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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1888, p. 7

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· 1_·.·t~!I!!. - lll ._ lil,~.'1141111!.Z·,!IAPIW~Z~ . !llW~~~-~-~-~~~!I!~~~'"~--!'~' -~ - -~;@!_l!!!!!!!~~~~~!!~~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~:!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!l!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I a.a if before a. firin'S platoon. " T E .I me, to indictments, "By the temptation of the devil." Mllrk, where did they !ind him?" and by and by, out of a pocket-book bear" At the Fa.ri:ngdon Station. I w~s sent ing the date of the General's ilea th a. 1 CAT..\RRH.-A new tretttment has been dis· Cleaned, Died, Pressed and Repa ired by for to identify him," "fi f l b · ' fU lOVored whereby a permanent cure of this BY CHARLOTTE M. YONGE. f . t h e cerb "Stay," said Mr, Dutton, as therr was a copy o ca.te o t ie a.ptis~ o r1lt~erto incurable disease. is absolutely afl'ect· WEDNE°SD'AY, JUNE 13, 1888. wild horrified look in N uttie's eyes. "Do sufa .Alice, daughter of Alwyn Ptercefield ~d 111 from one to three applicR.tions. no CHAPTER XXXIII.-(CoNTINUED.) you mean little Alwyn!" a.nd Alice Egremont. together with that ad- ll'het.her. standing on.e year or forty years. 'L'hie Would it if Gregorio made bis Pp"Little Alwyn I No, certainly not. dress which Miss Head worth hai left a.t :-emedy is onl_Y applied ?nee rn. twelve da~·s, Dyer a.nd Clothee Cleaner, . md does not m terrere with b1J-<mess, De·,m p. "f Al" , f 1 lte Tried in vain to Get pea.ranee at that instant with .Alwyn in hie What of him?" D ie~pe to grati Y 1c~ s or orn. idea of a. 'ive paD?phlet sent free on r ec,,ipt or starn ~by Goods warrauted to be as no one will know hand? Or even, as Mr. Dutton confidently " Gregorio mn.naged to lose him in the possible rescue, and which Gregorio had as- A., H. Duron & Son, 305 Kini'" street, We·t Relict· and ha(l quite them from new when done. predicted, a. policeman miuht bring the boy park yesterday," put in Mr. Dutton. severated to be non-existent. roronto, Canada. Given up all Hope, Corner of K ing and On tari o Streets, home, before ma.nv hours were passed. "Tha.t accounts for it, then," said Ma.rk. Doubtless he infinitelv preferred his m as, . WHAT IS CA'!AH ml , Bowman ville. . .. Catarrh 1s adangerou" dtsf\t<·"' which tl10asThe chief doubt here was that Alwyn's 'No, it was Gregorio himself, poor man. t?r ,s b11;chelor lite to the rl!eump· ·.nds are consciously or uncorn1 doue!ysuiforin.,; Campbellford, June 9, 1887. defective pronunciation, which had been He was knocked down by the engine, i:md tion of marriage r.ies, and thus he had con- lrom. It is a umco·purulent ·11 sc.b arge ca.u~ed rather foolishly encouraged, might m11ke killeii on the spot, just by the station, at trived to keep Mr. Ecrremont from meeting by the presence of a vegetable parasite in the \IR. E. ·onms, Toronto, ·pOt1· it difficult to understand his mode of s"'yin,g eleven o'clock last night. Our wn.s the Houghtollll at Fl~rence. At t he sa me ~lnlng membraue of th~ nose. '!'he pred1 · . , , tug causee are a. morbid state of the blood, t.he DEAR l'lt :-1 feel it my dl1ty to give his own name, or even that of the streel;, found on him, and I was s.ent for early this . time the uncar .amty as to Alice s fate h ..d \>lighted corpuscle of t11bercle the germ poison fOU my testimony for the good I had if he knew it perfoctl.y ; but the year he morning. There was no doubt a.bout it, 20 prevented any other Gregorio ?l 5yph!lis, me1·cury, toxomoo: from _t,h·e retenfrom your Dandelion Liver and Kidney had been e.boent from London had prevent· I came on here at once to let my uncle know, ha.d takeu care that, if Mr. Egremont had ito? of th~ etfet.e matter ?.f the skin, ~uppressed Bitters. My liver was in a bad state and ed him from acquiring the curious ready little thinking--" · been villain enou,,.h to make such an at- Persplrat1ons, badly ;ven ~ilated sleopmg. apar.t· ~ue.ranteed with s · A LA.RY