Mll~~-a_n_~-'"-'!!~.!?1__!±'_~·.n __ ...,~·-'!!!!_~!!!.!.!.!.!..!...!.-!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!:!!!!!~'!!~~~~!!!!!!!~~!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!I!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!~~~!!!!!!!~~~!!!~!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!~~ ~aiutdiau J tatr~tlntu. -----------·---~ WEDNESDAY, JUNllJ 6 , 1888. The treatment of many tllousaucls cf cases Of those chrome weaknesses aud distressing -WJments pcculia.r to fonrn l0s, n.t. the Invalids' .ttotel aud Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast cxpcr1ence in nicely adapt. ing and t.boi-oughly testing· remedies for the cure of woman's peculiar rnalitdies. Dr. Pierce's Favorite 1·rescl'iptio11 is the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimonials, received from patients nnd from physi· cians who have testod it in the more aggravated and obstinate cases which bad bntlied t.heir skill, prove it to be the moat won<lerlul remedy ever devised for the rellef and cure of suffering women. It is not r ecommended as a "cure-all," but as a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar nilments. As a po-ivcrful, invigorating tonic, it imparts strengtu to tbe whole system, and to the wornb and tta appendages in p,articuln.r. For overworked, ' worn-out," ·run-down," debilitated te110hers, milliners, keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favo1ite l'l'Cscription :le lil:Je greatest ea1·thly boon, being unequaled as atl.-!lJlpetizing corcllal and restorative tonic. A.$ a ,.oothiug and strengtbe11li1g nervinet "Favorite Prescription" js une. qualed nnct is invaluable in allaying and sub· dulng nervous excitability, ilrital.>ility, ex. haustion, prostrati<m, hystena, spasms and other dlstressmg, ner vons symptoms com. monly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the wotn b. It induces refrcsMng sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de· spondency. Dr. Pierce' s Favorite Prescri1Hion is a legitimate medicine, cn.refully compounded by an experienced aud skillful physician, and adrtptecl to woman's delicate organiztttion. It is purely vegetable iu it;} composition and perfectlr J1armless in its effects in any conditiou or the system. Foi· morning siclrness, or nnusca, from whatever cause arising, weak stomach, indigestion, dys. pepsia and kindred symptoms, its 11so, ju small doses, will prove very benc1\cinl. "1"avo::-Ue Pre'sc1·ipticu" is a posl· tive cure for the most complicated and ob· stlnatc cu.scs of leucurrheu, excPsslve flowing, painful menstruation, unna.tuml suppressions, r.rolapsus, or falling of the womb, wenl> J1nck, ·fe1na.le weakness," a nteversio11 , retroversion, - -bearing-down sensations, chronic congestion, infin.mnu1tion nnil ulceration of the womb, in· flammation, pain aud t enderuess in ovurtes, accompanied w!tll " internal heat." As a regulator and prom()trn· of fnno. tional action, at that critical pei·iod of change from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Prescription" ia a perfectly safe romcclial agent, and cun produce only good results. It ls equally eftlcaclous and valunbJc in 1ts effects when taken tor those cl1so1·ders and derangements incident to that Infor nn<l most critical period, known as "'l'he <Jb,rngc of J,ifc." "Favo1·ite P1·escription1" when ta.ken in connection with the use ot Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and smnll laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver Pills). cures Liver, Kidney and Dludder diseases. Theil· coonbined use also i·emovea blood taints, and o.bolishos cancerous and scrofulous humors fl'om the system. "Favorite Prescription" ill tbe only medlmne 1'or women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the manu. factn rers, tha.t it. will give Rnt1~faction in every casc1 or money will Q.c r efunded. 1-'his guaran~ t.ef.