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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1888, p. 1

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~j, l T:S:RMS :-11.50 Pn Alr1«7X. NBW SERIES. NUMBEI? 5 1 1\ . tsm T1hi: WORLD AJ'TK.RWARDS. OUR TOWN A.ND COUNTY FIRST: M.A. JAMES VOLUME E DITORilD PllOPRIJ:TOJI., . BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 18H8. XXXIV. NUMBER 24. COUCH, JOHOSTON B & .CRYDERMAN'S Rave opened out during the past week about !FRANK 1'1. FIELD, B. A. OOURTIOE. !!§.Ebenezer tea was a grand succ<'ss ns usual.~· Full particulars ne:&t:week . Mis. (Rev .) J. H . Oke, of Flinton , is visiting at her mother'11 Mrs. C. Osborne. Mr., Mra. and M aster Frank Conrtice, of Port Perry, are visiting friend s in 1hi~ vicinity. The Ebenezer Stars were defeated by t110 Bow111anville cl11b on Saturday last by n ecore of 24 to 11. · M' K d M' M ' · M 1 1ss ate an . i's i!1me . c. ntyre were called to their home m Priceville o~ Saturday laet by the eerious illness...·of their mother. TP.d HA.MPTON. GREA.1' 1msn at the Hampton Woolen Mills. Goods selling at greatly reduced pricea for 60 days. Come with your wool and get bargains while th"Y last. High· est pricee in ca.sl1 for wool. D. TAYl·oR, Proprietor. ~~~~~~~~~ AUCTION SALES. THURSDAY, JUNlll 21sT. -'.l.'h e household eJfect1, cbattela, stock, iw pli.m Ants, farm (100 acres) aud growini;{ crops ot i he fat e E<twa.rd Keast, "ill b Hsold on lot. 25, con. 3, D arlingtou, withnut r e· serve, as Mrs. Keast is r emo"it1g t o I llinois, U.S. Sale at 1 o'clock, sharp. See larae po!ters. S. 0. R UNKI Nc;, .Auctioneer. THURSDAY, J UNE 28TH.-There will be sold a t, B~er's Hotel, Hampton, the nortll we8t ;f· of L ot No. 11, Cou. 8, Darlington, and the 45 acres of the same lot. This is a valuable property and eonveniently situ..ted. Sa.le at 2 o'clock. S. C. B UNKINa, Auctioneer. S.t·rURDAY, .ToNB 30TH.-:- Mr .John Wilcock, will eel! at lieer~'s Hvt1il, Hampton , part of lot 20, con. 5, Dar lingt ou, b11ing 80 acres of land in go od state of culti· vation, having th ereon good dwe!>ing11, b"rn11 and othor 0 1H buil<li11gs, got'd or· chard aod a plent.i ful ~upi>ly of wa.ter. Sale at 2 o'clock. 8. 0. H v ~Kuu1 , Auctioneer. · ARRIS1'ER, Solicitor, Notary, &c. COBOURG. Ofllce,- Armonr Block, King Street. 22. FARMS WANTED. McCUAIG & MAINWARING, Estatn and }'inancial Agents, l l:i VICTORIA STREET, TORON'l'O, Can exchange a number ot woll rented houses in ·roronto. paying a good rate ot interest, for tlrat-cle.l!s farms froo or mortgage, Why let money on deposit at t per cent. when jndicioue Investment in Toronto pro. perty will realize ten times that amount1 MONEY LO.A.NED on Farm Property at lowest rates. we·can offer several inveatments In rentect houses-central localitles, Toronto, pt1.ying ten ver cent. on amount invested. By notltyin1t ue direct or by leaving notice at STATESMAN OFFICE, Bowmanville, or with P. TREBILCOCK, Bookseller. Bowman· vllle, interviews may be arranged with our repreeentatlve, Mr.RC. SINCLAIR. U Sm. SOLINA. Mr. Jas. V ice h as been troubled with t he lumbago for some time. _;;y-· at Mr. I. Couch, of Bethesda, preached Rldacf on Sunday afternoon last. . 