~auadhnt eugar was offered to him coupled with that statesman's name. lu may be sup~osed, a.s Silver hao turned up in South Africa. to a Cl l~t 111 r~ the performance must have been irksome, de~ree to produce a new mlnin~ fever. ~ that he really detested .M~. Gladstone. . The Russiim troupe which plays on t · 0'I . .11. fi~, rff 44'.iq 1-.,. N o doubt there a.re Li bera.l p oodle a m . . . wen ""'u IL u .'t-.;fJ, 1:1 M, 11-....,, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1888. London to whom the name of Lord Salisbury ty-four pi·nos a.t once 18 commg to London. E iseqnally od ious ; but the '.l'ory poodle is ~earAdmirallleneage h~s forbidden h~s ~ ~M A 1Ji.O'·lh1 ·&id AUTHOR OF "LADY Auor,EY'S SECRET," "WYLLARD' s Wi;;mo,"ETu., TC. themoregeneralornamentofa lady's bou- ofiioorsto wear oolored shu·ts under theu· ~'U1 ~ llll-lf'" 11«d oir. co11.ts. C::rcs Cn ro11lc C onstipation, ; _ __ ' --'--~ M iiRllHll9 " Come to breakfast with m e t o morrow 'l'he foeliuq of host ility between Russi~ CHAP TER XX.- DRIFTING. Belfield did not approve in a la.dy who was mor ning, Helen," said L3.dy Ba\fidd, w hen jand Germa,ny is said to b e growing s teadily ost1vcness r.nd all Com plain~s Sir Adrian Belfield h ad been a. traveller receiving masculine visitors. she was going v,way, a ft er hL1lf-un-hour of ' beneath ;he suda.ce. The v isitors were two, Lurd St . Austell the shallowest talk, in which 1\112. Btddelcy L ord W olseley will unveil in Juue u. over the face of t he ea.r th for nearly two ·i r:c: mg f om a c!1sordo" rd st ate of t he L n ·c1 , Swr1ach. ,n ,d BO\' els, sueh a s t"&M"' · yea.rs before he turned his fa.cc h omewards. and M r. Beeching. . a nd Lord St. Au stell were the chief per· m onumen t to the new~paper carrespondents lie had seen most of the fairest spots in the Helen st11or t ed up from·h er chair and r im formers. ·' You can h ardly be engaged at : who fell in the Soudi.n. Tlyspe,psia er II:cligeslion, Bilious Affections, ' old world. H e h11.d spent half a year in to welcome her mother-in-law. brea kfast time. " A new album for locka of h a.ir is inuoduc . .., J G reece, and h ad seen A lgiers and Tirngier s, "Dearest Lady Belfield, w hil>t a t remen"If I were,~ wou.ld give u p _ my engage- ed. It oont~,inu specime11a from the heads : <Ie&dacho, Her.~tbmn, Acidity of the StomI " f 115 , ; , I Egypt ll.nd the Holy L and, a~d bad devoted dous surpr fae ! ' she exclaimed. L" Yd o u d~d rnent for yon, replied Helen w ith dher car- of those who i;re dear to the owner. a ch, Rhcnrnatirm, J.oss of A1ipetite, Gravel, t he best P"'rt 01 a year t o a leisurely saunter not say a word abou t coming bo on on in esaing smile. "I will give up my ance to· The I ptct 0 r 0 f B t b . . }' . Do you.feel dt}ll, langmd, low-e'bmted, life- t hroucrli S pain and Italy t aking his own your last letter ." morrow night, if you like." us u c. enes Ill ans reNervous Debili:y, N ausea, or Vomiting, &c le58, and mdescribably miserable, oth p hys!- t' 15 d 1· · th l'f ' f th co try "I h·d rto i"nten t1"on of coining when I "No, no. You shall mak e no sacrifices. port~ that t he consumpt10n o! horse ftesh caily un d mentally; expel'ieuce a sense of 1me, an ivlllg e I e o e un · ~ d Come · t thn o'clock t o-morrow. '!'hat will ha.a 111.creased t o an extraordmary extent. f ullness orllloating ufL<ilr eating, or of"gone- i r oughing i ta litde uowand then, so far as wrote," replied Consra.nce, al11·~ing han B " v B CruLDinI:X J,TlOl T' I J\1 o :rHERS LTK V. Jr ! n r c auM ellito jg t h e new expl_osiv~ inve~ted by neai," or emptiness of .stomach in the morn- J hia delicate heal th would allow and seeing with Mrs. Baddeley and then with the two n ot be t oo early, will it?" Jt 1s ngr ec·abl e t o the t ,1 :;t<· , dot s not occ.ns,011 ing, t ong ue coated, bitter or bad taste 111 d f 1 ' th 1 ·t · "No. I alway s wake e:i.rly. I never Lamm of Stockholm, which 11 deatmed t o ~.llH:il',.l i fl f!tS Wlt J)(I l t f11 l!)l!lu1 l~ Ct l tnlll 111 lt:t mouth lrregular appetite, dizziness, frequent much more of people an P aces a.n is gent'emen k: k d 't d r · · 1 effects, u ud B cHt ctl \ c 111 small d oses. headaches, lllurro<l eyesight," floating specks" given to the average traveller to see. He Sh~ told. her daughter-in-law of Adrian's sleep more than four or five h ours." noc ynann e 11,n me mite out entire Y· beforo t he. e~·cs._ nervous prostration or ex· had gone abro!l.d to cure himself of a wound ret urn, and oI their residence 11t t he Alex"Very different from me," said Mrs. R aelThe holy water disa.ppea.red from the font I~ L IQU ID FORM. ~~~~~~g0 ~rr\~~~~l!t~1t?i~Y te~~~~~h~~~. fi~~~:g: whioh he had !I.