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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1888, p. 7

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l THOS. PEAT, '~ S-~J"~§M,. ~. gN Notice to Creditors P hopeless love, made her symp~thetic. She It is well kno~rn th!Lt high cultivation ReHe.t· ;u:ul ba11l quite couldpity thisoldrwomanwho hadsacri- tendstoproducefruitcontainingfewerseeds, . lt-<11 ficed all for the man from whom she now until at last all the powers of the tree or Given UJl all Dopa:·. 1 . ' · had only ill-us~gc and neglect for her guer· plant are directed to the p erfecting of tho WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 1888. ! don. pulp. In some cases no seed appears. The Campbellfol'd, June 9, 1887~' "Was I ever fond of him? Yes," mut· finest vtuieties of p!ant aim and bananas, tered Mrs. M·~ndcville. "Don't I tell you piueapples and bread.fruit have no seeds. MR. E. M oim rs, T or.mto, t hat I was his slave? I have had my admirers Of course, all such trees and plants have D E Art Sm :-I feel i t m y du ty to give by the dozen-1 have had my vict ims, too, to he propagated from shoots or cuttings. you my testimony ' for t ho good I had Author n{ "LADY AUDLEY's SECRET," ',' WYLI.ARD'S WEIRD, ' ETC., !\TC. Cleaned, Died, Pressed and Repaired by and ed three or four handsome It hao been a common belief t hat the lite from your Dandelion Liver and Kid ney fortnnE>.s in my time. I was not called M adge of suoh p lan ta could no~ be vrolonged inde· Bitters. My Ii var was in a bad state and CHAPTER XV -MADGE WrLDFmE. and strong, aad know he'>V to work. ~:Lother: Wildfire for nobhing. But this one was the finitely. In the case of t he apple and t he I Wai! a groat sufferet'. I had tried in · \you will trust your life to me, wont you! 1 only m an I ever cared for-the only one who orange this is t rue. The t ree3 have to be vain to got relief and had quit e given up. Dyer and Clothes Cles.ncr. The mother neither repulse~ nor _ei;- You were not afraid of death ; why should j was the same to me in riches or pove.r~y- raised from seeds, l~nd the s~edler.s varieties all h op e, till a f ri<;1 nd told rp.o of yo u?." ! the only ,ene .for whom ~ ma d e sacnfi~~s. arc grafted upon 1;hese. B 't t I t 1:i ttl t d Goods warranted to be as no one will know couraged that embrace. She lee th~ girls vou be afraid of poverty." arms rest upon he~ neck for a few mrnute_s, " Because it's t\ great deal worse than You wou1d think I was lying, perhaps, l1 I Sueh varblles of fruit coul<l not a rfoe in a l era. go . a o e a once an 1 am. them from new when done. while she stood with clo1ded brow, deep 1n death. One means the blowing out of a were to tell you the ~ha.noes I .have ~ad, st..te of nature. '.!.'hey are the result of ae- happy to say the Bitters made a new woCt>rner of King and Ontario Streets, thoupht. . l' uff and all is over. No more and thrown away fo1· his sake. You thmk, lection by the early races of mankind. It man of m e. I cail heartily recommend Bowmanville . 1 l t. a "What do you want?" she llosked abrupt~i~ ' no ~no~o ra e and bitterness. No perhaps, that such as we. don't have our must have been t he case that th~ fruit wae them t o any on·e t roubled with l iver com' ly, after 8: pati_se th_ a t seeme~ lonf::· P .0.;in old o.nd n ~y when one ha.a been chances. B11t we do, girl, and better nbundant , so that people were content only plaint. Yours truly "Nothmg, m this house. 1 gr Po"er' y 1 ·· tlie chances than the women who are brought with the best. I t must also have been a fa. · g ledged gbea'uty h Wh h '" an a.el1,_ · burning ' u slowly ~ · I and 1 · 1e of f ood , or - - - -·- - - - - - -CARRIE S TEPH EN&:. " y ave you come ere I lnow .