>. ·mm been printed on the bottle·wrupper, M d faithfully carried out for many years. Large bottles 1100 doses) $1.00, or liilC bottl~!i for $5.00. For largo, illustmted Treatise on Diseases of Women (160 pages, pape1··covered), send ten cents in stamps. Address, dressmakers, searnst.resscs, 0 shop-g"ir1s," house~ World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Sl.t BUFFALO, N. Y. pa~er 3 · S_"ories, ess~ys, hu~tmg artic:es, choly evenmg without you. racrng a~t1clen, fas~ion artwlca - nothmg "Yon had no need to wonder and worry. came amiss to her facile. and some':"hat reek- Y ou 1!mst k!lo!V thv,t a man who has a l~t less pen. ~he wrote with the iur of a wo · of _friei~~s 18 not alwo.ya master of his n!an who live~ amo~g duc~esses, ~n~ who . act10ns. ' . . A :i\11 cO 1AJ~ 1r~ [~ D dmed every mgbt with Ca.bmet Mmrntcrs. "But a woma.n 8 mmd is not always to U 1111' L IJ~ l~ ~iH 1l , Upon politi~s, morals, art,. sport, finance, be gov~rned by ne~ds. 1 could not hel_P . <71 she wrote with Equal o.ut;bonty, and a sup- wondenng. Sometuncs I have wondered if "VETERINARY SURGEON, reme audacity that dazzled the average I had married your bro~her Adrian wh~ther O R ONO. · C:· .N '('.· reader. . . I ah?uld }mve ha·l qmtc so many solitary · Nor was literature t he grass widows only. evemngs. · d'd t - -- - -- -- -- - - -- - -- occupation. She ha d burst upon the fash-1 "~t's !I' great pity . yo.u 1 no marry iona,ble world as an amateur act ress of dis- Adrian, d you are ~eg~mn% to r~pent yhur 9 ·l t inction. and capacity. She ~ave_n citatioi;s p refere!lce for me, ' said '\ a entme, wit a e a u charity concerts, sb e actt d lD open-air da rken mg countenance. plays. She remincled el derly gentlemen in· " Dearest Val, how can you say such differently of Mrs. H oney, Madame Vestris, things. You know I have never repented. and Mrs. Nesbitt. It was not t o be rnppos- I never could r epent my choioe. My heart ed that she earned any money by these j went out to you from the first, al!~ I knew charity performan ces, and her gown s must · that I had never reallf loved Adrian .· He Are prepared to pay the highest price have cosu her a. goo<'! deal ; but as s~e was had been to me as a kmd and de:i.r friend, repn_rtecl to be ~ak.1!1g a ~handsome rncome n.e ver as. a ~over. But I can't _help .som!l· all kinds of Grain deliver ed at the by literature, this end noo mo.tttr, and no· 1~imes w1shmg that you were like him m body,_ excel!t Hel~m, wondered at the ~leg.:rnt 3ust one res:pe~~-that you were &s fond of way m which Mrs. B~ddcloy contrived to home as he 1s. Wharf or their Store House in town. li':e, or open-handed and thoroughly " In other words you loved me because I Irish_hosp1t ahty of tho~c pretty ro~m9 on was a. ~an, and now Y01;l have got me ,you 1 l k p · No ti1er1ghth 1111d ofth e t l111'd ·fl.oor l and mg. · wouldlk i em~ t o b e ~m1.-so . , Reen ! "I C!1n't t hink how it is that money goes I am. a~ unlike A;drm~ 1:1 my tastes and I so mnoh further with you than it does with pur~mts as I am Jui:e him m my person.. I [me," Helen said, wit h a faint sigh, aa she Idon~ c11>re for music, or bo~ks, or fires~de I !I.Ill a man of a.c.tron, cannot hve 1 lo~ked round her eistH's luxurious little I m~ismgs. ! d r awing-r oo111, wit h its pr ofusion of tulips w~thout movement and variety. If ~on u.rc i a nd nar ofozns i!l t he wind c.w sills n,nd the wise y~u'U follow n~!' example, and !nstead 0 firepfoce, a nd 1 ts vases of t uber roses and 0~ mt opi~g h and rfr;.:t tie nrg at h on u ,lled , ~ft!nnt~ ~ k 1 00 · lilies of t he va11 cy. me ·Y wi" you c 1 ;: "My dear, y ou forgot that I am a brea,d- you up ?fan evemng if I knew where you winner , while you v,ncl V11lcntine nN like l' were gomg." . - - --- -- -- ·· th? l!liea,,of t he field · in neither toiling nor " You promised that last year, V a_ I, and - - - - - - - - - -- -. s pmn mg. you never to any of my par ties, I U Av1~H l " I wish I could write for the paper s, 1S!),t for a whole evening watching the door, ft ~ L eo." and refW1ing every dance, for fear I should j "Everybody can't write for t he papers, miss you when you came in-aud you never Has received her new stock ol ! child," Mrs. Bo.ddcloy answered rather appeared." sharply; "there is something in the way of "It wasn't my fault, I assure you. talent wanted, or at least knack. Besides, There was always something to prevent my .,d 1 Ladies of Bow the papers are not big enough to hold every· turning up." .., " body's contributions. I happen to please "I think it was my dfaappointment about manville and to calJ 1 t hem, and I have toin got a groove t hat yon that made me detest parties. I made a suits me enctly." vow to myself that I would never go out an d. See h er P a ern H elen sighed again. V alentine's way of again · wit hout you." life was expensive; and there were a good "Ah, that was last year when you were many a.cconnts t hat ought to have been out of health. Now you are well and bloom· 1 and asso·-tment of paid at Christm~,s, and which wero still un- ing again, and it will do you good to see a 1 ~ paid in April. Helen's walking gowns l!ttle bit of life. If I wer e a jealous h us!'f"' were shabby, and her evening gowns bore band I should be ver y glad for von to shu~ !J.. I the st&mp of last season ; yet she dared not yourself up In these rooms, but I'm not I g o to the milliner's lest she would be re· jealous, and I know I can trust y ou," STOltE:- SecondDoorweat of l"flU.lllml ; minded of an account of some standing. "Indeed, dearest, you can," she said lutcher Stan· l First-class fares, tips to gamekeepers, and fondly, with ber hiuidii cll\sped upon hfa shoulder, "yon know that for me yon are; AT~LT the only man on earth." · "'Vell, I believe as much, Helen. Yon are one of those foolish lovable young /. women who are nob ashamed to i.dmire i their own husba,nds. Bttc really and truly, I my pet, it gri3vea me to see y ou mope in the / very pleasantest time of the yMr. Leo says t you would be included in ali her evening I Author of "LADY Aunu:v's SF.CRF.T," "WYLLARD's WEIRD,' E r n., ETC. invitations if her friend s only knew you ! Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the were willing. You have but tn show ycnr . i CHAl:'l'ER X IX.-T1rn R ETURN 01> , club subscriptions, to say nothing of th'!.t self to be admired and sought a.fter." / LIV~.R, S'.l'OllllA.Cll, KID.NEY~ Al'tf]) 90.\VELS. 1 t Mrd· 'n ·d ab "l'here ia one objection, Val, " murmured/ · f d a1· 't P RosPrnPINE, G s~~bed t~:r ~a=r· th~~s=l~o~tldlrn.;e-k;pt th~ Helen, blushing as she spoke. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions an Those vetera!1 delbmls in Kentsing~on . '1l't· /little household in Wilkie Mansions clear :'. IWhhat is tthlatd?" . t ne invaluable ln ~u Oomplalnts lncldental to Fems.lee of a.11.Ages, Fo~ 1 Jens, w.1ose 1c wm - own crns s were JUS . ,,f ,i~h~ d d'ffi ave no 111, a new gown srnce 1 as · Ch'l' d ·h d h · 1 10 lt 1 ,,,ren an visible from Helen's winclowg were ·ilder by ·· - · 'll.n u ·'!· . summer, and people dress so much now-a-) t e age t ey a.:re priceless, more than a year and "' half since that ficst And now ~elen oa.m~ out of th~t htt~e Iday~. I :;;hoi.;ld feel myself an old-fashioned a inspection of the fla.t in 'W ilkie Ma:::sions, world of t~e s10k room mto the bright big dowdy. . · . · · .j · l and Helen had grown accustomed to married world outside: She emerged _out ?£ d~rk- "In last }'ear's gown-altho11gh it cost Is an rnfalhble remedy for Bad Logs, Bad Breasts, 01d Wounds Sor life as understood by Valentine Belfield. ness.and wear~negsf and chnst~amt, 11 ~~ ~ ro- five and thit·ty guineas and was by 11.nd Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and RheumatiRm, For disorders of tho She had learnt to recognize the fa.ct tha>, serpme. returnmg rom er six mon 8 so- you and Leo to be perfection-quite the -Cheat it hii.o no e ual _ although he was fond of her, and proud of JOnrn !n the under-w~rld: She was pale gown of the season," cl'ied Valentine mockq · herbeauty,hehad no idea cf rr.aking any '.l:ndthmandsha.dowylo~kmgafterherlong ingly, 1>nd then he took out a bloatedj t,or Sore Th:a.·oats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, alteration in his own manner of living, or Illness, bm; the lovely Irish gray. ey~s were pocket-book, and from a confusion of tissue . · · · · · sacrificing any one of his pleasures or a.s ?rilliant as ever, and the mobile, bps h"d pape1', Holt's lists and bank notes inter- Gl'l.ndula.r Swelhngs, and a.11 S~1n Diseases it has no nval; and 11,muscmcnts on Mcotmt of his wife. If his their old charm. a.nd sweetness. .. Never mingled, he selected a note which he h11,nded contracted and stiff JOinb it ach like a charm, amusements were such as she could share, had s~e look~d fotrer to the eyes of that to his wife. "There, Helen, I was rather he was willing that she should oha.r" them. connoisseur m bei:uty, _Lord St. Austell, luckier thvn usual at Chester the other da.y. Manufactured only at THOMA.8 HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, He took her to race meetings, and cricket than she looke~ this ~pnl afternoon, w~en There's a fifty to sweeten Madame Bouillon. grounds, and rega.tto.s, when she was well Mrs. ~~<l<leley s carriag? drew up _agamst You might order two gowns, I should think, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON enough to go with him, but if her delicate I the ra!lmga by the Row m _order to give that on the strength of it." health kept her at home, tha.t foct m11de no 1 l~dy t~me t~ talk to her fne~ds. The pen "I will," cried H~lcn gaily, overcome And are sold at la. lid. 1 211. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., e.nd 33s. each Box or .Pot a may be had from all Medlclne Vendors throughout the World, ' difference in his arrangements. There came s1v? light Ill those large vi~let eyes, the by her husband's generosity. " How good a time when she was nervous and lo rr-- , deh~ate transparen~y of the wild . rose com- you are, Val." ·P11rehaser& hould look at the Label on the Pots and Boxeil. I f th spirited, unable to go out of an evening, yet plex10n, had a poetical cha.rm winch touch"I like to see my little wife happy," he t11 n 1133. Oxford Street. L01ndon, they ,...,, aauu11uu. feeling the burden of her loneliness almost ed that sybarite fancy; and St. Austell said bhrndly, not de2ming it necessary to "TM u intolerable; but her husband frankly told looked ~rom the elder sISter to the younger, inform her that he had over a thousand her that she could not expect him to sacrifice wondermg how he could. ever have thoueht pounds in that bloated pocket book. out of gratitude. That would make me his evening amusements-his whist club, or Leonora Baddeley beautiful, He never worried her about his losses, so actually an incubus. May I come, Mrs. BREAD 11>mlc 0£ this Yeast his theatres-because she was moping at He had hta.rd of Helen's serious illness why should he tell her of bis winnings. He Beltield ? Just tell me, my society won't took 132 Fi1 f t Pl'izcs o.t Ontario home. and of V nlcntine's neglect, and this alone left her with a kiss, and was oft to his after- spoil your evening. " Fall Sho'\-YS i n 1887. " What the deuce would be the good if I would have given her an interest in his eyes. noon lounge at Ta.ttersall's. He left her " How can in, when we meet almost every Over 10 ,000 ladies have written .to say tl1at it surpasses any yeast were to sit upon the other side of the fire Keglected wives had been his specialty from happier than she had been since her con- evening," Helen answered, naively. "If I . m' er used by them. and mope with you," he said. "Leaides the year l1e left Christchurch. va.lescence. didn't wish to see you I should never go anyIt ma kes the lig htest, ·w hitc:st, you have your sister." He tald her how rejoiced he was to see "Dear fellow," she said to herself, "I where, for somehow or other we always sweet est, i·olls J bun~ and buck· p a uca k es. "Yo11 talk as if Leo were laid on like the her out again after her Ion~ imprisonment. know he loves me, although he m11y some- meeting." Tial\.ets i n m.. :triy every lO\\ Il in water or the gas," Helen said, irritably; " It is like the awakening of a year," he times seem neglectful." "Society is like the last figure of the LanCana da ate u si ng it. ·( " she h,~a har evening engagements a.s well said. '.'I really think this is th: first P-31:· II; was a lovely afternoon at the beeinning cers," said St. Austell. " You must needs IJ.!!:!!::::!!~~!!I PRICE FIVE CENTS. a.s you. f~c~ sprmg day. You and our ideal. April of Ma.y. The sky was bluer than London meet the same people over and over again. "Uncommonly selfish of her to be gadding v!Slt us together. I hop~' we are gomg to skies genera.Hy are, the balmy west wind Meeting and passing on; anu the last chord about just when you want her mo~t," see you everywhere now. blowing the smoke eastwa.rd to darken the severs one even from one's own partner." Valentine. "It is a woman's place to look "She is hardly strong enough yet to go <lwelling-pl9.ces of the poor. Aristocratio When was the time that Helen l1egan to after her sister at such a timo. everywhere," answered Mrs. Baddeley, .London wa.s dressed in smiles, suburban watch the door for the appea.rance of Lord Helen sighed and was silent. Those "but I mean to take her a.bout with me more Kensington had a verdant and almost rustic St. Austell, as she had once watched for the It never was intended, so far as I cnn learn, Tha.t either men or womon were intended to· sighs 11nd silences