TERMS :-11.60 Pu A.nux. ~{BW SERIES, NUMBER 511. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES EDITOR .A.ND P:&OP:&lET-OR, VOLUME BOW::MANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1888. Y FOR CASH-On lot 20, con. 4, H A.narll11gton Hampto11. , . weighed at XXXIV. NUMBER 20. COUCH, JOHNSTON A & CRYDERMAN'S S OOURTIOE. Miss Phair has moved into h er new LA w. Jlampt,on. \V:M, 18-2w Rave opened out during .t he past P week about r r 2000 Yards of new Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS Ne west designs and colorings and no better value anywhere. Bought direct from the celebrated m .a nufacturers, John Crossley & D Sons, of Halifax, England. ouch', ry .d orman J0hnst on &C One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville. house. PPRENTICES WANTED. .U Mr. Jae. Rundle, sr., and Mrs. Geo. once at MRB. W. BORJ.AND'El over Ives' new store, to learn drees m&king. Tavlor's S hort, sr., are on t he sick list. system of cutt.ing and .fitti11g taught, 20·tr Som e person in our villii.ge has a strong TORE TO LET.- 'fhe store now oc- dislike for dogs, three canines hav ing cupied by Mr. W. H. Ives, on K ing StrMt, two doors east ot the P. 0. Possession May been poigoned lately. 10th. .Apply- to A . BUCK LER, Jeweller, Mrs. John S t ewart died on 'l'hursday 15-tr last and her remains were laid at rest in EAS WANTED. -3000 bushels of the Catholic buryin&: gr ound north of small peas wanted at the C>Lledonlan Oshawa o~ Saturday. Milla, Bowmanville, for which the very .high· Qu.nrterly meeti11g was held at Ebenest price will be paid. JOHN MACKAY, Pro· Prii>tOr· 42-t.t. ezer on Sunday morning last. Mr. C. W . I LLlNERY AND DRESSMAKING. Lent occupied thu pulpit in the evening, - Mrs. Dingm&n is prepared t.o do all the paetor being at MapleGrove preaching kinds of ·straw millinery- and ilressmaking at liis sermon on Amusements. her·residence near cor, of Ontario and Queen 17- tf Sta., &owmanville. The Stare played a practiee game of ball r11AILOH.!NG.-Mr. Hindson, Tailor, on Saturday afternoon. Several of the . at McOJung Bros .. Is now prepared to old players were missing, among others make a limited number of suits for country Mr. Sam. Stacey whose place it will b e buyers or fl"om our.side e~ Lablislunent s. En ' hard to fill, a lthou gh 11cv.eral are willing trance through Quick & Co's store t5·tl'. tG try to do so. 'farn. OL8TEIN BULL FOR SERVICE. HVLlNA. A thoro'-bred Holstf'in Bull. "f'croa,~ No. 3i08. registered In the D . F. H . Rook. Vol. Master Wlllie Fnrsey has b een very ill 1, the property- ol .J. & S. Pcnfouncl. will be kep1. for service at SIMON Pl~NFOUND's, on J,ot wir.h inflammation. ill. Con. 2, Darlington. l~·tf· Mr. J. Awde has returned fro m BelleOUSE ~ro REN'!' - Situated 00 ' vill0 having finished hi~ college studies. Beech Avenue. containing ten rooms. Sparring matches are the rage around On r.he premls~fl hard and sort watP.r. and a good et.able. Possession m9.y be htid on May J1ere, consl!quently there are some black 20th, For furth er particulars apply to owner. ,eyes. J.A.ME8 0ARSCAl>DEN. l&·tf Mr. W. A. Tom has bought the AccouOOD BUILDING LOT FOR SALE trements, fixtu res, etc. , of Mr. P. H . -That splendid building lot opposite tho Frayn. residence of John 'Vesley Esq., on the bill. west of this town will be s:ild on very reason · D r. Lammima.n ha1 pas~ed his final ex· able terms. Apply ·O M . A . JAMES or J OHN aniin,.tion and will return t o Toronto Fr.E'ICIIER, owner, Bowman ville. H·tf shor1ly. A.RM l!'OR SALE. -50 acres; being Mr. Wm. Pascoe who was injured by south ua.rt of Lot 21, Con. 8, D>Lrlingi.on. the bursting of his g un is improYing ~ mile west ot Enniskilien. Frame house,...6 rooms, cistern, new barn, good orch111·d. good favorably. oreok running through farm. 'i'erms easy. The Mt. Vernon friends intend havin g Apply t.o Wm Gilbert, Sen., J;0t 23, Con. ·1. Enniskill en P.O. !l" 9·1lin an anniversary and t ea on the laet Sun· OG LOS'l'.