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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1888, p. 6

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, .. : 1 . \ .. · · · · severe eyes of sister or nurse. BY CHARLOTTE M. YONGE. mvER y WEDNJESD.i\l' 1'10RN_ ING That cut .Nuotie t o t he h ear t. To speak , ' -BY.CHAPTER XXIX (CON'l'INUED.) of t he evils for which self indulgence w aa a preparation would only make her father "The insurance office sounds the be3t, aud .L:\... ~TA~:IES~ sneer at her for a second Hannah Moore. It would be t he least shock to our belongings," .!i.T 1'HE OlJ'E.IOE was a language he did not underste.nd; and said Annaple; 'but it seems to lead to notho.s t o the physical unwholesomeness he simply Post Ol1lcc ll~lock, 'Klug' i'\trcet, J3o~vman· ing. He would not get on .unle~s we had did not choose to believe i t. She almost ·ville, Untal:'io. · · · capita.I to fovest, and even if we had any, wished Alwyn would for onco be ai1:k enough yG>u wouldn't catch ug doing that a.gain !" T :a :a :M: s : to frighten him, but t hu.t never happened, "Doos Mr. Dutton ad vise that?" l'Pt.50 ll!ll" Ann um, or $1 i( l>aicl in utlvnnce. nor would he accept nuree's statement of the "No, he only thought wo would like it boy being out of order. Paymonr. etrlotly: In adva11ce reqni;ed rroro :etter; but we are quite caring for peonbsc!"lbera outside o f the county. Q~dera ~o >le's foeliugs in the ma.tter. They couldn't Poor little Alwyn, he was less a.nd less of !i.scontlntte t.he paper mufit be accompanied by an unmixed j oy t o her as h e was growing 1 1.e &moll.llt dun, or the papa · ~'il·opped. )tty us ~forsa than they do. T in.cliue to out of the bounds oi ba.hyhood, and her no- Begs to inform ths inhabit ants of Bowmanville and surrounding ·ebS<Jr.lbeN :1.l'tl l'esponeibleunti fitll va:vmcnt le ltubbs and Co. · One of them was once in the tions of discipli11e were thwarted by her Townships that he has opened out business in t he old stand, fo1-merly .a.ade, " }reen\eaf office, a.nd has a. regard for a.nyfather's unbounded indulgence. To her the RA'.1'~3 GJ<' h.lHill".J:>;'il':Ull!NG a ..· ~ ~ thiug from thence ; besides l\'lark would occupied Ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of Sta.ndard Bank, a.nd 1 child was v. living soul, to be trained for a Who.le Oo1 11mn one 7 ;oar ····· ~ ....... $110 001:;;~~ nave something to do besides desk work. will at all t i mes keep in stock all goods usually kept in a first-class responsible position here and for the eternal 1 Hall year,;. .'..... ... .~6 00 · !';i~ H o would havotojudge' of samples, and S<'e " " world h ~yond; to,her father he was a de" " One quarter., .... ·· i 20 oo .~o the talfing in i~nd storing of ·~oods. He H ardware Store, comisting of lighlful ple.ythiug, never to be vexed, whose Half ColUIDll one year ... : ·· 1: ·.·· .... 36 oo - - does know sotiie.thing abou t that, an.d l'm 1 " Ha.lfyear ...... ; .····. :2000. ld. " h . . bt" h very tempers were amusmg, especially when · " One. quarter ._ . . , .... :. 12 501 sure it wou agree wit. bim e c'llr t an an they Leased the serioua elder biater. unmitigated high s~ool, with his nose to a 'Q uart er. Colurr.n one yes.r . . ......... 20 00 1"Oh, father ! do you i;ver think wh"'t it ·· " Half year .......... . 12 501· - 5 desk." · " " One quarter ...... ··· 8 OO ---·"I should like it better," will come to?" Nuttie could not help say".i'en l!n;is audtmdor, ~rat ln~ertlon·., $0 50!:: N I t Eachsubscquentmeertion .., ... 02~ "Tha.t'sright l ow havegotaomeoue o fog one dav when Mr. Egremont had pre'2'romsi:s:totcn Uuea,ftretln~ertion 0 7':?