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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1888, p. 8

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lbt ~aundian ~tat.eJiman. I · . I ""--~~~~v--·.,_, .· -~..~~~~ ~-,-~_,.,__ SALEM. HAMPTON Mrs. Robbins had o, brood m~.> o die 011 Satur · day. The 8. A . had a big t a ffy pull on Saturday evening. '.l'he Anniversary on the fi rs t .if J uly bids f air t o be a huge success. A i:tr eat nwny yeomen i n locality are mend mg thelr ways this week Mr. Wm. Evers011 preached here Sunday morning and Mr. F , L, Ellili in the evening, The game between Solina and Hamvton on Saturday eYening went up when the ball gave out, Our Base Ba ll Club purpose going to Solina to play a friendly gamo next Sl!ot!lrday after· noon at ;; o'clock. School report for perfect r ecitation and good conduct for thA month of M11.7: Sn. D1vrs 10N . - 5t h Clase-E Brown. W Cryderman, J Ward. 4th Class Sr,-J llorn, F Mason, E Sco tt . 4th C lass Jr,-I, McLean, l E Ellis, L Salter . 3rd ClaRR Sr.-H Robbins, b' C1·ydorman. M Pascoe. I3rd, Class Jr.-B W ilcox, N Moyse Orion Clat· w orthy. G. W ··J Al\IIESON, 'l'eacber. JR. D1v1sroN.-2nd Claas,-M Wilcox, I '.l'aylor, E Moore. P ar t 2nd Sr. -IC Cl,,,rk. '.L' Stonehonsc. H Cole. Part 2nd Jr.-Ji: Parish, ·r Mol ,ean, M Horn; Pitrt 1st Sr.- E Clatworthy, J McLean. M ,Short. Part l at.- M Ro bbins, A. Jacks, II Wilcox. Part 1st Tr.-V\T Clar ke. S Ma r tin, E Robbins. E . :r, KERSLAKE, 'l'ee.oher. BowMANVILLE, Jmrn U, 1888. ~"= =:::--=_:-:.==-..o-·..o_ PROVID.E NCE. -=="··-' '£he Sabbath School mml versa1·y h ere will be held on Sunday 1rnd Monday, June 17th and 181h. Fttller particulars la.tcr. 'l'he annual tea of Salem ohurch will be held on Monday, J une 25th. Particulars later in bills. Diphtheria has visited this section. Miss Pollard had just reooverfld from it when her little nephew, son of Mr. Uobt Pollard, of Western Ontario, took i t, and &fter a few days' illness, died on Mondav and was buried on Tuesday. · 0.11.RTWRIGHT. Mr. and 1\fre. 'l'hos, Werry hae been visiting Fenelon friends. I am glad Miss K. Beacock: haa r eturned ffom her visit in tlle \ Vest. Mr. W. and Mise M. Hassard attended a w edding in Toronto re cently. The Ymrng Men's Band of Christian \Vorkera expect to conduct services at :!;ion, Bethel and .Jauetville on the Man vera r:ircuit on Sunday June lO~h . 'I' hey number 15 members now. ' 'l"he McthodistA !tad 11. ttood School t ea. on the Qt1ee11 's Birthday. '.Che programme conslsted ul a ppropriate recitations and good e!nging by tho children. anthems by t.he church choir, speeches by t h e Rev, J. Creighton. B v .. Elev~. Hassard and J, iddy, The tea wl).s a credH to onr ladles. Proceeds, about $ 13. SHAW'S SCHOOL HUUSE. h ave been s~cureil , 'l'b.o mana~ement is in good hands, t,he ollicem being l\'I r. l'hos. Bragg. Presldont; ~ir. Jaa. Hickard, Secretary; and Mrs. Cornchus Oaborne, 'C::oasurer. l\'1iss M A. Walsh, Miss Violet Osborne. Miss 'l'amson Penfound a.n d Miss Libbie Clemence. and Messrs. Jas. Matthews, Walter B.iokard and !{eo. P Rickard t he pro:nam committee. 1he Band mcots the '1th Fl'ide.y of ea ch month. A .B atid or Hope luu beon organi7.ed lo t his ecct1on and a mem·berah!p or u pwards o! 40 ENNJSJULLEN. CO T V.ANVILLE . 'l'lle new C'.oat of pairit in the front of the c!mrch adds much to lhe splendour of the place. Our Stmda.y Soi1ool id in full running or<ler with a fh·stcla"slo" of otf1 . . · " ,, cers- ~1 .. r. D . \" 'aI ob ' - s_llp<>rmtendent; l\fr. G. )Ia.ncock, Bible olass teacher, and 'l'. Kmgsuiim. secretary. vVe fiope there will boa Jarg-e turn out to encour· JI.KO those geI)tlqtion ifi t4eir l).QQ!