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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1888, p. 5

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Personal. do i···t miss the THE BAKING P OWDEH DISCUSSION WHAT BA. T ONO Powmm SH.A.Lt. W E ' ' "-·· barga_ins !n new summer milliriery at Mr1. :-Imperial Cream Tartar Baking P ·>IV·l'1' Morrison s. tf. Mr. Charles Cvots, of 'l'oronto, spent OFFICIAL TEST TO DE1RRMINE THE DEST. - is made from pure 99% Crys·Hol Cr 1··1.'lb 24th here. Order Doors, Sashes, Blinlls, Picket'!, WHY TH~Y .AnE SOPEUIUR LEAVENING Tertar and English Soda. hence is t"'6 tc t M · 'Pl · F tory L;b t THE USE O F CARJlONATE OF .A?iUlONIA. best. t.hat con be made . ·t e ., a orris anmg ac · · ' er Y h Lieut. Chas. Paul, <if the S. A., is R H O b l ome for a r<Jst - - -·- :z::, street, · ' s orne, easco.. · The official anal.}sis by Prof, W. G. - - - - -- ERVANT GIRL WANTJW Headquarters for Lace Curtams, Carpets Mr . V · Hutch.e~on, of Toronto, has Tucker, of New York State, have afforded - GENUINE~eneral, Apply at ONTA:s;t> and all kinds of Hous11 furnishings at been home on a v1S1t. some of the mus t valuable evidence yet BANK. 22-2w ·· Couch Johnaton and Cryderman's. Mies Ferguson, of Newcastle, is visiting produced relative to the actual character ANTED AT O~CE. - - Genenil For the newest and most elegant Dress . Mrs. W W . Tamblyn. <Jf the tood and drugs in every day use. servant. Must be e goo<l plain co~. Goods wi·h all kinds of Trimmings to Mr. R. Con~doo left this week to fill a Some time si nce Professor 'f uck"r was di· W ages $8 per per month. Address, H. ~ drawer 5, Bowmanville, P . O. 2' " match ?all at Couch Johnston and Ory- I situation i n Rochester. rected LO analyze the various bri&n< lll of derman s. \ Mr. Wm . Walker, of England, is the bakiug po.vder and report which was the TORE TO LET .-The stor e n ow Ot'" THE BRIGADE CA:MP.-The d l\te for the , gneat of Mr. A. N0den. pureat and ~est. He procured samples . cupied by Mr. W H . Ives, on Kin.If St.retl'.L. two doors ea.s ot thl'l P 0. PosseaBlOn M6 br!g~~e ca~IJ has been fi~ed forJ~ne 29th. Mr. A. Birigbam, of Trenton, spent tr~w gr~cers m albany, aft er a series of KLER, Jeweller, .. Dutrwts 1' o. 3 Pnd 4 wil t bl· umted and Queen's Birthday here ex 11.ust1ve tests reported that the R oyal 10th. Apply to .A.. BUC -THE GREAT15-tf ' placed undel' cnm'lland of Col. Von Stra.uM d M . .F V · t f T t was the purest and best a.U examined. r . an . rs. <. ans one, o · oron o, The accuracy of the published report being rrAILORlNG. - Mr. Hindson, Tail1 seen that there is a slight change in the beu:i:ie D. A . G. ·c~ arrival of the trains at, this station. , ' OF l::JTA.LLI<>N.- Mr. Asa Chna.te I are here for a few dAye. · db Va 1ocal mauu fact urer, a re at l\foutung Bros., is now prepa..-ed , · SALE "f . que:t10ne make a limited number ot suits tor cou·1ti ANOTHER CALL.- Rev. C . H. Cook, of has aboui· sold his carriage st1'1lion, n aster C~arke Mo;naon has been ·pend- porter of the albany J ournal obtained an buyers or from outside esta.bllsbinent a. ~~ 45.t,:f, ESPECI.ALLY Ji:FFECTlV.E IN Balt.imor.., has bl'en tendned a. unani- " Norfolk Hero," to a gentleman in mg 11. few days at. O.~no. intervie w wi th the_ Proft:ssvr, which is re- trance through Quick & Co's stor" mous call frum Smith's FallsPre~byterian Manvers for a good round sum. NorMr. Bert Brit.tam, of Tor1,nto, has ported as fol 1 ol'is m that paper : rn . rrc:KERING FoR sAI:- ;i Q]:>stina.te c11ta.neous affections, congregat;ion, at a 11tipend of $1,100 and fo tk He'ro was imported by Mr. R. been home for a few days. "Doctor," said the rep~ner, "it appears - 50 acres. being \llEUt of l ot ~ l,i ~'i and certain forms of Dyspep· well undcrdrained. 12 acres ot Vl\luable ti . . a. manse. Beith, of this tow u. Miss Col will, of Newcastle, has been f that one of our l ucal ba~mg powder m11.n ber. eia, Loss of a.pp~,tite, New baru, o;ood house. For fnr f~'lt' SUDDEN DEATH.-On Tuesday evening A 'fHRIVINO .F urn -McCl'!..