<!tauadinu Jtatesmau. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 1888. Tbe treatment of many thousands of cases of those chronic wenkness<Js and disti·essing ailments peculiar to females, at tile Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., bBB e.1forded a vast experlenco in nicely ado.pting and thoroughly testing remedies for the cm-e of woman's peculiar· maladies. Dr. Pierce's Favorite P··escripttou ill tho outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable exp01"ieuce. '.l'housands of t£'8timonln.ls, received from patients and from physiei!ms who have tested it Ju the more aggravated and obstinate cases which had battled their skill, prove It to be the most wonderful r emedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It is not r ecommended 11s a "cure-all," but as a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar ailments. A.11 a po-werfuJ, invigorating ton le, it imparts strengtll to tl1e whole system, and to the womb and Its appondnges 1n P.articular. overworked, ' worn-out," 'run-down,"For debilltated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," housekeepers, nursing mottiers, and feeble women ~enera.lly, Dr. Pierce's l'avorlte Prescription l8 the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled Man appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. A11 a soothing and strengthening nervlnet "Fnvorlte Prescription" is unequaled unct le invaluablo in allaying and sub· dulng nervous excitability, irritability, exhauation, prostration, hysteria, spaams and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic dl.eease of tho womb. It Induces refreshing &leap and relieves mentill anxiety and de· spondenoy Dr. Pioi·ce's Favorite Prescription is a legitimate mcdieiue, cm·efully oomJ?o.un<led by nn expm·Jenced ai;id slti.Hful physi~mn, nnd ad~pted to womans delicate organ1Zttt1on. It is purely ve,,.etable in its ite pei·fectly h.ru:inless in composition and ell'ects in any condition of the system. For morning sickness. or mrnseil. from whatever causo nrising, wonk stomaoh, indigestion, dyepepitia and klnd1·ed symptoms, its use, in small doses, will provo very ben efi cial. "Favorite Prescription." is a posi· Uve ent·o for the moet complwated and .obstlnate cnaes of leucorrhea, excessive 1 lowmg, painful menstruation, unnaturnl suppressions W?iupsua, OL" fullin~ of tho wmnb, weak b~ck; · fe1~11!lc woakue135,' autevera1on, retrovers!on, bearrng-down and sonsationo, chronic congest10n infl!mmmtlon ulceration 0 -r tho womb in= flau1mation, pa~n '!Pd tondernese)n ovaries, aeoomp11med with mtcrnnl heat_ Jtedr o .A~.· a tr.egultatttort· antd p1rom<1 f f hfunction.., ac ion, o. ui cr1 1c11 per o o c ange fro~n ll'irl!~<!od to womanhood, "F11v9rite Prescnpt10n · is a p~rfcctly s~tfo re~odrnl ag·ent, audaJcl"'0 6 J.Jrod.uce ondly g oodb l rn:iul);St· ,!:t l~ equ y o 1cnc10us nn va1ua .c m i :s euec.., when taken for those disorders and derange. menta incident t~.that l\ltcr (l]]d most ~ritical P~i;tnct, kno~vn us Tho «;Jluu~ge of Life. Favorite with Prescr1ption 1" when taken 'In connection the use or Dr. Pierce's Golden Medicn.l mo:covery: and smal! laxa~lve 1 doses. of I?r· ~ ~~ce s. Pur~tivo Pellets <Little M,,~~{e'.11s/_rb~l~.c~!~b~;'e<! i~~gya~~d r~i::~~~~ bloo~ taints, and nlJolishes cancerous 11.Dd scrof11lous !rnmol'S froll': th!J system, "Favorite Prescription" is the only forwomen,"sold by druggists, under medicine a. JlO!litivc gu0.1·a1~tce, .from. tho mnnu:faoturers, that it ynll give:: sat1sfact1on in every 119 guarantease~l' nbo~ey "'! 11~~ r0 efutldedb 0 an';i f:ith~uf1l~~rried ~ut "~or m~;7~~~~: Large bottles (100 doses) $1.00, or six boCtlos for $5.00. For large. illustrated 'J're11tiBe on DlsellSBB of Women (160 pages paper-covernd) send ten cents in stamps. , Address, , Jf W orld s Dispensary Medical Assoc1at1on, . 