A.ND o · men ts and the germination of ot her poISous rn I Wad a great sufferer. r had tried in local instinct of the true town child, and he " Oh, it ia dreadful !" cried N U:ttie, sink. tempt, he shoul d know that hrn secret could 1he blood. Irritated by these, the lining mem· EXPENSES PAID. Any determlnM man. had been so much guarded and watched ing into a " Do y<Ju remember .my can succeed with us. Peculiar e.dvantages to be brought t-0 light. brane of the nose is ever ready tor the r ecep. · vain to get relief &nd had quite given up Compared with all iM! wickedness, the lion of tht;i Paraaite, which rapidly spreads, up beginners- Stock Complote, including many all hope, till a friend told me of your that he was likely to be utterly at a loss father told him never to see his face again specialties. Outfit free. proofs of fraud and dishonesty were entire- J ·he nostrils and_ down the ~auces, or back of fastsellmg . Address at once, (Name t nis paper. Bitters. I got a bottle at once and I am when left alone ; aud Nuttie was wretched unless he found Alwyn?" . . . lhe throat, causml{ ulceration of the throat; up Broadbent came in at the moment with l r.t the thought of his terror and loneliness, > ·, happy to say the Bitters made "' new wo- even while Mr. Dlltton told her of speedy the coffeepot, and stood suspended, as he Y ummpo~tant.. Gamblmg had ev1den~ly ~he ~us~acllian tubes, causing deafness: bu<.. NURSERYMEN,BHOWN BROTCl:EHS, ROCHESTER, N ;..Y. been a passion with the valet, and peculation rowmg m the vocal cords causing ·hoarseness; man of me. l can heartily recommend recoveries of lost children through kind was told what had happened, Mark adding had _ ;;' ; l6-3W followed, and Mark could have tr1:1ced usurping t?-e p_roper atruc'ture of the . b~onchial t hem to any one troubled with liver com- people or the police. the detail : " He was crossing the line in out the full tide before the reinstatement of tubes. enumg m pulmonary consumption and plaint. Yours truly They found all the officfols of the front of the engine." Mrs_. Egrem·~t inner ho~e! t.he gradual e,bb ~e~~~Y Ingenious epe!ftcs for for the cure of CARRIE STEPHENS. Park a!rea.dy aware and on the alert, "Yes, sir," said the butler. "It w durmg her reign, the d1mmished catarrh have been invented, but without sue· and quite certain of the impossibility of an awful di~penaa.tion. No doubt he nuder her daughter. The other eerva.nte oess, until e. physician of long s_tanding dlscovGood News at Home. nurse's prime d_read that the boy had knew it was all up with him. You had formeriy been implicated but except a ered the ~xact nat'!lre of. th disease t1.nd the ' ' ~1ily apphanpe which will permanently destroy fallen into the water unseen by any one may not be aware, sir, of the subjec~ of yourig groom and footman, Ma.rk thought lhe parasite no matter how aggravated the E. MORRIS, EsQ.,-D.EA.R Srn,-1 havJ t\nd been drowned. She was even ready to his conversation in the park. Mr. Parker the present set quite free from th e taint, and oaoo. Suffe~ers should send stamp a t once reason to speak well of your Dandelion look into every bnah, in case he had been had just seen a telegram of the result of the was~ lad to acquit Broa.doent. But the last Cor descriptive pamphlet on. catarrh, t o the Liver and Kidney Bitters. I have been frightened and hidden himself; and no- Derby, and he had heavy bets on Lady telegrams and the betting-boGk in the un- business man&'!ers, A., H, Dixon &, Son, 305 k t fir d >J k , 'd King street, west, Toronto, Canada. · troubled for aome time with my Kidney thing would satisfy her but to stay making Edina. I am afraid, sir, there can be no happy mans pee e con me L ar er s ev1 - lf" the R ev. E. B. Stevenson,B..A., tt Olerf111 these researches when her had de· doubt that he found a. voluntary grave.' enoe that of late he had staked almost madman of the London Oonference of the Metko and a friend of mine recommended them "We will not talk of that. We cannot ly, and had risked sums far beyond any dist Churc~ of Canada, has