== ---- quest ; and Mr. Dutton held it wisest only to GREENLAND'S IOY MOUNTAIN. write a note telling Mr. Egremon~ that he had obta.ined llvidence that the child was CATARRB.-A. new treatment has bee11 dls· IB PUBLISHED ['en days had passed and Mark !ind An- 1 living and that he was going in pur- What the Selcnttoe llxplorin& Jxpe<Utlon lOVAred whereby a permanent cure of. this E~ERY WEDNESDAY ltlORNING na.ple were thinking that they ought to suit, but thought it safer to sa.y no from Cop1mbagen Dopes to Ac11omplbh. tltherto incurable disease, is absolutely uil'ecL· -BYBY CHARLOTTE M. YOUNG, turn to ordinary life ·and leave the berea.v-1 more at present. He gave the note to The expedition which started out recently )d In from one to three applications. no :rrntt~r ' to oonst rue. t th · M k t h · 0 ffi ·~· ,, " I c~nno t "trust .myself from Copenh<>gen to explore the . . ll'hetheris sta.ndu g Jne year or forty years. 'l'h111 ed ones to cndeo.vour eir j ar a. is 10 mtenor of ·emcdy only applied once in twelve days, 1 ..._ · · life afresh under that dreadful wear!ng un· to see your cousm, he said. I m1t1ht he Greenland may not commend itself to popn· md does not interfere with bu~inesa. Descrip· AT THE OFEIOE · CHAPTlTIR XXXlV.-(CoNTINUED.) , certEi.inty of their dHling's fote. ~till they! te.mpted to s,ay more than was ? 0~sistent 1lar interest a.s those which have made the ,be pamphlet se~t free o_n receipt o~ stamp by t were detained by urgent entreaties from with Godfrey s honour towanls Ins mform· mysterioua and ever interesting North Pole &.. H. Dixon & Sun, 300 Kmg atre~t, Vi est l"ost omcc n~i~!·J,"-~!f;1 ~f~~et, Ito" man.It ·was on.ly too !rue that, as he had father and daughter, who both dreaded their ant." · · , . the object of their ambition, but scientific.,· roronto, CanW~iAT IS 0A1'~RPH1 said, _Gre~orio, Sa,yelh had bcien the fcuhe departure as additional desolation, and as! "I thmk you are nght,'. s<>id ~ark. ally it is destined to Become quite as impor Catarrh is a<!augerons disP.as~ which t hous0 T E R :l\a'. S : of his life, navmg h;come one t e closing the dom: of hope. And certainly, 'You had better leave me with only mde- tan~. and the more 80 because the undertak· ~nds aie ~ous01ously orunconsc10uslysulformg th t good for Annaple . and' finite knowledge I shall be hanl pressed. . t'h h t . t"ll d t ht I trom. It; 1s a muco·purultmt drncharg" cnused ·50 1' 11 ArJJ1 Jn, or$1 i f paid in ad1·ance. whips left by pleasant vices, and the break- i · f h · k h db not c nl at a ter· : even e res wa8 · ' I ' " mg, oug grea · 18 s i mo era e enoug 0 l>y the presence of a vegetable parasite 111 the - ~ 1'a.y ment strictly in advance required trom ii;ig 0 t. e :yo e a een . 1 . Yh If hr d her baby, for whom nurse hu<l discovered a Do you_not go home first? allow of a slight hope of success. The ex- J!nlng membrane of the nose. 'l'he pred1"posj)3 crtbera outside of the county. Ord~rn to nble pnc?, but,~~ a man tn us a · f i~ better system had really not cried more for "Yes I go to pack up a few things and pedition has been equipped in Chriutiana, lng causes are a morbid state of the bloo11, the 3cont1nue the paper mu5t be accompanied by and iDvalJd conditrnn, the actu<\l loes 0 t ·0 1a whole day than "befitted a mtional child." fetch M~nsieur. A run in the country will and is under the leadership of Mr. Nansen bhghte~ ~orpuscle of tubercle, the germ Pvison · , ta.m~unt due or the pape wil noc be stopped. person on whom he had depended wau a pn· 1 "d h l n d b k t l . d d h b l bl h M B H h ' ?l syphilis, me1cury, toxomre, from the r0ten· l:IAcrlborsa.rereaponaibleunti fullpaymoutis t· D B l h . knew of sa.1 the mot er, as s1e wo, re ac o,co him goo' au e may ea vaua e o1rator et t e useuma.t ergen. o a.u ilonofthectre·ematterottheslnn BUP!Jl l!Ssed 10 va ~· r. ~ow~ ?W,L o~ev:i j·b t b Springfield with her husb&nd in the summer auxiliary. I shall find no one at Springfield for his associates three or fcur Norwegian perspiration a, hadly ventilated sleeping ·tpart· 4 \. e. 1 a goo man-ser~an _JUSu SC a dl er v_ ' night, after dinner, on the d11y that Broa.d- at thig hour." athletes, well trained in snow-sh~eing. They ments and the germination of othe~ poisons in n.lTEl!i OF A~Ti>RTllSING s 1~ ~,.. the death of an myalid mi~ter, a.n promise bent's negotations has failed. " Wha.t is vour plan?" · will sa.il first to IasafJ"ord in Iceland where ihe blood, Inita~ed by these, the hnmg mem· ""h J c J "60 00 1 ~"'~ to send him on tris.l · b k h h t t t" J · h ' brane of the nose IS ever ready tor the recep1 0 !"'