1 · , · 663 Main se., BUFFALO. N. y, JOHN SPEN(C£R, vETEUINARY SURGEON, OR 0 IYO. 0 .N'l'. GRAIN ' · Jno. lVIcMurtry & Co. are prepared to pay the highest price all kinds of Grain delivered at the Wharf or their Store House in town. 1188 McTAVISH Ha.a received her new stock of GOODS, and invites the Ladies of Bow manville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern BONNETS, HATS and assortment of TRIMMINGS llTOllE t-SeeoildDoor West of Wlllfamt1 &&.teller StaIJ · Before we turn to the consideration of politics as we see them in practice, let us Health in the Spring. think for o. moment of what, when properly In Spring, if we would be well, we co.n understood, they really are. In their tee.st hardly take too much exercise, especially comprehensive definition, politics a.re an nrt long walks, and we onght to dress lightly which concerns itsclt about tbe national but warmly. '.l'he clogi;:ing, cumbersome housekeeping, about the immediate interests top.coat, the india-rubber mantle, the heavy and work-a· day wants, the income and the . muf!:ler, and deadlygoloshes should all be left outgo of the people. They have to deal indoors when we go out to walk. Gloves with pra.ctical questions as they arise an<l should be worn, warm thick stockings, and grow pressing. Even on this humble plnuo ea.ay soft shoos; alight silk scarf maybe ta.ken they may well have an attraction for the -and put on if required-and ,also a.n umfinest intellects and the greatest abilities in brella; but these are the arms which one 11o country where public opinion is supreme, should carry against the weather if he or she for they ca.n perform their functions only by for and values health. persuading, convincing and thus governing Verily, prevention is better than oure. the minds of men. T he most trivial ques· But if we cuddle ourselves up indoors in tion acquires dignity when it touches the '."Caeto!'lais so welladnpted to children th11t CQStnrla cures Colic, Constipation, be.tlly.ventil11oted, overhe11oted rooms, a.nd take I recommend it . a.s suoeriorto any prescription Sour Stomach, Din.rrhma, E:ruct1<tion, W!lll-being or rouses the passions of many our exercises a.broad, laden to the e11orth lmowntome." RA·· AllcazR MD Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotea di· millions. But there is a higher and wider · ' · ., gestiou with extr11o clothing, we oan not be well sense in which politica may fairly be . lll SO. 0%fora S~, Ilrcokl;rn, N. Y. Witllouli injurious medication. either in body or in mind. · We shall be ranked a.s a science. When they rise TRE CltNTA.t:R COMPA.NY, ~v; rir11r2·ny Street, N. Y, peevish all day, destitute of ijpirits and amto thfa level we oall them st11otesmanbition ; we shall have wretched appetites, ship. The statesman appliea himself to aluggiijh livers, and i·estlees nights. the observa.tion and recording of certai!l I will here mention one or two ailments causes which lead consto.ntly to certain incidental to Spring which, priLy mark this, effects, and is thus able to formulate general ar" preventililt by me11ons hinted 11ot above. · . Ice-Oream Poisoning. la.wo for the guida.nce of his own judgment FOR 8.A.LE BY J. HIGGINBOTH.AM & SON, .B OWMANYILI.Et Here is one troublesome complaint of the and for the conduct of aifairs. He is not 60 season-relaxed sore throat. There may be :h'or many years there have been numerous much interested in the devices by which meo. more or less huskiness wil'h it, and a. nast y, cases of poisoning from eating ice-cream, k' h Th · · f I both in America and in Europe. Some may be inJfoenced as about how they ought AI~PJ.., hac mg coug . ere is re1a.xa.tion o tie be influenced, not so much about how uvula. and a swelling of the tonsil11 ; and the of tt.o oases have been single, or coniined to to men's passions and prejudices may be utilworst of it is that it hangs a.bout one for members of 11o family; othors have comprised weeks, threatening many kinds of mischief, a laro;e portion of some picnic, or other ised for a momentary advantage to himselt or his party as about how they may be and ma.king the sufferer frightened and Un· party. easy Durinu the la.st summer there were several hindered from doing a prmanent harm. Be N. t t · · th t