to say in r egard to me and I tried them in my case, and cided on endea.v~uring to find" Parker" at To A.H. Dixon db Son's New Treatment for the club, and to ascertain from pf,\l'ticu- judge," Mllrk, shuddering, I I means he could raise upon the horse which found them to work like a charm ; there- Jars of time ·and place. <Jatarrh, · would send some one from here to arrange had failed. The bailiff at Bridgefield had, fore I have much pleasure in recommendit had long been guessed, played into his Oaklans: Ont., Cana~a, March 17, 1883 He waa found there, The dinner-hour what was to be done 1Lfter the inquest.' A, H. Dixon db Son. ing them to all persons who are troubled bad brought him back, he being a man in , B;oadbent il!lmediately .unde_rtook to g?, h and s, b ut towh at aD extent M ark onI y now Me88f'B. Silver reet, B:>wmanville, DEAB S1Bs.-Yours o! the 18th Inst. to hand, in any way wit.h their Kidnev. authority there very well dressed a.ud de- tf his master did not reqmre him, and this discovered. · Ct seemed almost too good to be true that I am Yours truly, ferential, decla:ing himself immensely '1is- was t}iought advisable, as his services were The result was, that what he had learnt eurad of Catarrh, but I know that I am. I Is the cheapest place to buv a. tressed at the occun·ence, and at having certamly not acceptable to Mr. Egremont. in the Park had so astounded him that his llaTe had ~o return of the diseaei;i, and never Steam Threshing Machine; or a. J. J. JONES. . . . . relt better m my life. I have tried eo many accosted Gregorio and attr1:1cted his at· Mark had thought himself likely to be de· mattent1on to the child had not been wonder - \hinge for Catarrh suffered so much and for Newtonville, Ma.y 3, 1887. tention. It was a.bout four o'clock, he tainod and had provided for his 11.bsence, and ful. He had-as l'arker testified-sought 50 many years, that it is hard to realize that No. 1 Steel Binder-'-s omethmg new but thoroughlv tested, 800 thought, and he described the e~~ct ep~t the awe· stricken trio were aonaul~ing to- the little fellow vehemently and .ha.d be { am rei!-lly better. Consumption Surely;Cured. · h ' I consider that mine was a very bad case; lt where the little boy had been sailmg his geth~r over tc.e breakfast table, eatmg mo- b een succ1issf u, 1 .h e m1g .t yet ha;e made was aggravated and chronio,~invclvin11: the working last year ; a new Double vessel fastened to a. string. They might ch~m~ally, frem the very exhaustion of some effort, truatmg to his master s tolera.· hroat as well ras the nasal passages. and 1 To THE EDITOR : have been talking twenty minutes or half an 11,g1tation, when the door opened, and tion ; ·but the loss a.nd reproach had made lhoup;ht it would require the three :tteatf!l ents, Speed Mower-the bes t in the Please inform your readers that I have hour when Gregorio missed his oharge, a.~d Mr. Egremont in hie. ~ressing·gown was him an absolutely desperate ma.n. Was it but I feel fully cured by the tw:o sent .me, and market ; a Horse Rake that a 5~ Tha.t he I am thankful that I was ever mduced to sen<' year- old boy can dump ; 4 kinds a noeiti ve remedy for the above named since that time both had been doing a.11 m among them, excln1m1ng : "You are blind ilight , or sell-destruction? . · 10 :you. disease. By its timely use thou~anda <>f their power to find him, until ha.lf-past keepini; it from me."_ He had been had money about him, ha.vmg cashed a You are at liberty to use this letter etatlr.i: seven when he had to ret urn to 'his club, been . wakened by the whispers rushes cheque of his master's, favored the first >11at I have been cured at two treatments. and of SeH.. :2:-!JlR. cheap ; Sulky hopeless eases have been permanently idea and no one would too curiously inquh:e I ahall g!adly recommend your remedy to 110P' Plows, Twin anci Smg;e Plows; ·a cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles llnd Gregorio went to see whether the child of _the P.xcited i;ia.ids, had nng his bell in 'her M r . .i;gremont "' who aremany