2000 Yards of new Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS . Bought direct from the celebrated manufacturers, John Crossley & Sons, of Halifax, England. Newest designs and colorings and no better va1ue anywhere. -Gouch,Johnston&Cryderman One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville. Mr. W. H . Thomas has pn rchased thn express business from Mr. G . J . Scott. Miss Ida. G. Eastwood, of Whitby, has g raduated in Arts at Toronto Univer· M ity. Mr. John Kirby, East Whi tby, Jost a valuable h eavy d ra 11ght while foal· ing l ast weak. HAYDON. 'l'he annul).l picuic in connection with the l't. 0 . Chorch of Pickering, will be Mr. J . Slemon ha8 pu rchased a 'new h.. ld ia that place on Tuesday, the 19th P a tterson Bmder i nst. Mr. Thoa. Ashton losh a valu,.ble colt Oa Saturday night the store of Ke!ln & la6t we1;Jk of i nfialllmat.ion. mean what wbat we say. We ncve1· tbinlt: it wo1·th turned to this village once more to stay. Co. was entered by burgli1rs and $16 in Mr. J ohn McConnachie, of Orono,spent OUR REPAIRING DEPARTMENT.- - We Master Robbie Channon d ied on Wed· money and abou t $500 worth of dry goods the week with friends h ere. while to quote pri£es, Cor what can any one know ~· D . Mc eil has purchased Mr. Jas. ca.n only go over the same old say- nesday l!lst and was interred at the bury- taken, about articles inerely by the price in a newspaper? ing, that we repair Watches, Clocks ing·ground north of the village on Friday. A salmon trout weighing 24 pounds , :Welch's farm, nortlJ of this place, contain· The G l"dstrmes B. B. Club recreation was con~picuously hung u p at Mr. Joh i~ 50 acres, for $700. The tar bette1· way is t.o call and examine them Cot· and J e weUry in the most skilful Park will now be on Mr. W.R. Clemens' Mi, chell's mart on Tuesday iwening last; * Gibson, of Gre· nwood, has l eased yoursel£ Suffice it to say, iCthere is honor 111 1na11, or manner. We a1 e looked upon as fa.rm. Main entrance to the park on It was caugh t i n Lake by Mr. C. the itrist mill is this p lace for five years, Agnes-et. A fu ll attendance is de~ired L11ovis. He t ook possession faijt we1ik. wirtue in good GOOD!j at low })riees, we mean to be the only reliable Watchmaker in on Wednesday :md Saturday nights. Mr. ·wm. Smale, formerly of Oshawa , he· armiver < ary services in connection master of the situation. t;onte and see ou1· DRESS this part of the country. Mere The rain on Sunday evo>ning prevented h:is started a boot and shoe business at with th e M.ethodi~t Sunday School, will We be held as usual on July 1st and 2nd. Mr. Higginbotham from being present to Carber y, North.vest Territ ory. GOOD~. t11e best value in to,vn, (or be otrcred) talking can't do the work, but tools, fill the soµpl y for Rev. W. Kenner, who wish our old friend success i n hie new Particulars next week. The champion woodchuck killor, tooth· with all .sorts of T1·im1nings to suit the a1·ticles . The ability and exp erience combined had to go t o Haydon to preach a funeral venture. sermon . Mrs. Kenn.,r again officiated Mayor M<lGee, as h ead of the Corpou · less Billy, has to t·k:e ,. h i1eat this .gene1·al stock oC STAPLE DRY GOODS- ve1·y c on1- can, of which we have plenty . acceptably. tion, ha~ been ser ved with a writ by . .year, for Mr . A , Soper h olds the laurels O n S unday after noon while a gen tleman F . Gilbe1·t, claiming damages for injury th is year, having m~ptured five in one day. plete. 