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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1888, p. 4

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PRHTTIEST I All desire my beautiful _ patterns of ment and prettiest patterns in town. of clothing, of tood, of merchandioe, etc. On Wednesday evening lar · !l very It will thus he sc"n tlrnG a vast number of la...g » num»et of the friends and · e~rb ·re people will be affected, for the manufact· of Mr i\nd Mrs. Thomas Gibso' " llr~e, urers themsolves will have money to assembled at th,·ir pleaaan coun ry home by invitation of a. comm·t tee W:ho pay to operativts, who mus~ also buy less unde;t.lllk to '10t up thi9 silve· weddmg of tho above named articles. Those cel.,t.ration unknown to the re11pec1ed - o- depending upon income from ra ilway c .. upie. The hour fot assembling was 4 earnings will be in t he same fix. o'cl ·c:k and shortly afterwards ,. goodly uumber had arrived. T .. ; !es were ar. -.a.r.g..d on the beautiful lawn and the Such a shrmk .. ge m the wheat prodnot occashn was C!'IlV · rt.ed into " garden would be a much greater loss to others pariy . The managemen' waA in cap~tal than t o the wheat growing formera, ha11ds, Mr. a.nd Mrs. R1ch. 0~1:to1·?e lw 1,,g Death of Dr. F . Glaspel l. bt>cause for them this shrinkage means t.he JeaddeMrs, aJndHtlM10y.d wletre aHRdl~· edh rb! . " . . .M.r. · n rs. , , 1 a e on a11 or. ·· "· It is wi ·h fee lings of regret and eymhigher pncos for the balance of their \\ h-·u ·lie t abies wt re ready they d ·d _ pathy for ' he bereav~d family we anwheat. Thus, for example, if the e n tire fook vn y invitmg a.11d the 1Aa was pro- nnnuce the death of Mr. F. Gl·Spl'll, ·of wheat crop of thi~ continent eqnalled nomwed a most 1<xcellent one, thanks to Whi · by, which ~lid event oc.;:ured at 456 000 000 bushels and its average price tbe 011li1mry acc·implishments ar~d t 1s1e of Gra.f.011, D ·.kot:,, :in Suud ..y h st. He ' ' l ' the J,;d 1 el· (If the cornpan1. 'Ihe t ..bles had b· en ·ill wilh an a·tack of typh.,id on the farm be p . acod at 10 cents per were ""t four times, so great w.·s the 1 !.!ht f,w,.r for ahout t.vo weeks, which bro1 b ushel, it would be worth on the farm uum her pre-ent and the;e wa , abu ndance on h em..rrhage, aud ended in hie d ·· mise. $319,200,000.- · But if the a!1rinkage of 60 of provisions left after all were fod. The Tha dPcease 1 was engaged m the practice million bushels leaves us ouly 396 vari··lls lawt1 games. were en~aged_ Ht of hi· P""f,·ssiou, and al~o partner in a . .' . h a uring the early pott1011 of thti evi·mng, million bush els, a.ncl by reason of t e and when ihe aha.des of dilrknes11 vu dmg bu6iness at Gr··ftnn. He bas been overworked of la.ta, and his cnnetitution 11hrinkage the value of the wheat on the fhe company wont indoo~s where a f~w was not in a fit state to withstand a severe --o· farm is raised to 80 cents per bushel, (an 1\··Urs wer~ plei.santly w!lt:d ·~wa.y with illnesl!. average of only 16 cents a bushel), the yocal ,;nd mstrum en~al m11s1c and ~a.oc· His r emains a rrived in Q.,h,.wa on ·rn on b 118h el s wouId b 0 WOl'_th saug mg. M r. Harry Kmgbt W t\S presen. and Thursday and were a.coompanied by Dr. 396 m1 several soloa with his usual well- G. W . Glasp~ll , who is >·luo pracdsing i336,600,000, on he farm, or $17,400,000 known ability . medicine at Billsbor"U.i,:h, Dakota, ~nd more for the lessur than the crcp. After th(~ tlla was over the people were Mr. G W. F o·.·gma n, who was a partner '£he trouble is, h@wever, that with redueed called wg ·· 1h"r by Mt·~ M_. A. James, who with dec< ase<l in the drng busine. 11. 