~ first thought _almost incur- a.ndra. H elen blushed faintly at the men- deley. "I sleep like 11 dormouse till it is of a. churoh in P11orfa, and the priest sent a l~ arge Bot tle s. 25 c ents each. biting, transient pams here and there, cold able, and he did not turn his_ face home- tion of her jilted lover, and a )l<)Qd of mcm dme to put on my habit for the R;iw." deteafrre to wa.t<;h the doon. It "."as di1~~filU!l!!M! 'UtWM" Sbe gfwe 11 great yawn and a sigh of re· ,covered t hat a milkman wa.s the thief. feet, drowsiness atter meals, wakefulness, or ward till he felt that he was heart-whole ories rushed across her mind a.t the &ound ot disturbed and m>rl·freRhmg skep, constant, d could m eet his brother's hi"s n~rnu, lief presently when the outer door closed The London and Northwest.em Railway 1111 A POOR MAN'S FRIEND. indescribable o~ce I~ore, t one thr'll ~ ~ mg calamity ?feoling or dread,. or of impend- wife without oiie pang of regre, 1 Oh; how long it seemed ago, that old up,~n Lady B elfield. · . . C ornp11nr has beg_un to lay ra.1le a.long th;e Ono that wi ll """' Joys of si cknes~ nnd iminy If you I.J ave all, or any considerably nm!'ber of pa.ssionate feeling. time when she 11nd Adrian were engaged, That dear soul IB utterly charmmg m Shropah1re Ca.nal m order to try the sabat1fl Dollar 1 n 11 ru~ "id ]Joctor'sHill:-:, one :Ll " ·1· s of these symptoms, you are suffering h orn Yea he was cured A love which has its when her heart was light and glad with a Devonshire_," she said, "but she n.·ther p11.ll11 tution of locomotives tor hones for ca.oa.l rtn s n o tl" n.t hnn d , tt·.1Ll · :it u.1noment 's ca.l!. r that most common of American mnlad!es. . ·. ' · d'fli L d Sh to b b t f n cnd i s Pl.Ult\ D \·, l >l ' Bll!ous DyspHwsia, or 'J'or pid Liver, nssoc1at~d ongm m the fancy or the senses is not 1 · childish pleasure in her conquest, and her up<>n ?ne ID on on. e requires . e oa. s. The British Government is a.bout to aba.nwith Dyspepsia. or Indigestion. 'l'be more cult to eradicate. A love t hat has no more lover's devotion, and the sunny future that set ofI by the back ground of a med1:£val · don the island of Ascension, 780 miles south complicated yoru· disease _has ,become, the solid foundation than a beautiful face does fay before theirfeet. All was altered now; Abbey.". greater themattei· number aud diversity symp- not t ake a very strong h oId of a.nm · t e11ectn· she had loved and suffered· her pride had "She IS the most unseIfish an d pure-mmd · of St Helena which it seilled in 1815 solely toms. No what stage it 1i,1sof reached, 'I' ~KEN I NTE:RN,\LLY, it cureeD~ sent cry, D r. i"]crce"s G o idc.u l'II cdica l D iscove ry al character. A drfon was too clever 11 man been crushed , her sp irit broken; and then, ed woman in this world," protested Helen, for the purp;ae of prevent ing the possible Cl!1>l ·.::i1.l , Dun rl m i Ur.1rnp . LJ (1 Pai n i n the 'Y" ll s~bdne it, 1f talcen accord·l).g to direc- not to discover when the glamour of that all at once, like the awakening of Spring, warml¥· and then she.turned her back upon e8ca.pe of Napoleon. ~J t<.; m;Jch . ] ;m,c 1 t , i1 plm 111 s , P.iiul t:r 's Coli c . ~t?~:d f~~H~t~~:_1;;~~e~?1~f,~~-v0~1~~mtSon!~~g~ first love had faded a little, that the wo- life had seemed to begin 11ga.in, as if all the the trio-Mr. Beechmg, St. Aus~ell, and Three La.ncashire Judges sentenced a J l ~>PO!M "' l t.1o1~·· L 1011 , Suddca Colds, Soro Thtoat, C o u g-t1s . ,\ e . t ion oft h e J,ungs, Skin Disease~, Heart Disease, m·n he had adored was too shallow and world were newly ma.de. Leonora-1md walked to an open wmdow at l' t bl k t f te d , h ·d 1 8 0 USED E X'i ] :J ,::-; ALJ,Y, it cures Bruises , Rlwu1 nat1sm, K!dne;v Disease, O_l' other gmvo light minded to be worthy of broken heart s. M B dd 1 Ill ht f d h the end of the room, and stood looking out 1 ~ery a ~ eeper o~r . en ays at. Cuts , Hu rnl'I . t-: t:.1 11."" n d Sp ram s . Swcll m~s of mnlad1es arc qmto lmhk to set. m c ind, soon er She ho coufd so easily transfer her allllgi~· a e .ey roug o~wa.r er most watching L3.dy Belfield'b hired Victoria. 11s it a or for being drunk while m cha~ge of his the ,Jorn t8, 'Coo, \..1cho, Pan1 1 n tlio P.1cc , Neu w luxurious cbair, and established Lady Bel- t d d th f th 8t t "th horses. He had taken out a weddmg party 0 ,. later, rnduce a fatal tcrrnluatwn. ral l!10 rrn d ]>-.Ji e um ltl " In. JlJ ::f,t Sol ubyJ)~n, lcts Dr. Jl' ier c e 's !