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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1888, p. 8

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COURTICE. -.-ro..-.. . . . ._.._ .... ,.......,,.._. . . · "" ; 1 . . . .. ~--._,--..__....,.-....,._.._~ CLARKE UNION. Measles are still in our midst. Mr. Jas. Berry, of Dale. epent Saturday and Sunday at home. Quite a number from bul"e attended the te& at Orono on the Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Gi!Jll i:10, of Bowmanvllle, spent 21th at Mr. L. Berns, Mr. Roger Rowe sold a 2·yr. old colt for tl1e nee.t sum of ;i. 1:35. · Mr. John Parker is improving his u.lroady handsome residence by a new fence. F.\.MA. MT. VERNON. Large congregations attended the S unday services here in connect ion with the anniversary to hear Rev. S. 0 . Philp, of Brooklin, who ga1·e us two practical dis· courses. On Monday a fternoon in spite of the r ain a good ly number to the tea which was an exceedinaly good one, f<'r you kno w the Seventh Line ladies are noteably gnod c<Joks. Friends from Enfield, Enniskillen, Solina and Bowmanville were numerous. The p rogram meeting was one long to be remember ed. The musical part was one of ra·e excellen ce. Messrs. John Stainton and C. N Callen · dar, of Enniskill"n, san!{ ca.pitally two popular duets. Mr. Ch~s. Mnrdoff, with . Mr. H arry Gilbert as accompanist, sang · several selectiom receiving after each · storms of applause. H e sang wel l. The choir of th e church led hv Mr. .Jam es Heatlie, and M1sa Heatlie,· organ fat , sang a beaut.iful an t h em. Excellent speech es were made by Hevs. ~ H ill and T Manning, l\i. A., of Oshawa. Tlie meet ing closed with the National Anthem a nd Benediction about 8 p. m. BowMA.NVILLE, MA.Y · ... -. 30, 1888. Mr. and Mrs. Wood, of Clarke, wer e ..- ..-----visiting at .Mr. H. F . Richards last week. Master Ed. Sanderson lias purchased a bicycle on which he expects t o develope his muscle. Mr. Harry Gay h as lately built fine new punts for Councillor Worden and Mr. Levi. Annia. Mr. Albert Rundle had a very successful barn-raising on Saturday. Mr. Harry Salter officiated ns boss. 'rhere was a. very enj oyable pic-nic at tho Marsh on tho 24th inst. A very pleasant day was spent in boating, ballplaying, dancing, etc. Mr. Salter h as l ately moverl a barn for Mr. T. G . Mason, and houses in Oshawa for Mr. McSweeney and Mr. Dineen, a11d h as had such a press of work that he has had to refuse work in town in ·order to complete hia other c@ntracts Oil t ime. The Stars on Saturday played a gam~ of b~se ball in Osl:ia wa wi:h a team composed of players fro m the Oshawa and Cedardale clubs in which t ho Sti\rs wera victor ious by a score of 17 to 13. The Oshawa club would be improved by a battery that would play less with their tongues. Mr. R. F. Richards, our enterprising travelling tea mer chant, has been appointed agent for the pop ular New Williams Sewing Machine. Women who have gi ven Lhe Williams a fair trial say there is no better machine in Canada. The EditG>r of THE STATESMAN has a New Williama and would n ot ask for a better machine for family sewing. ----=-:-.;:;::.:.=c:.~c: = Bowmanville in 1901. (A.8 SUNO BY T, H, MA.RKS.) Tutc&.