~"' "ce oumnoneye ~ r .... , ....... ... : · · . :"Nursewt~l rea er ear a par mg ".Ishallventuresofaras toappytot e asealerundert~eo~mmand_ofCapt. Jacob- tlonofthepara.site. which rapidlyspre ads!UP ,; ;; ~~~f ~~:;t't;i:::.:::·::. ~g &~1 J!!l~ It was a day of a.gitahons and disappomt- with her;' eaid Mark. "I wxsh we could pohce for the names of the usual attendants sen, an old arctic skipper, will ta.ke them to the nostrils and down the fauces, or back ot Hat Column one yea" ............... S6 Ov : : - - men ts, a sample of many that were to fol- afford to have her." at races and fairs, and for some idea of the east cos.st of Greenland. Starting out the throat, oansmii; ulcoro.tion of tho throat; up 0 · " Half year·············· 20 0 low. There was not a sound of a bell that J "Afford indeed I Her wages are about their ordinary rounds. I have DO doubt from the uninhabited and bleak ea.st coast is :he !lustachian tubes, causing deafness; bu,:. 12 5 0 " One quarter .. ········· did not make anxious hearts th~ob. And a quarter your salary, sir! And a~ter that these a.re known at the chief something new for Greenland exploring ~~~~~~nt:ep~~~~~cs~i~~t~~~i;;Ffh~ho~;g~~~T:i 0 jQll~rter C0 !!'ILnll~~r ~!~::; :::::::~:'.'. :~ oh I how n1 a.nyfwere sptehnt hon vam ~eptorts, all, 'tis not the nurse th11.t guards the child, offices. For the rest, I must use my eyes. parties. Former expeditions have started mbes ending in pulmon;.ry consumption and 1 1 "· ·· one quarter ........ 8 001 - u on mere ca so sympa . Y Y acquam a.nee as we have seen only too plainly." But tell your cousin that with God's bl,ss-1 out from the more accessible west coast, and death. . Ten lines andunder,ftrst inRertlon. SO whom the father and sister could not see, "D9 you think he is alive, Nan?" ing I hope to bring him back to her." have pressed into Many ingenious spe1fics for for t_he c ure oJ Kach subsequen 1insertion ······ 0 25 and on notes of inquiry or condolence that "I begin to think not. He is not so ,: He will,, said Ursula when Mark gave catarrh ~ave been mvented, but without. sue· "'rom eix · t o t.en linv~· firstinscrtion 0 75 N uttle · l 1a.d t o answer. · TIIE ICY INTEmioR oess, the until a phys101an or long standmg cllscov· "' Each · ·young but that he conId . mak e h" imscIf her the message, and from' that moment 11he . ered exact nature of th diaeaoo and the subsequent Insertion···.··· 0 8a1h ·~ t ov d. t . 10 over ten lines first insertion,perhne 0 Annaple ca.me and was a great help and known, and those advertisements are ~o was calmer. She did not fret Mark with m au. easter1 Y or nor~ eas er1Y tree 10 n only appl\ance which will permanently destroy 0 Haoh subs~quentinsertion " 0 · support to her. Poor nurse, oblivious of i' widely spread. I am sure poor ~utt10 questions even as much a.s Anoa.ple clid, she The _d1sa.dvantage of this ha:s been that the the Para.site, no matter how aggravate<! the The number of lines to be reckoned bY her bad foot or perhaps willing to wreak would be more at rest if she could l!'lVe us tried to prevent her father from raging at pa.rhea were constantly gomg further and ~ased. Sl!lll~rers sbouhld tsend stamph at onthce 1 1ve pampA,1eH, on l 8 db ' it · as tke' cause of !l11 t h e hope. " . · h a b"t d por t' escrip ca.tarr to 306 e Ori 1 e. the space occupied,. measure Y sea e vengeance on the scant . mforma.t1on, and she even end ea· f urth,er. a._way f rom the m ions of .or business manaQers, Dixon & ·Son, 'ol'd Nonvareil, mischief. had insisted on continumg her "I did not tell you llefore, Nan, but ~ut- voured to employ herself with some of her the Uontmen:, and the tei:nptat1on to. return King street, west, Toronto, Canada. - "t!:: seaNh in the morning under all the thorns ton was goin~ to-day to look at a poor little ordinary occupa.tions, th<1ugh all the time out of the wilderness of 10y mountains has What tlte llev. E. B. Stevenson, B ..A., a Cler(/1/ and rhododendrons where she thoughb the 1uncla.imed child's body that had been found she kept up the ceaseless watch. "Mr. been too great to overcome. m!l-n of the London Conferenceoft~e Metho Dils. HCL.llTGDLIN .t BEITD, · · · d h" · H e k new h' · that wit · h out M r: N ansen WI ·n ~everse th dist ChtJ.rch of Canada, has toTreatment say in regard dear lamb might have hidden a.n d cr1e 1'11· m the Thames, im better than Dutton would not ha.ve said . e operat· 10n. To A.H. Diwon &- Son's New for · 0Jl'FICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. self to sleep, and at last had been brought I, so he went." good hope," she averred, "and I trust to ~e will land at once m the wilderness,. and Oatarrh, Dr.J.W.MCLAUGHr.lN, Dr. A. BEITH, Gradu "He would ha.ve come if--" said him.' h!s ,~nlf mott~ then ca~ be~ "Cross or Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 licentiate of the ~?yal ate of the Toronto home in a. cab quite worn out and despair· Yet when four, five, six, E:ight days had die. ~n.ch a view of the situation cannot be Messrs.