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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1888, p. 6

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t he Charity Play, and two puties after it. I "wit.s Peg Woffington the sort of person To-night is one of our field nights," said who would wear diamonds?" he 11.sked Mrs. Baddeley, and t hen with <Jo smile and a presently. · ' wave. of her whip hand, she yielded w t he 1 " She was a famous actress and she was impatience of her horse and trotted a.way, very beautiful. I leave you t~ judge. " WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20., 1888. ' her two cavaliers accompaning her. I "Yes, I suppose she .would have .dia.St. Austell left her at the Piccadilly end . monds. They always do, But are there of the Row, but Mr. Beeching rode back to· not stage jewels that you could hire ?" Wilkie Mansions, and lingered 11t the door ! "Stage jewels'! I wear jewels ! · . · ·· 'I AUTHOR oF "LADY ,AuoLEY'B SECB.ET, WYLLARD's ' · ' VE · ll.D, ll:Tc., ETc. w:hen he had helped her t? d!smount, and 1'Yhen every chorus girl in London wears '\~~ces Cure3 (hronic onst ipati,!.!:, given her horse to the hireling from the diamonds of the first water. I wonder t hat '\aasa"~LITTLE CHAPrER XXI.-MRs. PoNSONBY's ULTI"Shall ~e dri~e through the Pa.rk before livery yard, who had been waiting for that ' you don't know me better." U'92..a'-\"e LIVER lllAT UM. you go in ?" Helen asked, as they came to -' Cost!veness ancl all ComP,,!aints animal. I She leant across the table to fill his glass \\\.'-.~"-5 PILLS. · Hyde Park Corner. -11" " Come in and see my gowns," said Leo ; ·for him. She ha.d filled h so often with Helen was ushered into L!ldy Belfield's "Yes,' dear, if you like," and Lady Bel. BEWA.BB 01!' IltIJ.TA.T.lONS. ALWA.TS 11:-i :-; i : i ~ fro m a <ii~orclc r<'d i:itat c of tho JJi vcr, "they must have a.rrivod by this time, or I I that friendly, ll.lmost motherly air that he S~ V ll1 :.u.:h ~ 111 <1 ])o\vols1 S U (;lL !le ASK FOB DB, PIElWEiS PELLETS, OR sitting room next morning as the clock struck · field gave the order. am in for a fi3.sco. Come and tell me what had finished the bottle unawares i:ot -knowand found her mother-in-law and Sir "Go slowly up and down the drive," ten, LITTLE SUGAlt·COA.1'.ED P:J.LLS, Dyspe:psia or Indigestion, Bilious Affections, Adrian ready to receive her. The breakfast Helen said to the coachman, and then added you think of my gowns, and then I wil: give ing that his hos tess had only ta.k~n a spoon,, Blling entireJy vegetable, they op- table had been placed near the open window to Lady Belfield, "if there any people you some lunch. " ful. He began to be more sympathetic than ~rate. \vithout disturbance ·to the system, diet, Headache, lfoar tburn, Ac~di!y of_E_ho StomMrs. Baddeley was eminently hospitable; he had b9en before luncheon, and to be ·01: occu,pation. Put up i'n glass vials. · qermeti- looking out· upon the park, with its brilliant we know we may as well see them." · ach, J!henrnatism ,. Loss of AR.petite, Gravel, eally .i;¢aled, .Always ·fresh and rehable, As flower beds, palms, and tree ferns, and its " By all means ; we have half-an-hour to her little luncheons were delightful iu l\ really concerned a.bout her <lilemma. a · laxative, alterative, or, purgative, early rlders cantering up and down the Row. waste before lunch." A hundred pounds. Such a sum was a small and studiously simple way. She gave tlfese little Pellera 'give th~ iµost perfect Adrian came forward to meet his sister-inHelen was thinking of Lord St_ Austell. herself no airs of eqicureanism, but her mere bagatelle to a man who counted his Non·ous Debility,. Nausea, or Vomiting~..".'~ 'oot.isfactio11. , m dred, and felt a lit tle faw with f.rankeAt greetings; bub Helen grew Would he be angry wil;h her for having chicken a la Ma.intenon, or her mayonn11oise thousands by the h1 Crur,nn~~ l .TK F: r'T!' 1\f0Tn r·~ 11s 1,11\1·: 1·1 ! Ill'.'c1tr,.~,,....,,. paler as their ha.uda met, and it seemed to brnken faith with him ? She ha.d given of salmon or lobster wa.e always perfection. uncomfortable when_ he began upon a fresh it is ng r ce:1blc t o t.h () t :H: t .