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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1888, p. 4

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- --.._ ---~---·Archb ish op Lynch Dead. John Joeeph L y nch, A rchbishop of Tor onto, died at St. J ohn's Grove, the archiepiscopal residence, on Sherbourne-street at l o'clock Se.t.urday morning. H is age was 72. His Grace was sick but a very f ew d ays, an d h i.s l'11ness was k nown, a ft er a br ief ill neas only t o t h e a t taches of th., palace, his physicians anrl the clergy. His d eath t herefore will be a grea.t shock to the citizens of Toronto and · of t hti en· tire D ominion. The history of H is Grace's illness waa very much like that of t Ite late H on. Thomas White, Th ·rsday evening he returned from St. Catherines, ftieling unwell. On the train en route to the city he was seized with chille, accompanied by c·1pious attacks of vomiting. Arriving u.t T he Grove h e "as utt erly prostrate. Subsequently ir1flamm~tion of tha lii ngs ~et in, and in spite of a ll that the physicians could do, l:lis Grace passed peacefully away at t he h our named. H e was · in full po11se11sion of 11is faculties up to the moment of d issol ution. ~ THE Toronto Globe neatly sums up as follo ws three months' "cro w " j ust ewa.1lowed by Canadian Toryism. The Tory Government t urned out of office in Manitoba. T he Liberal majority in Prince E d ward county increased fro o 71 to 170. A Tory maj ority of 105 in Misaisquoi t urned into a Liberal majority of 216. A liber al majority of 21 in L' Assumption increased to a Libera.I majority of 112. The disallowance policy abandoned. Railway monopoly surrendered . Partial reciprocity in natural products conceded. T he fisheries 8Urrendered in the <eeth of the Government's own contentions . The Liberal policy on rail way subsides adopted. Discrimination against G reat Britai under the statutory offer attempted nd revoked. The Franchise Act farther suspend I mperial Feder11t10n abandond. Manhood sufferage concecled t,o Prince Edward Island . Two seats gained by Mr. Mercier. The old Tory county of Kent retained by the The Libiral majority in the historical 'fory county of Russell increased from 150 to 250. RHDUCED R ATE.-Wn will accept 50 cen ts for the i:!TA TESMAI'I fur th e balance of 1888. NEW SIDEWALK.-A rinW side walk will he built on Church-at., from George to Liberty streets. BnocH&.- How the time flies ! Last F riday was the anniversary of the capture of Batncbe i n 1885. Goon STA.RT. -The Organ Factory base bal l club d efeated an Oshawa club on the 5th inst., by 9 rune . · " ht , an d FINED.- Ohas. ·K err , c ertwr1g J Hallett, Oron~>, were convicted, May · 1 · g. t h e ·cot ~ t A ct · 2od, o f VJO atm BooTS AND SHoEs.- Economy, comf<!rt and satisfact ion go wi·h every pair of common-1wnse boots sold at Treleven'e, Tm~ Excu1is10N to Toronto yesterday was patr.. nized hy a considerable number of D~rliagtoniaos and Bowmanviliians. · BUSINESS BooMINo.-Mr. Rieb. Moorf>, of B·o· ·k lin , atter seeing Mr . Geo. C. Haine!!' 1;1dv1. i n t,his pap!!r, came down and bought a dandy new top baggy. ATTRACTION }'OR LAmEs,-Mrs. Donnelly's millinery wfr. dow is 3 great attractinn . She has ~he best and finest di·play of fnshionab le bonnets, hats a.nd trimmings in town. COLORED Y1s1Toll .- Rev. 0. B. Andereon, a colored agent of the Brittish Me·hodist H·Jme and Foreign Mission Socie1y, was in t own last week on a. collecti1lg tour. - - - THE- PRETTIEST l --o -- TAKE IT BACK.