-St rayed f~o_ m_t _ h;premi - dafi ancl Monday in May. We'll all be ees or the subscriber on Mond!l.f. May 7, th re. a black Newfoundland dog. answering to the The basc-ba1liste had tlleir first practise name Sam. Whe11 last seen was in the neigh·, . here on Saturday last, and will practice borhoocl ct Bradley's flchool house. Any d e very Satur ay evening. They expect information lee.din~ to the r ecilVery or the same will be thankfully received by- JoJiN to receive some challenges soon. MAR1'1'N", Enniakillea. l19- l w Some contemptible scoundrel cut the heads off two of Mr. F. Wilbur's ducks and placed thtim on th11 linP. fence between his farm and hi~ neighbor's, HE ANNUAL MEE'l'ING OF THE Som e perAon or persons had the kiud· Mechanics' Institute will be held in t.he Co110cll ltoom, on Monday, 21st inet&nt, at 8 . o'clock for the purpose t electira~ officers for nese to remove the rubbish at the old the year, receiving renorts. and other buolness. burying ground one mile west of t his FRANnIS MASON. '·illage on Saturday evening la11t. Quite a ·conlfagratioo _eh 1 llowm1mville, May 15th, 1888. 20 JACK. HAMPTON CLOTHING HOUSE I ----o,---CLEARING SALE I .. ----o---Come and get liargains everybody in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furni~hings, etc. In addjrfon to our general stock, which is unusually large and attractive, we have a quantity of Bankru pt stock, which must be sold out at onee, consisting of Dress Goods, Shirtings, Laces, Embroideries, Tweeds, etc. M NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES All.Wool Tweed, 30c. per yard. · English Worsted, 35c. per yard. Prints, 4c. per yard. Towelings, 4c. per yard. Shirtings, 6c, per yard. Cottonade, 12t per yard. Grey Cotton, 4c per yard. White Cotton,ec. per yd. Clothing made to ordel' right and tit::i every time. AH goods at rock bottom price:; come anJ see and yon will believe. H H G FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANCE FOR GOODS. F. A. COLE, Hampton. .PON1'YPOOL. We notice Miss Susie Williamson has arrived home again afL er e. Jong visit in Cartwright. The noise of tho saw and hammur is h eard iu almost every quart,er ~iuce the weather got fin e. Mr. T. Stanton, nrn r· cha.ut, is erecrin6 a large ma.chino shup and a large store and dwelling on Manvers-st. west. Dr. H. E. Drummond is building 11 dweiliog housti and office and drug 11tore and stable on his lot on the same street. Mr. J. K ennedy's residence is about completed. lt is a fine house. A meeting w11,s held recently to avpoi nt officers for otH Sabbath School for thti ensuing y ear. The otticors and teachers are a s follows: Superintendaut, A J Glenny, assisted by J C Elliott ; secretary, W Wilson, assisted by Miss A Evaus ; treasurer, A J Glenny; librarian, J W Hanna, assisted by H Wilsr111 ; t,eachers, J B Ja.ckeon, JC Elliott,G Coulter,H Glenny, T Steward, Miss A Evans, Mr. Sherry, Miss Martha. Cain, M M Williamson, Mrs. Brown, Il Wilson, J Gilbanks, R Pain ; o rganist s, S. F 1:1e l\nd S Willi~m son ; music committ«e, W "Wilson, J B J ·ckson, S F.,e ; promo: ion committee, J C Ellio tt,J B Jackson, W Wilson; supply, JC Elliott, A J Glennv, J H Jackao n W Wilson. · F I MT. VERNON . The Methodist congregation of Mt. Vernon, Hampton Circuit, will hold their church anniversary on Sunday and Monday, May 27th and 28tn. Look out fo r foll particulars next week. PROVJDEN0Ji'. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dowson colebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding on M onday, '"1 ay 7th, 1888, On the invitation of their neph ew, Mr. W. C. Blackburn, a large number of friends auJ relati~es beg:i-n to assemble ab out 6 o'clock p. m., brmg1ng well-filled baskets and plenty of good ch~er. After a ll Jud reg.iled themselv"s with. the good things so tMtily Sf)read and p ohtely served, the friends present were auembl ~d in the largest room m the house to wit ness ·.ie presentation of th· pr eaents contribu ted by their friends. Robt. Colville, Esq., ex-reeve of the townqhip and ex-Warden of the eomJ t ·· N, w ·1: '.has for years enjoyed the envtuh J,, po..1tl"ll of onti of their nearest nci gh t;m··, consented to ollic:ato which he did iu hia m oat happy m an ner .' After en)\urnerating some of the joys of wedded iife hti paid " beautiful tri bute to the many excellent q u ·lities of th e head and heart pos~essed by Mr. and Mrs. Dowson whose 1 ,riab a ud d iffic ulties m clearini the forest an d m aking a h ome where th~ lot of all the early settlers in Canada. The presents coneiated of a gold ring for Mrs. Dowson, ·gold spectacles for each aud a beautiful hair cloth eMy chair each ; also a butter knife and a silver cruet. While seated in those ea~y chaira, th~ wedd?d coupl e l oo.ked as _ thouglt they might ,eDJOY wed ded life for some time to uome. 1'heir chilti ren , Willhm John and wife, Ed ward, Mark and wife Geor"e and wife, and their on ly dl\ught~r we;e all present. 'l'he fam ily and t heir connections are a credit to th e country, and speak well for th e car eful and honest upbringing of their parents. Among s ome of the older fr~euds pr esent were, Geo. Dobson, sr.; still hale a ·.1d heuty at the age of 87, Mr D.Fog ~ sr., of Oshaw·, Mr. Thos. Hardy, of Solina, Mr. H. Middlet on and Mr. T aos. Thornto.n . Neat little speeches suitable to the occasion wer e made by Mr Vi'. C. Blackburn chairma.11, and Ml!ssrs. Fogg, Moment' Smale, Middlet on, Oshorne and others' also a few words by ll(tch of the sons af: ter which Mr. D ows o" carr ied us ba~k to t.he time of his boyhood, r elating how lie first came to a conscio usness of a Saviour and how havi11i.: found him ptecioue h~ resolved by His g race to live a t rut hful and honest lifa. !Yira. D owao!l also bore testimony to the l ove of God which h as so of·en s~ood by them when p assi ng thr.mgh the trials and troubles of life. The fri ends wishinf{ th e worthy coup le many more years of comfor ~ and continued happineBB r elu ctantly bade them good bye. The presents were worth about $50. Como hi~her now my good old wife, And give a h and of th ine, For fifty years h a.ve o'er us passed Since first I call'd you mi uo. The vernal m onth of bloominu May Again brings a:-ou nd the day On which our. plighted tro th was sealed Long fifty ye 11rs away; G ather ed around the dear old folks ' T h eir he11rts wit h joy aglow, Our bairns mtiet, the pledges sweet . Of fift y years ago. No doubt ·we've had.our ups and downs And whiles been trying sore · ' B ut H e who srills the raven's ~ry Has smoothed our p;it hway o'e1·. A mid our joys we'll not forget The land that gave us birth. Old England's huather, hill and vales H as charws that rouso our lllirth · O ur native land we bade good-night' For far Outario's shore, A nd here we've wreBtled on life's staO'e For fifty years aud mor e. ,.., The shades of eve are £?:atherino fast 0 · Life's race will soon ·-be o'er, But truu to death; an d hand in hand We'll seek our Father's Rhore, Annual Meeting. T . REM0VED ! ----o---- CEO. LA/NB NEXTDOOR TO IURDOCH BROS, Tenders Has removed to Mr. McArthur's W Store, Where he will be pleased to meet all his old customers and as many new on.es as can make it convenient to call and see through his place where he intends to carry Notice to Creditors. on Millinery, Dessmaking N an Tailoring, Under the management of first class hands, with the ,NEWEST .. AND BEST MATERIALS GEO. LAING. suitable for season and locality. Our popular teacher, Mr. C. N. Ca.HanMEETING of the Shareholders of der, n1atriculated in medicine at Trinity of tbe Port. Darlington H&rbor Company Un iversity and the Colle~e nf Physicians wiil be h eld at their office, Port Darlini;:tou, .on and Surgeons, Torontu, last week. Wedneed><y. the 13th dav .,f June. next, at The rern~ins of the late Mrs. Swart, an 1 m~~~t~f~ 1~~o~~e ~;l8~1',;g ~~a:h~nd1~~~i~~~: old laoy c,f 77 years, a former 1eR:·'<>nt of purpones. By order this village, were interred in the Pre·byJ. MILNE. Bowmenvllle. ::>e0retary. t eri>in cemetery here on l::lund11y after· l! Lh May, 1838. 