·aayso. Besides,risingispossible, Honegets vented her from carr~ing him off in disgrace Eaoh insert.ion..... . 0 3o - · lU very useful. I mea.n to be Mrs. Alderma.n, to t he nursery for tying the rolls up in rlinI shall also keep a well assorted stock of tho best ma4ufacturers' ()ver tBnlines tli:stinaertion;perline 0 toif not my Lady J1,1ayoreBs, 1 1efore we ner n'lpkins to enact Punch and J udy, in Each subsequent insertion " O 03 ::::: done. Tlrnn they have a great big almost spite of his own endeavors to prevent tile TlHl number oflines to be reckoned bY desert.ed set of rooms over t h e . wareh ouse, tho B paco occupied, .measured bya acaleof consequent desolation of the preparations. ·olld Nontiaroil. · where 'we might live and look after the Mr Egremont shrugged his shoulders, ~tove Pipes, Mic:is, &c. and only observed, " An excuse for o. little ~~~~====~.....,....~ ~ --~ --==·~-~ ~~=~='5 pfo.ce." , s/1ould you like that?" "Oh .! but · · 1u1·e and putting UJl o:r llfa,l 'C Troughs home tymnny, eh! No, no, Wyn; we don't Tile n1anutac_ DllS, ltlcL.UiGHLIN'.~ B~'l:·rn , "Mr. :Qutton wants live out in some of wii.nt little muffs here." . ll' lll t·(~Celve special attention. . Nuttie ws.s obli!:ied to run out of the nom " OFF-ICE :-Mormrs' BLoc~; :S.oWMANVILLE. the sub~rb~n places, where it seems there is 1Dr.J.W.McI1AUGHr,rn. Dr.:~· BEil'H, Gradu a pe'rfeot population of clerks' families in and-it must be confessed-da.uee and sta~np Ucentiste of the Itoyal ate i of the Toronto ~emi·detached houses'. He says we should out her agony of indignation o.nd misery ~liege of Physicians M k' · 'l f · t d 11 · that her father should be bent on ruinin g l'nd member of tho Un ..1.v.ermty:, l'hysiclan save 11.r s rM way .'.\ir, ren-, an o. m his child, for she could not understand tbali Boyal College or Sur- Surgeon, &c. doctors' bills. Bnt people, children and all, woons, Edinburgh. . do live and thrive in the City; and I think all this was simply the instinct ive self.ind11lMark's health will be bettel' looked after it gence of a. drugged brain and dulled conDR, ;.J. CJ, MITCJiELL, I am. there fo give him his mid-day bite 11.nd science. !\KEM.BER OF COLLEGE·OF'.PHYSICIANS sup, and brush bim up, than if he is left to Sho did, however, get a little support and Bowma.nville, April 2nd, 1888. .It.VJ. and Surgeons. Ontar!o,.eo.r oner, et e. for nilnself . ; a.ncl' as to Exercise for the help dur ing a brief stay in t he shooting . -.ti>1'lce and Residence, Entiiskillen. T!l . Billy-boy, 'tis not far to the Thamea Em· sea.son at Bridgefield. The Ce.nonces was bll>nkment. The only things that stagger visiting the Conda.mines at the Rectory, and W, S, OltMISTON,. L,; L, D. me the blaek11 I I don't know whether very soon understood all the state of things, "'!Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c, Money life is long' enough to be after the blacks all more 11erhaps from' her former nurse thai;i · t o loan. Ofiloo, In Beaver Dlook upstairs in day long, but Ferhapa I ahall get med to from Ursula. She was witnesa to one of rooms for merly occupied .by: Dr. Harnden, MEDICATED ELECTRIC those trying scenes, when Nuttie had been them!"· · ~owmanv ille. · .. 39 C !IAPTER XXX. forbidding the misuse of a. beirntiful elabor"Well, I think that would be wuse." · ·BELT·-ate book of nursery rhymes, where Alwyn Dlt. E. C. ltlcDOWELL. "Perhaps it would; and at o.ny rate, if NU'l:Trn ·s PROSPECT&. Medicnfod for all diseases of the blooa. and ner· thought proper to" kill" with repe11oted ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE the black!l do beat · me, we could move.. "Throe hundred pounds and poesi'·ilities." vous system. Ladies' Belt $2 for female comthe old woman of the shoe, when prepar ing ;Elaint s i t has no equa.l. Mens' Delt $8, combiued , or Physicians, Lonllon, · :Eng.; Member ot Think, ·no rtint, nor rates nor taxea-th1»t is Merrv IV·i·veg of Windsor. Belt and Suspensory $5. te heat hH progeny. 