-Toe city papers have many · imes credited this town with being the hom" of cul t<rits "t the Police courts. Now thll Osha\V>l Vindic..tor savs the Allen who suicided a t Whitby last week came from Dllrlington . It is not s o, he wa· a Kuffa.Ionian. B URNED OuT -Many Bowmanville people will regret to hear that Rev. a.nd Mrs. Jon. Goforth , Presbyterian Mission· arfos t o H onan , Chirni., were burned out shortly dter settling in thdr new home. Lo~s. $300. M ost of their goods were rescued. The house was completely r azed. BILIOUSNE>;S.-" I should n ot think i't righ t did I not give my tesi;inw ny of wh<>t f know t o be t he " alue of Burdock Blood Bittt·rs. Being a sufferer from Biliousness, I t1 .ok one bot tle of B. B. R and it 1· gave ma immediate relief. I r P-comm,.nd it as a cure for Biliousness . Annie McLean , Woodville, Out. REMOVED DYDEATH,- Af ter a. lmgering illn.-ss, tho wife of D r. Corbett, nee M iss Rutled ue, d ied Tu..sday 8th inst ., in P ort H"pe. Her friends mourn with her huobaud and fam ily in a mu~ual s orrow over the removal of one who was a fai·hful wife, a lovin~ m"ther, and an amiable and estimable woma.n. STILL BO/NB O i1. - ---o---- All desire my beautiful patterns of THE GREAT SALE OF ·WALL PAPER. It is acknowledged I have the best assortment and ·prettiest patterns in town. --o--- Wall Paper, Fancy ·window S hades, Baby Carria ges, a n d P icture F rames - STILL CONTI NUES AT - VARIETY HALL. Go and s ecure bargains. ............. ............. ~ ~~ ~~ L.AW ANJJ 0RDER. -The people of Orono are taki ng ac r.ion to find ou t an d punish the villains who h'oive been c"m· mitti11g such devilish acts of 111t11 in that village. I t is to be hoped that the full limit <Jf the law will be the portion of the Sco'rT ACT REPEAL.-A petition is guilty ones. L aw- abiding and law· now being circulated in Whithy town .. nforcing citizeu:s must be protected at pr aying the GovHrnment to allow a vote wh»tever cos t. for the repeal of the Scott Act in the A G oon SuaoESTION.- Rev. R. D. F racounty of Ontario. ser, M. A., at the Synod meetin~ i n Owt>n TnE RrnBT MAN. - Mr, D . F. Burk, of Sound last week, uroved this resolut ion Po1t Arthur, has been ch osen by the which was adopt.~d :---"That the Syood Ontario Government to make a collection stro11gly empha; ize the advisa.bility of a B owMAN VILI.E, } fay 16, 1888. of minerals of the Lake Superior district regular w.·ekly meeti11g of Sabbath for the oommg exhibit.ion at Cincinn.a ti. Scl'.0111 teach«rs for study of the lesson and SOWING· E xTIUORDINARY. - - Benson nf the presence of the pastor at such HOW THE S COTT A CT WORKS Tyrem·n, Hullett, Ont., writes that D. rneetini;! when a t all p ossible. I N BOWMA NVIL L E . Cl ttl'"rd , of E n fi e Id · wI10 Eo1ved 1" v acr es P UllLIOATION DAY.- Some people seem in 8l hours, must yield the championship. to Ja.bnr und er a mis t"'~ u about t.lte day No observing citi:::tin who haa had occa· Ben ·on say~ he sowed 10 acre11 in 3 hours on 'l"hich 'frrE S T .< l' ' EsMA.N ir, printed, . judging from t he 1wmbd' of ltitttt1S t hat 7 "1'ithout blow 1·'g Next ! eion of late to ba much 0 11. t he principal COMMI'.l'TED SUIC IDE.- On Saturday a ·each us too l a.te f ut' in;ert ion. We p rint streets of this town cau · have failed to m an 1 ,am.,d Wm. Tayl»r, who livad n ear 011 Tnesday a "r., n woo, and uo long notice the increase of drunkenness. d{10n af·er Monday, though K enda! , cnmUJi ·ted suicide by cutting his articles are t > Scarcely u de.v bas passed for two or throat . H e l1"avea a wifo anrl eigh r, child - ~mall not ice& 11.nd itema of uews are ren to mourn his untimely 1md. He was accepted u p to Tuesday noon. tltree months that stag<ering men and formerly a r esid ent of Pon Hope. NEW MosrcAL SoCIETY.