19 noon. Rev. \V. Kenner was the ofrlciat· ing clergyman. TYRONE. We congratalate Mr. E. T. Sl em on, of HaydQn, on passing his Freshman examOur millinery ahcip is running full time. ~}, iuation wi.th first class honors at Victoria A g reat raid on h ats. University, Cobourg. We also congratuMr. Isaac Mann, Bobca.ygeon, was vislate Mr. David Archer, who was a student of medicine in our village last summer, in i ting friends htt:e last week . Drover Wight had a lot of fine cattle µaseing his 2nd year examioat10n ii1 med· '1'l1e court of ReviRio11 for the 'l'ownsbip ot icine at Toronto U niver, ity, taking on the Market Square on Friday. Darlington w!IJ hold !ts first meeting honors in all his subjects and in successA very interesting Base Ilall match i s ON SATURDAY, MAY 26th, fully passing his Primary, a t the College expected to take place here on the 24th, of "Physicians and Surgeons whbre so Hampton vs Tyrone. at 1 p. m., m tbe ·rown Ho.Jl, Ha.rnpton. R. WlNDAT'.l', many have failed this ytiar. We had a Rev. A . E . Sanderson's many friends 20-2w Township Clerk. visit from Mr. R. J. Niddery honor man hope he was 1uccessful in his conference in 2nd year exam., 'l'rinity University exammation last week. last week. Arbor day was celebrated at the school The anniversary services of Methodist HOLE 011.SEPARATE TENDEltS church her o begin next Sunday 20th inst., on Friday last by plautini.: trees and clearwlll be received by t,be Board or H:duing up things in gbneral. carion fot the various works required for the wh en R ev. Dr. Carman, General SuperinAll of our dress·make1·s are more than erection and completion of a 'l'welvA Roomed tendent of Methodis~ church will preach School in Lhe Town or BowmH.uville, in BC· morning and e vening. Services to begin busy. All garments that are not r eady cordance with plans and specifications pre· at 10.30 a, m. and G.30 p. lll. The chllrch by the 24th, will be out of date. pared by W. J. Smltb, Esg., A~chltcct. Plans and apeciJlcations may be seen on and choir will furnish appropriate music . T he great at traction on King St. is wellafter l\fay 16th. at the office or J"no. McDougall, Sec.-'l'reas.. of whom further particulars may Collections at both services in >Lid of digging at Mr. R. Branton's. Mr. C. be obtained. chu rch debt. On Thursday 24th inst., a Branton, Solina, has the contract. A ccrtitletl cheque Lo &e~om pa.n y all t e nde r~. choice repaAt will be forniah ed by the Rev. EI. S . M atthews, B~wmanville Parties whose offers may be accepted by the Board will be required tG mrnisb. satisfactory l adies of the co ngngation at 4 p. m., (Chairman of District), will preach annisecttrit,y for the a uo jJerform~nce or contracts after which the pop ular platform speaker, versary sermons here next Sabbath. en tered into. Tenders to be addressed to the und<>raig-ned Rev. Thos. Manning, B. A., of Os'iawa, Master Berti e Creep =r ia ill with bronan cl endor~ed on the face of en vclope, "Tenders will d eliver an address on "Tho Humane chit is and infla rumatiou . Miss .Rhoda for School." Ptogrees of the Age." Thia lecture is Tenders will be r Pceived up to J2 o'clock, Walters has also b een on the sick list. very highly spoken of by those who hav e noon, on Satnrday, Ma.y 26th. Some vouni;: fisl, vendors from town The lowest or any tender not neceasl\rily heard it. Addresses will also be delivered acc"ptecl. By order. passed t11r -ugh here last week with abunby Rev. Newton Rill , Oshawa, Rev. A. JOHN McDOUGALJ,, See.-'l'reas. M.icLa.nm and resideut minis ters. C hoice dance of suckers. Thi;r e's a drop in fish Dowmanville.12th Ma.:v 1888. 