~i" & Main- the guest of Miss Bnnner. 1ufact u~ern attempts .to d1sc!edlt the report particulars avrily to M.. McC.<1.1;SL.llfD. P ick4 etc., etc. 22--·l w· last Mr. P. Ratcliffe, a resident of the " I Pome time ago published m t he J, ial mg, Ont. waring, of 18 V L tei'ia Street, Toronto, Mr. Neil Yellowlees has bought al 'th · f k d oun -· ·-··- ---- - ·--------Jll@o Co1· ~CQOFULA., and town·hip of Hamilton, while engaged whose .real estate sale11 average $200,000 fancy driver and top buggy. wih . hrel erencel ~o ba m g . P0 ~ ers, for OUSE TO RENT S ituated -an milkin,. .o a cow, fell over dead. The cause w ic tie ana y t1ca1 x·m·n· t1ons were every case oC Ducct Beech .Axenue. containing ten roo~ Mi·s Cowli "ng of Cobourrr has been d b If d pv .. f ·Mn W a mont.h, offer a liHt of tine city .p rop .·rties On the premises hard and soft wat<lr, and; of death was heart disea~e. f . · M d , W Id Th h . .. ~ · ·r . " ' ma e y yourse an co · , ason. ere Debility. or sa1" m 0 11 ay s or · ey ave v1s1tmg at Mr Thos Kirby's l ·d · · · ~ood stR.hle, Possession mg.y be luid imm · CONCEll.T.- The D . 0 . & P . Co. Band building lots at all prices, hous..e of all . . · · your a~.a yses au op1mon printed cor- otely. For further l) apply to owndr. In Lyman's Quinine Wine the moat J AMES CARSCADDE..'V· H-tl Miss l~enw1ck, Centre street, spent e. re~;1,Y; 1 , " . ' will 1dve another of their delightful open kinds and busi r·e~a property. 'They want valuable properties of the Chincona Bark coucerta on Friday evening next in farms in exchange for city property. few days Ill Toro.nto. last wee~. - - - --- ·, . I hey 1~vere, replied Prof . Tucker, ARM FOR SALE.-50 acres, beit!i ere eecured in combination with. a pure, stand, when the fellowing program See their ca.rd on our first page. .Mt. Harry Br1tta.m, of this place, has l!;e~ally . south nart of Lot 21, Con. 8, Dtl.rllni..'1-0~ .: rich and g"nerous wine, valuable in all their will bil r<'nrler»d : T y . ·. W _ M E A p gone t.o T or onto for a few days. You say_ , D octor, t hat the R oJal b ak- ~ mile west or Enniskillen. l'rame houser'·, el\lles where the 11yetem requires to be Quick March-Distant Greeting ...... Uodfrey. .wo .l!JAR s onK.- r. · · owM d · ing powder is superior to any other baking rooms, cistern, new ba.rn, good orchanl, g< creek rnnnlng through farm. 'l'errua ett . · r . ao Mrs. Munroe, of Oshawa., d h' h h · d , <:iverture-'fancredi .. ... . .... ........ .. R os:tin.i. era 111 Scott Act lnepector f··r East DurmViigorated and l!trengthened. Apply to Wm. Gilbert, Sen.. Loi 26, O~~', , Vslse-Amoretten Tanze ............ .. . . Gung l . h d h b f · th I have been visiting friends here pow er w IC y ou ave examrne 1 · _a.m Man a5 8e6e.n :Pen ~rcrngh et . aw M . H G d ·f T " That is my repor t . " ,ag.;,fu .Eaniskill en P.O. SeIectlon- \Villi ..m Tell. , ........ ...... Ro,·sini t t t d M Q1111.<lrllle-~oi.a.1 Boudoir ............ .. .. Coote, smce "-Y 1s' 18 · urinll a lJT\e r. an · rs . · oo man, o oronto, "Wherein doctor consists th is superiGa.Iop- Bir<ls neak ....... ..... ...... . fiahrl>ack. he has ~ >J.d 150 ca.,es, and hassec~re? 131 have been visiting friends here. ority which ;ou find' in the Royal over DoN'T no IT BoYs.-A local paper calls conv1ct1oos, 19 .r.·ses bemg d1sm1ilsed. Miss Ada Thompson, of P < ·rt Hope, is other brands?" altent.ion to the boys of our t owu gettin~ Three o~ ~he part1e~ he pros"c ,1ted we:" visitin~ h er sister, Mrs. Couch. "As stated in my repor t, in t he g rea t drunk when they go abroad to play a match s-·nt to Jail H .. has C··llected $7,250. m purity uf its ingredients, i n the unxuesA MEETING of the Shu.reholthim~ game. Such conduct ahould be con- fineB. . The total expen110s of enforcmg Mr.F.Briniacombe has gone to R oches- tioned propriety and wholGsomeness of ~ of the Port Ds.rHngton Harbor Oalll. ' ' . demned by the t·emperance members ~he law have amou11ted to $2,550, leav:- ter to fill a responsi ble position. those ingredients, in the exact