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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1888, p. 3

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HOUSEHOLD. Duy Wor11 <tnd wc<t1y, soedy r.nd ead, an editor sat bim CATARRH.-A new treatment has been dis down, Bed Clothing and Bed Making. 'Mid work and 1ubb1sh, paper and dust, with many a > OV(lrcd whereby a permanent cure of this A thorough housekeeper sees to it always When Emperor Dom Pedro returna from wunkled frowa 1!tberto incurable disease, is absolutely atreotWEDNESDAY, MAY 16. 1888 that her beds are in a clean and heal1hy Europe to h!a own country, as he is expect- He su:hed when he thought of his P"P" bills, his ·d In from one to three applic0t1011s. no matter l'l'heth er standing one year or forty yearn. 'l'his condition, but they a te no'" ed to do in a month, he wtll probably fi.ncl And groaned rent, and boa.rd, and -y;ood, " alwa.ys a " thi·ng whdn the copy fiend yelled cut, as he emedy is only applied once m twelve days, of beauty" by any mGans. It matters not anoi;her great move in progress toward the the1e rn tho doorway ·tcocl. md does not interrere with busmess, Descrrphow handsome the appointments of the abolition of sla\ ery. I t is evident from the pamphlet sen t free on rec01pt or stamp by do people fancy," he said, "a.n ed1to1 hve ;1..,e room, how eoft and luxurious the carpet, how news received from Brazil that the emii.nci- "Wllat !.. H. Dixon & Son, 305 Krng street, W cs· upon 1 l':>ronto, Canada. pation policy gains in momentum every day, Air and wate1, glory uud deLL, hll hrn toilsome hie 1s fine and white the linen, if the bed is poorly WlIA'l' IS CATARRH! loGsely made it gi"es to the whole i<part· so that the period originally spoken of as done 1 Catarrh is a dangerous whu;h thous ment .i.n untidy look that no amount of elethe one when the complete overthrow of I'll stop their paper~, every one, till th en honest debts ~uds are consc10usly or unconsc10uslysuft'erms: they p.iy, from. It is a. muco·purulent discharge cti.used gauce can u.tone for. Now we are u.11 of us bondago might fairly be counted upon, ia al- And mark their oames off the malhn'I" book !01 ever by the presence of a. vegetable parasite rn tho fo.miliar with this bed, with ita ccntrtl r eady confidently set nearer by several and for aye 1 llaing membrane of the nose. 'l'he pred1spo'1sunken, its corners protruding " beyond the years. tng c11uses are a morbid state of the blood, the copy, double lead, and ma1k with apenc1 9hghted corpuscle of tubercle, Lhe germ poison J genoni.l smface, the clothing so loosely Now the new Cabinet formed lust month, "Taketh1s blue, i I /-\ thrown on and tucked under that it gives although hy 110 means a radical one as a And send to all who are m arrears, horn ten years ')( eyph1lls, mercury, toxom<ll, from the ret ention or the effete matter of the skin, suppressed to t he countexpane a wrinkled, soiled ap· whole, is believed to distinc tly favor the clown to l\I o." perspirations, badly vent1lMed sleeping apart· pe& ranee. policy of even settin~ a precise day for final And then to the copy hungry boy he haaded a pencill- ments and the germma.tlon of other poisons rn ed scrawl ln good becl making one of the first rec1ui m11numission. The operation of the existing 0 1 hie1oglyphrns, ~he blood. Irri tated by these. the !ming memstrn~glmg, wlld, all tacgled, ancl tirane of the nose is ever ready for the recep~ siteH is a perfect adaptation of ma.ttrnss i.nd laws on this subject would not permit such lean and tall. lion of the, which rapidly spreads!up springs to the bedstead. Next, a well S V L a fixing of the exact date, smce they give an nostrils and down the fauces, or back of made mattress, whether it be ha.·r, wool, 'l'EWED EAL.- ay 11 knuckle of veal in indefinite margi11 of time within which own- When sc<trce a fo1tmgi;t bad dragged it· length of 1he the throat, causinQ! ulcerat ion of the throat; up k a saucepan wi~h two blades of mace, an houia a\\ ay , moss Oi' excelsiot·, and over this a " puff" onion, a small whole pepper and some salt, ers may ta· e the benefit of its provisions. There tired~out c;,me to the heart of the editor a gladsome JOY \he eustach1an tubes, oausmg deafness; bu.:. rowmg in the vocal cords, causing ' hoarseness; one day · or m11ttress cover made of thm unbleached with two quartB of water ; cover it close and But there is a growmg feeling that since the proper structure of the bronchial 'Twn.9 only " letter from Cordon's Mill, in a hand both 11surpmg cotton cloth that can be b1Juglit for five cents let it simmer for two hours. slavery must go, the sooner it goes th6 bet cubes ending m pulmonary consumption a.nd weak aud old, a yard, containing three bats of cotton, tied ter. This has t11ken shapa during the last But out of it fell n treasured com, of sohd, beautiful ieath. with tidy cotton. Have the "puffs" large MOLASl:lU CAKE.