· candle up m cotton.woo, oo k e d after by a t · vorite, if not a. necosea.ry i.rtw 0 f th " l<'or two reasons, :first I wanted you, and sdmou r. eitlhng ·kete gutteri.'ng flari~g stink. foctiona.te mothers and high-minded h t hers. men would not have impr oved it by careful Good News at H:::>me. ,, . ownitself 1n e gro.dually soc , , , ,· I i:mg . h t h ave marne · d . a man w1. '·h h 1f · . I t h ougl1t :you next _ want e d me.,, iu out into darkness. .a a Belection. "You thought I wanted you, cried Mrs. pg t f who has lived a.a I m1ll10n of mone,. I might have married a Humboldt thought that Eome specfos of E . MoRRIS, E sQ.,-DEAR Sm,-I hav..'li guaranteed with SALARY AJ:"D EXPENSES PAID. Any dotormmed man Mandeville, with a. scornful laugh, that 1 o~erry dr_ a woma~han a hundred sudden man with a handle to his name, and might the wer" rn\tive t o America, but t he r eason t o speak well of y ou r Dandelion can succeed with us. Peculie.~· adv~ntagcs to cynical la ugh which h>:d o,f fate yea;s b~en a:::h:vif ~~;~~s:ld die a hundred times have been oalled 1!1Y hdy, and your fadv- discoYerers no m~ntion of fin~ing L iver :ind Kidney Bitt ers. I beeu, beginners. Stock. Cornpbte, ~ncludmg many her only laughter. "Don t you think if I b' li' tri!l' er o~ t in a noose" ship-I, Madge Wildfire. Bu t I tlung away it here. If we could prove it t o be native, onrn time wi th m y Kidne:yr fastsellmg specialties. Outfit frea. had wanted you I should have gone to fetc~ ov~; B;tpurn~~:r, t~g e~c;pey f!om a b~d n~y cha.nces, ~ecause I loved ~ack_ Mande· it would raise our estimate of the civiliza.tion troubled for R (N" tl1ia pap9r. Address at once, and a friend of m ine recommended them you. I k!lew where .you wer? t o be f~und. l'Ie-fro~ all that has ever been evil in v;lle-loved him aud stuck to lnm t ill he got of the people. BROWN BROl'ffERS. 1 "Y ?nm1ghtwa.ntadaug~ter slove, w,1tho_ut our life-to fdel ou!'self honest and brave tired cf me, and. only valued me a~ a ~andAs the case nta.nds, the probability is that to me and I t r ied them in my Cil.flt', and NURSERYMEN. l:WCilESTJ!lR, N . Y. Hl-3w knowing your need of her, ·o.nswered tne girl ~nd true. Who Jould not eat dry bread some decoy, to sit at the hrn~ of _hm chnner these seedless fruits wt:re firs t pr oduced in found them to work like a charm ; therefirmly, unabashed by the drnorder,ly splen~or for the s11.k e of that?" :Mra. Mandeville did table, and look sweet at ~is nch Y_OUDfS the Elat Indies, and from that point h ave for e I have much plea~ure in recommendpersons who are t r oubl ed. of the room, or by her mothers mockmg not an9 wer immediately. She began t o dupes wh~n they dropped~ for a wght s been carried a.round the world. '£ he name ing them to all _ laughter. . , i.ce the room wit h her hundij cla,sped play. Thrn. houa<J has cost Colon~! ~9ude- of the banana indicates that i t was given in in any way with their Ki dnev. She stood before the ~muer as calmly as if ~bove her head, ' her black hair streaming yille very lit tle, Madge ; b~t he l~ t.Ired of the East, and that the fruit waD a lea.ding - 01!' Yours trul y , she had been her guardian angel, nent to her h . I' the w'-i·tc rou!ld arms it, and of me. Ile let me give a bill of sale one in the aucientm:ukcts. J. J, J ONES" d h E over e1 s1 lOU aers, " h f · t ·ir d th D OOKS 1 "'h HANNAH BR , ecease · from t e < terna -'-· rone. . bare to the elbows-arms that a l!irl might _?n t e urn~tnre. o my_m1 mer, au ere · - - -·- - - - - - Newtonville, M ay 3, 1887. ~'I saw th_ at you ha.d bee!l --;,ery unha.ppy have been proud of, arms which "'had been is an execu.tion m for nme h~udred pounds Spoiled His Own Breakfast. 1 . -m great m1~ery and despa~r, a~o coa t mu, d . t. 0 f hole theatl·e sometimes odd, ii.nd 1f t hats not pa1c1 out, every Cons umpt ion Surely( Oured ~ URSTANT to Chapter 110; Section ed, " I read of your unhappmess 1n a news-, thh a :~ra lOL aw t due in hE>r box' stick will be sold, and 1 sha.11 be Husband (at the breakfast table)-Why, 8 1 I ~we · my where is t he mackerel I brought home la.