proportions wiil b6 held at. their omce, Port DarliDgCO~ and the unruly ouesr.iled out 0nr ad- m ;: a balance of $4,700 on ha.nd. Hl8 Miss Louie Higginb·>tham, of Oshawa, uf the same, 1111 a the chemical accuracy Wednesdi<y. Uic l<itll aoy ot June. ne». :.. .i.c ··\, (3) o'clock p. m., for the elect~tot and skill with which they have been com- 1hree vice to the boys who got drunk is, Don't firs t..ease alone ecst $117, alth.,ugh the is vi8itiug her grand parents here. Directors for the ensuing year and for citill!lr fine imposed was only $50. Miss Emma Bra.den, of Starkville, has biue.d. As I said before, it is, I believe, purposes. By order if one Sponge costs 25c. 3 Sponges do it again boys. J . MILNE. Fon MEN.- The correi:t place to buy 1N.TTJRED. --Wnrdh111sb0f'nreceivedfrom been spending a few days in town. a bakinl( powder ' uneq ualed for purity, Bowmo.nville, ::;ecretit17. will cost 75c; but we can give you a Atyli~h hat is at M. Mu.yer'a where you Wiuroipeg,that W1lli11.m i\ fot,h'y,head mlli- Mias Lizzie Fields, of Whitby Ladies' stre ngth a nd wholesomenes~ .' " 8th Me.y, 1888. .:u " Doctor, t he JournCl.t'B lady readers ,one Sponge at. iOc. which .will last will find a gr..nd assortment from which wright in th o Ogilvie mill, while superin- Ooltege, has bee u h ome f ·r a few days . IN ' i 'HR lVIA'l'TER OF to choose. R ia gents' furoishin({s, shirt!! tending the work of er~ctiug a oentrifuMrs. Beuson, of Detroit, Mich., is would hky you to i nform them what art: as long as auy t1ree Sponges that cuffs, collars, tfos, gfoves, etc., arn of the gal separa·or, was probably fatally visiting her si~ter, Mrs. Jobn Fleming . t he peculiar vi rtues of a KOod baking pow· GE QR GE M cL E A 'N . you can buy at 25c. each. This latest 11tyles and as che11.p as they can be injured by the iackb giving way and alder over other aud more old.fashioned · lowed tbe machine to full over on him Mrs. ,J. Cobblediok, ,,f Newcastle, was methods of mising bread, biscuit and of the Village of Orono, is a speciaJ line of extra. tough sold. Insolvenl ! A rib and a collar bone werti broken. He visit.m g her sis·er, l\1rd. Tamblyn, last cake?" week. A SURE RELIEF ....:...! suffered from a hard Sponges, imported direct from the &li;o r eceiV·'d ser:iOU!\ inter1wl injuries. "That would req11ire a. long answer, I will sell by Publi< JA1lction, on theprwlio>iel Cough, contracted by damp feet. Hav- Mr. Motley i3 well known here, havin~ Mr . and Mrs. Jas. P ellow, of Oshawa., something in the nat ure of a lecturE>. of the insolvent, in (·rono, on · Sponge Markets, ot New York. ing co osul,ed a. loc.~ l doctor without effect re~id ed for a number of years at Ha,ydon , spent the Queen's Birt-hda.y with friends Briefly, ho wever , t he advantage of the Wednesday, 30th day of Mf!oy, f thought I would try Hagye.rd's Pectoral His many friends here will sympathise in t owu. R::>yal baking powder over yeast consists SEE THEM. Balaam as a. last resort. Before I had with him a.od his family in their trouble. a t 2 o'clock p. m.. at a re.te on th e rlollat", Mr. Thos. F'. James, of Oahawa, who in the q uicxer work it accomplishes, in bloc, the of the ll.DOVe estate. con. tfliJti,\ijj finished the first bottle my cough had enD OMINION DAY PIC·NIC.- lt was w g- is quite unwell, is visiting friends m Bow· the preservation of some of the best ele- or Jewelry and Fancy Goode. amounting, 'lltii' I tirely disappeared, and to-day I enjoy inventory, to the ~um Of $'.!iii 20. men ts of the flour , which are dedtroyed Inveotory can be 8~fln at P ost Office,, 'O:l'ono better heatlh than ever before. I ca.n gested at a temperance meetinrr held in man ville. Miss Lrura 'Velch, t eacher, Clarke, in the production of the carbon ic acid gaa or on the premises. · conscientiously recommend it. CnAs. H . Or ... n .. , that the differrnt Temperam:e 1'erma, CABH, KENT, Telegr.tph Operator, E ast Selkirk, Societies in the townehips nf Clarke and was the g\lest of Mrs. Joshua Adams by the use of yeast , and in the absolute Darlington and the towns of Bowmanville last week. certainly of sweet , light 11.nd digestible ROBERT :110~~~ Man. and Newcastle unite to hold a monster Miss l\<Iay Graham, of Whitby Ladies' food. 0L"ono, May 22, 1sa8. '21'.riV STILL Gorno ON.