-One cup molasses, one year iu the conviction tha.t the beat way to Many ingenious speifics for for the cure or gold 1 oa.tarrh have been mvented. hut without sue· enoui::h to tuck under the aides of the mat cup br1,wn sugar, one cup of cold water. end the matter is to declare positively by cesa, until a physician of long standmg discovtress, to avoid curling up under the sheet. Boil together, then add a cup of bntter and legislation that after a prescribed date slave- The letter claimed Ins rnterest then, and so he slowly ered the exact nature of th d1seaee ti.nd the read To young housekeepers I should like to set aside to cool ; flour as thick as a pound ry shall not exist. This will put the instiappliance which will permanently destroy but simple and honest words, and this only the Parasite, no matter how aggravated the make some suggestions regarding bed cloth· cake, add four well-heated eggs, one pound tut1on out of its prolonged agony, aud while The scr.>wled, is what they said · PUREST, ST~ONCt!ST, BEST, iag. Buy good he»vy double sheeting, each of raisins and curro.nts ~one half pound at first sight itma.y seem t o work &n injua- " Dear editor : I read the Imes you marked and sent oase. Sufferers should send stamp u.t onoe Cor descriptive pamphlet on catar rh, to the to me, CONTAINS NO bleached or unbleached as preferred, and if citron. £ two hout·s. tice that the plan of compensn.ted emanc1pabusiness mana~ers. A, H, Dixon & Son, 305 .ALUM, AMMON IA LI ME, PHOSPHATES, for anordin11rv sized bed, nine quarters wide. BEEF LOAF -Two pounds of raw lean tion sought to avoid, yet it has some maai- So I sencl this piece of gold and ask if you will ogree King street, west, Toronto, Canada. To send my paper rtght along and tc r<1"et the debt I What the Rev. E. B. Stevenson,B.A.,a Clergy or any an1ur1oua materials. Cut your sheetll two and a half yards long beaf, one cnp of rolled crackers, half tea· fest 11dvantages. It will close up promptly owed. man of the London Conference of the Met ho E W GILLETT Tono~ro, ONT. and thia will allow for a hem three inches u.t spoonful of, two eggs; chop all together, a subJect which now weighs upon and con- For I've took your r,aper for twenty year, and so far dist Church of Canada, has to say in regard as e'er I know d, CHICAGO, ILL. the top aud an inch and a half at the bottom. form mto a long loaf, cover the top with trola the entire financial and agricultural · · · ' 7'o A.H. Dixon&: Son'a New Treatment for I never O\\ ed no man a cent tlll about four yetLr ago, Man'f'r ofthG CELEBllATEDllOYAL YEASTCAXES. If you can afford it buy a pair of Californfa small pieces of butter and bake one hour. system of the empire, and must continue to When my po or \I tie died, and the trops was baEI, and Oata1·rh, blankets, for when soiled tt.ey can be wash· do so until an end is made of it. Next, thti the fever Ja1d me lo\I. Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 to $8 o. day. Samples and duty FREE ~d and made to look nef!.rly as good as new, TAPIOCA PUDDING.-Take six tablespoon- sett ing of a day will bring down the price of Messrs. A, H. Dixon &: Son".LiReB not under the horse's feet, Write but 1f they are too expensive a luxury, fuls of tapioca and soak it in milk for some slaves for emancipation by private and local "And times harn't never been the same to httle Liz DEAR Sins,-Yours of the 'i3th Inst. to hand. BREWSTER'S SAFETY REIN HOLDER cheese cloth comforts will answer nicely, as hours before you intend to use it ; when you, and in some places create u. sort It seemed almost too good to be true that I am ~ndmeCo.· Roll, Mich. are all that's left behind- and si11ce my eJeS cured of Catarrh, but I know that I am. I they are warm, soft and light, and these are going to make your pudding put the of stampede. A feeling of patrio,ic pride is For we have had no return of the, and never can't see, qualities are by no means to be despised in tapioca in~o a quu.rt of milk, place it 011 the also involved in making a great and conspi· She always reads the paper, and it's been our on'y relt better m my life. I have tried so many MEACHAM'~ ch<:!er, things for Catarrh, suffered so much and tor bed clothing. It pays to buy t h e beat qua!