{/ tJ!f<H·t t<J µ0 ittiod. \Ve have the (iue:it l!lndooape i·Jowe your oye ·CPlllil loC!J.: t~P9i!· Qn HtlfY llide sre h,. ...... ~-· _ til.rm l'EJSld'lilCt!", UU\.Rll""""r~-~ .- h· b·-···hU1 ·-.:nJ>."!:- ___. - . ·--u.ent "Jt eec_ · . - ~~~ e9ergreen avenues e nd orchard ' m full blossolll. 'l'hen the broad Helde luxuriant with all kiuds of grain, and t.he sweet· odM fror11 the fields of clover would giye you a delight. indescribable . - - - · -- ··- - -· .. ----~ EBENEZEl " ·" ' · .., j The aa·1 iverna.ry of the Ebenezcer Sabbath . .School will be held as foll ows ; on Sunday June lOtb, oermons will be presc4ed at 10136 a.. m., h y Rev. N. Hill, of Os hawa, a nd at 6:llll p . m., Rev. JC. Barrain, At 2:30 p. ,.. · iorru m eeting will be helit ·- · . ~ .. a Plat· ltev. N. Hill"~"" ., .., oe addressed by ·41111"'" -· -- .J.lo pastor. Collections. after , rvice in a i d or Sabbath School funds. 0 On Monrlay, June llth, services will cornmenca sch· ol, 11 nd addresses by Revs. Barra sa, Hill, end ethers. Teo. served from. 4 p . ni. Adruisslon. aaults. 25 ccuts; children not belonglmc to tho school, 15 oen ts. John R. Clarke, tile ·. Versatile ]!;nter~alncr, " dt11ivt'r his lecture In the eveninf~ o f the same aa.y on " To Mind lf ro in London. " Admi3eion, 25 cents ; children 10. Doors open a t i::J(J. ~~ 1;.~~~~~?i1~~.1di:;ldg~~'~e~~Jn~:~~n~o g~u~~! Miss Pyo, of Oshawa, is visiting friends here, A base ball club wa3 organi7.ed here last week under the name of " Enniakillen Dra· goous," Mr, lJ, G., Y. s.· secretarv or c lu b. "Practice n ights-Wednesday and Satur· day.-\Ve expect to hear 1~ good report or this team beforo t.he season close<, 1 "1.APLE GRUVE. Dr. Montgomery. of Ardock. Duk. made a short visit .t o his fat.her and othor friends in Farmers are busv working fot· tho (;\tteen, 11 this eighuorhood last week. He was returning Miss Minnie Allin is home on the sick Jiet, home.~rom Philadelphia ·vn ·-·<·c r····e he hue been . h1a . ..nppearanoo . . last attencirn<> the Gene1·al Asse'n1_bvly Presby. l\lir. Collrns ugmn ~ · o · Su du 8 t db 1 D terian Church a)' 11 delegate from the~Sy;;~d ef n ~~ au ;io < lCK: N_orth l 1ako\n, The do~tor Js looking woll unt! .~r, Uwmae Snowden 1s putt,ing- a small ad. hta m any friends. in tlus (lpuntry tlre f,lwEt::'.~ I p1t1on to his house for 11 k itchen, f !'.'!'13~d t<;> ~e~t h1m1 "~r.. Edward Power had a moving last 'l'hura~~-~-,~~=~ da~y; ·ret.::·win!" hi~ )?arn and dnv{ng abed for GOBOURG. tho purpose"" bu1ldmg s!'on ewor K under 1t, On account of t h e anmversary at Ebenezer Our railroad to Rice Lake has at thawed there will bo no servi~·:- at Maple Grove next out and trains have commenced running Sunday afternoon I;>.i-;XTER . . · · · ' . Our Council .at thf?1r present rate or p roc.eed· - - . --- ----·--11 :1g Ill connectu~n with water works bid ftur to Jn reply to Dexte~·s sq11ib last week I b ·· g to . ' th' rival Bow manv1lle School Board. 'l'he ru.,, tl . ,. - · d· fi . h 1 . h al!I beeu under consideration for about a yeu. , say ui.t it ne won 1 ma us to11et a ome Th.Q ln.te~t m9ve .is to take ll vote of the rate· ho \Voulcl not have to use h~s con1b and g1~sa · ·· -- ·· · · · · ·· · at church and the m h ere mig ht be ablo to give pavers. hlm a seat well to the front. lt the people are . The car works .are TIOW in full blast emJ!ll?,Y· n?t plea~ed w i th the ushers they will be pleas· mg about :Joa men. The pro11peQt§!l!'C;:,".~. , ,. · · ... ··· ror m r ro compet,,!lt (ll\ll~,~~~~~.~~~~!run ot wo'.·~. doubt fr ' tl~e !:lt1tJr1cft·ooEi~ · · · ----·<>cturcd hereoan be equalled in tho .