ssrnrnmw1!1;f11.~rat!lll'-liffllfll·&Z PD - ft-th._,B_ 'bl rk p-·1-. ' P rogress. I roR AND ABOUT WO.MEN. a er . e i e 1 ·e 1 gri.m s J has never . feel sorry for the mother w 'tl th 1 reated herself and her childrif Wl e JlY ALICE GO LDSMl'rH. . H b d wonderful melody of Bunyan's · re_am. . · ,. . . A Hmt to us an S· j Many mother8 don't belie:-v ~ _m telhni? A . F rench marq u1s cuv1~ed women mto WEDNESDAY, J U NE 13 1888. Little Mrs. E velyn s tood before her hus- / stories to childr en after they a e 111 be~. I two classes: vYomen who h~ t~n and ~omen ......; band ready t o a.tteud church. I do. Half t he children g o t o oe~ ~al! an who . do not, and w~en ?;vmg advice on "How do I look ?" she asked pleasantly, 1 hour c1.1rlicr if necessary for t ho privilege. matrnnony al ways said, Marry a handslowly pivot ing fol· his inspection. . , T he t rouble so many times, ls with our - some wom&.n if you will, a r ich one if you " Hum l" said Mr. E velyn, laying down selves. W e m11okest udying t nc Bible a du ty can, but in any case marry a woman who : j: · .· :, his paper and t1.1k ing up his hat," you would and keeping Sunday a bnrden, I tbink Sun- lietens.' .' T his is a good qualification in a 1 look better if you loft off t h1.1t disfiguring stuff day afternoon ought to have more priv ileges woman, but Ism amused in my work among on your face." than any other day of the week, 11nd I think ex changes, t o note the divers and numerous " T he powder ! Oh, Albert, my nose shone the time of hearing the bible ought to be a a.ccomplishment~ and endowment s we are so it r eally looked perfectly horrid. " lit tle cosier t han any other hour. required t o possess. W e must ride, walk, "Let iu shine," said Mr. Evelyn sternly; An ignoran t y oung moth or talked to me and swim; sing, and per form on some musi· " if my nose shone like a. goltl dollar in a once, in grea t diemay, about her boy, who cal instrument ; must cook, and mend ; oftw r efused to say bis prayers. T he result must t alk, and be silent, and one sagacious mud gutter I would'nt dab powder on it ." "No-o, I suppose not, Bat will I do ?" woukl be a pitc.:hed b!!.tt le between t he t wo, writer says, " Be sure t he woman you "Do 1 Of couroe you'll do l What queer ~,nd a ,compulsory repeat ing of th'? ~~ayers. marry _ can laug~, for a woman who cannot questions you ask." Don t e;er let that happen aga1~, I en- laullh 1s a bore. · . The t eare welled up in the young wife's ~reated. ' If yo?- see the battle commg, focus . In regard ~o the h atenmg won an, let me eyes,~and a Iu:np grew in her throat Where it. on another pomt . . A goo_d gene rnl choooes g1!'e you a hm~. Ii ~he _ 1.1.ttempts to do a'fly were the expressions of admiration that Ins own. battlcfi~ld 1f possible. Then have th1i:;g except lrnten '!bile you are. talkmg, Albert Evelyn had used so lavishly in the everything specially pleasant about prayer don t take any etock m her as a satisfactory daya of their courtship ? "Beautifol " time. Tell him a story, give him a new toy I listener. J1eware of her if she is crocheting, "lovely " "lo<ik like an angel!" " chari:i. and,iu his happiest mood, have p rayer time ! or t atting, or embroid ering crimson peaches ing." She had not changed. She still Lome." She promised me t-0 do Dhie. on old-gold plush, for she will thiuk far thought her husband the most attractive of Two monthe afterward that boy was run more about her st itches or shading of over by an engine and instantly killed. If · silks than about t he t ale you are unfolding. men. An dinner the next day she prepared a was with his mother in a few hours, a,nd al- As a wife she will perhaps be able to darn surprise for him. moat her first words were, "I never had any the family hose and listen wit h due a.tten~- ---· . HO -·U · ...SE_ H_ . o·-L · D-.·- - . . bl ; _ "j1nl~~!lllf.t'J~41!1~ . ~--~!!!ll~l!llll!ll~li&!!!!Jl!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!l~M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T77!!!!!iQZ~!!!!!!2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!L!!!!!!!!!!!!!~$S1lblSZWJ!'..l!~!!!~7~7~1!·~ ·g~-~-~· W!IPWIJ 111.MW:: ·-·-------~-· ·-'.? ~~~,___!!l!!