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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1888, p. 5

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'S } SANDHAM UCAR COATED. LIVER p JL L s WEET LITTLE CURE SICK HEADACHE. Sewing machine noodles at Tait'·. A good secon d h and toP bugg y for sale cheap. Apply to M.A. JAMES. w ·1 0 REDUCEI> RATE.- e wt 1 accept 5 cents for THE STATESMAN for the balance of 1888. SMART AcT:-The :rreasurer of Port Hope Mechamcs' Institute acknowledges · with thanks a donation of 810 from John --I -~ A purely vegetable Sugar Co~ted Fill for Torpid Liver, Headache Billiousnest, Constipation, and all .'-e kindred complaints. San~ham's Sarsa~arilla Removes Impurities of the Blood and tones up the system . -SANDH AM'S SARSAPARILLA removes Pimples 11nd improves the Complexion. ·S.A.NDHAM's 8.A.RSAPARILLA is most beneficial for Emptive Skin l>iseases and for a.II Snrofulou~ Complaints. :SANDB.A:M's SARSAPARILI,A counteracts ·t he ill eff~cr.s often re11ult\ng from the use of mercurial remedies. PROVE THIS. If one Sponge costs 25c. 3 Sponges will cost 7.5c ; but we can giv e you one Sponge at 40c. which will last as long as any t1.ree Sponges that _you can buy at 25c. each. This is a. special line of extra. tough Sponges, imported direct from the Sponge .Markets, of New York. SEE THEM. STOTT & JURY. Hotel Keepers, Board~ inghouse Keepers. You (or any other person) can save 20 per cent. by getting your SOAP from g ~ T OTT & JURY · ~lT IS A FACT."'U lht \!l)" Af~u~'"' . . .t~tt~ il'.ttt+ .... l'l~\tU. ~ ~ _..~ ..,... v B~ o~;~~~:L'i::E-:JuN~~G, l888. ===============-===::::. ~~~ e. Local and Otherwls Port Hope's rate thie year will be 20 mills. _ TURNIP SEED. _::All the popu1ar vari. at J . L YLE ' s. < e t ies They are preparing for a great time in Port Hope on Domiuion Day. The boats from Montreal to T oronto began runniug on Monday last. EvEnll CITIZEN should hear Rev. J. A. McClung's lecture on E'riday night. ~ FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT In_surance. ROBT. Vt1!.TOE, A~ent, Bowma11v1lle. tf. R1mucED RATE.- ~e will accept GO 1 BoNus WANrAD.-The ll~atch Factory Personal. ERVANT GIRL WAN ED for general housework. ApplJ . t ONTA~!C> cents for the :ST.ATES AN for the balance and Novelt, Works are aakmii: the CounMt. Samuel Fry, of Zion, t's attendi11g BANK. f cil for a $5 000 ltJan, and are likely to get 22-2W"' 0 1888 · it. _:....the Bowmanville High School. MILLlNERY,- LH!i. , d~ ~ot miss the _ AN'l'ED AT mWE. -._ Gene1'11 bar1.?ains in new sum ~r m1lhuery at Mrs. NE-w""GROCERY :FmM. .:....Messra. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Taylor, of ToronRervant. Must be a goo! plain cop!<. 'V11.ges $8 per per month. Adn ..ess H 1'll llforrisou'~ . tf. Young, W. W. Allin, and Fred. Raddy to, spent Sunday_ at .Mr. John ~ankin's drawer 5. Bowmanville, P.O. '22-'.tt. '· . n buy the best have formed i. partnership and bought ' Mr. W. Y. Br1ttarn 111?d family, of T?tu~~RPA~~!~,-;;:u~i~ ne west kinds, at J . out Mr. W. C. Well's grocery and fruit ronto, ham been 11pendmg a few days m 'l'RAYED from lot 11, COti. 5, Darlestdblishment aud will convert it into a town. ington, 11 1 yee.r olcl illley. blood. Any J,YLE's, Bowmanville. ( information leading to recover,. will bo E NEEDLEs.-.H. c. Tait has receive~ a first· class grocery and provision store. We were pleased to see the genial coun- tha.nkflllly received by An·rnu.a HA R1n1. Smart, sq. Iargti variety of netidJo3 and can fit anye ,iyi.h the new fitm auccess. tenance of Mr. Thomas McClung in town 'l'yrone. _ 2 3-tf FARMERS ATTE?l'TION.--The beat Turnip make of sewing machine REMOVAL. - Mr. .f. H. Bates the last week. .OL'r L081'.-Strayed from lot ~. Seed in all the leading varieties for sale d D S h Bl' d p· k veteran advert1s111 0 u agent, of New York, M's K t ML ii f H t h con. 1. Darlington. a. d2.rk bfl.Y coU, at J1.HN LYr,E's Grocery and Provision Or er oors, as es, Ill s, IC et,, has rer11<>v~d to the t;ew Potter Bu1 ' ld1'n", I s a e c eo ' o amp on, as 2 ye,.re old. No white on her Informatl<ftl , Bl k etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty · ., been sp-nding a few days lvith Mis~ 1 Store, B ounm 1s le&dinlZ' to her recovery will be rewarclr,,d. oc · 38 Park Row. Mr. Bates hae been in the Maggie Rogers. 