- Bowmauville boys have not b een seen on King-st. in ~'°'.MEN. -The correct place to buy Philarmonic S "ciety has been ori~anized broad daylight. Fair day and last S1tura e tyli~h h at is at M. Mayer 's where you with the following d licerR: Pres -W S. day were more tha.n usu,.,Jly prolific in will tind a gr1 rn d assortment from lfhich Russd l ; Vice-P1 ·es' rs - Dr. McLau2hlin, this respect. Be it understood too that t choose. H is gent.a' fornishin'ls, shirt~ M. P . P., and K R. Bounsall ; SEJcy. it is not the town riff-raff alone that are cuffa, collars, ties, gl·ives, etc., are of the M iss Ar mour ; Treas.- W. R. Climie ; lat est styles and as cheaµ as they can be Oo mmitrce- W. C. King, FI. K night, eeen in this s tate of incapability, b ut farsold. Miss McGill, W.McCulloul"h, J,Maitl.-nd, mers from t he couutry and huaiuees me n ANOTHER H.EMOVAL.- Mr. r,. G. Quick E. s. Mel\t.h, and c. ·\ilurdofl". wh o are too fond of a social glass. A has removed his s·ock and harness busiPETERSON'S MAGAZINE for May is at few evenings ago two youths, mere boys, n e's into Quick's B lnck, 11ne door east of h aud and i ts contents a re varied enoug h members of respectable families, were THE STATESMAN office. The new sh0p has to suit the m ost fastidiou s taste. In all been hands·1mely fi ·t . d and now contains mat t.ers ot drees, toilet a nd ue"dlework, helped to their homes by their cnmpan a complete st1ick of harnt1ss and horse Peter~on designs and suggestions are . ions. There can be no doubt whatever wear. al 1v!lys trnMtwort .by. Our lady read.-rs but that liquor is being sold openly in A N EW PuzzLE.- Thie i· one from t he should all tak e this magazine. T erms, OUR i\hMllER.- Hon. E. Blake was a more than one place in B ·wma.nvillo; in- guest at the Parne ll dinner at the Eighty ·World . An·wers .t ·· it will be. received. only $2 a ye· r . Add ress P eterson's "If 14 dog~ with 37 legs cnn catch 49 . Maga7.ine, Philadelphia, l:'a, deed, it is freely rumor··d that one place Club in Lo r;idonliu M11y 4th. A SuccESSFUI. RESULT,-8irs, I w~s on King-at.. , not an ho·el, }us .,b een supA Brn VILLAGE ..:__In the s uburbs of r a.hbi ts wit h 13 l11gB m 46i min~ :· es.,ho~ piying liquor to a considerable number of Lindsay stands Miss P eterborough who ma.ny leg11 mu·t th" same number of troubled fo , five vears with Liver Comrahbits hav~ to get a wav from 1G3 dogs plaint. I used i1. great deal of doct or 's frequ·~ nters for a long time. It h as also only wants 11 souls to make h er popula· with l6i legs in 30rninutes 1" medicine, which c!id me no good. l wa.s tion 9,000. been told us that a ce·tain man has been GoN E To E u ROPE.--Mr. Edmund E. i?etmJg worse all the time 11ntil I tried MINJSTERIAJ, C.!LL.- -Rev. G. Branch eeen on @eveml S unday mornings supply- Howie who lecturM in ::St, Pa.ul's church She~·pard, E li·or of T .. ronto Satnrd:i,r Burdnck Blood R1t ters. After taking i~1g a myster ious 11ommodity to several some months ago has r eceived a call to Niiiht, and Mr. R L. Patte·snn , manager four botr.le~ I ~m now well. ~ can also of the Canad ian hranch of Miller & r f.comme·1u i t for dyspepsia.. Miss householders in town. 'l'bese are rumors Brussels at a sal11.ry of $800. Richard 's type found ry, sailed last Satur - liAT'.l'IE L. SWICK, St. Williams P . 0., and ma.y or may not be t rue, but no one LIA.!lLE TO ARRES'.l'. - The lo.teat poeital d1>y we~ k for England . Wti wish them Ont. · can deny that large q uantities · of liquor news are such that newspaper publishers a. pleasant voyage and safe retnrn. WES'l."ERN Ol'INION. - A Victoria, B . a~e being sold somewhere in t owo, be- can arrest anyon e for fr<1ud who t akes a A r.AST REt:IORT.L ast ~summer, says paper s»ys R ev. Alex Fraser, who has paper and refuses to pay for i t.. Wm. J. J ames, of Ath.;rly, Ont., I felt come from Orono, Ont ario, to thti Pr@· cause t.he men who come into town from H IGH TIME,- The branches of trees very misc·able with pains CJV r m v ki~- vince to miui.ter to th e Preshyt eria.n con the count ry are not very likely t o bI"ing dro<1ping over certain streets, e.g. Lover's neys, fl utterinl! of 1 .hA h 11art and nervous- gre~ation at Comox, pr eached in the the fire wat er with them a.nd drink it here: L ane, so as to he an annoyance arn to be neaa; af· er takin ~ cliff rent kinds of med.