prominent instances,-in New Jersey a l11orue trains himself to discern evils in their causes ow we mus no imagm'l a we are I fif that he may forewarn if he cannot prevent, goino; to cure this trouble by medicine or party ; in Charleston, ll. 1 a p11orty of l ty ; and that he may not be ta.ken unawares by local applications a.lone. Though there be in Michigan over one hundred and forty. In no disturbance of the genera.I health atta.ch- 1883, in Joliet, Ill., two hundred were thus the long bill of consequences they are sure Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the · d a t 11o p1cmc. · · I n a 11 cases th e symp· to bring in, and always at the Jee.st conveni · ed to it, it is con11titutiona.l nevertheless. The po1sone ent moment. He seeks and finds in the real cure for it is not to be found in bed nor toms have been essentially the same-burnLIVER, STOJYIA.CH, .KIDNEYS A.ND BOWELS. o.t the fireside. Change of air or olimo.te ing, colicky pains, vomiting, purging, and moral world the weather signs of the actual world. He strives to see and know things They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, a.nil Id d d b t ·· great prostration. N . o instance, we believe, wou o goo , ut everyone c11on no get i.. as they really are and aa they 11ore related to Exercise rnuch be ta.ken, and goud, easily- ha.a had a fatal termination. '.!.' he symptoms ea.ch other, as they really are and thorefo1e 11re invaluable In all Oompla.lnt" lnoidental to Females of all .Agea. Fo1 digested food. Iron in some form should resemble those from arsenic, but no metallic Children and the 3ged they are priceless. ' always must be, his vision undeflected t.y 11olso be taken if the gums and face be pale. poison has been detected by any chemist. Th · f d' I ts h b the cross light of transitory circumsta.ncu, The dialyzed iron of the shops, or simply e attention o me 1ca exper as een, his judgment ·undieturbed by the clamor of OINTME ~NT' the tincture of iron, his excellent. The li.t- of course, drawn to the matter. Prof. Ba.rt· Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds Sor ter is apt to bind, 80 some C11osce.ra extract ley, chemist of the Brooklyn Board of excited 11ond ch11ongefnl opinion. H Ith h t d th th · _.. and lJlcere. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For diaordere of tJ,o should be ta.ken now and then. Wine is reea · as sugges e at e poison may commended by some, but I take Ie11ove to be due to the use of a poor gude of gelatine, -Chest it haa no equal.d bt ·t8 ffi ..... lk · · 1 bl d and its subsequent rapid decomposition. Sta.lliona Whipped by a Jack. ou i e cacy. J.l.ll is mva. uii. e, an For So1·e Throats, Rron~hitls, Coughs, Colds, change in diet should be constant. Other distinguished experts admit that this A wild at11ollion iears no beast except the The best local applica.tions a.re 11o mixture may be the cause. grizzly, and will not 11olways fl.inch from !lJl Gllf.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival· and · " t nre of · Dr.dMorrow, inclined 'th i 't ; yet it · of g 1ycarme and t me iron, t wo parUI d of :New York., is d. fl to encount er wi is a curi'o us f~ot " contracted and stiff joints It acts like a charm. ' of .the former to o?-e .of the latter, painted regar it as ue to the va.nilla use m a.vor- tha.t a Jack will almost 11olw11oys kill one in a , quite all over the mside of the throat and ing it . He aay3 that VDJ.1illa has long been fair fight. The particulars of a. fiuht of tbie elongated uvula. thrice a day t>y mea.ns of a recognized in Europe as e. prolific source of kind were related to me by 11o cattle m11on Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, · brush ; or tannate of gly~erine · i ' ce· cream po1 ' 8 om'n g· a.nd quotes authori"ti"es who was enge.ge d m · h r Ingmg · camel_·a hair ont blood ed 18, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late ~33, OXFORD STREET), LONDON used m the same way and the last thing at to sustain this view of the in11otter. atock from the East. Among the imime.ls night In the Michigan case, in which one hnn- under his ch..rge were two great stallions, A.nd are sold at ls. lid., 2!1. 