. ·~. rubies or sa.pphlrea or topaz any more than ti TURR£'.[! PORTS. crown glass is 1 ack crystal. Diamonds you _ _ ·' · · IB PUBLISHED know a.re ~rye tallized oa.:bon; th? other 'Tiley Seem to be a Failure A.gninst tile New WITR A DIAMOND COLLECTOR. st~ne~ I n11.mcd ..re crystalhzed alumma, the E.'\:plostvcs · . EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING prmcipBl elemo11t of clay. When perfectly -BY.... 1pure, these cryou\ls are colorless, and you The London Times publi~hed so!lle ti.me · . Note t he fr.ct.,.that B)'. SUSAN POWER. t lind no less tl.,,n eight different stones as a~o, an accou nt of tho experiments m finng ·: white as the cl b1mond, but a tracE of iron j with the steel .c;:upola. turrets manufac~ured r~A CI G AT .TUE OFEICE When a cliild, in the deep quiet of a home oxide in the crystal, whet her diamond or · a.t the works m St. Chamon~, Chati!lon, .will rem ove enlarg"'n~nts without Post eince mock; IUng Street, Bnll'BlDn· on the great brilliant green prairie, I used alumina, gives a pink or red tinge, '11nd you a?d Commentry. It was e~plamed ~hat the l eavi ng auy scar. \1 ville, ·Onta1·io. , to g o out summe,r mornings when the suu have a red diamond or a ruby aa the case i di scov_e~·y of the.new explos1.ves had mduced ·-- R ead t he followi ng from one of the .. . T E ::p., M: s : first shot over the ea.stern rim, to watch tbe 1 may be. A trace of borax gives red or blue 1the military engmeers to construct forts com· b est known and most reliable _ , pea· Annum, 01. $ I i f paiil l.n.advnnce. ma.rvel of the dew. sapphire. Cclrburet of hydrogen gives the t p~ae~ of 1;\n enormous block o~ concrete, 1 50 horsemen i 11 this The orb of the gmssy world sown with emerald of deeper 01· lighter ureen accord- 1wit hm wh1c~ the apace wiu: obtained necea Province : Payment striotly In advance requtr0dfrom peu.rls that subdued its gorgeous color to , ing to ita amount. Lime chrome gives the . sary to r eceive a small ga.rnsc.n, sto:es, and 1 b8cnbers outside of the county. Orders to cool aud perfect emei:ald, lay against a sky grem!l garnet of Siberia. t he turret , .or two_ turrets, armed. with can-·-·--- ~":.':'.:_.A. . $ 3 0 0 0 Ja:OR.SE c:nrrn... "E ::D. I ' · ·. -~~--~ !COnt!nue the paper mu~t be accompanied by j I · · . . ·--··· ' --· .. '.£amount due,ortbepape wil notbestopped. of rose and ivory, a bloom of heavenly tint"Diamond crystals are not by any means 1 non, .:romet1mes s1mp_y rotatory like those of 1'o Asa A . B1·own. E sq.', Toronto, Ontct"io. Srn,- After a thorongh. tria l of your lU:tgitl :Uuhuent for horses I desire t 0 state ,, yon for . ~t. Chamond, s?met11~1es rotator~, desc~nd· ·.;. ·bsoribers areresponsibleunti !ullpayment.i01 ing changed at t he first direct ray of the pure, as they are found; they have black 1 the benefit of others, that it has cured a Blood or Bog Spavin also a Thoroughpin on one of lde. . sun. All t oo ~oon the blaze of gold wa.s over specks of carbona.t e in them, often they are mg imd ascendm~, hke. thos~ of Chabllon my valuable horses. to my comp:ete satisfaction. I can thoroforo rocommond it witli coufid· KA.TES OF ADVll::ct'l'ISIING t <::. ~ the sl<ipes, the soft oolor glowed, · and the milky, u.nd one kind is like the opal. These , and C_ommentry. The firmg with the turrets enco, as I have used upwards or a do~en bottles and fo und it to be all that you represented r can r urtb .h erhstate that. Rrowu's J!a!!fiu Lhlh11cnt also cured effect.iv1 1Jy a bad running aore ·on Whole Column one year . ...... . ..... $60 0 6 ~·~;;; fields were twinkling. as with seed of stars. cloudy stones are of small value except as had given excellent. results. e orse of mme, which I arLerward s sold tor tho sum or s:iooo. " " Half year , .......... . 86 oO · ·~"' What were fairy tales, or Ara.biim Nights- curiosities. There you see twenty of them, The s.econd portion ?f the .experime?ts, a. va1ua 1 Yours Hespeotfully ltOBllmT HEn·n, Bowmanvllle. .. " One quarter ·.....·.. 