- Pandora-st . church yesterday morning. Tile local Press has b een request ed to topped off by ordflr of Co uncil. icine, he>Lring of B. B. B. I thought. I He preached a clear, impressive s ermon give fu ~ther assistance in the enforcement CA.LL AccEPTED.- R ev. J . J . Cameron,. would try it ; ono bo1 tie cowple tely cured replete with plain, p ra ctic ~l tr uth, q 11a nt I can hi!(hly r ecommend it to smilPs, vivid compar isons and beautiful of th.e Scott Act, both by we.y of editori- M. A., Pickeri ng, has accepted th e call me. extended to him from .Aultsville, and others. meraph als and also by giving reports of the pro- will preach his farewell sermon on the DISA FPOINTMEN'.l' PRonAllLE. - Mr. .J . B oWMA.NVILLE MllRCIIAN:rs.- D o you ceedings of the courts in Scott Act casea. 20th inst. Lest<lck R eid has completed the surv·y want trad e ? Bid for i t. Do y ou want Tm~ STa'.l'EHMAN has auJ will continue to A PorULAR SocIETY.- During April of the W1is1ern Outario Railwav from bus in ess men t o come to town i Eucourb e at the service of the promoters ,l law 376 application11 were received in the .Aurora to S belburrrn and concluded his age those who d e> come. Do you want 10 ' Ancient Order of United Workmen. The labnrs. No furth er sur veying for the have a prosperous town where people can and .order and . especially for . the advocacy presen t melli b ersh' · 0 n t arw · is · 14.,798 . pr oposed road will be d one this yPar, Mr. co we di, pused t o wake it their home 1 ip 111 . of t emperance in 11!11ta bearmgs, and r e· .Bowmanvill~ Lodge n umbers 68. Reid t hinks. The belief that th>· scheme l'h~·n do away with·, bu ry from sight all to · M r. N . 1 · ngram, 0 f B OW· is afte1 all goi ng t o be of no service ef\at· local difl:'ereJt cee, all j ealousy, all spite ; ' quests all persons in . a position . . do so ·1 T RUE B LUES._ t o forwa.rd for pubhcat10n anythmg and wanville, was elected A .D. 11 . M., at t lie war d thr .. ugh this section t0 Port Hope wor.k no more for a few iudividuals, b~t every thing of :. local ch·racter that h "s me<.> t ing of the T.rue Blues Grand Lodge and that it was n ever iote11ded to b uild ., Jl work tog~ th er for a com mon prosper th e road through this district is gaini11g ity and for a m utual benefit. Wake up, i nteres t, for the general public , . in Kiugston 0 11 Wednesday. Mr .. Oliver ground. rub your eyes, roll up your sleeves and We are assured further, that " .all class· ~~oule, Oshawa,, was elected·a D . D. G. QUEF<:N'S BIRTHDAY.- Tndi1 ,ations point gc., t o work. ell of good citizens. especially tcmpel'ance ~ BETTER F IRE p ROTECTION. - E very ci 't' A MEAT CoMBINE. -T h e Cobourg 1. to 11. gr and day in Bowmanville on th e men and thosA m pos1t10ns of authority zen should feel than l:ful t hat the Council 24th, weather permitt ing. The programs butchers have combined to raise tho price a nd influence, w ill do all thl'y ca.u to see has seriously taken action anent the pur- will b e ont in a few days. The Commit nf meat, alleging as a r eason the high t ee are sparing no pains or expensH tfl price and th e prohable 11carcity of beef. that .the law is e nforced as p~rfectly as I chase. of a C!Jemical fire engine. Th e ~x nrov;de a most at tractive b1ll-of·fare, By the n ew t ariff all mellt cu t from bethe nature of the Act and the ci1 -c·1mstau- \ l:ei~diture will we thmk prove to be JU· The D. 0. & P. Co. Band has b<;en en- hind the horns and frnm the hen ceea o·f th e comm unity iv.ill allow." 