· ··..-.. -~ --~ ··= ··--world. Cobourg may j ustly therefore be prout\ The name o f McOau~land & Son, of T o· of her Car Works. ~ · ront0, is dir ectly ass"ci"ted with the beat 'l'he members or Cobourg Lodge A. 0. U. w, have had a large number or i nitiations lat:<>ly , stained windows in th1~ cou ntry. There 5 'l'hey now r~vort a membership of some 7 . are several offshoots from this veteran 1 ~~J~/J~n~~~:r~r:"a.hl! ~i~~o~1:~~i:;~eth ~~~]~~ h o u se, but. exptorien ce t ells t he tale. Their ciplea and benefits of t he Order in Division-st. eq mpment· aud personal knowled~e mak e Methodist church. 'l'he brethren are extreme· them 1>eers in the Ornamental, Out and ly sorry to lose their <listinguished brother. l d who nccording r,o the itinera.nt system ot S t ained Glass kade, a nd we g a t o Methodism w ill be transferred to a new field h e ar of the flatterin g success this firm h aQ of lubor. ___ - - - -- - e nJ · oyed d uri u!! the past forty years. ... Fa T..u. NEGLECT.-The breaking of the smallest wheel in a mammo th factory, i f not repa i red o r r epl aced , will ruin the e n tir" plant, as a speck of dust will derange the delic ·.1te machiuer y of a watch. Were people as thoug h tful to r e p air t11eir broke n health on tlrn first approach of disease as the owner is to m end his machinery, ti1ey would in descr ibable suffer ing, aod often death. Sligh t c rnses will sowetimes derange the digesti ve organs, on whos e h eslthy action t he l1ea lth of the whole syst em so much d epPn ds, and feverish blood, h eadaches, cousumption i tself set11 in, The wiae pers011 .vill at o ncE1 a~reet the cau~e of th tse unh ea lt hy symptoms. r Asortin g to that world-famed remedy, Dr. Pier ce's Go ld ~n Medical Discovery, which purifi~ s t he blood and cures live L' disease. Of all d ruggis~s. '.I'HE WoRS'l' NASAL CATAmrn, no.matter 0f how long stand in!!, is absnlutely cur ed by Dr. Sage's C a.tarrh l~9ruedy . It does n ot merely giv~ relief, b ut producas per· J maneat cures 1u ihe wor st cases . 5 0 c., b y druggfots. i Q ~ ~ f-i 0 ~ Q ~ P> ..... ......., 0 .._. p,, H ~ q t-t ~ 01~ c io = "d 0.. 0 td ~ ~ ~ = 0 m . n r3 >§s2§' 0 ... Q z tr1 0 0 ...... a ., 0.. ., 0 (]) 0 q rt z 1J ~ 0 c+ ~ ~ Mo- ~ 0 m oCD ~., c+CD Pt 0 :::.: CD H) 0 .......,~ f-l~ ~ c+ 00 ., CD ...,.. ~ ~ ~ - t MoUl CD z ~ {fl H (j) ~ct-~ l:::So a )> jJ Q ~· ~: ~· . 11 Q 0 Q 0 -·-.. --- 0 ~ UJ g' ~ CJJ ., ~ crs.~ ~~ f5 00 ttJ <J i=; ., ., CD Mo~ ~ ~H Ul '.':e ~ MoMo- lt4K1f4G POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never v11.1·rns. A marvel 0 1 purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mor< coonomioal than t h e ordinary kinda, and can not be sold in competit ion with the mnltltnd~ of low teet, sh ort weight , alum or pboslJha tf powders: Sol<l only in cans. B.OY.AL .AK· NG POWDER C0.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. = r-3 ....... c ~ q 0 ~ =~ 0 "d d~i-1CD = td ~ s·J:j z~ c+CD p-1., ~ ~ ...... 0 C"l c 'O c.... CD r_-v Q CD CD M 0 fj c+ 0 J:j 0 ~ta 0 c+ r.n c+ m z t · CD ~ '(fJ Q (]) ~Q i - ' pit ........ Q z t-1 !Z -I ~ 0 c:+ ~ 1:::$ 0 ""'$ (fJ ~ ~ TYRONE. 8UL1NA. Our bn-;e ball team are get.Ling into l{OOd playing conditi on, Uoad work is in pro"ress, H ighways are not in bad condition. M iss Melindu Bond. Columlrns, lt:i.s been visiting at .M:r. S. Shortridge'e. 