-The genuine clearing union picoic on D orn iuion Day, at some College, has been the ~uest of Miss JonesB Over other for quick raising, 1 .. out sale of dry goods that hes been for conve·1ient place, aud thi~t each Temper· for a few d"ys. the merits of a pure bakiog powder are some mon·hs in progress at McMurtry's ance S ociety in said dia· rict appoint and M H p 1 great. It is always ready for use, the .M r. Oeo. aines, o ice Magisrrate, am'd an d alka l' ' dm · exact proWest End Bouse is still in progress and seud a delegate to form a central co mmit1 oomb 1ne rs. Haines, are visiiinir their son, t t d d fi · J in such lines as aro .l!till m stock real tee to meet in the Sona' Hall, Bowman· and M Detroit :Mich . por wns '> pro uce e mte resu ts, or t o 10,000 lbs. Wool wanted at the You (01 any other person) can save bargains will be given. Many things are ville, on Sa.turday, June 2, at 2 o'clock rend er the largest a:noun t of leavening bei r,g sold at and below wholes11.le c"et, p. m., to cou:lple· e atran gements, secure Mr. and Mrs. ·John McClnng. of " 'fhe gas i>rid le&V'e not hing mor e t bau a neutral 20 per cent. by getting your so if you have a fo w dollars to spent and !!peakers, etc. Ile sure your society is Evergr eens," attended t he church Tea a t residuum, which is not ihe result wh er e you w11nt. dry goods a apeedy visit represent ed by a live man or woman . J\ft . Vernon on Monday. SoAP from cream uf tar tar and soda are bought sep- for which tb.e Mghest price i n c,i§.h to the W ei!t End House, and you will b e Let 1here be a large attendance. win be paid. Mr. Wym Andrus, of the .tlamilt ·> n ara·ely and mixed in the ki tchen, for it surprised, uxceedingly. ·Base Bn.11 team, ~pent Sunday with his will i·l ways occur where t his is d one ~hat tock of Sb eoti~. ATKl.NSON's CuMEDY Cmtl'ANY.-Tothe P 1rnSENT&TION.-On Monday evening ,!, Mrs. Jas. Gitfilian. one or the other of t heae substances will Also a lar.:;e R mimy who enJ "Y good cromedy, t he an- the follo,.ing addres whjch explains. it· Misses Hattie and Maggie Anderson, of predominate, maliing t he fooci yellow, Blank ets, Stod ;;:ing Yarn, Twee(}!a, 11ouncem1>11r. that Mr. Charles Atkinson's self, was ·prese11ted. to W S.RuBeel .,Esq.: 'rt·routo, spent s. few days here last week heavy, b itter a nd unwhGlesome. Beside, &c., to exchange for Wool. '·Peck's Bad B ny and His Pa" Company - DEAR Srn. - On behalf of the Trinity with their many companions. the cream of tartar which can be pro · All wool taken in trade at t~ ~IT IS A FACT .~ will a.ppenr under the anspices of the D. Literary a nd 1 \'lusical Association, and Mr. Milton and Mias Welsh, of Hop·e , curt,d by the housekeeper is mostly adult.. .. ,,., ,,_ ... cents peI p ound over cash pri~. 0. & P. Co. Bond, in the Town H all, at its unanimou· 1·equ ( ist , we beg to exerated, a.ddini< t o the uncertainty of t he ~GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Bowmanville, on Wednesday, June 6th, press t o you t··e Socie 1 y's appreciation of spent Sunday at "Ret reat D1.>iry," t he results of the tmwholesomen tJa~ of the D. TAYLOR, food. AU these difficulties are avoided in will be r eceived with joy. The play h ·S the great kindness aud ability with r~sidence of Mr. J · M. J vness. Proj>rjetlll'. BOWMANVILLE STATION. 21~ Hev. E. R. and Mrs. and Miss Young, the use of a pure, properly made baking Hampton, :May 1~ 1888. undergone some revis10n since last s1:asnn which yon prt>pared the singers for the of B rampton, were the guests of Mr. and powcler. ····--·--··--·-·· · ····-···"and the fun is all new, while the compresentation of t he sacred C11ntat11.'R11th,' GOING EAST GOING W EST aud conducted irs public performance Mr1. J . M. Brimacombe last week. "Will baking powders keep ~ Bow :Mall . . . ...... 