sufferers. vam, dressed himself as nest he could after w h et was of t h e -> friends Yours, with thanks, of my remedy FREE to any of your bad been ta.ken home. new· kind of Diawond Harrows ; By t his time Mr. Egremont look:id so so many. years of depen~ence 1 and stumbl~ amount. REV. E, B. STEVENSON render.a who have consumption if they Honey Fanning Mills ; Spring utterly exhausted, that Mr. Dutbon downsta.1rs,_whe~e, a.a wit~ his daughter, m (TO llE CONTINUEIJ.) And hundreds of others . will send me their Express and P. 0. himself of the· hope that the boy might be was somethmg like a relief to know tha.t 'I'odh Cultivators and Harr·ws ; address. found safe at home to take him ; but hope was not ex:tinguished in Alwyn's case. Emperor William's Principles. FarmerE Scales ; Horse Forks ; R espectfolly, DR. T. A. SLOCUM, a.l&s ! nothing had been heard there. But Mr. Egr~r~out WllB in a verv trembling, . It is .a cusn om of members of the Rohen Tail~ Bheaf Slings ; Machine Oil and Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. The poor mn.n wn.s in a restless; unman- b~c:ken ~ondit1on, and much overcom~ by zollern family to draw up, when preparin Binder Twine. state of excitement, almost as terrify. his valet 8 e_nd_ after so ma~y ye~rs .of 11it1· for the rite of confirmation, a p ersona.I pro Gentlemen'sClothes Made to OrderADVICE TO M.OTHERS.-Are you dis- ing to hia daughter as the distress that occa- mate assoc1at1on. Certam!v, tf either ~f fession of faith, and it is also held to be a Farm Hs call and inspect before turbed at night and broken of your rest sioncd it. He swallowed a tumblerful of the others had so parted _with the ma~, it point of honor that the profession shall be by a sick child suffering and crying with cla.ret, but would not go to be<l ; hideed Gre- would h~ve been a horror m the rec~ll~ct1on, strict! y origina.l, and prepared without aspl ,dng your orders. orio alone having had the personal cha.rge of ~ut he did no~ eeem to _dwell on it , and, sistance of any kind. pain of Clltting Teeth 1 If so send at fim, latterly sleeping in his dressing-room, mdeed, attention w~s distracte~ by ev~ry once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's none of the other servllnts knew what sound at the d_oo~, smse might brmg When Prince William, a fterward German Emperor, fulfilled this requirement, he addSoothing Syrup." For children. teeth~ng, to do for him. Mr. Dutton agreed with nows of the miasmg ~~ild.. · its v alue is incalculable. It will reheve her that itwonld be better to send for his doc· o .neof thee~ tantahsmg rm?apro\'ed to be a ed to the fl"per a composition of wider scope, the poor little s ufferer immediately. De· tor, as probably he ought to have a seda.tive, policeman with_ poor _Gre~on!' s keys, and a which he entitled his" Life Principles." A pend upon it, mothers ; there is n o 1Lnd neither would take the responaibility of dema~d ior a.n mveat1ga~ion mto any pape~s fe>v extracts from them may serve to show the inner workings of a Christian and p;en· mistake about it. It cures Dysentery giving it · while he himself declared he neith- he might h~ve left which would show his ·".eman. er would nor could rest till he had his boy ;t!J,te of nund. Mr. lpgremont was very ..04 .P!arrhm a, r egulates the Stomach and " With a thankful heart, I aoknowlege mucb annoyed, declarmg ~h~t he would Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the again. God's great beneficence in permitting that Ihe doctor was dining out, and they had have no stranger m~ddle w1ta. them, t\nd Gums, reduces Inflammation, and givea I should be ,b orn in an exalted station, beto::ie and energy to the whole sy11tem. two terrible hours; while Mr. Egremont t~u.t he Bil.W no ~se m such PfYl_lllJ· Wh!>.t cause t hereby I am better ena.bled to educate paced to the windows ; threw himself on the difference could it make to any hvmg crea.