20 (!O ~~ what was the Valley of Diamonds with its looking like quartz crystals beclded in lime. notlese importan? and rnter estmg, h as JUSt lrnpor1er or Clydesdale horses, Hair Column one yee:r ......... . ;.... S6 liO - -. heaps of glassy treasure to this sight where Only one diamond out of a thousand is a l ~een ?0 nducted lll th~ presence of M. de 23-iw* A wor1l to the '"ise Is s ulliclent. Sold by all ent erp1·ist11g Druggists. ·" ;; '[J;:~! ~~:~i~r·::.::·:::.:: ~ ~ myriad brilliants were sown with matchless clear brilliant of any value whatever; one I' Freycmet. The .question was w_hcth?r t he 9 11arter ColuJL.n one yee.r . . ......... 20 oo aru on the deep green which best displayed out of ten thousand is fine enough to rank turrets, aftor their great success m firmg on · ··;; " Ralf year ........... 12 50 them I The secret of those mornings alone as a eovereign atone, and one out cf t wenty th? enemy, could themselves stand fire. Had 6 1 in the Field of Jewels is no more to be told thousand is colored but it is werth five this been the ca.se France, by means of a · ,.. " One quarter..... ... 8 .· ... enllneeandunder flrstlnsertlon. $050·· of forts ·ould h ave supp_ie rd th e gap H:aoh eubsequen'tinsertion o 25t h anth esp1enrlors of El fl and by the mortal times as much as a ' clear one b ecause so series . . ' u '-From six to ten lines, first inserti~~ O 75 .... who has been spirited thither. The clea.r much rarer. Governments value fine color- m her frontier~ ~nd atof!ped the m .-ade~ long . Blach ~ubseque~t insertion ...... , 0 311 - 10 dew, clearest thing in nature, trembled ed diamonds among their chief treasures. enough to mobilize behmd the proteohon of alternately silver and cryst11.l on the clover, The Russian treasury prides itself on the these works. . Over tenhnes,firstm~ertio~,pei:~1n11 0 101~ Each subsequentmaertion O113 but as one looked, vivid flames of blue fire, famous red diamond bought by tbe .l.!.mpe· Unfor tunately, th': experiment does not The numl:ier or lines to be reckoned. bY _ red and gold sho~ out of its depths here ror Paul 1 for one hund red thousand rou-1 seem to have been satisfactory. The turrets '11e space occupied·· ·measured bya scale or b urne d a spa.r 'k ofruby, there one of emerald, ' ' Green Va.nits.at · Dreeden, full of were ahatte ~ed b Y th e fi rst s llOt , an d b ecame Nonpareil olld bles. Tbe ~ · · the ~olden glow of a tiny sun that cha.oged magnificence, show the green diamond a.s the terrible ~rOJect1les,,for the fragments of steel ="' as it hun~ to a piercing dart of blue like greatest curiosity of o.11. The Grand Duke · s~ruck ~vith _th~ violence of a cannon ball. DRS, Mcl..U JGHLIN di KEITH, electric fire, and where the pure drop caught of Tuscany has a blue diamond with facets! ':the finl!g, lt is ti:ue, was a.t 140 metres ~he full rays of the aim, it flashed them back all over ; the Sultan owns two, one of them whereas in a real siege the diet_ a nce would Having purchased the bu~iness formerly carried on by H UMPHRE Y & OFFICE : -MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLDl· Dr.J.W..M<JLAUGHJ,IN,, Dr. A. BEITH, .Gradu ma blaze of white light-the gleam of the very large. The crown of Portugal bears in I be 3,900 or 4,000 metres. There lB, however, M A YE.R, I have moved it across the street to the premises lately its centre a green diamond of 138-1! carats, nothmg to a~ow that the accuracy and force lioen.tiate ot the ~?yal ate of the ·Toronto so·vereign diamonci, all colors in one. I could spend hours now, watching the found in Brazil. A Luperb blue diamond . of the explosives would ~e lesaen~d ~y dis· occ~pied b:f Shaw & Tole~ wh~re in connection with my '.l.'in and Stove ·College· of Phys1c1a.ns Mid member. of the Univers1ty,J:'hyeiieian wonderful lJ!ay of light on the limpid, belonging to the throne of F rance, and hand- I tance, so th~t ~~e result is . ve:y s1gmfica.nt, Busmess will b~ f~und a full hne of H eavy and Light Harness, and all ft-oya.l College or Sur- Surgeon, &;c ·. matchless jewels of the dew j ust as I used ed down from one prince to another was lost for the _possi.hiltty of ~n ef!:ect1ve armament seonB, Edinburgh. ' ot.ber furmshmgs usually founrl in a first-class harness shop. when u. child of twelve or girl in her teens. in the R evolution and has ne·1er been "r e- ' of front!ers, if what is said be correct , is .DR, .J. (), MITCHEL. I.. The pure color, the fine, evanescence create covered. J ewellers , say a diamond ne'Ver placed m d_ oubt. · The coatm~ ?f con_creto, mdc.ed, has re· EMBER OF COLJ,E~l!! OF PHYSICIANS one of the most exquisite spectacles in na- can be wholly lost unless some philosopher and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. · ture. It is a delight of one of our keenest burns it for an exp eriment- that is, it is so sisted, bu~ this i s. an il~u9ory res1at1mce, for U. .OJHoe and Residence, Enniakillen. instincts-the love of light which we share indesi;ructible and so remarkable that it is . a fort which _resists without arms is really will receive the most careful attention, havin:)' secUL'ad the service3 of with ·plan ta a.nd animals· . The love of color sure fioa.lly of coming to light. 