~-~~~......,.!!f!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!li!!!!!!!!5: - ~ PZM' = -~ -=--- ' l I I I I I I for 1 Infants and Children. [recommend it as superior to anyprescrintion k:U>wn t<> m e." "Cu~1~'l'1Aissowelladaptedtochildrenthai a n1 Bo. Oll:ford SG., Brooklyn, N. Y. A, AACH:Ji:R llr, D · ' ·· I C:uitorla cures Colic, Cotl!lllpa.tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhooa, ErUctatlon. Kills W ?rms, gives sleep, ru>d promote& c!J. gest1on. Wit.noui injurious medication. T HE CEN TAUR C OMPA NY , ~7 'M1Jt·ray Street , N'. Y. I PUREST, STRON G!iZST, BEST, CONTAIN O .NO R ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or 11ny injuriou; t:iafor!als. E.W. GILLETT, Kan'rr of 111.e OELlilllBATED ROY/'.!. YEAST CA!:Ell. >rong;1~~;,i~iir.. CAUSE AND EFFECT. Many persons wonder at the tired, worn '\>!Lnd weary feeling that oppresses them without any apparent cause: It may b o povel'ty of the blood or a disor dered stomach ; in either case the stomach, blood and liver are not performing t.heir regular fun ctions, a nd, with many persons, there will follow a dull, heavy lieadacho, nausea and many other symptoms that precede a w ell developeGl case of Dyspepsia. P urify the blood, cleanse the system of the clogged secr etions by using MEACHAM'S MANDRAKE MIXTURE, prepared by J. B. Mea.cham. 133 Young street. a chemist of nlnet.een years' experien-0e. Sold n Bowmanville by H igginbotham & Son. J'REEXA.lflil WOB.H POWDER.II~ At'e plee.mwt ta tnl!:.e. Coataia u...r rim limt;ntive. Ia a. eo.fe, s1u<>, a ucl t>Na11tadl, ~er 111 wonua i3i. Ohildni111 oir;- Aliult.e:. VETERINARY SURGEON. Ck&dnate of the Ontario V etorlnary College. Regl.stercd member or the Ontario Veterinary Medical .A.asoclatton. .GrOffioe and Residence. Newtonville, Ont. Will vielt Orono ever y Tuesday and!Saturday Olll.o. e hours fr m rn a. m., to ! p . m., . a$ e<iulters' Hotel, Calla by, ~elegraph receive imE. ediate attention. CHA I\ G ES MODERATE. WILL CURI: OR RELIEVI ·rllOUINEll, DIZZ!NE88, II YIU'll'lf A, Dlf0f1'3 V, lll"!Qlllf/ON, JAUNDIOE. ~!tYifPf LAS, ~ 6-ALr RHEUM, llEATIT/tURN, llEADAOHE, llOWliLI! FLUTTE!t!NI OP TH ": HaMI!/', AG::w rr OF rHE ITOMMJIJ, DRY'NE:JI OF THE #114 O~ ~LO~·'l, And e<vllr'f spe ..ies o 7 d l<>e nM . = l<i'lll ~~- llt1M11'11er!041 LIV&ilif, l(I DN !!V ~ 0~ Marble and Granite Works, BOWMA.~VIL LE, Ont. " You used t o ,t be soI fond bird's-nest trouble b!lt she ? o the" knit one, purl pudding, Albert, hat h_ave of made one o~ your house. hie prayers after t hat d ay at tion, two, widen one busmess. purpoae for yo11,' ehe @a1d 1 llt!I ehe h elpea llim to the delicacy. Tea for Children. Pm MONEY · · · " The proof of the pudding ia in the eath "Pin-money "with the a.veragewife means I . ing," he answered, in a. grandiloquent maaThe practice of giving tea to c ildren bas t~at she cannot buy, a row of pins except\ ! ner. been much discussed and commented upon, with h er husband's money and consent. ' · He ate one pla.teful, and aeked for a a nd, at the same t able may be found the wo- She suffers humilia cion in her own eyes,. an<i, . man who thinks that is is heresy to give tea shefam:ies, in his also, whenever she presecond supply. " Is it good?" inquired th e little wife, even to grown people, the one who 11ollows fera a request for the sum necessary for t he whose foolish heart was hungering for some her children to drink it foll strength and the supply of the dt<ily wants of the household. tribute to her. one who gives it to the children diluted with She cringes, like a wh ipped slave, under his "It doesn't need any praising," sairl my milk. To he sure, there are other drinks, comm en ts on th e r apidity with which monlord, coolly. at the present t ime, t hat are healthful, a nd ey melts in her finger s, and if high -spirited A more critical and less sensitive woman some of them are quite pleasant to t he r esen ts his suggestion t hat she "ought to I" h h b taste, but a half cup of g ood tea, with t he k b k t h an M rs. E vel yn wou d per aps ave een other half of milk ma kes a drink thf.l.t almost eep an expense oo and 1earn the satisfied with t his ambiguous praise. She 'all children like, and which cannot be in· worth of a fellow's earnings" as a reflect ion went to h er room and had what woman ca ll upou her honesty, . 