· Tone and Quality. my soul and heart, and was put in p osaeasion " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup "~for - -o- .sofa; denounced Gregorio; or, for a change, ture? Ho~~ver, w~en he found ~he:e was children tetithing is pleasant to the taste a.11 tho system of police which had made n o no h~lp for it, he said he must do it h imself. of copious means wherewith to build up CATALOGUES FREE. worthiness in myself. My princely rank and is the prescription of one of the old· discovery; and Ursula for letting the boy be Nutt1e offered to help, but was. sharply, est a.nd best female physician s and nur ses helpless. Mr. Dutton sometimes diverted strongly r efused. Mark alone rmght and shall always serve to remind me of the gre&t. er obligations it imposes upon me, of the in the United S t ates, and ia for sale by his attention for a few minutes, and hoped should help. greater efforts it r equires me to make, and "1 all druggists thro ugh the world. Pl'ioe h~ would doze, but the sound brought Th?n Mr. Dlltton volunteer ed to go and of the greaber temptations to which it ex~ "-- ~~~· ~ ... bottle. Be sure and ask for him to his feet a.gain, imd the only congenial expla.m matters to Mr. Dobbs, so as to g·»t poses me. R1NsLow's Soo:.rHING SYRUP." occupation was the composit ion of a descrip- freedom for Mark for at the remainder " I will never forget t hat a prince is a. man by tion of poor little Alwyn's person and dress, of the day. He would call ~t .the police - before God only a man-having his origin, take no other kind. which set Nuttie crying so u ncontrollably, offices and see wha.t was doing m tho search, as well as 11.ll the weakness -and wants of hu. that she had to run out of the room. put forward the advertisements, and obtain man nature, in common with the humbles ~ Dr. Brownlow came at last, and was very that tlie Serpentine should _be dragged, for of the people ; that the laws p rescribed for kind and helpful, taking the command, D.nd aaw that only that measure would remove general observance are aleo binding upon insist ing that Mr. E grtimont should go to one great terror from these anx ious hearts, him ; and that he, like t he r est, will be judged Wbon Daby was sick, wo gave her Co.·toria, bed, and take the dose whlch he mixed, ' 'And," be said t o M ark, "with your one day according to his deeds. Broadbent, the but l er, was to t11ke Gregorio'e per mission, I will bring back Mrs. E gremont Wl1on she ""'" :>Child, she cried for Co.storia, " For all blessings that may fall to my place but he was a ponderous man, without !l.ud t he children if they will do me t he honor ijhare, I will look gratefully up to God; and 'Vhcn she Mias, alto clung to Castoria, much t 11.ct, and unused to the valet\1 office to become my guests. She will be a comfo1 t in all misfortunes that may befall me, I will Whou she had Children, ohegavethem Castoria, "l might just as well have a rhinoceros to Mfas Egremont, and then you will be at submit myself to God, in the firm conviction a.bout me," Mr. Egremont in a fit of hi;,nd iu t lie evening." that H e wiH alwavs do what is best for me." ·- When I say Cumu I do not m ean mer~ly to irritat ion; . and it ended, :N:uttie h~rdly Ma.rk could only be thankful, and presently otop them ior a ti mo, aucl then lmve them reknew how, m Mr. Dutl:on's gomg upatarrs to !1.ddrcsaed h imself to the inveatigation, which Certain Unaertaintv. turn airain . I MEAN A ltADlCAL CURE. smooth matters. He came do wn after a hie u ncl e insisted should be in his own l h a.vo m11de the disease of THE J'l10t;T Smith-" Is your position in the store t~me and "I am not satislfod t~ leavt presence, t hough th e opiate kept him for t he JEJ::' FICIE~1':i."· !~ITS, EPILEPSY. lllr him alone or to ~ro~dbent; I h~ve h ts con- . ?J OSt dozing in i~i;i arm clmir, only rous- permanent ?" " No, I am just like a man riding sen t to my eleepmg m the dress mg-room. I m g up no1~ and then by some noise at the ~1arni~g 1't'ALLI~IG in it wheelbarrow." am ; '~et goin" home to fetch my t hiuga. front door, or put ting quuriea, the replies - TSSmith- " Ah yes ; expecting every min- Alifeloni;stndy. I WARRAI\TTmy :rcm edyto Let me :find you gone when I come ba ck. t o which sta·tled him more and more as he Tn 1 .. 