!!;=!'!~!!U!!:~~: ~·~l.~:~111~~~~~S<~f~~\.t~ . t~~~tt~1~tt~:~tt~·!~~!:!1~==~·!L~!!IAH~K',m!~& .~·. !!;~~ !1 7 ~~~ . ~A:~!l_!!N~~D~ . ~-!!!M~~U~!!N~~!L~!I~Kl!!!~*~-!E~"~··.!!:!!!!H~·~~!!h~~!!~s!!!~!-~!~!!d!!~!!~~!sl!\!!~!!~!!M!!b!!~!:t!o!!!;~:!!a!!r~!!~!!~ . e!~! \!e!~! ho!i~!~ t! h! :·! ;! :e! :! ;1t! 1! :tah~ !l.;!!i!!~!!h!;!!ed!it! ~e! , t! te! r! g! !o! b! ac!!!k!!!!ab!!o!!u!!tTS!!l~~~e!!e~~=i~~!! · ~~e!!d~a~n~i~:!!!!!!~!!·!!~!lt!!~~q~t~~!!~!~= c: ·=;!.~t ~ff .KU .KM ~ -"' -"~'"'-"'"'~ W EDNESD !.Y, MAY 23, 1800. By M. E. BRADDON, AUTIIOR 0.11 "LADY AUDLEY's _..,, th l "d f CHAPTER XVI.-IN TllE WILDERNESS. I yearned after the mere 1 ~al 0 ~~ ~r .Y This journey to a strange city was not so love. She had eeen other g rds ~! ed ta~~ U1 wild ELn act upon Ma.dge's part as it might mot herds,bscolded an~ .cares.~e ' 0 f slaps .l!J a em on the surfa.ce of things. She had· slappe d Y tudrns, hanh idn spi :h t a mother's , h 1 d d 1 b f launching and bar wor s, M e a seen a thoug t ong an eep Y e ore love was a good t hing-strong tender and Dyer and Clothes Cleaner. a no one will know her frail bark upon that tempestuous sea, inexhaustible And then as sh~ progressed Goods wari;!~~~~ ~:,:when done. She wa~ a girl of atro~g character, a resolute, from the kn ~edge of good to the knowledge . energetic nature which co.ild scarce go on f . 1 h b 00ded over the mystery of that Corner of ~~~x':i~!gf1~~no Streets, existing withou~ an object to live for: Life, fit:v~h~c~ ~e had been told was full of the mere sluggish, monotono~s c11.ting and shame and be lln to meditate how she was drinking and sleeping and wakmg, the empty t he!' and sa~e that erring mother. She mechanism of life, was not enough for her. h~d h~ard her grandmother prophesy evil She must h~ve someone to love, she must for her nngra.tcfui daughter, the evil days Good .News at Home. have somethmg to do, th t were to come with faded beauty and M E D S Ih Her fellow-servants at t~e Ab~ey ha_d b 10 ·al h a.Ith the natural end of a wicked CBAPTER XVIL-BREAKING THE S.rELL. E. ORRIS, SQ,, EAR IR,l\ ~8 - - ---~ wondered at the impetus with which thw ten e · ' . reason to speak well of your D andelion. WANTED Permanent position s . . h 11d t reckless Ide. For Valentme rnd Helen the summer and L' d K'd B'tt I h a b ee 1 · guaranteed with SAi.ARY AJ"D novice m the art of housec eanrn& se At the Abbey Madge's knowledge of the autumn of that eventful yeii.r drifted away iver an ve :u 1 ney 1 ere. EXPENSES PAID. Any . determm·'.d man a~out he_r work, the vehement mdustryd rid grew dahy. Her fellow-servants awa.i·es in one long honeymoon. They troubled for 11ome time with my Kidney lf - k 1 "tt d _ ~n h h . f d d f r h and a friend of mine recommended them can succeed with ns. Pecnlla: adv~ntages to with which she had cleaned brasses an wo 00 is to me and I tried them in my case, :mil beginners· Stock Complete, mcludmg many polished looking glasses and swept and were older than herse '- qmc ._wf eh.'h~ hved for eac ot er, Ill a. 0 1! an fasteellmg specill.lties. Outfit free. d d Th t f ' e needed move perienced in that seamy side of II e w 1c is dream oflove that was to be immortal, conh } Addrnss at oinco e',"N nW'o-'f.1:ii1H~ pa.per. ustt e 'th t ;t s [i~n~s rh!rt could only b~ seen from the butler's pantry and the ser· tcntment that was to know no change. They found them to work like a c arm ; t l ere· 0 B t ·· CHE S'fER N y men ' a umu I Vl!.nts' hall. The old Abbey servants were scarr.ely knew the days of the week, never fore I have much pleasure in recommend· 00 Ro ' ' by _ . I rural and narrow enough; but there were the days of the month in that blissful dream ing them to all persons who are troubled I Elbe had loved V"lentme Belfielo a.ll those who had Eerved in many households time. They wrote no letters, thev scarcely in any way with their Kidnev . ._____ - -·----·----~-~ ---·------ her might. She had_ been. tempted many a b efore they came to the Abbey, and these locked at a newepap.er, they ,held ,no in~erYours truly. time to fling herself mto his arms, to throw knew the world in many ph&ses. course with the outside world. I! or a time J . J . JoNES, herself in the dust at his feet, to One to vvhom Madge took most kindly was love wae enough, love lu;xurious N ewtonville, May 3, 1887. to him as a beaten foe surrenders, slavishly, a wom&n of thirty, who had taken to do · of the lake or the moun!am s1de, t.he l~ngmd knowin~ not what her future was to be, mestic service only five years before, after bliss of the long moonlight evenmg Ill the Consumption Surely70ured. wha.t the cost of tha_t self-abandonment. losing a widowed mother, with whom and balcony or verandah, or on terraoed wal~s, __ But she had battled with tha,t w~ak:! ha}f fQr 'I' hom ~h~ )wq toile<! il'.l \It fa.cuory from Jovki17."' \;lQWP. ~FQ~ p, lak~. 