9d., 4e. 6d,, lle., 22a., and 331!, ~ach Box or Pot, zi 11 lf the cough is ery bad someth' g 0 . dred and forty were poisoned, some of the one gray and one black, 11.nd a fine i'ackass, . . . v _ · Ill m re p t V may be had from a.II Medicine Vendot·~ throughout the World. serious m ight be brewing, therefore you had cream was sent for a.ni.lysis to ro · ang- not much over half the size of either of the allrP·reb"~"r· bould a.,.,i. "' thfl l.sbeJ on t.h.e Pot~ aud 16oxe.. 1r t~ better consult a physician. han, of the Michigan State University. The former. The animals were kept in sep!m?.te '1ii n r-:c!{. a¥ fftrd l.o\i:rir:~t. IAQ)lf(un.. tlhey >LP4' ~11&nrl tU1 4!,. I mention neuralgia. only to remind the vanilla, alsu, whwh remaine-i in the bottle, pens but one day both hones got into the . . t t h' ' · NB&mwww.·· +&· !'rtrr rea.der that this IS also as often ns not a con- wa~ sen im. · . · · aamEl incloHUI'e, next to thEl Jack-pen, and stitutiona.l complaint. It is easily brought Now, the que.ntiby of va.mlla m the rne- began to fight as only enraged ste.lliona cau, THIS SILVER-PLATED on- face ache I mean- in those whose teeth j cream eaten by nay one person would be striking like boxers with their fore feet and INSTRUMFNr . is . o. pity . minute. and his I b' · · h t heir · teeth . 'I'!le gray wa~ . are b a.d , o.nd it that so 1 1ttle care very . · bnt Prof· Vauahe.n . ,., ttmg wit 0 is tnken to conserve the teeth in this a.sso_c1a1;e swallow.eel each thirty drops of ~he getting the beat of it, but while clinched Icountry. I do not refer entirely to the vamlla extra.ct with no harm; after which with his antagonist in one tussel they rolled c. " dentist's 11ort in conserva.tion · thin is very the latter took t.wo teaspoonfuls more with against the J'a.ck-nen breaking it in No CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE · ·b d It Th' · :ffi - t t ' ·" ' ' · e:ood, bnt those persons whose teeth a.re Io a_ res? · is i! su. Cien prove sooner was the Jack at liberty th11on, with The only catarrh remedy eve1· offered t o tbe public on 15 days trial; constitutionally prone to decay, should be tha.t, m this case,_ the v11omlla. wa.s n ot the e11ors la.id back and mouth wide open, he a._~ntten guarantee given with ea.ch instrument, W. 'J'. BA.ER & Co. loo Q11een Street West, 'l'oronto, Ont. ' more thii.n ordinarily careful to live by rule source of the pomon. Nor did the cream made stra.ioht for the two horses, who bad . . .· t · l t· I · "' Beware of the ex1stmg causes of neuralgia con am 11ony g~ a me, or any m~nera po.ison. for the moment ae}larated. The gray turned -such 11os expoaure to high winds, sitiing in . He "'.as sa.t1sfied that th~ poison w11os ide?-- to meet him rearing on his hind legs and draughts and cold or damp feet Take t1cal with one be had prev1onaly detected In striking at him wiihhia fore feet. but the jack . · . b a.d 0 h eese, and t h h h a d. f:iven the slipped · · · a mmute · ' grasped his · time by 'the forelock as rega.rds hollowmg . o w h' IC ·e m, 1md Ill teeth. I say "hollowing" 11odvisedly; for name of tyroto~won. . It is a ~1ving germ ama.gonist by the th1011~ with his wide open c THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER most people wait till the tooth is 11o positive tha.t .developes lD .milk, and ki?drcd su~ - 1 . jaws and then h eld on like a bulldog, all 8 Actina is not a m ~dicine or a digusling lotion or powder ball but a Self-generashell before thinking of a visit to the den- eta.noes from unsn.mtary surroun,~mgs. .Thi~ tour feet planted stiffly in the soil. The ~nd pleas. a ntly applied at all hours'. times and places. ting y apor, easily tist. H.emember you can not lose a. better gern; may be !he sourc;e of the ptomams, stallion made tremendous efforts to shake Achna.No. 2.-Qmckly i·eheves anu thornughly cures all Throat ancl friend than a tooth Without good sound or virulent poIBons which are n ow known to him off· he would try to whirl round and Lung d1·oases. · ' b d · h l f · l ' Actina ~o. 3 ..