1·nu1'i-: u te t o get dumped,., Gtr1rn tlle worst cnses. Because othern ho:vo S f!:t.zcr A 1;ie r ici:. t .. You will hear n o more to-night. Even if h e; grew more wakeful and Mark proceeded. failed l s no reason for not uowreceiving n. cure. is found, they will k <jep him till morning. ;, All, except a fow unimport an t hills f ' "1·1 1r,·'.!"N'l'r1u r & Co. , j·."i .·~. , i3·<md a~ on co for a t1·eatisound a.Fnn: c: HoT'.cc:.c: !,;.:. . , ::~!'C:.::;::".'. t)V(.l' Y ' N!'.l.IJ L'i) of my INFAT.:LillM!l ltl<MEDY. Givo E:.:c!'C::Jfl "'It ia of rio nae ; I can't sleep." and a betting- bouk, was locked into A Good Idea. :~:id Pest Office. It cost~ you notllin': :'.'.!:.' ~, . :' E ve;ii if you don't, the mere restful po- a dressiug.c~se that had once belong· >'."11, :lllcl i t wIll 010re you . Addrcs!l Wife- W hat do you think, John, a.bout si.hon will m ak e you fitter for t be morrow. ed to Mr. Egremont and had tricks of ].lr, F., G. RO m.', 37- Yonge St., Toronto, Oni. \Vil! you promise me to undress and really secret drawers that o~ly he could explai n. my taking up French ? ffusb:i.nd (bnsy with his paper)--A very ~~C,fl~~:111Etf:.IB~'itt<Ef' ~9 ,, . . 11; , was foll of papers, and t hey were a Nervous Debility, 8mnina1 J,osses and prema- go1 to bed ?" _ idea, my love, if you will only fay tureDecay promptly and permane:"tly cured by ' O_h yes I if ~ou s:i.y_ I ll!ust, said ~uttie strange _revelation tbv.t Mr. Egremont might good . dreanly ; followmg a.n mstmct of obedience. well wrnh to withhold from his daughter. dow11 Eoglish. 1 !' An~ re1~ember," h~ said, "tho1;1gh I do '.l'hey went very for back, iond of course did Queen Victoria travelled t hrough Europe not s ay it will be so, this may be deliverance not come out in order of chronoh>gy nor · Manufacturers of from bondage." would Mark underntood them b d t for with so mu ch luggage that it took an hour "But what a terrible deliverance !" exclamations and comme uts here and there to transfer it from the t rain to the boat at Does not interfere wit.h Diet or usuR.l ooonpaTo buy Foot Gear for M en, Women, Flushing. tion and fully r estores lost vigor nnd insures "Bouds are not burst withou t s.>mething from h ia uncle, perfect manhood. Sont t o any addreea, post. t erdble. ~o; dou'tb~frightened. Rerr~em· B oys and Maide ns, at .!!'rank Solick, the boss bootblack of Chica.Everything seemed to be tnere, - t he old paid on receipt of price One Dollar per box. .A.rHJiciaJ Sole agonoy, SCHOJ)'IELD'S Dr-tUG STOitE, her there is safe-keep1ug for that poor little passport and certificate to Gregorio Savelli go, is able to boast of a ba.nk account of $3,King str ·et. 'l'oronto. Limbs, fellow, wherever he ".lay be." . wh~n he left his Savoyard · home to be ~ 000. A Jew years ago he was a newsbov. "Oh, Mr. Dutton, 1£ I ·could prav for him; w1uter at a hotel· a few letters in Italian He saved all the money he earned, invested .A.ud Applinnces for all Debut the tu~moil seems to have driven awa_y probably from his parents, whic~ Mark it in a boot blacking stand, and now stands foi:,mitias nf the HumanBo.dy ull such t hmgs ! My boy, my boy, where is uould not read, but which soon ceased· the every chance cf having a modest fortune be-Sptnnl Di seases. llip.Jomt Disease, Diseases oi the he now Y W ho has heard him s11.y his little counter-signed character with which h~ had fore he is 30. Knee and .A.uklo, Knock prayers ?" ent ered General Egremont 's serviee . and Some one has got up an alphabet of preKnee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, " His H eavenly Fat1'.er has_; ~of that ~e then came a. note or two signed A..1'.E. ~hich oious stone as follows : Amethyst, beryl, Etc. mlly be secure. You will feel it m the qmet Mr.E<>"r emont regar ded with great annoyance chrysoberyl, diamond, emerald, feldspar, ALSO OHU1'UHES, of ;;;our own room. Good-night." · though they :mly consisted of such phrases garnet, hyacinth, idocrase, kya.nite (com· ~nd I shall ,~now you are pra.ymg, bet - as '.' Hack on Wednesday. Find