'l'b~ m<?lJn~M.n~ To THE EDITOR: of her nei.tim;-the W Qm!\n !l ...a~ JQUi>eo l fifteen to B."e e.~d twenty ;reo.r~, . _ , Iand 1:&es wete witb. _tl1em evervwhere, a dawn. , . _ Please inform your readers that I l1av:a heart ; and the s~rong brain, which ha.dsome-1 It was a cl!irtndge factory 1n the Grays beautiful and everlastmg background to the "fo it one of those dreadful clubs where 'ti e remedy for the above n a med thing masculine in lts power, had come, to Inn road at which Jat>e White and her mutability of honeymoon loyers, . they play_ cards?" . . · a .!>081 v B i s time! use t housands , :f her rescue. She had sworn to herself with mother had worked the mother off and on They were happy in Lemg at lea.st six "Yes, it shares that privilege m common diseai8e. Y t { tJ 0 16~~l Y clenched hands and set teeth that she would as her health permitted, the daughter froll' weeks in advance of the common herd. with a good many other clubs, from the Carl- hope ess ~ 8~\ ha~~ t een J~rma~ 80 not go that easy, fatal ro~d by which , yea.r's end to year's end, without ' rest or Ibey had the great, whlte hotels almost to ton downwards. " . , cured. I B a e g a 0 sen wo el! man girls have travelled, girls w~~se st.ones respite. Tney had occupied a couple of themselves. There was a reposeful silence "But now you are m~rr1ed, Val,,,you w1ll of my remedy FREE to a!ly ~f y our Silver Street, B owmahvill<', she .girli! who had b een shmmg_hghts attics in a side street_ not far from fac- , in the:empt·y corrid?rs and broad stairc11ses. give up most of your clubs, I hope. _ re_ aders who consumpt10n if , they in the parish school, .mode~ students m _the tory ; they had their c:wn F?or stick~ of , They could lounge m gar~ens and. summer " My dearest child, that ,sbows how little will send me th etr Express and. I ·· O. Is the cheapest place to buv a Scripture cla13ses, white-veiled young s11omts furniture and had lived 1n their two htt_le . houses without fear of mterruphon from you \now of the London world, London to addreu. St Th1 h' Machine · or a at confirmation. She would not do as they rooms under the tiles, happy enough till Icockney or colonial, Yankee misses, or Ger- a ·man in my position means club-land. It R1;spectf.illy DR. 'l'. A. SLOCUM, 3"1 eam es 'th had done, yield to the first t empter. death came to part them ; and then Jane ' man professors. In this happy summer time, is nothing else, A man lives in London be- Yonge street Toronto Ont. No. 1 Steel Bmder-some mg If her mother hau guuo ;vrong, there was White sickened of her loneliness and her 1 Valen~ine gave ful! ~cope ~ the counter- cause his clubs are there,. not becaus_? h!s ' ' new b . ut thoroughly tested, 800 so much the more reason that she should independence, and she, who had once swor~ lbalancwg charactenat10 of hl8 nature .. He, house is there, 'rhe club m modern hfe 1s ADVICE TO M.OTHERS. -Are you uisk · J t . . a new Double cleave to the right. that lihe would never eat the bread o~ servi- who as a sportsman or an athl~te was 1~de- the Forum, the Agora, the ren~rnvous_ of all turbed at night and broken of ~oo:r r~st wor mg as year ' b . tb She fought that hard fight between love tude never call a.nv one master or mistress, fatigable-a creature of mexhaust1ble that is best and wisest and brightest 1n the by a .sick child suffering and crymg with Speed Mower-the est in e aud honour, but the agony of the strife was changed ker mind e.!l at once and went into I' energies 11.nd sho'Y· town." _ _ pain of Cutting Teeth 7 If so s-.