(;:o l d.e n lllled lca l Dis- ance from one brother to the other, who field in a shady nook by the oriel window, urne rou~ bl' c~r~e\o e ree ' WI and. brou!ht them safely home. 1 1u l1.uu1Jy TulcdiCrncs t he ·w orld Atotmrl. c o v e r y acts powe.rflllly upon the Liver, and eould break faith at the first t emptation, while H elen stood dreaming. eySe~t aAmost 11 fmlle dyh eatrs.th . d They are havin~ hard work fiad1'ng h't'd 25 C ENTS ?t::f~ B OTILC t hrough t.hat great bl ood-pnl'l t~iug oi·g_an, was not a womi;n to dit: ior And even that "y Ji d . th d' h ll d , us e o owe er o e wm ow. ~ ~ cleanses tho syst em of all blood-taints and 11n' · ou n us m ra. er a ie eve e con"Wh t "t' t ·t · ·h" ·h pan for the foua ation of the now bridge tevc 1 ca use ru isin[t . It ia pot~nt charm of beauty began to lose its d"t" " "d M rs. B a ddel e_y ; " w_e were every cha.nee a a touch sens1 IV6 ure to I IS "' ic Beware of Comitcr feits :nlll Imitations. ·t ies· from ,vht' I , , 1, 1 " b l ion, . sai c·n na move pa"in," he a cross the Thames at Ea.st New London, equally crncae1outi 111 noting u pon t o Kid- po1ver over his memory after a yea.r 's a · l t h f d th ~ neys, and 9ther excretor y 01gans, cleansing, sence Greece showed him women as _a e commg ome rom our ri e IS morn- said. "You ought not to expose yourself Conn. Tho h11ove put apilea down 113 feet, ~Im'··"~· ;t: p;Tu;'tffi'i'».l!!!>lP~m strengthenmg, nnd heniulg t hou· diseases. As ·. · · mg. Our horses were verv fresh, and we to th" k" d f th" H 1 y ht land h&v e not got to goJid e:uth yet It is THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. a n appetizing, restorntiwi t onic\ it pr\lmotea beautiful, ~ta.ly ~bowed him a more pict.ur· were obliged to give them a little extra work. t o be ~a r ~~ayofrorr:~~~ po:~1~llity ~fJ·:~~ng thought that bottom will b e roe1chod ~t about cligeat1on and nutrition, t hereby lmilclmg up esque lovelmess m the faces of peasant girls I think we were the very last people in the . fl " ,, feet bot.11fi<'sh an<;J str ength: Jn mnlari~I distrlcte, by t he way side while in society he met I>-w, were n't we, St. Austell'." ID uences. . · 130 · th1~ " ouderful medicme has g11111ed g-rcut · 'h a l' · "" A conven t' 'l'Jsoon b e h eId m · in cm·mg Fever 1 u1d Ague, Ciulla a nd women who, wit ittl e 1 ess t h _ an H el ens She called him ·St. Austell tout court a . M r. B eech m g h a.d f ~und speech b y this ion of p arrot s WI celebr!tv Fever, f>umb Ague, £Uld kindred diseases. beauty, po>se6 sed the cha.rm of mtellectual fr d h" h b! t ' bl ' t time, and was exchanging muffied remarks Turin, and a ,;reat m any learned old fellows comr.rnn!Ir.xrrnctcf Pm Re~ Jamaica ee om w ic was very o JBC 10na. e o 'th M B dd l th h d th t d b p Dr. Pie t·ce's Gold ell' IticdleaJ D l g~ power and brilliant accomplishments. L d B lfi ld ,. WI rs. a e ey, &s ey s .i.re ea · are expecto to e pre1ent. riz ~s will be eovery H e learnt his lesson in those years of a.. ) a~ you are r iding, Helen," the teoontdiolens and chance soaps of the Tory given to the bas~ singer, the brighteat CURES AILI!.. HUMORS, exile, and thanked God t h a.t he was able to mother-in-law said, gently. P · conver sationalist , and the finest orator. .A from a common Illot ch, or E l'llpt1on. to the learn it. " y es, it is very nice t o ride in the Row Wh en had Lord St. A~s~ll begun to ca.ll great ni11.ny queer stories h ave been told worst Scrofula. So lt-rheum, "Fever-sores," " 1 h ave been a.way from you an uncon· when there is no better riding pos~ible. Mrs. B~lfield by h er Christian name? a.bout parrots; but the commg show will give For t he c111 c o f Scr ofitla, S n.It R h eum. Cnnccr, H 1 ld t b th t the world ch·nce to know pr~1 · sely -h t Scnl" or ltoun-h Skrn, in short, all diseRses all Skin n 1~e~t.~~~, 'IulllO IS, J~ nla.13 e n 1·11 t of tlw ca 11ae<l by bod blood nrc conquered by this sciona.ble t ime, dearest mother," he wrote, Valentine was so kind to b uy me 11 horse." e en cou no remem er e exac mo· " ~ w " "' Lrvc1 arnl Splrcn 1 lthe.1matw AfJ'r.ctio11s, chseasei;) powerflll, p ulif~iirJJ , n.nd inv1gorat111g rnedi- k nowing how k eenly Lady Belfield had felt " H e only did what was right, " said L a.dy n;ent of that mark~d. change fr?"!!' ~onven· they have to eay. of t hn J\uln cys, l31add er ~md lJ11muy Oigaus, Berlin, it seems, has gu.dually becom e clne. Great Eating Ulc(·rs 111 pidly heal under hiB absence ; "but t be purpose of my ban- Belfield, wondering why the young wife tiona:l respect to pc1vileged fa.