11treet, R. H. Osborne, leaaee. JoHN JB:wEz.1., Bowmanville, P. 0, 23- b MECU.ANICS lNsTITUTE .-A· meeting M r. D anie · 1 L ee, of Boston, 11" · I "t of t HeadquA rters for Lace Cu·tt>ins, Cafpets bu~iue"s since 1863, since whicb. time he, is th e D tractors o f t h e M ech antes na"t e and all kinds of House furnishings st hiIS paid the 11~wspa1lera -;;i .r.15,000,000. mak'mg lus · annua1 v1s1t · · to his mother and OUND.-On the Gravel R "ad eaBt of 'll b 1 Id · th L'b R t 7u 30 w1 e le tn e t rary nom a. : , He fa a great organizer and has br·ou.,ht fri'ends 1 ·n Darli'iigton · Bowrnanville, a sum of money, Any ·I k t M d · lt h · t Couch J olmston and Cryderman s. .., P· rson J>roving property and paying cxpen· o c oc , nex on a.y ntg 1 w en impor thousands of busine~s men to a realizing l W t l t R A Tc' S d can the sam~ by applying to JAMJ:l'I ant buainess will be con1idered. Every petllon contemplating a trip to 11ense of the benefits of judicious advor- f ; congra u a e . ev. h: ·~. anderson, care or JAMKo K. FAlltBAl.RN. To AND FRO IN I,mrnoN is the subject the Old Co11ntry should call or write t ; ·ng o yrone, on pas·mg is secon year :l\f""l'TU1nvs, " 23-tl o[ John R. Clarke's lecture at Ebenezer, M. A . ·TAMES before b11ying tickets. .sHARD oN WntTDY.- 'I'he Vindicator examination, ~tanding 2nd in his class. - .M.r. Hindson, Tu.ilol', next Monday night, after the Tea. The For the newest and most elegant Druss h11s no 1ov" tor Oshawa's western suhurb Miss ltuby Preston, daughter of Mr. rnAILOHfNG. _I at McUlnnir Bros.. i~ no'v ptel) #) writer has heard it four times and wants Goods with all kinds of Trimmings to and cynically remarks that the other dliy W. T: R ·.Preston, has passed ber make a limited number of suits for oouatrt buyers or from outside Mt.ablishmeni N. :llD to hear it again. It's a good one. match call at Couch Johuston and Cry- a man h Whitby was granted one of the e;:~~mat,10'.1 Bachelor of l\1us1c m trancethro11gh Quick & Co's store 15-tt FvN AT PonT.- On July 2nd and 3rd derman's. streets for the purpose of cultivatmg fruit 'J:noity Um,·ersity. the summer meeting at Port Perry of tho A yonng bachelor is an odd fellow, and trees thereon. This is a good ~ign. It Mr. Robert and Miss Christina Beith TEER STRAYED.-From lot 9, cnn. 7, Darlington, on May 22nd, a Black Ste!\!'. Ontario Central Ai;:ricultural and Live some women are always trying to get even is evident that the cot1ncil of Whitby sail from New York on Saturday on the . some spots on hip and arnund lhnk. Stock Aawciation will be held when with him. Bot.h sexes find c·msolation have determined that to farm out the ..Etrmia" for Liverpool. Mr. Beith goes rising white three yesu. Information for recovflfY $1050 are to be given in prizes for horse wearing Trele,·en's comfort-giving boots str.,eta ia far better 1ha.n to allow 1hem for another lot of horses . will be suitably rewa1·ded. \\"IJ,1.u .:.1 J&wE.0,, 23--3w* and shoes. to be used ~s ltay fields and thistle Abram Younie, Esq., Mayor of Bow- Tyrone, P. o. races. FoR l'.IEN.- The correct place to buy The County of D1irh"m is to be con· patch1-s. The council (jf onr Western manville, leaves to day for an extended mun.:s E' o R s AL 01 a styli1!11 hat is at M. Mayer's where you gratulated on hadving a Scho~l .Insfpeotlor sub·1rb has a ··i~ head tour through Great Britain and expects Horees for an.le, thr1111 olil· 11 of the ability a.r. energy . 11 tin d a gran d assor t men t f rom w111c VJ WEu. "UAXRD "--We omitted to men- to be absent two months. ·rirE STATrns·- s·mud Young 1wd well b r oken. by " Prulo ;:if w1 f requisite f or t d Pe, th," will make it good brnod mu · e ; hor.:e tiy , f . h ' successful prosecution o a courar. o stu Y tion last we'"k. that Bowmau. ville Cauton MAN unites with hie many fr ' ends 'n wi·sli· 1 1 to choose. H is gents urms mgs, s1 nrtfl D d h'J h ·· Chancellor:' H. \\"lLLlAMS. fartner, . same liim a very Illea~atit ti'iue arid " ·af~ re- Bowman cuffe, collars, ties, g1oves, etc. , are of t h e for the Ph. . egree . w le at h' t e ffi . 1 p1·eser.1ted lliaJor. F. W. Umtt, of Toron- I inu ~ v ville. 21- tr tiooe closelv attentive to is o cu to, with. a beautiful gold beaded cane on turn .. -Mr. Thornas Bttrden, Ree'"e, w · 11 1 -· ---- -- --· latest style~ rmd as cheap a~ they can b e T · ARM IN PICKERING Ji'OR SALE. sold. duties.