'l'ltere ls e vldence or abundance o! fruit in tbiJl ecction it tho bloseo m 11ets well. Servan t girls are ijO vory scarce that soYeral of our farmer's wives have t o do without, Mastera Thomas «nd Frank Shortrldgfl have Ileen on a Y18it t o their grand parents at Col· u m bus. TheN ure o nly tlve or six farmers w ho get t)lei r mail at Soli na who do not get 'l'UE frrA'l'ESMAN : and theec read their r..eighbor'e. Mr. M. A.. James, of Bow manville, has <le · posited 5 000 trout fry from t he Government ·1:Ja.t-0hery at Newcaatle, i n the n eek running eou tl1·west or tllis v llla.l{e. r OlWNO . (From the Nnus.) l'llias W'ard, of Toronto, le visiting at Mr. Leaac Winter's. Mr, Joseph Knott 1111.s sold h i s residence to :M.r. McMuJ!en , n retired farmer J.iying ne r Kendall. Mr. JM. Leigh has moved t.o the south en d. into tho residence one door eouth of the Presb yterian munse. J)r. Rutherford lu.\S moved into his now res!· dence, opposite 1he o ld Poat Ofila~. formerly occupioo by Mr. Jas. J,eii,;b. Miss Jennie Cooknrn.n,ofKirkfleld,with Mus· t ei· Walter Chisholm have been vi~i ting her 6ieter. Mr8, '.!'. D · .Allin. the past week. Our junior base ball team went to Newton· v!lle on Queen's Birthda.y and completely par· Illy zed th~ boys of t burg to t he tune of 8 On the evening er tbe District Meet ing J. H. was presented with a delegate- a botrncing bOY· / Mr.W. J ewell has rented Mr. S. M. Clemens' far m tor a term of ten at the rate ol $600 aY ,ear.· ;:t"" ft; the absence or Mr, S. Washington on Sabbath morning, Mrs. w. Kenner preached a profitable ser mon . ]',[ies Bessie Wolch returned homo on Sa.tar· 1la)< accompanied bv Mr. J . T. Welch and Master Raymond Di;'vey. Mrs. W . .Aldworth has moved her household furniture to Mr. '.!'. Hardy's, Solina, where she purposes making her h ome. A meeting in connection w it h t h e W 0. Farmers' Inst itute will be 'held in the don'a Hall here 011 Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The young man who disgraced himself ao last Sabbath should not bo q uite so tresh- :i. cooler is prepared for the likee, ..1so remember the Sabbath da.y to keep it holy. Recent Tisitors : Mr. 'l'. Mann, Bobeaygeon; Mieoes Ida and E t tie Bingham, Bowma11ville ; M isg Hattie vVll.lker, Newcru:n le: Mre. Sma.rt and son, Peter boro ; Miss Odell, Orono ; Mr. Joltp.Jlavey aud wife . \Vhltby. Jiau·~~ ~ ~i;;inip.f?err' s ~e1.t f1 '2rtic UJ. 1-1· crq l:j Mo- ~ ct> ' Ul (') ~ ...... 0 Q [rj tJ ~ q~ (IJ ~P..CD~ 0 1-t) o~a~ ~ ~~ t"i ., ~ ~ CD <f e o1tt11ou. ud Cures Q CD t:j t-J c+tQ 0 00 l:J"' CD 1-1 · CD -·------- C hronic Constipation, Costiveness and all Complain ~ arisi 11 g- frvm a tli ~onlC'rNl i;.b.te of t.hc I,i ver, 8toJ11:tc h n.111.l Bowels, s u c h n2 CANADIAN PRIN'"PS. Fast Colo rs and D urablo. New Patterns. Newest Shades. Orders solicited trom the \V b.olesale and Hetail trade. bi.\ CWG M E XTl t:.11: & PRINT Co .. M ontreal .. 0 ........ p., c: Mo- (/) Dyspepsia or Jmligestion, _:Bilious Affections, Headache, Hcar_ t bnrn, Acidity r:n. (]) · CD e. = c+ CD c+ p., 0 t"i UJ CD Q . 0 rtS! · 00 Q p., ct Ul s ~ )> 0 ta 1-3 > (/J ~! 'I I ' 0 ~ ~ 0 o ! the Stonl· l:Y CD nch, Rheumatism, ~oss of Appetite, Gravel , Norvou~ Debility, N~'='ea, or _ VomitinE;_. &c: CHn.nnK:<i;. LllO~ . n l :i\roTHP.ns r r ! llcc :m~e it is agzcea1'h~ to tin) t:1s t.r', do1·s u o t oc'::rni~1 z 0 ~ c+ H) p aq ....,. <f (]) 'd 0 ~ mi ., · I / OOURTIOE. M r. Harry Salter raised a barn for Mr. J ohn P JO-found on the lat inst. S . Ilrook~ and J". Rnndlo gone on a fl9h ing excursion to t bo back lake~. Do11 't forget John It. Ch1rke a " E bcnez· :n· on Monda y ovening next, after the '! 