'l'he 1 th 1 ] r 'f t was t he chairman appowt· d. Mr. ·and crops . ey m~P ·.1Ba supp 1011, l a ny, o Mre. Gibsou werll brougb·. from the par- funeral to"k p iace on F;·1day, from his sell rt.t the higher rate. These figures 10 , tn th" lawn, Mr. and Mr11 · Ezra. Hall parents' residence, L ut 3, Con. 3, East Whitb · '. show how much lees the farm ~ra are doin" th<· honors of groomsman aud brideijDr. F. G laspell was a very s teaoy and &frected by reduced production than are m .id. After an explau11.t10n of the object perseverin g y1-ut·g man, nnd belovHd by _ . ..,... _.... _ all other ch111es. Besides whiie all other of ·he g .·.t hering by the Cha·rwao, Mr: W· all wlio h11d ·he pleasure of forming his . . ' T. Lockhart read tho fullowmg mcely acquaint..nce, and bi~ death is mucb re· classes will h ave less mcome, as shown worded 11d,Jress : grett~d. -R.,former_ abov11, to buy necessaries, comforts and To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibwn,BOW1'fANVILLE. JUlH'. l S, 1888. luxuriea of life, they will also have to pay DEAR FRIENDH,-We !l.B·embled Town Council high~r prices for their indispensable food. he r.., t o-d ...y t u co n~r1<t. uL te you upon having bee11 spar.·d by Providence t o one DEPENDING ON 'I'HEl CoTJNCIL RooM, June 4 ~h. imother to celebrate this 25th a.u111veI11a·y Regula r u1eetmg. Memb(1rs all pre ~ent . FARMER. Once m or e, while all other Classes have of your m ,1rimouinl alliance. . r<'<luced employmi;nt , reduced income, A qu .rter ofa ceu tury. ?f wedded hie excep· M r. Andre w, who is out of towu, Tim M »yor preaiding. · Mimt'cs read and ]J' ew city and town11 people gi ve a and often no employment. if there is a will give amt-le opporrumtws for de...t1s of confirmed. g ·odm ss,a d we are pleased to be a "I" to thought to the ext~nt on which t hey are duinkaga in ·h e Y'eld of most crops, the A petition wa, pre,·ented from the MA· srate to you tho univeraal decree of all depeDdtlnt on th& farmflr 111<1d yet it farmers, on the < >tm lrary, can live within w h1 1 m vou have dul'ing th:.t tiui.i coin" in <'h anic'a IDst.itt1', , · sking f.,r a grant of ·requires on!y a m·1 mern 's ee·1>s1derativn themselves, having food at haud, a.nd contacZ with that your lives bavi:> been a $150 to assi.. t in eatabliehint( "nd m"in· to be e-0nviJ1c,1 d of th0 foct . F rum 11e.ed they can t empon1rily delay purchasing staudard for othe rs to ad . ,pt u.nd endeavor ta.·ning a r eading room in c unr1ec tion with the Iu ~titute. Referred to Mes·r8. M .ison t ime t o harvest there is c"ntix1 uous manufac tured articles of any kine! , ex- to emulat... As kind, sociable and Gud·feariu~ Quick and Pilttiuson to consider and re· anxiety r especdug the weat.he r 1mcl the cept ing sufficient olotbing jto keep them people, you have won our sincerest respect po1·t at uext meetin !,! of council. A communicafom from Messrs. McD ow· crops. This ext ends net nn!y to the warm ; and t his, if necessary, may be of and htiarty good· will. _ ·'1.'he family t hat you have now a rouna ell & K ing a ud Mason & Rnse W '-'8 read, farmers t.bemsel 1tes &ncl t u honrae of very cheap, though heavy fabrics. Pnt applying for '" bonus nr loan pf $5,000 in trade nll ove'r tb e count.ry, but to nearly it any way yon will, there is no question about are 8 credit to you and fully ex- connection with the establishment in town emplify the careful s.nd paias-taking all 1lepartme11t~ ,,f busiuesa, for "the but that the only really independent labors 0 114 clevotious of kind, sulicitous af novelty works auil match factory. R,,. eon, Worth, farmer foti<lh u~ "ll " elaa11 i11 the farmers themselves ; and it is and instructive parimts, and we f eel f·?rred 10 Messrs. Morris, MH Quick 1md Loscombe, to inve ·ti ~ate and no less t rue that all other claases, busi· assured that th.i imprt>ssious yo!! l1a ve report at nex, meeting of cnuncil. An article be&ring on this que!tion neH men, merchants, railways, ma.nufa.ct- m ·de upvn. them in their