irritated Valentine. than I have done hitherto. I shall not let air in the bright, glad weather, a.nd Helen's coming of her husband, only that in this lat. be bald. It was a relief to him tn run down her play Joan t o a husband who never plays drawing-room wa.a odorous with hot-house ter case there was no disappoinrnent? vVhen I think you will believe me, indeed I'm sure stairs and get into the m\ld mugginess Darby. My brother-in la.w is a de!Jghtful flow6rs. was it that the assembly first b~gan to brighyou will, If at the "l'aris Hair Works" you have called, of a London autumn, to hail a cab, and young man; but he is just one of those deLord St. Austell had been sending her ten a.t hia coming ; when was it that his oe off to his daily haunts at the West End : lightful young men who should al~v~ys re· flowers two or three times a week since their voice first bega.n to move hor like music? 'rhe~e is one thing Nature thinks of- let us it was a still greater relief to sally forth main bachelor9, He has no vocat10n for chance meeting by the railing of the Row When was it that the day only began in that thank her for all we canShe takes particular trouble with our l'a.ce ; with_gnncase ?r hunting gear, or: his way to do,rr,1estic life." . . He sent flowers and plovers' ·aggs a.nd pre'. lazy afternoon hour when etiquette allowed knows a acu.aty growth of hair, the gray She You have no right to say such a thrng, mature strawberries as to an invalid Mrs his lordship's visits to the Japanese drawing. a rMlway which was to take him to some and whitMing loclrn, pleasant country house or snug bachelor den, Leo," said Helen, Hushing indignantly. Baddeley heard of these attentions ~nd lift: room, which daily looked more and more Will detract from the beauty of the face. where there were sport a.n.d good followship, "Yon know how happy Va.I and I are to- ed her finely-pencilled eyebro"'s' wi"th a like a tropical bower, beautified by the " ftowcrs w h" h h e sent every mornmg, · · But Nature h11r; her laws so strict that you pretty women, or congemal men. gether." somewh:i.t scornful air. !C muaimust never err, · The fo~d hopes ~hich had soothed Hel?n "W~en you are together no dou~t, d_ear. " He is more foolishly generrus than any- cal with the rare and costly birds which he Foi· you'd surely pay the pen,.: ty at last, In her s~htary.evenmgs were doomed to J:>it- Th~ ~ant~ of the ?,ccnrrence must give it a one l know," she said. "He is always had chosen for its adornment? Sustain it. that bounteous h~ad of hair terest disappomtment. Her baby-son died fict1t1ous mterest. sending holl·house fruit and flowers to sick He could never remember how a.nd when Dr. Dorenwend'o Hair Mugio's uJO~urpassed. before he was a week old, and the shock of I ' " Oh, please keep your smart sentences chorus girls." her sin bego.n: how it was that she pa.seed Just try it vuu umicted, yo11 mover will regl'et, the infant's death, which came upon her sud. for the Macrocosm or the Bon Ton, Leo, a,n,d "I hope he does not rank you and mo from the liberty of perfect innocence to the The Mal(io wa, ne ve<· yet known to fail; t · t f · "lj ' t h k And the good that it will do )Oil will make denly, brought on a nervous f ever. · let me manage my h us b and my own way. with chorus girls," protested Helen. "I cons ram o conscious gm ; : ou s e awa . you soon fo1·s:et ened one da.y to the discovery tha.t the husTh d. b t , ·n t ·1 For more than six weeks H elen was sen· . b. · d h" h suppose it is he who supplies you with a.II band she once adored had become indiffere expon uure a 0 t.e w i e n .Ill· 8 oualy ill, and during some parts of that time Those brig t sprwg_ a£- · ic wer~ those lovely gardenias and lilies of the val· ent and was growing odious to her, and that This now fauious trepJra t ion for invig· her life. was f~hd~nuer.ll hTb~~~~ n~rs~~\~.k ~!~;f:;::~e:~ ~~~ w!