~· H. Dizon &- Son: -Oollege of Physicians\ University l'hysician ing. But the screaming ha.by proved to be Annaple. J.Jld member of the · a. much better comforter to her than any " Assuredly, He meant to fetch nurae pii.ssed with no tiding~, the heart sickness en~ertaii;img to a small party set do:vn on an DEAR ::;ms.-Yours ot the 13th Inst. to hand. Royal College or Sur· Sui·geon, &;c. 11ount of reasonable argument. To soothe if he had any doubt, but a.fterwa.rds he was grew almost more than she could bear, nnmhab1ted coast, but the sentiment of ~~:~~~'t~1'i:.i?r~ tgotgfoi to be ;~n~ t~at;, a~ aeons, Edinburgh. , " to understand what ailed it, to find suit· going t-0 his court about his rei.ts. He al· though she still answered with spil'it when "cross or die" will hold out a. kind of philo· have had 110 return ~f the 1Ji.~:eaae a and ane' ·,r able food for it, was an '?ccupation which ways does that ~m Saturday ev~ninga." her father a.gain took to abueing the UU?-· sophica~ encoura~':ment which must be very felt better in my life. I have tri~d so ma; y DR, J. (J. KIT(JHELL, Mr. Dutton himself opened his door to the brella fellow for choosing to keep all in lus useful m expeditions of that character. things for Catarrh, J!Ufl'ered so much . and for EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS made the suspense less mtolerable. The very handling of an inta.nt would have been pair. own haDds. The hopes that Mr. Nansen has of being 30 many y ea.brs,ttthat 1t1s hard to realize that and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. 1 am rea1 1Y e er. · · "d M a.rk · l saymg · to a. ble t o t re.verse the nnk nown Ill · t erior · Olllce and Residence, Ennisk1llen, U. congenial; and a s10kly, crymg one was " W e11, " eai . Even Annaple could not hep an d I consider tb.at mine was a very bad case; U only too interesting. \.Villie was too "Certainly not. The poor child was e~i- her husband that a precise, prim, old ha.ch~- reach~ place of safety on the w~st coast be- was aggravated and chronic,!invclvmg the W. S, ORMISTON, L, L, B. near her darling's age to be a welcome dently much younger, and had red ho.1r. lor was the very last person for a hunt m fore wmter seem reasonable. ll!S party has hroat as well 1 as the n11.s1J.l Pll.ll~ages. and I huotulr<!1et l tfw uld 1·eqdublretthhetthree ,trteatmentsd, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyar.cer, &:.c. Money siaht but he was already a prime pet Bu' look here," and he held out a battered shims and the like. The very sight of him 1mdergone a thorough training in crossing 1 " ' the servants at Sprmgfiel · d ; an d something, · · h a. w h" · . guard. " And t he snowy mount ams · 0 f N orway · ~n d h a. '"e 0 ,, e1 u 11Y that cureI was y ever e wo sen me. an to loan. Ofllco, in Beaver Block upstairs m b I aek wtt · ite s t ripe. would put the people on their I am thankful induced to sen~ rvorns fo1merly occupied by Dr. Harnden with Anna.pie, secure that her children were in Mark understood nothing, but Anna.pie exthink of his fine words," she added. "I sho~n t~emselvee ca.pa.hie 1f perilous and to you. . Bowmnnv1lle. 39 safe and experienced hands, and overflowing claimed, "Is it his ship?" wisl, I could go! If I started with a shawl trymg wmter tours. You are at liberty to use this letter stating with motherly sympathy for the grevio.us '.'Yes, I could s!ear to it, for see, and heJ over my head, yoked to a barrel-organ! I . Th~re has _been '!luch spe~ulation on the ~~tta.I1 1~~!~1 ~~~~ 0 °~:;;;~n~ ;6"uort;::i~~;~~~~:!~ DR. E. V. llleDOWELL, ICEN'.l'JATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE lose, was ready to devote herself to N uttie, pomted to some grimed, almost effaced, but should have a far better chance than he will. mtenor of this c?ntment, which N ordens~· of.my friends who are sufferers. Yours, with many thanks, oi Physrniuis. London, Eng.;Member ot whether by talk, by letter writing, or by still lee;ible capitals, which, however, scarce-, I declare, Mark, if he does not suceed we'll 3old calls the ··Northern Sa.ha.r~." It is REV. E, B. STEVENSON <.:ollege or Phys1crnns ann Surgeons. Ontario. seeing inquiring friends She did not ex- I1y any one bnt himself could have read as do it We'll hire an organ whereon you well-known that a wall of monnta.mous gla· · · hand to mak eth ose shall· play. Ah ! you shake ' your head. A ciers · · t er1or, · b u t a. th eory And hundreds of others SURGlil'.Y AND RESIDENCE:-Hear or Meesra pect to be of any use to · Mr. Egremont, who Ursula. "I gmded his surround s the m lilggrnbotham's I>rng Store, Bowmanvillfl, had always held aloof from and disliked the evening before .he wa.s lost," sa,id Mr. 1 musical education is not required, and I has been a~va.nced by Gen. Gr~ely ai:d ot~ers 6-lyr.