20·2W mnsie will enliven the evening furnished - dont squeel, boJs. . by the popular Mt. Vernon choir and The boys met on Wednesday nigl1t an d Mr. and Mrs. Ea.aton of Toronto- A r eorganized the Base Ball Club, with the Rpecial treat at all the services may be following officers : Capt. ,J . H . Hicks ; looked for this year. Secy-Treas., S. M. Cle:nens. R. Hutchison is selling off at and beMr. Rich. Woodley and wife arrived rIn the matter of THOMAS H. F. I HAN COOK, of the Township of low co~t. Ladies' Hats, \:l-loves, Parasols home from California on Sllturday luokand hosiery below cost. Dress good sat ing hale a nd hea.rt.y after their extensive Darli~gton, in the County of cost and all other goods cheap . I a m journey. Welcome, back friends. Durham, Farmer. positively going out of business. Come Mr. A. W. Bunner, of Bowmanville, and get bargains . Caeh paid fo r eggs. preached for Rev A. E. Sanderson here on Sabbath morning and gave a very OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that R. H UTCITISON. pri.ctical sermon that was much appreci athe above named 'l'HOMAS H. ir. HANCOCK "T has made an assignment to me or all bisestato . H E M.AllOKNA AT THE Tu:s, " of whom ted. Come back, again. a.nd ettects in trust for the benefit of creditors. Miss Phelps writes was a genuine apeciThe many friends of Mr. Fred Allin .A. meet.iog of the Creditora or the said estate me11 of health and strength. She doubt· is hereby convened nnd will be held at the 1 h d d h · f I d deeply sympat hize with him in the death Council Itoom, in th& '!'own Hall Buildings, fo ess ee e t e warnmgs o ier pre ethe 'fow n or Bowmauville. in the County of ce_ ssors , and understood and appreciated of his wife (nee Clara Couch).' Deceased Durha.m, 011 SATURDAY, THE SECOND DAY Ol·' the matchless r1ualities of Dr. Pierce 's was for several years a r esident in this JUNE NEXT, at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon, for the appoin tment of Inspectors Favorite Prescription, which relieves and village and was very highly respecteu. and the i;:iving of directions with rorcrence to ·cures so many ailmellts peculiar t o the Visitors this week :-Mrs. John Hell· the disnosal or the said estate. sex. As a powerful, invigorating t onic, y er, M isses May Bingham, GraceHoidge, .All Creditors or the said estate are hereby ·t · t t th t ' h 1 reqmred to file their claims with my Solicitor . . 1 unpar s s reng o t.1e w o e system, Maud· Emmerson and Mr. Barrett-all D. "Burke Simpson. Dowmanvllle, (as clirectod and to the womb and i ts appendages, in from t own . Mr. F. Rogers and wife, by the P.eviserl Statutes or Onta.rio, Chapter particular. li'or overworked, worn out Enniekillen and Mr. W , H. Creeper and 124), on or before tho day ot such meeting. After June nih. 1888. I snail proceed to dis- run down, debilitated teach ers, milliners wife, Haydon. tribute the said estate, having rngard only tu dressmakers, seamstresses, · shop-girls, such claims as I shall hu.ve notice of; of a.nd 1 h · A S.'.l.D l'.ROSPECT.- H ow many weary shall not be rnaponsible for tho assets the ousek eepers, nurarng moth ers, and f eesaid estate or a ny part thereot to any person ble womton Favurite .Prescripti on is the broken clown invalids there ar e to whom or persons whoso claim or claims shall not greatest earthly boon, beiog unequalled life is burdensom e and whose prospect is ha vo l>een tiled. SAMUEL J, HALI,, as an appetizing cordial and restorative sad indeed. The nervous debility and Trustee. tonic. For Constipation, Sick or Bilious general weak ness of those afflicted with D. BtzRK~ SIMPS!iN. Headache, u se Dr. Pierce's Pellers, o r ! lingering disease is best remedied by t h e Solicitor ~~~v1i::~~tii~le Anti-Bilioua Granules ; Purely Veget · I invigorating and r estG r in g properties of na.ten Mar Hth. 1888. 20· ~w . , able. One a. dose. :t: B. B. B. Port Darlington Harbor Co. ENNISKIL L.EN . A Darlington Court of Revision. fo; Wanted. -------- - ~ ~-~-- --