- .. Over the Garden Wall." I'll s in& ye11 a song which will oome to bA in . Ab'out Bowmanville then if ;011 live to see in 1001; ".!'lie Bowman ville papers will come out every day, T1io Se.lve.tion AtmY wont know how to pray, ·"rhe will preach for $1 a. de.y in 1901. ·Tfie M~ket Verande.h will be pulled down in the year of 1001, Tlfo people can pass then without any fear in 1001 ; 1901, T'b..e ladies will then r un the town for their votes. C"6ntrol the elections and silence all throats, '.1.1llo Council in tllat year will ;rna.r petticoats in 1mu. of 1901. ;roe Lab?lie will be their chi et eni::ineer in ·he · yeat· of IUOl ; 'l'ho bandmeu will be married and enjnying · great blies. They will bCJ happy and j oyous, but I'll tell you you this The girls that are left will make a great list in 1901. Tlle School Board w ill be all 0 K in the year :30.LlNA. Mr. Geo· .Awde has erected a Jlae; pole: Mr. H. Hooper has leased the Millson Es· tate in the village. Mr. Wm. Pascoe haa eufiiciently recovered to be able to be out agsin. Mr. John Reynold~ is 010.king an extensive ad ditlon to his residence. Mrs. Goard ot BowmanviJ!e h a.s been visiting- friends in this neighborhood. Weller's Panorama which exhibited here on Tuesday evening was a huge success. Mr. John Ashton our popular steam thresher is the happiest man in town and don'tyou forget it. 'l'he base·ball players had a good game on the 2Hh. Nine innings were played on each. side of which there were nine whitewashes. Not had, eh i day in 1901, George Smith w ith his pick wJll beleadenhey · say in 1901; .JjIDmie MoGo.w will be a great millionaire, ~!kl5Y (-tulck he wm be driving a pair, and Tittngs will be altered you'll see everywhere in 19-01. 'Fhe Bowmanville band will plo.y out every Charlie Roblin will be our P.eevo in the year ,Jblrn Fletcher will be his head We'll have no ~u~h a tbin!i ag a court hous:i. at 1901, cashier in l901 ; what we'll have is a lii.rge city liall. .{m\ner HUI will be our Mayor after a.ll jn lWl. 1 B.N[([El1 D, We r egret to iiiiic)iinca the death of the wife of the Rev. J ae. Bryant, P r esby·t'e.rian Minist11r, Brantford, brother of M m. Donald McCulloch and M:r. A. A. Rryant, of D arlington. The dece11.~od lady has been io failing health since h er confi"ement in January. She wae a fiuthful wife, a devoted mother, and an ea rnest Christian. Mrs. Bryant was the ooly sister of Wm. McGill, Esg., Man~er of the WEstern Bank, 'Port Perry. OBH.A. W.A. (F-rom t he Ontcirio Reformei·.) Efforts being made to organize a Cauton of Oddfellows h ere. The 34th B ,.ttalion will go into camp at Niagara Oil Tuesday, .June 12th. Rev Ca.non Dumoulin, of '£oronto, preached in St. George's Church, on Sun· day. Mr. G. M. tleckett, E ast Whitby, has a heavy drau~ht filly colt one year old, lrLA.PLE GROVE. which registers 1,055 puunda. The p etitions being circubted in ~Onta'fhe Queen's Binhday passed oft' ver v quiet. NEWCASTLE. 1y around here. rio C"unty for the r epeal of the Scott Act Our DiviEion is prospering nicely. Three B.urglars have been visiting this village. being numerously si;;ned. Initiations at last meeting and good order by { M r . .fobn Mason has been seriously ill A nuro ber of new buildings wi!J. be built . tp~~~s~vas the mi.tter with our Choir last , irut is on the improve. and consiclerable improvemen ts made t o , week i We think they should take their place / and not leave the congregation to pitch the '_ The drill shed is bei ng shinHled and h ouses in Oshawa this summer. .tunes -·too slow. g~erally refitted by oui· c ouncil. Mr. H. Salter, midway between OshMany were pleased to see theamilinll or Rev. A. A. Drummond was taken ill iiwa and Bowman ville, has moved several our college le.dy. home on Sabbath, especially houses in t own and country already this S&nday morning while at church. Mr. R ose has for a fe w da.:ve past b een spring. fo~e;;,~~ro~de;;::;t~fn~~nfs~~ b'!