'u icions. · gaged for the da.y . Mr. D. B. Fogg will forth will ran(!e : betifs iake from 13c ·o c \ Music HY ELEOTRICil'Y.- THE STATES· have chargf:l ot the athletic sports wh ich lOe j roas t, 15c t o lOc ; boiling, 8c to Ge ; Now, in tho fae" of what we h ave stat - lIAN rece ntly r~comme nded the placi ng of will be a guarantee th at every body par· mutton, 12~-0 to Sc ; veal, 12~c to 5c ; ed ahove, there is n<ied ·tor exertion on J an elect ric light in thti band s tau tl, and ticipatiog will have fair play. Full par· lamb, $1.50 t o 75c per q un.rt er . T he the part of 11Clt only the temperance~ .now .the Co uncil has decided -~ do it. ticulars n ext week. price of p luckti is not men tioned, as foe p eople, but of all law-abiding and law- () ur ..cit1:1;ens wili-?ow bo electrified by Two YEARS' RiwoRn .- The Lic,.nse butchers use t hese themselve s i n order to · . . . [> . . 111Jiindance ofm us1c, 11 0 Inspector's list of prosec utions in W1ist muster ' 'pluck to keep th e combiue." loving c1t1zeus <1f . ·owm:mv1 e. ne T E Th · f OWN STHJ:ATES. e estimates or Durhan1 for Scot t Act violations : Bowthmg is certarn , wh ich is tha.t tf the Scott the currt>nt y ear p. · t ss"d by t he Council at HORSE ROUTES, 1888. manville- 37 con ·i<,tione ; no dismieale ; , A ct is not better e nforced in these coun - its last meeting were : Roads and Streets, fines imposed, .$3,200 ; sent to j, 2. ties th . a_ n it has hee.n in this town since _$4660 : Fir~ 0<1m , $700 ; Poor Relief, D rlingt 11n- 12 convictions : no dismisGARNET CROWN, owned by Rich. BarNew Years when the timo for its repe l 1 $700 ; Police, $ 9b0 ; Cemetery, $50() ; ah ; tinss, $600 . Cartwright- 13 con rett , N e 1 vcastle, will s taud for ware15 as Public Property $1600. ' . . . dismissls : fines, $700. victiou s ; 2 comes ronnd, it will be · c a.rried by 1m ~ follows: Tuesda.y noon, W. She pard's, h 1 · t ' VIDE A WAKE.- Buch is the nu.mti of NBwcastle- 14 convictions : 1 dismis1tl ; Clarke, noon ; B lue's hotel, Kendal, all overw e nung "~ e. . one of the best j uvemle monthly maga.·· tines, $700. :Four convictions abandoned What seems smgula rly strsnge to many zines p ublished. 'fhe May number is of b ecause of no11 -j 11risdiction. Cla.rke- 17 lligh t. Wednesdav, noon , E lizabethville ; night at W. Little's, Garden Hill. Thursp eople is that so m any convictions h1've j V flry special in_ terest to B ritish subjects. convict ior1 s ; 6 disir:isals ; 1 abandoned day noon, P. Pollard's, Hope ; Fred. been secured against violators in the $2.40 a yea.r. D . IJothrop Comp1my, Pub- for non-j urisdiction ; 1 reserved fo r Holda.way's, a.11 night ; Thos. Moffatt's, ·1e noth'mg wh a t ever li slu~rs ' Boston ' M~es . judg ment ; fines, $950.- A tot1:1l of 103 Newtonville, a.II night. Saturday n oon a.t townsh . 1p11 < !flate, wh1 . has been done M far as the public know PA s~i.m ALI. RrnHT. - p. B. Lanu~um'.1-u, cases tried, in which 94 convictions were Windsor H otel, N e wcastle : thence to his of Sohni\, passed the fi nal exammat10n secured, the total fines being $11,150. own stable, lot 31, con. 2, Clarke, till in Bowmanville. of the College of Physicians and Sur- T H E STATESMAN wants to know if $5,150 Tuesday. WILLIA)! BARRET'.!', groom. ' ' We ar e not n uw placing 't he resporuii· E{eons of Ontario, successfully, ; as did has been actually paid by the part ,es bility for this state of things at a.nybody's also Messrs. D . A rcher and A. B. Field fio ed 2 A U CTION SALES. WJIA.T s I!i A NAME. - If your lover's door m particlillar, but the blams reat& of Cart.wright, their primary exam. i11 Harry, 'twont be long unt il you AUCTION 8.A.LES.