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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1888, p. 1

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- '"\. - tsman. TBRMS :-11.fiO Pu AntTM. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFT-ERWARDS. M.A. JAMES VOLUME E DITOR ARD PuoFnnttoR, ,.,.<how Sums. NUMBED 516. ·-======-=============================;;:-:;:;;:c:========~-~~~-~"""=========: '- BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1888. FRANK ill. FIEIAD, R. A. E.Nl!IELD. 1 11.A.PLE GROVE. lVIiss L illie 'l'renouth i:J visi ting friends here. Mr. Geo. Coates and Samuel Oke spent Sunday and Monday hero. Two young men went to S cugog fishing one day last week and returned very heavily loaded. "Church·Goer" got b11cliy sold on Dexter's identity. Try again, Mr. Usher. Dexter pays Ju e attention t o his toilet at home, as you should, and not be combing yollr beard in church . The anniversary was well attended last Sabbath when the Rev. Mr. Ea~t man a bly addressed the young people. On Monday amidst the heat encl dust a large number gathered and were well satisfied with all but t11e order. D EXTER. XXXIV. NUMBER 25. COUCH, JOHOSTON B & CRYDERMAN'S Rave opened out during the past week about C.AUTWRIGH1'.' With much succegs and pleasure Mr. .Tiu. Madill, student of the P rebytoria11 College, Toronto, h as filled on Sabbath the pulpits of the 'Presbyterian church f'aclmus and Hallyduif in the absence of the pastor who is down the St. Lawreuce river. Mr. Madill has met wit h g rand resulta as an evaugehsb and God has blessed his bhora to this congr egationevery department of the work is progressing. He will supply for some weeks more. __ We expect to see Dr. l.ammiman p er· manently l ocated here in the near fnture. Dr. L ammiman made a beginning here last week in taking charge of Dr. Mitchell's practice wh ilat the latter was absent for a. few days. Th o Ladie&' Aid Societ y expect to hav6' B AMl"l'UN . _ .,. Mr. Simon Taylor has nmtetl Mr. Wm. an interesting and enjoyable time a t tho' r fo.wn Social to be held in D r. Mitchell's G reenway's farm . orcl1ard, Friday afternoon 21Jbb inst . Messrs. Cole and 'Elliott were a t Kew· Vi9itors- Mrs. wife nf R t;v. W. Bon· tonville visiting frie nds S unday. COURTIOE. aon, Michigan ; Mr. Wm. Hutchi>Oll, Se\'eral young men from hero were out Lis t.owell ; Mr~. 'Gsher, Uxbridge ; Mr. Glad to aee Mr . · Tohn \Valter s arouod EXACTING ' the lfnequalled _..!!"".;:;=.~ .Tno. CleweH, Sr., Uxbridge; Mr. W. e~op again .--...:r: "'-Xing been laid up to Scllg·>g J,ake fiflhing on Saturday. SERVICE for several da)' A branch of the electric light rirn h~ck Batrs, Stratford. __.,troke. in Jn the absence of Rev. R . Sanderson to thi3 villa!!e would he of great. ser vice A good ba·e ball match is lookod for-a c confereuce, Mr. \Vm . Everwn preached dark eveninge. ward to at the L:idi efl' Aid L awn Social The eu~ertaioment a ud :~musemen t2 on which is to be lielcl her o Friday !39th inst at Ebenner on Sunday rnorni11g last. the ht of .Jnly in this villal(e, are t he all Th'l Dl'~l{oons wi il play that day theil' lirst Tbere was no service in the evening. g1une for this E ea"o n wi th some outside Tht>re will be preached at, absorbing topic now. on Sunday morning next, the fune ral Weather prophets predicted aco·>l snn1- team . sermon of Mr. H . \Villiams, the young mer, but last weAk the "Sun" was