'l!Jollege of Physicians ana ~tgeons. Ontario. a.n inducement to swallow--no-to contend S URGERY AND RESIDE~CE:-"'Rear of Messrs. with, any number of black n10orn, isn't it? Again N11ttie's plans were doomed to be Seminal weo.lmess, ('.£0 BE CONTINUED) iffigglnootham's Drug ::>tore,· Bowrutlnvillo, errors of youth, lost even if t hey settle on the tip ot Billy-boy's frustrated. It <lid not prove to be half so . 6~lyr,* . manhootl, nigh t ly easy to befriend Mr. and Mrs. Mark Egre- ----·------- · -.-'---~- nose." emissions, Etc. The only applianoes " I could come to see you beL ter there mont as ahe expected, at the distance of The Condition of Cuba. g i v i ng a direct current of Electricity D. llH!l'tM.llo~ !lli~:ll 'PSON , th&n out in o. suburb," said :Nuttie. "But half London apart, a.nd with no special t 1 nn A let ter from Cuba shows that that fine , , t o the parts. Can bo worn night or da.y 'lO .ARtUSTEH, SOLIC!'rO,R. &;c. MOPH.IS ~ ' without inconvenience. Hundreds of Tes· for being pa.tronised on their side. Island is in a most deplorable condition. Jf D BLOCK. up sta.ira, $.t reet, Bowman· w}Jat' do these rooms look out upon?" tJmonials on fjl!') from those cur~d ot female diseases, vains in back and hips, !lead and "On one side into their own coui·t, on the Her tather took a fancy for almost daily the account which the correspondent gives !le. Bolloitor for the Ontario Bank lrmbs. nervous dob~hty, general debihty:, lumbago, i·heumatism, paralysis, neuralgia sciatica. other into Wulstan Street-a quiet place on drives with her in ~h~ par~, because the~ he is anything like true, Cuba could hardly disease of the kidneys, spinal disease, t orpid liver, gout, leucorrhcea, catarrh ot the' bladder ll'dvat.i ll!loneT8 loaned a.t the lowest rates, sexual ex_hau~tion,. seminal emissions, a~thmaheart disease, dyspepsia, constipation erysip·---~--------·------------· the whole-all walls and warehouses; n.nd could ~a~e, ~lwyn with lnm ;_ an~ the h l tle be worse governed than it is. The PoHt office Jioblll lK!llUl (J;luUtraUb, elas, mdi!l_es\ion, =potency,, piles, epilepsy, dumb ague and diabetes. Send stamp for ther e's an excellent parish church, Mr. fellows <.h~tter had become h;s chief amuse- is not to be depended upon, letters are openhands?me1y illustrated book and health journal. ColTespondence strictly confidential. Con-11!1 AHJ:O:S 'l'ER, sor,ICITOR, NOTARY Underwood's; so I think we might do ment. Or if she had the carnage to herself, ed delayed and in some cases dest royed sult11.t1on and electrical treatmenttree. Agents wanted everywhere. Pat. F eb. 26th, 1887/ 11! PUBLIC, &c. Office-- Bounsall's Bloc,k worse.,, there wa~ s,ure to be_so~ethin_g needful t? be m~gazines and illustrated papers appr opria.'. Cures Cuaranteed ~~-fltra~~~~n.:s.n_!llle~ Mon~!~t~_l:~~~· N uttie was very sorry tha.t the gentle- done_ wh1cn mado it impossible to go mto ted, and novels are read by the officials and Medicated Electric Be.It Co·· 155Queen St, West, Toronto, Canada. men came up, and Mr. Fa.nil wandered t,~e city to take up and set down Mrs. M~rk sent t o their destination dirty and dogseared. JIMIB.EKT AR!llOiJR, nEfH8TRAR, WEST DlHtlIAM ISSUER oull and began asking whether thev Egremont; and t-0 leave. her to ll\~ke her So unreliable ia t he Ct1ban post offioe that [(\. or Marr! Lieenaes, Barrister and