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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1888, p. 8

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BETHESDA. BOWMA.NV I LLE, MAY -- - · - MO.RE FOOD A.NALY5ES. AonoN n y THE MAS8..1.c u u· BoAit " O"Ji' liE ..~L:rJI. There ia 110 mor" useful work in which the health auth orities can cngagt'I than the examination of the various articles sold to the publrn for food, drink and medicine. The agitation for the passage of laws to expose and punish food adulterations in the U nited St<\tes, is being aided by action of kind taken by the B oardil of Health of several of the States. Ohio and M:asaachueette, following the course of the Inland Rel"enue Department of the Dominion, have published the names of many of t he impure or lln· wholesome articles exarnrned. Among t hem are the fo llowitig brands of alum baking powders: D av is's Silver ')tar, Frost City, A. & P,, Silver King, K en· ton, Cook's Favorite, Gem, etc. This is a mo~t effectual way to stop thei_ r sale , as no one will buy an alum baking powde1· knowingly . Massach usetts analysts have t ested the various crba.111 of t al"tar a nd )!hos· phat e baking powders sold in that State, and they report that tbe Royal baking powder is superior to all others in purity anci wholesomenest1, and contains nearly 20 per cent. more stl'ength than any other. The exact determiuations as to streugth of the several brands was as followd· xi<:T'.rs STATE lG, 1888. _ _ EN.FIELD. Mr. R J. Niddery has been viisit ing friends h er.a. Mr. John Ash~on has had an addition bitilt to his stable. l\frs. Tapp is visiling lier daught;}r , Estel', iu Bumpton. Mr. Hurl hut's residence has been b eau· tifi.ed by new chimueya. We expect to be able to chromcie a w-edding nex t week. Much j·> y. Mr. R ichard Pascoe had his hand la cei·atect while leading a colt, by having a aiJiip pJll through it! and _catchi·~g in t he til;\· h. The wound 1s healmg rapidly un der tt.e s kil:ful treatment of Dr. N idde:y. <MHAWA. ( From t he Onta1·io Ref1n-me1-. ) 'l'h o fo ur boys who b roke the Elec ~ric Lamp lrnd to pay $1.70 each. Some of out· early gardeners h ave 11ota t oes already eh owing themselv e~. R ev. Canon Bel t , of Budington , h a::i been spending a few days in Os haw:·. Mr. W Woon, an old Osha.wa boy, from Honolulu, is visiting friends here. . S e veral parties have been fined for all owing their bovines to roam at large . The plan s fv.r tho ne w building at t he H"all Wor ks slwws a very imposing structu·'l 19!> feet by 50 feet. -Messrs. Edmondson & Guy 11re ar r:ml.!ing f. ·l" th r.· operution of e.lectric · ligh ts in ·whithy. They intend running a wir e from that town to Oshawa.. The first lumber of Messrs. R . S. Williams <It Son., arrived at Osha wa on &t.nrd"Y week, being about tv10 car loads of whi~e wood from '.l'ennes11e<l. At a meeting held in ths Queen's h ot el , Oshawa, on Friday, M:ay 4th, & dist.rict<.of the Ontario Cricket Association W :J.l} ;iirwed , conais tiIJg d t he Bowmanville, Wh itby , Ux 1)1i:lgc, Pickering, Kinaal e end O~hl>w ;t clubs. F. M:. Holland was llppo!nted Er cre tary. ORONO. (Frum the N eivs.) Misa Hat tie Batton, of Port Hope, is home on a visit. . The old 1csidente of Clarke are dy rng c:fow<\ in rn . ptd succession. . .. Around Ille gather, and 'mid lttmentation ~ ~f ~u,e~!) P,lllCS left ottr >i:.tfage !-:.ud, . . . lot th~ city list w ~ ek. · Tell of my virtu ~s, and w1~h varn r_egret µ; "l k f fl . .. . · d ' - O ,. Bemoan my loss, and, leavmg me, t orget; ··i_ r . Albert 0 1r ·e u a~v:ar 8· au - But I would have the few of kindly heart, ~OVAL fonn a, is k orue for '~ short visit. Who, when misfortune came, so nobly ls Canada's Favorite Bread-maker. Master F r.-d Rutherford, of _Walk erto n d id their part, 10 years in the Jllarket witl1out a comHigh School, is home on a VIBlt. And oft by kindly deeds their love ex~ £~1:t~:~~~~~ ~~~i'~r I;'.':e0:i!~ {.~~;r';!'