umieuU~T:l.AWA . man wh cse death was caused by serious ally b right, ca using some in the village (ft'r om the On!arlo ReJ01·m ~1'. ) injuries r eceived irom a fall aa reported to perspire profusely. in THI~ STA'fl!:Shl.AN a few weeks ago. The Oshaw1~ Malleable Iron Co. are Mr. "\\'. Creeper sold a fine looking cow Ebenuer anniversary aervicea were held to drover \Vhite recantlj. Her previous again e nlarging their works. as a nnounced, on the 10th and 11th inst. owner must have been an extr& milker. M r. John G. Smith has opened a fruit On the 10th inst. impre8eive and eloquent Wm. could not get her milked in t ime store and ice cream parlor iu t he shop resermons were preached by Rev. N . Hill, for the factory. ce ntly occupied by Mr. A. Mackie. of Osliawa, in the.morning, and R ev. Mr. THE JEWELl~ER, GR.EAT 1msn at t he Hampton \Voolen Va1e11tine Kelly, a. well-known ch>lracBarr111111 in tho evening. In the afternoon Mills . Goods selling at greatly reduced Has been appointed sole a gent for addresses were delivered by Revs. Barrass, prices for GO days. Come with you r wool ter abo11t t own, who has been of unsonud mind lately, has bem taken t o Whitby the celebrated ROCKFOUD ATCHES, Rill, D yer and Mr. Thoe. Courtice, of and get bargains wliile they last. High- jail. Po1t Perry. On Monday 11fternoon an est prices in cash for wool, D . T.AXLOH, No., 3 Company, 341h Bat.talion, left they are the best American Watch excellimt program was presenled by the Proprietor. Oshawa on 12t1 1 inst., for 12 <la.ya' drill at l'he recitations, dialog ues, manufactured and are guaranteed children. (Received too late for last iseue ) Niagara. The boys preei!'nted a ueat ap· &c , as well as displayir1g the cleverness Mre. ·welle1· has moved to the tl outh pcarance. from the factory a s b eing fir~ t -cJass, of the children, reflected great credit· o::i t h e indefatigable_ Superioteudt1nt, Mr. Ward. Mies L . Chapman, of Oshawa , has . Call and examine them. Mr. 'l'hos. E lliott, is repairiug his pa0 sed her fir~t year's ex uuination at James "Courtice, under whose guid ance t!ie mill-dam. Trinit.y University. She also obbin cd a We have als o th e fl.neat stock of program was prepared. After the proOur cheeee factory is doing a good fir st clas>1 certiticate. gram a sumptuous and bountiful t ea, such all kinds of Watches, Gold and as the ladies of are far famed business this sea~on. '.l' he stockhold·e ra of th e Whitby C as Mrs. Hoidge is visiting her son, H.J. ancl ~Vnte r Company met on Tuesday Silver, in the town ofBowmanville . for, wae partaken of. lu t he evenin g John R . Cla.rke delivered to a cr owded Hoirl)(o, Bloomington. night and organized. The sum of $!:1,200 In J ewellry, w e h ave an e ndless house his eloquent, instructive and enterMrs. Ivory, Omernee, has· spent a fo w has been w1>seribed. variety- Clock s of all kinds ver y taining lecture on " To and Fro in days at the parsonage lately. ,,.--:,...A il istrict meeting of . the Oddf,· llows Lolldon." Proceeds of t ea, $145; of l'lfr. D. F. Welsh, CLuke, preachecl will he be!.! J m e 20:,h. Delegates from cheap. lecture, $40. 