8.3! a m Mall . . ·..... 6.11 a m pany has been much improved. with such unqualified success. The soc· a. m Local .........8.00 am M ·ster Arthur Cawker, from British l· mg will they hold their strength 1" .Mixed .........a 40 p ID !Express· ...... 9.08 a m LIABLE TO ARREST.- The latest postal ceesful pr~sentation of such a difficult and American Commercial College, Toronto, ' ' If properly, uutil us~ d. A .......... 7 .27 p m Mi~ed ......... 3.16 p m laws are such that ne wspaµer publtahers be~.u tiful t>iece of music was a smp rise :Mail .. . ..... 10:07 p m Mail .. ·...... 9.35 p m Hi. at h is horn.-, " N orw..y Cuttage." fee t baking powder must combine su per· can arrest. any one for fraud who t akes a and ddight t o all who heard it. A par~Except Mondays. Mafiter Harold Mason, who h as been lativ.., streng·h with power to retain it inpaper end refu~es to pay for it. U ud<~r ticuhirly IH.p py feat!lr e of the occasion spending a few wfleks i n Bo wmanville, d efinitely. Bakiug powders gen er allv the law the man who allows his subscrip · was that it gave an op portunity to so has retu rned to his home in T oronto. are robbed of the necessary preserviur· tion to mo alo1>g for some tiu1e unpaid, mauy sir,gers from other Churches to a.gen t in order t o give present stren~th~ . , ....., ... ,..._ ... r . ... , or takes three papers from the post office, manifest their kindly feelings towards us Master Eddie H ami lton, of Toronto, or e:se have their efficiency largel y desBoWMA.NVtLLE, l\fay s· o, 1888. ~n?, then or~~rs the post master ~o mark by gi ving us their practical ~ympathy and has b(·en s pending a few days with his t royed by the addition of large q nant 1tie3 It . refused, an~ have a n?hce . s~ut support. We feel that t o you, air , we grandmo rher , Mrs. R enwick, Cen tre-st. of fl our to prevent premature decornposinot1fyrng the publisher, lays htm~eu ha- are specially indebted for the happy Mrs. N . S. Young entertaiuect the wives t io a . T tie method by which bot.h these Othel'Wlse. ble Local to arrest and fine, t h e as for issue, and w" hope the result will be t he of t he officers and chevaliers of Ca uton q u'l.!itieg are retained in t he hi>{hest detheft. sem, nting c1f those chrisiian bands which Torouto to the number of eleven on the gree produced the perfect ar ticle, and FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. A Busy EsTABLISH!11ENT.- The Patter- should unite all )(>vers of good mmic in Queen's Birthday. t his l believe is fully accomplishecl in t he RoDT. VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. son & Bro. Co., Wondstock, are now em- all sect ions of Christ's ChurC'h . Signed Mr. Chas. Tamblyn, late ()f the Ontario R.oyal baking powder." lD, G . ...e... :u::rsT:J::I\J, -v-. l1Q.. W. H. WAR· Bank, Port P erry, now fills a good posiW e show a lovely range of Para.sols and ploying at their works between 330 a11 d · on bt-half of t he Society. "Doctor, what about ammonia i n bak- Honorary gr!\duate or Ontario Yeterlna.r'7' every one new, a.3 we did not carry over 340 men. The day force working fro m 7 JUN El~ President, JOHN KEAunrn, Sec- tion in the First National Bank, Chicago, ing powder ? " CollOlle. a single Para.sol of any kind. ·couch a. m. to 9 ;30 p. m. numbers abo ut 270, retary. where 150 clerks are employed. "Carbonate of ammon ia is sometimes Oflioe and reaidenee, Ennlskillen. d · 1 · h· l l b k Prompt 'lttentlim to oalla by telegrapb,. ·and the nilo\ht force going t o 1vork a.t 7 Bowman ville, May 21st, 1888. .John&tou and Cryderman. g ier c ass of a ing po wIS-..o!l m Our former jovial townsman, Mr. use m t ie 1 D a·id Stott, has been in town the past ders·" ··----------------~ RECOVERI~ G. - Mr. W. T, O ke who r e- p. m. and working until 6 a. m. the n e:xt morning, between 60 and 70. Besides all FIRE PROTEC'TION. ceived a vory pa.mful accid~nt two weeks ;: It ago ie, thu.nks to 1.he care and skillful other work over 25 biudera are turned out NY RESPEC:TINO GUE ~U - better. has beeu used for generations in the , · treatment of Dr. McDowell, able to be ddi!y. Mr. Chas. Rogers is the agent for V AL U A lll~E TESTIMO finest food. Lt is u. very volatile agent.