'l'WEEDS with us a1·e soon 1nade up- in a from town with his wife and child wer~ to his wife reco;ived in conseqnence of a He got two in the trap at once. Ved.-y, Coterie and Pantry, by very skilled and note- 44. The J eweller. dr1·v1 ·ng through thh vi"llage, tl1ey m et r .h o defectivo sidewalk . M r. J as . .... :1' "" e1 ·1, ·u~nu an d 'W 138 L · M cn Army about 14 in number, with the flag David Bruwn, a justice of t ho peace, of Bnwmanville, Mr. and l'rirs Ed. V irtue abJe 'vork1ue11. blowing at full mast and with red jackets. of Cannington, was committed for trial and Mr. Robt. Virtue, of Long Sault, Tb e horsa became frightened and the last week for an aggravated assault on a Mr. and M iss Pollen, d C11.rtwright , spent driver and all were obhghed to take the girl of 15 years. He is now at Whitby 8 unday wi th friends in t his viciuitv. ditch. 'rhe horse made one bound and jail a1rniting hi~ tria.l at the assizes. A number from h er f.l attended Mr. 'l'. fell back over uu the wheel, shattering Mr. J ohn Hislop, jr., of E"st Whitby, Lob'.'a fun eral on Thursday last from the The Magog Tex tile & Print Co. Having learned that inferior Prints have itsobadlythata.newone istobereplaced; had a drive to N1iwtonville a few days G, T.R. station. He was an old rest· a.lso breaking the shaft. It was miracu· ago. H e spoaks well of t h e crops through dent of this place and highly respected by b een sold as MAGOG PmNTB, will l ous how the lady and child escaped whh· East Whitby, Darlington, and Clane, all who knew him He has lived with h eree.l'ter stamp t he name of the out injury. The Army have shown a gofld b tt t thinke those of our own township cau his son -in-law, Mr. D .Saltar, of St. Marys, Cornpany ou each piece. spirit by oft'tlring to pa.y fo r t he repairs. equal the best of them. where he breath ed his l ast on Tuesday RETA IL MERCHANTS History we are told repeats itself a n d 'fhe closing concert of Demill Ladies' the 5th. He was interred in the Beth esda supplied direct. the customs of bygone ages n ow and again College will be h eld in the Music Hall, Cem etery beside his µartner who died 93 St. Peter Mon t real. crop up in n m ost unexpected mann><r. Oshawa, on Fridi.y evening, .June 15th. about four years ago. R er. Wm.Kenner Of the truth of these statements we The cuncttrt, will be u nder the directorship preached his funeral sermon on Suuday ~-·· have a prese nt proof in 'the revival of <:1 f Prof. V. P . Hunt, musical director of 1iv. 1Jning. ·'Love P hiltres " A p owder for thia pur- the College. The program is a very pose can be bou ght wliich will en11,bl e tne attractive one. "MY WiJ!'Els A 'l'RRROR "! said amildp~ssessor, so. says the advertisement,. te On Thursday of hst week Mr. Matthew tempered man in our h earing. "She . LAHG1£S'l' I N CAN AD.A. wm the aft'ect10ns. of any young la~y wi th Manual, of this town, whilst operating a. snaps and snarls, spa nks he r· children, and whom he comes m contact_. It is not a p laner in Messr1:1. H eap & 00 ,11 Factory, :finds fault continually. I can't b ea.r it '\<Ve want reliable, Emorgetic mon to soil 01u· v_ery honorable way of deal mg, b ut wh at W"S struck 1 .n tlie gi·o1 ' ch any longer. " Don't l:>e too sevtire on her, . by n b [)ard whi 11 nursery stock; previous experience not necesf II d h ~ ~ f · d J'ttl r h fl' · sary ; any man w!Lh tact and eutorgy can 18 a you ug e ow to o w o canno_ t secu re flew from the machine. Mortific~tion my nen ; you I e ren t z~ er su ermgs. succeed. 