!d~ A large sea gull was captured near h ere pressaour, unwlloleson16 bread. All Groce"" sell it. by M r . Daniel Hall a few days ago_ I t The~c would T have, no more no Iese, E.W. CILLE'l"l', lil'f'r, Toronto, Ont. lo Ch1ca,BO, ru. was a " ery handsome b ird. When I am dead ! The lfov, A. Smith, of Port li:lgin, and When I am d ead, Mr. J ohn Mason an.i wife, of Brantford , I would not havo the high and storied ~~$ 0 n TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY, wtlre in town recently, consequent on t he stone ~~ 106 York St. , Toronto. de;ith of t.he late Archibald Townsend. Placed o'er my grave, a nd then be left SHIRTS, cou:AR$- ANO ·C UFFS Our Township Council has been b eaten alone; · IFi'l A a spcci111ty. Out of town work in every la.w sui~ they hav e tried yet; t he But I would have some things I once l,JJ UJI pron.1ptly attended to a&d returned per mstructlons. only smt they seem to be able to har.dle did love, . G. P. SHARPE, Proprietor. pr11per ly would be a suit of cg arm· Ere I did ltave the j oyous world abuve, Placed o'er me. Aud each succeeding Next door to Palmer house. IInndy to Union stl:.or.g's new tweeds or woreteds. ~~po~ A petition has been circulated, receiving year uumerous signers, and will be present ed I'd have my friends renew them, and oh to the Co~()i] at a special meetrng, praylinger near, 1 1 in g of th at. hon(turab_le body to cease f ur- With loving thoughts upon the dear one thcr action in t.he smte, Barrett vs. Townlaid below, Manufacturers of ebip of Cla.rke, in as far as it bears i~gain~t And talk of things departed long ago, When 1 am dead ! W m. Henry, the co defendant m said suit. When I am dead, .ll.1·1HiciaJ W e :.r e niaiin called on to chroniclo t he Foraive- Oh this I pray far more than 0 · .fl...i111bs, dea th of an ,,ld pioneer of Clark11, the alllate A nn Chapman, wife of Isaac Chap- The anguish I have caused, the deed beAnd A pplianccs for all De· man sr. , of K i rby. She has resided in yond rec~I t. formilics of thc HumanBody - Spinal Disease~. Hip.Joint an.d ~round this Township for n early half '.l'hink kiudly of me as I lie so still, Disease, Diseases or the i.-century, and was a kind cbrietian wo- So poor a subj ect for an angered will. Knee anrl AuklA. Knock man and purent, aud will be missed m Think ef some generous deed, some good Knee, llow Legs, Club Feet, Etc. the circle among whom she resided i>u word 11poken, very mauy years. She le111res behind her Of hearts bound up I found all sad and ALSO CRUTCHES. a Jnrnb1nct a11d gro\'l"n up fa.wily all well hrtiken; fo. do. She wa"' 87 yeara of a~e. and wa.s Think gently, when this last long rest is - - ·- - - ··-- - -interred in tho Orono cemetery, mine, ·with feelings of the d eepest regret wa And gaze upon my form with looks bechrouicle the def\th of Archibald To wn nign, When I am dead ! Bend, who departed this life on Saturday, after a protracted illnes~, and whose r e· DISTRICT NOTES. m aius were interred in the Orono cemet~y on M onday the 7 th inst., followed by all the members of his sorrow stricken Lindsayistoliavea big d emonstration f<'lti\NK J U. FllELD 5 B. A. f4"mi!y, with the except~on of Mrs. A. on the 24th of M ay. BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c. Smith, whom the pubhc will be sorry to The project to hold a band competition COBOUR G. 12arn on account of illnes~ , was unable to Peterb()ro' nex t Augllst is still alive. Ofilce,- .A.rmour Block, King Street. be present.. The Orange brethren attend BOWlll.A.l'tVILILE, Ont . Medical men in Whitby, if they fail to -- ·- -·- - · ed the funeral i n a b ody. report diphtheria cases, are t o be proseESTABT~ISHED , 1857. A public m eeting was h eld in 'l'own cutcd. Hall here on F riday evening May 4th, at Orillfa. is growing by bounds. Its pop- McCUATG & MAINWARING, the call of the Reeve, by request of a. ALL KINDS OF Estate e.nd Flne.nci"'l Agents. nnmbtH' of resident rntepayers, for Lhe ulation is 4,328, exclusive of asylum inIS VICTORIA STREET, TORONTO. pur pose of discnssing matters pertaining mates. Arbor day was well observed at Whit- Oe.n exchn.nge a number ct well rented houses la w and ord ar, bearing more especially in '.l.'oron!o. paying o. good rate of interest, for on t\rn 1 ·ccent w::tntou destruction of pr u- by. It was a lovely day and much tree first-class farms free or mor