-P. H. Guide nnd imes. the <lnll gronnd_s here on _the Queeu.'s uerform tbe functions of Mayor during - 50 acres. b<'ing J>lirt of lot.). Ra.AA A BooM.- It is gr· tifying to &tate t11at Birthday, as a shi:;ht recogmt10n for hu Mr. Younie's absence. well underdrained. 12 acres of vnluable . Gn-E t:fl NEws.- A reporter may go Boamall'$ Marble Works has much m services in organizing and otherwise fur · Mi's" Elon . C 1 f "T · tl her. New barn, good house. F or fur through the street and aak a hundred h th · f th' C 0 ~ ma o eman, o J..· ewcas e, tl11m a local reputation. They have t erm" '. e interests 0 13 anton. n former ly teHcher in Bowmanville Union purtlculi>rs 11pply to M . M c 0 AUSI ,.H1D. Pieli*ing, Ont. 22- 4w' people "Anvthing new?" and 90 oun o f erected several of the best monuments in the ruasuve gold head of the cane w!l.!I en- Scliool h b d d d' 1 tho 100 would say "Nothiug special." l t . . . t. "P t d t0 ' as een ewar e a ip oma 1 )y·· Cdtm;tery, and hst week they gra~ec llis msc~ip ion: resen e the National School of Elocution and HOUSE 'l'O REN'I' - Si·uated mi And yet 50 of them know somethinl! placed several in Co;iourll( c.:emetery. Mv_l.~ IJOrIF(.)~'or. UF Tmt~,'[by 2C,anltoln8B8~w,,man- Or.atory, Philadolph·a, and has been adBeech Avenue. containing ten ·rooiJW. which if fo~nd in the next pap<Jr, w<>nld Th · k · b ff l t I e n a.y "' 1 On the premises hard and soft wat11r, noi:1;'Jt, 0 be of mterest to many. Don't be afraid eir wor 111 our own eau 1 11 ceme ehry ' · · · " ' · · m1tted to the Degree of Bachelor of Elo · good stable, Possession m'l.y be hitd 1mmeCI· . f ormat1on · on matters o f news to ~peaks for itself-none better iu t e ATTI<nfl'l'lilll I l'< CENllTARI:lM.-An unsuc- cJtiou. She aloo won th" "<rold meclal f,,r o.tely. For further particnlars apJ>lY to o w~. to give m v , :r the newspaper. Dumiuion, cesstul ~ttempt was made to bnrn Haines' high standing in the graduating clas@. J~ ~[KS C~RSCA~~---- _.· _ __I:_::__ REVJSEn ST.ATUTEs.-We have received Carriage and Planing \Vorks nn Monday She was chosen to recite before an audi· FARM FOR S .\LE ·- 50 acres, be~· CHEER THEM --Should .1 vou luwe a son, a copy o f 1 Jle R ev1s · ~d Sta.u ' t es o f Ont ~r1·0 mg · ht . S ome "ia I \'mgs · · a ence of several thou·and in that oity one were p I11ce d m south vart of Lot 2 'on 8, Oe.rhrnr . . daughter, brother, sister or sweetlH·art from the oflice of the Queen's printer, hole between tho clap boards and the eveninf! recently. Her m!ln" frie ·ids and ~mile west or I<Jnnitt k·llen. J<'rarue h ou·1ll·;;$ from home, among: strangers, send thflm Tor oll t o, w1 th tie I comp 1· ' .. g an d 1gm · 'tre· l Tll e fi re b nrne d th e pnpils ·hero · , disting-uiah· creek rooms cioLern, new l>:·ri.. gotJd orchatd, g".li)a " 1men t s <'f th e Iath 1 will rejoice at her running throngh tarm. T er m t-1 e~· a copy of 'fHE STATESMAN. which is nl- Attorney-General. They are in two shal'iogs ant! scorched the bo:irds, but ed success. A!Jply t-0 Wm Gtlbert, s.m .. L ot 2,;, Con...]', way· chuck full of home news. lo will volutnt'S and L1n1body all the Acts pn~serl , wcnt\lut bef,n e it made very mttch head Roniskill en P.O. 1!l!hll be much valued, a r;d contain what will by tht' Provinci1 1l Legislature smco the way. l\1r. Geo. C. Ra;ues h the pro- Harriage Notices, ou cents; blrClts a11d D - a-r-l·l :Il - g_t_ O_ I_ l_ T..T_ a_ r_ b_O -:--r cheer the heart of your ab·ent loved one, revisiotl in 1887. 11nd includes all Acts prietor and he cannot understand why death~. 211 l\Cnh. .CL and it will only cost yon 50 cts. from the since confederation. All 11u1gistrates will anyone should want to inj nre him. Some ..::.... . Co , present date to J a n. 1st, 1889. receive a cnpy. thmk it WM int.ended to injnrn the Police[,,,...,,--. BIRTHS. St:OTT AcT lTEM.s. -The 2Hh seems t o MAKF. WHEAT PA\. - A western farmer Magis tral e, bnt 1hey were ou tlie wrong' H1cKs.- '.'l.t Milburn Cott~ge, Tyrone, ) !ay MEl<:l'IKG of the Sharehelders of ha\'e been a bad day for tha ey<'~, as there bo·wht hoos and fed on r, 500 hu.hels of track . 29tn, the wife of Mr. J, H. Hicks, of a sou o f lhe Port. Do.rli ngton Us.rbor Oom1n1,ey is quite a number in mourning around whe:it, md it retnrnerl him l!l' 1.35 per '.l'HF. Bi:s-r PGZZLE YET. - It is ea.s' .