-., d o c·s n ot occnsion lst as humble poverty him that her beauty had a wan look in the him in some manner a right over her life Even a tiny shoulder of lamb and a custard hundred th?usand, JL Nn u !J1~;1 i :icte w itho: 1t gripi u r··, i s ce rtain itl i ts morning light. The freshness had ya.nished from the moment in which she had listened puddin~ had a grace on her table, and satis- doe~ when it changes a sovereign. A huncfTccts, a rnl i s cffocti ru i a s nwll doses. Bili~ns HeatlacJrn, ~rom the young face, and that br1~ht and to the confession of his unhallowed love. fied he.- admiring guest. She rarely dined d~eCl pounds m~re or less could not make any · 'Dizzi.ness, Consupa. IN. l lQ Ull) FOAM· ·:·· 'tion, · J'n'digestionl J~yous .outl~~k, the careless h~pp1nees ?f He had the right to be miserable when he at home, and so her cook was able · to con- d1tre:ence to him, and yet he did not like . ·.Billo\1s Attacks, and al I~n.rge Bo ttl4H~ t 2 :> cents each . centrate her energies on t ha.t wholesome two !endmg that beggerly. sum to Mrs. Baddeley, girlhoµd ~h1<.:h had. charmed him at their was away from her ; the right to accuse her <dc1'angcments of the stom· o'clock meal which everybody eats with a mtensely as he admired her. He had lent fi.rst ~eetmg1 had given place to an expres- 1 of cruelty if she avoided his company. ach am~·bowels, are promptlyrelieye<l and permanently s1on o. wea.r·ness and !an~uor. It was not \ She had allowed him to tell her of his better appetite than the evening's elaborate her a good many hundreds before, sometimes A POOR MAN'S FRIEND. ~ ..··.· cured' bY the use of Dr. for Mrs. Ponsonby, sometimes for the Orienm the early years love; but she had affected to make light of banquet. Pierce's P .l easant I·urgative PelJets. the fac~ of a happy wife it. · . One thn t w i !1 F:l\"O d ny · o f sickness o,n d m".n y She ra.n gaily upstairs. '1r. Beeching ~~ war~~ouse, som"etim_es the livery &taIu explanati1;m of the remedial power·of these of marriage. n. Dollu.r i ll ti m~~ ;\1\o I I>octor 's Bi u~, O l10 nh\'~1.y.; Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, it Helen grtw more at ease preaentlr a;i they "This means nothing from you," she said. following ashamed to confess t hat his less · S ban nou paid him, b11t he had n ear a.t h :1rnl , re :11iy nt a 1norncut's ca.Ii. T h is may truthfully be said that their action upon sa.t at brea fast, reassured ~y Adrum s fra· " I should be angry if it were anyone else agile leg; would have preferred the lift. expebted she woul~ b~ gr~teful. friend is }>1~it l~Y L> .\ n:::;' . · the system .is, uni\rors,al, ll!Jt a gland or tissue She opened the door with her latchkey and He .felt more kmdiy disposed after the ,.. . . espapil1g their 1111nat1vo . mflueuce. Sold by ternal manner·. It ~as a. relief to her to find who talked such nonsense." mufacture<l at the ~:uch perfeot fr1endlmes~ m the man she ha.d · druggists12f cc11t:s: a·:Nal: "'.'l!,J1 And under · t hat lightness her lover had pounced upon the page, who was disco;ered ducklmg and chan;pa.g~e, which ~ere both ' - ~Chemfon,J :ta):iQl'!l~OJ:Y'Of ;wom,.D'S DISPENSARY Jllte~, yet her vanity .was wounded by seen indications of the deepest feeling, and in the lobby reading the wonderful adveu- ex celle~t after their ktnd: He trifled with -·..-.....'"-·"""" ,'f ' ~ MIWXCAL AssocMTro?{,.Ihi1f.1tlo, N.. Y. the adea. that he ~ould _forgive he~ so freely, knew that she was to be won; not 80 easily tures of "Sixteen String Jack," reclining in some olives _and helped h11;llself t o a glass of -~ ~~ ' TA KEN I NTF.T!N ALT,Y, it ot·rcs Dysentery, r:.\.J cra., l>i;1nh o.:·1, Ura mp and l'ai n i n the co~,ld meet her w1tb frank goodwill. won as other victim& had been, and for that a luxurious bamboo chair, with his heels on claret, a wme he had. himself chosen for i: rvmnch , D11wt! 1 ~nnpl ft:i n ts , P:i.inter's Colic, the card table. Mrs. Badd!'ley;--a.n~ f.or. She took all He,,could never bav~ cared very much reason all the better worth winning. )Jys pcpsi ·Lc.:· l i.dig-ostion, S udctou Culds, bore such contr1l ubons m the lightest way as a f~r me, she tho~ght. His presence reca.lled The Row wa.s almost deserted, but a little T h ron.t, Coug-b::;. : c. "Get up, yeu horrid little monkey," cried flower absorbs dew, ta.king no heed ~f the b:tterest memories. She had been false to way past the barracks they met Mrs. B1J.dde· his USED E.S'l'E ll!