\ THESCIENCE~Ji'LUi'.ll:, CAL ENOINES. around again. He had a narrow escape this busy firm ill West Durham and the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Piggott returned H eat entirely evolves it into gas leaving the groo; medic:.! worll PattArson Binder is becoming very popufrom death. last week from California where the,. d W . d . ' · . of the age on Manhood lar with our farmers. Kingston, May 17th, 1888. ha ve spent the winter. Mr. Piggott ha"s no rt ~i uud h ere 1~ use kin fsuffic~ent Nervous and Physica.l De; Howro SA.VE MON EY.-Alwa.ys buythe 1fc 1 .ea.n , S1~c. Under'll;ritr?'.~ Associa - greatly improved in health. He has re· q uant.1ty ~o o t e e?-tire. wor , o ierat1on, bility, Prematnro Decline, best because it is the cheapest in the end, EDUCA TIONAL.- The course of studv Afr. J tion, T oront:o. ceived 3 very hearty welcome home. I am mchued t? believe 1t would be the Errors of Youth, nnd the and not vnly is Burdock .Bl0od Bitters the pursued by Dr. W. E: Tilley for the DEAR Sm,- In a nswer to yo ur letter of a?me of agents. Sams of the untold miseries conpequent best medicine kno'I\· " for all chronic aia- gree cf D octor of Philosophy was, we uneases of the Stomac,:h, Kidneys, Liver and clerstand, tbat of Modern liiEtory. The the 7th inst., i n reforence to chemical · M t·s. J : E astou, of London, England, · ~1ghest a~thol'lttes, as !lassal recommend thereon, 30-:) pages, 8 vo.,125 Blood, but it is really the cheapest as it range of readmg was very wide, a.nd t he e11gine now in use in t his city, I beg t.o whose sweet singing so much delighted us excl usive ll ~t> for tlus p~rpose in pre- prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full g· needs less to cure and cures more quickly examinations taken in three gr oups dur· state that the engine has turned out a her fe llow passengers at t he ev.,ning con- ference to yeast or other kmds of leaven. only $1, by moil. ·ee.led. I llustrative ·rst -clans art1'cle 1'11 e\' et·y respect, '11Jd i·a certs on board the "S. S. Yancouver " It ia universally admitted to be a whole- free to ,;n young and middle aged men. than any other remedy. ing the last t wo years, were extended and ti ~ h1 'l · tl ~tl t ' 1 t A t now. 'lbe Gold and .lewelloil M P,dll.l aw e crossmg le - an IC as ugus · some and valuable agent, and no chemist to.tho auther by th&National Medico.I A McCaosl1md & Son, of Toronto, are be- thorough. The papers sent in by Dr. gaining more friends every time it is w the guest of Rev. and Mrs. S . Salton, 1of reptHa.tion will class it other wise I atwm. Addre~e P. 0. Box 1805. Boston, l\I - ,yond q uestion the easy lAaders in the 'l'illey recei ved very high praise from the t urned out, and I t hink no department is E nni11killen. h b · d' h I . or Dn. 'IV. H. PA UKER. gradu'lte et· Harv ave ec~me m 1gnant w en have Medical College. 21.i :years' p r actlco .in Bos Orna mental Stained glass trade in Cana- Faculty of the Wesleyan University, and . would be complete without one or more of t hem, as they ar e so much quicker to -------·· · r ead the silly cha.raes .that have freq uently ;ongulte<l confident!o.lly~ Speoia~ 1 w~o may ti: c da. Their .. ast busines11 ext ends from his Thesis on "The History of Educa· BIRTHS. bee11 through ignor ance or other- · Dioeascs 0 · Ma.u. Offl<;e. N o. i Erunneb S t. Nova Scotia to British Col·mbia, and tion in Ontario and Quebec" was raga.rd· get to work than either hose from t;hc , against I thousands of public and private buildings ed as a valuable contri bution to the U ni- hydrants, steamer or hand engine, savimi Anc1nrn.- In Cartwright, on the 25th inst.. Vl'ise "Th ' · it." f 9 n great deal of time, particularly wher e .i;he wife of Mr. Joseph Archer, jr,, of twin en tuose manu acturers wlw adverb ear t est1monv of this firm's ability to ex· varsity li~!ary. thcre is any length of hose to lay out . In doiJgh1 .e rs-onc of them has since died. tise that their powder docs not contaiu ecute beautifnl and durable windows of , SERIES OF ACCIDENIS.