~1hanty. It o»pressions of i hc Cli tu.t or I~un g8, J..ieu corz hca, Cn.tnrr h, n 11d ril l <l Hi~nR~R lfHHlltmg f1 om a tl e1~t~~n:~~1 1;g£~':i°d~c~n C~l';!i~~-'ql!Jti~~~ llc~%1!: ishment ia fulfilled , I am going home to blushed crimson a s she mentioned h er hns waa ln a walt z perhaps, when, mred by ex· the he11odquarters of t he carved w oed indus 1n~'l vcd an d unpui: e c ondition o f the b ioo d Eryi;ipelng, Boils, Carb1rn clPs, Sore Eyes, Scrof. you cnred. No hidden feelings of mine will band's gift. "He rides with you, I hope ?" q uisite musi c, c;he h i:-._d l:eld on t~o l ong, and try, aup plamting Switzerland. Six hundred ulous Sores and Swellings, Hip-joint Disease, over make a. difficulty between Valentine " Oh no; his hunters are at grass. He ti~d b <en almost fam il?g on h1a shou!clei;, artists in wood car ving, the same number of CA Url'r OY .-A:-;J-., for " D 1. Oluinn i11u1s "White Swellmg·s," Goitre, or ten 'l'hick Neel>, ' h e b lus. h sa.y she h at esthe B.ow. L eo andJride to· w1 th t h ewor ld a ll meItmgrou n d h er, as I f turn ers, an d 700 ca.rpeners t ·n and l~n lax ged Glands. Send cents in andme, orputVi.ilentineswifotot are engap;e d i ,.4?,arsa11a1·illfl*' taht~ lit> othw r 1n its 1:>lace ri eatise, with ooloreo I cau be to her h en ceforward as a brother . " gether." there were ;:-o. more reality in liie, only a manufacturing such s.rticles as cigar ca~es, etamps for a large · pJnteJ>, on Skm Diseases, m· tho same :unounl T his letter relieved Const ance B elfield's " You have a. good groom I hope. " ·Weet vague.dmm ess, t he perfume of golden newspaper a.nd picture fiames, u,.pkin ring11, D<1,vis & Lil,wrence Co., Limited, for r. ~'reatise on Scrofulous All'ections. mind of a heaYy burden, the fear of ba.d " No, we have no groom. ' The tnB.n comes lilies, golde~ ligh~ glimmeri~g in a pale &c.. Th.e v~lue of he annual expo1·t of these SOL E AGENT S, ··FO R T H E 9 L~OEJ R S THIE L IFE." blood between those two sons who were her r ound from t he liver y stables to moun t us h ,ze, and his voice murmurmg tenderly, urticles 1s .;1ven a 5,000,000 ma1ke, and tb1a Thoroughly cleanso it by using Jlllr, Pier ce's 1111 u pon t hie earth. 8 he loved t hem both and we generally have an escort of som~ "Helen, my H elen." i1 exclusive of che costly carved wood furnift&'mt2'~~ Gol den Jlled ie al D i!.covery, a ml good too well to have been happy while there w 11s kind," concluded Mrs. tiaddeley. " Wee.re ·was it thus, or in s ome other way, t he tu re, t he manufacture ..nd expurt<>tion of l{lll, buoyant spirits, vital any shadow of ill.feeling b etween them. p~rfectly safe, I a ssure yuu. " ch ing _e c . ame 11.h.out? She h11rdly knew. which are lil.Ssuminglal'"e pro1 > ortions. dlgestwn, a 1nlr B DIGESTWE OR A FTER DINN ER PILLS, strength and bodily hoalth will be established. b " for euf(cl ikd d1 2cstion , JH O H owever she might lean to V alentine, sh e L'.ldy B elfield wa s not t o be assured upon Notl~u:g m ,her hfe seemed to have ha d a eRobert S tv.ine~. 57 years of age, 11.nd in 1 TABLETS <ln()Nl llo 111 w ,1nt o f p roper 1 knew that Adrian was in all t hings the finer tl.iis p oint. g norng_. 8he had ~oated a.long she knew the employ of Thoma~ R obb, a farmer ne11.r ...._ soc1eh on of t h o Gastnc Juice~ which is Scro i u.la ot' tlic L u ng11, is ar rested character and the better son; and the sor" I t hink my son is wrong in allowing his ~ot whither, lu~led m balmy z ephyrs, lapperl Lynn, E ngland, wae rolliug a field with a 'l~hey giv e iunn ..~ dia. te 1:elic fin Dyz;pe1>s ia. nud Iudi ges1io n. and cured by t lus remedy, if talten in the row th at h 11.d fallen upon him through his '. wife to ride wit hout proper 11ttendance, " Ill w~rm ~unsh;me : she had d rifted dow n a tea.m, iucluding a ~tal!iori , w hich was m uzJJI R HOT I ONS - T<tk t>, oae or two p1lls imm e.diatel·J afti' ~l~~~ ~~~~~ ~~e1tr11 ~i'fe ~~1iiii'r~:l i~s::' ~~: brother's rivalry had been a source of deep I she said gra vely. Hopica l nver m an atmosphere 1>f dream· zled, as i t was in t he hab it of biting, Su derz tl11 q ur 1~lu,a 1;11t}eHu g /nm~ Iml t!JC1$CWn , Lun1 p 111 , 1 ,, '1.h1oae >r J'l ri!n~r,ncc. . St. Austell turned the conversation into land. He called her H elen now as a. matter den ly it t urned r ou nd, and, makiug an a.t. wben first otfermg this now world-famed rem- est pa.in to h er. 8u·q1lt11 set1t f ie<'· A.d1lre!I" ~he edy t o the public, Dr. Pierce thought seriously It was not t ill h e had gone from the Ab· a pleasanter channel. How