- fire and, as soon as it boils, sweeten it to cuous effort for liberation, instead of a slow ity of cheese cloth either in white or colored, your taste and let it simmer for a quarter of dribbling a.way of the institution. Finally, And brought us 1>11 the news and fun we've lmd for so many years, that it is hard to realize that I am really better. man) a ~ear. which can be bought for eight cents a yard. an hour. Pour it into a basin and stir in a there ia incessant ha.mmering by the origiI consider that mine was a very bad ease; it old and feeble, now, and down With the was aggravated and chron1c,1invclving the If y are languid 11nu weak, and your appe· Twelve yards and a quarter is the right little fresh butter and three eggs well beaten. nal aboltiuists, who hold that an institution "1'111 gettm' rheumat ·z hroat as well ras the nasal passages. and I quantity to get for a large comfort, or ten Bake one-ha.If hour. discredited and condemued the world Clver 1te ooor e's the ~a per left to me : JUSt that and little ~hought it would require the three "treatments. My Beet, Iron and Wine is tho tome. be sure. yards for an ordinary sized one I think should not last u. day longer than necessary. And tbe1 Liz. but I feel fully cured hy the two sent me, and As an mvJgoratmg tome it ia r ecogmsed by however, !he large ones are much more deTook Pleasure m Torture. One of the membera of the new Cabinet, V{e couJdr.1.' t bC'at to loee it n ow, it 's l)ecn \\: th us so I am thankful th11t I was ever mduced to seue. the Medical profeSR1on as the best st remnllen· aira.ble for a double bed. long, lo you. Prado, is a specfal friend of this proi ecb, ing med1ome thnsfar produced It is mvalua You are at liberty to use this letter st ating For a real winter comfort, large size, use " The queerest fellow I ever have taken and sought to have last year's Mimstry Till its very name is mue1c, hke an old tune liappy ble as a blo'ld and IDnscle maker, especially song. that I have be6n cured at two treatments. and in tho~e cases where weakness is the res nlt of four or five bats of good cotton which costs across the mountains," s!>id the Russian adopt it . He also, on his own estates, took I shall gladly recommend your remedy to SOP' imperfect or insufficient food. or wastrn~ from fifteen to eighteen cents a pound. Cut captam, " was a. young stanovoi (commissary a prominent part in that great manumission twenty dollar piece of go!d will pay for all I at my friends who are sutl'erers. fevers or excesses of any sort. It con the a pa.steboard four inches square, for a. mark- of police) named Popoff. 'l'here wus nothing movement which was so conspicuous last "Thisowe, Yours, with many thanks. nutriment or Boof, the stimulant properties of And what ls ever and above iust keep, and let it go REv.E, B. STEVENSON Wme and the tome powers of Iron, and 1s ad· er, and at each point of the ~quare dot with peculiar about his e.ppearance ; he looked Christmas in the province of San Paulo. Towiud paying for the paper till a lw gbte1, better And hundreds of others a lead pencil indicating where to tie. This much like many other sta.novois, but in his This, it must be noted, is one of the strong· mirably calculated. to build up thA emamated day· Eystem. Sold in Bowmanv1lle by II1gginboth· will insure exactness. Tie at these pl..ces black eyea there was a fire that you can only hold<i of slaverys, like Miuas Geroea and Rio. And seDd to Liz, she'll need it then, when I nm coiled ii.mDros. with tidy cotton and tuft with Gemautowu ~etect '!1 the eyes of a hungry wolf. Think- The province of Ceara will always have the away." yarn or zephyr. For a large comfort four rng of him, I often wor1dere.d ~hat strange honor of being the first to abolish slavery, tbo.nkful the editor was, as he knew that ounces of zophr. will be the amount required. charac~ers our mother R11ssia is capable of by its own efforts. The law of 1871, which Glad and there w as one A pretty fimsh is a crocheted edge or a. large producmg. Popoff was sentenced to depor- declared free the children of slave mothers Who loved and could appremate the "otk that he had d one. scallop drawn off with a small teacup and ta.tion; had I been his judge I would have born after that du.te formed the basis of the Gentlemen'sClothes Made to Order. that life was not In vain, and smiled through button holed with t~e same with which it had him flogg.ed t~ death. You f~UO\ys 1 modern abolition :Oovement. Two Ile lelt happy tears ; has b.een tufted. Pn~k and blue make up know _that floggmg is common thmg later th~ opponents of slavery attacked it in A nrl then on the mall m g book he wrote : "Paid up ft r twer1ty years " I prettily, but scarlet l8 more durable than the villages and towns of m other Russia. the parish of Ceara which they ma.Cle free. any other color. Before making up your The pe11sant is flogged when una.ble to pay Then they went on to another and another red goods, dip it in hot salt water, dry aud his taxes ; he is flogged if hecesaes to worship until, on the 25th of March 1884 the last .A. HOME IN IND!!