- rositively cttres all diseases of the Eye, Cataract Gran t~e.th, good, sound digestion is an impossi . e genera~': lD t e ear Y stage o amm11o kick him, but for th_at the ja~k was. too The Greatest Discovery of ~~;~~v/i';Y~~i~i ;i~~°t,~d Eyes, nea.r and fa,r sightedness THE EYlll bihty. dec?mpos1t1on. . . ehort; then he would rise up, lift10v the JS.Ok the Age. Biliousness is e. very common Spring comSmee the occurrence itha.s bean ascert11omed off the ground and a trike at him with his THE Ao~·rNA IS SOLD UNDER oun .WRITTE~ GUARANTEE ON 15 DA~' plaint It is brought a.bout as often as not that the ice-cream was frozen in a. building, fore feeu · but I all that he gained by this '.f'RIAL. Enclose st"';nP to.,r h andsomely illust1·ated book and health Price · - $3. Jouxual. W, T. BAHR & C0., 155~n.een S$re"t West, Toronto, Ont by ov~r·eating a.nd insufficient action of the ~he hygienic condition of which was exceed· was to skin his foe's front legs without makskin. It may be scared away for a. time by mgly ba.d. . · ing him lo!e hia hold. Twice they fell 1md --------------------======-:-:=·~------takina a. blue pill a.t night a.nd a dose of '.!.'he Medtcal Record, refernng to Pref. twice the stallion rose, by main strength I" O N-r Frnde';.ickshall water in the morning but it Vaughan's discovery, says : " It may dr11ogging the l. a.ck with him· but all in vain. p,g - 1~q 'llf~ Cl . · . - .' . t f · b f h · t t· I · t b ' k b ·h } " :~ll'll I ., is sure to return. You see it is like tlus: accou~ or. muc o ~ e 1D es m11 ms ur . Mea.nwhile the ble.ck h:>rse attac ed ot ~~ . ·~·~u ol'ou~:s.'s?i1;.l~HsN £ !01t C~n;.~ if the skin, which is by far a.nd away the n.nce~ m childre~ durmg the wa~m wea.thor, the oomba.te.ntA with perfect impartiality, '· U~sl"~ ll most important emunctory connected with n?~ably choler11 mfantum and kmdred COD· striking and kiokin.g them wi1lh his hoofs, our "forms divine," does not act well, ex · ,r11o d1t10ns." while his teeth as they slipped off the tough . WHooPrno couaH work is thrown on liver and kidneys, and bides met with a sna/li like that of a. ber.r ··1 · OnouP, INL'LU>:NM . k Id h .I · 'It. I1 · D1FFrot:LT DnEATlllN<> The Sl'lver Wadding the former at all events ia sure to become " · trap. Undoubtedly t e JaO wou ave 1 '- ·Jth. a.ndall Throat ..nt!Lnng inactive or engorged. Plenty of exercise In the morning the Queen, accompani"d killed at le11o11t one of the horses bv,d not the J.,1 1 . IM, Pleasa~~t'J'~~':,t~.child1 is the wisest remedy, but the digestion by Princess Beatrice and the Duchess of Al- men come up ri.nd with no small difficulty ~ . . ren are fond of it. must be Ileen to. Are we to take bitters ba.ny, dron in an open l!!ondau, drawn by sepa.rated the maddened bruteo.-Century. ~ Instant relief from fl.rst F.REE]'IA:N1S to give us an appetite? Carta.inly not; fourba.ys,fromBuckinghamP!lolacetaMarl· ,. - · · . , --dose ;heals andcures POWDERS~ better lower the diet, or go wit hout for a borough House, to offer her congratulations Prepa~~~e.~~i~1fic:tllY d11oy, The flesh· brush or a. rough towel to the Prince 1md Princess. Similar visits Using his Heels. · - -- - ·from the Pure Pine Tar. Art; pl<nennt to tulro. Couta!n thc;lr own after o. cold or tepid bath is an excellent were mMe by govera.1 Royal personage~, Some men are able to jokC in the midst of - ---M·--- - · ·- - ·-·· -- - -· - - - -- -- - /mgatiyc. I:i a ~ate, suro, &nU effectu.al preventative of liver troubles, and create~ peers, ambassadors and statesmen. Tne1r the most fearful circumstimoes and unless licotro,1llr ot wa.r.1.11B m Cliildron ar .Adal~ almost an immunity from colds. Exer- Royal Highnesa~s were busily engaged dur· their nonsense is in bad ta.ate ' it is'not illcise is only good when kept up regularly ing moat of the daY: receiving presents .and timed, but, 00 the contrary,' is generally It never wae intendcd, so far as I can lco.rn. That either mlln 01· women were tntende<l to for