~; R~3~~i~~ M r. John vVilson, the well-known the·aame in the paper that ha~ some subscrib· ~hibiting a new cart 11nd taking cit izens horse breed tlr, sold a v iluable h orse to era. It is not always t he cheapest printing fdr a drive. . that does the most ad vertislng. Mr. T. Cole had the misfortune to ose one of . Our council took a day inspeeting the Mr. Samuel Coulson, of M ontreal, for his valuable thoro·bred hens. streets and roads of t lie v illage from the $2,500. A fire was discovered in a room in rear It would be much better it our attentive 11iD.dows of a livery hack . church usher would walk to the seats with the Mr. Charle11 Wilmot has purchased a of Mr. Var s' D entistry office on F i·iday people, Instead or pointing his finger at the ( gpnd n ew bicycle from the city. Bicycles morning.. It was extinguished without seat. much d amage. We would advise tile ;roung ladl81! to cheer up ·opPear to be booming again. - anotl1er covered bugg;r in the settlement. The firm of Coulthard, Scott & Co. 'l.'he baggy bas arrived much improved by a Tho articfo last week referring to the ·:l]li~tt caae was somewhat mieleading, as havll dis1Jlved, Messre. Park: and Lawson coat ot paint none too eoon as it wae pretty tar r etirillg. Messrs. C, \V. Scott and fQr Jack to walk. DBXTl!:R. tllo ha~ been withdrawn. Walter Coulthard will continue the busiAbout $60 was presented to Miss ness. TYRONE. Atkinson by the Methodist church for The Official Board of Simcoe Street Mr, Robt, Collacott, Sr., baa taken his abode s ervices rendered as organist. Methodist Clmrch, has exteniied a unan- in Mariposa. for a short time. The vacancy in the Standard Bank by Mrs. Goynes and two children, of Oshawa, imous ca.II to the Rev. N. A. McDair maid, t be reUJoval of Maurice Brent to Brant- of Bradford. The rev. gentleman has a c- are vlbitlng at Mr. C. \Yelch's. rorc;l, is filled by F rank Howland. .Mr. T. Gardiner is build a kitchen at the cepted the call. back ·ide of Brookside Cottage, · A r eport that the c1mncil had dismissed Last we·-k, Mr. Jno. Ralph, a-well to-do Mr. JobJl Raymer and wife, Pickering, were ·& om the civil service Jas. Coleman, onr far mer of, was seriously inj ured the guests of Mrs, Walters, on chief constable, is gr oundless. Be steady by hia horses running away. Ro survived Quito a number from here attended the anu iver ary services at Mt. Vernou,onSabbath Jemes. unt il Sunday, when h e died from the and Monday last. The return base ball match between injuries . Deceased was 65 of a.g e. Mr. Jae. Curtis was elected trustee at. tho the school and villag e was played on the school meeting in the of Mr. ·r. II. E'. -··- - · - - - Han cook, resigned. Gfcen last Saturday and r esuHed in the ENNISKILLJ!JN. Our enterprising stock breeder, Mr. Robt, second d efeat of the school.- News. Dr. W . :W. 'l'illoy visited and insp'1cted Collacott, left last week fo1· England to secure our School en Friday last, and appeared some thoroughbred sheep. URONO. .th t h e progre·s made and the Mr. W. E. Tilli;y, M. A .· Ph. D.· inspected Pl eased . . Wl " our .f!Ohool last week ann seemed pleased wlth JJ>este.nding of the, cond1t1on of the school and grounds. (From the N~ws.) Amon!:( the visitors outside of str11.ogera, Mr. I Couch passed his Min iatflrlel Examin· A valuable h orse of Mr. John vVaddel's d th · · . M N th.I' ation at '.l'nronto la-t week with an honor to atten e tea · . ra. or 1- standing. Oongratulat1onM. Isaao. v1si1mg broke bis leg a few days ago. cote aad daug~ter, Mr. S. Vans~one, and Mrs. Nibbs and son and daughter.of Toronto. Dr. Rutherford and Mr. R. B . Tl10m- Mrs. W. E . T illey, of Bowmanv1lle ; Mr. have been spending a few. days with her -too are improving their residences. J O'd ell Tyrone · Mr ~ ewsom Orono · daughter, Oapt. Harper, of th1e p1ace. · "' G' B 'G · · . 