Y"ut 1t wil l be Mr. Wm. Sha.w made applioation fo lifelong, and in the y.ar11 to co r .u6 they w11l recently appe&Hd iv L b0 Prni.rie F1. rmer urers, operat ives, professionals, etc., are 'ii orthily fill their llllutted pi s.ce~ !l.Ilcl 1 heir the openiug of Burk a ven ue. Granted. r A oommunictt tion from London G neral 11how·ng olel\rl )' th ><t form iug is the all dependin ~ on the farmer. lives and actions n;dOU ·Jd tu your Credi·, foundation of i-'l'·,'6per ity in -.!l Clther No doubt in the 25 ye,. rs which h . v., Ho~pital, enclosing a cJ,, m ifor $325 for n you have b«ard and att ~ udance on John Terry,wa~ depMrtJne:ais oi' li·H;1t.:l lud u1try-in bnei· The fore;;:oi11g iA but one phase of the passed away sinc'.i your uoi.> had your ills and care3, as wdl as }OU<' p·esented . R eft1rr <,Jd to p,,or R elief cum· neSB, in ma·· IJ ·".C'U · " · iu L'l'mmex·ce, in subject. We wi ght. go ou to show many comforts aud pleaanres, but you (· happy, mitt··e, wirh Mr. Mason added. Mr. M.. son presented report from Fin· the profes>iou A.- r..nd 1t1>tca th1't very other 11ointe, as for example, it very kindly and Christian spirits ha:ve enabled few fullv u , .. !il"!.~ ·<W.1 how this is ·>. or aeldom happel!s that t he tiller8 of the soil yon to bear the former und enJOY end be ance committee, recommending paym+:ut ·,f 11undry ·ccount11ammouuting to$724.52 even c"mJ!r"'h" ud ·.h ;, ~tatem>0nt. as a. 1. u ffer total loss. 'rhey are sure of grow. thankful f ..r the latter, autl also to h· l p Ad111,ted . welJ.groundec J foct. Farman as a .r ule, ing something, eve n in the worst eea$ons, you 110 successful ly to observ ·· the "Goldet.i B}' ·I.we rela1ing to brs.nches overhang· Rule " th,;,t to-day one mid ,.JI unue m 11et ;low estinmto t1p(.) r1 tht1 ir own callini.t. to meet the absolute necessities of life. wishing you a Jong extended per_ iod ..f ioK sid.. walks and streets, and the w·a ter· There is, for eit,·>l e , , a de!'p s··at.ed On the contrary, in all othe8 employments united happiueas, and th·~t Pruvideuc... i 1t ~ of a portion ot Kin!( street , were i ntroduced hy Mr. l:forden and i ead three feelin,I(', h»wever mwdi d isclaimed or. <,lis- it often happen· th tit largo multitudes fdil may continue to be· tow ·1pr.n you such t.i mes and pa111ed. b ieasiugs and goodue8ses as have been :uised, that· if u. 11 '" g·Jts a cl~· rkship in a to find any empl··yment, and aro compdlA By-law to provide for thA pnrchRse of allotted to you in the past, and may be store, or a daug'iw r m11.rril!11 the 11ou of a ed to depend upon charity to sustain life plea,ed t o spare to you tho privilege ~f a ch,,11.iio11l fire emi:ino was introduced by metchw ut or p1of, ~s ;., u al man, that eon even, The inetancris are very rare where enjoying many h "PPY returns of this Mr. Loscumhe and re~d fir·t time, RoMs a ·, d streets committee were in· -.r dau,11.'hU:lr has gu·\I' up several rounds people engage in a~riculture , if willing to e njoyabl.i au nivers~ry d ~y. structed to see M the enforc-,,ment of t'le Be pltlased, dear fri<inds, to acce pt t.his oo tho b.dder, ab vt· the pilr1mt11 z.nd work, fail to fi ud employment enough to presenta.tion now t endered to y»u aR .a by-la w r elating to the erection vf (1ostll, abovo the ~o"s 11. d d·.ughiers r<'nuw:iiug at least kec· p them from starvation or 11liuht wngible .,v ,deuce of our grea.t a11d , oltia aud w irn& on the streets of the ·upon Hrn form. . \'i· ~ peak 11ot now of suffering, even io the wont periods of honest esteem and respect for so worthy town. Move1 1 by Mr. l..oscombe, seconded by .,d friond11 a1' yo · are to Uo, the fooJi, hne·"' < .>f t!J ~ t f , eli11i1, or its depres!ion on account of bad crop sea- aud priz· D .t d at Tvwnship of Cl<irke, this 6th Mr . Worth, that the Mayor d 'off<>r ·re· basele11snes@, hu t 1;1mply of th·, f,,o.