Attor- were going to the rose show. Somehow "'.11>Y home would ~o no km~':css. So Nut- those who important letters to send a mo.r e.t Law a nd Sollcitor in .Chancery. Monet on that evening she became conscious that ho_ only accomplished a vlSlt once before ·knowledge of whose contents they wfah to 011.m~d on Ree.I Esta.ta. Otlicfl on K ing street, Annaple looked a.t her and Mr. Fane rather gomg out of town, and that was by her ciwn withhold from the authorities must :find l3owmnitville._ _ _ __ _ curiBusly ; and when they met the exertions-by undergronud railway and some safer means of conveyin~ them t han next clay, and having grown intimate over cab. 'l'hen she found all goii::g; the postal department supplies. bThe Custom the introduction of the two little boys, were the blacks not ho.If so obnoxious as.had be~n House has been seized ):>y the milita.ry ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the driving out together, there werP. questions ?x:pectod_ (of course not, thought Nuttie, authorities and is now in th'eir possession, County of Durham. Orders left at the about whether she saw much of him. in the middle of the summer); the look-out but the revenue does not show that the a.d131!.1.TESMAN office or forwa1·ded to Tyrone P.O. " Oh, I don't know ! He is the nicest, over the yard very amusing to Billy-boy ; ministration of the soldiers is a. whit more :wun receive prompt attention. 28:6m on the whole, of papa's friends; he can talk atld the largo_ old-fashioned pannelled1:oorns, honest than was t hat of the civilians. \Vorse S. C. llllNJUNG, of something besides"- Nuttie paused over 8~ cool an!1 airy that Annaple was qmte. de- than this, life and property are not ,#fa.fe on ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR her " besides,"-" horseyness, and all tha.t lighted _with the.m, and contemned the idea the Island. " Never before in the world's the County of Durha.m. Sales attended sort of thing-he is n ot so like an old satyr of needmg a holiday. She had made them history " writes the correspondent " has Ibo on shortest not ice and lowest rates. Address as some of them are; and so he is a re- 1"ery pretty a~d pleasant with her Mickle- lawless~ess been mere complete and 'murder l.lOUH>'ICR P. o. 36:tf th~ayte furnit ure, whose only fault was more common .. .... vVith perfec t impusource." " I see. And you meet him elsewhere, being on too small a scale for these_ larger nity murderers ply their daggers in the Pia.nos Tueed and: Repaired. '1 don't you, in general society?" SJ:laC!ls, but tha~ had been remedied by streets of Havana in the broad day." A Cub" I don't go out much now that La.dy piccmg and m ..kmg what had been used for an newspaper is quoted as saying: "AsARTIES WISHINGTHErnPIANO$ Kirkaldy is not in town; but he always two scrv;e one. · . 1 i11lts, thefts, murders are daily occurrences ·runed or repall'en oannavethem attended seems to .turn up everywhere that one .The kitch~n was on the same floor, 0:~oae throughout the Island." Another journal ·'<:; ~by leaving word ,llt the DOMINION ORGAN goe~.,, at hand, wh10h was wt;ll, for Annaplo d:Ld a conffrms this in the following terms; "The 1Co' s 01'1!'ICE, Bowmanvllle A ftret-clas man "U1·sula, I'm very glad of that tone of go~d deal there, hD.vmg only one yoLmg worst of it is that the footpads do not a.lone n1 ow being in their emnlo; yours. I was afraid-- -··" maid fo! the rougher work. She had ta.ken be,i..t ·and rob, but on the slightest provoca" Afraid of what ?" cried Nnttie in a. de· lessons m the School of Cookery, and p:rac- tion employ the da"'ger or pistol and thus Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run . fiant tone. tised a good deal even at .Micklethwayte, have already caueed"'t he deat h of ~any emin" That you liked him, and he ianot rea.lly and she was.proud o_f he! skill and economy. ent and peaceful citizens." Within the last over one month. nice, Nuttie. Mark knows all about him; Mark came.m for his mid-day refreshment, month no tewer than seven citi.zens while aud so did I . when I lived wit h the Del- and looked greatly brightened, as if the engaged in their dc,ily avocations were kidmars.,. worst had come and was J_iy no means so napped by the briga.ade. One of them a Nuttie laughed rather bitterly. "Thii.nk bad as he expected. All thejtime he had been wealthy planter, Senor Galindezy Aldama., yeu, Anna.pie. As if I could for that at fl.;[r. Dutton's he ~ad ~~en dep~eesed and I was not .liberated until he P_aid a r ansom of man-or he for me, for that ma.tter ! I anxious, l_iut now, with.his,boy on his knee.,_ ho I $17,000 m gold. The press 1s muzzled, and know but too well," she added gravely, was merrier than Nutt1ehadeverknownh1m. I Cuba in the words of the correspondent "is "that nobody nice is ever intimate at As to exercise! there were deligh~ful eyening fast sinking into a condition of utter law'leEsheme . ., walks, sometimes ~o.rly marketmg~ m the ness and despAir." · "I beg your pardon. I would not have long ,summer mornmgs before busmess be__ · - - - - -- - HA A.N D EN, L. l_). $ , worried you aboutit onlylthinkyoumust gan-"-a:nd . altogel:her it seemed, as Nuttiel A D' t t take ca.r e, Nut tie, Blanche mentioned it told.her fa_ther af~erwar.ds, as if s~e had had 1 s a lC a or. 0 1 Gradua.te oft1i.e Rwal College cf Denti>l a ~/mp~e 1 to us last winter ." ~~t 2': l ttl ,Yh A :cad ia.. . . . In the preface to t he memoirs, Garibaldi · a C! t Snr;;wons. "Blanche is an arrant goRsip I If she ' ~ern . said he, .·ow long will it advocates on the very :fir::it page-writing in 0 FICE OPPOS~TK EXPRESS OFFCE. saw a grandfat her and great grandmother 1 last . . . 11872- the necessity of " au honest and temllO:LD FII,J,iJ:NG A SPECIALTY gosaiping she would aay they were going to And Nuttie was earned a.way to Cowe~, porary dictatorship" for na.tions like France, .ARTIFICIAL TEETU INSERTED WITHOUT be married." where he ~ad been. pllrsuade.d to recur to his Spain, and Italy, as distinguished from t he .:·i;j;>:i~TES . "Yes, as M ark says,, one always swallows old 0.f ~ac~tmg. She would state of things in England. Repeat edly he , · ·· '-·· Bla.nche with a qu!!.lification." ha:e mther hkcd thrn if Ola.r ence Fane ~ad recurs to that idea. It was a fixed one with w<;;~.t~t #t~~l~~!!f(J;10di,~\C:nt~n i:1~8~e~;~~ "You may be quite sure, .Annaple, that not been, there too, and _contmually h~untmg him, as I h"'d occasion to find in 1864. Havducing Palnl · · " ...,.· ·· JOS. Particular atten nothing like tba.t will ever be true about me ! I t~em. She ha~ heen d~strustful .of lnm e ver 1 ing one Clo.y, in company with my wife, tak~ion paid tot no0f:~Children's 'J.'eet!l Why, what would ever become of my poor smot; Annaple s warnmg, and it bec~;na ~\ ing him from the ell.armed circle in which ;tflr ALJ, ED . .._ little Wyn if I was so horrid as to want to con~mual worry to t~e mo_t~erloss gir~ to he was t hen somewha.t confined in the house ;therford's Or~no. go and marry?" dec;de whether his. civil atton1;ioll!I of the Duke of Sutherland, and conducted ' · She ss,id it with a.n inE>ffable ton~ of con- reaJy meant any_ t hmg, 0 ! . wh(ith~r· him from my house, first t o L edru R ollin ·.t J:;-- - --------- tempt, just like the original Nut tio, who i she were .only foohsh and ridwulo1;1:S Ill and then to Louis B lanc, questions seemed to be recalled by association with not o.cceptmg them as freely and sunply to future action were then a.nd ther e dis· . e A.nnaple. as before. . cusded. " Are you still a Republican ?" Thab sojourn of Mn.rk a.nd his wife at Of one t?mg she. became snr~, n~mely, Mme. J,edru-Rollin asked him pointbl1),]1k, Spri.llgtield HMse was a bright spot in that that <;iregorio was domg whatever m lurn lay wit h that directness of speech which is the summer. If it had been only that Anna.ple's to hnng ,them t?