· "the giggling Scotch girl," but who ca.me Dutton. . know I shall do something desperate soon, that _there is an open country m ~he mterior, dreEi.rily wandering at an unexpected time "Dea.r little man I And where did yon if that dea.r little boy is not found." a.t tLmes free frorn snow and ice. But a · "' ()P D. BUJlKE SIMPSON· 1 into the rocm where she was sitting with find it?" (To BE CON'.l'INUED.) really A.RJUSTER, SOLICITOR, &o. MOJ>RI~ "Where I never thought of doing so I On ENCHANTING FIELD OF DISCOVERY BLOCK, up utalrs, King .Street, Bowmnn· !:tis daughter, and presently was involved in Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Order. their conversation. vVhether it was the the bed of a little crippled boy in the next -·- is 'offered to Mr, Nansen in another way. le. SOI!citor tor the Outario Bank &b3ence of the poor familiar, or that Annacourt to mine. He is ra.ther a friend c;f The Little White School House. Greenland was discovered in the year 983 Private Monevs loaned at the lowest rate~~ ple was no longer a giggling girl, but a mine, and I turned in to take him some . by the Icel·ndi"c or Norse Vi ' ki"nas, These "f d h · b · If d l" h · th" " Jn the httle white school-house just under the bl) ~ ., .lolm Keith GalbraUll, brave cheerfu l w1 e an mot er, it was cer- straw ernes. onn um ugging is. Half Jiid by the maples, and close to the mill, pioneers founded several colonies along the &a.in that he found the same comfort and " How did he get it?" Whose wide spreading b1<>nches afforded s"ect east ae well as west coast. Inscriptions dis· ARRIS'fER SOLICITOR, NOTARY "Our " Liz" brought Hi to him. Our shade covered in 1834 on the west coast, bearing PUBLIC, &o. ' Oftlee-Bounsall'a Bloc,k support in her presence as did Nuttie. "h "t f tl · d d · "L" " · "ld · who has As we listened to the music the old m1ll 11heel m!\de iii:tnir ~treet. Bowmanv1lle. Money to le!'_ d. n lln 11 s o res ess misery an espa1r ·z ts a very WI spemmen, the date of 1136, show that these settlers in, b d Withi ts buzz :md whirr, its clatter and d" pre·sed hardest upon him, it was soon per· spent her life in e1 uding t l10 ach 00l oar rt marshalled us out, and ushered us in erected boundary pillars as far north as 72. 1VILLlAlll WIGJff, ceived that Anna.pie's cheerful tact enabled officer till she is too old for his clutches; 50. What has become of these settlements, ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the her to de~l with him as no one else could do but she has a. soft spot in her heart for her A pleaeenter resting pbco could ne'er have been also spoken of often in the Icelandic Sa.gas, County of Durham. Orders left at the 1'here was the restraint of courtesy towards little brother, and I believe another for Thon i~~n:o'omv and airy old pleasure grourd, where it is told that in the vear 1121 the Sr.i.TtllaM.AN office or forwa~ded to Tyrone. P .O. her, such as had worn ou~ towards his Gerard Godfrey. We 'll.Ust be very cautious, With its carpet of green and walls of old trees, first Bishop of Greenland, Erik U psi, and 26.5m wllll receive prompt attention. daughter, and besides her sa.nguine optimist and not excite any alarm, or we shall J;>e And ilimpses of sky shining blue through the an Icelander undertook a Christian mission spirit never became so depressed a.a did bafiled altogether, I am not aure that I did caves, . . to the then established Norse colony of V 1 "nS. (). lllTNKING, U napproached for · · · l"ttl Alf f h Making picture so l'leasmg on mtmory s wo.11, poor Nuttie's. Mark went by d a.y to quite pru d entl Y m g1vmg l e a res That the stoutest heart softens as those days they Ia.nd, or a part of what is now Massa,chusette, Tone and Quality. ICENSED .AUCTIONEER FOR liis work, but came back to dine at his boat in exchange for this ; but I could not rlcall. Other tra leB of this hardy people may be the County of Durham. Sales attended uncle's, hear the reports, and do what he help bringing it home." discovered which can throw a new light on CATALOGUES FREE. · d t· A l t " y JO en i!bDrtl!at notice and lowest rates. Address d"d t th · I ~·· The £ignal foi· entering now falls on the el\r, couId f or h1m ; an 111ean Inld nnap e spen ou i no sell e gir · T'ia tho old school bell ringing, in tones