\"AT,J.Y , i t cures Ilru iscs, mistress, indigna.ntly, "Hae the dress· giver, never oppressed by the burden of obCuts, ll urn<'. ~ c:i l d; nntl Sprain>. Swcl l ins:s e C him, and for whom? For a man who negley and Lord St. Austell ridin~ side by side, is offered by the manufacturmaker sent my costumes?" tl10 J oin ts, T <1ot hae he,l1 a in in t h e Fnee , NcuM He looked askant at her as he ligation, .eFs of D r. Sage's Clniorrh glected and ab~d.oned hi;r, left her to Fa.ta while Mr. Beeching skulked in the rear on ralitin. a n d li'.beu rnat ii;; m . ;~9-~S o l d. b y ) )ealerfJ "No, ma'am. 'l'here ain't no basket come, sipped his wine. How handsome she was, Hem etly, for a 'case of a.nd to, the chances of evil, .left hti~ to run a thiok set; bull-neoked, black cob, very in l'a mil y 1\l uJici oco t he W orltl Around . . Chronic Nasal Catarrh which the gau~tlet of !-ondon society, without a. smooth and sleek and stoutly built, and but there was a young lady brought this," and how well she looked in her habit · and · 25 C ENTS PEn aoTTLE. "~"" they cannot cure. and the boy snatched up a brass Sll.lvcr, took husbaI?-d s sheltermg . ha.ving a kind ef fanciful resembfance to his a letter out of his pocket, put it on the ea.I· there were in her eyes, yes, absoiutely ' .ilewnrc of Connlcrfe!ts n'nd Tmllat1011~ . 'sym:PTOm:s' OF CAT.ARRH.- Dull tear~. She was not crying about her gowns, Adrian was eager to see hl8 brother. He rider ver, aµd handed it with all due ceremony. but 1t wa.s the sense of humiliation which heavy.·. headache, obstru 0tion. of tho nasal had written to Valentine in a friendly spirit :~.~..· " ~ . . .. AH ii passages,' discharges falling from the head "A letter," exclaimed Leo, angrily, M crushed her. Ev~ry~?mg. belongmg to Beechmg !s into tli~. iµroat, some~imes pro.fuse, watery, twice during the last yrnr, first on New . THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, and acrid, at others, th1ck, tenamous, mucous, Yea.r's Eve, and a.gain on their mutual ll~e hm~l . s11.1d one of . the . gentl~ma.n e she tore open the envelope. " What can "llon't be unhappy," he said· "I'll go purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes are birthday, and his brother had aiiswei·ed frien?s; . his ~orsas h~e hur_i, his do~s the woman mean by writin.~ ?" and see this woman, and see what can be weak, watery, e,nd Inflamed; there is r inging both letters in a free and easy tone, taking are l}ke hu.n, ~111 g~ns are like him, a.nd. h:s Mrs. Ponsonby's meaning w11oe clear done. Do you owe her much ? " in the ears, deafness; hacking or coughing to enough. " l 'm afraid I do owe her a good ii eal." clear· the ·throat; expectoration of offensive their reconciliation 11.s it w 9re for granted, furn1t_ure 1s hke him, ·~he. fellow has his With profound respect she re1ninded Mrs. mattl)r, t()gethor With scabs from ulcers; the ignoring t;ie past and the wrong that had ow:n 1m11oge and eupersonpt1on upon everyCom pountl Extractof Pure R e il Jam aica "Tell me the worst. Give me her las t voice Is cb.anged and bas a nnsal twang; ~he been done. And now Adrian yearned after t~mg. "Yhen ha bothered me abo1;1t the lhddeley that her account had been run- account." breath'iS offensive; smell and taste are im- that other half of himself from which he Imes of h1a new tandem cart I told him not ning a long ti me. and tha.t she had not re"You'll be shocked, I'm afraid" said paired; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a backing cough and gen- had so long been sepa.ratcd: He was vexed ~o. worry. "Howeve~ you h~ve it b~ilt, ceived a cheque from her honoured customer Leo, taking ~ paper out of her dav~nport. eral debility. Only a few of the above-named at Va.lentine'e absence and still more vexed its sure to come out hko you, I told him; · for over a twelvemonth. The costumes were "Her prices are ao extortionate, and ! have symptoms are likely to be present in al!Y one fbished and ready for delivery; butoareferr- been so unlucky at all the races this year. For th e cur e of Sc 1'0f u1o, Salt Hhcu m, Concor, · cli.