'ea. The Sta rs would like to arrange a base b all ruatoh with ~ome or the neighboring clubs. Mr. D. L . Sanderson, D. L. l::l.. h<1.s been uppointed to sm·vey a now township in ttto A lgo · rua Dfatrict and will attwt a3 soon us h e com ple tes arrangements. TR1:>I . Na1uwa, a cts wit h nnt ~~ri jli IE', is cr.rtnin Ul its efft:cts: a 1nl i~ t: ficdi n~ iu st null t.loses. IN UQU10 FORM. ABSOLUTELY l.:u·go B ottles, ~O ce nts e a c h. BL ON A POOR MAN'S FRIEND. !1. Doll ar Ono tba.t ivi 11 Fn.Yc d:1ys of ~ icknc~s :i.tH1 nurny i n Ii m 1~ :1.nd. l>octol":l ]; j 11:-;, oue Hl W:tY\! Ho;i r ;J..t }wud , re;idy at. :L l.llOUH.m t 's c:dt 'fhi;!J fricml is P1-:1:nY D .1yJR' I. Mt. Carswell School Report for May :- Sr. '1th class- w · Hancock, L c .. wker. E Cornish. to 20. H Cawker. L Rundle. Jr. 1th class- M Oke, The following persous were visitors htlre on M Armour. L Balson, E Cochrane, H Oke, L 011ton's Bil'thday ; Mr. G. H Cronk hite, and Nichols, B Gay. Sr. 3L'd class·- A Salt er , .A. Gay, lVlr. Harry Armstrong, of Toronto ; M r , C. W Sal ter, J!' Morrow,];' Cornis h. Jr. 3rd class A w de, Whitby. - S Bulson. L Lylo, G To~ley, A Lymer, H Queen's llirthay past off \·ery quietly here, Hancock. Sr 2nd class- E Corm sh . W Armour, ~bo only entert ainment being tho Methodiat R Tingle, M Micltall, .r Co hrane, C Cornish. Chnrch Tea which took place in tbe evening, Jr. 2nd clase- W Cawker, M Walters. S Bal· son , E McDonald, '!' Lymor, .A Hancock. Pt. e,t which a majority ot our cl tit.ens partook. 2nd- B ltichards, J<~ Courtice, N O!<e, J '1'ooloy, A number of residents showed their lo;yalty F Cawker, E D ean. P 1·esent every day:- W to our beloved Queen by tlyingthe Union Jack liuncock , E Cornish. R Tingle, N Okc., E over their residences on the 24th u lt.--notably Courtiee, B Richardij, J. Goyne, C Goyne, Y Messrs. w·. S Gamsby, W, L. Broad, Daniel Goyne. Average attendance, 53, J, H · .ALLIN, Ha.ll and G. M. Long. Teacher. On the evening of Jlfay 2-Hh. the friends and u e1ghbors of Mr. and Mrs. "\V, C. Allin. teach· OSHAWA. er, t o the nnm her of about forty, preEented them with some useful articles of wooden (F1·om lite Onta·r io R efonner. ) ware. it being the 5th anniversar y of t h eir , wedded life, A moat o1'!joyablo c\·cntog was Mr. A, M ackie has got fairly settled in his spent. new p re miees on Broadway East. A Clarl:e correspondent wl'iteB that those R ev. N . Hill preached last S unday on Con.>oung friends who attended the concert in t.,ntment and Rev. T. Mi.m ning on Divorce. Ilown111.nvillo on tl1e 2Hh speak or having a The Oshawa Harbor Company are asking (1rst-class time. They w ere highly pleased with your Orouo singers, Messrs. 0. A. Gam a· tor tenders for the erection of an office at the Harbor. b y and C. G . .Armstrong, whose choice songs A parlor and lawn eocial will be given at were well received. tho residence or the B.ev. S. H . Eastman. on Thursday evening, June ,,.. KEWOASTLE. T he creamery at Woodland Dairy Farm, Burglars entered J . D!!.rch'e butcher shop wa> star ted on Tue·day. A t horoughly pruc· tical man has charge of the creamery. one night recently throug h the window over door and stole 50c. .A. petition is to b e circulated among our 1·. Sarnnel Ashton has returned rrom Cali- merchants a sking the council to pass a by-law ornia and British Colum~ia. w here h e has compelling the store~ to be c loseci at 6 e'c lock. AJl'ent tbe winter . l\[r. Grass· Joas by the burning o r his resi· An interesting ball match is looked tor ward d Anco at ColumbL1a. last week . was $5,000. tQ on Sa.turday b etween the Tvwn and the there wa· un inauranJe of $ 1.500 on the build· ' s of England ol th is place. ing. l\Ir. "\V. A.Bunner. of Bowman.ville, preache d On Thursday evening about 150 members of an exc?lle 1t sermon in tit" Method ist c hurch Rev. 'l'. X.