weeks. addresses. The Pnncess, a.t thesereoeptions welcomed by . those who need "heartening be bald. w~re a. crea~·c ol?red ~reas, her de.ught.ers ~ up." Colonel B ell, a.n En17li11h soldier, tells I think you believe me, indeed I'm sure No Sugar on Oatmeal. be~g also attire.d in ~prmg colors, mournmg : the following story of an incident which, you will, If at the "P,ni~ Hair " "orks" you have called, " Be c!l.reful how you eat oatmeal," said a hn.vmg been la.id aside for the day. The he says occurred during a battle of the 'l'here is one thing Natu1·a thinks of- let us doctor recently. IC Oatmeal is a. ve1·y healthy Prin~e and Princess a.nd thei~children !unch- , Peninsuia.r Wo.r. than!;: her for llli we mmfood if taken properly. No food is hc11olthy ed with th~ Que~n at Buc:kmgha.m I al~ce, I When the battle began, the surgeon of a She tnkes pal'ti0t1lae trouble with our race ; the gnent~ 1nolud~g the Km~ ?f the Bel1na.ns ·certain regiment was in his proper p}ace, ~t if improperly used." She k ne ws a sea.my growth or h air, the gr:<y a.nd the Urown l'rmoo and I :i~~ess of ~en1 the re>i.r of the men. He ha.d depniterl his "How should it be en.ten?" and whit.e.~ing locks, · Will detract frElm the be11uty or the face. "If oatmeal is ea.ten in excess of the mo.rk. In the afternoon the civic1dep~tat1on, instruments under a tree, and crept along in headed by the Lord Mayor, was received by the · r ear of the troops until he saw the men needs of the body for proper nutrition it overloads and taxes the system. It must not the Prince and Princess a.t Marlborou~h J beginning to fall. Then he ran back as fast But ~~~1t~c~~~ ~.';'.· laws so strict thlilt you For you'd f.urely pg,y the penalty rtt la.st, be e11oten partially cooked'. Flour, cornmeal, House, and p resented o.n address and 11o e1l- as he could to b1ing up his mule and appar· model of the Imperial Institute. The 11otue ' Busta.in 1t. tht>t bounteous head of hair rice a.nd other approved e.rticlP.s of whole- ver presents, mostly in silver, in keeping with D~ctors wore at that time cocked hats a.nd Dr. Dorenwend's Hair Mag ic's unsurpa.ssed. ·-.J.~-Y-some diet a.re not he11oltby it half cooked. If an excess of sugar or other sweets is used t~e annivers11ory, wer-: di~p!lloyed in ~he In- feathers, and were not to be easily distin. Just try it vou afflicted, you uover will rc!l'ret , d11w Saloon of the Princes to'!n re;nd<;nce, guiahed, at a distance, from the gener11ol The Mar:ic wa' neve yet known to fail ; it will disa.gree with m11ony people, c11ousing The Queen's pr.esent was a gu~antic silver s·-"" And I-ho good t ha r, it will d(l yon will make d!' lam tullyprepare<1 to attend Funero.lson indigestion. If ea~en' with e.n excess of · d """'· you soon forget As he went at full speed along one side of 'l'he expenditure a bottle will entu!l. the shortest notice, at the low.e st possible rates cream it will not be healthy for some per- flagon, the ~rince's gift to his wife consll!tc; 0Mkets u.nd Burial Cases ready on short notice of a.. tnvellm~-.clook and a ,large cross m) e. hedge, a gener11ol o:IE.cer with his aide·de. sons whose stoma.cha are too delicate to This now famons preparation for invig- Ftr3t-olass hearse on very moderate terme stand a rioh food. Oatmea.l is a. hea.lthy rubie~ and diamonds! and si},ver m~els c,~ C<J,mp, came galloping up the other w11oy. favon~ horses were g1veu by the childJ.:en IC There's e.n officer running a.way!" cried orating ond stimulating t he growth of the Shrouds and Coffins oonste.ntly on hand. Fun food when not used for overfeeding, when era.I cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop&; 1,nw RnomR- Bouna"ll'sNew Block. snfficiently cooked and when not used with ~ t~e1r Roya.I .parents. Then came a .tiara. ,the former. "Stop him! Hallo, sir, where hair ia universally accepted as the most 8· m silver and diamonds from Court ladies, a are you going?" valuable specific 0 11 the market. All an excess of cream or sweets. Oatmeal No answer. Both officers wheeled their diseases of the scalp at·e