1" or every instance in Begs to inform ths inhabit ant s of Bowmanville and surrounding "a good cry." jurious. Children take milk in t his way which t he estate of wifehood ,is proprieta ry Townships that he has opened out bu siness in t he old stand, formerly A few evenings later she had forgotten all when the~· would not take it in any other. t here a re one t housand wher e it is eleemosyoccupied l y Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and about it , and ra diant in pa,rty fin er y sought Cold wa ter people will t ry to the nary. her husband who was waiting for her in t he children that cold water is t he only tit drink will at all times k eep in st ock all goods usually kept in a first-class parlor. for them, but cold drinks do x:ot diges- · N Hardware St ore, comisting of " W ill I do ?" she ask ed, as she burst tion, and warm ones do. O TES. upon him in a ll her girlish bloom. T his time Good cr eam improves tea a.s much as it . T he solitaire diamond ring worn by Mrs. the" d isfiguring p ow der" was 80 skillfully does coffee. W. K . V anderbilt cost $48,000. concealed tbf.l.t no ma.u living could T he l'rincess of W al es and her associates told where nature ended and an began. Veranda Screens. are se tting the fashion of wearing as much He looked at her critically. They usua11y ma.d e f or t h e end s of jewelry as possible. "Wha.t's that thiag dangling @n your veranda.a, rarely for t he front. Measure the Mrs. Grant bas r eceived $411,000 as her · shoulders?" lenl(th from t he joist under the roof to t he ~hare in the profi ts of Gen. Grimt's memoirs, I shall also keep a well assorted stock of tlw best mar.ufacturers' " That? Oh, it's my white jet fichu. top of the rail, and then get a. piece of of which 310,000 sets have been sold. Isn't it lovely ?" matt ing as long, but as wide as liked and of Eva W entz, a lit tle B altimore girl, whose 1 " Oh, yes, very. It makes you look like wha.tever color yon prefer, although the birthday falls on the same day of the year a Feejee. 'ls this strin~ intended to drag?" white is best on account of not fading. as t hat of Bismarck , wrote him a letter of Stove Pipes, Micn.s, &c, "That 's my fan ribbon. How do you P t a. bold design in oils on the side that eongratnlti.tion on bis anniversary. She has like the way my hair is dressed ?" is to show on the inside, sew small rings on r eceived an reply, in which t he The manutaclure and putting 01· o:C Ea'l'C Troughs "Why, I suppose it's all right. I can't the upper end, run a rod through them, and great Chancellor says :- " For your friendly will receive sp~cial attention. see as it looks any worse than usual." sere..- t wo eockets on the joist for the rorl ~ congr atulat ion on t he occasion of my birth. Choking down a. dry aob, Mrs. Evelyn r an rest in. Have. a cord at each lower corner, day I return my sincere thanks. Ven :5is· back upstairs to put on her wraps. A de· and one in t he centre, with which to make ma.rck." fiant, half-wicked thought Ila.shed through it to the ver anda rail, and by this her innocent heart like the trail of the ser· simple contrivance you ea.u secure a shady AS YOU LIKE IT. pent over Eden. spot on the warmest day, and it wouldn't "Somebody will admire me," it said. more than two minutes to lift it down RONDEAU, Mrs. Evelyn, senior, was in her dressing and roll it up when a shower threa tened, room. She saw the look in t he young wife's When death doth call or king or slave Bowmanville, April 2nd, 1888. eyes, and felt sorry for her. None dares the edict dire to brave; More Room. ... CY " Albert always was conceited," she said Gold, though a magic amulet, When every nook an.i corner seems full, in the decided tones of mature age, " and Can never pay stern nature's debt ; you have thoroughly spoiled him. Now, consider the walls. A great many things Hope c!l.llnot close the opening grave. take my advice, and give him a dose of his may be hung on a strip of wood runninll; On bat tle field ; beneath the wave ; aoroes your bedroom