~t 1887, ~~ti~~ r~he ;:;~s~~v~~a~~~~ a?i' 0?,;Ji[~~~ pa.per, and I fe~t it was time for me to go to :Ueenwhi:e -:~~ans~~n!e~ with diamonds: turned into the ,street. THE EmroR : and other persons having any debts. claims or J'.OU, The ne'\\spaper told me where you Ing on the dark velvet cushion. landlorcl th? quarter a r ent, and he a furious nig\~t i_f?e-Do yon refer to the m .iok erel you To P lease inform your r ead e rs that IiaVG demands ag~t the estate of HANN.AH lived. It was my first chance oi findinir J 1 Y · · about the bill of sale. There'll be no mercy .. BROOKS, late of t.hc ·rown o_ f Bowmanv1lle, you." _ She paced the r oom for three or from him. even if I could Jive in a house brought home this morning? a !JOsitive remed y for the above n a m ed in the County of Durham. _ wulow, "P<1oi pray minutes and then stopped abruptly, without furniture Husband-.B..r-yes, it was this morning, d isease. By its t im ely use th oueanda of· who died on or about the First day deceasedil, of Apr , . child 1 ' And . Id ·what use , did four f · h d ;ghter · · That's · how the land · h .A D 1888 are hereby required to send by yon thmk your oommg cou be to me.' a.cmg er au · lies. That was what drove me to p01son per aps. hopeless eases ha,ve bee n permanently ' post, prepaid, or de!iver particulars in w riLing. "I might help you to make up your mind." "M~:lge, bad you com~ !'<> me three years myself, I saw ruin st11.ring me in the face, \Vite-You put it to soak, John, is a pa.n cured. I shall be g lad to send two b<ittlee . of their debts, cii:1m~. or demands. and the "To make up my mind, abouli what." ago . with such a pr'?pos1t ion, I suppose. I and I s!l.W Mandeville did not care what be- of sch soap, and the co'lk had to t hrow it of my remedy J> REE to any of you r · nature of thG sc~nr1ty !1f any) held byBtb.em, to "About lc..ving this house mother dear- should have laugllcd m your face. I was m c·me of me " e.w<l.y, John K Galbraith of the Town of owman· ' k h th " h · t f · ' d readers who have consumption if they · 18 ville, aforesa;d soiic1tor for Mrs. Mary Mino13t est, about a home in which you have luc t enouse waa JllS m:msne · "Why stay here then? Why not come will send me their E xpress and P. O·., 'th t ? t he administratrix of the personal estate of sa1n been so miserable that you would have kill· I had two of the beat saddle-horses m Lon.Ambition breaks tho ti"s of blood, a.nd address. dccel!sed. on 01· before the 'l:hir~y-lirst daY: of ed yourself to escape from it. Indeed in· d on, and a Victor ia that took the sh!ne out WI" Bme a ohnco · h h' · d h May, A. D., 1888, at the expiration of which · of half the titled ladies-those strait-faced eeause e may c ange . IS mm - e forgo-ts the obl igation of gra.titude. Reapectfolly, Dn. T. A. SLOCUM, 3't tlm"' the said administratrix will proceed to deed, dear mother, there was no need to I h h ld th . h d h. h b may bring me the money to-mght. He has - Yonge st reet, Toronto, Ont . d. 8 tributo the assets o~ the said decea~ed take that last desperate step. The world is ones, mean, w 0 0 eir _ea s ·g ~: not beeu here since th11ot business with tho among the p~rsons entltled thereto, ha.V?-ng wide enough for everyone. Let us go out cause they have not. been th,ough the_ di. B tI t t . th· . t regard to tile debts and claims only oC wluch . . h y b vorce court I had it all my own way JUSt poison. u wro e o 111m 16 mornmg a Anvrc& TO Mo1·n ERs.-Are you <lisou can never e_more j b tt ff 1 h I his club, a letter that might melt a stone. notice shall have been given as above reqmred mto it toget er. t urbe d at n ight and b roken of your rest and the said administratrix will not be liable unhappy than you were when you trwd to then-yes, was ~ er 0 t ian w en was He ma. hel me after all, Ho may be here for the as~ets so distributed to any pc,rson or end your life. You may be happier guarded your ago. But thmgs are changed. We t . P by a sick child suffering and crying with whose debt or claim she shall not have had b our dau hter's love" ' h11ove gone too fast, both of us. It's all up, 0~~ 1 f!. · , · · pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at noticeatthetimeof,suchdistributioc. Y}G , Jb · ,, · 1 . dth 0 th money goue-and love gone with it, girl. Verywell,mouher··I will come ~g~m once and get a bottle of " Mrs. W inslow'a Bowmanville, April 20th, 1883, uarc.e Y Y?u, exc aime e er, k h h h . to-morrow mornmg," said Madge, k1~smg JOHN K. GALBRAITH» . mockingly, but with a touch of gentleness. Yon now w at t ey say- w_ en one comes her mother's burnina forehead and then Soothing Syrup." F or children_ teeth!ng p, Solicitor fo1· said .atlmm1str.,,trix. "Oh my poor lovhn? forgivin~ child m o.t the door, the other fires out of the . t d th d" · its value is incaloulable. It will relieve. ' ' ,,. ' · 'IV k t lr mov1na owar a e oor what do you suppose you can do or me- wmdow. ' ~ never too · 0 qi;arre mg " Y~u had better stay upon t he premises the poor little s ufferer immediately. De~ you No. it is all over with me Madge desperately till he began to lose lns money. 