~ethcr. privilege of ladies. "Gerta.inly I" he anpreaence gave the free entr ee to such o.n In this Bea.B ide t empor.ary abode, great Rwered. Then he added : "If the time should island of old Micklethwayte, it would have . pa~t of the London. establishment was left come for renewing the movement for a Combeen a great· pleasure to her ; but there waa I benind, imd Gregori~ conde·c 11 n~ed to· act monwealth in Italy l believe a. dictator will besides the happiness of confidence and un-1 ~he pii:rt of butl~r, with only °' smgle :man- have to be appointed by way ot tra.neition restraint in their society, a restful enioy- ser:ant un'.:ler .hmi, and tb~ 3 he had !11':ch in order to insure success." Nobody among ment only to be appreciated by living the mo1_ ? ~pportumty ofregulatmg the admi8~10" us a oubted whom he had in view. Owing t o WITD()\JT TDSTH guarded life of constraint that was hers. , of ~iaitora than at home ;_ and he certamly his bringing 11p as an ordinary seami.n and his WIT$ 'l'll:E r11, er \!If 'Im' Al l.'W n ... 'Ir.! She wassoseldom thr ownamongpeoplewhom I often t u; ned Mr. Fane m upon her, when fre ebooter's life abroad Garibaldi, in 1849, . II · J.U.1 JJl,ll,A V V J.llA. · .1r.!.i , ahecouldadmirei>ndlook up to. Annapletold she hn.d 1ntended _ that gentleman to be ex- was, in culture of mind, even less to be comPBACJ::.fl.A I. nENTlST, her husband of Nuttie's vehement repudia- eluded, and.~ontrived to turn a de!"'f or nu- va·ced to Mazzini than in later y40lars. Of ovu TWENTY YE.ARB :u::ic:Pll:RIF.NOill. tion of any intention of marriage. "I am comprehenamg ear wh~n. she de~i~ed that his nat uro.l intellectual p,ptitude I confess I sme she me~.nt it," she observed, "it was there should be no a.dm1Ssion of vmtora un- hold a higher opinion tha n some of hie detrou110:a:ldeGn sA.dmintsteredCorPainlcs only a little too strong. I wonder if that less her father was absolu~ely ready for mocratic compatriots would a.cknowledge. Operations. poor youth who came t·O her first-ba.11 and them ; and also there ~er~ t11;r1ea wh!· n he I am also convinced that his so-called sim~HICE llCCLIJNG'8 RLO(JK, helped to pick us out of the hole in Blue- muat ~9'.v~ sn~g~sto~ o.n rnv1tation to dmne!, plicity was far leas than appea.rances might Inspe('tion Solicited. , .. . . .. ... " ·' . . - -· post Bridge, had anything to do with it." or n. 3ommg ma satl._ No doub~ Gregorio seem _ to warrant. T h ia was my d~tinot im~!. ,J ,. '·' , Annaple ha.d an opportunity of judi;ing. "!ould hue been dehghted to see her ma.r- pression from personal obser vation, espeVicto1·ia Buildings. MURDOCH BROS. Mr. Dutton would not have brou(?ht about ~led, o.nd to be ~hus free from any coi~nter cially when, the appointed spokesman.of the .,JI a meetinp: which might be pD.inful and un- mfluenc~ over his U:Mt~r; b?t as she to Germane in London, I was invited by him ; .. . . . .· . I · settling to both; but one afternoon, when herself, Oa.tch me · Even i~ I cared II:, rush to see him in t he Isle of Wight, before his · ...;..