# at market . a Horse Rake that a 5- bi;.ter, and it aged and hardened her. 1 She servioe for company s_ sake. k" . cd a fine capa?ity f_or la2an~ssh. No langl1d ··But a olub that only begms to exist at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Wlll~<?w's 1 resthete, fannmg himself wit a penny pa m night--" , ld' b . dump . 4 kinds hardened st.ill more when she ea.v her over She was an energetic, hard-wor mg g. 1 r, . S ,, F h"ld teethmg ye,a r -o oy 1 ~an ' _ transferiing his lik ing to another woman. I and made a good aervan~, so g?od that\ alter . leaf, and sniffing a~ a sunflower_, ever sprawl" Is the neoessary finish to a man's day. Soothmg yrup. or c 1 ren . . ·' of Seed Dr lls, chea P ' Sulky She was keen to note the p rogress of that emigrating to Devonshire with EL middle· I ed and dawdled with more entire self-a band- I shall not go there 80 often, of course, now . its value is incalculable, It will rehe,,e Plows, Twin and Single Plo ws ; a treacherous love. Helen had found, her the class fami!Y· whose service she left after a 1 ?nment than th~s thrower of h11.mmers and I am married; but you wi!l have your_ eve- the poor little sufferer immediately. _ De· k. d f D' ond Ilarrows · handiest and cleverest of house-maids, and 1year or so m a huff, the rumour of her good JUmpeT of long Jumps. ning engagements, and while you are listen- p end upon it , mothers ; there is no n ew JD O , lal.L . . · . ' had prAferrecl her. services _to those of an! !qnalities reached Mrs. l\fauable through the 1 He would lie on his back in the sun and ing music, which I abhor, or mistake about it. It c-upes Dyeeu te.ry Honey Fanning Mills ' S pnng one else. And while she assisted at Beauty s 1 butcher's foreman, and she w:u engaged Ilet H elen rea.d to him .from breakfast to dancmg, which I was always a duffer at, I and Disrrhrea, r egulates t he-Stom ach aud Tooth Cultivators and Harrows ; tpilet, Ma<lg' bad ample leis,, re an~l op~or- as second housemaid at the Abbey. . _ 1luncheon. He would lie in the stern of .a can slip round to t~e ~entheus for an ~our Bowels, cnres Wind Coli~, s-0ft~JBs _ t: he F !.;: . J · Horse Fork s ·I tunity to note the phases of Beauty s mmd, Here Madge took to her, as the kmdhest Ibo&t all the afternoo . n. He would find 1t or so and be back m time to hand you mto Gums, reduces Inflammatwu, and gin~ armers - ...:Ca es ' . . · 0·1 d' I and to dirnover the kind of intellect that. of all her fellow-servants, and: from her too gre11ot a burden to dress for dinner. and your 'cr..rriage." t d rgy to tl~e whole sy..t em Sheaf Slmgs ; iiacbme i an worked behind that cfosd c.forehead, and the ! Madge learned all sbt; knew of 1 would take the meal tete-("·Mte in an arb:iur, "The Pentheus. Is that the name of your ,?Mr:.n wi:!ow's Soothing Syrup " Binder Twine. quality of the heart that beat under that I' the possibility of an mdustr10ns girl roam· 1sprawling in a velvet shooting jacket. He favorite club?" children tetlthing is pleasant to- th e t aste delicately moulded bust, taining herse~f by tile ~abour of her hands. I would allow his honeymoon bride to run "Yes; that. is the name. " and is the prescription of> one of t h e old.Farm ere call and inSJ?eCt before She found Colonel Uenrill's daughte~ M ~asn c~r~1dge makmg bard to learn, i upstairs for his handkerchief, his ~gardcase, Helen ha.d an unhappy feeling from the eat and best female physie1aus a nd nor.sea Pl·~ ,.. 1.,.. ._ g your orders. shallow and fickle and false. S~e discove~e a . ge~as e · Th h.is favorite pipe, or tobacco pouc , a ozen moment ~he date of .their r~tu!'ll ~as faxed. .n the United States, and is for sale _ bl' co- her treason-had seen her with Valentl~e No, tb was learned by eagy stages. ?re . times a day. _ ., She had delighted with a childish JCY m h;er 1 Pl just often enough to be sure of the!r were h_ands taken on that knew not hmg i " I like rnnnmg yonr errands, love, the honeymoon. She had been proud of its a.11 dru~gists through the woi ld. '!1?:& treaohery against Adrian. And by this about it before they went there. Jade fair young slave declared. "It does me length "So long, and we are not the least 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ,a sk fo;, tim~ she bad discovered Adrian's infinitt, White gave Madge »little pencil no~e a.. · good.". lit!le bit tired of each other, are we, Val ?" "MRS. WINSLOW'S SooTJ:tINO SY:RUl'. Buperiority to his brother in all the higher dressed to a man who was an authority 1 . "I really think it does, sweet, for you she had said twenty times, in her enthusi- and take no other kind. attributes of manhood. She knew this, yet t~e !actory, who ~ngaged the h&nds an always look prettier a.f~er one of those asm, and had been assured wit~ kisses that she had not wavered. Her nature was too dismissed them at his p leasure. scampers. But you needn t rush all the way, there was no shadow of wearmees on her intense for the possibility of fickleness or in· "We used to walk out. together on Sun- 1pet. I am not in such a desperate hurry," adoring husband's part. constancy. She loved _ with P:Urpose and day evening," said JELne, _ " and I t~ink he'd ladded the Sultan, graciously." _ "ILeo declared we should be s~ck of ea.ch " But I am V ~ · ... wam w be be.ck with other before the end of June, she said, 'When Baby was eick, ,.., gave her Ca.etorla, sincerity as well as with passion. There do a. good turn to any friend of mine. He was no ~avering in her affections, yet she might wa.nt to walk out with you, perhaps, you I count e;~·ry moment wasted that " and we shall have been away three months. admired Adrie.n wi,th a power of apprccia- if you took his fancy, ~ut it would be for 1 parts us." . . But I can·t help fee~ing so~ehow as if go!ng When ahe was a Child, ehe cried for Caetoria, tion which was farm adv~nc~ of her ed!1ca- you to settle that. Hes a well-conducted j They stayed at I nterlaken tdl the first baok to England will be like the breakmg When she becamo Mias, ohe clung to Caetorla, --o-tion. Passing to and fro m the corri?or young man." . . week in July, and then went up to Murren of a spell." When ahe.l..,,a Children, ebegavcthcm Ca.stol'i.a., near the library, she had stopped from ,time Madge smiled a smile of exceedmg bitter· 1for a. week. It seemed further away from Her prophecy seemed to her to r ealise itto time to listen to the o~gan or the pianc;i, ness, but~as_mute. . _ _ the herd, which was beginning to pour into self rather painfully on the homeward jourunder those ~ympathet1c ~nge~s. . Music And now in the rrnld s~ri:ri~ mgbt ehe Switzerland. And then they wandered on nev. It was a longish journey, and Valenwas a passion with her, aud till thre time she tramped from May Fe.ir to Grays lnn·ro~, \to the Riffel and anon into Italy, and tine was in a hurry to be in London. They had heard scarc_dy. any music except the fo quiring her way v~ry often, a.ad ploddmg . dawdled away another month or_ six weeks travelled by long stages, and the heat of the - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - church organ, ~nd1fl'er~ntly played l;>Y ,a res?lntely o~ward with her face to the ei.at, beside the Italian lakes, a.lways m t he.same railway carriage was intolerable, such be~t feeeble old or~am~t- _Th~s m~sw of ..fi.driai;i. s caring r;iothmg for the strangeness of those utter idleness, rea!lingonlythe".ery whipped and such dust as 1Ielen had never expen.USt by was a revelation Ill it~ mfi?1le variety, its everlastmg streets, or the laten~ss of the cream of tke book world, the hgh~est sylla- enced before. The stuffiness of the ci.rrrnge, lightnel!S, its solemnity, its unfpeakable hour. She ha_ d such a ~ogged air, seemed bubs and tri:fies in the shape of literature; j the slownes8 of the train, the frequent stop· · ' depths of feeli.nl!. . . so absorbed m the bnsmess she wa~ bent knowing no more of the progress of the great pages the crowded buffets, the selfish crowd, Once in the winter twihgbt sht; h_eard him upon, tha.t no one addrefll!ed her, or tried to busy bustling world than they could learn were trying to a man of difficult and im1playing Gounod's from hinder her progress. But !1·st as she w& Jk. from Punch or the mciety papers, R elen perious t emper, Valentine's temper, after · · · number to number, improv1S1ng in the dark- edit wa~ nearly_ eleven. o clock when she : reading the sporting articles a'~ud to. her the first three hours of that ordeal, b~came ness of the old sombre room, where there !