-.·"'""' ... -- - · - ·- · will be held at. thei.r office, Port Do.r!ingtl'ln.\1 ' S 'ii' · · · · ·· MARRIED. Wednesdi y. th9 13th da.v of Ju11e. nexi,, t town-whiskey th e cause or it.- un. bushel for the whea·. Others report All try 1t. By work mg it out you can illree 1:J) 0 ·.,1ock: p. m,, for the election . ~he Brewery \Vagon paid a visit to our tliat they thus secure $1.25 per bushel tell what yonr n,cquaintauces think you BETTS -ollll'i'H- At the residence of W11lia111 Directors fo r th e ensuing year o.n!l for ot:her L }J J f d t 0 Iiogs Wit · h are eyery t.1'me. ·"ut clom1i i·n fiot1res the .John \Vl1llace. Es11., of Heaoh, May 23 rd, byBetta, Rev. purposes. By 0J~d.e_,i;ILN '<'!, town On Thu rsday .- :Sews. There were for t1Jeir W eat W Jell e, -" " " McMilrn.n, of \Vick, on Edwin Henry .u .,,, more drunks in Bowm~nville oa the pork <1.t $5 per hundred lbs. ']'he wheat year m whi ch you were born, to this add merchant, of Orono. to Miss Charlotte Amelina. Bowmanville. tieerctary. Qneen's Birthday than have been seen should be ground and moistened, and not 4 ; then add your age at your next brrth- Hmith, Lhir<l daughter or the late Geo. Smith, 8th 111ay, 1888. 19 here for years. Whore was the wluskey fed whole. Money cm aleo be saved by d~y, provided it comes before January 1, E;;L~~[~;~~~~~~~In Osh~wa. on the 24th ult., obtained ? bnyiog ]If Treleven's boot~ and shofls. othenvise your al(e at last birthclily ; mul by the ttev. Newtou Hill. Mr, E'. J. Palmer, or ..J RAREY, the great horse tamer, eays he CJUAl' LwnT -From a recent publica-' ti ply rMult by 1,000; from this deduct Hrighton, to Miss Bessie Judd, of Pickering, , · · th e pu l se tion upon the subject of Electric Lighting 677' 423 for the figures corres- ult, KAS'l'NER-N1cuo1.sOshawa, on tha 23rd 1 1 1as k nown an angry w or d raise · ; au b 5 t't11te ' at the residence of ln 1he bride's brother· in· , of a hone ten beats in a miuute; a.ud we we learu th:it the city of L av.istnn, Me., ponding lett.;rs of th.e, a~ A for law, Mr. Levi Lott, by R e v. Kewton Hill. Mr. II lO 000 lb,. W o o1 wanted at L hc have known c,,ckle's A.nti-bilious Pills re- wLii'cli forrrlerly pai'd ~ company G5 cent 1, l3 for Z, C for 3, D for 4, etc. 'fhe re- Samuel Kastner, mercha,nt, 8ebringv1lle, to ' 1 ~ , · 11 . h , h' h Miss .Jennie Nichol8, of , .9Jiawa. youngest lieve a sluggishness of Liver, I ndig-estion, per electi ic light for lights burning till su.t wi gt VI' t e name oy w tc you are daught!'r of !he late Henry Nichols, formerly nl 11· u 1 Sick Headache, Bile and Heartburn in an midnight, now does it itself at a cost of popularly known. of lJarltniiton. }L mcredulonsl1 short sp,tca of t.ime. Try 14 centa per light for .all night. Thero SMARTING Bov , -- -···---·· - - - -· [ for which the highest price in Ca8ll them, you will find rhem effective and may be s ome doubt in this question, but A boy threw bis hat on theftoor, DIED. will be paid. absolutely free from d eleterious ingredi there i's no cloubt about T1eleve11 .havino u A t~d was told he must do it no more; Bt.Al'>.rnY. -·On tho 31st nit. at lns residence. 1 f' Sh eet·mg, Oshawa. R. Blarney, aged 611 years. Also a l ar·~e stoc { 0 1 ents. one of the finest stocks of boots and shoes But he did it again, I y arn 'I' d ~·r Cl And h1·s fond motlier the11 KEAS,T.-Ne~r Mani~ Grov:e. Darlington, on Blanlrnt,; St· )._;kincr - wee lit' LECTURE.- Rev. J. A. a .c ung, of t h e in town. the lSt mat., Edward h.east, m llls 89th rear, \ ' o ' Sault St. Marie District, will d eliver a Ii you want to bny or sell a farm, ad·· Used her slipper until he was soro RusK- In Port Hope, on Monday, June :Hh, I &c., t o exchange for Wool. . tl18 Church Street Method1'st ·1. Tl1at The b oy th en l ook e d up nsk Harriett Edti Pcn"rwood Baulch, beloved wife . n t. 1eot ure m ' ve r tise in the 'l'oronto Week ly M at · ance, or Mr, William Huse. llownanvi!le, age1 31 All woo I, t a k en i la d e a t ·t WO Church on Friday e~ening. June 8:h, on paper reaches 1001000 farmers home11. !nd lus mother c 1st down I\ mad glnnce, yea s. t ner ,10~nd over cash price " Ilavelock and the Indi~n Mutiny." week, and your advertisement "Do you know n ·iw," said ahe, ~'uneral from Bowmanville. the residence or C.N,Rusc, c en s ' ·1 · 1 k e"ery · Argyle street, onMr. Wednosd1Ly, ..l.. Dooir~ open at 7 :30 ; lecture at 8 o c oc · should meet the eye of some one who " Where your hat ought to be ? " 6th inst., at.3:30o'clock, · ' Propr;!tllt'. Admission, 10 cents The lecture is a wants to purchnse. Advertisements of "Yes," he ansYrnred, "inside of my · ,.,,.., d Hampton, ;.ray ~2. 