1no fort, and is no obstacle to an enemy's Mu. W. HUMPHREY, whosti skill in this b~·anch is so well known W. S, ORMISTON, L, L, B, and light hereditary in . primitive nat ions "The finests diamonds in Amer ica belong march. The newspapers to-daf ar17ue that throughout this district, as to need no further comment. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money leads to. the love of jewels which are impri· in the Astor collection, selected abroad the tortre.sses must be coat~d with concrete, te loan. Otllce, In Beaver Blo'ck upstairs in soned ,light. Watching the fields strewn omoog the Arnster dan diamond merchants but th!~ ts a ~gz~rdous inference. If the All my w_ork is. finish~d by experienced workmen, none other employed , rooms. formerly oocupied by · Dr. Harnden llowmenville. . · · 3!I ' with vanish ing diamonds, ea.pphires and They are exceptionally fine and of the high: fort.resists, whlle ~ta guns are speedly silenc- :A-I~ I a:sk is an rnspect10n of my stock and you will be convinced that stars, I used to long to gai;her and possess est 1ust re. v t h d" d ed, it sta.nda for little, whether of concrete ' ..· .1. ou can e11 w en iamon s are t some way ?lust · be found of armmg · it is the largest to choose from, .best workmanship, and prices really DR. E. CJ, McDOWELL. them. When I have seen the light fall in a worn by a lady for she chooses them b 01 no · broad ~earn on· a fine s. o lita;ire diamond,_ I their brillance ;nd purity, not by their siz~ the forts for aggreas1ve P?rpoees ; then only lower than . any other place m town. My expenses being lower, ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE embodied alo Th fi t d" d · th . ht - ! can they supply a subst.1tute for a. stront' of Physicians, London, - JJ;ng.;Meillb~r of ha.ve said to myself "Here is the ui.mon m e 1ig JS fro ~ier d to th I f th . . ne. a nes therefore I give my cu~tom.ers t~e benefit. . Gentlemen, place in your . oge of Physicians anc'fSurgeons. Ontario. d_ew. " I f I Iove superb. atenes, it is for their invisible, nothing beiug seen but a glow of n . , an s p e mare 1 o e e?emy. SURG,E.RY AND RESIDENCE:-Rear of Meesrs. likeness to the heaven-hghted drops of the wh·t r . ht - 't orders at once an~ don t miss this o ppo!·tt~mty. Repairing promptly th t h It would be better to have cannon without N ll.igg1nbo\ham's Drug Store; Bowma.nville, morning, an.d I own to a deep admiration sucihe ig mf 1 . sb. ·otn.et .as wa.lls than wa.lla without cannon, and after tl8 P1a_ce. b ok oth er done. Don t forget the place, Quick s Block, Bowmanville. 1 . . .. 6~}.tr.* f , k. power o irowmg ac e 1g i retll expe · t f Ch ·t . . f or Jewels o a.1 mda- to look at, not to ceives, intense and white - that is, when itnmen a o . a1o~a i is apparent ~e~r . . The ~ew saved me from any perilous self of ~he first uality. Some lar e diatha~ the struggle will contmue betw~n the D, B1JRK.E SDJP!ION, hkmg for diamonds, for dazzle as they d f qd engmeers who construct and th.e artillery· . b ·ir gt than men 1 ARRISTElt, SOLICITOR, &;o,, MOJ>RIS mon a o a 1ow or er are . Id th . h f t:BS n mu ·who destroy Bowmanville, May 15th, 1888. 20 . · . BLOCK, up stairs, King Street,. Bowina:ri- wou , ey were neit er soc1ear nor so u11 good imitations mi>de from French pa.ate " 1 know Mr. Ruskin baa derided 'the One conclusion, h owever , wh1oh was. not of fire as the drops l had seen strewing the . le, Solloltortor the Ontario Bank . ' crer s of the rr.ooo th 1 . f . f d. d looked for at Cha.lone reaulbed clearly from d . Private Moneys loaned at the lO'Wellt rates, san especia11yo mmon 8 the last ex erimen ts-namol th · .