either r elieved or should be ea.ten without any sweets, using a. diamond ancl s11opphire necklace .from the permanently cured . A ri ch and mp id little milk or cream, a little butter, and Emperor , and Empress ?i Russia., va.ses 1 horses. fr?m t~e EmReror Frederwk and Emprea.e "ctop, sir !" cried the superior one. growth of hair will follow a ft e r j ndicio us seasoned with salt as the Scotch do. " BRE AD made of this Yeast V1ctona oi. Germa.ny, a golden punch-bowl "Give an account of yourself, 0.11.d your and reg ular treatment. H remains with took i 32 First Prizes ut Ontario F u.11 Show s in 1887. froI?- the Kmg and Queen of Denmark, and name." , . I the user alone t11 secure the desired Over 10,000 la.dies h ave written a silver model of an old man of-war from "No no !" shouted the doctor "Im off 1 I It D D d' "E · M · " lnplantation of Teeth. to say tha t it s urpasses any ycnst the ex Empress Eugenie The Queen's ' f fi h · f d. " resu ·8 · · r. or en Wf!ll , 8 au· agtc ever u sed hy the_m. is sold by all drugaists at $1 p er bottle, From a p11oper on this subject read by D1·. househoid presented silver ~rns the Prince's ' seeTnhplenffity o g trnfg .or one day. h d I t makes the l ightest, v·hitcst, o cer was unous, an pus e on · b tl f ~:: If 1 · bl Abbott, of New York, before the New York servo.uts and tenants gave silver tankards . f~ e th swccte$t bre:ul, 1·0 1ls, buns and f "t' th ti'ff fence st'1ll beor six o t ea or ..,1>, not o Jtama -e . resident. . a m . I a ,;er e ugi ive, , e s ,. 1 1· t d d. t t h 1 b uckwhc<:t pa.nc::i.kes. . Academy of Medicine, and printed in the and a post-horn; .the DanlBh . tween them. m your ocd t y sen . ire? .o t e so e B aker s 111 n e-.ad y every town in Medical Reeord, we gii.ther the following Engl11.nd. giving a silver candelabra, a silver "Give yonr name, sir!" manufacturer, en.c losing price. A. DORNCanada a r e using it. fact~. Teeth, which had long been out of fox coming from the members of the Nor"Oh never mind my name. everybody WEND, Par;s Hair Works, 103 and 105' !l.!,l!!~~~!!l PRICE FIVE CENTS. the mouth, h11ove been inserted into artificial folk Hunt. Other presents, including silv· knows 'me. Look out for you;self. Your Yonge St., Toronto. ·- - -- - -- -·- - - - - - · F0r sale by J. sockets made in the jaw, and have become, drinking cups, bowls and lamps, showered life's not worth 11o penny I Go to the front Higginrol'ham & Son and all <lru·mists. 0 to all appea.re.nce, good, healthy and eervice- in on t~e royal pa.ir: The G;)ueen dined with and be killed, if you like. Everybodys - - - -- - - ' " able teeth. ontinues to do a General Banking Business the Prmoe and .Prmccss ~f \V11oles at M~rl- being killed there but me!" speaking over Into the socket from which a decayed boroufh House m the ev:enrng; Her Mn.Jee- his shoulder a.nd running like the wind. sHc wrnnnville Branch. tooth has been extracted a sound tooth, tak. ty arrived at ha.If p!!ost eight o clo~k! o.nd the On he went until he reached his apparatJJHE. POSI '.K'S en from another ja.w,!has been inserted, and, be.i:quet took place m che dm~ngroo.m, us, which he proceeded to load upon the IN CANADA, :teootved in Savings Bank Depart.ment a n d being held info.- a. time with lige.tnres, has w~10h was decorated l'~r ~he occ;as10n. with mule and ordered his assistant to move with I O V E R 1u.ll .a nd i.nterest allowed at current ratee. No 100 STYLES united fully with the tissues of the socket. cmnson ~nd uold and bnlhantly illun;ima~d it to the front. Then he dashed blloCk in i 1o~lce of -withdre. wal necessary. ..1.