188R. 21~.... · good one and as M r M cCl nng 1s a gra 11- this c lass are inserted in the Toronto pants " ..t .. ate ot Bowmanville High Sclrnol there Weekly Mail for five cents a word each REVOLU.Tin:s l.'NDE R WAY . - A complete BOWMANVILLE MARK.tiTS. · 118 ertion, or twenty r.. should be~ large attendance of citizeus. 1 t' l · Boots an< l (Jorrcctecl bI J. Ucll1irtry, on·ery Tucslla). 1 ve cents & word for rovo.u 1 ·1 ion h as t a Jrnn Pace Jn STILL GoING o.N.--'I'he genuine clearing five imertions. Address, The Mail, Shoes, at Geo. Buck's popular boot store . out sale of dry goods that has been for Toronto, Canada. All former prices are blcwn to atoms. FLOUR, W- 100 tbs .·-:-:-:-..·· $2 20 to $2 50 some months in progress at McMurtry's JusT so. --The Cobourg World states For the next 30 days there will be the WHEAT, Fall,\!" bush., . ·· O 83 11 O 85 West End Bouee is still in progress and that a prumi r,ent merchant of Peterboro greatest slaughter in boots and shoes that 11 Spring, 11 · ·· · · O 80 11 O 85 1 in such lines as are still m stock t·eal and one who advernses extensively, a has ever taken place in Bowmanvillc. I BARLEY, ~bush, No. 1.. ·· 0 70 11 0 00 bargains will be given. Many thir1gs aro ~hort time age undertouk to curtail his ·vill givti no prices, but wi:ll witit till you 11 11 11 2 ...· o 65 11 o 00 1 bei1 g sold at and below whol~Mle C"st, expenses by cutting off a large proportion come to my store, when I will convince ,, 11 3.... o 55 ,, o 00 I 11 so if you have a f.,w dollars to spent and of his advertising. Soon afterward he you thtit I cini 1md will allow no house to RYE, 11 · · , ·· , , ··· O 55 11 O 60 I' you want dry goods make a speedy visit bhzed out with bigger ndvertisements under.,ell me. My present stock must be 0.A·rs, 11 ··· · ·· , , · O 50 11 O 50 to the End l f or h' 'O 11 O "7 _ West d d'House, and you will be than ever, and accountec 1s apparent c1eared ou t at (jnc~ t o m:Lke room for fall p EAR, Black eye, ""b ..- ush . . . O 6 u 1 surprise ' excee mg y. inconsistency by renmrking : " '.l'he importations. Don't forget that Geo. u Small, II 0 65 II 0 70 . ATJUNSON'f! CoMEDY CoMPANY.-'.l'o the prmter can get along without me better Buck mver has and never will allow him11 Blue, " O 60 11 O 70 many who enJoy good comedy, ~he an-1 than I can get along withontthe printer." self to be undersold. All repairing done BUTTER, best table,~ lb. . · O 15 11 O 15 nouncument that Mr. Charles A.tkmson's He was right. neatly a.nd promptly. Terms cash. LA.RD, fl' lb .·· , ···. ,., ... o 10 11 o 12 "Peck"s Bad Boy and His Pa" Company ·-- _ _ .. . T:&I.L A G rnL's A c E. - A young m·n in EGGS, ~doz, .·....·.. . .· O 12 11 0 UO 'D. G · .a ..:USTXN', "V'_ s. 1 ·11 d ti · f h D 1 H w1 appear un er le_ a11sp1ce1s o ~ e · SURGEON G EN'L W. A. A:,\[l\10:1iD town has been courting a pretty maiden POTATOES '!?'bush .··.·..· 0 60 11 o 00 R ocurnry grMlt:ate or Or:.tario YeterinurY O. & P . Co. Band, m the rown Hall, says '"e can eacl l l)l'Ol ong Olll. l'f. 'f on Ch urch · llt. f or wme time, · b ut h as ' LoIJeizc. l e I O~foc and residence. Enniskillen. Bowman ville, on 'Wednesday, June 6th, " ' ' . never ascertained her age, and is anxious Pcomp~ -.tteµ tic:o t o calls by telegr11Pll, will be received with joy. The play h,,s w e l e arn the secre t thereof. What to k oow it. Here is a plan that proved l. J , 1 - JS-.··3Ul S W I 8 - C F fo: S H "V . F LI 0 I I . . =. . .= ==.-::::::::·-= = =-==--==--= p ----t or L IA I 1, w ·o ---0 --I ----, ---w ··· -o ·--o ··-· -L ! HA"l"PfQY WO"LEN MILLS 1 ' l I D n,AYL . QR . I I ---·· · -·---··-···- ·---· --·----- ---- I I I 1 WQQL J WO QL o- - A cricket club from Pickering gave our boys a great whipping on Saturday by a score of 65 and 70 to 14 and 26. We show i.dovely range. of Parasols and d' l every one new, as we tl not carry over 8 single Parasol of any kind. Couch John&tou and Cryderman. EBENEZER T1u is next Monel ay and there will be a ;!re<Lt ga thcring of t 1 le S h A .clans -- English, L;qh and cote · large number ar~ goi , ;(from this town. Do OR DIE.