or kit chen wall, coverown medicine. " On princely couch ; in hermit's, Mr. E velyn would have scorned the sug- ed from dust by a calico E nvelope Fate's seal must be forever set gestion that lte wa.e vain of his persona.i ap· bags straightened by ropes or lath strips, When doth call. pea.ranee. But before the e"ening was half . may hang anywhere to hold a prone, collars, over he found himself asking his wifa how hat s, newspaper s, everything. Packing In vain a brief r e 1pite we crave, he looked. $he did not answer, but glanced boxes may be ple.ced one above apother e.nd T he hand t hat t aketh likewise gave ; shelved and curta.ined, or small ones ml\y him over coolly, In vain we fools the hour forget, padded like ott omans and used for seats be "Tu my tie all right ?" he w hispered ; In vain like frighted children fret, " Don't you think Smithers cut this vest t oo and cases to hold bed linen or underclothing. The body's wreck no power can s&ve A few yards of brigl1t chin! z adorns a room low! How do I look, Ella?" When d ea t h doth ea.11. " J ust liKe the oth~r w1~iters," Mrs, wonderfully in the way of curtain11, chair The commercial value of the Mississippi Evelyn in a carelessly indifferent t one. covers and scrap bags. r iver is estimated at $2,000,000,000- the c011t " Did y ou intend to have one end of your of constructing railroads of equal length and tie longer than the other ? Can't say 1 ad · Eating and Drink.ine;. tonnage. mire it, " and she wll.'lked off to her d1.111ce PU LLED B:&EAD.- This is eaten with A well-read man of fair ability is to with t h e gent leman w a.iting for her, leaving cheese and if bread is made at home, is nee from 6,000 t o 7,000 words,and to be able Albert blue wit h r age. easily made by t aking . t he bread from the But they had no quarrel. The good sense ·oven when it is all but done and t earing t he to define and understand from 25,000 t o 30,- Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run Shakespeare's vocabulary contained of the little wife prevented that. Only she crnmb from the inside with a fork in irr.egu· 000. did noll hover about her husband in her gay lar pieces; place t hem on a butt ered baking a.bout J5,000 words. I t would bring t he salt to the eyes over one month. plumage any more, an d he missed h is bright tin and crisp them in the oven. of a stone lion t o see a Vassar graduat e and bird. H e never alludi<d t o t he d ishes she pre. a Ha rvard man who took honors in F rench l:lPOJS'GE CAKE,' f his 'can be made by t ak, a nd no surprises were set before h im. college trying to order a dinner toget her Being in t he main a sensible man, he saw ing four egg~ and s~pa.rating them; add t o at t he yolks one cup of powdered sugar,a very in a Par ie restauran t. where he had made a mist ake. Since Mr. Tilden's physician has .brough t "How pre tty you !o Jk !" h e blurted out little salt , lour tablespoonfuls of wa.ter and one nigh t almolit by accident . E lla, little a large t easpoonful of bitter almond extract; in his little bill of $143,350 for profesaionu.l traitor , h ad studied t hin effe · t for t he past beat all t ogeth er unt il ver y light . Have a services, a vVestern paper remarks t hat al· hour b.e forc her glass. H er eyes fairly cup of flour sifted, to which you have put t hough the livirg expenses of t he deceased as much soda as you can la.y on a t hree cent statesman were undoubtedly very high, his danced with delight. · "It is my new dress- the one you gave piece and an even teaspoonful- scant- cf <lying expeI!ses m ay be r ightly called ex tr a cream of Tartar . Beat t he whites of the n igan t. me on my birthday. Ia i t becoming ?" " I should say it was. Y ou look like a eggs to a stiff froth , stir t hem into t l:e bat t er after the flour. Bake in a s low oven. This At Olose Quarters. girl again, and it fits you to a T. " Hunting wilrl animals is gr eat sport, -for If there ws.s any insincer ity in t h ie, E lla cake will be found to be very nice cut in two did n ot obser ve it. No rouge · could have when cold. Spread wit h cra.b-apple mar- t hose who like it ; and the larger a nd fiercer the animal, the more enjoyable- to those brough t such e. color to her cheeks as t his an d crea m over all. praise from her h usband. CREAMED CoD 1N A POTATO CASE.