<rrived m th~ dmgy, little street .at the Sultan, and pouring over the fashion articlell absolutely diabolical. He ignored Helen; __ was no light !:>ut the glo'Y of th~ fire. T he back of G ray's ~nn road, so far behm~ the ' for her o'l'rn gratification. he thought of nothing but his own discom--0 amp bad not yet been lighted m the co~- road as to be ID the r?ar of the pri~on, She would clap her bands in a rapture fort. H e angrily r ejected all her little at· ridor ; the other servai;its were all at th eir which she pa~se~ shnddermgly, for the_ t~ea ~ver one of these enthralling essays. " i sn't l tentious, her tannings and dabbings of eau tea ; crouche? m tile embrasure of of captive cr1mmals was new and thnllmg this too lovely, Val. y }.fodge says that there de cologne, her offers of grapes and . the door, and drank m those soun~s to her to her. _ is to be nothing but olive green worn next her careful adjustment of blind or wmdow. heart's content. . I ,, 8h f ll J ane had told her that the wom11.n with winter and 1 have three olive-green gowng "I wish you'd atop that d--d worry\Vhen he played the " Dies . rae . e e _ whom she had lodged _ w as a. se~mstr.ess, and ' in my 'trousseau." . fog," he. , xclaimed. "T~e heat is ~ad -0l on her knees, and had to _wrestle with her alwiLys up at her sewmg machme till af~er "What a pity" said Valentine. " I !tke enough without your abommable fidgettmg The above store is now is a posit}on t& Stll'.llJJY Ch QQ80 f self lest she should burs~ Into so_b~. midnight; llO though the ulock~ Were Str1k you in nothing S~ well as in whik, like that to make it worse," the Dll'blicwith · a 1\rst class artwle o! ST>ring In another of those soht iuy t_w1hghthours, j ing seven as she p assed the prison, ~Iadge I go\.\'ll you have on to day, for example, soft Yes the spell was broken. T he honey- · and Summer stock. --o-Helen and Yu.len tine out huntmg, be played had no fear of finding t he door bhut m her ! ' white muslin rippling over wi th lace. " moon ~ over. They stop ped in Paris for I buve purchased from one of the best m mnR> " Don Giovanni," and again M~dge crouched faoe. The only question was as to yvhether · · But--one can't walk about in white I a couple of nights, at the H otel dn Louvre, !acturing establishments in Toronto :. larg,e of line Boots and Shoes, ~lso a fln:fie in his doorwa): and drai;ik m the swe_et the landlady would,have an unoccupied room muslin in January, Val. I think you'll and here life was pletisaut again, and Helen assortment article in WoUlan's Slippers in all s1zcs to · t ·sounds. The !1ghte_r music moved _her dif- to give her. Sb~ found the number. The manage to like me a little in my olive-green wa.s happy with her S ul tan, sittinll' about purohasor which you will find to yo~u· ad~'~mt feremly, y et m this t here were airs that street was s51uahd! but the house looked tailor gown, with Astrachan collar and under the great gla.ss roof, reading t he news age to examine· 'fhey ai:e marked m pn oo ~o sU1t the times. thrilled her. There was a~ awfulness some- tidier than its neighbours, and the door- cuffs." papers and sipping cool drinks. But on the have in stock Mens Summer Shoes from ~ times i~ the midst of the hghtnese. Whe~ step _was cl?an. '.!'.hue wet.a a para.fin lamp "I've no cl~nb~ you look adorable 3n it- second evening of ~heir stay, Valentine went Iup - also Woman's, Mens and Mies' Rubbei·s. the spring came and the afte~:.:ioons wei_ e hurnmg brightly m the little parlor next but my taste mclmes me t o all that 1s m_ost off directly after dmner to hunt up a bache- So come alon-g frien?s and bring YO\!l' cash and you will decidedly got a bargam, light she couli:l n_o longe! lurk m the corn- the door, and the lean eld~rly female who j feminine in woman's dreBB. The stern sim- lor friend in the Faubourge St. Honore, Ordere~ work and repairing promptly ~er ; but her attic w~ ma g!"bl~ ab~ve t~e answered the door h ad 11n air of de~~t pov- plicity 0~ a tailor gown always _suggests a promising to .he back. early, · attended to hbrary, and when Sir Adrian s wi~do" s er.ty. She _looked at M~d¥e snspiciously, strong mmded young woman with standHe k ept his wcrd m one sense, for 1t was Thanks for t he oast fav ors and soliciting ~ were open s~e could hear every note m the buo on hearmg Jane Whites na_me, she sof- offish manners; the kind of person who early in the morning when he returned, continuance of the same, still April air. . . 