· iron .and it will look as new as before the ~is icons a~d - pnest and joins some sect ;he l parish was redeemed, and 'cear~ was enAnd with its advent Your attention is directed to the immense ~ettmg. Unles~ this precaution is takei:;., is flogged m so?1e parts. of our beloved conn- franchised. B11t this was a grazingprovince; stock of it rubs off, making no end of trouble for it try, !or refusmg to give up Roman the number of slaves in 1873 wa.s only A. Vlblt to 8 Famly 01 Dindus- lnteJUgenoo is hke unto "Aunt .Je1;mma.'s Plaster,." olic.ism, for instance,, an~ jom our only ~oul- 33,000, and it h11.<l taken eleven years to free or the Native Children. "~he more you try to rub it oft', the more 1t s1 w1ng Greek Cathoho Church. Certamly, them, Gevernment funds being added to sticks the faster." you know that ver:;:· well yourself, no need l private resource~. Rio had half a million of A mud 1iaved couru, open to the skvWhite comforts are apt to soil at the top wasting words. But you don't know of any slaves and San P<l.ulo rnore than 200 000 thatglorious sun-illumed sky of India., that of every d escription a.t b as opened out a fine new stock where they come in contact with the face, cases where flogging has been practised l the latter outnumbering the whites by' fou; giyes poetry to everything; but enclosed p~rtic11lu.rly !f the spread is taken off a.t as u.n art. and amusement. .Popoff did .it. to one. And yet, so enormous has been the walls and surr oundi:d . by. u. sort of -ofmght, and thlll should always be done. To He was gifted by nature with a. peculiar emaucipation started last autumn iu San arcade or veranda~. Withm it three or remedy this, t ake a width of cheese cloth ferocity, and he took lively pleasure in Pan1o by prominent families like the Prado I four women-wea.nng the loose trousers of She has just opened out one of the largeet L~~es, making it as long as the cJmfort is wide, such scen~s, ·Ivan, the Ten ible, 11lso used and the Ferraira, that it is ~aid that more t~e Mussu!man women, and oolored s11!es and most stylish stocks ever brought sew up the ends, ~nd ~lip over yourco~fort to feel a twklmg so!t of pleasure when men tho,n a fourth of the former slaves in this hke the Hmdus- and several .young guls. to t~wn, consisting of :J or blanket, makmg it secure by bastmg it and women were bemg tortured and cut to coffee-producing province are alrea.dy freed· They _were not han~some, bemgraoher of on, or by m eans of little shield pins, which pieces hia eyes. The wretch used to men. Some families liberated more than a the th1ck-lrpped.Nub1an type; but several of 1'1illinery, Dress Silks and a lovely stock of will come so far from the face, as not to in- revel in such exer cises. Men and women, thousand at once; w hole counties freed them- them, a?d esp~cially the el<ler wo.mau,. who Velvets, &c., convenience the sleeper. Have two for each old and young, strong and weak, all ha? to selves. In the provillce of Rio de Janeiro teaches in the .little scho?l ,lookedintelhgent, bed, S? that they may bo washed as often be flogged a.t least . once a ~onth, for it so similar movement.a have been conspicuous 11.nd they received us wi~h courtesy and ~p with a very fine stock of Feathers anil Flowers. as desued. pleased the stanovoi. By hl8 orders the since the beginning of the yea.r and these parent pleasure. The.children from outside I have found nothing so desirable for rods were heated in an ove;n to make them voluntary manumiSllions were a'ided by bo- were not present, a circumat~nce for whwh Call and inspect this fine display, which summer covers as the old fashioned scrap more flexible, and were sprmkled with salt, dies of fugitives the knowledge of coming the elder woman apologized; but she cannot fail to give satisfaction. Ladies in want of a choice of fine ~uilt, of which our mothers and grand- or else rubbed with a. wet rag dipped in freedom having' vot a.mongj the bondmen. bro.ught forward her o~n children to b e cxso proud. They usually con- sal~ed water. 