·. ·:· c ·· · · :' ,, · Nuttie was " off duty" with her father, for the man, I could not do it. I don t _do entry into London, on which occasion many a.nd h . ad come in to share Annaple's . five my po~r father muc? go~d, but as to lei\vmg politicd quest ions were ~o~fidentially diso'clock tea, Gerard Godfrey, looking the poor little Alwvn m his _clutches-I mu~t cussed. .tl.owever, Mazzm1 would openly .... , . .:· - eura.te from head to foot, made his appear- be_ perfe~tlr, demented with love evm1 to say among friends, with a somewhat star t!.· ·l 'h' ·~ ,. a.nee, having come up from the far east, thmk of i t . ing candor: " I 11m the head, he is t he arm about some call on Mr. Dutton's purse. There was a desire OU the valet B po.rt to of our ca.use !" Such claims ancl coun ter The too shook hands with pleased surprise, I coax a.nd court little Alwyn of which s he clo.ims could not but create a deal of friction. ., · and a little heightening of color, but that was , felt somewhat jealctu. The boy was uatur'f'. .; ' ·.· rp.Q /1 ·1 all. Nuttie had been out to limcheon, and was ally the pet of every one in the household, It's a Poor Rule that Won't Work Both . '(;' I):· t- "' . 111' · . ?res~ed 'like . a. mere fashionabl<i youn<( lady' !:mt ho was m uch lees out of Gregorio's r each Ways· . :i..i:- ;,·, . Ci 1· · ..· m his eyes; i>.nd when, uft;er the classes and . m the present confined quarters, ancl she Landlady (to applicant fot· board)-Have After spcndmg much 'ti.m e and mon13y, I am l clubs and schools o{ .his district had been 1could not bear to see him lifted up in the now prepared ttJ fill hU orders, promptly, I d" d · ·" · ; l · d 1 · h h· h yon children, m11.dam ? have a fl ne aSSOJl . tmenlof w AV-ES :,BANGS ; iscusse , he asked· , . And I suppose you : va et s arme, allowe to p.ay wit 13 watc , Applicant- No. SWI'l'CHES, .. Ch/MBS.#,n!l.PIN ~-veq chea.p. ' 1' are taking pe.rt in every . t hing here ?" held t o look at d istant sails on board the L andlady-You arc for tunate, for we :BANIA~' F~·b'.IY-r ' $2 UP"No, t hat I can't !" i yacht, or even fed with sweet biscuits or never t ake families who have children. IN THE lllARKET. ~ld S wltcb· cliJored~i£nci. made to look llk. e l " Indeed ! I know Porlock, the second j chocolate creams. Applioant - H ave you any childrcm? new. Rig ... · ~rice Yitid'.· for long cut hail'. ' [ curate here, very,,well, and he tells me that I Tho R ectory nurser y had gone on a. .s trict Landlady- Yes, two. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the N ew Oils, . . .JR ~°i'ON:iJ'4j [his vica~· has a wp~del"ful fac_ nlty of finding regimen a.nd nurse wae as o.ngry ;i_s ~ruttie Applicant- Well, you are unfortunate, ·1 1.. · · ! ··, ,· . . . . l appropriate work for every 'oiie, Of course . hernelf ; but there was no prevcnomg Jt, foi· for w e never boi\rd wit h families who h1we Warranted !t8~.1~v~n~ . ~ne: ~air from falling , you kno-w him?" · . bis father was not above cnpboa.rd loYE ·, and itM"I ou~~: wfl~ \~ i t g~~~ . , . j " No; ·I don't,:». said N u ttie. never resist ed t he entreaties that were a1ways children. 1 IPatterrii:.veA;i/ii!~ere · --.~g~.~~ten~~E~ng f ":J1;1iss_ Egr emont has her appro:t>ria.te. ~xcited by the ~ight of dainties, only hughTry it once, and you will use no other. -'51\~ ~A 1 ~ - :· !.w ork, :.said Mr. Dut~on, an? the dea~on !' ~ng when Nutti:i re1~onstrated, ~r eve~1 say- There nearly 300, 000 Chinamen in the ' r;::r,~ it~~ ' .I v .L.~u 1" £~i~:h1mself Pl.\Bhed mto his old poeit10n mg, " N ever mmd, sister Wynnie, shes got United S~ates. .NicUOI,.L B.RO§. & To1·ont-0. 47 ""' ·:·Nl!ti 1' ocl?, Bowmanville.·'. at Micklethwayte. He knew the clergy\ . 18 PUBLIBHEl'.> THE CANAD!Ml STATESMAN .