an excuse," monly cyanite, a blue mineral), lyBx-sapter t nan I. can , n:;urmured Nuttie, as she or in French, " Envoyez moi la petite boite!" phire, miJk,opal, na.trolite, opal, pvrope, ----returned his good-night, and crept np to he1 " Que la porte soit ouverte a.pres minuit. " quartz, ruby, sapphire, topaz, uranite, vesuchamber. "Tnat was the way,,, groaned Mr. Egre· vianite (a specieJ of garnet), water· sapphire, mont . "·rhe scound rel l he kept all those :'.!,~rcon (a Chinese stone). CHAPrER XXXIV. Our New Stock has arrived , and comto be able to show me up to the General if he chose ! I was a young man then, Mark 10,000 lbs. Wool wanted at the prises somet hing nea t and pre t ty for J!'l:TTEH.S RENT. not the straitlaced lad you've always been'. Ladies, Good and Serviceable for M en "The gods are just, and of our pl·asautsins Aud t he Genera.I! A bad old dog he was, and Boys, and Boots t hat R Boots for "r'"Y.R.C>N'E. Mo.kc whips to scourge us,"- Kin,q L ear. went hr beyond what I ever did, but for all - oThere wn.s no real sleep for Ursula that tha.t he ha? no notion of a.ny one going any for which the hi g h est p rice in cash every m ember of the household. 'l'he above store is now is a vosition to supply short summer night. She saw the early way but his own, and wanted to rein me in will be paid. the uublic with a first class article of Spring dawn, listened to the distant roll c,f market- as tigh t as if he had been an epitome of all Al l TRIJNKS, V .ilLISES, &)!!.ilT<!BELS. IN STO«JK. SO a a r ge stock of Sheeting, 1 have purcha~~~ Pr~~~~os~ot°t~e best manu- carts, and wondered when it would be r eason- the virtu es. And Gregorio seemed a goodracturing establish ments in Toronto a large abl e to be afoot, and ready t o hear, if aught natured young fellow tlien, and made things B lankets, Stocking Yarn, Tweeds, .-.ordered Work and Repairing a assortment of fine Boots and Shoes. also a fine there was to hear. At any hour after seven, easy for me, though no doubt he meant to & t h .I! W 1 Specialty, as usua l. article in Woman's Slippers in nil sizes to fit surely t he finders would have mercy and have me in h is hands in ease l tried to shake c ., 0 e x c ange .tor 00 · purchaser which you w ill find to your advant· E!'f. r& All 1 k D. DAVIS . age to examine. 'l'hey are marked in price to bring the welcome news. And just before him off." Is Camida's Favorite Bread-maker. WOO ta e n in trade at two -- - -- ------ - ------suit the times. seven she fell asl eep , deeply, soundly, and Another discovery affected him far more. 1 0 years in t h e market without a comc e nts per pound o v e r cash price. I hav'/> in stock Mens Summer Shoes from $1 never woke till p eight, but that was just It was of a letter in Alice's handwriting 1:1d . filaint of a n y Jd n ii. 'J'.l·e only yeast whicl~ s~Pt~~e ~Yii~~tf'1'.T~:A:n::J'db~!~' :O':i~b~~=h enough· to revive the power of hope, a.nil d;~ssed to Captain Egrerr:ont, in the yacht a'::::~~~tf:~l~~~t.:i'!~;~:J.~1H1 never made · · . atid you will decidedly get a bargain, give t he sense of a new day. But there was :t:. inon-posterestante, Maueira. H e had never All Gi:oeers sell it. · Proprietor. your attention is directed to the immense Ordered work atre~J:J'~~ring promptly nothing to bea.r-no news. She found Mr. seenit,never!rno'Y'n ofitsexist ence ; Gregorio 1 i}, CILLl!ITT, 11.!'f'r, :t'oronlo, Ont. Ii C hicago, nl. ~am _!l_~~...'. M~:!.~:!~~------~3m s t ock of ~auadinu ~tattsmaa. NUTTIE'S FATHER. I CATARRH. Gents' Clothing THOS. PEAT, S ~J.~,~~~.u~N --o-- To Farmers and Thrashers I C. ROCERS' oo R. PEATE, BELL" C. ROGERS. ~ u~.~~, ~ .... aR rANS HUNB I 3000 rolls of fine just received To BE BELL &Co Guelph, Ont. WALLPAPERS ~-----~------~~-~ .... ICURE Hy~ C. Tait. Fl S! SICKNESS\) --o-- A fine line of BABY CARRIAGES to choose from tmrntiva --o-- lPHO TDGRAPHS 0 , ERRORS OF YOUTH, got ·u p in as good style as can be supplied in this section A UTHt DRS & COX, -"Pays · .TRUSSES, Dl! BA D.A V_IS' EMPORIUM! "WOOL! W-OOL! 117 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, ONT. -- Popular No. 1, Boot arid Shoe CENTRAL ~OOT & SH Of STORf., HAMPTON WO 0LEN MILLS, DQYAL Yll!!'AST D T Y A LOR, LA.DIES Thanks ro~;~t~n1:i~~c!aor J~e:~~ie~oliciting a ~~~~r~:~:~:o~~~::!