'f erms libe1~al, either salary or com- a sweelhear1_?. We ha.~e not yet mvested . 1 very soon s et in and he died on Friday She h as lost her former sweet disposition, mission ; out!lt free. t t h h th ' ' and ill h ealth is the cause. D r. Pierce's ow e young evening . D eceased was 54 years of age Our agents have ad ve.ntag~a, such as selling as we are wai ,m g 0 ear houeogrown. llardy Canadian .~tock. . 'l'his fellow who shot the owl makes out. and 1eavea a widow and eight children. Prescription will make he.· well. For season we have a number or ch01ce evec1 altles . . .... .. female diseases, fonctional d erangem ents, VV which o! value nnd which can on\Y ho . h d C A p ublic meeting was held in the town bearing-clown pains, and the long list of secured fr<;>m us, ·uch as Hitson 8: complete hat or Chronic Coug s an . olds hall · Whitbv' on evening ' lls th~· render wome1· 1 m1'~ · erablo, 210 me· New Russian apples, the pear. Saund· . . Tuesday .. . ' to i ~· era plum. Hilb~rn raspberry. llfoor;s H~by and And all diseases of the throat and lungs discuss the des1ra.b1hty of bormg for dicine can compare with th is. It is thE;J Bleck Champ10n ourrants, Moored Drnmond c!ln be cured by the u se of Scott's Emu!- natural gas there, A resolution was only medicine for woman 's peiculiar weak· IgrW!'he;~;.; .~l~en parti.culai· attention to the siou, as it contains the h ealing virt.ues of adopted asking the town council to take nesses and ailments, sold by dr uggists propagation ~fhardy varieties suito.blo to tho CodLiverOil and Hypophosphites in their $1,000 stock in the Whitby Gas and under a positive guarantee from the man · no;~~e{:X-!~ct::1Pn;1~\~anada. fullest form . See what W. S . M!1er, M . Water . Company when $2,000 aha.I~ be ufacturers, to give satisfaction in every I Ston e & Wellington, D., L. R. C. P. etc., Truro., N . S. , sa.yg: subscribed. The amount now subscnbed case, or m c..n ey refanded. Sa11 guarantee I 2!- 3m 'l'oronto, Ont. "After t hree years' experienca J consider exceeds $1,500. . printed on bottle wrapper. For all deScott's Emulsic m one of the very boBt in rangements of the stomfl.oh, liver and bow. ~ O CC.:A.SION,u, DOSES of a good ctntbar t le , the market, Very · ex cellent in. throat 'l'REBE ARE MA.NT UDlf!A.TIOYS of els, take Dr. Pier ce's Pellet~, or Anti-bi!\ T Jlkelhardoeli: l'Ulil :u·e ne<\eHsnrytolrne11the ! . ,, · :> ~ · · 'ft'Orm~. but Dr. Low·i; Warm Syl'np nteets _...,. · . · · b lood unrc aml the body Jaca lthy. · atfect10na. I ut up m oOc. and $1 size. thcna In Cl 'ctFY ca,e s11cecssfnlly. ious Granules. :t GEORGE LA/NB, The Farmer's Friend. . The r~m~~os of J?r. F. Glaspell ".'ere interred m 7'1on burying-ground on Friday "111817.'- PBOVIDENOB. The Salvat ion Army iatend h!lving a Report of S. S. N 0 , 5. Darlington, for m ·'nqt.rr ue meeting here thie Wedne11day May . -4th clHs- S Somers, F Hoar. evening. Sr. 3rd-E Crago, E Wight, F Hoar, M The Mt. Vernon choir intend holdi11g Bragg. Jr. 3rd-B Lainl?, E Osborne, S & concert on Friday evening next, when Blackburn, R Smale. Sr.2nd-F Black· there will be a grand time no doubt. All burn, SDawaon, W Hoar, P Elford. Jr. 1bould atteni!. 