tg&ge; perty i u our midst. Reeve Long occu- planting was done. ·why let money on deposit. at J per cent. pied tho chair and D . T. Allin acted as Mr. Geor ge M . Stephens, of Cobc.urg, when judicious investment in 'l'oronto pro· done in the latest s tyles and mat erials. s~c1·crnry. After some point.ed remarkP, has purchased his father's furniture and perty will realize ten times that amount? MONEY LOANED on :E'arm Property at Dr. Tucker moved, seconded by R. undertaking business. lowest rates. Brown, tlii~ nsolution which was unani·w e can offer soveral investments ln rented '.l'he Petflrboro' Masonic fraternity will m uuely adopted : l tcsofred, that we, the run two excursion trains from t ha· t town houses- central localities. 'l'oronto, paying ten SCOTCH, ENGL ISH, GERMAN AND to Toronto on ,June 7th, per cent. on amount invested. cit.i-.srrn of Orouo and surrounding M un NE W BRUNSWICK By notit:vi111? us direct or by leaving notice try in public meeting assembled, do here · '.l'he Y. M . C. A, of Port Hope have st S'l'A'l 'FJSMAN OFI~ICE, Bowmanville, or by most empha lically expr ess our utter t" with P. 'I'REBILCOC.K, Bookseller. Bowman. · dctos·ation and abhorrence of the conduct organized a Iacrosse t eam in connec 10n ville. interviews may be arranged with our with their org .. nization. representative, Mr. l"!.. C. SINCLAIR. H 3m. of. a certai n party ur parties, who on the IN STOCK. For thrashing a hor se 110 brutally that - - -- - · night of April 23rd, 1888, did wantonly a.nd maliciously mutilate and destroy a the animal died, .John Quinn, of .BobcayT llE lUOST Call and see our designs a nd get our num her o f fruit t.rees, the properly of R. geon , was fined $40, and it served him EFFIOIENT estimates before purchasing . right. B . ThoL'oton . A subseq uent motion, Mr. Lestock Reid and sou left Port moved by R I\fomen t , seconded by N.F. - ISHall, and carried uuauimously was. R e. Hope lust week for the Nor th West, Tn.r1·nnt"s "' Seltzer A perient. sol1!ecl, that we lkreby petition the Town- where they will be for the coming season shi p cotmcil t o take such immediate steps engaged in government surveying. !;old b y 'I'arraut. & Co., N.Y., .autl Dl'ngglsts everywllera,, ::.a will bring the perpetrators to justice. A C obourg correspondent wr ites .: I am Speeches in support of this and preceding sorry to say that t he same shameful violares .. lutiou were mad e by W. W. Trull , tion of the Sco tt Act still exists here, and and o:her gentlemen. there is little or no apparent effort to en· force it. scmNOE 01<' LIFE. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil A burglary in a store in Peterli>orough th e great medical work and Hypophosph1tes by which Mr. H. L eBrun lost a.bout $400 of the ago on Manhood, sufferi ng t:rom Ia sold all over the world. Jt is far su- worth of good s, has roueed an agitation Nervous and Physical De· perior t o plain Uod Liver Oil, palatable for all-night electric lights on the buei- bi!ity, Premature Decline, cA.·1~Aaan and easily d igested . Dr. Martin Miles ness streets . Errors of Youth, and the Stanton, Bury Bucks, Lond <!n, England, untold miseries coneequont Sn1,ff d S ' E l thereon, 300 pagoo, 8 vo., 125 ~ys : " _I lrnve prescribe. ~ot~ a rnu · I A SEV E RE T Rl.&T..-Those w'ho endure prescriptions for .all diseases. Cloth, f ull gilt, A particle is applied into noetr!l and s10n, and taken it myself. It is palata· the torturing pan~s of Neuralgls, Rheum- only $1, by me.II. sealed. Iilustrlltive sample is 11.greilable. Price 50 conts at Drnizizlsts~~by ble. eJJicient, anti can be tolerated by_ al- atism, Sciatica, Lumbago and similar - freo to all young and middle aR"ed men. Send mall registered. 00 ceut3. ELY BRO' r HE.i:.S. · · d b t ·now. The Gold and Jewelled Modal awarded 235 Greenwich St.. New York most any one, especia11Y wh ere cocl l rver ful compla1nts are severely tr1e , u to the anther by the National Medical .Aesool· oil it3clf cu.nuot be bo1ne. there is a speedy relief i n Hagyard's Yel- . ation. Ll.ddress P. O. Box 1895, Boston, ·1.