· · . e ove o iewe1 Yet I will go far out of my way any time as unworthyandloweringtothehumanheart. late whafuver it t hi k y, at a.n iron .John. KeUll. Galbraull.~ · : to Ste a fine stone, which holds such secret3 The passion for diopla.y, for eclipsing oth.ers rufficlent resistan:e too Jiess, does ~ot _offer ARR I 8 TE R, . SOLICITOR, . NOT4.RY ?f fire and ~ood and world:designing under in any ~ ha.pe is .a debasing and hardening and that ironclad shi a: net e;p osiv~~'. 8 PUBLIC, &o. ·Ofllce- Bounsall'e Bloc,k its seal of sdence; and so i t was one after. one. I have seen o. wom~n as covetous and ca.II useless d P e area Y l?rac 1 Klq Streat, Bowmanville. Money to le~~· noon when the light was best, the owner of and selfish over her houseplants as she could eve! ha.l'ing had a a~~nc~nd;m:ed. with~u: 0 8 one of the finest collections in the United be over a s et of diamonds. the eould do H c c ·fifmg ~ a --M.ANUFACTURER OF- WU.LIA)( W.lGllT· . ': States at l~ast, opened the dv?rs of~ curious "But there a.re' r~ll.Hl>?B for valuing "d~a- bee~ spent in 'vain~w wt~{ h:},ot~~ ~v~ ICENSED AUCTIONEER fort tli.e Japan cabmet and showed in their velvet monds a.part from pride m their ownership. thrown a.way wi·thout 0 e · · · t b · e . I, h yam~ . th, aIma.nd me, " They a.re.th e work of great cnsi9 . . of nat are, . made which could ' n experimen County of Durham. Orders left a.ti the t ra.ys, ru b y, s~i;'le bo turned to account! erng llHTEBllUN otllce or forwarded to Tyrone ·P.0. :11ellow KING STREET, B.OWMANVILL garnet, iris, aquamarine and sunstone fu sed by mtolerable heat and pressure, crvs· wllll receive prompt attention. 28:Sm_ with their kindred. tallized by electric cnrrents of force auffiUa.s now on band a number ot vehicle,. (and 18 manufacturing a great many more) or t he no patterns and beat finish, whlch I am of!.'erlng tor sale a t the lowest prices consietenl Some of the gems were too fine to he trust· oient to rend the crust of the globe i bself. 8. C. HUNKING, . THE GREAT MACKENZIE BASIN. with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following is a llst of ed behind bevellea glass and triple, inlaid The ~teat mysterious, subtle changes which IOENSED AUCTIONEER Ji'OR locks, a.nd were taken out of a fireproof safe transform the black carbon into this most the prinoival vehicles manufactured by me · tlie County or Durham. Sa.lea atte11ded built into the wall. 'rhe keeping of such brllliatit shape of nature are made by pro- Rciport on theEnornaons Field octhe Future ~ouble Covered Carriages .. . ......................... ............. ........... $150 Upward· . . lo on l!horte1t notice and lowest rates; Address '.llbat Lies lnBl'ltlsh Auaerlca. ~1ngle Phretons .......... ... ..................................................... 100 H 3DVBTio& r. o. ·36:tr costly toys involves no little CM"e and risk. ces3es before which·the im11>gination of mas· For one tlling, t.ke windows of the rooms tar.chemists, used.to agents of Affreet power, Sena.tor Schultz's committee, appointed Tpen Buggy................................................ ............ ....... . '10 a1 where the collection is kept are of that stands awest ruck. 'There are precious to inquire into the resources of the <Jrea.t Pia.nos Tuned and RepairecJ. op Buggy ....................... . ..................·. .............. ......... ...... 90 11 polished plate glass which you cannot look atones,' says a, Frenoh savant, 'whose exis· Mackenzie Basin, report that the extent of D emocrat Wag on... ................. ....... .. ................................... 65 .. through from the outside, a precaution so tence was before the ·first rutlimenta.ry for- the r egion is 1,260,000 square miles; thatite L~mber Wagons .......................... ....................................... ·-55 " DARTIES WISHING rn:zrnPIANOS that no prying eye acrOilll the street can mations ; they had their place in the world coast line on the Arctic Ocean and Hudson's C_Tuned or repa.ireu can ii.a.vet hem attend01l overlook the scene when the owner ia show- long before plant s and animals began: a.nd Bay measures 5,000 miles, over one half of Light Wagon.............................................. . . ........... ... . . .. . .. 40. ..-·117 leavinll: wo,.-d .at the DOHINlON ORO.A~ Ex:press Wagon. ................ ................ .. .......... ........ . ............ 75 they a.re an inherit!l.noe to man trom the age it being tqua.lly a.cceseihle to whaling and ·Co's O·l'I<JK, Bowmanville · A first-clas mar ing the j ewels t~ .his friends. Skj~eton .......... .... .............. , .. . .. .. .. ·.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . .... .. . . .. · . · 50 u l can only tell you at this time some of when no foreshadowing of his existence ha.d sealing craft ; that the navigable ooa.at uow 'belnR in their employ the things learned a.bout diamonds, told fallen upon the globe.' . lineP of the larger la.kee of the region extend Su y ........................................... ................... ................. 40 ,. with sparkle and spirit while the keen-eyed " We find nhem in old river beds filled i<_ir 4,000 miles ; that river na.viga~ion is prac- Possessing superior taoilities tor manufacturing carriages, I Intend to sell very cheap tor ~ 0 collector siftect tho smooth ge111s through his with the sand of igneous rocks which melted t1cable for 2,750 miles ; that within the or approved credit, and by so doing I h ope to greatly lnorease my number of sales Would sell the wood par~a only , or the gearings ot buggies Ironed. - · fingers as if their touch was a plea.Bure. 1 md took shape in the fires of creation, and region there is a. poBBible area of 656,000 The colored stones lay in he11pa over the have since been ground down by the furrows square miles fit for patato growing, 407,000 ~hite velvet mat on which he showed them, of mighty floods, the crushing of mountains suitable for the cultivation ot barley, and for few of them are mounted save a Greek of ice. In t he ravines of the Ural Moun- l 316,000for that of wheat; that the pastoral At the Shortest Notice, Paint ed and Trimmed if Desired. engraved gem or two, some quaint heavy ta.ins a.nd t he Himalayas, in Borneo, Java, area is £qual to 800,000 aqual miles ; tha ~ ol<l stone rings a.nd Indian ornaments whose Afric.,,, Australia, aBd in the highest peaks I 150,000 ~quare miles are anriferous, and At tho Factory I e.lso do Planing, Matching, Turning anil. .Sa.wing with Circlcl,Ba.nd ., Sor 811.ws. and JJrepa.re all kinds or lumber !or carpenters nd othe1·s tor buildin!l; purposes. fancy added r ichness t o the. jewels. The of the I tambe mounta.in of t he Brazil dis- that the evidence submitted to the committee Ornament al and· Pio.in Picket s tor fences in e very st7lo r equired , made to order. stones have been gathered in strange quar· triot, diamonds are found, embedded ia con- points to the ex istenc.~ i.n the Athabasca and tees of the world, tromnegro huts in Guiana, glomera.te a.nd granite sand. Where dia- Mackenzie Valleys of the moat extensive fro111; Pana.ma venders, the little shops of monds a.nd sappliires a.re found, gold ap- patroleum field on the Amertcan coninent, I Mex ican gold workers, from by-streets in pears also, and l doubt not, where gold is if not in the world. HA R·N DEN 1 l . D. S . Rom~ a~d f Rio ~aneiro,d ~om f.avao,ef; mined, gems may he founddif ha J~~1l: for. ~i~committee~fggestthata bounded.tract Gradiiate ofth~Royal ·c o · lleae.ot o~nt· I i:r:ern an s, rom ea ore·a.n . ustra ian g? '.J'he go~d beds of Arizona an t e ig min. , squarn !mes in extent, be reserved v " v u diggers. As the owner SJ.Id, the passion mg regions of the Rio Grande among the 1 , from sale, a.nd its value more accurately Surgeopa, Ont,,;rio. · f".r such things is nothing to the fasoina.tion mountain tops will yet prove seeded with ascer tained. They report that they have of collecting them. , He began with a few precious stones. lt is not llingular that few . r E>a.son to believe that a comparison of t he 0 FICE OPPOSITE E XPRESS OFFCE. G OLD FILLING A·SPECIALTY inexpensive specimens when a young ma.n, di~mcnds have been discovered in this coun- capabilities of this region shows t hat it AltTIFIOIAL TEETH INSERTED ·wrrHOUl' a.nd the collection h"'s grown for nearly try, for in ·the .rough thev are no more t han . exooeds, in the extent of its navigable wa· PLATES:. forty ;years, .and is p~oof of wha~ can b~ ac· lime-cover ed pebble.a, and o~ly one in ten l: ~ers, in the area of arable and paat.ora.l ~an~s, Purify t,he Blood, correct all Disorders of the complrnhed m gathering t he choicest tbl!llga thousand of ·true diamonds 1s a.s much a.s m valuable fresh water fisheries, m its Cirreat" Reductions in Price on all Dental even without a lii.rge for.tune. fi ve·eighths of a.n inch across. It is only the forests, a.nd in its capa.oity to support popu· LIVER, STO!llAUH, KIDI"EVS AND BOWEI.1S. Work, Vitalize<! Air, '?onstantly in use ptoI I t th t · fN "~t me ~ho~ you the . diamond with its patien~ tribes of the tropics w?o ?an i \re. on i o .