loud · and the early hissory of this oontimmt. The OC'lllllfltll P. O, 36:tf the chief part of the day in aiding Nuttie " No. Those girls wander long a.nd late clear, possibility, at least of such dibcoveries will make ,Mr. N anaen's expedition one of great a.ud Mr. Egremont, while her baby really on these hot nights, and I do not think I To hasten the loiternr th~t lags by the way, Pianos Tuned and Jtepaired. · f · t · ' Id h ave got anyth" And bids the their busy ones oease from their play, sh owed signs o 1mprovemen m nurhse s con m g out of d her h · I hnve Refrain from miEchief, laughter and run, interest. Several futile attempts were made 1 8 keeping. And eo the da.ys went on, W I e been to Gerard Godfrey, a.n t e next ep Be earnest and ·tndious for school has begun, previous to this century to advance into th9 ARTIES WISHING THEIR PI ANOS every endeavour was ma.de to trace the must be left to him." interior, and a few have been made within -_ _,__- · !,,.Tuned or repa1ren c&nhavetbem attended child, but with no result but bitter disap· " The next question is whether you will On through the entrance that !tads to the room, the last tifty yea.rs. The more important of · ·1d With neHr a sunbe&m to lighten the gloom, to by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAJ': pointment. 'l.'wice, s~rayed cm ren, younger tdl thoae poor things at No. 5," said Mark. we enter the rnhool·room so narrow and low, these were the two attempts ma.de by Prof. fllo's OFJ!'IClil, Bowma.11ville A tl.rst-clas maD than Alwyn-one even a. girl-were brought Mr. Dutton hesitated. "I should have Through. the wide open wrndows the summer winds Nordenskjold. In the second he managed now oelug ln their emvlo~ as t.he. lost boy, and the adver.tisements bore no doubt of giving M.i2s Egremont the co_m· hlo1V; to get inland seventy miles, while two L~TIB, the ans" murmur of voicee Roats out on the air, " fru1 t in more than on~ h arnssmg an d h cart · fort of knowinv that there was a possible And As the) er the ioll·ca·l, °' join in the pmyer. on snowshoes, went fifty miles further and less correspondence witb wretches w~o pro- clue, but if her father insisted on setting on reported an endless snow-field. The fact fessed to be ready to restore the child, on the police, there would be very little more On the rough 1Hioden benches, narrolV and low, tha.t during their march they saw two ravens promises of absolute secre.cy, and sums of hope ot success. I am afraid it will be more Are bright faces ehimng, with health's ruddy glow, flying northward led Nordensli1"old to think h d th 11 f Ove1· exercise poring some are earnest intent, 0 b f mon?y sent . e o~e an · Wl a sorts I?re prudent to wait till we know what God- While on occasional urchin on mischief is bent; that somewhere not far off was an open mmt10ns l\ga.mst mterference from the pohce trey sa:ys. He hopee to see the girl to-mor- ~·earing the penalty of being detained after school, country. The firat of these created great excitemenc, row evening at his mission class, but of Or committrng to memory some unpleasant rule. 11.nd the pursuiu was committed to Mr. D11t- course she is a very uncertain attendant we gaze at the old desks grimy a.nd black, Up-Stairs and Down. bon. When it proved abortive, Mr. Egre- there. No, I oonnot trust myself." And~ host of fdond m emhord1ehs cadrry uhs back d · t men t and anger were g reat · . hh oId" the bnght ays o1 ccould 11 oo EO appy an gay, - When I say CuRm I do not mean merely to mont ' B d" 1sappom Annaple was forced to brook Wit mg To f>:'re sorrow or trouble drive them away ; FoR WrnDows.-A good chamois s'kin otop them tor a tnno, and th on have them r,,._ and he could not be persuaded tha:t .all was the hope from the fainting hearts all the Iteluctant to leave it, I'pauee on the si!I, " takes hold " of the dirt upon glioas and turn again. I l\IEA.N A RADICAL CURE. ! llave ml>de the disease ot not the fau~t of M:1'." Dutton's susp1c1on and ensuina Sunday, which was a specially try-I Breath~ a pra_ er lor the school house iust under the ma.kea the cleaniug of windows and mirror· precaution m holdmg ba~k the !llouey, nor ing day, as Nuttie pined for her dear little , hill. _ __ comparatively easy. Never use soap, but FITS, EPILEPSYor ?ould any one persuade him ~hat 1~ was m~re companion with the pictures, stories, and Th Child add a little ammonia, if anything, to the HARNDEN, L. D. 1mp?sture. Whe_n another !ll·~ntten em~- hymns that he had 1'lways enjoyed, and e ren. clear water and wash with the chamois. Graduate ofth~Royal College of Dental matwal letter arrived, he ms1sted that 1t made pretty childish remarks