'l'he blows, instead o~follow~ng Of course the operationofthe recent Govern- ~mn~ed, and_they acquitted themselves w~th Fancy Dry Goods, please $ive me m?thers.were tam ao httle cotton that they are almost as qmckly one after !l.nother, were given with ment measures ·or emancipation has had cr~dit, readmg fl~ently from a.n. Indian a call. I have them in endless e.asily washed 11s v. eheet a nd can with v ery long ! between, besides being i.:iflict- a Tery great effect on the action of the plan· p~1mer, u.nd answermg a.11 the que3t10ns my httle trauble be kept aweet and wholesome, ed !flth ~uch v10lence that the v1~t11ns lost ters in taking the benefit of their provis- 1frie,n~ put to them. . . va1·iety at store, opposite S. A. and last for years. When I sa.y q uiltl!, I do their senses. Durmg the whole time of the ions. '.l his family, .poor as their surroundmgs not mean the gay red, areen r.nd yellow pnmshment the uufortnna.te victims, hitving 'rhese and m11.ny similar facts induce the seemed to be, enJoys a mod~ra~e prosperity. Barracks. Unabr~![B[ abon;:na1.i?ns knor..-;n a.s the "Rising Star" I ?n 01.ily their shirts, lying on the floor, belief that the new Cabinet, in takmg Cmi:;.foro, as we understand it, is unknown m and Settu~17 Sun,' th;i.t we see year af~er j m an ~nheatedroom, ~1th several d11grees of ground for the early overthrow of slavery, Indian homes;. . . A DICTIONARY, 1 118,000 \ Voi ds, ,IOOO En i:;1av1ngs , a \ · · year exhibited at the annuo,l county fair frost m the a.1r, while he- the stanov01, 1will not have a task too difficult for a.ccornOur next VIBlt was to a Hmdu family of GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD, but the modest " Hexagon," Nme patch,'~ Popoff-was leisurely walking io and fro plishment especially as the system of a.brief the poorer cla~s. Our scramble over rubbish Bowmanville, March l3, 1888. 12 of 25,000 TitlcR, nn d a "Star," and "Irish Cham," t hat we were wr~ppedin f~rs aud. r eJolmnga.t his's p eriod of' compulso£y lnbor, under fixed heaps and drams re commence?, and lan~ed BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY ta.ught to make wh~n we were "wee lassies" sulforwgs. The enJoyment Popoff derived wa<>es in order to prevent the dist urbance us ~t the foot of a break-neck fl ight of stairs, of nem ly 10,000 Noted l'ersons ' and sat plying our needles at mother's side from such pritctices w:i.s so great that he or ;ui~ of the aaricultural system has been which when \Ve ascended, we came upon the ALL IN ONE BOOK. ' Every y oung gxrl shoal? piece one quilll at n ever accepted any apologies or excuses thought out, p~o-vided for by l~vv, and in ~unniest littlo corner of theworld in which Contams 300Um oio \~01d ~ and n e"u ly 2000 mo1e least to carry a.way with her to her hus- from 01· on behalf of those who were con- many cases already put into succe,ssful ope- it h a.sever been my lot to find myself. It [\lustrntions than an y other <lm<>11cnn D1<'t10nary band's home, and if her lot happen to be 1 dernned to undergo the heartless pumshment. ! ration. was p a.rt o.f a house, but what part it was S honlrl hf\ 1n o ' e1y schoo l 1n - ti 1 (· Dom1111 on cast among Htra ogers, as is often the case, E\'en when the ' Mir' (the peasants ' com l ?Ile 10und i~ d ifficult to make out. To me Canada EdlH:atwnat J lfont/il,,, T01 onto the quilt when she unfolds it will seem like mune), pitying ~ome old or sick man, depoCurious Statistics. it sei:med hke a balcony or led~e, hung on BcstD1 ctiona1yofth<l.mguagc -J,ondon Tmie.s. the iace of a familiar friend, and will bring sited for h1i_n the sum he was owing in taxes j OTTA wA, May 15 -Mr. George Johnson tbe side of the hons?. On one side, gu~rded G. & C l'H·:RRlA:;\1 & CO. , Pu blisher·, up a whole host of memories, of mother, sis- the stanovo1 took the money but declared the Government s t" tistieian has JUst issued by II high parapet, it was open to the sky , Sp 1ing fie h1, ilI..iss., u. S.-Ll.· ter, friend, too sacred for us t o intrude that the man . would be punished JUSt t he und:X. the authori~y of the' Department 0 £ an~ lookea down oz.i a large, bare ::ourt; . . uptrn. same. All this had b~e~ proved by eye· A gri'cult . t t' while on the other side was a range of un· . p fl: · d me, an m erea mg vo1nme givmg t·d 1 k . b d d ll I n se1 ectmg cotmterpanes be sure t o get witi:iesaes. op e was tne for cruelty and sta~istics of t he trnde and rev~ nue d eb t of 1 Y· 00· mg ~up oar s an ce s. Jn this curious nesn a litt le flook wothen large_enouµh. Good counterpanes are I havmg caused th~ death of ma~y unfor- Canada. 