· ion, e conn ries o o_rwa.y, Sweden, d.umng Painless Operations. Particular atten They invigorat e a.nd restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, an tion ~aid to the regulation of Children's 'l'eetil rela.tiv?, which is often set with it and taken a far thmg a day and spend their.lives sortmg · J?~nmark, Germ.any, ,.Austria, ~nd pa.rt of -.ALL WORK. W .ARR.ANTED,._, for it, ~i;i showy ornaments. You will not heaps of gravel who find the d1amovds _ f or I France and R~1ssia. '.J:he committ ee r<:_comue Invaluable in a ll Oompla.lnts Incidental to F emales of all Age11. Fo1 .Branch offic , e, Dr. R.uth~rford's· Or'ono. know one from t?e other," as the glittering the rest of t~e world. If you c~uld brmg j mend pr~tect1on for the whale. fisher~es of Children an d t he a god the y are p ricel ess. atones lay flashmg back the sunshine in yourself to pick over all t he dust m the road, I the Arct1~ Ocean._ The furbea.rmg ammals white insuffer~ble light. "These are dia· or the e~nde on the beach by handfuls, and I of the region are also reported on.-Lonmonds a.nd white topaz- tell th em apart if keep at it m?nth af~er month and year af ter . don T elegraph. fa a.n infallible remedy fo1· Bad :Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds Sor you can. If you wish to t est them topaz year, you might go m t o one of t he deserted 1 - - - -.......~---11.nd Ulce rs. It is famous for Gout and Rheum11.tlsm, For d !aor ders of tJ, .. w_ill soratc_ h glass, and other stones 'except Ca.lifo.rnia mininlil gulches and undertake to Uncle Joe's Monopoly. diamond, it has the same weig ht in many find du~monds i n its sands. . . . - Chest it has no equal. instances, shows a lastre like diamond ; in . "It is rea.soi;iable. to believe there are d U{cle . Jo~ oi:ie of the most mgenious For Sot·e Throats, !Bronchitis , t ::ouglts , Colds, short they differ only in one point -the diamond bed s m this country. They are ar ~ea m ashmgton. The other day he topaz is not phosphorescent. L ea.Ve a. dia- a~ways found in the d ebris of the f!lOBt an· C?ntrived to make . a rude :Whealbarrow for ) mond two or three · hours in t he sunlight cient rocks, a.nd where do you thmk the hunself. The morn!-Dgafterit was. completed Gl:\ndular Swellings, and. all Skin Diseases it ha s no rival; and contracted and atiff j oints i t l\Cts like a charm, then place it iu a dark room and it wili oldest pa.rt of the globe is? Not in Hiudos· ~e w_ent out to try it, but was dismayed to give · light for half an hour ~r so. T his tan, or in China., or ·the mountains of the Jin,~ i~ gone. . ,, . ,. property of diamonds is very well known. Moon, but, geologists t ell us, in t he hign 1 cl~h to graci?u.s I ~e exclaimed, "I M a.nufactured on ly a t T HOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, 'lhe topaz ha.s no such proper ty. If I ha.d table· lands of the Rocky Mountains throug h ~n~i~~~a.~wa.h ~ !rngh~y mce wheelbarro~, W IT110lJT TBllTII 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON known when you were coming , 1 would have which the deep canons of the Rio Grande u ,?° t S)Jec it g wme to run off by its exposed a diamond for you in the forenoon. and the Colorado R ivera are cut. ' It is owH se · . . . . , A.111.d are 11old at lei. l id., 2e. 9d. , 4 s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot , " Often.you might find one roasting here on believed_ by ma~y t hat these slopes we~e. the ard:~~eaently found1it muse mJakeTurner s may be hii.d from a ll M e dicine Vendor sthroughout the World, PRACTUJA.:J, DENTIST, the wmdow sash where nobody would notice first to h ft t heir h e11ds above t he ongma.l g , , · , · OVJaB TWENTY YE.A.RB JJ:XPERIENO!ll, a.-Parcllaser· houl"1 l ook at tile l1abel on tbe Pots and Boxea, IC tb i t. The servants have t11oken my .:rystll.la st) ocean ; they have grown hoary with waiting h Ji;e, whi~d f.