about, such They r.re such tiny feet I Then rinse the chamois in clean water, Alifo long stndy. I wARRANTmyremedyt<> f th ea1 ne quarter and made bl They have gone so short way to meet Surgeons, Ontar10. wring it as dry as possible and use to wipe was rom e · as she began to treasure as memora. e. The ~ears which arc 1 eq·ired to break CURE the worst cases. Because otllers have O FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. Br<;adbent conduct the i;iegotiations, with As soon as he ;:ould early on Monday Their st·ps to evenness, ,,ud mo,ke fa.iled1 s no re,1son for not now receiving a cPre. with. lt is eaaily doue ; the result is a clear, 8endat OTICflfor (~ treati~Aanda.FRIC!' BOT'l 'LD resu.It !ha~ aft~r cons1~~rable sums had morning, Mr. Dutton repaired to Cera.rd Them go shining glass free from !int. (}OLD FILLING A SPECIALTY the Of IDY lNFAT,LillLE R E MEDY. Give ExNC" S been J?Md m c1rcmto?-s fasmons, the butler Uodfrey's lodgings, and found the young : More sure and ·low. ~.nd Post Office. It cost~ you nothing t<i.- a, REARRANGING. · In house cleaning one Jhl.TU'lCIAL TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT w8:s directed to a ra1IVl'.ay arch where the clergyman had succeeded in seeing the 1 They are such little hands l t~ial, and it will cure you. Address need not put the same old things in the PLATES. child would be deposited, and where ~e girl, and had examined her so as not to j Be kmd . things are so new, and lite but ands fu. H, G. ROOT. 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. same old places always. It is easy to move Great Reductions iu price on all Dental fonud a drab-colored bnt o.f whom. he dis- put the w1"ld creatur . e on her guard, and A stfp beyond the doorway. All around a picture, or some minor object of use or New day h"8 found Work. Vitab.:ec! Air, constantly !n use pro· pose d a.t the nearest poIice station, a{ter ma.ke her use the weapons of fa.Jsahood to· such temptml( things to shine upon; and o decoration, and so alter the looks of things, dncing Painless Operations. Parhoular atten wa.rds one who had never been looked upon The ..'.1ands arc tempted oft, you know. t!on pa.id to the regulation of Children's Teet 1 which he came home savagely disgusted. and yet not disturb the comfort of any one, Nuttie was not much less so at what she as an ally of the police. It appeared that 1 as wouid be the case if gra.ndma's chair were ,.-.ALL WORK WARR.ANT.ED.~ Tlley are sn~h fond, clear eyes, felt as a slight to Mr. Dutton as well as at she had brought home the ahip, or rather its That w;den to surpnse mcved from its fa.v<.rite window, or father's Branch office. Dr. ItuU1erford's Orono. Manufacturers of the failure. "When you a.re doing so much hull, from one of the lowest of lodging b.ouses, At ev.ry turn I They 31·eso often held from the lamp and book stand. To suu or showers ; showers soon dispelled for ua. We deserve that you should do where she had employment as something SOILED FINERY.-Neat h~usawivea of Dy looking in our face nothing more," she said with tears shining between cha.rwom3,n and errand girl. 8he r. . ove 11sks for such, much grace. modest means &re not willing to have many in her eyes. had found it on what passf.d for a bed in its articles in their dinilig or bedrooms which They a.re such fair. fm1l g1les 1 "Do not talk in that way," he answered. present condition, one morning, whrn going A.1·Hficial ca.nnot be laundered. Silken toilet sets and Uncertain as the nft.s "You know my feeling for the dear little to make the extremely slight arrangements Of light that he a.long the sky ; bed spreads are well enough when they can Limb!!!, fellow himself, and--" that tht. terrible lair, which served a.s a comThey may not be here by and by, be reuewed if soiled, but nothi11g is more " Oh yea," interrupted Nuttie, "I do mon bedroom, underwent, and ha.d secreted Gl ve them not Jo, e, but more, above And Appliances for all lleplea.su.nt to the sight than snowy linen. And harder, patience v;!th the lo,e. forrnitiesof the H nmanBody tvust to that l Nobody-not the most in- it as a. prize for her little brother. LA1:NDERING CUR'rAINS.