- S. C. Hunking, Court Es. - The Board -0f marry. If he's t he man on w·hom you're D1maa1s1·s' L rnEN& somewhere, and the sooner the te mper tice, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer, for for West Durham have Commissioners 1<,one, you'! r un no risk to trust in John. ance people locate it the b ette r it will be given licenses for the current yea.r to If Richard is your sweetheart's name, Darling ton and Whitby, Bowmanville for the cause we ad vooate. Messrs. Stott & Ju ry and J. Higgin- he'll likely brirlg you b and fame. and Oshawa, Appraiser, &c. All business botham & Son, Bowmanville ; R. S hould you wed a man by t he of attended to promptly. Orders may be left a.t the STATESMAN office, B o wmanville, SoN:E SMur;"'SouLs - They are to be :F'othergill, Newcastle ; and C. B. Bor· Charlie, expect a temper sharp and or Reformer office, Oshawa. enarl1;1y. If on e all patient you expect , found in the Oshawa Council, the smallest la.nd, Orono. R. Hutchison, Licensed Auctioneer for ARCANUMIA.- The ann ual session of J oseph'e t he name you must select. There · souled men we f.'Ver heard of. They actually gave a $20,000 bonus to a Toronto t he R oyal Arcanum of 0ntario was held is no o~her man can r1mk for loving the Townships of Darlington, Whitby, firm to st art bu~iness in Oshawa, and at at St. Catherines last Wednesday. Bro. loyalt y like Frank. To honest bliss if Clarke, Manver.s and Cartwright. Sa.lea the eam9 meeting gave a Whitby man the John McSorley was the appointed repre- you mcline, to some sweet William take at tended to promptly and at reasonab le town pri nting. '!'he latter act is a dis- sentive from Bowma.nvillo Council, but a shine. If you seek the fond a11d true, rate11, Where it is not convenient to eee he . grace t o the board,a11d t he people should was unable t o a ttend . David M cLellan, Al bert is the name for you, Don't expect me, arran gements ca.u be made with b mark their d ispleaaure by turning the of Ha.milton, was elected Grand Regent. a ste..dy head, if your fancy rune to Ned. Editor of t he S'.l'ATESll:AN. -R. H UTC RISON, pigmie11 out at the next election. The This order has made rapid progres11 in If unr nffled life you'd know, pick out E nniskillen N .B .- Our advertising rate for auct ion · Whitby ma.n who tendered for the .p rint- Ontario the past year. The next annual faithful honest Joe. If you want ewth ing will not increase his professional pop- meeting will be held at Peterboro in Ma.y to be like .hel('ven, buy your boots from sales, when we do not print the Hlei bills, is 25 cents a line, each insertion. ularity by the act, either. · 1889. M:"-Treleven. DonJt fail to give me a call. p. .TREBILCOCK. - ....... ~ ......................................... .......... ~ J. H. K E NNEB.. --~~~~~~~. ) ~ Local and Otherwise. Experience having proved tha t the old fogy system of long credit on business affairs is a source of loss to both buyers e.nd sellers as a whole, I have decided to limit all credit accounts t o 30 <la.vs . Commencing with the l st of June, 1888, I will selJ only for cash, or in 30 du.ys' Lime, and will thus be able to sell fully 10 or 15 per cent. cheaper t han on the old credit syst.em. Goods will be bought for cash and the wholesale cash <'liticount obtained and my customers will get full benefit of the reduction. I will n ot do business on the old t rust system any longer. Having arranged with some of the best Shoe Manufacturers in the Dominion, I will keep in sto<'.k t he LATEST STYL f1'.S and MOST SERVICEABLE goods which the market affords, and at right prices. In the ORDERED DE PARTMEN T, I will make only Ladies' and