'i 'he statistics are all illustrated. ui;ually wide enough, but freq~cntly fall I' tunates at ~he Cit~ of R:1azan m March Many of them are exceedingly curious. One men, young and old, wi~h a few c:hildren short of wha t they should be m length. 1879. N ow m Siberia he 18 a free man, of set indicates the li'luor co:i·umptwn of the w~re gathered together. They r eceived us Now as to rr.aking the bed, b egin by seeing course." Dominion. · It appears fro~ this that On- with the utmost ~ourtesy (a grace that POWDERED tha~ your m Mtress lies smoothly on the - - - -- -·- tario drin ks three times more beer than never_ deserts the Hmdua.t h ome), set_f_or us aprmgs then put on t he puff tuckmg under · ·t Q b h . ·ta the wicker stools that k ept for v1s1tora, · h 'a Th C , ,s Joke. sp1r1 s; no ec n ear1 y as muc ep1n as and dr·wmg the· b t th we11 nex t the a ee~s, with wi e hems always e rown pnnoe beer, and New Brunswick and Prmce Ed~ ir saree~ a 0 1} em, a t the top Now if you want the sides of d I 1 d . . h b I 87 squatted round us after their fashion. One tho bed .er fectl u ri ht s re d on th A German resident who was a otudent at war s an more spirits t an eer. nl and u.nother in the mea.ntime were pourin comforts ~nd msfuadpof~ndki: the m. unde~ Bonn wi~h the present German Crown Prince th? p eople of Canada. drank two gallon s of out little eJa~ul&tions of welco:iie, which mg lay under the extr a width upon~he mattr relates of that personage that some time spirits per head, but in 1887 they drank less j friend who is a fluent spou.ker of Hindustanf N ow ut on the white s read aeein t~:t after l~aving the university he .asked, in. a t han one gallon P?r head. On the other a.nswe~ed smilingiy. Presently there cam~ PUREST, STRONQEST, BEST Re!ldy for uso in any quantity. Fo; the c~nter figure is exactly in 'the ce!ter of · B!~~enou~ ~~nnerh 0~ ad ctrtaidn otffihcter t~n fr~~ c~~s~~~!iognall~~:epr e~a~e~~n:in~~ '1 out; from a ~mall m cl. o sure, which w_as more 0 :m..k1ng Soap, Softening °'Vatei· DlsiD· the bed r m, w e er e a ear a e like a bathmg maclnne than anythmg else f'ecting, and a hundred other Do n~t tuck the s read under the mat· army w11.s to be mobilized in twent y four 1878. ~n the use of tobacco t~e British I can think of, a young and very pretty Wo· A can equals 20 pounds Sa.I Soda. OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. tress but bet~een ~he ~ rin s d b d hours. The officer rashly took it as a defin- Columbiana are the most persistent and man with a. small in her arms The Sold by all Grocer& and Druggists, Remember WE> m<tnufacture and are the sole stead, drawing it so ti htlp ea~h ~~ that ite assert1 ?n and c~urt ~ecret, but it did not Prmoe Edward Islanders the least. Cana- littl~ creature, who appeared to be t he lat. i. W. GILLEW. · ~OiONTO AND Oll!CAQO, proprietors of the tollowing'Bpecialties'rand that not a suspicion of a wri~kl! remams, y Last- l~ng re!ll~lll secr~t 111 hi~ hands. He men- ~~~~~ u~~ i~:d :veraYi three pounds of t o- eat arrival in t he crowded nest , was handed they can be hitd from no other source. HEY ARE p nnua y. rou.nd, kissed, praised and commented ~pon, NOT FOR SALE BY DRUGGIST9. Correspondenc0 ly, put m position the large pillows t1oned it ma whisper to someone else; the strictly confidential. Consult<ttion upon all cove1 ·ed with damtily trimmed cases and report?rs got _on the scent, and before two while the y oung mother stood by smiling. chrome disease lll'1Led, NO CHARGE except for when you contemplate the plump bed, you hours ~t w~s m capital letters: ",f·.'f!DY Mo " · " Bache!or DnJl. . 1 learnt upon inquiry, that she was eighteen medicines. All goods sent secure from observa· will be 8 0 proud of t he r esult that you will bihz~t1on m Twenty-four 1;I?urs! 111 1 \ll the F~ll m love with some good. and m· ye11rs of age, and that t his was her fourth t1011. Toronto MedJ.cine Co., Toronto, Ont. feel like exclf!.iming, "Eureka," ,, I have evemng papers m .Berlm ·. 1h .ez.i all was ~ur-1 dnstr10u~ young ~oman. "Attention" pay child. HAIR COLOAINO r·y aud oonsternat1on and mqumes. Against to her fmthfully and respectfully. " Right The h avin Y received the fitting Our m&gni:Jlclent preparations are per· found it· " whom was the war? Against France? Auainet face" in popping the que~tion like a man. a.mount of attention " a bright little girl fectly harmless. We prepare the followmg colors-the finer aha.des a.rise from th9 hair itself; Russia.? 