'M cl' Tyrone base halliste are so popular that they Mr. A. L. Wilson, Reeve of York, has Mr. ,,. · row1~, r~en Riv·r' r. a.!J ha· e had calls already to tBke part in the ~on sp~ndin~ a few days recently at Mr. M r a. Reamor, P1ckerml( ; M rs. and Miss sports at llaydon and Hampton on Dominion Ferguson. Peterboro'; and Miss Stewart, Day, Th.os. V mwn s. 1'he General took e. tour to tho west !net .Mr. and Mrs. James Sisson , of Bally- Baltilllnre . week for reasons best known to blmeclf. If dutf, spent Sunday week at her father's, A l(reat treat was enjoyed by a ll who r eports are trae we may say goo<!. bye to Mr. J . P. William:>on's. · could t o aet within h<"arina of the Margaret Jane. n · " d t ·R n"'r. 0 ar- Rebellion Prof. Weller's panorama ot the North West Mr. W. W. A ndrus has overhauled and G ene;a I S upermtei;i en ' ev. was a failure here on Wednesday night. 'l'be audience was paid off and sent. ~arran!Jed the Andrus homestead npk- man 10 the M ethodist church on Sabbath last. A great many oould n ot obtain home, He should have advertised in the local ing it a double tenement, an entrance to the church for the evening pa!:~~g recent visitors we : Master The next mee ting of the District L. 0. L. of Clarke, will be held in the Orange service and !iltho ugll a number stood dur- W. Bell and Pettinger, Toronto ; Mrs. Frank, ing t he l engthy discourse t h e utmost Maple Grove ; Mrs, J a.s. Cousins. Br ooklin ; Hall, Kendall, on Saturday June 9th at Mr. J ·.Stewai·t. Cobourg ; Mr, John Creeper q t11·et prevailed sl10wing t he great interest and Mias Della Andrus. Orono, I.30 p. m. · of the · sermon. The eloqu ent doctor The base ball match here on Wednesday A ca.rd from Rev .. A. Smith, of Port preached in the morning on Ohriatian was a very interesting affair, especially with Elgin , r ecently received, s tates tha~ Mrs. wealth and in the evening on Christian the !pecta.tors.. Some very good playmg we.a . . · done on both aides, hut at the close of thE> Townsend had arrived safely and had grnng. In the afternoon he addressed game our boys bad the best of it. Score, 17- 11 stood tha journey very well, although the Sabbath School. The serviceothrough · in favor of Tyrono. somewhat wearied. But after a d11y's ou t the day were of the hio-nest order and On the night of the 24th a gr eat jubilee oame oft iD connection wilh the Salvation Army, · · 1 d\:> rest was again enjoying e:s:cellent spirits. iscourse cannot when the bai-racks was tilled to the doors. sueh earnes t pract1ca At the services in connection with the fail to p roduce an impression th at we trust, Tb.e platfor m wtu1 filled with soldiers, Methodist Sabbath School Anniversary will bring forth fruit in the Christ.iau life among whom we notu)ed from a. dletance . Cadet Harper, of P!ckerrni;:, Capt. Outram. of last Sunday, Rev. Dr. Potts, President of t,he people. The Rev. Dr. will be very Toronto, and a j olly crowd from Hampton. '!'lie meeting went off v· ry lively. Proceeds, of the Tornnt o Conference, preached welcome auain to our villa<>e, ,., ' · n · $10.07, to go toward~ barracks debt, morning and evening to o verflowing con The Queen ~ Birthday passed off qu10tly A wdding took place a liitle E1outh of here g!tlgat ions. H e preached eloquent ser - here until evening, wh en a goodly number on Wedi;iesda.y evening last, tho h · ppy couple mons. The large audience listened 1 with of people from various l ocalities assembled belol? M1,ss Charlotte Cole, third daughter of ·a d Mr. M. Cole. and Capt. .Arthur Cass. cf Ge.It. d · wrapt attention. The toa on ThuTSday to p .