~e. ' 'l'hollsands of cases annually, without at Helen's vagueness' about her husband's and, by Jove, it did." :d l S ki n D isease1:1, 'l' tun o n~, J~n l arge m~nt of th~ Lord St. Austell was one of the few men ing to her ledger she ha.d dhoovered that L!!.st year 1 her 11. heap of money after J:Jiani:(estiilg half, ~f the .above ~ymptoms, re· return. r .iVCl' un ct. Spleen, R he umatic A fft!ctions, d iseasea stilt in consumption, and .end m the grave. "I'll to him," he said, "if you'll w:ho loo!t well on horseback, ai;id yet do not Mrs. Ba.ddel'ey w11os much deeper in debt than Ascot, and another heap-well, over a hunof t he K id neys, Dlndcler a rn. l Urinary Or gan:c, No disease is so common, 1nore deceptive and give me his address in Pa.ris." d1sappomt peo~le when they d1smou~t. ~e she had supposed, arid she muet therefore re- dred ea. tchime-after Doncaster." oppr c ssio11s o f t he Ch es t o r I~m1g- s, L eucorrhe:\-1 dangerous, or Jess understood br pl1ysicinns. Ca t:trrh, m~<l nll diseases i·csn ltin g from a d e.. to send th~ costumes ungretfully decline "I don't know where he is sta.ying:" was·t.a.11 and shm, dressed to perfection, m "I'll see what I can do," said Beeching, By its mild, soothing. and heal mg properties, Jlravcll and impu re con di tion of the blood. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst "You don'b know ! But surely he has so qmet and subd~ed._a s.tyl~ tha.t !1obody had less Mrs. B.\ddeley fl).voured her with at making a wry face as he looked at the total. cases of Catarrh ,.'.' coJd in the head," written to you." e'er r~cceede~ m 1m1ta.tmg him. There a hundred . pounds on account. CA T rrl'Tf>N.- A s h f fn · u .D1·. CJianning's It wae just. under nine hundred p ounds. . Coryza, ·imd Catarrbal' HcndacJte. e passed into her Leo read the letter as sh. "Yes, but he wrote to me from his club was. an mde~cr1ba.ble. cachet, a su?tle neu/frn·sa1>a1·illa,, tnke t1 a otlw1' ·in U s p lace-. (TO JIE 0 0.N:TINCE D.) Sold by.dri:i.ggists.everywhere; 50 cents. or from a club that ho uses when he is there. tral1ty of. t int, which the copyist .nev~r drawing-room, followed by Mr. Beeching, "Vutold Ago ny :·rrom Catarrh ." I'm not surf:l that he is a member. I sup· could a.ttam. To day he had a. fa~gmd ~1r who felt ·that the atmosphere was tempes· Davis & Lawrence C o., Limited, Speed Out of the Question. Pl'of. W. HAUSNEn,' thc famous fnesmerist, · pose if you telegraph to him at the club he as he sauntered slowly al ong, ta.lkmg with tuous. SOLE AGENTS, of Ithaca, N . Y., ·w.rites : "Some ten years ago will get your telegram" , . "You too good to ask me ·to stay," Mr. Baddeley, who looked fresh as a June Counsel (imp!ltiently to witness}d an't :lvl:O:tN"T~:=: A L .. I sulrered untold agony fro'm chronic nasal "Sooner or later, ~o doubt; but there rose, and seeme~ in high spii:tts. She was he muttered, "but l have just remembered you speak a little faster, Uncle Rastus? C1ltarrh. ) iy fam.ily physician gave me up ns incurnble,.and si11d I mQst pie. My case waa may be a considerable delay," answered to act for a c.hanty that ev~nmg, at one of a most pa.r~icula.r appointment at.the Junior Witness-Didn't I swa.' to tell de truf, s11ch a .bad one, that every dnyitowards sun- Adrian. "I want to hasten his return if I t~e most fashionable places 1n London- half Carlton." de whole truf, an' nuffia but de truf ? DIGESTIVE OR AFTER DINN ER PILLS, O!Jld set, my, yoicc would become so ioarse I O picture gallery, ha.If ballroom. She was t). He was going, but she stopped him with Counsel- Yes, yes. . , barely speak above u wh1sper. In the morn mg can Ocu time is short in London " TAB L ETS ~~~c o~11 1}',?~,~d "°,,;,~~s~if';;,R1~~~ my coughing nnd clearing of my throat would. Witness- Den lee got ter go slow. Helen gave him the address. of the, Pa.ris- play J,eg Woffiugton, in ','.Masks. and her hand on his coat sleeve, secr etion of tlrn Gastdc J u i ce. almost strangle me_ . By the use of Dr. Sage's · ian club, and .he went downst11oirs to send Faces, f?r the benefit cf the Seek .Chunney "You not such a poltroon as to run They give immecli11.te i·ellef in D yspet>Sia n three mol)ths, I was a well his telegram. Lady Belfield carriei off her Sweereu Fund, and she wa..! telling Lord Catarrh Rcn:iedy, i. a1ul Iudigcstion . away because I'm in trouble, you, Beech· · man{ un\l the cure ha.a been perihanent." DIR EOTTONS .- Taki! on e 01· t wo pif1.t immedi~ t~ly <¥/t~·· daughter-in-law for a. morning in the picture St, Austell about her conception of the pa.rt, iug ?'