'W . I-I . . HICn:s} 1 trned, and at once became friendly, and talks politks and puts down young men Helen had been lying awake in the spacious The sound of th11.t music seemed a Jund of acknowledged that she had room for a lod- with a masterful sutJeriority !" . second-fl 1 or chamber, with its windows fac' Sheu o! the Big Boot . "You need not be afraid of roy talk ml( ing t he Rue de Rivoli. The night was very Tyrone, April 2', 1888. Nervoue Debility, Seminal Losses and prema- link between them, for apart as they were ger. _ ___ 15-3 ~ t ureDecay promptly and permanently cured by in all other t hings, and over and above her " It's the bedroom where J ane and he,r politics " said Helen, proud of her ignor- warm and both windows were open. She .- , . . ~~: ! :· . ··~,. .... . ,·-:,..· ..: jealousy on h er own account, she was angry mother used to sleep," she _ s aid. "I f~r- ance. ' . had h~ard tvery stroke of the bells of Notre i] and jealous for A?rian's .. She could nished after left. Its a clean, _ air! "No, love, that pretty little bead has no 1Dame, e.nd she knew that it was nearly three ~;!__ have wept over him as tho victim of a WO· room, with a mce look ont towards Kmg s room in it for big questions," o'clock wheR her husband ca.me in. Cro~s- It'll be half-a.-cro_wn a week, and The Ion eat honeymoon must come to e.n "Oh, Val," she exclaimed, reproachfully. Does not intorrero with Diet or uanal occupa.- man's feebleness, a man's treachery. And now she told herself that ~he had you 11 have to pay for the lmen, and bel'.ond d t1 Long as it was Valentine knew "You promised to be home early. It has t.ion and fully restores lost vigor and insures perfect manhood. Sent to any address, post· nothing to love or care f~r upon this ~arth. boiling yo~r kettle for you in summer time, : s:nsea.~f satiety in th~t 'solitude of two, been such a long dismal night." paid on receipt of price One Dollar per box. He ~ho had wooed her wit h such passionate y ou mustn t expect ~ny attendance from me. that unbroken duologue in whioh the sub"Why the deuce couldn't you go to sleep 1 1 l;lole agency, SCHOFIELD'S DltUG STORE, persistence a few months ago had trans~erred Im too busy to wait upon .odgers, and I .ect was always the same love's . young and make it shorter," retorted Mr. Belfield, King str !et, Toronto. his love to an~ther. She s~ood a.lone m the only ~harge_ the ~are rent of the ~~om. ~ream . . Helen was pretty en~ugh and sweet in accents that were somewhat tbioker than world; and m her lonelmess her heart "lbat will s1 ut me very well, answered h1 ·n her boundless folldness and snb- his ordinary speech. "I couldn't get back yearned for that erring mother, of whose Madge. "It will be for my mother and ~not~g to keep this self-willed and selfish I any sooner. De .l\Iauprat had a supper f h b d ry ,, JeC IOU , f .we s e a no memo · . me. nature in a p aradise of content Still, the party on, and I wasn t master o my own "Oh, " said t he woman, "you've got a dream-life among lakes and mou~tains must . time." She tried to penetrate the mists of van' 'When I say Cun F. I do not mean m erel'y toi ished years, to grope back to those early mother, have you? What doe2 she do for a t end somehow Valentine gave (TO llE CONTINUED.) step t hem for a time, and then have them re-· tum agai n. I M JC A N .A HADICAL CURE,. infautine years ?afore ~1er l'_randfathi:r had living?" · ~o~~te~ ~~rntin without a sigh ; he let the -================~ I have made the disease of found her squatting beside his hearth Ill the M11odge reddened at the question. . t P Hth r by ~hough he bad an invitation ::: To buy F~ot Gear for Men, W o~en, autumn twilight. He ha~ told her that.she "Nothing, just a,~ present," she said ; t":reScot~:~d . ~nd another for Yorkshire'DI 1?17'fJT~&Vi :F!'ES, EPILEPSY or was old en~ugh to talk a little, and to toddle "she's out of health. _ moors that ~ere to cost his frienda three or '111)... ~~ ~~~ ~ Boys and Maidens, at about a.t his heels. Surely she ongbt to be "But I suppose yon are workmg at some- f h d d nds for the season and t!'l W "' FALLING SICKNESS;' be - " k d h · · our nn re pou , abl~ to remcm r. . . t~mg, as e, t e ~c:man, wnxrng susp·;, which were well Wurth shooting over. H e VETERINARY SURGEON. A l i?o l onir stndy. I WARRANTmy 1·cmed :v to Yes, she had a k md of memory1 s? fa:nt 010us." You re n ot hvmg on your fortune, ave u . the beginning of the partridge sea· CURE the wor8t caH es. l3ecanse <?t\1ors havi~ and dim, that she could scarcely dlStmguish with a sneer. . go a~d dia11 ointed a articular chum faifodi s no reason ! ornot now rece1vm!