give hill bOJP,Os ' A peaceful dissolution. We make a Specialty of THIS WEEK ----·o---- IRE:ss 'ODDS.: You·. have but to see our stock .to be convinced that the best assortment of Dress Goods is to be found only at our store. \iVe have everything that is ' BRICHT, FRESH AND STYLISH. Nothing dulJ old and desolate. ----o---- Piles of Remnants of at 50c. per yard, vvorth from $1.00 to $1.75 per yard. - -- - o-- - - SILK ----o---- B~V~n CARPETS1!1Dwi. The highest price paid for Butter and Eggs in. exchan9,'e for goods. McCLUNG BROS.. .A.:SSOLUTEL-Y QUITTING The Dry Goods :Business 1 JODI ltlclttUBTRf .Requires more i·oom for his Grocery, Flour and F eed and Grain trade and has determined to Close Out His DRY GOODS BU8/NE88 and extend his Grocery into the prernis£;s now occupied with DRY GOODS . ttTo ~ak;e a clear sweep, ev-erything in the Dry Goods department is n ow bemg sold AT A ND UNDER COST. The goods are all firstc]ass, carefullJ selected for the regular trade and no old culled ba.nk1·upt stock, the public can understand the immense advantages offered t o purchasers of this stock. Everything usually k ept in a first class Dry Goods establishment, and required in the Clothing and H ouse F urnishing line, offored at AWAY-DOWN P RICES. Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash only. Positively no Reserve. Everything must go. Call and satisfy yourselves that the WEST E ND HOUSE is giving gre:iter value for a little money than any other house in the district. It will pay you to lay in a year's supply, as such goods cannot be r epeated at my prices. I JOlIN MoM'tJ'ltTRY. n:Ir. --- ·o--- - J. HIGGINBOTHAM & 801', Dispensing Chemists. ----·O ---- la4K1~G POWDER Absolutely Pure. · Thefollowingpreparations are care. fully prepared and will be found useful in every house. N asal Cream, Corn Cure, For Cold in the Head, Catarrh, e'b-,..._. '·· For all Roughness of the Skin. Corns~ _ ' ~-- Rose Glycerole, For Removing Hard and Soft ~ This powder neve:r varies. A marvel ol purity, etrength and· wholeeomenese. :More economical tban the ordinary Kinda, and c!l.n not be aold in competition with t he multltnde of low teat, short weight, alum or phosphate powder&< Bold only in oaae, ROY.A.I, BAK · NG P OWDEU C0.. 106 Wall St., N · Y, SHORLEY'S IMPROVED FOOD ALWAYS ON HAtro. Agents for the " Argus " Spectacles and Eye· glasses. - -o-- ----o--- Chi'ldren Cry·fo1" Pitcher's Castoria; i ~ - ',

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