.' she asked, comtemptuously t afing ol' t1;k.s 1l su.tferitt g f 1 ·om / n d i9c.stioa, J,u i?17> i1t til" , "ConstantJy Haw}l:ing and :Spitting." galleries. She took possession of her eon's and. her gowns, T/lrO< ll 01· Fla h 1lence. . She called him Beeching, or Joe, indift'er· S:11J111lt·1 ~tm t fret'. .l'1 1 lrN1' i11tt Tnoi.l:A:s J. Ruslit!ii:a· , Esq., ~902 P!ne Street, wife, as if in the exercise of a natural right. 'fhe character .was unporta.n~, but the ently, with a familiarity which seemed half Davis & Lawrence Co., (Li°mited,) Montreal. St. Louis, Mo., w,.it,CS: "I was n gi:eat sulrerer Helen had promised to be in the Row be- gowns were the p1vob upon which success scornful, but which he liked, nevertheless, SOLT\ AG JH·1'S. from cntar1·li for tb1·ee years. At times I could in his dull way. hardly breathe, and wna constlmtly hawking- 'tween twelve and one. St. Austell would depended. and spitting, and for the last eight months be there, no doubt, expecting her. She had . "'!'hey my ,?wn idea, :work~,d oub from "I'll atoI> if you like," he " What's HIND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM. ' could not breathe through the n.ostrlls. l parted with him at four o'clock that morn Sir Peter Lely, she said ; but that . .tbought.not11ing could' be done forn:-e. Luck- mg, after a ball, and he had stopped at the wretched Mrs. l'ons?nby had not sent. tJ:em the row?" rnr Chappc tl IIamh . 1" acc nnd U p~ , n ou~h and m u d Ski! , He had seen har in trouble before to·da.y, . ·iJy, I was advised to try Dr. Sages Cat~rrh C ng:, S unbur n . Hurn:1 , ~ c ald11, Itd tit1g, C b llblai u3, S i>re Kipple~. ' 1 Ua ug i:;ail!!! ,' ' and ul I UH pli!a~nn t c<md ltjocs or ·. - Uemedy, and I am now a well man. I believe carriage door to ascertain her arrangements when I came out ~his mornmg. I am ma and had been ordered to he!p her, and the ihq, S ki n Cir lik e clrnr actcr . . llrittlc N ;"ti l;> s ot tc ocd t u ->Ile · it to be the only sure remedy for cata~·rh 1_1ow for the day. He knew all about her morning state of suspense till I see them, They may result had been duly recorded in his bank u i;;hL. 1'.rico i.O ce n t &l'cr bo,ttl~. S old h 7 J)r11 g~l:.b.ronnufneturcd, and one bas only to give it a arrangement with L'\dy Belfield. be failures after all." book. He could see the figures on the clean . fair'tt·ial to experience astounding results and Canada's Favorite Bread-mak>r. "You employ Ponsonby, do you ?" asked whi te page now, as he stood there, helpless 10 Is " Less than a couple of hours will polish . 11 perlllnnent cure." · years in the market without a eom· off your mother-in-law," he said, "and you St. Austell, who was lea.rued in all the ways ·a nd half reluctant. Nothing had come of plaint of any kind. The only yeast wbicli Three Bot,tl e!ll Cnre Catarrh. can he in the Row by twelve. You musn't of women; "I've been told she's dear." that former chival ry on his· pa.rt, nothing has atood tho test oftin;>e and never mad· ELI Rmrnrns. :Ru.n11an P. o.. Cotumbilt Co., unwholeso1ne brea.d. ride. It's the one thing that keeps "Dear! She is exorbitant, a. perfect except that he was called Joe, or Beeching, sour, Pa.;·snys:. "My daughter bad catarrh when loseyour All Grocers sell it. she 'was five years old, very badly. I saw Dr. us all" She had pr omised not to lose harpy ! But she is the only woman in and was occasionally bitten by Tory, the I. ClLLllT'l', !.!'f'r, 'l'omto, Onl, - Olllcago, m. OVER poodle. sage's Catarrh Remedy advertised, and pro- her ride ; but now that she was a.skod to go London who can make a gown." cured a bottle for her, and soon eaw tha.t it to a picture gallery she had not the conrage "She must be as rich as Cronus. Lord 'l'ory was under a. sofa. now, represented H AY SCALES, helped lier · o. third bottle elrected o. perma.· to say no. Pevensey told me the other day that he by a pair of fiery eyes gleaming in the darknent cure. 