-Free advice to a few of · t 1c ' c1 ·t· ' ther run your our peasunis 1ze11s. Ei t own up with a vi rn, or just get up aml leaYe it. Ooe or two things should be . ti n d mcana or a way d one; pus h th rnga; to put soma go-ahead int.o the business ; run the town for all thete is in it; get steam up 11.nd keep it up, or else q uit the whole thing. Slide out and let Nature have her own wuy. AnvEWl:ISE.-If you want a horse and carriage, or buy a girl in marriage; would you speculate in stocks, o~ buy dies, 11hirts or eccks, ground gmger, gnnp or ·r t b ht gun, or mol asses y t e an ; l yon wan for bald to buy s Pl·i"ng beds , ha1·r r estorer· ~ heads, or eeal sacques, Ot' stays, or eilk, h bnlter, or pure milk, 0"Sters, fine fres J o_ nions, o:it s or ore, dwelling house or wholesale store, in THE STATES,!AN' put " l" · k 1· ·11 make you an "'l d. Ill. q mc rep ies WI .., w The Third page of the Toronto Daily Mail ia noted for "Want" advertisements. If you want to buy or sell anything. If you want a. situation, a mElcha.nic, a business, machinery, lodgings, if you have to lost 01. found anyth1"11g, or i'f you =ant " £.nd out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto Daily 1\iai _ l and read the advertisements on the third page of tha t paer. Tho charge is two cents a word ' P II" ·1 T each insertion. Address, The ia1 , oronLo Canada. 42-tf A L A.ST R ESORT. - L ast summer, says -\.Wm. J. J amea, of Atherly, Ont., I felt .. · ery mi·ser"ble "' 'll"ith pfli ns over my kidne"S " flutterinrr of the hear~ and nervousness; after tahlng different kind s of medicine, hearing of B. B. B. I thought I would try it ; one bottle complete1y cure d me. I can highly recommend it to othtJl'S. 0 undergone some revision since last stason i.s the sec1·et? If you scak n. sponge and the fun is all n~w, while the com- in 011, the sponge will ha,ve in it all pany has been much tmprov<>d. the peculiaritlcs of the 011. S o every A .G oon AuTHORITY,-The Dry Goods Or<Yan iti the h o::ly c ontn.i.ns :ill tlie Review correctly says that no merchant o . · . · ] If' l can now wholly depend for business upon p~cuhantrns of the blOO( · . tie the fact of his beinn" well known to the kidneys, the only blood pnnficrs,do · trade. No matter how many years it has not clean the blood of the waste of L bl' h d h f ·1· 1· een e.sta is e, o.r ow am1iar us tliesvs tein ' thent.h o v:ui.nnsoro-ans "' name 1s t o ti1e publ1c, or h ow ceIe b ra t e d . .J . t l ·ll I re his wares are, if he does not a.tlvertise aml WI 11 give ?u :inc Y.on Wl m\ keep doing eo in some way, buyern and Rhe1l1natism . Jl[alaria., H eaclaches, consu~n.ers will in time. ignore, and Ague, Chi lls ((, nd ]levm', Impot J f h 1s comp ~ t 1t l'.r, wh o teney,Blaclde?' D rneases, · l .a1me B ac1.r, an d v1u t . th , e ra e c sounds his trumpet upon all occaswns to ]{e 111 " (({·i 'a N e"VO'lrn ? C 1 88 Bacl fr;?·es / the extent of a thousand dollan a year, ' )J 'l / ·' :J ' 1 · ,, d h · h o i 0 "'/1.(l" 1' Tm o .. b B oilQ Om·b1i n. an pays t e same wit out murmur IJ ' "'" ' " ' u o, ·v, because it pays him to do so. cles, .Abscesses, ~4 poplr:cey , P(WCllys1s G ooD ENOUCllf Folt .A. Knrn .-M.r. Wm. and ill \Yom a n Feni nle t-rouble8 . :rrewm,_ of Haydon, one of tb.e most The s ecret of g o od health then li es mfluential and):)roaperousfarme1s111West in lceeping the kidneys 'll'ell. If yon Durham, has this week purchaRed a gra.nrl l ,. 't f tl10 orchestral cabine t organ from the Do · ton t. you can cu re any 0 minion Organ uncl Piano Co., through abov e diseases. Tho. Y may n ot th~ir enterprisin.g agent, ~fr. John N . suspe ct i t, but e ight persons out o f K1vdl. The pnca was ~600, the style e \rei·y tell lia,\'C SOlll O 1·01.1110f l<i ' clney 1 1 ld being tie same as was recent y so to l t Th 0 1 ·.~ t'fi. 1 1 l·orcl Freder1'ck H a111i ' lton, brother of c cranQ'orne. e . ll }' SClern 1 0 _ · ~ . · . L ady Landadowne, r eferred to in last blood puntier IS tho f a mous HAR'"eel·"· "IE~ . ' fAN, and a duplwate of the 1~.TE'.R"S SAFE a Ul>JiJ , .,.vl11'cl1 11ot , ~ ~ ST~ ,,.. · ~ ' one furnished some time Lord and onl v cu r e s k idney d iseases, but the L ady Landsdowue for Rideau H all, ~ 't f' t I11 ·1 . ll Ottawa. 