'Vas it Austria? Was it Italy? "Quick march" to her parents a.nd ask their with eyes as b rilliant as stars was brought Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Chestnut, Cooking Receipts. W as the Fa.therla.nd invaded? Nobody consent . "File right" wi~ her to church, forward to read her lesson. She was only Light Chestnut, Gold Blonde, Ash or Blonde EGGL~ss RICE PUDDING.-Two and go through the marriage ceremony. seven y old and her r eadmeas intelliCendree. Bend sample of hair when ordering, ~ qnarts of knew. The generals were a~ked ! they denied .al "B;" u.nd reflect seriously upon the new gence and pretty, winsome Pr.lee, $2. per bottle. Toronto Medicine Co., milk, half teacup of rice, a little less than TOILET REQUISITES a teacup of sugar, the same quantity of kn?wledge, but were disbelieved. They m - duties Y?:1 assumed, ~nd then perform her one of the most bewitching little crea· Right about face fr~m the haunts tares I have ever beheld, while I must say In ordering apeeify which you roquh'a raisins, a teaspoonful of allspiceoroinnamon; quired, however, for the'!1selves;. and after them. we guarantee them to give entire 011.t isfaction. wash the rice and p 11 t it with the rest of tbe thereporthadspre11>d,causmgapamcthrough you have ~;equented when s!ngle. "Ad- thali no English child of her years could tJnapproached ror No 8 Imp11.rts to the skin the color and freshness · d otma1denbood;he.rmleasandcannotbedetected. mgre ients into the milk, and let bake all Europe, .it was ~~ally traced back to I~! vane~ a.rms to your young wife ~hen.out ~ave surpassed her in knowledge. Other Tone and Quality. $1.25. No. 9 Removes wrinkles. $2. No. 10 R e- rather slowly. Stir two or three times the source. Prmce Wilham was severely repn- walkmg, 11.nd neverleave her to triul behmd. little ones who were not so brilliant follow. moves Liver Spot.6. $1 Sl5 No 11 Removes Flesh first hour of bakine;. manded by his grandfather, who gave him " Break off" staying out at night u.nd all ed and then the women took thelr turn CATALOGUES FREE, Worms $1.25. No 19 Rem oves Freckles. $ 125. oth~r bad habits if you would a happy sp~lling out tha Indian primer patiently. ' No.13 Removes Pimples. $125. No 14 Removee BROILED CHICKEN.- Cut the chicken open three davs' arrest for his intended 1oke. home. Tan $1.25. No. 15 Removes Moles. $2. No 16 on the back, Jay on the meat board and d Removes Pockmarks $ 2. No. 17 Removes undue Presr,ir<ttion. $125. No. lSAn absoluteunf<ti!mg poun until it will lie flat, l"'Y it on a gridSocial Life. After the Crofters. Let Us Work :Earnestly. specific for the retention development or rester· iron, place over a bed of coals, and broil unation of tho Hair. $ 1 25. Toronto Medicine co. ti! a nice brown. It will cook better to The opinion men hold of society is largely AlPxander Begg, who h11s been in British The true laborer is not only worthy of his THE BUST cover with a pie-tin held down with a reflective of their own characters, and their Columbia recently, in connection with the hire, but in one sense, certain of his wages; No 19 I s a combmed internal and extern$! weight so that all parts of the chicken may influen ce goes for toward making society Crofter immigratipn scheme, had an inter- tho higher wages which the Great Master treatment which speedily developes or r estores l' l t th "d' wh·l th h' k actually conform to t hose .opinions. The view with Premier Greenway and has not placed &t the disposal of man, or in thefemalo b,1sttothe proportionsofvolupt uous ie c ose 0 e gn iron. i e e c ic · en n11.tme. Is en~iroly harmless and certam in re- is boiling, put the liver, gizze,rd and heart selfish a.nd grasping man is always i~af,'ining ?ffered to dir?c:t, the emig!an.ts t~ Mani~oba the control of the capitalists; the sure and sults. Price !Jill. Toronto Medicine co. Toronto, into a. stewpim and an rJ. boil in a pint of t hose with whom he d eals to be selfish. H e metead of Bnt1sn Columbia., if this Province sweet r eward for which all earnest souls WOMEN'S ILLS water until tender, obop fine, and r~dd but excuses his own meani:ess on the ground will enter !nto the same agreement w!th would strive, were there no such a thing as No 20 A ce1tam cure for Loucorrhcea,orWhites ter, salt, p epper, a nd stir in a cup of sweet that h e mus~ ~uard against the meanness of t1 he _ Imperial Government as . the Pa.c1fic money returns for toil. F illmg of the Womb, Ulcer<ttions Pamful Men- cream . when t he chick en is done dip it in others; and lus t.'x cuse haSJUSt th1s foundat1on 1 Provmce. The agreement provides that the For real sing ers must sing, real preachers :,;d~~~~~~~~i~~;1 i:Sfa~ ~~f~:::.