- We ]earn that stock t here is n o comr)arison. A counle Asni·o~.-At Solina, on the 20·h lost.. the it "every descriµtion. ·';. child of Mr. J ob Thompson, of 6th of i·es we have had speak for thon.1· ~ wife ot Mr. John Ash~on, ot a. daughter. ' ' C on f ess t h a t th ei · r powd er l ack s a "~ _ fl CRICKET - Bowma.nville Cricket Club con., Darlington, aged five, fell off a load selves : One in a hardware store, t he most useful, wholesome and excellent inplayed Parkdale in Toronto on t he 24th, of chop or1 Wednesday and the h ind ceiling was badly burnt and was put M A R RIED. grecl ient." the game r esuh ing in a draw, t hough wheel of the wagon run over its leg, out in a few minutes by the chemical, CAss- Cor,x.- On the 23rd inst., by the Rev. " But they say it s origin is filthy. " Parkdale claims the game by three runs breaking it. Mi&fortunes never come with the loss of only ., few d ollars ·, i ' f s . Salton, :Mr. Arthur H. H. Cass. or Galt. and ,, Its origin and method of prepar ation ~ Charlotte. third daughter of Matthew Cole, l The members of the local t eam were singly, is an old adage, and n ever was water from t he engine had been t urned Esq., of Darlington. ars no more fi thy t han are t he origin and M essrs. Bro 1die, Morris, Gordon, Fort, iliustratecl better than iu th e fact that on t he entire stock wollld have he en .. -- --- - - . preparat ion of bread. All this talk about McLau~h l i 1), McMurtry, Livingstone, Mr. G. S._ Thompson, whose grandson damaged. DIED. ammonia in baking powder and its filthy Mason, Atrill, Allen, and Ormiston. was injured as r ecorded above, j ust In case of t he Dry Goods store th e fire or igin i a t he veriest r ubbish. A man GORDON.- l n Bowmanville on Monday, May d' h' If h l l d l · If CAu, SusT.AINED.- The Presbytery of :r~ceive~ wo~d that a nephew of his who was put out with one-four th th e loss, lrn.d 28th, Ann Gordon, relict of the late Johu Gor- 1sgraces imae w eu 1e en a umse Whitby met in St . Paul's School r oom on lives ':V1th lus parents on Scugog I sland, water been used. don, aged 74- years. to any such s ta tements. It is particula.rFrida 25: h T he call from Orono had his heel taken off by a ho.rse power. ; 111 cases where the fire ia in the }Jat"-. BRYANT.- At J:lradford, on the 22nd inat, ly unfair for ha.king powder manufactur" R oPFlAN " e. tl1oro'-brod Short Jlom B:ul1. t o Re~. M ;, McKeen was sustained. It and anothel' one of th~ . family . h ad h is tit10ns it works splendidly. Again we Doxochy, beloved wife of the Rev-; James Bry- era t o seek to pervert t h e truth, or prej u- with excellent pedigree, sired 11.r &!'Olli ti~~ ont, aged 42 d ' th · t b tat ·moua The sti ' pend thumb knocked out of JOmt playrng base have used iL successfully in saving surisJteptforservice co lot .W. QQn::J. tee · e 1gnoran · or unw11.ry y s e- Jl&rdown. was Iieart Y a.n d uoam ~· b II th 2" l lt Darlington. Also a first class BCIU'. J'titi!'I rounding buildings when t he fire has McLEAN.- Iu Clarke, :May 21st, E1iza Fallis, ments that it is either harmful or dirty. STA promised is $800 1md a m rmse. The in- a · on e "'L1 u · IN'!'ON, J> roprietor, E:nnisltillen. .21..'..3w. relict or the la.te James McLean, aged 68 yrs. A · · t · h · b h mmoma ex1s s mt e very air we reat e duction services were fixed for Tuesday A SAD AND P AINFUT. D EA..TH.- On the g1tined a great headway, before the alal'ln and is largely present in nature as a wholeORSES F 0 R SAL E.