'she is now eighteen years old and GRA. I N SCA L ES, "I want to have you with me as much as nearly lost an estate he was negotiating for ness, .rory had taken it iLto his over -edusound and hearty." Liver Con1pl~lnt, I can while I am in town," La.dy Bel- in Yorkshire, because Mrs. Pousonby was cated head to detest Mr. B(eohing. F ARM SCALES, ·' t . Dyspepsia, field. "We have eeen sr> little of ea.oh other bidding for it. He was not told who "What's the row?" he asked again, as Rlllousness , TEA SCALES, since you have been my daughter. Adrian had been bidding against him till after he Leo pored over the letter. Sick lleadacl·e. is full of bueinesathis morning, eo he cannot had secured the property, "By Jove, St. "The row is that I shall be ruined, hum· IM P R OVED .S H O WCASES IU1lney Troubles, come with us." Austell, I felt humiliated," he said, "to ilia.tad, disgraced, unless I can produce a .: Helen was glad to escape from Adrian's think that I had just missed being out- hundred pounds in the next hour or two, Rhc1lmatlsm. M ONEY thoughtful gaze. It seemed to her that he bidden by my wife's dressmaker." Does the creature think I keep hundred Skin Diseases must be able to rea.d all her secrets, that he "I have no doubt she is richer than Lord pound notes under mv illow ?" and all D RAW ERS must know how false and wicked she wa~, Pevenscy," replied Leo, laughing. "I am lmpurltlcs or tlte "I don't suppose she cares where you she who ha.d begun her downward course by longing to see how ahe has carried out ·my keep 'em as long as she gets 'em," replied IUootl f1·01u what· falsehood to him. ideas, I am like a child that is going to Beeching, broodingly, bending down to e··er enuse arising Meat Choppers That morning with Lady Belfield was have a new frock for her birthday." . AND BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES poke his whip handle at Tory under the stow torture. The wife's guilty conscience, They saw Helen and stopped, and the sofa, and receiving a growl and a glare from WriLe for Len:ns. A DDRE SS HI F UL L, her remorseful sense of her own unworth· coachman drew up by the ra.ils. They - tha.t celebrity for his pa.ins, "You'll have Price, 750. (with Pills $1.) iness, changed every tender word into a ed for a few minutes, Helen explaining how to pacify her somehow, I suppose," he went C . WILSON &. SON, scorpion. She tried to appear happy a.nd L ady Belfield had been so kind as po take on, still intent upon Tory. "If you can't -TRYESPLANADE STREET EAST light-he1 uted, but she felt all the time that her to the Academy. · give her money you must give her money's Dl". UODD ER' S TORONTO , ONT.1 her gaiety was a miserable assumption that " Y ou might have senb me a message," worth. You've got your diamonds." Mention this paper·every ·time you write, could hardly deceive a.nybody. It certain- said Mrs. Baddeley. "Your horse and I He sea.ted him3elt on the carpet at this ly did not deceive La.dy Belfield. both waited half an hour for you." juncture to be nea.rer Tory, who was waxing "My dear child, let us go and sit down," " Yes, I ought to have sent a. message. It furious. (very email aud easy to take.) she said. "You are looking so pale and wa.s very forgetful of me. Poor R1Violi !" "Of course I have my dia.monrs, and I NO. GRIJ?ING:. NO NAUSEA. weary, I am afraid you not well, Ravioli was the horse, Sold everywhere ; price 25 cents. OF CANADA. Helen ; that tkey did not take enough care "I am ~lad you find it in your hea.rt to must wear them to·night. Everybody knows The IJNION MEDICINE CO., l'ROl'lllETOBS. Capltal 11Rld up, 81,000,000. ltest, $269,tO of you after your long illness." pity Ravioli," said Lord St. Auetell, with about them - -" "Well, not all a.bout them," muttered T01·onto Can· " Oh, no, it is not that; I am very well, one of those looks which epeak volumes at "'i/ETERINARY SURGJmN, - - --'--'·- -- - - - - -- - - -- · Bank 1~ -;r~parad to do L e git l· but I was dancing till nearly four o'clock the initial stage of an intrigue. Language Beechintir, under his breath. "Everybody knows r have them, and will a ~ ,,, TO RllNTO STEAM LAUNDRY9 uate Banking in all Its branche11, · and looks become much less subtle in later O RON O. O N'r. this morning." expec~ me to wear them. What nil:e things 1.