~~aEi~d ofr ton~~:, ley ?" the man who pursued her with unspoken orating :H1.1 stimulating the gruwth of the 0 M=~~~~~: Lady ~~~fiel~ ~:m1:~~n to Lo~~ brought only dejection and apathy for Helen "He and other .people, my de~r. I have love was the sole master of her heart ~.nd of hair is universally accepted as the most 't h h d hte . d Belfield· She looked · out her fate, valuable specific 011 the ma· ht. All . of the window p and k more tho.n o:r:e strmg to my · bow.' , ( ) d on to wa o over er au!! r-In- 1aw, an Helen ran.across to her sisters i:,o~ms soon TO B E CONTINUED. diseases of the ecalp are either <en d or Mrs. Baddeley showed a great deal of solici- saw the carriages dr1v;1ng by_ to the a.r , tude, thou~h she did not forego her evening or a han~om ca.b bo:wlrng g!'1ly along t~e after Valentme left her, and exhibited her permanently cured. A 1ich anJ rapid engagements, or desert Sandown Park. str~et, with th~t ra.k1sh, devil-may care air fif~t pound ~ote. · . . For Mankind. growth of hair will follow after j11dicious For the brat two or three weeks Valentine winch seems msepara.ble from a hansom. If you like to take me ou. with you thus and regular treatment. It n 1nains with was anxious and attentive ; but after the ill- S~e listened drea.rily to t~e ?~eary stxeet afternoon, Leo, I ~an order a new gown, and In 1389 a middle-aged ma.n was incarcera- the user alone to secure the desimd ness had la~ted a month his attentions relax - cries, borne from some mvisible shabby then. I can go with you to some of your ted in.the debtor's prison in Philadelphia.. He results, Dr. Doren wencl'o ··Hair Magic" ed, a.nd he began to regard his wife's condi· genteel street round th~ corner. S~e lay on po.;,t1os." . , was a grave, silent man, with marked fea· is sold by all druggists at $1 per bottle, tion aa chronic, There was a dreary mono- her sofa by the open wmdow yawnmg o;er Cert~~nly, dear, but one gown wont go tura and grizzled hair; he spent his whole or six bott]eR for $5. If no :. obtainable tony about the sick room which bored him ?' new novel, u~td she thre'Y .the hook aside ve;! for. time at work with a minature furnace, · I l' d d. i. t th 80l beyond endurance. The nurses in their uni- 1ll sheer ":earmess d fictit1ou~ woes and Ob, I ca~ have so!l1c of the old on~s retorts a.nd chemicals, and was so absorbed m your OM tty sen. inc" 0 e e form, the recurrents visits of the doctor, the sorrows which ~ouched no chord m her heart, touched up-if I have JUat one new, one m in this work that he sometimes forgot to manufacturer, enclosing pnc ' · A. DOltN· reports from the aiok nurse, forever fluctuo.t- an~ sa.t broodrng over her own troubles, the ve,ry latest style, ~nth the &eaaon s each- eat. · WEND, Paris Hair Works, 103 and 105 ing between good and evil-the whole busi- wluch seemed so very real. et, E!e~ one _gown is an effort when one He had been a partner in a hardware firm Yonge St., '1'oronto. :For sale by J, ness hung npon Mr. Belfield's spirits like a y alentine was at Sandown or Epsom; or has a limited mcome. I can never under, which had failed, and the ja.ilor expla.ined Higginl;otham & Son, and all druggists. perpetual nightmare. He was gladder than at Newmarket, and not expected home for stand how you manage to many to visitors that tho failure had affected his ever to get away from his home, more eager a day or two. Last night she had waited and from Mrs. Ponsonby, wh? is ever so reason. For nine years he had given him. than ever to accept invitations from his dinner till nine o'clock- to.night it might be much dearer than Madame Bouillon." self up wholly to experimenting with the bachelor friends. ten. He was not unkind to her. He pro"Oh, Mrs. Ponsonby does not charge me sap of the India-rubber tree,rying to make IN CANADA. All th" h d ed · th fessed to be as devoted to her ns in the days as she does other people. I know how to a substance which would neither melt in ids a dapfpen d 81tox mond 8 ago. of their honeymoon . and yet his indiffer- manage her," Leonora answered carelessly. summer nor in winter. OVER · 100 STYLES OF H eIen h a escape rom oc rs an nurses · k · H e t oId The new gown was a tri"umph of ar·t H" · · pa1 'd h" ·1 soon after Christmas but she seemed only ence wounded her to' the qu1c w _ w · is f nenas is d eb'"'"an,1 h e Ie ft· JM HAY SCALES, the shadow of her fo;mer self when she first her that a man must live his lif?