long did Lady of cou~se ; and he told h er every day a:nd t 1ck upun the shaft horse, broke the muzzle. Davis & Lawrence Co , (Limited.) Montreal. of culling it his " CONSUMPTION cum,,," but bey that she k new how dear that elder son Belfield contemplate remaining in town, man. Y t.imes a d.ay that there.was somet hmg Staiaeu went to quiet t he animals, when hA SOLE abandoned tha.t name as too r est rJCtivo for v a medicine which, from ita wonderful com- h ad been t o her, or how essential to the 1 and what was she going to see. H e ran amisi in h er l 1f e. Th at w h 10h. was wrong was knock ed down and crushed beneath the ~@.WBIP ~ · bination of tome, or etrenl;lthening, alterntite, happiness of her life. His wayward brother I over the names of the Theatrea- he talhed was l~er fee~'.e l~old up on propriety, h er l_ a st stallion 's feet. It pluck ed with its t eeth at HIND' S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM. or b lood-cleansing, a nt l-b1 llous, pectoral, and had occupied more of h er thoughts, an~ h ad! of Hurlingham and Ra.nelagh. 'J'he p ict ure ten acious c.rngmg t o he~ dll:ty aa a wife. Staines's left ha.nd and tore off three fingers, f1'1" C:h:mnf'l<l l h 1n ih T<' : H"tt ;m il I,H lS Jlo u~h a nd lfonl Sk1 11, ~ut~1i~:~e~?¥~~t1gi been a constant sou rce of mat ernal anx iety ; g al!G r ies, the latest conjuring trick, the J~er foo.tRtep s wer~ faltermg Just ~ipon the cau ght his right arm in it s mouth a.nd broke Ch:i.'ing ::hrnlm1n 1~urns, Seal 1:-J ltc rnu)!", Ch1l bl 1in;i Sr.r1· 0~:u~%~ib'ii~egut1~r 0 ChroPic v i§eascs of the b ut Ad rian had been the companion of her · n ewest thought-reader. hit her s1~e of the !me that ,:ievers mnocence and crush ed it below the elbow, and dislo. 1'i1 np \1?S ' Han ~ N:i.il s,' :..ud .il l unroh :t.":i.nt con m i1ons or t.hc :Sluu or 111' t <: n r\.l~t-"1 BN~w.e-i;..,11,...so ftcned i. u one days, had sympathised with her in all her "I am not very r abid about amusemenvJ," from gm lt. She cou ld still hold up .hei: cat ed his shoulder . Mr. Robb li&d three of miht !'nee i'ltl ccn t o b1.1 t1lc. Sol d h J l>l ui;,..,1sts. p nrnuits, enter e.d _into _all her plans f?r ~he said Lady Belfield. " I want to see as ~iead ~nd say t? ~·erself, "I m11>y be J?aSSl~n h is r ibs fractured in t rying to get the horse For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Shol·t- good ot others, JOIDed ID her every aspiration much as I can of my daughter ." ately m love w1ta St. Au stell, as he IS w ith .-..wa.y from Sti\ines, and a fad who was rcnnoos of n i·eath, Chrome Knsul Catarrh, Br on- and elevating t h ought. He ha? been her H elen's eyes.fill ed at tha.t word " daugh- me; but I am ~rue to m y h usband all the dcr ing allilisbi.nce h ad his arm bitten and ch1t is, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred second self, and she only knew it when he ter," spok en with ex breme tenderness. same, an~ ~,othmg. could ever temp t m_e to some sinews drawn ou t by t he b r11te. The ~~~~i0g:· :fir~6g~~t~'.11;le$L~'6~~~!Slx Dot tlee vas gone. "You a.re too good to me," dhe faltered. ?etra:l'. him. Tellmg_herself t ha.t she hved h(}rae h1.1d b een in S tl'.ines's charge for ten IN CANADA. for $5.0 0. The lett er ann ouncing hia rctum m~de h er "I w ish V alentine were in L :>ndon to help Ill daily commune with the t empter, the years, e,nd W [l.S 15 y ears old . OVER STYLES OF W-Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's feel ten years younger. It was so d elightful me m ak e much of y ou : but he has gone n_ian whose name was a synonym for seduc· book on Consmnption. Address, to her t h 11t he should writ e in good sp irits; 1 over to Paris for the Longchamps rn.ces. twn ; 11;n d who was so much .the. more dan . HAY SCALES, World's Dispensary Medical Association, that he should be full of hopefulness about' You know how devoted h e is to racing. 