{ a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Firn 11 BO'.l'T.r,u rea~itiea from ·dreams in that long-aP'o life. M~dge explained her views about _t!re ~:~se estate i!~orfolk wa; fomous for its of my I R FA LJ,IBL E RE~IEDY . Give E :q.>ress Yes, she rem~mbered movement, constant ca.rtnd~e factory, and, reassured by &his, artrid es. But he tol d H elen one day ::-,nd I'ost Office. It costs you nothing l:m: & movement, rollmg wheels, summer.boughs, Mre. Mid_ gery took he:r up _ the.steep, nncar that hegmust be back at the Abbey in time i;.rial, and l t will cure you. Addrcsn 6 ummer dnst, clouds of dust, wh1~e dust p eted st airs t? the attic, with its one d?rmer f 'h h t Dr; H, G, ROOT, 37 Yonge St ., Toronto, On.t>' that choked her as she lay asleep m that window, lookmg ovu a forest of chimney or ." e P easan_ s. rolling home, amidst odours ot hay and pots towards the gloriea of King's Cross and '·We can be m Lon~on for the last we_ek - - -- -- ---,-- -- - - - ---straw. She remembered r ain, endless days its triple station s. There waa nothing to ~e in Sept~mbcr," ~e ea.id, "and we can_ 1~ of rain and grayness, dnll, dreary days, seen from the window t-0-n1ght _but t h? ~1s- apect this _!lat wh1~h my mother .has f~rn1s when she squatt ed on t he loos.? straw at the tant whiteness of the electric hght, shmmg ed for us m the wilds of South Ke?~mgtSn. . I. sho~ld have preferred ~e.yfau or ~ bottom of a gypsy's van, starrng out at the between the smon:e 11.nd t he clouds, dnll, dim world. . It was a sm11.ll, shabby room, wit h an ~n · J ll.mes s, but I am t~ld,, our mcome woul OF CANADA . Tnere was a dog, which she was fond of. cientiron bedstead, two r ush-bottomed oha1rs, not stretch to Mayfo~r. Capital paid up, 61,o!,0,000. Jtes11, S '.mO,<l'IJil> "Our income," , sighe~ Helen. '. ' How Our N ew Stock bas ar rived, and com· The sensation of a dog's warm, friendly a ricketty cheat of drawei:s, a:ud a still more licking her face, :--Iwaya rec~lled ricketty table. .l!:verythmg_rn ~he ro?m was ~o?d of you t_o say ~~rs, when I did not . Tills Bank le prepared to · d o L eglil· prises something neat ~ad pretty for tongue those long, slow hours of dim, gray ;am ?r one-sided &nd uneven, begmnmg 1:171th the brmg you a ~1xpence. . . , N rnate Banking ln all its branches, Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men sunlit dust; that strange vague time m floor which was obviously downhill from " What did Helen brmg to P aris ot F armers n otes discounted ; D epm1 Hs and Boys, and· Boots that R Boots for which the days rolled into the nights, with - the door towards the window. Ho ;vever, much, I fancy, dearest, and yet even the GI' d t or the Ontario Veterinary College, recoived and.Intere st paid on amom:rhl iDi' every member of the household , out diff~rence or distinction, and in which the room looked clean, an_ d had a whole- old f?gies of Troy though she was wort~ 1 R~~t~i~d member of the Ontario Veterinary 15 upwarde in Savings Bank Nepartmeni:; facea mixed themselves somohow, no one some oG.our of yellow soap, as of boards that fightmg for. You brought me hea:uty_ a~,, Medico.I Association. _ DRA.FTS face being more distinct than· a!1other. had been J&tely acrnbbed. .. yon th a~d love. W~at more co~ld Ijdesir~ · WOlfice and Residei:ice. Newtonville, Ont. 'l'lllfNKS VAJISES di: SAT<!llELS JN STO<!H There Wl.\S no memory of a mothers face, " It's a n old house," said Mrs. Mic\gery, He lnssed the fair face bendi~g over hi!nh Will visit Orono every Tuesday andlSatnrday [saned and Collections made In Europ b bendin" over her in day-time and night- with deprecating air, "i>nd an old house e.s he lay on a sofa by a.n open window, wit Office hours rr m 10 a. m., to 4 p. m., . u.t Onlted States and Clllnada. _..