'l'nur. here Sunday mornillg week. Bowmamili.i. Whi tby, P ort P erry, Brook· In Silverware we have the e -::ORONO. Mr. Wm. Greenaway and wife, Hope, lin, :md th e Oshawa Lodges will bo p1·esent. elusive right to sell for the largest I (Frum t he N ews.) were visiting friends here r ecently. firm in the U.S. The quality and Miss Riddell, of Cobourg, ms th!l guest Mr. Charles Trick, Cobourg, was- the . Last Sabbath waa children's day at the · . of Miss Francis Linton recently. guest of Mr. H. Elliott, et·., for few days Chri stian C hurch . The edifice was b eautifully deconted wi th flowers, and the prices tho best aud lowest m 'll· lat ely. 11, . "'-f r . an d l\Irs. H · K enned y, o f M 1 which were largely at tend ed, this part of i.Le country, We ask I brook, were lately the guei;ts of :Mr. A. . The Sabbath School is preparing services, were of a m ost intere3ting clrnracter. ou to caU and examine our goods R. Gamaby. dial ogues, recita.tiona and music fo r the Y Mrs. James Allan , of 26 Howard St., > d eII h a d a couple of corning anniversary. M r. J a.mes I"un b fi b · sheep killed by lightning during the big O ur builders are all busy just uow. 'J'oronto, and sister of Mrs. J ohn Hiir t , e ore uying. storm on Monday week. Messrs. Clatworthy & Johns are working Jr., of E ast Whitby, died last week under very sad circn matances. A bout two years Specs and Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., The Orangemen of the District oflJlarko at Columbus er ectmg a new church. ago burglars entered h er ho n ~e a nd used we carry the leading s tock, and will celehlrat e t he glorio ns 12th with their The Wilcock farm 1s to be sold by auc- aome noxious drug, .s uch as chloroform, tion at B eer's hotel, here, 011 Saturday with whioh they rendered Mr. and Mrs. guarantee eve r y pair for 6 mc.nths, brethren at Port Hope. Mr. A. J. Lockhart hnd his collar hone 30th inst. This will be a good chance to Allan insensible. Mr. Allin recovered 0111· ~onstaut aiJu i s to b enefit tbe peo1>le by ~onl'tantly if well used. If they l}.reak we fractured · on Saturday, 9th io st ., by the buy a nice 80 acre farm. Sale at 2 o'clock. from the effects of the d rug, but · Mrs. 25-2w. · bnggy. will r epair the m free of c h arge. ovi;rthrowing of his Allan was v.01 -y much injured constitution· Mr. Themas McLean is putting his o11ei·ing bargains. 'Ve s how what '"'e adve1·tize, we Call and g e t fitted prope rly. . Mr. '\V. R o!fe has secured the agency "Steam 'l'hreahin g Machine" in order for ally by the inhalation of tho fumes. She contracted blood poisoning, 11nd h er life 1nea11 what wbat ·w e say. \Ve never tbinl.: it wo1·tb for . the Hamilton N e w Light Binder, the corning season. H e has secured the has since been ono of suffer ing. She was OUR REP AIRING DEI'ARTMENT.-- We manufactured in P eterboro · services of two first.class men, nnd will a Miss Conl on of Enfield. wJ1il e to quote })l'ices, tor " 'hat c:an any one know Messrs. A. A. and A. R. Garnsby nc· be in a position t o do good wor k. can only go over the same old say:SU.LINA.. a bout a1·ficJes 1nerel)- by the 1)rice in a ne,··spapet· ~ ing, that we l'e pair Watches,Clo0ks compimied by their wives, left on Mon· Tlie gr eat improvement s th at have day last for ~.n outing: at Lake Simcoe. b een rua d e on th e ~ ~oo f arm k nown ~ acre R eal estate is booming in the village. The :fin· l·ettet· way is to. call and exan line tlte1u Cot· a.nd J ewellry in the mos t skilful Our local vocalist~, Messrs. 0 . A . as the "Joli Farm, " a half milu south B usiness jg rnshmg at the b la.clrnmith anci C. G. Armstrong be· of this village, call for more than a y o1n·sel£ Suffice it to s ay, iCfltet·e is honot· 111 1nan, ot· manne r. We aie hoked upon as Gamsby and carpenter shop. 1 l · · commg very popu ar, iavmg no lesa than passing notice. J os. D . 