·; thn! sons. w1ml of $100 for the apprehen·i in and day of Jnn.,, A. 0. , 1888. . it actunlly oxi. t's :u ui l »a~t r, i11a o ut of convict ion nf the p ..rson or person~ who Sil<\ned Oil nehalf of thti Committee set li1e lo the house occn pied by Mr. ten of the farm ht) >l1t1.s in ull our connt ry. H uo11 GxmmN, M. A. JAll1E'1, Three Ntl w York provision exporting J .,·km an on fha 24th of May. Carried. Secret .ry. Ch,.1 rma.n. firms have establ:stied branches in Mon· T11e pu blic proper1y commit ·ee wer e in· Robt.Colville, Esq., ex-Reeve of Clark.,, structed t o place public notices on th·· In our Oanadiar.t touw 11.s ionti c;tie11 t here treal this seuon for the purpose of ship· a.:e large numh"l"' r.. f >ourig meu and ping cheese t o th e E oglish market. Thia in aca.pital ·peech, prcsen1ad Mre.G1b1ou, drill "ebd g1 ounds, m nference to pr08e· on behalf of the co1.tributcrs, w1th a even middle-aged vh·.· huve left t ht: farm is another compliment paid t o the m er1h ma,siv., and beau ~ifol Silver Toa. Service cuting part ies tearing down fence board~ or otller..,ise destroying the property. solely because th·-Y hn1·WJ hy ·hue doing of Ca.nadian chee;;e, which product is of si:i pieces aud a handsome silver tray M1·vt1d by Mr. Muson, sA conded byMr. to match. Mr. Gib~on for his wife and they would exalt 1h·J·" c· ndit.ion. But in such high repute amongst English Monie, that the Public P roperty commit· g te.i be autboriz~d to collect a per alas·! t"o mauy , .f t h- ... have· t o their customers, t hat it commands a. premium bimsdf thanked t he friends for assemblir1 m such large numpers to ool<>brate i~eir of ten per cent. on a.II gate receipts re· life-lolilg r- gri:t ' ad t hi· delusion expelled. over those of the United Stlltes. 25th anniversa ry aud for the very krn.t ceived by parties holding the drill grounds a .. d flattering addres~ a nd ma~nilictmt for games aod making a charge therefor. But we et .rted tLi· ar~icl e with the .ted Carried. A Succl:SSJ!Ur. REsULT.- Sira, I was p·esent with which thtiy had pres.,1 Sh0rt congl'atulatmy aµeP che~ of showing how dep,,ndant we all troubled for five year s with Liver Com· tht1m. Mr. Pattinson ~ave notice of a by-law are up< i!l the 10. mer. S upp·.se for illu11- plaint. I med tl great deal of doctore' were afterwards madu by Messrs. M. Gi.r- re&1:ulaiing t he payment of taxes for the vio, Dr. Farncomtie, Thos. Uud.,rw"·,d, kation that there ~ h .n ld be a shrinkage medicine, which d id me no good. I w1111 H,, tt ill, William Q.,bs ·n, (Meaford) Ezr<> present year. irettiop: wor~ e all the while until I tried Co nncil adjourned. of 60 million bushe!a of wheat ou this Burdock Blood Bitters. After ta.kin!? Hill!, E. Dowson, W. McCormick, Jami's Hu nter, J ohn J Ma11nn, J .,hn A. Gal · con ti.11t>nt t· i~ so:u:iou What effdct would four bottles I arn now well. I ca.n also A SEVERE TliIAL.- Those who endure t his (iofioiollcy lrn"'-' N l tr ... de and com- recotnnrnnd it for d ys pepsia. Mias Hattie braith, Rich . Osborne, Saru. Allin, Angus the torturing pangs of Neuralgia, R heuSt..lkor ancl others. L . Swick, St. Wi!liams P. 0 ., Ont. merce &iod who w< nild be· ffooted thereby1 The principal co11tributors to the Pres· matiem, Sciatic·, Lu mb·go and s imilar lf we call t ho · oiverug-<3 ;> rice of wheat on entation Fund, besi>ies the gentlem.:n painful complaints are severely tried, but l 'l'he of McCaushmd & Son, of T o- named above, were : R ev. Canou Bren t, then' is a sptiedy r dief in Hagyard'BYel· t h e fiirm 66~· ce··i ·· l hushel, t w pro· rom o. is directly associated with the bes t W. P . Prower , M rs. A. Culv1lle, M Tre- lo"' Oil, as thous,.nds who have used it ducer$ will hn v<; $40,000,0-00 less to stained wind ows i n thi'! country. There foven, .James Brown, Jam ·-> 9 Knigh t, Cor- joyfully teR tif.v. It banish es pain and invest in clothilg, in hotJsehold goods, are several offsh1 1ots from t his veteran nelius Osborne. W. H. O~borne, W. Cngo, laineness quickly. in implements, iu tr" "elling, and in t he house, but. experien ce t ellAth e tale. '!