~f e~.alk~~~:::J t he gr;vy while hot, lay it back th e grid- :-that his own charncte.r nat urally diffuses British Governn;eut sh:illadvance £ 150,000, preach , true pamters paint, and geniuses of thitt clread t error, a disease so loni,t ba:ffiing science and the m ost skilled ph~sic1ans, who by th e highest m edical authorities as an " un- iron a few secouds put it in the gravy ai>d i tself a mong t hose with w hom h e deals. t o be exp ended m p aym a passages and the all kinds labor for the subt le satisfaction knew of nothing to arrest, nothing to o.llevi· rivalled" remedy Price $2 per bottle. Toronto let it boil for a ha lf m inute. send it to t h e Every d ie1msition exerts a m11gnetic at- erection of buildings on homest eads t o be that work itself affords. F or t o t h em a.ta, nothing to cure.· Now it IS no longor an t 1J.ble hot. ' tract ion for ita like, an d t h e U11JUSt man patented for t he Crofter s, t he Province to .. No endeavor is in vam. Mcch cme Co , Toronto, Ont. incurable malady e'7en when given up by FRENCH !!i!E CUB..AiT Q O l;'\I Pn~a..S , will m eet with inJuat ice, t he rude with rude- pay interest on t his sum at the rate of 3~ Its t e'l\·ard 1 a 111 the dolng ; physicians, baa.1th can yet befonnd 111 OUR Far suponor to E.cgot 'l'ausy, Pcn11y1oyal or LORENA 8 CAKF..-One cup of but t er, two n ess the cold with coldn ess and the proud p er cent. for !I term of y Mr. Green And th o rapture of puraumg REMEDY, it h e11ls and sooth es the m om· brane of theLnngs, !nftamed and poisoned 0 ~1du. Enuorsod b,)'the tl!ousandsof Iarlles wh o cups of SU!lar, t h1eo of flour, four eirgs, onea' v; ith p r ide and Jealousy On way announced his willingness to enter 1 ·nto Is the p11ze tile vanqw·hed gam." 1 n ·B<hcm lVfONTHLY Ne >er fa.ii Helleve p am h alf cup of milk th t f b Jci an J ell. ous · by th e r1tvages of this fell disease, and pre· I K:O:URfi: R W GUI.ART"'Y, Pleasant and ll:ffectun1: ' ree easpoons 0 a og the other hand t he just and t rue the gen- su ch an agreement with Gr eat Britain, and But for those who work in weariness instead '7ents the night sweats and tightness acr oss Pn e<> $ 2 'l'oronto Med1omo Co , Toronto, Ont. ~owder; b~ke Jelly tin!!. F illing for; erous and kmd, t he gentle and lovmg, draw t h e probabilities are t h at Manitoba will r e of r apture, there is also a grea t reward, for tbs chest which accompa.ny it . l\il EURALC~A lit, RHE!l.i MAT RSM abi°ve cake · Sn. togath er one gmted lemon, ! t o th emselves t he same quality in oth ers; ceive a large of this de sirable class of the a.cquired ha.bits of one generation often Can bo cured by usiµg speciltc No. 22. Its won· a argfe gratedbt~rltf apple! one: egg, a.nd one an d thus to them a.lso is social life what they immigration. Mr. Begg left for Ot tawa to- b ecome the natural t r aits of the n ext. And dorinl sale lS dne to 'themmu!e fact t hat it does cup o sug11r ; oi our mmutes. mak e it. n ight. thus each nob le deed ill crowned with im· Toronto Medicine Oo., Toronto, Ont. a ll tl~at is cl~mod for it. Price $ 1. Toront o I CARROT Sv ' EETrirnATs.- Boil some line , mor t al1 ' t y. MedLme Co., ·.1:oront o, Ont . Ti' RTfiR fa grained carrots in water until ternler; peel and grate, add sugar, slips of cition, sp1c.:s if preferred, the juice from cauned fruit; eimmer slowly to2ether and put away in v Jars. TollIATO Sou1> a pint of cu.n11ed tomatoes, raw ones, cub up fi dd or fourt larve f b ·1· ne, a one quar o Ol mg wu.ter and let them boil, then add one teaspoon of soda, when it will foam ; immediately add one pint of sweet milk, pepper, salt 1md plenty of butter. Whm this boils add eight small crackers, rolled fine, and serve. ORANGE FLOAT.-One qua.rn of water, the Juice and pulp of two lemons, one colf<'e cup sugar. When bmlmg hot add four table· spoons corn starch. Let boil fifteen minutes, stirring all the time. 'When cold pour it over four or five oranges that have been sliced , into a gfass dish, and over the top spread the beatert whites of three egga, sweeting and flavoring with vanilla. EMANOiPATION IN B.RAZIL. Proposal~ to Set a F1xcfl 111ul Early lVhen. Sla-ve1·y Shall fease. The Ddinquent Subscriber. CATARRH. p I l $5 BEEF, IRON AND WINE. -SPRING- . R. PEATE, TailoP , --o-- I a .m, LADIES MR .IV S MILLINERY Embroideries, Plushes I MRS. DONNELY'S LADIES' fIN E U NO[RWf AR. I I EBSTER'S Dict10nary. MRS IVES o! GILLETT'S 41 LYE 99 PER CENT ( ;1!: uses. j BELL" ~lORGANS BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. od. I I I Consumption CURES CUARANTEED .!n I I I Children CrJ for Pitcher~s _Cas~rla~

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