- Boil who en joy it--cis t he excitement . But one "It p ays," t h ought Mrs. E velyn, senior, and six good sized potat oes, a dd one adventure like t hat descr ibed below by an as she ov. er hea rd · t hem ; " a man is safe in egg, a. gill ot milk, salt and pepper to taste ; explorer of Africa would be likely to prove making love to his own wife." then beat the potll.toes until very light . Pick enough for any but a thoroughbl'ed N imrod. She was r ight. And the a verage man is and scald one pound of boneless salt cod ; Det ermined to make one mor e effort t o wrong when in becoming a husband he ceases dr ain and scald ag ain. N ow press and shred dest roy the lion, I again enter ed the br ake, t-0 be a lover. t he fish unt il it is dry. Put one large table· and all at once t he beast sprang up within a spoonful of butter in a frying-pan, add two few paces of me. It w as a bla,ck -maned t ablespoonfuls of flour, mix, and add one ' lion, one of the largest I have ever enconntThe Best Bedtime Stories. pint of milk and stir until it boils and thick· er ed in Africa. His movements were so An ent husiastic young lady, on her In t ro· ens ; a dd peppet· t o tast e. G rease a small rapid, so silt n t and smoot h withal, the.tit duction to my m other, exclaimed ; "Oh ! pud diul! mould, and line the bot t om and I was not till he had partially enter ed t he I am so d elighted t o know you. I have aides with the pot atoes. Acld t he cod t o I t hick cover that I could fire. her.r d about Y·U for as the lady who is the cream sauce and fill in the center . Cover · On r eceiving the ball, h e wheeled short a.lways t elling such wonderful st ories to t he top wit h a thick layer ot t he mashed about, and wit h a t errific r oar bounded t o. children, and they invs.riably turn out to be potatoes, and bake until a nice brown. ward me, When wit hin a few paces he Bible stories. How d o you do it !" " V ery When done turn it out and serve. couched as if about to spr ing, h aving his hea.d imbedded, so to say, bet ween his for ee!U!ily," r eplied my mother; " t he Bible stories are the most wonderful ~ toriea in the About the :Rouse. p.·ws. world." CuRTAINS. - Cur tains of scrim, g ood inDrai>in.g a l arge hunting k nife, I dropped I never though t t he Bible any t h ing but grain carpets, or, b et t er st ill, rugs, which on one knee, and awai ted t he onset. It was interest ing, and to t h is day th ink my will fit any room; neat odd cha.ire for t he a moment of awful sus pense, and my sit uamother's stories better than all ot her tales. parlor in place of a g audy " set" of cot t on t ion was critical in the . extreme ; but my I began t elling H e.rry the Bible stories plush or velvet , a few p retty pictures and presence of mind did not for a moment deyounger t han many mothers think worth plen ty of towels and bed linen, denote the sert me- indeed, I felt t hat nothing but the while, and I used to pu. t his chubby hands artistic and neat hom;ekeepmg. m~~t perfect self-command would be of any :ogether a nd say his lit tle prayers months R UBBER KNOJl~.-Furniture t hat mars t he avail. . 0 oefore he could lisp the word s af ter me. wall can be rovided at small expense with I would not have become the asssa1 fant, .· ~ · · . My prnctice has always been t o go llP wit h r ubber k nobs at the h . R ubber t ips but on ac<:ount of t he b ushi:s and t~e cl '"~s lus p c ('tlOU S o hc1ted. aim a1J night, oversee thfl undressing, and dr awn over hooks on which t he t owels and of_ dust r aised by the las~tngs of ..he }'ona ·t .- B "Id" u - · u -DO .., t hen, after he is tucked in bed, t ell. the :story. other t h ings are h ung, save a def.I.I of wear< t~d, I was un:ble to see hld head, wh1 ld to IC 011a Ul Ulll!I s. HI r.i-., C 8 B G OS . ! abo~:t f ~;m't 1 --· HARDWARE ' HARDWARE T ' Stoves and T1· nware Pai· nts and 01"ls F OH SA L E BY J . HIGGIN B01'HAJ.\<I & SON, BOWMANVI LLE 1 ----o-- GEO.£. MANN/NB COOK, HALL I Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c. a PARL t!rR STlOVES. Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. @:m~~@I@ ~e Jm4,l[lN(JINf~e MCDOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as follows : - Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 Grate and Egg, ......................... ..... 6.00 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Alwa ys on h a nd a lowest prices.. M cD O UGALL & M ETCALF. Murdoch Brothers' N'EVT CErIN"".A.. EL.A.LL., wher e are to be seen 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, so ·China Tea Sets, v ery pret ty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed·Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. h 20 "White Bed Room Sets. . d ch· w are, B Large variety H anging a nd Table Lamps, Fancy em1a n an Ina c ups a n d s au cArs, " . & c. IV " ESTABI;IBIIED, 1857. tions. I car ried the boy (qui.t o unconscious- booted w it h rubber . motion, he Sllddenly bounded toward me, · ly ) through a regular plan of Bible hfotory ; T her e i s e V'ery liklih ood of S ilul t St. Marie but somehow, in making his last spring , b e an d I used t o spend a little time every morn· ing in gettin" up t he story. The more b . f h t · t t t went clean ever me, and alighted t hree or ecommg one o t e mos lmpor an c~n _ res four paces on the otber side. knowledge t he mot her h a.s, the mo _ r e dr am - of business in th e whole of the Don11111on i a.tic the stor y can be made, f f t Instan t ly, and without rising, I wheeled I t is t he gat eway 0 ct>mmerce rom a grea round on my knee, and discharged my sec1 - - - 1 l must say (if I speak frankly) t hat I part of t he Nort h W estern States, not only ond barrel. The ball smashed his shoulder. 1 think the reason why so many chiJ.dren find t o Canada bu t t o N ew York and to all the d one in t he latest styles an d mater ials. the Bible d ull, is they h ave had it New Englalld Stu.tea, while the mineral and At this he made i.not her and more determin· ~aught t? them by?' lazy mtell~ct. Dulness timber wealt h in t he neigh bourhood is aimp - ed rush at me, but owing t o his disabled is a cn m . e s omet.1mea. No mdolent .and ly incal culable. T hose who had land m state, I happily avoided him, t hough h e h d t t d t t od passeC! within arm's length. ~COTC H, E N GLI SH , GERMAN AND ; e~vy m17:1 can w er es an ell: er am al t he neighbourhood will ma,ke a ver y go He sor f.l.mbled into t he thick eovez , where bright , wul e.;twa ke child , I thmk, also, l thin Q' of it. we found his body some days af terward. 'II' B ' NEW BRUNSWICK t hat th~ gr~f.l.t tim~ to make this glorious ! 'l'he youngest daughter of Mrs, Jo~n W ana~d la.s ting 1mpress10.n ~f the charm of. the I namaker, of P hiladelp hia., has itt t heir coun· N , l\fl ~~ [~,!jT B1hle 1s before t he child 1a aevt.n. The thmga try houso a little h ou se built ou t he grounds, ot a Hare, i't §~ l told ~hen t ak_e on wonder,ful huea. D?es furnished through out a,nd con~aining_every· "S~agehy, }' OU are P!esu ming upon my IN O K mornmg or mid· da.y ever give U il color s like! thing that another house contains, a kitchen, creduuty. You never k illed 150 r abbits in ST c . the e_a.rly di:.wn_? diningr oom, parlor, chamber, etc., 01;ly one da?'-". . I like the Bi ble Story Book _ v ery m uch. ! everything is a.bout one-half or one-third . '"Wllkms, I assure y ou I have n 1>t de- . Ca ll an d see o ur d esig ns and get o ur I read t hat aloud three times to my I the usual size. It is very "cute." I v1a.ted a hare from the truth." estimat es before purchasing. , boy. T her e is nothing in all t he world i -· I A LL KIN DS OF -, KI 0R W I ~!l~~~i. ~~1er:o!! ~~~~~~tt~:Jt~~~ r~tcof1:t ~r!~~ha~~:lfi~!u:~donm~t:m~ n~i~:ir:a:hb: !:~v::1::: :a::~:::l:():atc:::b~~n:::y- TH BEs~ HER . -S AND F'-Aa ·1 ·.ER 'S 1 · · · . . ,., U SE ONLY McCOLL'S ::LA RD JI l\1 ES E I E Mo uM RA IT C i1 sI I I ! L lJDllll>l ' 'A.TOI,. · I~ lllfA.R .-"'. E T, B E ST Jll1I, 'V ~ .1.· THE n .mSL When buyin g Coal Oil ask y our dealer for the N ew Oils, . M A CHINE OIL. I I F AM ILy SAFE TY & T ry s u N LI GH TCOAL 0 r L ' ·t 0 ce 1 Il ' ' and you will use no other " -~b ildren_Ctjf f'Q ,~~itcJl,~r;~.:!tBrJ.~ .lllct;OL.L BROS. & {)0'Y, To1.·onto~ /