-\}~ Q~<t 10 .6 York St., Toronto. "And you going out again to-night, stages. Farmers nut!la discounted ; Deposi ts ~ , SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS received Do you think it is worth anyone's while to He timed that pathetic glance a.t a safe sa.ido! me if I didn't wear them. and Interest paid on amounts of . . a speciaity . . Out. of town work lead such a life ?" moment when L!l.dy Belfield was talking to ~y diamonds, mdeed ! I am to take my 15 upwarda in Savings Bank Department: diamonds to Mrs. Ponsonby. Upon my (ij promptly attended to ltlld returned "I don't know. I suppose it is natural Mrs. Ba.ddeley. per instructions. D RA.FTS Leo was begtiring her to go to the perform- word, Beec~ing, I thank you for the gene· · to like dancing and gaiety while one is rous suggestion," G p SHARPE Proprietor young. And there is no other kind of life a.nee at" The Victorian." [1111ned and Collections made In Europe . "Yah I" cried Beeching, sharply; not at ' · · ' · . for me to lead. If l were to s tay at home, "I da.resa.y the acting will be very ba.d, this stab hut at a very tangible bite from ~ext door to Palmer .house. Handy to Umon {Jnlted Statn and Canada. as I did year, I should leisure though we all think ourselves geniuses," she · . , Depot. J ··TONES, · ~:!! · ~~,~============~ to be unhappy, and to fanoy myself a de-; "but we shall have a.11 the best people the aggravated poodle. Aa"so "Luncheon is on the table. Are you serte.d wife. When I am out in the world, in L ondim to see us, and it is for a ~ood to sit there te11osing ·rory all the after.:ire prepared to pay the highes~ price among a lot of thoughtless people, I too a.m cause, so if you and Sir Adrian are d1sen· going noon, or are you coming in to lunch with thoughtless. It is better than thinking bit· gaged- -" asked Mrs. BOlddeley, suddenly chang· jIt never was lntende . d, so ta.r e.s I can learn, all kinds of Grain delivered at the ter thoughts." " I believe we are disengaged. It is only me?" That either men or women were intended to "My poor ~irl, I wish Valentine were as a favour that we to get stalls for the ing the conversation. Wharf or the,ir Store House in town. Mr. Beeching got up, a.nd followed her I thin~ey~~d;,.m believe me, indeed I'm sure fonder of home, and that you two spent Lyceum next Saturday, and we are not to you 'Y.ill· . " more of your lives together. There is some- go to the Haymarket till to-morrow, It is to the dining-room, looking the very image thing a.miss in your present life, I am griev- not so easy to do a round ot the The11otres as of sheepishness. It was only on the: other If at the Pam1 Hair Works you have called. side of an.oriental curtain, the quaintest, There is one thing Nature thinks of- let us ed to see it ; I amlgrieved to speak of it ; yet we fancied it would be." thank her ~or all we can- . . I feel that I oughi to speak." " Then as a pis aller come and see 'Masks snuggest little room, fenced off from all ! · She takes particular trouble w1t~ our race , And with its advent "Oh, please don't say a.ny more," said and Faces,' by the Kentish Ra.mblers rough winds th11ot blow by cll.rved sandal I She knows a scanty growth or h·a.1 r, the gray Helen fretfully. "It can do no good, Val· your humble servant. If we don't succeed wood screens and clusters of tall pa.Ima. , · and white.aing locks entine has always had his own way, and I iu ma.king you cry, we are sure to make you qn the small round table, among old Will detract from the beauty o! the face. have left off t hwarting him. I used at firet laugh." . s liver and hothouse flowers, there appea\'ed But Nature has her laws so strict that you must never err, I to beg him to stay 11.t home. I fancied we "Don't be too sure of that," said St. Aue- a dainty little luncheon of salmon cutlets, · might be so happy together, and I was so tel.I, "there ie a painful condition of the a. duoklin~, with all accompaniments in per- 1 F or .Yo~'d surely pay the penalty at.last , has opened out a fine new stock and a bottle of iced champagne Suatam it. that bounte.ous he~d or hair fection ridiculously fond of him. " mind between la.ughing and cryinl?', which I · t'l d · b 'd d' Dr. Dorcnwend'sHa1r Magic's unsurpassed. m an em r01 ere . . "Was fond of him ! Why you speak as have seen produced by the performance of de1tea. e y wrappe -ofThe glass was Venetian the plates Just try lt vo1 1 afflicted, you never will !egret, if your love were a thing of the past." your real painstaking amateur. He is Just d'oyley. · W d · d ' I The Mas:cic was never yet known to fail ; " No, no, Lady Belfield, you