-t.hat _mai:- Helen's v:as a style of beauty wh~ch needed and took 'his wife and children to a village d t f riage would be an insufferable mst1tution 1f no err.belhahmrnt from colour. She alwo.ys in Connecticut. There he remained for f th · k, oudt ? e_stihc Mroom,Badnd lwen . ortahn it obliged a husband to abandon his favorite lookecl loveliest in white, and this last years in the direst poverty, often to the point GRAIN SCA LES, 8 our rive "' e tey, rn h d e clnbandtobehoment eightoclock ' · t wass1mpicity1se · l" · "t If· A w h ie 't ofl ack" d b utneveroran f h ourturumg · tt l"t tl vWl · ~ · rs.h" hth 1 d every acnievemen mg f oo, FARM SCA LES 1 pre Y I e icoona, w lC. a .a Y ~ . satin i·own plainly cut a Ion.,. train aside from bis work. His own money, and found necessary to her existence. It w:i.s evenmg. d ? h ' · ' · h ,-.'fS ' TEA SCALES, h told h "If you don't like waiting dinner I had an wit no other tnmmmg t an a cascade all that thecouldborrowfromfriends or strim· · bb d v· t · r~1yda J~t e l 1~ O~l~t as S e e~ better dine at my club" he said "'r would Of oslrioh fe!lothers, soft and pure as SDOW· gers, went into his experiments. I'r~:r s, P! eous Yth u 1 ';as a hvery 8 J\tr rather do that than h~ve to dlne opposite flakes. A cluster of thern snow white plumes His child died, and, as he had not a dol- IMPROVED SHOW CASES ra. f If " adorned the bodice and accentuated the Jar with which to bury it, he "ent on foot 1 e ca.rriage, WI a s~ar o_oac man. B~ddeley's page sat beside him on the box, a unera . ace. , . dazzling fairness of' the wearer's bust and to the cemetery, carrying the Iittle coffin, MONEY and t~e turn· out was altogether respectable. "No, indeed, Va.I, I don t mmd waiting. shoulders and laid the baby to i·est with his own . 'l'he nece~sity for a Victoria, exchan~ea~le I h~ve never complained of having to wait, Mrs . .l3~Ifield had been admired last sea· hands. DRAWERS m the evenui,'l for a bi;ou~ham, was mdis- S? long a.a you do_ come_ home. But some- son but she had not been talked about. At last came success. He gave to the putable, aeemg th~t withm the last twel;e times yon have disappomted me altogether, This year it suddenly dawned upon that world vulcanized rubber, a substance invalu· Meat Choppers month~ Leonora.. Baddeley had, become m you have gone to°' theat;_re or .to one of your particular section of society-neither th ·3 able to a.rt and science, and also to everyAND BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES somew.1se a pubhc character. She had ~ak- late clubs, and ha':'l lefu me ·0 wonder and beat nor the worst-in which Mrs. Baddelty day, practical life, and faunded a great for· Write for terms. en to htera~u~e. She wrote for_ the So.01?ty worry all ~he ev;enmg- suce a long melan- moved, that Nlrs. Belfield was the new tune, ADDRES S rn FULL, ~l!\J1)W }1 IBST J:'UHLISIIED.] LALL RIGHTS ' ESERVED.] LIKE AND I lJNLl~KE. I HEALTH FOR By M. E. BRADDON, THE PILLS I I I l I I T I:-I E 0 I N T M E N T BREADMAKER'S YEAST.· , I I ANOTHER WONDER. I I I Q f THE LARCEST SCALE WORKS h I I J H U p IE G -R ..£-\_, I N 1 '\Jno. Mc]l[urtry & Co. I I I 0 l~I S - C T ·nvi·teCl the. G-0 0 D S vicinity tt ., , I .. S HATS B 0 NN E1 i R J M M JN GS beauty. Perhaps she would ha.rdiy have Not far from 'Llharles Goodyear, in the C. WILSON &. SON' bl'en so promptly elevated to this social pin· days of his struggles, lived a young o.rtiet ESPLANADE STREET EAST nacle if it had not been at the same period as poor as he. He, too, gave himself to his discovered that St. Austell was over head work with absolute faith and fiorv zeal. TORONTO, ONT.' and ears in love with her. Nobody had a The sketches which he made at that time Mention this paper every time you write. word to say against the lady as yet but it prove that he had exceptional power; but was obvious to everyone except to tbe lacly he, also, had a wife and children. If he herself who saw nothin extraordinar in in the fact' of his lordshi~'s presence. YShe ~h:; .:!:sel!t:;v:~e study of highest art, knew that he was a man about town, and He chose nther to feed, clothe a.nit. she did not know that the circle in which educate them well. He abandoned his hope she and her sister moved, lay for the most and ambition o.nd the work for which Goel partoutaidethatinneraanctuaryofpa.tcician had fitted him, and plinted inferior, pop· society to which ~t. Austell belonged. · ulo.r pictures which brought him in a comforShe accepted his attentions at first with table income. When he died, he left behind supreme indifference. He was her sister's him a family of commonplace menDond women admirer. He had been devoted to her sister well-to-do and happy ; but t he note which at Morcomb two years ago, and she had no had been given him to otrike in the great idea of any change in his