1 gerous Ill her case beca~se this time he was GRAIN SCALES, bhe fut ure. suppose he will be back in two or three really and despera~ly m love. 663 1'.lain St,, BUF FALO. N. lf. " I should like to see wha t the world is d ays." (TO BE CONTINUim.) Livci· Complaint, F'ARM SCALES, doing before I bury tllysclf at t he dear old "You don't know when he is to b e back?" Dyspepsln, Abbey ," he wrote; " so I have engaged "I never know till within an hour or nntousness, TEA SCALES, room~ at the A lexan dr a. for t 'ie second an d t wo. He is so erratic. H e says he never "External Use Only." Sick nea·lllehe, third weeks in June, with the notion t h at lik es t o forecast his life, to for feit the privi· Amcnir th e twelve thousand Eaglieh man Kidney n ·oubles, IMPROVED SHOW CASES you would not m ind joining me th ere, W e lege of changing his m ind. H e comes back engaged in deep eea fishing ther e are m any Jtbcnrnntism , can d o the round of opera s and theatres and from Newmarket , or York, or P arfo, jt1.st 11s ca.sed of fro. ct ure and confusion. F ormerly Sirin lHseases MN see all the pictu re galleries in a for tnight, u nexpectedlv as he comes from bis club." not hing conld be done for a poor fellow but and all leavin~ a margin for your dresa. maker and " He is t he best of fellows, but l really t o take him t o L ondon in the ste~mer which b 111 m r lties of th e RA my t ailor. . think he was made for a bachelor, " st1id S t. carried t h e fish from the smacks t o mark et., i'Iootl t'rmn " lrnt · u tC h . Lady BelfieldL had not been Ill ..i:ond~n Anstell airily. "He has such a thorough For two days or more he had to be tossed I cvc1· ca ..se:u·ish1g m ea appers smce sh e_ wen. u~ t.o _see her _mv~~~d apprecia tion of manly liberty. You must ~bout_ in agony befora ~e cou.ld receive med· I CI.lli: A i\i'H'. ~' I AND BUl'CHERS' SUPPLIES d.111gh.t e .r-m w. t "\ :ileut me and h. lS "· ue l1a.ve ex:i.ctod very lit t le from him ln his !Cal aid, ll.n d many a h fe might have been b'l\I: li:IH IllA Iii UJ m · h d ted la h th Abb t A DDRESS IN F ULL, Write for terms. a . v1s1 . er a e ~y wice smce boyhood, Lady Belfield," saved could t he injur ed man h ave been treatPrice, 75c. (with P ille $1.) C. WILSON & SON, t heir mar n age, a':1d Valentine . ha.d been "I hope I nevei' exacted anyt hing fro m eel at once. An amusing etory, t old in an t'.1ere for. the hun.tmg_~nd shoo~rng several either of my sons," answered Constance English h ()ok, illust rates t he rou gh and-- T RYESPLANAD E STREET EAST tuues, without h is wife; r unnmg dow~ to gravely. ' r eady doctoring p i·acbiwd by t he fishermen : D l'. HOD DE R'S TORON T O, ONT. hnnt or sh oot for a few days, and gorng That light ton e of St. Austell's j ar red One rough morning Bill Jenks was passback t o.London at t he first unfavorable upon her. Them!l.n'apresenceinthat room, ing upaboxoffish r om the yawl boat t o Mention th1spaper eve1y time you write. change 1!1 _tho wea~her. H e treate~ t he and his easy fo.mHiar1tv with both sisters, the stea m car rier. The box slip ped, fell, l ' -----·----~--------h ouse as if l~ wer~ his own, .telegr aphmg to gB.ve her v.n uncomfor table tceling. She struck Bill on the thigh a ud dis11bled h im. (ver y small and easy t o take.) ~ .!,~ ll"._!. -m' a.nno~nce _ h is arrival, ~eavmg at ha:lf an found hernelf wondering whet her he was Bill was put on bo :i,rd th e steamer , and ia NO GRIPING. N O NAUSEA. .,,,f1 ~ J~ !~ 1 Alli l~ hour s not ice, d.nd standmg upon n o kmd of often t here ; e.nd whether he was chief t wo days was ut!der the are of a L ondon , . . ?r t OF CAN A D A . ceremony. L ady Belfi~ld had been pleased a mong t he "escor t· of whom .M:rs. B~ddeley doctor who "a ve h im a lcroe b ot tle with a I Sold everywh ere' price"" cen s. that it should be so. She was glad that her h ad spoken so confidently red label on ~hich was p-rf nred " F or E x- I 'l'lle UNI ON ~nmu::INI!: (~O .· J>UOP IUETORS . (lapUal paid up, l!ll,OOO,GOO. R e st, $~Co,co son should treat her house a.a his home. · " Can yon go t o t h e opera · , h me t o· t erna1 U se 0 JJ1y. " 'l'orouto Can· VETERINARY RUR.GJiJON, wit --·- -------~ ThiB Bank is pr epar ed to do L eg!U. She came t o L·mdon a day . before Adrian morrow evening, Helen?" she ask ed. As .Bill didn ' t k n ow ~he meaning of ex· a ~ /} TO RONTO STEAM LAUNDRY, ON'I'. mate B a nking in a ll Us b ranches. ORONO. was expect ed,. so tl~at she might at the H elen looked a.t her sistu. t ern al, the doctor expla.med that b e must ,-13. o® Q ~ ' oronto. 106 York s t. 