· . J\!_L NUTTIE'S FATHER. to l I :· . ;fe:_y Grc.>gorio, prevented th<'ir gaining admittance at his house; and be guessed, but did ncit · know, th11>t Nut tie co Lild not have got into persoNal intercourse with them without fia.t disobedience. Anm1ple threw herself into the breach, and ta.lked of St. Wulstan's ; and t he er1cou nter ended, leaving the eense of having drifted entirely away from one another, and being perfectly hearv wholo, tllough on the one hand Ursula's feeliugwa s of respect and honour; and Gerard's hitd a conaidernble element of pity &nd dis:lp}- cbation. "No!" said Anna.ple when they were gone, " he will not cry like the kloarek iin the Breton ballad who wetted three grei4t missals through with his t~ars at his flrot miws. He is very good, I a.rn sm·e, hut he is a bit of a prig !" "It is very hard to youth t o be good with· out priggishness," e!dd M.r. Dlltton. "Selfa~sertion is necess!~ry, and it may easily be carried too far. " " Buttresses useful, Lnt they are not beauties," rejoined Annaplo. · The warehouse arrangement was finally adopted, and after the three weeks necessary for the cle1J;ning and.fitting of their floor, alld the bringing in of their furniture, Mark and Annaple began what she termed " Li.fa among the Blacks." Nuttie had greo,t designs of constantly s·eo ing Anuaple, sending her suppliea from the gardens o.nd preserves at Eridgefield, taki:og her out for drives, and cultiviitinq a friendship between Alwyn and Willie, who bad taken to each other very kindly on the whole. They coi1ld not exactly understand each other's language, and had great :fights from time to time over t oys, for though there was a year between them they were nearly equal is strength; but they cared for each other's company more than anything else, w'ire always askinll' t-0 go to one another, and when t.he time of parting came; at least Alwyn did so unreservedly, for Nuttie had begun to perceive with compunct.ilon that Billy-boy was much the most uncler control, and could try to be good at his mothi,r's worcl, without other bribe than ·her kiss and smile. Ah I but he h?.d a mother! ~!nt~; d~;~~crt ii;;~~m~~t ~~~v P~;~!~~ ~I::i ~=!~~eb~ ~~~te~~;'~ga~~ :i~::rat~1~ . papers of sweets by stealth, apart from the HARDWARE ' HARDWAR· ETl Stoves a11d T1·nware, Pa· 1·nts and 01"ls. fl ·= GEO.£. /NB Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Bar bed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c. COOK, H1AL~!9 & PARLOR STOVES. Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared t o sell goods at small pro:f::l.ts and prices will be cut close to suit t he times. @mQ~~~ lie R~llrOOEOO@~ L C UR ES I I L M~DOUGALL & ME CALF, L are oner1ng Coal as .follows : Stove and Chestnut, ................ ..$6.25 P Grate and Egg, ................ ..........,. .. 6 .00 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on h and a lowest prices. fo; I I McDOUGALL & METCALF. I I or c rothers' ::H:..A.LL., BRANT I I ~E-W- O::S:I :~..A where are to be seen '\:: .· s T·R . y· ' ;l 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea SetsJ very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets ' 20 W"hite Bed Room Sets. SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED· BR I B l Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and SaucArs, &c. Fine f._ . . ,..G .o 0d SI 1 Y. :l'i · ,, L ·.\ , · ! .AD ES, H alronl z e · eI . , .. 0m nE I I I THB.ESHERS A ND FARIER· s USE ONLY McCOLL'S :=1L ARD I: ! M A CHINE Olla · · l I F'AMILY SA1"ETY & SU NLIGI-f TCOAL OIL. M ·A "'.:r.;re . . ChUdren Cry fc~r Pit cher's C~~toria~- cory,

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