'I'l11·a 1 ·s tl1e.bes· orrr.a1i betwe n ?n UJM'i.y C l i . ?rien ;g . w .c 1 i ea .·Y, " " f . 1 l ] Tor·onto and Ottaw.," in ·· private l1ou·e, come r om umm spe c ve c o uu ov cl rn" u " J and speaks well for the prosperity of the eases. farmers of 'Vest Dti.rham. 'Ve oongratulate Mr. 'l'rewin on the good taste he has D A.NCmlt OF ELECTRIC LIGHTS.- The shown in bis selection, and on recognizing danger of touching any conducting mater the merits of our home industry. It is ial i n connection wi th an electric light always best to patronize home industries, 0ug lit to b e Wl 'd eIY laiown. Many aw f u l othe1· things b eing eqnal, and in this warnings ther<il have been during the past instance the Dominion instr uments have few weeks. A man was killec l by t akinit . " no equal · hold of the iron supports of an electric A SURE IlELIEF.- 1 suffered from a lamp. A lad t ook hold of the endofa h ard Cough contructed b y damp feet. wire dangling from a. pole and was killed Having consulted n. locl\i doctor without insta ntaneously, and a horse that foll on t..t I wouId t ry H agyard'a a wire . on th c groun d , was s t rucr l d oac. l eff,ect I tl1ottg·1 P tictoral Ba lsam ns a last re~ort. Before A young man coming out of a storfl in I had finished the first bottle my comrh gay mood, "i ., ·· , umped . up and touched some . had entirely disappeared, and to·day I en- part of the .91'H :itr 1c lamp !).nd fdl back m joy b et ter health t han before. I can con- the arms of a passer-by stone <lead. Thi;se scientiously r·ecommencl it. Chas. H. a wful accidents arc a sufficient warning t o . ·.. a 1· ' t oneh e 1ec t ' c 1. K ent, T el egrapho perator, E ast S ' elk1r,., l not to n 1g h t connect. ions \ Man. , wh ea the current is on. 6 cf,·t i;r1,,o ur e craste. P'l'tVedomwankct neontchmabre!;rC 11 11i·n wh1 0 ' cl1 ·he wa·11 1 tl1e11 1 inoof the 11tl1 b··r1i, ,1 ~ 0 v to multiply it by 2, thAn to add 5, then to multiply it by 50, then to add her age, then to subtract365, then t'l add 115 and h II h t ll th t h t en te .er to 0 you e amoun 9 e has left. The two figures on the right ·11 d h d h · 1 w1 eno· e f er age a n t l" e rem:nncer t h c mont1 l o I1er b' nt l1. 1 or ex.ampIe the amoun t is 822 _ ; she is 2~ years old, ;md was b< >rn in the eii;:hth month (Aug.) Try it The very highe3t Cash Price will ba paid for any quantity of WOOL at / 1 Tr · rn s cm~cE:OF' E --X ---H · -A - ·-u -- --- IT.v """"" T - E ----- \/ITAL 8 0 Llfi'Jt, · 1 ~ JOHN LYLE'S G ro:::ery arnl J 'rovision Stur e, BOWM.ANVILLE . ' D ° ·z , a ""'TM* +n· ~· , STOR E, TO LJ!,I. - ,rhe etore now occupied by J\ifr. W H. I ves, on King Street , two doors cae ' ot the P . 0. Possession May I 10th. Apply to A. Baci;1,En,Jeweller 'i5- tt GOOD BUII,DING J,QT FO J ~ SALE. : ~ Column Article. -~"11:;. - '.l'ba.t splendid building lot opposite tho residence .of John :'Vesley E sq., on the hill. " R'ccr-1 , r <>r ' 11 thorc·-brect l::Jhort Horn ~· HELi' Ho:i.rn 'l'n.A D1".- 'l h e newspaper. west or tlus town will be sold en very reason· w;th excellent perli>:reo, sir ed. by Ba1·on CTI\ able terms. Apply: 10 M. A. J.All!ES or J OHN 1 perdown is ke1 1t for s 13t·vic0 on Jot 2a con. is, in a Yllry i mportant sense, a public in- I<'LF.'rCIIEn, owner. Bowmauville. 13·tf Dotrliogton. Also a 'ttrst clas s Boar : Jo N stitut[0n, d oi n£o very much for each indi· ST.l lN'r·oN, Proprletor, E an iekillen . 2l - :Jw. ~ ~10 RE\YARD.- Stra)·edfromthe 1 -·---- - -;-- -;-- -, vidual, a nd tor the community as a whole, ,IT> premises of undersigned, on 1110 1 B 'C L L F OI\. SJ!,R V ICE.- 'I.'he thoro'th l\ t, l'ilcen-es ne1 'tl1sr re wa rel nor ack n · · now- con .. .cickering. t1Yo filly colts, on e a ligh t b:·e<l Dt:r~1am Bnll. Scotty. will bo ke!it ledgment. I n view of this it is certainly bay, comrng two years old. llHl" othei· a roan for een·ice on Lot 9 Broken F'ron· Clarke ti d t o give . . . Auy withperson sorrel man". a~d t~il.coming one year old . I Pr, 'l 'erms ;-::!] ! f.:n· s imeu'n, THOM~S i,ic,~·ll'A1'r' as l' JI. e as a ny man can tus furmslnng mformation concerning 1pr;etor, 23- 3w ' patronage to the local publisher who is t lJe above will receive $l0 reward, ::lltcu:1c1 i;r. --------------~ - -- --1 at the sa me time nearly ahvay3 a j ob F~~ :::i'.