2nd-W Souch, N Allin . I Pront,L Bell- _, r. Lammiman leaves this week for amy. M. E. MANNING, 'l'eaoher. /~ Enniekillen to commence practice there. The anniversary of Providence S11-bb ·th He will be greatly m issed from this villa,ze. School will be held as follows : oh Sun- His ma,El,..f riends wi6h him every success. day, June 17th, will be prea~.eea+-irxx'F.fensive building operations are going by Mrs. W. Kenner, of Tyron.,, at 2 :30 on in this neighborhood, Meesr11. Law, p .m., and by Mr, Isaac Conch, at 6:30 Northcott and Trull are enlarging their p.m. Oollection at aervice. Ou out-buildings. Mr. W. Baker'a h ouse is Monday. June 18th, the exercisea will almost completed. beeiu at 2 P· m ., when· addreeaes may be Visitors this week : - Miss Martha 11xpec1ed from Rev. R. D . l<'rnser, M . A., Hoginth, of St. Mary·11 ; Mrs. Werry, of of St. Paul's Ohurch, and R ev. M . Gunn, Buwmimville; Misses Werry and Wright, pa8tor of the Di·ciple Chur(h. Bowman· of Oartwri~ht ; Mr. T. Osborne and viii., ; Mr. R. Moment, P. M., Or&nu ; family, of Pickering. Mrs. W. Kenner and others. The S. S. scholars will sing several appropriate eel· The base ball ga me on Saturday even· e-ctions of nlUsio. Tea. will be served ing here, Hampton vs. Solina, was a very ; k ets, 25c.; c h'ld good Tho 11core rrmn 4 :30 p .m . T' 1 r"n f practicr.. f H I b stood 12 to 13, rnc. A very cordialic invitatjon is extend· in avor o a moton c u ' at the lllld of ed to the general public. 5 innings, by the decision of W. Moore, of Tyrone, who acted as umpire. The Zion Sabbath School annlveraary, TYRONE. on the 3rd and 4th inst., waa a · d ecided The siaewalke have bean undergoing success. On Sunday, Rev. J . F . German, Has been appointed sole agent for repairs l ately. M.A., of Whitby, preached two ' 'ery the celebi·ated ROCKFORD ATCHES, Mr. J olin Bell, of Toronto, is here good aermoCJe, and were lietened to by ver.v large congr egationft. On Monday, they are the best American Watch visiting his mother. Some from here attended the picnic at services were reeum1id wheu the scholars manufactured and are guaranteed New Park on Saturday. ((ave some good r eci tations, &c. Tho singing by the achoo! was very good in· from the factory as b e:ng fir~t-class, Mr. R ichard Cawk1ir waa h t:ire over deed, (and of course bemg a judge), u nder Sunday. Call again, Richard. Call and examine them. the able leadership ,,f Misses Lander and Mrs, Jae. Storie has had a severe at· Awde, with Miss Tremeer a11 organist; We have also th e finest stock of tack of quinsy, is now cotivaleecent. after which short speeches w ere by Mr. Arthur Harril!I is offering $5 reward Rev. H. S. Matthews, of Bowmanville; all ,kinds of Watches, Gold and for the recovery of his bloodyearlini.: filly. R. Sanderson, of Courtice, and the circuit Silver,in the town ofBowmanville. Miss Janet McTntyre left last week for miuisters. Tm~ was then sr.rved, to which In Jewellry, we have an endless ~lei' home to see her molher who is very all s eerned to do ample j ustice. 