'l'releven, Esq., virtue ht g·ood GOODS at low 1,riees, we 1nea11 to be the only reliable Watchmaker in three invitations for July lsb. brother of your worthy townsman,Mr.M. Mr. and Mm. W . H. L angmaid are at 1naster ot Oae situation. Co1ne and see otn· DRESS this part of the cou ntry. Mere The Ne,vs_takes plearmre in cong ratu. 'l'relei:en, " Sign of Big Boot dra wn by a tending Conference. lating l\fr. '\Val lace Kno tt , who was mar· spankmg team of horses, " purchased th is The Post Office I nspector wa9 in the GOODS, tile best value in town, (ot· can be o:ftc1·ed) t a lking can't do the work, but tools, ried to Miss Addie Dimsdale, of Barrie, prvpert.y last spring, paying $10,000 cash village the other da y. Mr. G eo. Awde lias been a ttending the '1' itl1 all s ort.s of Tt·im1ni11gs to suit t h e al'ticles. , The a bility and exp e rience combine,d formerly of this place, on Friday, Ju ne d own. Since spring opened h e ha~ h ad Sth. gang3 of men at work . aucl h~ s wrought Co unty Co:incil at Cobour g. · T APIAE D ... ,JllooD s - 1·e1·y c o1ncan, of which we h ave plenty. , genel'al s tock o:C s Batley straw promi~es to be au extra· considerable imrrovom ~nts from one end Mr. G ao. Trowin, of Oshawa, is s pend · ordinary crop this year if tho sample left to ~~io_ other. H e haa _fort~nately al ino~t in" a few days in this vill:we. 0 0 --_ 1llete. 'l'\lrEEDS 'vitla u s al'e s oon J;Dade 111,- in a 1m11m1ted means at h1a d1epoeal and is · us b y l\Ir. A . A . G ams b y ti1e oth er d ay expending it in a very practical m11nner I Mrs. G~o. J oll, of B~wm~nvil'.e, has ., ,.edt·y, Cote1·i e and Pantry, by vca·y sk illed and note- 44. The J e weller. is a fair average. The straw measured - in a way to ge t practical ret urns. H e been s1Je11dmg a few d ttys m this neighbor-- - - - - - -·- - _________... three feet in length and \ns taken from b hood able \i'ork1neu. hill farm about the l et of June. has ui 1t about 635 rod s of John Hare's · paten ; fence 11nd upw ards d 700 rods of The base·ballists am :i.11 r eq uested to At the citi:r.en's meeting on Friday nther fen ce. No less than l ,100 loads of be · at Soliu11o Oll Saturday e vening a t G - - - o- - evening ..last , called for th e p ur pose of manur e l1ave been hauled h orn t he barn o 'clock. a program kind fod r yard, s t1ffic1 'ent to fert1" l1 ' ,, ",~ "' 1 O acres. He S ome of our young peopIe were h ighly arr1m · d ·a v ··ging · D · o of some D onumon ay Ht rono, it was eci e . has gone the right way to work to rene~ t t · d t I "d f M to h old a concert. a t which one of the d 1 " en er ame o. t le r ea1 ence o r. W . ~· B ll over croppe soi , namely, by seeding L . .L·nv last Tnesday eveniug. .v'ax r others w i in all probabilHy take down n ot less than 125 acres, using from · - - - - - - - · '!'ho RETA! !. 'f nAn. m.shou14 be careful to ob- part. A committee wa11 alao o.ppointecl l 2 t 1 d 'fhe Sal vationisb1 held a broken -do wn . t l d ""' - · . t' f I o o p, o un a of seed per acre ; and in d d , I k serve th<tt ev· ry piece cf print purchased bears t . t the stamp of o lll ern ew te 11:.eren. so010 1 es o t le addition t o t he eleven hundred loads of u es meeting here ast wee. . Tb.a dmm , The M a g o g T extile & Print Co'y vil~age _wit~ o. vie w to arranging for a barn yard manure ho lrns sown several was 1 \ lso tried by t he judge and j!lry and I in orrl· i to b~ sure of getting the genuine umon pic-mc. wagon loads of plaster and salt ou his was found guil1.y and sentenced t o be · . article. It is only a short time since Mr. S tephe n grdin. He ]ias gone heavily into t h e hun g- on Father D 's n eck'and beat till QW Q W'l W , . , . 