-Never attempt -Spinal Diseases, HipJomt different pers~n, but m~st long to ~ave hi!ll· At first she had been stolid, and affected Disease, Diseases ot the to wash Holland shades if there is any way Yea, I know it was domg you & wicked m- utter ignorance as to how it got there but Knee and Ankle, Ruock !le Gets Dhere Shust Dee Same. of sending them to a laundry, for they selKnee, Bow J,ega, Club Feet, iustice to fancy thau you c~uld take offence II Mr. Godfrey had entrea.ted her as a f;iend Bi YAWCUB STRAUSS, dom look as well when done at home. When Etc. LU that wa.y at a father 111 s11ch trouble. to try to discover · and had with all his washing shades, first put them through Old Esop wrote a fable vonce Pl~1ase f?re;ive me, Mr: Dntton. " . · J he~rt ma.de a pathetic description of the WlTllOll'r TBBTll ALSO CRU'l'UHEl:i. WITH Tll:Bre. Aboudt n. hoast!ul hare, boiled starch, dry and then wring them out As if I had ~nythmg to forgive. As 1£ Igirl (he durst not say lady) who had always Who s:.y, "When dhete vo.~ racing of thin cold starch. Roll them in a cloth there were anytlung on earth thateoulc! come been a. mother to her little brother and now You can alvays find me dhere; 1 1 and set aside a short while, then, commenc- - - - - - - - Und how a tortoi·e raced mit him --------before the endeavour to recover him," said' had lost him, and was in terrible ~ncertain' Und shtoppcd bees leedle game, ing a.t the raw end, iron for about a foot in PRA.t:TICAL DENTIST. Mr ·.~utton, too much movecl for his usual . ty as to his fate. That came home to Liz. Und say, "Ef I don'd beeri eo sbbry, length across the sha.de until perfectly dry. OVER TWENTY YEARS EXPll:BllllNCE. prec1s10n of speech. zie's feeling, and she let out what she had I gets dhere ehust der same." Tack to the roller, after turning in the 1 tro1110xldeGaa..ldmlnbteredforPalnle1 "Yes; he is her child," said Nuttie, with seen or picked up in the way of gossip,edge, and roll the dry part upon it. Con· Dot vos der cases eferyvhere, Dperatlons. a. trembling tearful smile, J that the ship had been left behind by its In bolid1cs und trade ; tinue ironing, a short piece at a time, and 10,000 lbs. Wool wanted at the ,. lllCCLlTNG'S BLOCS:. "Her child ! Yes, and even if he were 1 owner, whether boy or girl Vz was uncer1ly herspira.tlon ell' der brow rolling it up until the whole is done. IronVas howaoockcesa vas m :tde. not, he is youi· brother," said Mr. Dutton; ta.in, for it had long fair hair, wore a petti ing shades ID t h is wa.y will keep them from A man some dime may shdrlke id rkh then hastily gathering himself up, a.s if he ' coat, and had been dosed with gin or somecreasing, and if done carefully they will not Und get renown und fame: had said too much, he rose to take leave, thing else when carried away. They said it But dot berapira,tion feller, too, pull away, which is the general fault where for which the highest price in cash adding a.s their h ..nds clasped, "f{emember, had ma.de noise enough when brought there He gets dhere ahust der same l they a.re done up at home, but work peras long as I live, you may count upon me, " 1by Funny Frauk and J nlia, They were will be paid. fectly straight. Der girl do~ makes goot oeeeekits, "Oh, I know, I know I There's nobody performing folk, who had come in after the Und can vash an~ iron dings, Also a large stock of Sheeting, FLOOR PAI!i1'.-It seems that any color like you, but I don't know wha.t I say in Derby day to have a spree, and to pick up Mayhe don'd been so lo!elJ containing white lead is injurious to wood Blankets, Stocking Yarn, Tweeds, this awful suspense. If I had only seen him another kid to do fairies and such like, beAs dot girl m1t d1mo11dt rings; Budt vhen a vife vas v~nted floors, rendering them softer and more liable lying white and cold and peaceful, it would ca.usu the la.st they ha.d had hurt his back &c., to exchange for Wool. Who ms id dot's to blame to be worn away. Paints containing mineral have been far better than to think of him ' and had to be left in the workhouse. Yes, Eel dot girl midoudt der shewela colors only, without white lead, such as yel- All wool taken in trade at two pining and miserable among wicked people, ' she had heard tell tha.t they had got the Should get dhere shust der eame ~ low ochre, sienna, or Venetian or Indian who would try to bring him up like them- ' child from Mother Bet, of whom Gerard cents per pound over ca.sh price. Der man dot lea.fee hees bcesnia selves. Mother's own little boy !" Ihad a vague idea a!I one of the horrible red, have no such tendency to a.ct upon the Und h.tugs roundt "bucket shops" floor, and may be used with safety. This "It will not be allowed, it will not be al- ha.gs, who not only beg theinselves, To make den tollars oudt off you P roprietor. quite agrees with the practice common in iowed," cried Mr. Dutton, "God's Provid- but )Jrovide outfits fur beggars, in· Vhen grain und oil shtock drops, Hampton, May 22, 1888. 