· rta ke o f t . ne goo t 1nngo prov1 e 'l'hs offioiating clergyman was Rev. s. Salton, was a first-class one and was fairly well by tht'> l adies at the M ethodist church, of Enniskillen. About 10:30 p. m., a troop of · th h · attended. · !I t 1 f t about 20 in number their way down the an d t o enJOY e c oice mte ec ua eas Manvers, being well armed to take a part in In addit ion to t h e bold burglary com- pr epareil for them. Rev. E. Barrass, tho ceremony if need ed; . At their attival thfly mi tted at Mr. Trull's the o ther evening, !VI . A . acceptably filled the chair. R ev. were met by the ~oom and presented with · ·' l dd some cash after which the boys thanked him emph1 were a tTucker' s grist mill, N.· ·Bill. Oshawa, gave a pract1ca a ress for his ge~eroaity and wished him and his wher e, findin g nothing but papers, which on " Tobacco;" Rev. T. Manning, B . A. , better halt many long and happy years. The . d an e l oquent soul - freshmants boys then returned to the r estaurant tor rethey overhauled, but finding them of no 0 sh awe., d e rnere which they did ample justice to valne left them scattered arou nd and q uiet- stirring lecture on "The Human Progress May thelr ehadowe never grow leas: · ly rerir~d ; M'cAlden'a carriage works, of the Age;" Rev. A . MacLaren made a ThA Sunday School anniversuy teld hero on carrying off with them a brace and bit ; witty practical speech · and the Rev, S, the 21th was a grand success. At 2:30 o'clock ' . ' k . h " t.he program commenced, when a large num· and at the Post Office, where t h ey failed Salton iuterspersed ti few r em ar s m 1a ber or r ecitations aod dialogues. interspersed to ob~ain an entrance. These robbers will usual h appy mood. , The music was very with. singing by the s. S. scholars were exfool around Orono business places until choice- t h e Mt Vernon choir san" in ceedmgly well r endered ·. Mr. J : W. O!ielt a_nd -· _ "" Mr. F. A. Weekes were mdefatigable 1n tramt h ey ure made targets by some of our citi- good style, a number of b eauhful selec- ing ef the children to bring them to such well zeu ~, who are anxiously a.waiting the t.iona · the singing by Mr. and Mrs. ~a.rked effi.~lency, Th0 .smglng was also . ' T l l d rendered with Miss Br ent as organiat. p leasu rn of a b urglar's bull's-eye to point Easton, of orouto, was warm Y app au - The chr.rch was crowded and everyone present at. ed and h eartily encored- Mrs. E aston seemed to enjoy t~.emsolves and bighl;r apprehas a very r ich voice of g r eat comr)ass elated the entertainment. The managing com· . . . . mlttee and thosB who assisted are to be com· is much tbe b est smger an E nms1ullen 1>limented for the maoner -in which the tea A SuccESSl'lJI. RESULT,- Birs, I was and audience has e ver had the plensuro of was got 11p. When the ladi<>s here"maJce tay" t rpubled for five year s with Liver Com· A · l h Id F ·d they make t a y, Proceeds $90 The baeo ball socia was e on ri ay boys wish through the STa"l'EflMAN to tender plaint. I used t\ great d eal of doctor 's hearing. evening, Gross proceeds of anniversary thanks to the committee tor their bospitaltty medicine, which did me no good . l was after tbe mo.t~·--------·getting worse all t he time until I tried 11 ervices, $34.00. Burdock B lood Bitters. After taking A SAD PROSPECT.