'f , t i lf ,, pend upon ii, m o t1Hlr3 ; is n o» tr\ ' · ' ' T '· · l"ttl h · f , Madge 1 you o save me rom myse . 18 1 · 'lou should have kept clear of me- as I have uere o1ery e c mce or, me, "An thin but that. No, mother, I mi$take about it. I t cures Dysen te ry .A list of 1000, ne.,~':spap~rs ,· divided into kept cle:i-r of you. I might have come a.fter ~-ea th or the workhouse-tha~, s about what must go"Y_ n!t I promise to be here early. " and Di.arrbooa, i·eg nl atei.l th e Stomach and S'l'ATES AND SECIIONS Villi be sent on you-nught have brought you here-might 1t mcii.ns- -unless-unleas-" tt .. I d 't . t e 13 applio11.tion- l'IUm, . . L d l"f d . I ' "Unlesi what mother?" u o-monow on pr?mise o .se Bowels, c nrcs W i nd Coi ic, softceus _ the 'l'o those who want their a~vert.1smg to pay, have sho'"'.n you Ionk on I ,e an bits Ip ea.a-1 "U less there' should be a pil.(eou so well you," answered Mrs. Mandeville, angrily. Gums, r ed uces Intla.m ;11a.tion, a.ud g tves we can offer no better medmm for thorough ures and finery as now t11em, ut was n . f h I "Yon are a proud cold-hearted insolent WILL CURE OR RELIEV~ and effective work than the various s~·ctiou3 wiser for you than I have bQen for myself · worth pluckmg that the crow can eat er t' t f ' . ,, t I t o:ie and energy to the wh ole sy tttem. DIZZfNE88, / cf our Select Locnl Ust. Any kindness I can try to show her will b~ his nest again." s1~·"r hnell vebr wlan ot see your 11oce o.g:i-mg." . 11fl!OUSNE88, "Mr~. '\Vinslow'1.1 Sooth mg Syr up" $\to~ GEO. 1·. ROWJ,LL di co.. . ,. . , " , d s a e iere o-morrow mornm , h ,, DROPSY, OY8PEP81A, 1 Newspaper Advertlsrng Bureau, poison, I said to myself-better let her I I don tun erstanc you, mot er. said Mllodge unmoved by this burst of temchildren t etJthing is plrns,.ut to the tasi a JNDIGESTION, FLUTTERING 10 Spruce str eet, New York. starve in the old man's hovel than feast ; " I don't want you to understa.n~, me. per and sh~ was gone, and is the proscript i<.rn of one of t he old, with me. I kept clear of yon for your own You ought never to have come here, an-11 ' JAUNDIOE. OF TH': HEAfff, est and best female pb)1eicrn.ns a nd m1r1;1 m eake, Madge, though I daresay I seemed a swered Mrs. Mandeville, impati ently, a (·.ro B E CONTINUED,) ERY8/PELA8, ACiDITY Of iu the United ~)tates, Mid i~ fo r s & le b!J' cruel mother. Yes, for your own sake- and ~re11turoof impulse and whim!having hot :;'ALT RHEUflf, THE 8TOMAOfl, all druggiB ts th r oud1 th<> '"""1 ld. P i ica 11o little perhaps because I am hard by na~ure fits and eold fits, now n;1l sen.t1m.m~t, anon The Result of a Woman's Ingenuity. NEARTBURN, DRVNE88 25 cents a bottle . .Be eur<l :J.nd ask for and have never felt the want of a child's , vul&ar almost to brutality, a bnll111ont un· IJEADAOHE, Of THE SKIN, "J'ii RS. WINST,OW'S S OOTHCSll SYRUP." love. No, it is as well to be catidid. I ! edi{cated woman, who had seen the world The "Womim Qnestion" in England toAnd every species er disease a risi ng fror.~ didn't want you in the gone by and I I in many pnascs, and .all of them the worst_. cla,y is not so much whether they are to have disordered LIVER, i<IDNEYS, STOMACl-llt and take no ot her kin d . --o-BOWELS Of-I Bl..OC'.D, don't want you now. You have done a very She rang a bell v10lently, and the the suffrage but whether they are going to foolish thing in· coming to this house, and who had admitted Madge appeared so much daily bread a.nd the wherewithal to be MILBrJ~~ Propr!-rioRilrn-~ the very best thing you can do is to get out more quickly than is the manner of her j clot hed. 1n tho fierce struggle for life among of it the fast thing to-morrow morning, and : kind, that it might be guessed she hii.d been , the lower classes a common solution is emigo b!lck to Devonshire by a.n e11orly train- -go , '· lis on the landing. . · ,, gration, and with them t he women can emi· When l3nby -waa sick, wo J?::>~e her Castor!