{anning's cla ss, aud other a dherents p f this place on S nnda.y morning w eek, which of Simco" Str eet M ethodrnt Church, assemblort was very much apprecio.ted by all who heard at the Parsonage, an d to show their r··spect for Mr. and Mrs Manning, and appreciation of l.iim: / ' 1'1lo Queen's Birthday passed of very quietly, the rev. gentloma.n's labor s her e, presented Some att~nded the celobra.tion i n Bowm an· th em with a handsome silver pitcher, a butter ville, while other eiti7.ens spent a very enjoy· cooler and other silverware. able afternoon picnicing on th e shores of the Ed.LL YD UPP. take-and marsh. I>. b as been said that the ladies o-r or.r v illage DEAU S m,- \Ve were s urprised at not seeing uo n ot object t o tnrnini:: th eir tather'd house a report of oar tea in your paper. Hoping it is into a court hons~ for a n hour or t wo of an not yet too Jato, we now send it. Althoup:h th o evening, and why should thes. wh en two of l'resbyteri nn ehurch tea, on May 21th, was not t he stud~:ii ts or tbe high school will even use so s uccessful a s on former occasions. yot a very . ~l!"es r oom for that p urpose at noon hour '/ pleasant time was s pent. To judge from tho ~ .At the last m eeting o f the Sane of England, way tbc ca irns and -pies disappeared, t he baking Dr; 1" arncombe w as el ected Lodge Surge on. was a success a t all events. '!'h e Band, led bv J1 the Doctor docs not k eep t lte boya in good Mr. Harry S herwood , playe<l remarkably woll, health, it w ill not be the lacK: er onergy or many said they n evl\r hoe.rd the m do so well. !~now ledge on his part. 'flle Doctor is soon to H arry is 11 great favorite with all here and we t ake bis departure for E nglan d to spend a fow are a lways pleased to ltave him. Owing to ·:iwnlh ~. t llM !le mB.y gain a wider knowled,.o previous engagem ent3 Itevs. Hassard and i11 his profceaion, but intends leaving a c ompe· Courtice d id not come. Mr. Jas. Madill gavo tent sub~titute in his ofllco d uring h is ab;;e nce. u s a good speech in the evening on t ha.t a.ll , y." Wo were Mr. S;;uiuel \Vilmot int ends shortly to h i.w e importo.nt sui'ject- " Ms.triruo . t h e Jlsher y grounds pne or the mos t attracti ve pleased to see Rey. D. "\Villiams on the pla t· rntorts l o bo found in the loc8.lity ; he haH h ad form also (}, 'l '. Brer eton , M. D., or Bethany ; che ponds rep,.irod a nd 1illed with water. into our own Doctor, ll. E. Drt1mmond, of Ponty. w hich h o i! placing s ome of lus f,,.voritc fish, pool presided over the m eeting. .A social wa.~ A t this se1~son ot the :rcur this rcsol't is cer· held' on Sat.u rday evening. Proceeds of t ea t .,.inly worth visiting, t:\Ild many from the sur· and s ocial, $i5 in a ld or church fund. '.!'he Sabbath School in connection with the 1 ·mmctiug country have a vailed them selves or Presbytoriv,n c hurch is likely to ,be v ery SUO· the opportunity. ccasful t.his summer. Mr. It~ S1m_ paon. our 0Lir Connell bas beeu presented with a , . Yictoriu;' from tho wido w of the !i>te Thoe, este emed teacher , w a s elected Sup&rmtends.nt. lift'. Simpson. ain co comin g h e re has ear_ned E lliott, a ·king $5,000 damages which aha claims t o have sustained by the loss of her a r eputation of which auy young man might bojustly p roud, liusbantl, w ho was k illed by hi~ ca.rriage collld· ing wiLh a t elegraph polo u car tho vend. '£his W e a re pleased to lmow that Dr. Drummond c a se was thoug ht to nave b een dropped~ and is' building his residence in Pontypool, as_ we ·wa.s a.a far us the SJns ·w ere concernea, but want to ha'l'e him amongs t u s for a long ~1mo. the widow bas l\ trt.ken up the oause.He and his wife h ave m ado many true frienda !'le,vs . in this part. We are sorry to h ear t hat Mrs.