93 S t P 0 ;-st t M Dobson took h is departure from our midst p urchase of good stock, having now 4o furthel' < ·r ders. Altoge ther it was an im· Att si,:, ·· · e r ree · r ONTREAJ,. and settled on 11 fa.rm n ear Brandon, Man· head of cattle, GO s heep, 50 Jamb3 , G mense go. What n ext ? · itoba. Since then reports reach us that brood imws, 25other pigs andlOhead of Th e concert at Mt . Vernon on Friday he has falle~ heir to a considera?le for. very fine horses. He has lately bouoht eveuing last was a very surcessfu l affair S tune, left lum_ on the deat h of his land - a very superior thoro'-bred Yorkshire indeed. The recitat ions, read ings and lord, who h!J.Vlll!'! s oar wJ11 'c·.1 lie wi ' ll k eep for vocal selections wore exceptionally good ~ n o connections made 'Vh1'te · LARGESTINCANADA. Stephenhisheir. We moat h eart1 lycon · ~ervico, and which is allowed by good and were well r endered. At the close · grat ulate Stephen if s uch i3 the CMe, how- Judges to be tho best animal of his class t he conimitbec p nrchased a D ominio n We want reliable. enorgetic men to sell 01ir e ver it h cks authenticity. in the township. ' Vo are pleased to organ from 1\-Ir. D ey man in priiference t o nurijery stock ; previous experience not neces- -T have a -· irentlemao of M r·. Trdlevcn'· th o ]~ j\· r II E,ll' sary ; any man with tact and ene1 ·gy can ,D B ·- O ,, k v ~ >e 11 b r o11 ght by £'.tr .. ·.. 10tt. succeed. ·r crms liberal,elt.her salary or com' ICRENS AD NE R ICK, remar · ed enterprise in our neighborhood and wo the professor, in a discussion of favorite hope he will r eap abundantly for the .P.ERE.llil'TORY S.lLE.- R M. Kir kpatmission ; outfit freo. Our agents have advunta.ges, as selling ' l1 a Iways s t ruek ick in l Liqu honsegrown. hardy Canadian such >tock. '.rhis o.u th ors, " wh IC · me as an liberal expenditure he ie making. Many r h ( ·idation. For three weeks season we havo a num ber of choice epecialties oddity. I mean his habit which rnunt be other Darlington farmers might with t e stoc ' which is staples, well assor ted) .rofit financially take a is offered to the public at cost p rice an'.l which are of value and which can only be uttered on all occasions. Now people in credit ancl much p secured from ua. ench as a complete list or I J"f d 't ' te t l ' k under. Business t o be wound up at New Ru ~sian apples, the Ritson pear. Sa.null- tea 1 e on l ra e I e parr ots. At leaf from Mr. Treleven's' book. era plum. Hllbor".l raspberry. Moor's H.uby and, I kn ow of only one person who is on ce. No such chance for obtaining 3 1 A enuure propagation o_f hardy varieties suitable to the he 1 H.uddy ch eeks, sparklino eyes rincr- th e torturing panos of N euraluia Rheu - stock s.t a rat e on t he de; liar, also for a " ' · · t h" · ' h ' "' i · S c1atic11., · - 0 Lmnb~cro and valuable h orse, harness first class northern sections ofto Canada. · . · . · -,u apply rng \ OlCll, ne11, 1 11~ pe P rase, w lC l matu;m, sundar , . l· ' ortcnmi · 1 S t o n e & W e lling ton, I \ ·e hear d him .repeat to perhaps a scor e painfu_l complaints are sov~rely tried, but pe~d l~g wagon_. ~iberal terms. A pply 2! - 3m '.l'oronto, Ont. of peo1~l e, s ulfonng _frut~ c·oughs and w~ak there 1 .s n speedy relief in Hagyard's Yel· to · · REWI N, Oshawa. . lungs, is, "Take P ierces Golden Medical low Oil, as thousands who have used it ·- ... 