&,. back, and never tell the old father you have "Has Colonel Mandeville come m? . grate as eaeily as the men, but when the When she wns a Child, she cried for Castoria,, seen me." "No, ma'am,_ and cook says the dmner same difficulty is lifted to a higher social 'Wheu she became Miss, she clung t <> Castoria, Silver Stre<1t Bowmanvillo ·;,~;·1;,)3 "I am not going back. I have come to won't be fit to throw in a pii;r trough." ) plane the woman has no such refuge. T he '-"""'"" r ' ' L ondon for good. I am going · to shllore my I "S~e had better serve it de~ently for .al1 men can and do emigrate. They go to Wheu sho had Children, ahe gave them Caiitoria,_ -_ ~ ._, ·h st place to buy a life with you. I am strong, and I can work 1 that, if the Colonel does come m and brrng Australia and own sheep farms, or come to 7 omen, 5 T o buy F oot Gear. for Men, V. .._ c eap e. . for you- if I can get work to do. If I can't the two gentlemen I expect." the United S tates and invest in ranches or Stea - "Threshm~ Machine ; or a w"' ciln starve togE}t~er. It w,!11 be bettar . "I d on't t hink there',s much ~se in expe_c .t · marry ~merican heireuses ~ but for the .ever Boys and Maidens, at. No. 1 Steel Bmder- someth1ng than what Y?u are gomg t? d~. · 1~g any,?ody nu~, ma am. Its. nme increasmg supplY: of the fo1r sFx there is 110 ghly tested 800 " Oh, don t harp upon 1t hke that, girl. o clock, the maid arL3weretl with an off- such outlet, und it has been an open secret b t th new . U orou ' Don't ram that odious police report down hand air. . . for somo years that t here i s r eally a great work1ng last year ; a n ew ~ouble my throat, or remind me of the devil thatJ · "They may coi:ie any time before nud- deal of suffering among Eaglish women of Speed Mower-the best m the br.. ught me to such a I was deeper · . mght. Let the dmner be k ept back, Borne· the upper classes. It has driven many of H , Rake that a 5- a( ,,, mad I You don't suppose I am always ! how, and not burnt to a cinder, as the q uails them to revolt at last, and t o t the astonk t . mar e , a orse .. I f the same humour, do you?" were last night. That's all .·" ishiug step of going into tr! rat her than 1 year-old boy can dump ; 4 kinds "I think your life must have been very The girl went out, alammmg the door be- suffer any longer the miseries cf genteel of Seed Drjlls cheap · S ulky .nhappy before it came to that." . hind her. poverty. Dressmaking and millinery have T · S· l6 a " Yea, I ha.vo been miserable enough by "Madge," said her mother, "if the man been their favourite methods of getting a Pl OWS,. Wlll an . ing OWS ' , . fits and starts ; but it has not been all mis- I Expect is not. here before midnig~t, ~. will support, and they Bet up regular establishnew kmd of D1au.~nd Harro'Ys , ery. ~ have been the slave of a bad man- 1 go where you hk~,to-l!lorrow m?rnmg._ manta under pseudony mes which are not Honey Fanning Mills ; Spnng yes, his slave, though bef.oro the world he 1 "De!lor mother, cried the girl, trymg t o 1 even meant to deceive . t he public_, but · t d Harr©WS . pretended to make me his queen. I have caress her. are used to salve the wounded pnde of 1 T00th CUi~ ~1va ors an '. \ f~lt the bo:id wearing thin on both _sides'.'Don't touch me! I feel like a tigress. their relatives. For t hese ladies ~re · Farmer& Scal es ; Horse ~orks , his and mme-have felt that the ~1e m~st It is not fo~ love of you I shall go, but for very well .: aware of the commercial Our New Stuck hus 11rrived, and com8heaf Slings · Machine 011 and soon snap; but I have ~eld on, hk~ grim h atred of him. Oh, the scom1drel_ , . the c~u~l, value. of their r~nk and know: tha.t the T'YJE'l.C>NE. T · death, rather than let h1111 go. I th1nk a.s r elentless scoundrel, to rne like th1.s Ill the rrnh bonrgeo1se cannot r esist the de- priseu something neat and pre tty for . Bin 0er wine. my love has lessened I have grown more de- my old age. He told me the other night lightful and novel sensation