Gents' fine sewed work. The REPAIRING DE PARTMEN1' will be continued as formerly under the direction of MR. W. DICKINSON, one of the best repairers in Ontario. Every thing usuall.Y found in a First Class Boot and Shoe Store wi11 be kept in stock . and a call from all requiring any thing in my line _ is respectfully solicited. Thankful for the liberal patronage ex.tended to me in the past, I invite a continuance of the, and hope by ruy squ aTe dealing :not only t o retain old friends but to welcome many new on~s. "'Rem" mber the old stand- First 0oor East of S. S. EDS.A.LL'~ H!!.rdware St..>re, N eads' Block, Bowmanville. l:"' . PARLOR BOOT AND S H OE STO RE. -o--- WM. JENNINct\::N.; I a., Thin k Carefully, Decide Wisely, ' Act Promptly. satisfaction. Having bought for prompt cash, saving largest discounts given, · from the most r eliable manufacturers, a well a ssorted stock of Ladies' and Gents' We possess the facility and inclination to give BOOTS AND SHOES, In Styles-The Latest, Qualities- Excellent, Prices- Low. TRUNKS AND VALISES IN GREAT VARIETY. We want you to call and investigate goods a nd prices. I I r . .. . I JOHN HELLYAR. . . . . . . /,' I HAINES' CARRIAGE W-ORKS - - --·--- GEORGE C. H AINES, Proprietor, - - -M.A N U FAC'l 'U RER OF- - - OARR IACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. KING STREE'r , BOWMA.NVIL L Hae now on hand a number of vehicle~ (and l e manufacturing a grellt many more) of the ne patterns and best finish, which I 11.m o.tfering for ee.le 1J.t the lowest. prices consisten' , with due regard to workmanship and qualit;r. The following iij a list of the principal vehicles manufactured by me Double Covered Carriages .. ............. .. ......... .................. ........ $150 U pwardJ Single Phwt ons . .. ................. ...... .. .... .. ..................... .. ........ 100 · 11 Open Buggy................................................ ............ ........ 70 11 Top Buggy.............................. ...................................... ,... 90 11 Democrat Wagon................. .... ........................ ................... 66 " Lumber Wagons .. .. ,. ... .................. ............. ........ .......... .... ... 55 " Light Wagon......... . .... .. .. . .................................. ................ 40 11 Express Wagon, ....... . .......... , ....... ........ , ···.···.....···...·. ,········· 75 " Skeleton............................... ... .... ................... ·· . .. . ... .· ··. . ·· . 50 11 Sulky............................................................................... 40 " Poalleeslng superior tacilltletl for ma.nufaoturlng carriages, I hltend to sell ver;r cheap ror ce. or approved oredU, and by so doing I hope t o greatly lnoreaae m1 number or sales. Wot1lG eell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies Ironed. All Kinds of V ehi c les Repaired At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed If Desired. Saws, and prepare all kinds ot lumber for oarpentere nd others for building purpoeee. Ornamental and P lain Ploket s tor tencea In every etyle reQulred. made to order. ,I At the Faotcry I also do Planing. Matching, Turning and Sawing with Cirole, B&od .;r Ser Kum wonne AND TRUE.- Mr. J ohn H Carter, of Oorbett on, Ont., writes as follows : " Haizyard's Yellow Oil ood the teat often when all others failed. Our h ouse is never withou t; it , and it will al· ways find a welcome spot on the shelf.' A Jl'A.MILY FRIEND.- Dee.r Sira.- W e ha ve used Hagyard's Yello w Oil for sore throet and colds, and always can depend on it to cure. We . nlao use it for l!Qr& shoulders on our h orses. Mra. William Hughey, Wilberforce P.O., Ont.

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