1 1u~C~AS~ON."'~·i?."s~s '~.'~ ~1~:~ 1 ~~!:~~~!~ I Discovery.' N o won der, either, for it joy fully te~tify . T t banisJ1e 3 pain and i unv·s S ULl"lllTn s o Ar h an elel(ant m·M· 1 11 ' b l 001 e 1 ur oc:nu ' 1 t11c s ~!c1n · saved him from a consumptive'3 "' "'raYe· " la1 11eness qu.ickly · I l e, a nil detn.! 11urc .,111 y ~c~. t.·I 1111y · ,c l'iiectnally . U~ " " f'UriHes the 8 klh. :m.-.~· 2000 Yards of new Brussels and Tapestry A new Dominion organ hos heon ARRISTER, Solicitor, N otary, &c. placed in the church h ere. COBOURG. Ofllce,- Armour Block, Kin,.- Street. 22. Messre. Clatwortby & J ohos are over· hauling Mr. Dyer's hon sa. l\fr. John Winnacott has moved into t he new house of the \lillage McCUAIG & MAINWARING, 'l'ho Inspector, Dr. W. E . 'l'illey, Estate and Pinancial Agents. visite1'1 t he school one day last week. IS VICTORIA S'rREET, TORONTO. l\'.Ir. Johil Harris, Mr. A. McCullou~ h, Can exchange a number ot well rented houses and Mr. Levi Reattoire have each lost a in Toronto, paying a good rate ot interest, for horse lately. first-class farms free ot mortgage, "Vhy let money on <leposit at i per cent. Miss Maggie Ormiston who was married when j udicious investment in Toronto pro· eome time ago to Mr. Sol. Manning, has perty will realize ten timee that amount? MONEY LOANED on Fa.rm Property &t goue to the neighborhood Of Exeter to lowest rates. live. ' Ve can oft'er several lnYeatmente in rented Mast er William Thorne had his nose honses- centrsl Joca.lltics, Toronto, paying ten broken by being etruck wit h a bat while per cent. on amonnt invested. By notifying us direct 01· by leaving notice playing ball at school one day last week. at STATESMAN OFl<'ICE, Bowmanville, or Master John Campbell had his arm with P . TREBILCOCK, Bookseller. Bowman· vi. lie. interviewa may be arranged with our broken by a fractions cow running by representative, Mr. rt. C. SINCLAIR. H 3rn. him so as to crowd him against the fence. Both are under the care of Dr. Mitchell and eecm to be doing well. . FARMS WANTED. ENNIBKILLEN. ROCK 1auick·Train WATCHES FORD CARPETS Bought direct from the celebrated manufacturers, .J ohn Crossley & Sons, of Halifax, England. w Newest designs and colorings and no better vaJue ·any~here. Cpuch, Johnston &Ctydorman One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville. 1 GEORGE LAING, The Farmer's Friend. ----o-- -- n"u· " MAYNARD, MiLLINE~ ------.. M CAN AD I A N I PRINTS· ILLINERY NEW G OODS TO HAND ! \IV, e a re n Sh n g a 11 the Leading and most F ashi onable - - - -------- -. ---------.--··· Fon th i 11 N urser1es I . apeS a n d S ty 1eS' Q Sh N eW H a t ' - rnamen t s, N ew B onne t s, . N ew R1 bbo ns, Fl owe rs, Feathers, a nd · . r1nges. F · W'E EXCEL IN FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GE-0. LAING, ~iwg·l~~:m~t: o;::~i::::a::::::ti:~:::: ;~~b~~i!~b~~: ~~;!c~~:iur!~~nffea1ft~~i~~~t I I S.EV.ER~~=:~;~~ho o1ff~~ a~~o:oli~rt:~ ~~;~~:eiul;~h:aeb~iog~ i.- -- I I

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