- How many weary BILIOUSNE SS. - " I should n ot think it I can also four bottles I am no1V well. broken down invalids there ar e to whom right did I not give my testimony of what recommend it for dys pepsia. M1ss life is burdensome and whose prospect is I know tio be the value of Burdock Blood H Al'TIE L . S w1cK, S t. Williams P . 0 ., sad indeed. The n er vous d ebility and Bitters. B ei ng a su ffer er from Biliouaai:t. general weakness of those affiicted with ness, I took one bottle of B . B. B. alld it lingering disease is best remedied by the ' gave ma immediate relief. I recommend STIH: C@RN CUILBJtEN r cndily t it.kc Dr invigorating and r est!ilring properties of\ ~t as a c~re f o_ r BilioumeU!. Annie Mc:r.o,Y'11 1Ve1·ua Syrup, U plcn11c8 the cllil·l B. B. B. Lean, .Woodville, Ont. :~nd dellR 'OB'li the wo rm~ . H AJJfPTON. Our Cheese Factory is booming again. Mr. J. Wilcox was taking sick on Sunday. Our Base Ball Club were defe11ted a t Tyrone on the 2Hh. Practice, boys· Mr. Jas. Cryderman who was e. limb he was cutting from a tree a short t ime ago, is recovering. Mr. M. B. Cryderman and wife have re· turned from visiting their daughter, Mrs.HJ. Hoidge, Btoomingto , . · I A. large number of persons from hPre M· 1 tended the tea at. Tyrone on the Uth inst., and Mt. Vernon on Monday, A " Court ot Revision " !or the l'ownship of Darlington was helc.l here on Saturdav, the f ll61h Inst. The1·e were a few appeals but the .Assessment was sustained in each case. I Mr. Joseph 'l'relc'r en is making exten·iye I improveven ts on his farm somb or the vi1111ge. A rew morfl such enterprising yeomen would make Canada a great nu:ricultural c01rntri·. Mr John Wilcox who has been noted for trapping skunKs. beat all former records re· cently, catching two fnll grown specimens in the trup oue night only a short time ago, Each one wus hekl by a front p.. w . Sr.ow Boy . I -4Klf4G POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thie pow11er never variea. A marvel ol purity, strength a.nd wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary Kinde, and can not be sold in competition with the multitnde of low teat, shor t weight, alum or phosphate powders . Sold only in oans, ROY AL BAK· NG POWDER C0 .· 106 Wall St.. N . Y. crq CD ...... l::$ - .~Clf ~t'1rn,tC ~ ~~111·1!~err' s . G;omp-011ud 0 ct crq ...... CD ~ Cures Chr onic Constipation , v r.ostiveness ancl all Complaints - - -- ari :1i n;..! from :\ 1.lii.;m·d r- rc> ti s t :i.t o o f t l i c T,iver, S toJ:Jauit all<l llowt:lf:, Fw.;h ill! · · Dyspl!{laia or Indigestion. Bilious_ Affection~ lieadache, 1Iea.rtbur:1 ..'..~c!~Y~!_ t_~~omach, :Rheun1atiG m, Loss of Appetite, Gravel. _ c: Nervous Debility, Nausea!~yomiti~g, & CntLDREN .ABSOLUTELY -.....::.:.:.;---··--· - - - it i s :prteen.hle t.o t.11~ tn "-t (·, d n1 'R n nt occaswn Ntm s~l' nct B w it h n11t f·.n·ii i n" . i s ~"l'l:ii u i n it~ tlft'cd.:-;, k tTHl j ~ Cffi.H~tin~ in Bm a il JOSi;::;, IN Ll QU tD FORM. rr! )lonnms t,1 10~ IT! B <'c:t ~H"' QV TTING 'l'he Dry Goods :Business ! JOHN ltlcltlUBTll .Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and Feed and Grain tradaand has determine.<l to·ge nottlcs, :~;, cents < !Uch. A POOR MAN'S FRIEND. 011ethn.t wil I FR\' '! dnys of s ickness a.nd mn.ny n.lJolla.r int 1111 11 nr· tl lJ 1H.~ to r 1<d.lill ... , 011 0 :Llwn~:s 11 c ar at h:111d. rnu1b· n.t Ui m omc ut's ca.II. This frie nd i:l P r:Hr<Y DAVIS' 1 Close Out His DRY GOODS BUSINESS and extend his Grocery into the premises uow occupied with DRY GOODS. To make a clear sweep, everything in the Dry Goods department is now being sold AT AND UNDER COST. The goods are all firstclass, carefullJ selected for the regular t rade and no old culled bankrupt stock, the public can understand the immense advantages of~ fered to purchasers of this stock. Everything usually kept in a first class Dry Goods establishment, and required in the Clothing and House Furnishing line, offered at AWAY-DOWN PRICES. Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash only. Positively no Reserve. Everything must go. Call and satisfy yourselves that the WEST END HOUSE is giving greater value for a little money than any other house in the district. It will pay you to lay in a yeal"s supply, as such goods cannot be repeated at my prices. Cra mp :u11l J')ai n i n tho :1 to rn:ich. Bn\.n'l t.!:l , .Pniulcr's Colic. l>ys peps i:t or J 1alige;tiou, Sttddon Colds, So r~ r _r liroat, C o n gh~, &c. ..1 1\1-~N C' '. : o l er:1~ J )ir1r r llcc:1. T I NTERNALr,y. it c.. res Dyrnntcry, USED J· ; XTJ,RNAJ,I,Y, il cures Bruisoo. Cuts, Burns. Sealcls n!lll fi 1 1 rain"· S1Vellini:s of tho Joints. TootiJil.cho. l'ain in tho F:ic o, Neu· m litin "°"Rheumat is m. ff.,_ 'V~Sol <lby Do1tlers in Fnmily llfedicino; tho W url ll Arouml. 2 5 C ENTS PER B OTTLE. llcw:ire of co1mtcrre1ts nnll 11111t11t1011s. ' 'B*t THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Dr. CHANNING'S compol!JHl Extracto f Pure H ed Jamaica SARSAPARILLA F or the curo of Sc1·ofu1a, SaH IU1 m1rn~ Can cei-, all S kin D iscnfir:~ ) '1'11n1 0:·~, J~11 large n H'l1 t of th6 . ,J'O'U:N Mol.V?UR T ·~LY L iver and Splcc11, H I H~11 m at i c .A.fft>cti 011s, d i senses of the K idneys, 11laddcr :.rncl Uri n :1r y 0ri:?ans1 oppros5'ions 9 f th e Clit·Ft or L t tt1g~, J.c n conhca, Ca t nrrli 1 nn.d :ill di 1wa :.:i":-s r!'st ilti n ~ f ro m :\.' d cpraYc<l. ;itHl impure COJl d it iOH Of t h e bl Oo~l, ---·o---- ft>t' " Th·. (Jhn.11/U:i u y'N S a1w((1> arill<t." tahr 'UO oth cw in U s J>lac(". C.1ltF J 1I0~·.-,1lsl; Davis & Lawrence Co., Limited, SOL O. AGENTS, J. HIGGINBOTHAM &801, Dispensing Chemists. ----o---- :::t:va: O:'.t'l""T :S E ..A.=.. _ sccrctioll of tho Gastric ,J uice. They give immediate r elie f in D ys11epsill and Indigestion .. DIGESTIVE TABLETS OR AFTER DI NN ER PILLS, fol" cnfocblcd <ligoation, prodnced from wan t o f proper 1JIR EC1'ION S.-1'ct1 .:c one Or itt·I) i mmcdia.ccty oft"'r .eating or tvh1m :mffuhty fro m. Jndl!]cStio 1~, I. ·m111 i n ril e Throat or Fln htlt'nct:. $;u1q1h·s sent. f rel'. A1Mrre~ ,,m,, t h n. Da;-is & Lawrence Co.. (Limited,) Montreal. 80L I~ .lt;JO::\' T:I, lilND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM. ~(I f' ChAppi!d l11.n d1, }\:1.ce ~Qd J.i ps. n o11gh. a nd Thefollowingpreparations are carefully prepared and will be . found useful lll every house. N asal Cream, Rose Glycerole, Corn Cure, For Cold in the Head, Catarrh, etc. U)i:. Sklll ll,!'e c har:i.c t~r . Hrit t !e N ll l l$1' G<lfteocd ill QDe m ; b t., l1'r1r.e aO Ct'rtCs JH!t' bnt1le. Sol d Ly IJ r u !S'~i ~ b. ~r;g1~~: ~l~~~~uN!W.:.~.'~~~a~·:t'J,~~~~~~~ncth~1~~~~~r~~o!~ nr nard Skin, ~o.$ 0 n TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY, Fil UJ · @ I:;,~ 106 York St., Toronto. For all Roughness of the Skin A a specin1ty. Out of town work UJ promptly attended t o al!d returned per instructions. to Palmer house. Handy to Union SHIRTS, COUARS AND CUFFS For Removing- Hard and Soft Corns G. P. SHARPE, Proprietor. ~ext door P...Q.P $ ·' JllAN\' ltlE!\', HA:¥Y ltllNDS," but a ll men a nd all mhub ug ree ns 1.<1 tho merits of "' I Burdock Pllb , smull nn d 11ngar·coa&e'1. Ohildren Orf·for ~,itcJj,er~~cM~~;(~~ SHORlEY'S IMPROVED FOOD ALWAYS ON HAND. Agents for the " Argus " Spectacles and Ey, glasses.

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