sentiments. L~o's human orchestra never had been sounded. · flirtations and Leo's admirers were taken Now which of these men was true to his m for granted by Leo's sister, There was no duty ? Thia is one, of the riddles of life -B~harm in any such deviations from the beat- which come before many a young man to I 5 § en track. !twas only Leo's wa,y. Perhaps whom has been given ability foT a special I a ~\l R m ~t: Austeli was cired of worshipping a div- l1oble work. Sha.11 he sell his birthright W l s.m tnllyprepared to at tend Fu!1orals on imty who hacl so many other vota ries, Mr. for a mess of pottage, even for his children 'I the ohortest notice, at the lowest possible rateo Beeching for instance, among the most de· "Be true to your a.rt," said Guido, " and Gaske ts a.nd BurialCaaes ready ona~ort notice voted. He certainly began to neglect the let the world sink. First·clasa hears e on very mode.ate ter ms · d to concentrate h is attfn· aconsbantly onhand. Fun e.Idermster,an "Know your own bone," wrote Emer · ShrondsandCo:fllu re.lcardssu liedatonce. 1"urniture8hop&; t1ons upon the younger. He would spend son "Gn'l.w at it alone bury it unearth ~how Rooms~Bounaall'sNsw Block . five or ten minuteawith }'.Ira. B~ddeley, and it, but gna.w it still." ' ' then come across to Mrs. Belfield's draw- 1 The young man who feels within himself j rp p, 'DTQl A 1 ing-rcom with a book or a piece of music, or j capacity for immort a.l work questions whei;h . .u !J. .z. t..i. l .'1.... ' . .tl. · tiekets for opera or theatre-tickets whirl'. I' er his life should be sacrificed t o the sup· ontirinea t o do a Genel'a.l Banking Bualnell!l ha d been se~t him .by importunate man a,. port of his family ; but shonlcl he then have eBo wnumvillo Branch. ge;~, accord1ng to hl~ o hwnhaccount. h d t aken upon himself the c!tre of a family? It U Ii'.: ["0§~ "" i § was to L ast m g t t at peop1e a. to fa right and fitting that he should sacrifice wait aix weeks t o get stalls," H elen said, h imself to his work for ma nkind but h o.s :tsoeived in Savings Bau'.!: .i)epar t 1all a nd interes· allowed at current rates. NO incredulously, on one occa.$ion when S b. he the right t o 8 ,,crifice others 7 ' 1oticil of withdrawal necessa ry . All deposlte ;Austell brought ,~er t hree places for a f~sh · "He is wise,' savs Boudinot, "who, at the :ia:n>.ble on demand, 1onable theatre, Doud yet tho,ger gives beginning of his journey through the world tickets." stands on tiptop surveying the whole plai~ "Stmnge, isn't it. The fellow will send and choosing his'uath." ?ought 9,nd sold and Drafts issued upon Europe me tickets. They like to see me in the ---- - - - - Jnit cd States and Canada, al3o Gold,Silver ana sto.lle. By-the-bye, that is iust the objection Jnltel1 States Gree11backsbou11:ht and sold, On the Road to Prune. to those tickets. You will have me as an (JO 111~ E(l'J.·~iWl'U!i incubus. It would be bad form to accept the Friend (to young physician)-" How are places and not show myself. If you and you getting on professiono.lly, doctor?" Promptly made at current ra.tes upon all par Mrs. Baddeley go, will you much mind Young physician-" Famously. Since I af Great Brittain, the United States a.nd Do taking me, or perhaps Mr. Belfield might was fortuna.te enough to be co.lled Into the minion of Canada, go with you, and would let me make a case of old Mr. U'rillion, mv reputation h!\s Telcg·raph Trans:f'ers third." rapidly extended; another like that and Made forlar~e or small sums on all parts ot "He would be delighted, bub I'm afmid my fortune is" Canada. This Is especially advant ageous to there's no chance of his going. He has so persons living In Manitoba or the North-west Friend-" But Mr. U'rillion died." many evening engagements." Young physician-" !rha.t doesn't matter." r.s lt makes the funds available a.t once at ihe "Of course. l know his set. Men who place of payment. always spend their evenings together. And For further partloulars call at the Bankln "What is the bestattitude !or self-defence, aouso. will you and Mrs, Ba.ddeley really not mind asked a pupil of 11 well-known pugilist. having me?" T. RODIE, GEO, McGILL, 41 How could we be Eo ungrateful." "Keep a. civil tongue in your head," was A.ccountant, Managar ·ly ~· Oh1 but I won't come if I 11.m to be e.rsked the reply. 91 uNDERT AK IN c LEV M 0 RS f H1-"' O N B 'NK 1 111 I I EXCHANGE