\-foaa., TJIE J11!D (JOLOll of Hie blood i s cau~cd by th · d l l · e uBed it1orDR.W. l:l.PARKE:R.1?raduateofHarvard 11 ow 0 ·1 t , as · · ousan s W 1? tav . Medical College, 25 yea.rst"practice in Bo~ton, the Iron i l oontnl11~. Sn11ply tltc lron "'hen " !llAN'!I' i'IIEN. ltU.NY lUINDS," b·t an m on joyfully t estifv. It bamshes p1ua and ·who may be consulted confidentially. Specialty facktn:; byuelng 1Ullb11 rn'11 J:ccf, Iron ny all mluds :1g1·ee ns t.o the nrnrJts of :1 rneness quickly Diseases of Man. Office. No. 4 Bulfinch St. ,,·e . lh1rt'l ncli i"Hl s . 8nl1tll 11n1t ~u:,:ar-cnatcd. :i. · · nun:;,..;: I The 4th q uarterly meeting of the Tyrone circuit was held here on the 7th inst. All t.he congregations were well represent· od, excepting Long S ault. The greatest ha.r,nony prevailed and the financial re· turn· wer.i equal to ex:pect ations. R ev. W. Keuner received an unanimous invitation to r eturn for the 3rd yea1· . Mr. Teaac Couch was ve.ry highly recommended as a candidate for the ministry having given general satisfaction in bis ministrations on the circuit, as is shown by t he following resolution unanimously passed : Moved by :Mr. Wm . Windatt, seconded by H . C. Hoar, and carried, Whereas Bro. Isaac Couch h as been recommended as a candidate fo1· the Christian Ministry, and in a ll probability he will be soon leaving our Circuit to enter upon the importaut work to whiclt God has callad him and as it is likely that 1 .his is th.i last quarterly meetiug he will be nmoug us : Therefore be it reeol·ed, that we th e members of this Bo'l.rd, can llOt let this opportunity pass without expressing our fullest confi· dence in him a3 a member of the Meth odist Church, and an high appreciation of the val11a ble service he has rendered the Circuit as a. local preacher by his consiatant walk, profitable conversation, and public ministrations. It has afforded us unbound ed satisfuction to hear that at the d1fl'erem app1 ·intmeots, inte1li~euce, Christian earDes tness and deep-toned piety have characterized his efforts. We trust tha t ·ho God of all Grace Who hath cnlfod him unto Hls eternal g lory by Clmst Jes us will be his g uide, comfort and support amid the varied experi1:nce of Ministerial life, and should his appointmeut be t o this circuit for the coming year, we assure him th at he will meet with a warm, h earty a nd generoue reception, from the church and congregations on this station. Mrs. F. W. Allin died on Wedn esday last after a lingering illness of consump· tion aurl was bu1ied on Friday in the cemetery here, a large concourse of relations and acquaintauces following her r emains to 1h e1r resting place. Rev. W . :tfe nner officia·ed and preached a deeply im p-ressive sermon frum John 14:2: In my ;<'ather's house a re many mansion~. This tel:t was chosen by the deceased. The foll~ 'wing aele4ion of poetry was found among .hilt" papeN fi>!ld read hy the rniuister after .the sermon, by request : When I am dead, J I would not hl\YQ the rud~ und gaping OF~'ICIAL We make a Specialty -of THIS WEEK ----o ---- llE: ss &ODIS.I Thia pow'1er never varies. A marvel of pnrity, atrength and wholesomeness. More cconomfoal than the ordinary Kinda, and can not be sold in competition with the multitnde of low test , short weight , alum or phosphate s old only in, ROY.AL BAK· powders: · NG POWDER CU.. 106 Wall St.. N · Y · You have but to see our stock to be convinced that the best assortment of Dress Goods is to be found only at our store. -W--e have everything that is RELATITE L F.AVINll $1'RF.K GT1I. Oubic in. gas Name. p~r o;r,. powder. Hoyal. . . ........... .... ... . .... 126.15 Cleveland's . . ...... ... ... ..... . 107. 7 Congrass . ... . . . .. . . _ .' . . . . . . . 8 1. 2 Horsford's . ........ . .. , .. · · . ~J5.l The official tests in bath the U nited States 1md th e D ominion likewise prove tb e auperioritJ of the Royal in purity, S3rength aud wholesome11t1ss. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. TO\rn Hall, Cart1Vright, May 7tb,l88S. Council met pursuant to adjournment, Members all present, '.L'he minutes of last meeting were r ead and Confirmed. Comrounice.tie ns were received as follows: From W. J . Beacock, respecting al· t~n\ti 9ns in School Sections, No. 2 and 7. ]1:-nm. _ t-irn ')V1ll~i~son plouqh Com. pany. Aurora. The Clerk Submitted the assessmeu l r.:ill for 1888, as retumed and certified by the Assessor. Mr. Spinks bro11ght i n, and car ried thrvugh a By-Law, to detach the followi ng lots a11d parts of lots, from School Section No. 2, and to attach the same to School Section No. 7. The North parts of lots 8 & 9, 125 acres, owned by James Parr, L ots 7 & 8 in the 7th, Concession. All those parts of Lots No. 0 & 10 in the 7th, Concession owned by Anson 'l'aylor, and all that part of Lot No. (), in the 7th Con. owned by Isaa ~ .Heacock. A By law was passed authorising \Vesley Mountioy, and Henry Mountjoy, t.o erect a wire fence ou the .E ast , and IVesl sides of th e Scugog ·Road, through Lot No . ll, in the 3rd · Concession. 'l'he J:teeve handed to tho 'l'reasurer five dollars paid by J am es M. Emmer· son, fnr timber sold him on t be allow· ance, for road b etween the Orlt & 10th Concessions , opposite Lot l'i". Moved by Mr . Devitt. S econded by Mr. :Fallis, t hat th e Reev" be in structed to procure 6 steel road scrap· ers, for the use of the municipalitv,and be expended under the supervision of tbe Co1Jncillor, representing each dbision . for road purposes . Carried . On motion the lfoeve Signed orders on the Treasurer as follows : To B.obcrt Martin , indigent aid, $4 00; Robert Edgerton, ind igent aid. $4.00; M1·s. Laug head, ind igent aid, $4.00 ; James Annis, indigent. aid. $4. 00; Mre. Crawford, kee pin~ Mrs K is·ick up to 6t h, Aprii. $ 2.00; Wm McL:;11ghlin, Sala1y as Assessor for 1888, $GO. 00. On mot.ion the Council adjourn ed until Monday, the 4th, day of June next, at 1 o'dock p. m. t hen to meet as a Court of Revision. 'D. G · ..!!l.:UST:C :l:'<.T , "'V. s. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Office and residence. Enniskillen. Prompt 'l.ttenMon to calls by telegraph. 18-3m BRICHT, FRESH AND STYLISH. Nothing dul1 old and desolate. ----o·---- Piles of ·Remnants of SILK at 50c. per yard. ----o-------o---- yard, -w-orth from $1.00 to $1.75 per YEAST BIDViliiru CARPETS~T~~ The highest price paid for Butter and Eggs in exchanq-e for goods. McCLUNG B I:={OS. @ Harness I ----o---- AUTt-\Ull R· S & C:OI, CUANC! Of t3U8tNI SS. - - -- o-- - Having purchased the business formerly carried on by 1IUA1PIIRE Y & MAYER, I have moved it across the street to the premises lately occupied by Shaw & Tole, where in connection with my Tin and Stove Business will be found a full line of Heavy and Light Harness, r..nd all otiher furnishings usually found in a first-class harness shop. / TRUSSES, HAND-MADE COLLARS will receive the most careful attention, havin g secured the services of MR. W . HUMPHREY, whost: skill in t his branch is so w ell known through out t his district, as to need no furth er comment. All my work is finished by experienced workmen, none otllCr employed. All I at:ik is an inspection of my st ock and you will be convinced that it is the largest to choose from, best workmanship, and prices really lower t han any other place in town. My ex penses being lower, therefore I give my customers the benefit. Uentlemen, place in your orders at once and don't miss this opportunity. Repairing pr omptly done. Don't forget the place, Quick's Block, Bown;anville. 117 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, ONT. BOUNSALL'S Marble and Granite Works, FARMS WANTED. @~~~I~~" Bowmanville, May 15 th, 1888 . 20 to . ·""':!: ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ . '· ~ ~ ff'J~ iils-~~~~~~ ~o - - - ·0-- -- J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SOI, Dispensing Chemists. - ---o,---- GRANITE M0NU MENTS Morning laxative THE EXHAUSTED VITALITY I. The following preparations are carefully prepared and will be found useful in every house. Nasal Cream, For Cold in the Head, Catarrh, etc. Rose Glycerole, For all Roughness of the Skin. Corn Cure, ----o---SHORLEY'S IMPROVED FOOD ALWAYS ON HAND. ----01--Agents for the ,, Argus " Spectacles and Eye· glasses. For Removing Hard and Soft Corns. Children Cry far .Pitcher's ,O.astor-ia~ -

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