~'. l~ickering, P . 0 , 23-!liv· H OL\::TEiN B ULL FOR SEHVIOE. · " t ·t t b · i\. thoro' ll d H l· ... l B ll .. ,.. ·· p rmt er. J. e I seems 0 e a growmg No. 3" r0". rec.1'st". 1·e r~ 1"t1 tohQe'De.n·r,·. iu··. ·.Boo" "kC'l'Oi't!; R,1' 1 · · ... cust orn f or b usmess men t o sen d tl1e1r · , J, thl,' propert:.< o u l .r. & s. Penfo;in.<l win · work ab~o acl. This is probab ly largely ! kep~ ~or· ser,·coe a t SrnroN P .ll!NPO V 1rn1s ou '1.JOt 33 owing t o tJ;e p rinciple in hnmau natu re ! · Con. ':I, Darlington. '·· which ernr i;ives enclrnntrnent to dieta.nce, Pl_"HS L l..:::\'CE OP R. 0 .' 1887' i ~\R.MERS.~=Thepure br;d Sliqrt and makes the prophet not withou t Chap. uo, Sec, 36, notice is her eby glven . Horn Illlll, Sirus, N o, 10.lil81; color, r~a honor sa\re in h i11 own country. The that the crod1tors Of ALtCE M AH\" STEW.l.ltT. ' regietered.;.u .the Dominion Shor~ Horn H~r.ii men who condemn thei r fellow cit izens on late of the Township of Darlington. who died f B ~,k, or ~rtuckshank ancl Bates blood. is]i:(lpt or about the 10th da.y of l\!a.y, 1ssg, are. on , ~I sernoo on. lot 2G, con O. o! Darlington: for going a broad to bny.their dry go()ds or before the T w &r.b' TH D.l.Y OP JuL¥, r.o:!:t, to 1 ~e~m~. $UD; T!1c1·0'-br~ds, ~5. J;J, ):{, "lAl<Nt.VM, and !!roceries, seem entirely oblivions to send by post to W. s. OmmnoN, ESQ , BH · '! ropr,etor. .21-~ w~ ~ I · h rtstcr, Bo1vmanvllle, their names and a<Ldress· - - ------- - - ---------·- ·- - - - - the facb that t iey are comnnttin~ t c es,f11llparticularaoftheil·c!ain~sa.ndaccounte. Sc1ma Bov, N o. 57J c. :-i. B. c. tho sarueofl:'encewlten ordering their COTJl · andthenat11re of t,h0secnr 1r.y (1rany ) J1eld by proper hr o£ w ;llia ui ·; 011 wi" J flt·\ d,, · l .- · f d' t t ., them, and that after t:(!e 12th d ..y or J uly, !888. · ~ "' . ' ' · '· ' '. ' n : or mei:_cia pn_nt1~g rom 18 an C lvy. tho assets.of the deceased will be diat~ibuted ma ree at lns own stablo, l'.iolm a, d unng -- };jat. Ed1torrnl .Tourna.hst. 1among the parties entitjed thereto, regard t lte seniicn of 1888. Soliimll'ov a b'"-rt.llliB nro1 - . .s ,, . k i·t shallhavebeenrcceiY bemg had only to theed.andtheAdminlstra.tol." ola.1m or which notice f »l . .. ~ hi;y Cly des dalo, i ·19 ·" w ! ' z vthreo < ,s;.a' ,-- " 1 sliouId. no t ti1111 " b rigu~ r ight did 1 not give my testimony of what eh all not be liable fort.he assets so distributed,, wa a sired by .a P ri de of Sootfanct," I .know t o be. t he >alue of Burdock nor for any part thereof. to. person~ who~e D am fp· Cha·'cellor gl"' b· .1. Blood olaim shallnothave been r ece1vtld by the sa1d .(,. " ' ·0' T.ld })t!.m . 'l ,~,. ··0n " Bitters. Bomg a sufferer fromB11ousness ·w. s . OR~nsroN, at, the t imo or such dis tt i- derf ul JUacr, Great gmnd d am by Dltl Sit J t ook one bottl e of B. i ;. B. ah<l i t gave bution. .1 W illiam Wallace, G. G . C . O: by Oimi· · 1 me immed iate relief. I recommend it M Dated at Bowman; Lie, J ttne ~st, ~.D.. · 883· b erlan d ,· 1'£ Rl\!il :-To inat1re a fo:tl :if-3.00 f n·1· A · MI.· "'·s. oRMfoToN, " t'ii t O 'i'J .,.,,, ) , \ , " foe, · a cure or r 1ousness. nme .c e" n , s ol;citor fv r John Stewe. 7 t, the Adm!nl ;trnt~r. payabl e JJ f ,; e .'. .u·-,:! ·r ""m'fl Wood ville, Ont. I 23:>w , 50.~. :n.:.j w·. __,.. """" ,., _G"'d the .i." .. "'"'e-t °"" .... ~F "· the great medical wor k of tlte age on Manliood, Nervou$ r.n1 PhyslcuJ De· lJility, Prem&tur" Decii ·n~, v Errors o f YOl; i::i, a.nd tho untold rn:series conrnqllent l thereon, 30cl pn1tes, ~ "'"· .12G prescrip twnE for all discnses. Cloth, full only $J, ll:r m e i i, sealed. ) 1lustrstiv0 sanrn free to.a.Ji !> . anct middle ap;cd men. $g, l now f heY L~ol d an d Jowollod M edal a.wnl'll? i:J to.the nuthe.r by t he Nationn! l\fcdic<Ol AF<iociiatwo. Address P . o. Bo"' rsa:;. Bosto11 . 1Vla8l!io, ' or DH. \ V. H. P A.H ll:E R gmct u ~ to of liar'l">liti i1 Medi0ai 1 ·a!ter.;e, 25 yea r11· pr·u.c tice in Jlogt\jp, : who m ay be ('Onsu lted conO dcnth JJy. Spe eill.ltY ' Diseases o~ :v fan , OiHce, No. ·l .Bult1nch. ~t. , --·-------"- .--·----=-..=....:.""-.::-=-=-~--=--= g m i Breeder's Directory. ___ . . ____ __-------- ---- I ° Not1"ce to Credi" tors s. Q " " J.N r1 1ci' I I

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