\Y. I:I . Fcrr,u. Kr~n WoRDS AND TRUE .--~1r. J ohn son is not enjoying good h ealth, Mrs. D. Williams is Qui te m a lso. Both are attended H. Curter, gf Oorbetton, Ont ., writes aa by Dr. Drummond. H.D. follows: "Hagya.rd's Yellow Oil has s tood t he tes t oft.on when all others failed. Our U IU"S Sll l.F lllJ:R SOAl' i s an elega nt nrtl· h ouse is neve r without it, and it will a l · .,Je , and dcnn s ·s nndin1rlllm t.b e J!llhl most w a.13 fjnd a welcome spot o n tlie shelf." elkCUlllllY. p t~J N:K ·U.,. L ER b T .\ l\ EX TNTERN ALLY . it en res Jl)·sentory, C..n:t.!ra . J >i:1 rrla\~: 1 , t:rHUlll and l 'nl n i n tho f;: l1m :1cl1 , H11wt·l C1J111pla i11 t$; P.u.i11 rer 's Colic ·. .I 1y:"pcp~ i n. o r 111tligl::'::)tiu11, S uddou Col<ls, Sori' 1 Is Canada' s Favorite Dread·mak<>r. l.O years in t he inarket without a. coin· plaint of any kin<l . Tho only yea s t which has stoocl t.lie tcMt of timo aml never sou r, unwholeso1ne bread. i\ 11 Grocers sell it. ~OVAL YEAST 0111 . l! Chl~aiio, QUITTING 'l'he Goods :Business 1 Dry il. W. CILI.lil'l"l', M'l'r, '1'0101110, nL JOHN ltlcUUBTRI .Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and Feed and Grnin trade, and has determined to Throat, Conp:h.-:, ,~ c . Cuts . B u ru~.1 Scnhl:-; a ntl Sprnin ~ . 8wcllint!~ of the 1 Toints . 1J. oothn chc, P ;ii11 i n th e Face, Neu· rn l!!in n.nd Rhcnmat i>111 .' :r ·Sol i.l by fle1tlcrs in l:\·mi ly llict!icinc; the World Around. 25 C ENTS PER USED l~XTElm'ALLY, i t cutes Tiruiscs, A· UTHOtlS & :COX, l\Ianufacturers ot Bo1"TLE. .Gcmnc or Uom1tc1·frits a111l Imitations. Out His DRY GOODS BU8/NE88' TRUSSES, Close and extend his Grocery into the premises n ow occupied with Artificial Limb!!l, DRY GOODS . To make a clear sweep, everything iu t he Dry Goods department , is now being sold AT AND UNDER COS'r. The goods are all first-· class, carefullJ selected for the regular trade and no old culled bankn1 pt stock, the public ci.,n understand the immense advantages offered to purchasers of this stock. Everything usually kept in .a, first class Dry Goods establishment, and required in the Clothing: and H onse Furnishing line, offered at AWAY-DOWN PRICES. Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash only. Po'!itively no Reserve. Everything must go. Call and satisfy y ourselves that the WEST E ND HO USE is giving greater value for a little money than any oth er house in the district. It will pay you to lay ma year's supply', as such goods cannot be r epeated at my prices. ,'.J'Ott~r Mol\t'TU];l T y THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Dr. CHANNING'S compo 11111l Extract or Pure B edJam aica SARSAPARILLA For the r.tu·r. of Sc1'0f11lt1 1 Salt Ilhcn1n, Crmcor, all Skit\ Di ~oa::; cs, 'l'nmors, 1~:ul:u·g-cm1c nt of tho Liver a?L'1 S1Jlceu, l t h cnmatic AfTcctio1uf1 <liscnscs of the Kidu r.y2, Jlbc11lct· !llHl Urinary Organs, opprcssious of the Ches t or JJHU J.p~, Lc.:mcorrhcn, C:tt:lrrli, ::rn rl :-i ll tli sra s e~ res nlt.iug from n de.. pra,·c(l and impnrc c 01Hlitio11 of t h e blood. (}_1 <7.'ll1"o~-.-..·L...1.: f<n· "D,-. Ch r11nJ:i uo's Su1·sn.1no·il1tt" trrhc n o ofh <'>' i n 1fs j ll<tcc. And A.pplianoce for all D e· Corm i ·.iee of 1.h e H uman Body - Spinal Diseases. Hip Joint Disease, Diseases ol the Knee and Ankle. Knock Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feot , E tc. ALSO CRUTCHES · 117 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, ONT. Sold Everywher e at 25c. a Bot tle. Jteeo mmcndc:tl by Enirybo<Jy. I am acquainted wlU1 the composition of Perriu's P ine l'ar Cordial, and can recommend it as being the most effici ent Cough Remedy 1 know o r. P. P.A.LMEB. BURROWS, M.D., C.M. Member of t he American Public HealthAs- ) sociation. and Presiden t or the I~xecutivejt { Associa t ion of lfo,Llth OIHcere of Ontario Davis & Lawrence Co., Limited., ~ SOL E AGENTS, O:N'T3:E: .L'-L. for enfcc11 led digestion, pro. thtccd fro111 w:rnt of 1'<0).le1· ·ccrction of Gnsh·ic J"1 uce,·e iJUm e d iat c rcllefi11 l>yspe1·s ia .. :uHl l iuligcsUon. f>TB ECTIO~\""S.