'l. F a.rmorB n ot.ea d isco u n t ed ; Deposits hote~ to receive him, or meet him a t the " I'm afraid not," said Mrs. Baddeley , rub t h e c on tents of i he bott le on the out· ~ ~ termmus, She had brought books and "we are b ooked for a dinner in Park L ane side of his in ued thhh. Bill rubbed forcib :1 SMIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS , eceived and l nterest pai d on a m ou nt s of t!I scent bottles, p ap e_r-cutters an.d work - l1nd a dance in Grosven or G·rdens,,, ' ly and fre iu mtly and in a few days was A · ! [] a specia1ty. Out of town w or k 15 upwards i n Savings B ank De p a.rtn1en t~ V b k I h lik t w d ' fl D lJJ ' promptly attended to and returned · as eta enoug 1 to &·v~ a ome- e aspec "The n ext n ight, t h en." rea y t-0 r etur n t o the eet on the ogger poi· instnwtions. D R AF'l' S even t o an hotel s1ttmg room. ~he had "There is another dance,-two do.n oes, " B!l.nk. G p SHARPE Pr · t [~suecl a n d Collections made In Europa brought 11 great basket of flowers from t he replied H elen; " but I ca n go with you to Before r e·urnin" he called on the doctor · · · oprie or. Abbey g arde!1a and hot -houses, and she the Opera before my dances." il.n d o.aked for t;;~ more b ottles of " that ~ext c lo01 · to Palmer honse. Harnly to Union Un i t ed Stat.es a nd Canada.. ll.Dd her. maid wer e at .work i;early all "No, I will not allow that. You look ere physic." ))_".pot. W ··1· ·TONES, Mc~!Iurtry the mo:m?-g after her arrival fil!mg va~es, frl1gile enough as it ia. I won't cause you "You see, air," su.id he, " I t hou gh t it ~=======.==========:! A~a n and bmldm g u p a bank of bloom m the fire- a ny extra fatigue, But do y ou really go out might be u s_ eful ail!-ong our men. We 'r"' a:_ll Are p repared to pay the h ighest price plaoe. e very evening?" of u s a -gettm' a. bit of a rap now and agm , __ A~rian was no~ ex p: cted till six ~n t he I "My dear ·Lady Belfield, just think , it in our rough life, and whether the hurt k ills ! It never was in tended 8 0 f ar aa r can learn a ll kin ds of G rain d elivered at t he evem.ne, when his t ram was t o arrive at is the very height of the season!" said Mrs. us outright or only lames us like is all 'I That either men or womou w01·o inte nded to Charing Cross. . . Bad deley. "If we h ad not a good many en- accor din' as 'ow it 'appens." . b e ball. . . W harf or the ir Store House in town. L ady Bel~el~ order?d a ca.1na.ge and gagements now we should be indeed very The doctor gave Bill two largo bottles of I tbmk you ,will bellev e m e, Indeed Im s11re drove t o 'V1lk1e Ma!ls10ns about an hour little in r equest. When I ceale to be want- liniment, red lab el and all, thinkmg th at if If 11i~~e".~'#~ris H a ir \VQrks" you have called. after luncheon. .M.rs. Belfield w as not at ed at three or four different houses every a mist~ke . should be m ade, t urpentine --o-nigh t in Jun e I shall know t hat I am on t he wouldn t k ill a h ardy fisherman. I Thor~~!iii~te~hl~f.11K~J~1 ~e,.;~nks of- let us home, "I think y01~ ,wil! find my ~niatress over t he shelf." On the day j oined his smack, a p oor j Sh e takes particular trouble with our race ; And with its advent way, my lady, said t he maid, when she sa w "It is a. wretchedly ex hausting life for fellow was lyrng ill in anoth er vessel wi th She knows a. scanty growth or hair, the gray Lad y Belfield's card and t he lady's look of <>ny young woman " said L ady Belfield "brownchitis." T he skipper , hearing that j . and white;iing locks. <l;isB.~pointment. "Or I can fetch her if you · " I t is a wretch~dly exhausting life,' but Bill .:[enks had returned With two bottles of I W ill det~act from the beauty of ~he fac~h ke. on e must endure i t for a m onth or six week s physic, sent a crow to bor row one. I But Nature has her laws so striot th a , you " Sheisat :M:rs. Baddeley's, you mean ?" in the year uuleso one wants to foll out of "Wh at cheer ,OldBilll"shouted t hecr ew, \ ,,, mua~dnever1 err:. t h lt t i t "Yea mylady" · th "d f 1 k 1 ,,oryou 6ureyp"'y epen a ya as, , .11, 1 · · the ranks altogether. Helen moped horribly a s ey came a ongs1 e o :>I s amac . Suetain it . thH.t bounteous head of hair has open ed ou t a fin e new stock " T~anks, I:u go there at once." till Valentine and I took her in h and, and "Ull y er _let 's have th;e fo.an o' a bottle o' \ D r. Doren wen d's Hair Magic's unsurpassed. A silvery npple of faughter greeted Con- shook her despondency out of her ; and now your physic! .1".ed,,Prwe is tuk awful bad Just try it vou affiicted, you Mver w lll regret. -ofstance Belfield s ear as_ th_e ?oor was opened 1sh e is as happy a~ a bird." of t~e brownch1trn I . . · \ 'l'he Mastic was nevee y~t known tn(o.il; · , - · - -- - - - - - · - - - ----- - -by the very s mallest rnd1V1dual .~£the pa&e Lady Belfield contemplated her son's wife Bill passed over a. bottle of hmm?nt , and ID And t~~~~~~ ~~~:e~t w1l, do J {}11 well make genus- thesmallestandthesmattest. H is thoughtfullyfora.fow moments and·hedi'd a quarterofan hourtheone large 1rongravy . Thy d' b tt' ' ll t 1 ""'"""""' 11· . perf t s t ye, 1 h" . t not think that the expr ession of , that"lovely spoon posrnsaedby t h e smack wL>s fil . h. eexpeu lturea 0 .cw1 . cna! . . ~ !m~~~ .