~u dok m wi~ my new la a 633. @xfoll'd l!ltreet. ~ondon. they ,.,.., 11parlo1u. i e ~o _ now? , troW.aO:ildeQas Administered Cor Patnler often for diamonds and I have offered a.I! centuries of centuries, an,l the riches of the w .~e ,arroVr, they wanted so freely that if t hey found the h emisphere are locked within their stern H "t U~cl~ J oe, tam.; none uv yo rn. Operations. e commun; Y;, Fer you to GHl<lB JllCJCJLlTN'G'.S BI.OCI. Kohinoor under foot they would only take walls. Turquoise and topaz a.re found in k i -~ ongsldob One of the handsomest and r ichest o.nd it for ' one of the old gentleman's p ebble Arizona wit h beryls, garnet s and opals, and e~p i .w,0~, e a mon°Po1!,· _ . . most fashionableyoungmenin Austria., Herr stones' as the parlor girl ca.lied a specimen it will not be a dozen years before somebody "'AH'ahm ~· 'tI ~tone.ma~~it · cried Uncle Joe. Stephan von K egel, has jus~ committed suiBREAD made of this Yeast 'k es · · upon a b e d of d mmon " d n am mme-d. ' J k " 'T ' wages. Lo ok· here on~ s t r1 worth h er years · s w h er e th at "N ·th ~ I 't,, took IJ2 l ' irst P rizes at Oatariu cide. He was partioularly joyous before t he moment." rushing Colorado has ground a.way the , o, 1 am · sa1 ac : wuz yo'rn Fal I Sftows in 1887. act, and no reason can b e foun d for it. Over 10, coo Jaclies have written A handful of colorless brilliant atones granite cement which holds them. af~ :~e whee{ wa~£ut ondto i t, b~~ ~~en you to sn.y that i t s urpasses any yeast "Old front iersmen who have wander ed pu" ~ w1 ~ee on 1 you one 1os ~t.. ,, look ing a.like, were laid before me. ever used by them. could not aa.y they were not all diamonds. among the mountains prospecting for gold "V\ ~at s the wheel got todow~d it ? It n1a.kes _ t he lightest, w hitest, " These are five different stones which have strange stories of the lonesome canons, K . ~ Yk yoSsee,tI doneh~r C unhl Beck, the s w eete st b rc< td, rolls, bu11::1i a n d buc kwheat p::i ncakes. might any of them be taken for d iamonds among them a fabulous one of a wall of cona.m uc Y . ena er , . s;"Y at w en ~ rn~n ontinnes to do a General Banking Busineea U akcrs in near ly every town .i.11 1 even by persons used to handlin g them. gl omerate studded with diamonds t hat ~it a b~;t ~ wa~~a n! ~?t, ef hk pnnbt it, aBo wmanvillu Branch. Cana.cl-a arc using it_ Oue is a w h it e t opaz, one a fine. quartz spa.rkle under sun a.nd stars. I knew a wuza.,n is n. prm m ma es a ook I~~~~!!! PRICE F IVE CEN TS. DEPO~l'll'S crystal, and thert' are white sapphire, white plainsman who had met a p rospector who ~o; ,~nBa ~hee}d ~~k~a ~ wheelbarrow go. laoelved in Savings Bank Depa.rtmentand ec sa;h b \ ~ wu~ a mo~opoly · ··--·-- - ·- - -·· ---··--·· - - - -· apinel, a11d white chrysolite- very rare- said he had seen this wonder, and the story t n~. 1all and interes~ allowod at current ro,tee. N l!l 0 and five true diamonds with them. Pick was t old with such seriousness it. was ;,vi· 0 _g~v~ a mSnI ~ -~? wn\ arf t er it U· was 1 otlce of withdrawal necessary. .All AA>Jos!tll 0 8 them out if you can." dent that both believed it. The su!'vey of prm e · .ez i s monopo Y or nclo ~u.yable on demand, One diamond of the finest water ehone the Colorado towards its head waters J~ r~ ha.~e hlB wheelbarrow when the 8 .EX()BA.NGE on;1 ,, . Uter spending much time and money, I am conspicuous in its keen light. Of none o± found a canon wall studded with r osettes w \O W prepared to fill all orders promgtJy. l t he rest ' could I feel certain, though I have a.nd stars of quartz crystal s which probably "th ~h g u~g'ib s~id U:n~~e/;e, gom~ o~ ~ought and sold and Drafts issued upon E urope i&ve a fine assortment of WAVES B'.A.NGfil been credited with "the sense for dia- gave rise to this legend, but I believe that w~d ' t ' e .w ee Wa.h rro tw · . , onhe lmba e it J nited States an d Canada., a lBo Gold,Silver anG · SWITCHES, COMBS a.nd PINS v~ry eh~q.)l.' monds " i 8 rnme. a goon 8 a w ee arrow J nHed Sta bes Greenbacks bou11:ht a.nd 11old, there is fabulous wealth of "'recious stones a . · . . "' . 