of havmg their LY.dies, Good and Serviceable for M ,e n The above store is now is a position to supply termined to hold him, and to prevent his ~o- that I was an old woman, and t hat waa '!hY 1~owns made for them by "tho daughter of and Boys, and Boots tho.t R Boots for the public with a first class article of Spring Farmers call and inspect before ing after any one else. I have made him nobody cared to come to my supper parties. a hundred earls." M rs. Charles Gurney and Summer stock. every member of the hons ehol d . I have purchased from one of I.he best manu· pl ·Cl!::g your orders. pay pretty dearly for every time he has of- He that, when it was his shameless was the first to t11oke the step. She was facturing establishment s i n 'l'oronto a large fended >ne. It has been pull devil, pull villainy that had frightened away all but the cfover, pretty and admired, and belonged to assortment of fine Boots and Shooa, also a fino baker ; but the baker- meaning me- has veriest fools; an_d there · were not fools an ancient and honorable family, but W !l.S TRUi~KS , V A:USl> article in ·woman's Slippers in all sizes to flt S, d\ SA'l'CllEJ.S. JN S'.B'OU1' . purchaser which you Will find to your advant· sometimes got the upps r hand." enough t~ serve lns turn ; and he rounded horribly poor. Sho had always been age t o examine. They are mar ked in price tu ~Ordered Work aud R epairing She laughed an angry ~augh as she turned 01! me-his dec?Y· . And he deserts me now, obliged to make her own clothes, w it h the suit the t imes· away from M·tdge, seemmg almost to forget with an execution in tj:ie hom1 e, and a man help of her maid, because she couldn't afford S pecialty, 1J.8 usual. I have in stock Mens Summer Shoes fr om i ii her p resence, and stood with her elbow on in possession, and every jewel and every rag to have them done out, a.nd had eminent sue· up · also Woman's, Mens and Miss' Hnbbers. D. DAVIS; So come along friends and bring your cash. t he velvet-cushioned chimney-piece, looking I own striped from me. And yet ther e are cesa therewith. She sketches nicely in 1 and you will decidedly get a oargain, moodily down at the expiring fire. women who not half as handsome a.s I water colors and was in the habit of picturOrdered work and r epairing prom,p tly MAN-... " No, he has not had things all h is own have been, who have forti:nes and ing her gowns in t his way before making attondad to Thanks for the favors a nd soliciting a, way," she muttered. "I have been a match bought landed estates. It is an mfamous them up. But she kept growing poorer anct Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, continuance or the same, f for him-sometimes." shame. I will go with yon to-morrow poorer, and even the ma.teri!!ols were ha.rd to who in his Folly and Ignorance has Tl1· -W. H. HICKS, After a.n interval of brooding she turned morning if things are not set s traignt to- oome by. It was during ·a. period of great fledawe.y :h is Vigor of Body, Mind and Sil\'11 n! t he B;~ Boot. --o-upon Madge sharply. night. You shall b, ~ome supper, and depression on this subject that a wealthy Manhood, causing exhausting drains upon 'l'yrone, April 2, 1888. 15-Sm "Tell me the t ruth, child," she said. "I there is a room over this where you can friend dropped in and happened to get sight the Fountains of Life. Headache, am a woman ot the world, not easily huin· sleep." She was going to ring but Madi::e of these coatume sk etches. She was en. Baokaohe, Drelldfnl Dreams, Weakness bugged. '\Vhat brought yon here ?" stopped her. . chanted, "My dear," she, "I know of Memory, Bashfulness in Society, "I have told you my reasons, mother." "Don't mother," she said,_reso\~1 tely, yet you need money. Now, if you wili just de- Pimples upon the Face and all the Effects "Oh, that's all flummery. I've treated not ungently, "I can't stop m t his houjle," sign my costume for me in this way so that lea.ding to Earl).' Decay, Consumption or lneanlty, will find in our specific No. 23 a you very badly. I wa.s in low water when "You can't! Why not , pray?" my dressmaker can copy the l_)ictures I'll Positive Cure. It imparts Youthful I took