-J>air ot at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Rev. A . Kippen, 9th inst ., t here died at · Rat Portage, has been given. Young Rorse9 for sale, three yes,~ 1s , In fact my opinion is t hat those would H ORSE R UU'l'ES. 1888. some substance. " Qf Claremont, Moderator of Presbytery J ennie Galbraith, wife of Rev. Alfred sound and well broken. Mare, by·" Pl'1~" \Yill J>reside. Theaermon will be preached Stunden , B. A .. The deceased lady was be t he best style of machine in cases when Peitb," will make 8 good broodmare; ,. H. WILLIA1-B. · · 21 l!'OR L ITTLE FOLKS beginning to read "Chancellor." b:17 Rev. R. D. Fr1:1ser, M. A. The min- the only daughter of M r . Thos. Galbraith, Towns or villages wor e on an eminence SOLINA BoY, No. 571 C. S. B. C. the 'Wto 't" will be addressed bv Rev. S . fl. of Port Hope, or we believe Clarke t own - as t hey will do so much better work with n property of William Joll, will stand for there is nothing so good 1<11 Our Little OLSTEIN BULL FOR :Eaat1 , ·111in; B. A ., of Oshawa., and t he peo- s hip, and sister Qf Prof. Giil braith, of 11mall quantita of water than any other. mares ut his own stable, l:>olina, d uring Men and Women, published by D. A thoro'-b?ed Holstein EluU, " Q<:. e l··i · Mr. J .B. Fairbairn, of this town. Toronto University. She had only been I could mention severa.l cases when we the season of 1888. Solina. B oy, a beau ti· Lothrop Company, Boston. The J une No. 3708. regi&ter od In ilia · F. H. ~oo'li. 1, the property or J. &; i;i.¥'enfound w:t . t1 A , · ' VJmE '.rRl.AL.- Those who endure married ten months, and the llircumstan- have done goocl work , when there was no fol bright bay Clydesdale, rising three number is befor e us and we can say this kept tor servtile at S IMON P.ENI<OUND1S, ~ . l!Jtf' ho t ol't·-iring pane;s of N euralgl&, Rheum- ces attendant on her death were m ust use taking a pumping engine of any kind. years, was sired by ··Pride of Scotland," from persoual exami11ation. It is made 33, Con. 2, Darlington. a.tJ,arn, & ,1&.tica, Lumbago and similar pain- painful. After service on Sunday nigh t Hoping t his will answer your qucstiom Dam by Chancellor, grand Dam by Won· especially for youngest r eaders and has s hort stories and pretty, verses O FARMERS.-The pure bred derful Lad, Great grand clam by Old Sir plenty of . fill c . ..:. t-1Jaints are severely tried, but Mr . and Mre. Stun den rerr.ained to ex- si1tisfactorily . llorn Bull, Sirtlf!, No, 10,15~; edlQ:c, i W illiam Wallace, G. G . G. G. by Cum- -hll easy for the little onea to read and .?eg111tered there 1 .s p, 'ipeedy rtilief in Bagyard's Yel- tinguish the lights. A lamp fell and the I remain, in the Do!Xlinlon Shor.t Rei~ )'JP. · t ber land. TERMS :- To i nsure a foal $8.00 under11tand I t costs but $1 a year. The Book, Clf Cr llicbb&nk and Botee .l'>looif. ~ ~Of 011, as t.l:iousande who have used it coal oil ignited, setting fire to Mrs. StunYours truly . for service on lot m, con. r, ot &~ · · publisher s will send a sample for G cents payable fir st of F eb. 188fl. Groom's fee, · (Signed) H . YoULDEN, :ioyfully e&:,ifv. It banishes pain and den's clothing and burning her 110 badly ~tmm; fl,W ; Tlioro··~re~g.JIE ,y._v~· V'W, - or of their four mag!\Zinea for 15 cents. 21-3 w. l1n1eDe&t> 1.1ut··· k ly. that she lingered only three days. Chief Engineer. 50c, oprlet1ir. ···.' .... ..,_. :::x:_, 21 4w· LYMAN'S QUININE l WINE! Sewing machine needle· at Tait's. A good second hand top buggy for sale cheap. Apply to M. A. J.&!dl!s. Dr Potter dfice and reside11.ce Prow· ' ' er's Block Kino-st Rowmanville 1-tf ,., ., ' · ' REDUCED RA'fE. - We will accept 50 cents for THE STAT.ESM.AN for the balance of 1888. EGG·STR.!.ORDINARY.-Mr. J. O. Labelle has a Mmore .. hen which laid an egg 6! inches by g inches. ExcunsION EAST.-There will be a very ch.,S:p excursion to the first week in Jnly. Plan for it. CHANGE OF Tnrn -By reference to the time table iu another column, it will be I MtLLINERY,-L~dies, - -- ------ - - I I S W t· S 0 -1NVICORATI NC TONIC I· F A:nM: H 0 F Port Darlington Harbol" Co. PROVE TH IS. e u STOTT & JURY Hotel Keepers, Boardinghouse Keepers. WQQL ! WQQL"· . HAMPT O N WOOLEN Mill STOTT & JURY. ~--· I I · ~ ~._,. and I ::~lk. fo;·l~:tvi!!:v~erems~~ hh~~ u~~~~~~ ~~~:~~~~i~uQ~i~:bi~~ti~~~~;=~·. 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