~~~~;p~i~~r f~~:{~ ~;E:~HJ~e:~l:1~~~:~:in~r::!~:e~,1 ~.-w - .llj,1g!!f~~~'t.~bot. His knowledge ha.d from. that .time been used a.a a means .of enf~rcmg the n_eed of a · good undersbandmg w ith the he ir. Mr. ! Egremontwasmuchmoved bythesight of the letter, and its da,te, from Dieppe, a.bout six: months after he had left his young wife ! there. He Mark give it to him unread, handled it tenderly, struggled to read the d 1· t · t d · · h" e icaepomc wntmgto imself,but soon deferred the attempt, observing, "There, there, I can't standitnow!iBut you see,Mark,' h dd d ft · ·t · 1 ,, I l ea a a er an m ervv.., was not a.· together the heartless brute you thought me." Ma.rk, as he told hie wife a.fterwards, could not help thinking of the old,·preamble 0 w. e probably last for some time. If she would 15-3m go and sit in the outer room, afcer her breakTyrone, April 2, 1888., he would go out to obtain intelli~ence. "You must have tome breakfast,' she · l;'lj :- ,f! ~ . · ·, ringing the bell, and wistfully:looking . · '. 1 ., , . ,2,1 " ;. · over the blinds; t hen exclaiming : "Oh, Or ah" L·iQno][Rabit. P<1sitively c ured there's Mark I Baa he heard anything?" and ftly AdminiBterini;r D r . Haines' , out she darted, opening the door before he Golden Specrnc. ran" "M k I h f d h" ~" U miu begl.venin acup ofcofl'eeorteawlthouc ,:="' r ,, ar . aveyou oun. nn. th o ~rnowlcd'ge of the person t aking it ; is absolutely 1' es, he said gravely, lookmg utterly lia 1·i:u _ leos, and will ef~ect " permnno1't anc\ speedy ai.o.azed as she clashed her hands and seem· cure. w he ther the patient Is a modemte < lnnker or e d d t tl" If h" ' k "th nnalcouolicwreck. It has been given In t housands r ea Y 0 mg erse on 18 nee W I gr,,9°~~f0 ,;'~~ lit 0,i,,~,7,. }:ifz'.:.'uc,f.h~ fv e:t~i:. g~~: l joy. "I came be~ause it will be a. great impl'cgnat etl with the Specific, it becomes an 'ltter s hock to my uncle. impossibility for t he llquo1· appetitetol\xist. For "Then it is so ! Nurse wa.s right " said 1 1 f1f0:E~1...~1 n,.~ ;;u o~. lp~~ R~~·~;1~_c _f,l _i_ :ln'\_ Y1E ,o~. N uttie, turning deadly pale, and st~nding .. " ... ..,.., ., a;;, D . ' 118,000 DRUNKENNESS f.)STE1 !O'S EXHAUSTED VITALITY I MILL IN E RY ~n Unabl'ldlTBd DIGflOilary Yft8 DANNELV'CO A DICTIOr4ARY, IJllJ g. U <fl "' ' Worcls, 3000 JJ:ngravings, a. 2.,,000 I 's~'h: 0·1 ~~d Ql omy I umlnnble I '"BIOGRftPHICAL ot ·.ties, DICTIONllRY, and" GAZETTE~R Of THE WORLD, ALL IN ONE BOOK. · of nearly 10,000 Noted Person·, I I } 1···1do. Contains 3000 more Words and n early 2000 more Illustrations th<in.r_ ,ny ot.hA r ,\mc1·1·c,,n Dictiou"i·y. ... Shonlrl j;,, inevery~chool iu tho ))~minion.Canada Bducal:ionat M onthip, 1'oronto. BostDiction,,ry ofthe languago.-London Timea. G. & c. lllERRJAllI & co., Pnhlish.,r s, Spriugfiel<l,lllitss., u.s.AJ THE SCIENCE OF LH'E, . the great medical work of every d escription at or the age on Manhood, 1 Nervous and Physical De· i bility, P rem ature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the She hall just opened out on e of the largest untold miseries coneequent and most stylish stocks ever brought thereon, 300 pages, 8 vo., 125 to t own, consisting of :I prescriptionsfor alldiaeasee. Cloth,fnll gilt, Millill(~ ry, Dress Silks only $1, by mall, sealed. Illustrative sample free to all young anci middle aged men. Snnd Velvets, &C., now. The Gold a nd Jewelled Medal awarded to the anther by t he National Medical .As 3ooi- with a very fine stook of Feath ers an~ ation. Address P . o. Box 1895, Boston, Mass., Flowers. 01' DR. w. H. PAUKER, ~raduate of Harvl'lrd Medical College, 25 years Rrac~ice in Bo~ton, tlall and inspect this fine display, which wp.o may be consulted confl entia!ly, Spectalty cannot fail to give satisfaction Dr..aeases ofMa.n, Oilico,No, :iBulflnchSt;; · j

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