'f here b.,ing some provender left, a social wa11 variety-Clocks of all kinds ver:y ill. arranged for on Wednesday evenin g, M r. H . C. Hoar and Rev. A. E. Sand- when a very good program was rendered, ch.,ap. · erson are attending. t he Conference a· eo we aro told . Proceeds of anniversary In Silverware we have the e-:-- Toronto. and social, $95. A few of the Gladstonians a ttended th e JA.CK. clnsive right to sell for the largest base ball 1natch at Solina on Saturday OSHAWA. firm in t he U. S. The qualit.y and evening. MAYNARD, w 8AI,BM. The ai.niversary services 9f the flalem charch, TyMne circ11h, will be h eld as foJl,.ws : On Sunday, .Tune 24" 1883, sermone will b~ preached at 2:30 p . m. by Rev. IT. S. Matthe w~, Chairman of t he D i8trict, and A t 7 p. m. by Mr. Isaac Couch. Uollections .it each servicl'. On Mondlly ,fone 201h 1\ public t lla. will be served from 4 to 7 .30 p. m. aft.,r which there will be a platform when adclro~se~ may b., exp\,cted froo1 soveral geutl,,111011. Ticket., 25 cunts; children 15 ct!nt11. Tbu )Jroo~eds r.o be a pplied to the Pdr;souage Fnnd. A most c/>r d.ial invitation iA extencis'.l to tha public to attend. ORONO. (F'rvm t he N1w1.) Dr. Van:> ; m t, of Whitby, was the guest Mr. Sanderson, of Bowman ville, broth or prwes are the best aud lowest in to our junior minister, will preach h ere this part of t he country, We ask m1 Sabl<ath evening. you to call and examine our goods O ur Nurseryman, Joaeph, ha~ had greH.t call for cabbage plauts. B e h ,13 alao before buying. potatoes out in blo~som. ' nliss Ada Harris has returned to EnnisSpecs and Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., killen after spending a fortnight with her we ca.n·y the leading stock, and sistt·r, Mrs. J. H. Hicka. every pair for 6 mcnths, Miss Joness, of Retreat Dairy, Bow· if well used. If they l:}reak we manville, was the guest of Miss Nell ie Our constant nin1 i s to benefit the people by c o11!!ita11tly will repair them free of · charge. Bingh"m ! ~st week. Mrs, Bell who for some time has beeu ofte1·ing bargains. '\Ve !Jhow what we advertize, we Call and get fitted properly. stayinii with hllr son at Leskard h as r i> (Ji'ron· the Ontario Reformer.) of Dr. Spencer 811uday laat. Mr.Arthur Allin, of t he Staudnd Bank, Colborn0, is at his mother's. Mi1111 Mary D \rch, of Bowmanville, ia visitmg at Mr. David Darch'a Mr. George Scott and famil.v have lef~ our t .w11 and settled in 'l'oronto. Mrs. Gtlea, wifo ()f M r. R. Gilas, P ropri1;tor ot the Syra.cus1i E:x:pres.'I, in visiting her sieter, Mrs. N. A. Jerome. Mr. H.obt. B est took & pbotogr&phic view of St. Saviour's church with the choir ro.n ~ed in front, one da.y recently. Mr. I hns . Dan08.ster, of Bowman ville, spent 8u1111 .:. j iast at his father's here. Chnrley i" buildiue a haodsome :tosi<lence in that to 1 v· 1 . Mr. Wiu ter, pathmaster, comuienced the annllal e1iason'11 i::u pr ov am11nta by lay · ing "c~pital six fo ot walk from Mr. A . J. L ockh· 1rt'e · n Main Street a~ far as the Method ist church. Rev. Mr. Young, of T oronto, formerly of Orono, preached in the Presbyt,erian chu rch S unday week. Mr. and Mrs. Young are sp1mding a few days with rela.· tive3 11ud friends here. MAYNARD, Q ----o- --- M!!J:INERY. NEW GOODS TO HAND! W e are now showing all the St.~L eading and most F ashionable · · -·- ----- --.---Shapes a nd Styles, N ew Hats, Fonth1ll ~urser1es ! N ew Bonnets, New Ornaments, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, and Fringes. "l'TTE EXCEL IN · FASHIONABLE MILLINERY I E 0 LA I NG ' I I I 1 I

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