'thout a wheel?" . BA.NGS,, FROJY.t $2 U P: ·:-. "\Very well, now see if you can tell what locked m the rocky fastnesses of this Great "W 11 h t 1' bo k h , UOl..i.i!ECl".i"HONS .Jld Swi t~hes col~re\l a'!d made to look lik~ these are;" producing a white velvet tray Red River. Fifty va.rieties of precious and · t 9 e Aw' g?J°]3 8 h 0 ~ at,,you cant new. Highest price paid for long cut hair, whic.h held ..,red, blue, yellow and brown semi·precious stones a.re n umbered in the pr!?OI~ h ~ unJ k ec Se sa.i -:- h Promptly made at current rates upon all par ;>f Great Brittain, the United Sta tes a nd De DAIR TONI() ·trau·s.parent stones, geolog ist's report of the Pacific Railway s ,e.t up',_ a ,e. fom le nA1gg~ s gefts .... R . b' . .1 . · ., d th . th · so amar. i mo. ..es em oo s. n as er ml.nlon or Canada. , it !e!I, suppose, and pale emerald, i::l!!rv~ys, an '· as e miners say, a 11 em- Cun'! Beok I don't want to b d' , tf 1 .warranted ·to prevent the hair from falling aquani'anne or smoked topaz." dica.tions of d rnmonds are t her e." b t f h ' . ·d he tiaffspiecd u,, out and will make it grow. Telegrapll Tr~11u1f'~rs " -r· t t f · h · . u e e ever aai any sec s u on·t S"I have also a fine lot of new Stamving mus ax: your a1t m me to believe -·- · reckon he meant it Any W"Y th' · 't ..,,,...,..,... Me.de tor large or small sum!!( on all parts of 18 Patterns. All orders pvomptly attendod to. t ha.M he . d s. 0 oIored d. · go off with ~ ' ain .x Canada. 'l'hia is· especially advantageouB to . . Y ~re ·· a ll . d ia.mon ia.A German traveller, G. A. Krause, who KaiDtucky, an' ef you my wheelii pe-.:sons living In Man itoba or the North·west ~ond~ ace among the rarest stoi;ies, and has returned from a tour from Akra, on the barrow agin I'll have you tuk uf . You heah t;;. I n m ~sit makes the funds availabls at once ~t ihe 1 !17 'Neads' Block, Bowmanville. ho:g thtyey ·a.rt not the mo~ beautiful fthey gold coast of .Africa, to Timbuctoo, says he now ?"- Edward Egglestone in Washingto~ j ilitf' I e.m rullyprepared to attend Funerals oii place of payment. oos "·· P1 en mon~.Y· .ne .came ro~ travelled 3,000 miles, nearly all on foot, and Post. the shortest notice, atthe lowestpossible ratel! For further particulars call a.t the Bankit1 Gaskets a.ndDuria.!Ca.sesready on sh ort notice to $ 8 a day. Samples and duty FREE Java,_ one from the Imel mine m ~he_ Afri- that the tot:i.I cost of the expedition was Hebrews hold $150 000 000 000 i , 1 _, First-olasa hearse on very moderate terms House. Linea not ·u . pder he horse'efeet. Write can ~iamond _fields, one from Brazil, m the , $26.87· It is clear that there are no hotel GEO, McGILL of Mina.a Geraes, one from Georgia. ' . th , h k . - N y k ' ' ' n Iea es ~ l:!hronds and Coffins constantly on hand. Fun T. RODIE, BREWSTER S. SAfE'.J.'Y ..RlillN· 1 IlOLl>ER provmce .. th· t 'l'h d' d . l waiters or par1or ca.rs on e route e too . iate m ew .. or city, . . i eraloardsauppliedatonce. Furniture Shop&; Accountant, M&nage? Co,, .H oll; ~who;_-; .. , m 18 coul} ry. ey are ia.mon s, not i . .. Show Rooma- Bounoall'sNewBlock, .-..~·THE QA·NADJAN .STATESMAN M. A. J AMES1 . 11!.!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!t§~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f! .!1.!!!!!!!!!!!lil!!!!!!!!!~fo~J!l!!!!!!!!l!l!! ..!!!!!!~!!!SJY!i!l'l!'!!!! - ....,!~ .!.l!!!!!i!!!~.!!!~-!'FZ~ .!!!!!.~':..~!12!i!:~ . !·~ · !!':::~Mlli~-~~!1!~ · q:='.mp~JS~~!.=--~4!!!!!!~ - 44!1'J!!!!!&:&£1!! -!!!!!!!!1!!!~&£!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!~U~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!7!!!!!E41!':'!2E~M!!'TW~~·~!_!_!!_!!!.!!!1 . !!!!llllllllll~=~li!!!!!!~!T!!!!!!!f .. YOU NG FOLKS. I I . l . HORSEMEN ATTENTION! -, j I ! BROWN'S UNIMENT I I = ool- I I I Harness! Harness 11 ----o---- I .. . CltANCl OV 8U8tNISS. HAND-MADE COLLARS "" I I. ·. f i M ! r. . !d I. l,l B ~e ®e ~l&l(~~e HAINES' CARRIAGE -WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, L OARRIACE~, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. L D E NT ISTRY. ,...,, >. Al} Kinds of Vel1icles Repaired HEA.I....T:E-I FOR ALL 40 mi1111 1THE PILLS TH E O INTMENT DENTIST RY. I t.11. BRIIIACOMBE, 'f '(/?· BREADMAKER'S YEAST. Fine .Hair Goods. LADIES, i THE ONTARIO BANK Patronize H om e TRADE. ,?y 0 k M rs. A. DAVIS, t. ° I l D E RT AK IN c u N . l Ll:'!'V MQR 11'911 S --"""' I $5 ptikl,_,_:~ . ..Pitdhel'~s Ctt1Jr~tM ..;... :-:-- · ··-~ - - - · - - - - -- -- -.)...._·""-'-i . ·lv ·