you back to the hovel where I was " N 0 need to say why. .I have to get a pay you handsomely for it." Mrs. Gurney Vigor r estor es the Vital Power in old and r eared, or I ~on't suppose I should have lodging in the nol'th of London, near the seizad O'l the chance with avidit y, and be. young, strengthens and invigorates the Brain by done such a thmg, An d then afterwardsGray's Inn Road." fore .the season was over every one was re- and Nerves, builds up the muscular system e.nd arouses into action the whole physical it was wiser to leave you there. Wha t love "To-ni~ht 1 Nearly ten o'clock and you marking Mrs. Crreaus' charming costumes. energy of the human fl:ame. With our apecifto ca~ there be betw~en us then, mother and a stranger in London. You must be mad." Her friend.a began asking who designed No. 23 the most obstinate case can be cured in child! The,~vord s a mere empty sound to "No, I ain not, mother. I know where them, and m cousequence ~rn. G~rney had three months, and recent ones in less than thirty days. Each packago cont ains two weeks treatyou and me. . . t o go and I don't care how far it is. I shall mor e than she could do. Fm ally it dawned ment. Prioo $2. Cures Guare.nteed. Our spec"Not to me, mother. I hav7e nothmg m be he~e to-morrow m orning ; if you won'o upoi: he~ that she would double . her ifto No. 24 is a.n iufllolllble Cure for all Private ·-When I say CURE I do not mean mel'cly te> the world to lov~ .- but y~rn. Yo~ oan have come with me to-night-at once." ?arnmgs if she .ma:de up her own designs Dfaeases 110 matter of how long stand· them for a t ime, and then have them re~ my whole heart 1f you will. 1 will be your . matend of furmshmg t hem to t he drese- Ing, Sold undei: our written Cuarantee t o turn af rnin. I Mi1AN .A RADLCAI.; .() UltE. . slave if you will leave this house and go out " Co with you to the east end ; to ~unt makers, There was a great outcry i.t effect a Ou re. l'rico $0. Toronto Medicine ! .!lave made the disease of Co., Toronto, Ont. into the world with me, trusting in Provi- ~or a room to shelter us-to spend th~ m~ht first, but before long there was a new 11: a ~mau,~l ward, perhaps. den ce for the rest." A temptmg Ill· dressmaker in the ranks, a certain Mme. HTS~ EPILEPSY o~ "Have you any money?" vita.tion, Valentini, and the other costumers got no FALLING SICKNESS~ "A few shillings." "We shall not ha ve to hun~. I have the more of Mrs. Gurney's designs. Mme. Val· "Any home in London?" adche~s of a respec~able l0<~gmg-houae. It entini makes dresses for the Princess of A llfo long study, I WA,J?,R ANT my :remedy to VETERINARY SURGEON. Garo~ t he worst cases. llccause others have, " Not yet, W e can look for a lodging to- wa.s pi ven .me by a nousema.i~ at Lady Bel- Wales, Pdncesses Louise · and Beoi.t rice and failed is no reason .tur n ot uow recelvtnr:; r~ cure.... gether." field s, a. girl ' '.'.'ho had _bee,~ m a factory be· t he Duchess Paul, and M ies winslow, Miss Sood at once fur a t:'eatiseand. a.FREI.'! .~:m.'T~J'1 "The girl is mad." fo~~ she went mto service. . Grant and ·Miss Chamberlain, i>S ·111,ell of m y INFA~t~IBLE REM:tDY. Giv~ J~::: y:rc~r.:. :-.'.'ld Post Office. !t costs you n oth1;:;.g l.Ci' o ... "Not madder t han you were, mother, How clo y~u know tha.t there ~ 11! be :i,s Mrs. Vanderbilt· are amonR'. her fretrial, and i t will cure yo:i. Ad\ll'C~~ -when you tried to poison yourself," said room foi· you m your resp_ectable loagm~- quent customers. In consequence Mrs. ,,~~ :c·y, )'.], G, ROOT. 37 Yong<:l St., T.o_ ronto, ,cr.i_t.. · Madge, resolutely. "You confessed that ho~se, or th:i-Lt the h~usein;-Hl ,~old you t he Gurney has grown rich. 8he keeps 1 l'J ~\~~~i!f~~' it was not t he fi~at time yo? had, tried. And tr~~h about 1"s respcctabi!