-'heir D. M cOonnachie, Levi Morrls, J H hn f r t1 ' thi " '"d Jl'()duced by· equipment~ ~nd personal knowled ge make Osborne, Fred. T. Gibson, J. H M iddlescore Q ii e . g l ·. them p eers m the Ornam<1ntal1 Cut and ton, H . :,,: idd l6ton, ,J. J. R 11bs,,n, facturer~. 0! c11 ·m·t> dl eugag<w ~n llt1eh f Stained Glass trad e, and we are glad t o Wellington F .;ster, R . Barrtltt, James thing~ wilJ linve " o uiuch less of mcome. her.r of tlie flatte-dog success this firm hafi Pollard, J . H. B0llwo<1d, Miller & B!].rfoot, , All d~. t..~ ra, m.e rch·mts, grocen, et.c., will en joyed during t he past forty years. \V, Toms, W Wagst. ff, Jas. Morris Wm. Cnapple, J onas Samfa, Peter Galbraith, l ose their rncome fro m ha:id iing the J. Dickson, P6te1· Stalker, Mrs. H unte r, articlrn l hat will rwt, oo b :ius.(ht. Among WHY BAKIN G POWDERS A R E ' J olin Lyle, Dr. Brimacnmbe, S . S. Edsall, all cl3 ~iiea ther<J wdl be less means to BEST. R . Monlt.m , Hugh Gibson, R. Bennet.t, employ l ·t1 .,fear,ion~ i me11, If one will FROM .l!ALL't> JouRN.u OF H E AL1.'H . ) J ohn Gi bson, Frank T. Q3borne, W. Baking powders prvperly compound- Bowen, J, N. !<'airbairn. L. Gev. Quick folkiw uut, iu miu<l each or any article of consuwpt ior.., lrom i t pin to u.n overc(1&t ed , and contain mg pure cream of tartar, &Jld a few others. am more convenient than yeast; and The eleaant silver plate was purchased or a t hrE11hi11;s mach ine manufucture, he b read a nd pastry made with them are from Mr. John J. Masvo, Bowmanviile. will se l!o;i;· gre11,t 11. nnmber of persons just as wholesome, and far more palaTo the Editor of THE STATl!SMAN,ar e empl1 ,yed in t h production of some table. W e are in enlire sympathy wit h the DEA!t Srn,- On behalf of Mrs. Gibson, parts of e:.c:h t1r t icl "~· or in selling i t. lt ie manutacturera of t he Royal Baking myself and family, I taktl this opportunir.y, safe to s ay that thi· shrinkage of 60 P owder - wh o commenced and are through yvur valuable paper, of e x:press· · million b usheis of " he .. t will utfect, in vigorously conducting the war against ing our sincere thanks to our many · · '. greawr or 11>!!11 degree, sever11,l millious of the use vf adulterat ed baking powders . frieodA, some of whom were unable to Before committing ourselve~,however a ·t end on the occasion of the celabration persovll. we made t ests of a suflicent numbe~ of of our silver wedding on June 6th, (which baking powders to satisfy ourselves that was to us & gr eat surprise and something Follow ou t further. the substitution of alum for cream <'f t utally u nel:pected), in the first place, for The 1 ·ail wa7s wou.ld lose ite carriage, tartar in their composition hH not been th e very kind and t ouching address which · was read io us, and which I doubt not which > l t au 1 J.verage cost of 2i5 cents p er over-esti:nate<i, while a careful examin· would be e ndorsed by all who heard itation of the Royal Baking Powder con· bu~el Creigb tage between the producers firms ou r belief that Dr. Mutt, the l!.n addr ess tha'. breath ed such a spirit of 11.nd t ha exporting points on the sea Government Chemist, when he singled kindness, good-will and Cbristfan charity . board, mea1tli a losa of $15,000, ~. The out and commend ed this powder for its in all i ts lines, as will live in our memor. railw,·ys will have thia much lesg to pay wboleeomeness, did it wholly in the ies as long as we shall live. And.secondly, · b t 'f I 'Iver tea '1 'l'hle powder never varies. A. marvel ol f or tl1e sccompanymg