~ I 1very w~s 1u ec 1s mno_ceu led wit . ,~ ~ ~~ \~Q~\ ~ , flaxen hai!' was br ushed as care~ully 11,s if he face was one of perfect serenity. There was the "phy::,iJ," an d, in spite of th.e red; la.bi.I, T l;1rn n ow fa.mons preparat. on for m v 1 g. Ha.s recelved her new stock of ha~ been m 8: crack ~avalr;v !'egtment. . a troubled look in the larfle violet eyes, a pom·<'.d d own Ned's throat . He liked it; the oratmg 1 md strnrnlatmg the gruwth of the I and a lovely st ock of The lobby mto w~ich this m~a~t admit ted nervous res tlessness about the mouth, dose was repeated and repeated until the big hnir rn universally accepted as the most ! .., LadyBelfi?ld waap1ctureeque~n1~sarrange· Mr. Beeching sat in a low chair, teasing bo~;le ~as e_mpty. , valuable specific o11 th~ n1arket. All nd invites the Ladies of Bow ment_ of oriental drapery and trnpical ~e.~ms; Mrs. Baddeley's poodle all thia time, and Hes fimshed that 10·, skipper, said one diseases of the ·calp are either r dieved or .., 1 but it was v_ery small, and o~y d tvided did not committ himself b y speech. He had of the crew., "Hadn't we ?,et tcr go and per manently cure d. A rich an·1 rapid 1 Y manville and vicinity to call froi;n t he dra~1!1g-room by a CU!'ta,~, thro~1gh aquired a lmost a reputation as the most si- borrow that ere other bot tle? . r ow th of h!!.il' will follow aftel' . ud icioua which the v1s1tor heard ma.sculme voices lent man in London "Well, no," answered the skipper. "Let' a g " . l · L d" · , t f h · f fi and s ee her Pattern an d lauaht er before the page could announcs 'l'h dl · 'fi . see how this un w orks first" and regular treatm en t. I " r amams with a ies Ill wan o a c oice o ne h " e poo e was an art! ma! persona~e, · the user alone t o s ecu re the desired F D G d 1 · . D D ~ er. spoiled by London h ours a nd high living It worked a wondc,., for before the d ay d ' " H . 1'1 . ,, 1 ancy ry oo s, p ease give me ¢ , On the curtain being lifted she saw the blase, cynical. He wore three tufts on hi~ was over the sick man was sitting up , an d ~esu1ts. r. orcn~ven " air agw ! 11 I 1 th · dl and assortmen t oi sisters lounging grn.cefully in low b amboo! thaven back , and three t ufts on h is aspiring and the i:iext day he was on deck. "That Ill s~ld by all drngg1sts at $1 per ~ottle, a ca . 1ave em Ill en ess ch~ir.s, dress~d almost alike in .limp white, s11il, silver collar, and silver bracelets, and 'er? physic" w·~s afterwa rd a part oft~e ves- ?r 1nx b o Ltles _ fo r $5. ~f not ob tamahle, variety at store, opposit e S. A. muslm m ormng gowns, lac~ betnmmell, dia-1 would bite his dearest friend. He had been ael s stores,_ and was used for evcrythmg ex- . m y our locality sen~ d1re~t to the sole j Barracks. phanous, e thereal. Helens heavy plaits of l over educated and w as supposed a.t these t ernal and mternol. man u factur er, enclosmg price. A. aubu~n hair had fallen down, and were t imes to suffer tr om pressure on the b rain. · - ·--! WE ND, P aris Hair Wor k s, 103 and 105 S'l'8B.Ez- Sec·ndDoorWes& o f w m.ta.. 1hangmg on her. shoulders. · H er d!'ess h ad ! He played the p iano, walked upstairs on his Sir M orell Mackenzie never a ccepts a fee Y onge S t ., T oronto. For sale by J. l1t,eker IUall' altogether an air of desh ab1lle, which Lady hind legs , shut the d oor , and ill.l!ulted Mr, from a professiom\l singer . Higginb o t ham & S on, aud all drug~1sts. I Bowmanville, March 13, 1888. 12 ~Rilillillllftli~~-~!!l'iilPE!!~~-!!!!·~llllil!l!~m!!1!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!i!!'!'!!i'.!ll!Lf!!~VT~R~~~--~~-!!gs;;~ !§-= :rml~~ll~ll~~l~L&~~~~-~~!11Wm~U!il!~-!!!ll~·!!·!!!~!!!!!!~~T!ll!!11!!!f!A~~-~-!!'! '!'.!!!'!~=~==t!'MN~==~!!~~!!!'i!~77!!!!!!.!!!!!_!_!~~'.?W~ .~-~ - ~!!!!_!_!l_!_!l_!!!_!.!._ !!!! .~!!! .· !!! ..!~9 Gla.dstone in dumb show whenever apiece of l FOREIGN NOTES. ~-~' -::_.~--~NO<ffiijl JtatttJnutu. LIKE AND I I -- 0 r:"' . r f,e r s By M. E. BRADDON, HAT I Ls I A · YO u ? I . ,. . I I I L I ° I I I I I d Dr. CHANNING'S ;lad SARSAPARILLA 1 0 CONSUMPTION, I I m I I .>. G X~TS. li.i) · Bl 00d' and l ungs. l aver, 1 I I I p 1;1 THE LARCEST SCALE \YORKS ·oo O EY D WERS 1 1 Tm : ·r SPR Iim Cm E 91 L ·ttle L i.Ver P i. ll S "'f il\R D BA 'K I pe I I ' GR) A I N Jno. & Co. I I i AtWTHER WONDER. -S PRING- 0 :Sill m . IVES I~ ilal C TAVl' 'il. H /; ! E m b ro1der1es, II.1 aces, pushe l s Go 0 D S L · " · I I ! lAOlfS' f IN f uNDfRWf AR B 0 NN ET HATS "f R J M M I N G S l I DORN-, MRS. IVES.