\.ll de1Joalt11 This has occasionally been done for two by electric lamps. There was a. lav1Bh dis- ,the direotion from which he had come and payable on demand, HAY SCA LES, centuries, and possibly much longer . Am- piay of silver pla.1e, a massive silver cen1tre· the office.r s rea.lized that they had been's old. GRAIN SCA LES, .l~XC!:i&.N"GE broise Pare says in hie work, published in piece being filled with ch~ice exotics, The 1 I 1561: 3ougJ:tt.and sold andDral.'tsissned uponl~ urope Qneen left Marlborough House shortly be' FARM SCALES~ "I have heard, it represented by a credi- fore eleven o'clock, and drove .a.long Re_gen~ J Jnited Stv.tes a.nd Canada , als0 Gold,Silver 111n4 Doiug His Own Work. TEA SCALES, J n iteu States Gr eenbacks bous.?.ht and sold, ble person that he saw a lady of the ·prime street. and. Oxf?rd ~treet to v10w the silve1, cc Yt>s,"he said," I'm tired. I've spent 1 nobility who, instead of a rotted tooth she ~·®I.ii.: rB~Ji~.!l~~R¥m illi:m1natrnns, on her way t o Pad- jthe whole d ay pra.ctising ou ,.. ty~e-writer . IMPROVED SHOW CASES drew,-made a sound tooth-drawn from one w.eddmg d~ngton station . . It ~a~ close upon ~we!ve ma.chine, ll.nd it's ha.rd work." / of her waiting-ma.ids at the same time- to o clock ~hen her }·1~Jes1y~ after a fatigurng Pt·om1itly me.de at curl'Cnt r ates u p on all par cc I thought you ell!ployed a type· wl'itm· ?" , MONEY ~r Qi:eat Brittain, the United States an d Do be substituted e.:qd insert.ed ; which tooth, cc Yes, but I marrie(\ her." DRAWERS . , min ion of Ci:.ns.da. in process of time, as it were, tiLking root, day, arrived at Wmasor Castle. jl'rew so firm as that she could chaw upon it I 1..' eJ.e graph Transf'ers She Knew £ nough of Married Life. 1 as w ell as upon any of the r est." :.Vl:a.de for lar ge or ame.11 sums on all parts of The great Hunter recommends replanting , Cv.nada. 'l'his is especially :tdvantageoue to Ethel-. BUTCHERS' a tooth when extr11octed by mi.stake, or to par sons living In M11nitob11 or t 110 North ·wes~ Harriet: Oh my, yes! We stayed there ; SUPPLIES knocked eui; by accident. A tooth insert ed are still unweddEJd." !l.S it makes the fUX1ds a.v~ile.ble a t onoe a.t the "\Yell," fro.nkly responded the fair one, two months. I ADDRESS rn FULL, Write for terms, \)laoe of p~ymant. by him into the 0010,b of a cock fully grew E.thel: What do you think of the lazza· ) C. WILSON & SON to the comb. In mure modern times t eeth cc as a. single woman I know s o much o~ For furthet' partioula.ra oall at the Bankin 1 flauao. h ave been extracted to favor difficult opern- m arried life tha.t it's b a.rdly worth the trou;J roni ? ble." Haniet: Ob, its awful. I tried some the ESPLANADE: STREET EAST T. RODIE, tions,-as in a.bscesses,-and subsequently GEO. :McGILL, AccouDtu.nt, He was last seen still ponderinf over the -first night I wo.a there,. but it doesn't suit \ TORONTO, ONT.· Manager replanted. ·Iv I my taete at all. · 1 MeDlilln this paper every time you write. Three or four years a.go Dr. Younger at. problem, HEALTH. I tempt<- 'or the first time, t-0 insert teeth into ar ··.;oial sockets made for the purpose in the jawbone. Since then he has done i t forty or fifty times, In the majority of cases with marked success. Whether a union takes l'io.ce between the periosteum of the tooth I ull the tissues of the bone is not certain t.hcM who have undergone the operation ~ui; being di3poeed to have the tooth again exi,ri.cted to determine the question. A 1111st mortem, of com ~e, would settle it; bu Ii the implanted tooth seems to be as firmly fixed as the others. Dt. Tonner, who had bad two teeth im· planted Eix months before, was present at the meeting of the medical society when these facts were recited. The inserted teeth had been extracted from the jaws of their owners eight years before. .The teeth were ·seen to be firmly set, and they gave no inconvenience. In answer to an a.ssertion by o. French doctor tha.t such teeth would dissolve in two years, Dr. Tonner said that he would prefer to have the opera.ti.on repeu.ted every two yea.rs to wearing o. plate. The True Statesman. Infants I ChHdren. I± Tjj H . FOR .A.LL! TT:-:IE PIT..JLS - __ - THE ° I .. ° I ORlERTAL AG I A -- ' ll[GlECT I ol M'· j I I I . . . eQRDJAh WORM ANOTHER WONDER. '"ill UNDERTAKIN·C LEVI MORRIS. 0 I I I I BREADMAKER'S YEAST. , I I THE ONTARIO BANK -- l THE LARGEST SCALE WORKS j I I I I ) ]' ·~~dla.~i";:fi~;~e ,i,n;i;~:~~! :~~~n;:~ Di~~:~tg~~:e ~:~YI:. l Meat Chop:;~s 91 ! t :r: K j ' ti pr }ll ~(