2l:ilm this country of lla,inting kitchen floors with May go a.vay from dhere, some dime, ence ie still over him." Ieluding infants, to excite compassion. Mooch boorer as he cu.me ; yellow ochre or raw umber or sienna, Al· "And ~here a.re prayers, I know-at our Either she or one of her crew ha.d picked up t..tter spending much time and money, I am "Der mills oil God grind elowly"19w prepared tn fill all orders promptly. I church and Mr. Gorlfrey's-and all ours, but the child and disposed of his clothes; and though these colors have little body com· Budt dhey gets dhere shust der snme l !ll.ve a fine assortment of WAVES, BANGS, oh I it ta.ke11 a gr~at deal of faith to lean on ' then finding him too old and intelligent to pa.red with a white lead pa.int, and need SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS ..-ery cheap. Dhen nefer mindt dhose mushroom schap~ several coats, they form an excellent and HE SCIENCE OJ!' J,IJ?E . them, I wonder if you would, Anna.pie, if be safely used for begging purposes, she ha.d BANGS FRO:M: $2 UP. Dot shbring oop m a day, very durable covering for the floor, tile great medical work sold or hired him out to these acrobatic per· Dhoso reputa.tiona dhey vas made ,Jld Switches colored and made to look like it were Willy?" "vVe will not l\sk Mrs. Egremont," said formers, who ha.tl gone off into that va.gue of the age on Manhood, By vork, und nod by blay ; ~w. Highest price paid for long cut hair, Mr. Dutton, as Annaple made a gesture of' and unknown region, the country. Liz had Shust poot your shOulder to der vheel Nervous and Physical De· Eef you vould vln 11 nnmeHA.IR ~'ONIC Couldn't Give up His Pants, Sflmething like douht. no notion what was their real name, nor bllity, Premature Decline, Und eef Parliam ent vants you"It is almost as bad," she said, coming up where they would go, only that they attend· Warranted to prevent the hair from falling Tommy was at Sunday-school in his first Errors or Youth, and the You'll gct dhHe shust der same I out and will make It grow. and putting her arm round Nuttie. " But ed races and fairs ; and as soon as the actJual pair of trousers, and a picture of little untold miseries coneequent _. ._. S-1 have also a fine lot of new Stamping indeed Mr. Dutton, she does trust, only it is pleasure of communicating information was thereon, 300 t>ages. 8 vo · 125 angels was before the class. Patterns. All orders promptly attended to. Calm Ad vice. very, very sore for her,-a.s it is for us all." over, she was seized with 11. panic, im· "Tommy, would you like to be a. little prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, f ull gilt, 1 "1You are her great comfort," said Mr. piored Mr. Godfrey to make no use of her only $1, by ma.ii, sealed. Illustrative sample E nraged Husband-" Maria, I can en dure angel?" asked the teacher. s. free to all young anrl middle aged men. Send I information, and explained that the people this existence no longer. I am going to blow 47 Neads' Block, Bowmanville. ])utton as he shook hands with her. "No, ma'am," replied Tommy, after a now. 'l'he Gold a nd Jewelled Medal awarded "He could hardly help thanking me," said of the house were quite capable of killing my brains out I" careful inspection of the pic ture. to the auther by the National Medical Assooi11 Mr. her if they suspected her of betraying any Wifo (calmly)-- " Don'b attempt it, J ohn. "Not be an angel, T ommy? Why?" in· ation, Address P. O. Box 1895, Doston, Mass,_. to $8 a day. l:ia.mplee and duty FREE Annaple to her husband afterwards. or Dn. W. H. P.A.H.K EB., graduate or Harva ra Egremont may well call him an adopted of their transactions. It was impossible You have never h!!.d any success in firing at Lines not under the horse's feet, Write q uired the teacher it surprise. Medical College, 25 years' practice in Boston, BREWSTER'S SAFETY REIN Hor.DEll uncle. I should say he wa.s a. good deal to bring any authorities to bear on the small t11.rgcts. " ··'Cause, m a.'am, I 'd haYe to give up my who may be consulted confidentially. Specialt y Co,. Holl, Mich, more, poor ma.u." l Diseases of Man, Office, No. 4 Bulfinch St, aewpMts." THE CANADIAN STATESMAN I M A JAMES NUTTIE'S FATHER. 7· 'CHAPTER XXX 1 THE HULL OF THE " u rlSULA." 1 re.! I CA'I'.ARRH. t I 1 I I I 0 aI I goi= · o't 501 - 0 · 121= I I I I M ° L I I R PEAT E T al . 1 ~ B L ' L t BELL &co.J Guelph, Ont. -",!. ' ·\ _,. ·· · · · P ·.: DENTISTRY. ICURE - FITS! e. j FALLING SICKNESS, I AUTHDRS & COX, DENTISTRY. I I 1 TRUSSES, I r :II BR I :m: Ac o:m: BE 117 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, ONT. 'WOOL I -WOOL! Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, HAMPTON WOOLEN MILLS, Patronize Home TRADE. D. TAYLOR, EXHAUSTED VITALITY I I T I - . --- - J.\11 A. DAVIS, $5 Children Cry"for' Pitcher's castoria~ I -___ ..k. _ _ --- _ - _ _ ___...