ea u 1 ll 111 pu.rity strength and wholesomonoes More out to empl(jyeea, t o stockholder , to car interests uf the public . We do not hesitate to sa.y that the service, w hich, for richness of design and I ccono~lcal than tho ordinary Klllds, a~d can build·~r~, to iron inllkers for rails, etc. Royal Baking Powder pe,ople deserve costly finish pl11ced it far lieyond any- not bo sold in competition with the miltltnde . ' d h · ot low test, short weight, alum or pho1pha.te Tbeae will in turn have much le11a to pay the gratitude of the community whom thmg we could have ex pecte on auc an powders; Seid onl7in oane. ROYA.L BAK· _ NG P OWDER C0.. 106Wal1St.. N· Y, occasion. to their e mployees. who will of course t.hey are endeavorin,I(' to protect. -THE- have to buy lee,. of manufactured articles, Silver Wedding. l A lto,;eth.. r we shall remembt!r this g:ithniug with its mt:imentos of 1rnod-will and esteem as oue ,,f the hap11iest events in our live~ ; nnd after wa have pas~ed from all earthly things, and tho110 tr.·aeurd fall into or.h.-r hands, our cbildreu 's childrrn will be forc~d to ex· c·Rim "Btihold ! what friends our fathers had," t.v all of wh"m we Wl8h every hap pinee11 and prosperity thllt this world can affurd . Very Sincerely Yours, THoMA.8 GrnsoN. Clar ke, June 11, 1888. Croquet Sets, Base Balls, Express Wagons,· Window Shades, Wall Paper, & Picture Frames, Are being sold very cheap this week - ..A.. T- WAL.l PAPER. It is. a· cknow Iedged I have the best assort- J. H. KENNER'S Variety Hall, BOWMANVILLE. Don't fail to give me a Cf.) 11.. 0 P. TiiEiiLGOOK. 8t etanruliaa Jtatii;mau. HAMPTON· CLOTHING HOUSE! ----,o ---Come and get bargains everybody in Staple ar:d Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Genta' Furni ..hings, etc. In addition to our general stock , which is unusually large and attractive, we a qmmtity of Bankru: t stock, which must be sold out at one.., C ··nAiE;ting of Drei:;s Goods, ShirtineA, Laces, Embroideries, Tweeds, etc. CLEARING SALE I - -o ---- NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES : All Wool Tweed, 30c. per yard. English Worsted, 35c. per yard. Prints, 4c. per yard. Towelings, 4c. per yard. Shirtings, 6c, per yard. Cottonade, 12! per yard. Grey Cotton, 4c per yard. White Cotton,6c. per yd. Clothing made to order right and fits every time. All goods at rock bottom prices come and see and you will believe. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANCE FOR GOODS. F. A. COLE, Hampton. -·o·---- Pure Paris Green Puru Whito Bullobor11 -..A.. T - J. HICGIIVBOTHAM &SON'S DRUG STORE. - ..A..L S 0 - ~i~mIDJ ~£X ~ ~~~ Some new shades. AESOLUTEL-Y- QUITTING 'l'he Dry Goods l3usiness 1 JOHN ltlcHURTRI Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and Feed and Grain trade and has determined to t~:·-~;~atration I l pOWD ER Absolutely Pure. 4 KI f4 G Close Out His DRY GOODS BU8/NE88 and extend his Grocery into the premises now occupied with DRY GOODS. To make a clear sweep, everything in the Dry Goods department is now being sold AT AND UNDER COST. The goods are all first~ class, carefull:t selected for the regular t rade and no old culled bankrupt stock, the public can understand the immense advantages of~ fered to purchasers of this stock. Everything usually kept in a first class Dry Goods estnblishment, and required in the Clothing and House Furnishing line, offered at AWAY-DOWN PRICES. Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for only. Positively no Reserve. Everything must go. Call and satisfy yourselves that the WEST EN D RO USE is giving greater value for a little money than any other house in the district . It will pay you to lay in a year's supply, as such goods cannot be repeated at my prices. I JO:S:N' KcKUB'l'B.'!'

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