-ordered W. ork and Repairing a time n~arer and more familiar than all the never pays any body fox their work, but the moth s droning in an _ out fro~ the ~e:Wy Coultere' H<!tel, C!'Us by TtYlegraph receive WrJ· .TONES, , · l rest.' . there's no one can say I don't slave over it." garden, and with the mists of night rismg imi: ed1ate atten oni Al!;t» Spemalty, as usua. D. DAVIS ; Despite this void in her memory, she had Madge took out her shabby Httl1; purse- slowly be:ween lawn and lake, 1 CH.U, QES MODERATE. ? ~eaned, Died, Pressed and Repaired by Gents' Clothing SECRET," "vVYLLARD'S WEIRD," ETC., E TC. THOS. P AT, 0 I :he 9 8 SA LES ME N T 0 F armers an d Tl'.1ras 11 e rs I --o-- morning with o ther unconsidered trifles that had been eliminated in the process of tidying a bureau. She gave Mrs. !'.fidgflry one of hel· fast half-crowns, a week's rent in ad vance ; and at this unasked-for-l}ayment ~he rose considerably in the good Midgery's estimation. "I believe we shall get on very well to · gether," she said, "I hope yonr mother is like you." Madge WILS silent, looking round the little room in e. reverie, comp aring it with-the luxurious litter, the velvet and lace curtains dh d h" d h . f an eape -up cue 10ns, an easy c airs o the room at Mayfair. Could she hope that any woman with her mother's experience would endure life in such a garret as this. But if there were only the choice between the garret and suicide, and ii the garret .neant reecue from a scoundrel's alternate tyranny and neglect? ~QRl:)ERp·!Jl:~, !~-aw ~go~qQ<;l ~Qnstl\~t .? ~P!l.t~on'. ~nth snrr~nder I I I 11.n~ idlene~s 1 I "And this is the fourth! So soon l And then onr honeymoon will be ov er," said Helen, sorrowfully, " Shall we ever be as happy again as we have been arr.ong the mounta.ins and by the la.kea ?" " Why not ? We. shall bo just aa happy next summer, I hope-somewhere else. We would not come here ag:i.in, of course." "Oh, Val, does that mean you are tired of Maggori-tired of our honeymoon?" "No, love, bnt I think we have had quite enough of S wil zer11md and the Italian lakes -at least for the next ten years." "Ob, Val, there 1s a tone m your vo1oe as if you h11.d been bored." lie y awned befo.re he answered, . "I have been mten.~ely ha.ppy, childbut, well, I think ~e have been idle long enough, don't you?· , "No, no, no ; r>ot half long enough. I should like this sweet life to go on for ever." . " And you are not longmg to see your sister, and the shops ?" "N0 t b't" a i · ""'.ell, I conf~es ~ ~ bankermg af~er my t ailor, and an 1nchnat1on for my favorite club." "Oh Val do yol1 belong to a club 'I" she _' · · e::~JaN1medb, _ruetullyk d I t - ly d 0 ot emg a na e sava.ge cer a.m belong to more than one club, my pet;. or rather I three or !our,, clubs belonging to me by ngbt of el;ction. . , ., "And your fa.vonte club, which 1s that ? - "It is rather a-well7a. rapid club. !t 1s a temple _whose name 1s rarely spo~en Ill the broad hght ef day. It only beQ'lll8 to ba.ve_anypositive existencetowardmid~ight, 1\P~ its pulse beatii strongest on the brmk of Gi'ven up :111 Hope, Campbellford, June 9, 188;~ MR. E. MORRIS, Toronto, DEAR Srn : -I feel it my duty t o ghe you my testimony for t he ~ood I lmc'l. from your D andelion Liver and Kidn:e~ Bitters. My liver was in a bad state and I wad a great su.lfcrer. I had tried in. vain t o get r elief and h ad quite given up all hope, till a friend told me of your Bitters. I got a bottle at once and l :un happy to say the Bitters made a new woman of me . I can heartily recommend them to any one troubled wit h livtir com· plaint. Yours truly CA.IiRIE ST:EPHXNB. h~ve C. ROCERS' ID~ I ~new, ~he I I I hav~ ~erpetual ~otion-now I ~o class~cal Lon~on, a~d No; I C. ROGERS. TO BE d HUNG! 3000 rolls of fine J 1 WALLPAPERS received I I Hy C Talt . A fine line Of DU, NN~S ."Faus~·'.' g~idmg ! ~11 BAKINC THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ~hdge I I I POWDER I p~aches, BABY CARR J AQES ! to rom CENTRAL BOOT & SHOE STORE, PHOTOG RAPHS got in as good style as can be supplied in this section up l I I 118 ERRORS OF YOUTH ijfM1fJOJlfr/!1~~1 · .,. l.1lJ llJ!lJ H+ sak~ i~ ~hey. I f I j ICURE FITS! 0 w Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPOR ~U M! STAND ARD BA NK l ' ' ', · ·1