-Takc oncor w·o Nils immediately oft tt' t .atitt. '1 01· w!1e11. n rjJf'lring /to m l ndi9cstion 1 I.u m1> fo tlie DIGESTIVE TABLETS I PE RRHfS PINETAR CORDIAL G O ., PILLS, LINDSAY, O.N'f., OR A FTER D INN ER ~o~Q~~TOR~0~;r~0~J~~~T;~~t~~RY, A UJ Th roat ot Flt1l11 l vict. S :i.n1111n a<'Jtt (1'('('. A1Mrr·'l ll1r Davis & Lawrence Co., (Limited.) Montreal. 801.t i: A C tt:>Ttl. G. P. SHARPE, Proprietor. Next door to Palmer house. Dopa~ © lLJ A SH IRTS, pro1~1ptly at~cnded to nr.d a specin1ty. COLLARS - AND CUFFS Out of town work BUYERS DELIGHTED ! Fine Goods and Low P rices do the work. pel' m atruct1ons, return c<i HIND'S HONEV AND ALMOND CRtAM. tor Obappe1l, Face :i.nd. t.lpi;, r.ongh n.nd Hnrd Skin., Chn.nns , S untmrn, Hur ns, Scnlits , Hchiug , Uhilbln.ins, Sore NipJ1les, 11 Un.n ~ N aWr," nud nll uuplca!l:tut condition!\ ct thi:_ S kin or l ike ch:un.ctl'r. H tittil~ r; :lil~ soft eucd in one oii;llt . l'r l<"e Handy to U nion r.u r.M1t <0 11c 1· bolt le. Soltl by Dru:;ghts. OURES r, iv.~r 00 ., THE 1'10ST EFFIC IE NT C.:on·pl alnt, Dyspepstn, Ulllousn css . Sl c li; Jlentlach e, RbcumaU~m. M orning taxative - r3:Sc1tzc l' A ;.nn· ic11r.· ~;!1·.1 K itlney Trou bleA, 'J1n1· rn. 11f' ~ Jr: 'J':u o;·ant k Co ., l;(.Y. , 1-:(_; (· \·r. ~'J \'o~Ji~l"I: Sk in Disell8CS and nil Imp u r it ies of Send a delegate from every home and let u s prove that we are away down to R ock Bottom for every price put upon our immense stock of I . !.:. l}lt't'? ' :uood from w hat· evel' cau se nrlR1ng Boot1!1 and ~laoe!i!, T1·u1ll.:s, ·valises, cdc. ----- -- ·--- -··------·-------- by A d mini a toring 1>1'. lllllilos· . Golde n 8 1>ecific, ~a wltho111 tho knowledi:e oft hoPor·on tllklng it; har mle:ss, nnd will effect n. pc1 ·n1auent nrn.l speeay cnre whether the patient ls a lUOflerate drinker'or nn a 1 coholicwreclc, ItbMlJccn g1ven1n thousauas of cases, and ln ovory instlmce e. pcrfect·l'.:ure he.8 followed. J~ nevor fa il:. T ho & ystem··oncit !mpregno.ted witli the SpeclUo, It becomes an 11ttor Impossibility for U10 liquor o.ppotlto W exist. For clrcnlM a9c\ full Jl!lTtlr:n lM B Addrl)·B G·OI.DEN 1t cau bo given In a cup of coffee or DRUNKENNESS Or t he L luunr Habit, Posltt ..e ly CJured THE C~EAT SPRING MEDICINE. -- TB.Y- Price, 75c. (with Pills $1.) Everybody will :find i~ our assortment just th e thing they a re look ing for. Our stock is perfect people-pleasers ; FASHIONAHLl.C, D URABLE, S EASONABLE, R EASONABLE, PER FECT- FITTING, WEAR· RESI STING FOOTWEAR, S.PEOIF&O c o., J.85 Ruce S t.,_ Uincinnati,O. Sold e verywh ere ; 11rlce 2G cents . The llfNIOY MEIUCJNE CO., l "ROl'RI ETORS. Toronto Can · AND ABOU T PRICES :- We allow n o one t o undersell us. Our greeting to you this season is "Bargains on every hand, a nd we , will give more footwear for a do1lar than any oti,r::r (very smell aocl easy to take. ) house." We only ask a chance to prove NO GRIPING. NO N AUSEA. with our goods that i~ is so. · .Dl'. DOD D E R ' S Little L iver Pills, .Bowma11ville, Ma.y 16, 1 88~. M. TRELEVEN. Sign, Big B oot · d rawn by Lwo hor s es. Children c· rr for Pitcher's Castori a~

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