misunder- too good to be laughed at, and he is nob and d.1shes were e gewoo · And the good t hat it will do rou will make Mr. Beeching a.te his luncheon, and fed 1 you soon forget · stand. I mea.11 th!l.t in those days I had a good enough to draw tears. His performance foolish way of pestering him with my a.flee- produces a dreary vacuity of mind, a. middle Tory, and while the salmon and duckling The expenditure a bot tle will tion. I was too demonstrative , and I thought state between sleeping and waking, a sense were being discussed there was not anobher This now famous p~eparation for iuvigI could keep him at home of an evening. A of the intolere.ble length of time. I think the word spoken a.bont ¥rs. Poneonby, or that · orating end stimula ting the gr owth of the and a lovely st ock of Hasr,eceived her new stock ot fat11ol mistake. We get on ever so much feeling is most acute during such a piece as hundred pounds which hai to be found for h . . ll t d , 8 the most her; only Mr. Beeching observed that his air is umvers:i Y accep e a 1 better now that we each go our own way." P lot and Passion,' which, being tedious "My love, It is all wrong. It cannot and long-winded, is naturally a favourite hostess, although she miniet.ered delicately , v~luable sp emfic on th~ marke~. All to his wants; ate ha.Tdly anything herself, diseases of the scalp are e1t~er relieved ?r amateurs." mean happinesa for either of you." nd i~~ites the Ladies of Bow . " Indeed you mistaken ; Valentine is with A rich ai;id _r~p1d " You talk like a disappointed ma.n." and pushed away her pl11ote with a heart- permanently . cu~ed. p erfectly h11oppy." . Leo. " l have no doubt you tried to act in broken air which him feel very un- growth of hair will follow after JUdic10us manville and vicinity to call ". I and regular tree.tment. It r emains wit h Ladies in want of a choice of fine "And are you perfectly happy?" early yon th, and are embittered by the mem - comfortable. ~ ' : and her Pattern " Don't mind me," she s~id, when she the user alon e to secure the d esired Fancy Dry Goods, please give me ; '·' W ell, yes ; I suppose I am. We are ory of your failures." having a brilliant sea.son. Leo and I are in"No, I was one of those few sensible peo- caught him looking at her. "The difficulty results. Dr. D or enwend's "Hair Ma~ic " i ted almost everywhere. It is very plea- ple who are aware of their inca.pll.bility be- must be £.aced somehow. A!! you say,. · v. I is sold by druggists at $1 per b ottle, a call. I have them in endless sa.nt, and" with a sigh, "one has torehand." · have my diamonds. I may have to. hum1hlor six bottles for $5. If not obtainable v ariety at store, opposite S. A. and assortment of · no 'time to think," "Are you coming home presently,Helen," ate myself so far as to offer that < wo- in your loc.i.lit y send direct to the sole Barracks. They were sitting in the inner sculpture· asked Mrs. Baddeley. man one of my bracelets as a 11ecunty for · f t enclo"i·ng pri ' ce A D ac u~er, . gallery, where there were very few people, "She is coming to lunch with me first," her debt." T his wau a conce88ion to the stringency of WEND, Pa.r1e Hair Works, 103 e.nd 105 though the other rooms were full. Lady answered Lady Belfield ; " I'll drive her IV£~ , F ate, and Mr. Beeching felt that the lady Y~ng~ St., Toronto. For eale ~y J. Belfield left at one o'clock, thinking that Ahome some time after lunch." Bowmanv!lle, March 13, 1888. was becoming more reasonable, H1ggm'botham & Son, and all druggists. Helen was th-ed. 1 " Please don't keep her late, She has [Now FIRST FUBLISHED. 1 (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.) IjIKE AND UNLIKE. By M. E. BRADDON. ~ eQmpf,efr's yatftart1~ The O riginal · .. ,,... G::ot··1·<>u.11d C I I . f:: . Sffi.K HEADACHE, 1 to: . P AIN .. KILLER. --·-----· 1 L ,'· ' ' ·.. Dr. CHANNi'hG'S SAR'SAPAR I LLA I I ' .. ROYAL YEAST TH E LARCE ST SCALE \YORKS w. ... THE cqEA T SPRI NC MEDICIN E. 91 Little Liver Pills, .· STANDARD BANK Thla ,JO.HN SPE1 NtCER, N I ' IClJ · ..· .J no. M cMurtry & Co. I I ·w. ANOTH ER WONDE R. - SPRI N G- OP!£N!Nlr ! --o-- ~ ·. IYIRS.·IVES l lllS McTAVISH :(3-0 0DS., see I Laces, Embroideries, Plushes e't fNNETe,. HAT$ all Q · · MRS.

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