~ty ,'.;·.. an a bea.utiful carriage, _ inste& d of her you meant to die, you said. '.Ihere can be . S?.e was a good, hon.:it .,i.I, nnd. I c makeshift gowns dresses as w ell aa her rich 1 Ill I I nothing t hat you and I may h ave to. face tms\~er. Mother! why n~t come with me custome1·s, and as sh? k eeps Mm~. v a.lent ini togethei· worse than : and you Wiii at now . ur~ed the g'. rl pleadmi;l y. and Mrs. Gurney quite separat e IS as great · · · least escape from-shame." No woman's v~ice ~ad ever ad dressed a favorite in society as ever, L ady Gordo11, lll tlllS SeCtlOll Her voice so.nk almost to a whisper as she Margaret M~ndevt!!e l'i'ith so much ~ender- who had a genins for manufacturing h«;r own spoke that final W:lrd. ness, never t ill to-m gh t had a woman s arms bonnees, observed a nd poudered over this You trJk like a book ," t he mother , entwined themselves about l> cr neck. A nd l'Xample and the result was the founding of LV.. -or·~RR still cynical. t his gir_ l was h~r own fies~ and b~ood, her a bonnet shop. M).'S. P ocklington followed -"""' _::-;"~--~';;,, I 'fi1ira B:.i.nk is prepa red to do IJegH!. IOI . . ·' " I talk t o yon from t he d epths of my only child, look,mg at her wit h plcadrng eyes, up t he dressmaking line: and the latest ad_.;.;;., ·il#~::_:::._··~-:~~ '-~"::------~ ~aate Banking in all its brrmchea. ~erv:Bus Debiltty,tlSemf~{i'.i:~~~~it~dcJi~ilfb':Y heart ," an~wered the girl. " I had been trying t o lure her t>way from the brimstone rlit ion to i;he list of ti.tied tmd oopeovle i.s l!ll:.o....=:S:::-- F armers notes d is counted ; Deposits ' thinking aud wondering a·bout y ou for a path. Aud of lat e t he bi·imstone iutd Lu.dy Macken zie, who calls herself Mme. de · re ecaypromp yan I' 8 long time before I llll;W t hab n m".spaper . I not been a way of plcv,sn:n~ness. ,, . , Courcy, aud who has just " set up bhop." Gra duate of the Ontario Veteri!lary College, received a nd Inter.;ist paid on amounts of l I had yearned for you m the Ioi:elmess of my "No,, I must ~ee to-mgnt ou t , ~am Mrs. Tha r esult is t he formation of a " London Registered m em~cr of the.Ontario Veterma.ry g5 u pwards i n Savmgs B~.nk D cpa.i:tment; Medic~! Aaso01at10n. . D lllt .&_ IF'FJ.' ~' life, :i-na when I sa.w t hat, I said to myself ~andev1lle, .~etwe:n her _cle!lched t eeth. Societ;v ?f Lady Dresumakers," formed as a m"Ofllco and R esidence, Newtonville, Ont. · SI I must see ,~f he c ..u be vlllam enough to sort of tit~ed d:ress!nak er a' trust to prevent Will visit Orono every Tuesday and!Sa.turday Ineued and Oollectfons mad.a in E ui~ope · ies no~ interfere with Diet ot· nsual occupa- the !trne has come. I ~ad more thu,n one 11 and fully restores lost vigor and insures motive. l hated my h fe down yonder - aba ndon me. . the lowermg of prices by too much compet 1 rfect manhood, Sent to a ny address, post· hated myself. I wanted someone to w ork " Mot her, wer e you ever fond of thrn cruel ition. Any one wishing t o en ber furn· Office hours fr m 10 a. m., to '1 p. rn.,. at United Sta t e11 cr.nd Canada. 0 Goulters' H<!tel, C~lls by Telegraph reoe1ve W J. T()N'VS id o~ receiv\; £B~~~Lg.~e JJJfli~ P~fo1Nii for- some purpose to strive for. I come t o man, who treats you so sha.mefully ?" asked ish testimonial of social position as well :i.s im:E ediate attention , · · t .6.JJ, ' J:gO.:t~~~b,' ~oronto. '.you penniless, but nob helpless. I am young Madge earnestly. of character. CH.Ai, GES MODERATE. Ag«J. ~M R- m'lru~tl1· \"\'u -"' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~.!~~~~~-~~ -~~-~-illifi_ · ~---~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!![!A!L!L!R!!!!!rG!H!T!s!R!!!E~sJ~~R~v!E!D! . )!!!!!'~!H!e!r!!!!!ow!!!!!n!!!!!in!t!en!s!it!y!!!!!o!f!f!e!el!in!g!,!h!e!r!!!!!ow!!!!!n~!!!!!!!!!!!!!F=r!u!i! t~"W~it~ h!ou!t ~S~ e! ed ~s!.!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~ S~h~!e~~~r~i!e!d~-~i~ll~!v!a!1!1!1~f~:c!)~«;l-~e!!!f 1 a;' M -"~4i~"'~-"T Q(t' ~tfl>ti'<ltff.\t'tt. D -uNLIJ(_E_; <; .LIKE AN. _ .r [Now FIRl>"'T PunLISHl.m,] G~nts' Clothing By M. EL BRADDON, I I I I r A ' fu,, To ADVERTISE as I I I I To Farmers and Th raS h e rS 1 · 0 S R E ' CI R C d I I w. &cm., I I I I I I Pl . I I d C. ROGERS. TO BE 0 q HUNB just received I ._.ANY 3000 rolls of fine WALL\PAPERS ICURE Hy. C. Tait. A fine line of to choose from FITS! 1ABY CARR I AGES --o-- lHOTDGRAPHS t '"' · good style , as . a can be supplied l '\ I ,~,~l\B jsTANDARD I l BANK QRS QF Y QUTH " ~t~,1~1~\ ICapltalp~l~1p, ~,~@~: ~c~ ~2~o.e@> + , I I I

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