. ..he discretion of Mortgag~s on every om~nc~ a ~um_- m f not less than real estate the convict11Jg 3ust1ce r sold by the · five d ollars, or more th·· twenty dollar~, 'l'he special committee on the Hastings bank. . .... . 8,4.28 31 bridge presented pl1&ns end specifications exclusive of costs. (P·) That the sa.1d for a new bridge. Plan N o. 1 is for a penalty shall go one lulf thereof to the Bank premises, (including superstructure of two sp:rns, each 140 ft. informer or prosecutor , and the other furniture, long, a roadway 18 ft.. clear, and two half to the corporation. - Cobourg World. ~afes, etc . .. 170,0S.7 9;) aide walks, each 4 ft. clear, erected on a Other assets stone superstructure, at an approximate ON TARIO JJA.N K. not included cost of $12, 500. P lan J.\j o. 2 is for a under foresuperstrnct11re of the eame dimensions as going heads. 5!),264 58 · The thirty·firat annuttl mectin~ of the above, but is to be constructed up to a ---$6,581,932 17 little abne high water m!lrk of etone, ehareholders of this inoritution was held the balance of iron cylinders filled with at its banking house in Toronto, on $8,178,9()2 00 concrete, at an approximate cost of 8 $11,500, The plans wore laid on the Tueaday, tne 19th day of June, 1 88, C. H oLLA ND, table and the Warden and Meeers Among the shareholdilrs preaent were: . Gene1al Manager. · · P ayn'e (Co!borne) mJ ~arr (Cat~wright) -Messrs. T. R. Wu1 1 d, W. Ulenny Ontario Bank, Toronto. 31st May. 1888. were apporntcd a spec111l comm1ttee to (Oshawa), Sir w. P. n.rwland, W. Alex· I procure advice aa to the liability ot the After explanations from the 1 1resident IS County of Peterboro' to contribute with antler, A. M. Smith, Dona~d ~ackay, J. on the buamesa of the bank and the these United Counties a share of the cost Keterson, C. S. Gzo1vak1, Jr., R . K. different items in the repart, he moved of the pr?posed bridge, a~d. report at the Burgess, J. K. Macdouald, G. M. Rose, its adoption, seconded by Mr. D. Mackay, · next session ?f the Counc1l m December. I c. c. Baines, W. J. Macdonald, Alex. which was duly carried. A resol ution, moved by C. L . Owen, .. . Resolutions were also passed thankiug Reeve of Campbellford, granting the sum I Nairh, W: Kingston . . · the president, directors and ofticers of the of $300 to assist the municipality of I On motion, duly seconded, Sir W. P. bank for their · attention to the interests Campbellford in building a sidewalk on Howland took t he chair, Mr. Holland, of the institution during the year. the south side of the bridge in that vill· the general manager, was requested to The meeting was t hen ad journed for d M J ir age, was defeated by one vote, but the - -o-- energetic Reeve of Campbellford will act as se~retary, au essrs. . "-· Mac- t he election of directors. The ballot baing taken, the scrutineers probably eucceed n ext time. donald, W. J. Macdonald, and C. C. declared t he following gentlemen duly A resolution, moved by ·wm. Webster, Baines were appointed scrutineers. elected :- -Sir W. P . Howland, D onald Reev~ of Haldi~and, grantin_g, th~ sum Sir Wm. Howland, the president, then Mackav, A. M. Smith, G. M. R us!!, Hon. of $'.100 to. aeB1s~ .the mumctpaltty of submitted the followiug C. F. F raser, R K. Burgl!as, and G.R.R. Hald1mand m repamng that part of the Cockburn. 1 REPORT. Grand Trunk " gravel r oad running The new board m et t he same afternoon, ac~oss the n01th-west corner of the Town· In.presenting t o the shareholders their when Sir W. P. Howland was elected · ship was also lost. 31st annual r eport, the directors are president, and Donald Mackay, Esq.,. - - -- - -- - ThEI report of the special committee pleased to be able to state that the buei- vice-presideut , by unanimous vote. appointed to procure information in nt-ss of the bank continues t o progress to .. 1..... M. ...u.. reference to a House of Refuge is very their satisfaction. A UCTION SALES. tilf' complete We will publish it in full · u The net profits after deduct~~~~ -···-~~ . ,-~.~. · next week. 'l'ilURSD.A.¥, JUNE 28TH.- There will be ing charges of manageBoWMANVILLE, JUNE 27, 1888. The committee on legislation was sold at Beer's Hotel, Hampton, tho ment., interest accrued on n orth west ;} of .Lot No. 11, Coo. 8, instructed to urge the L egislature 110 to deposits, et;;., and making Darlington, and the south-east 45 acres T h e Onta.rio Bank amend the statutes that actions for provision fur bad and of the same lot. This is a ' 'aluable damages aga:inai municipal corporations doubtful debts, were... . $ 151,670 78 propert.y and conveniently situated. From the report of the thirty-first shall be settled by arbitration, au d tlrns Profit aud loss (brought forSale at 2 o'clock. S. C. B UNKING, annual meeting of tho Ontario Bank, avoid a great deal of unnecessary ex· ward frum May 31st,1887. 41,879 98 Auctioneer. pense. Having. recently aaded more machinei·y and enlarged our staff of which will be fomtd on this page, it ap· On mo '. ion of Mr. Washington, David SATURDAY, ,Jt:NE 8Crrn - Mr John wn. skilled wor~men. we a1:e prepared to do all kinds of Engine, · $ 193,550 7H pears that the b ank has don~ well this Pratt, of Hamilton towuHhip, was nomi· cock, will sell at He·! r·.~ H " t ~ l . Hampton, Mill and Agricultural work and repairs. 1ear. The n et profits were $151,670, to nated to attend the Ontario Agricultural Which have been appropri· part of lot 20, en ·. 5, Darlinbtvn, b~in~ at.,d as follows : College at Guelph as a student from the 80 acree of land i i, go:id stl\te of c ul ~i arrangements with the leading firms to handle and We have also made which is added $41,879 brought forward County G f N orthumberland, Dividend No. 60, vation, havi11g :htireon go·>d dwellings, keep in stock repairs for their machinery . 'l'he following from last year. This sum is dispoeed of 3·! ver cent., The sum of$25 was granted to each of barns and ut1.or ou1 builcln,g~, good or· are a few of these firms : in the paymt<nt of two semi-annual divid- the Teachers' Institutes establish ed in paid 1st Dec., cbard aod a ple u1iful 11upply of water . 1887 . .. . . . .. . $52,500 00 ends of 3! per cent. each ; the payment these United Co1wties. Sale at ·2 o'clock. S. C. HcNKINC:, PATTERSON BROS., Woodstock; FLEURY, Aurora ; WOON & The paragraph m the Warden's address D iv . No. 61, 3! A uc.tion eer. of $9,455 for (.luebec bank t ax ; in carryCO., Oshawa ; L. D. SAWYER, Hamilton ; W ATEROUS, Brantford, per cent., payin reference to the propriety of charginl{ ing $25,000 to rt·st, and $50,00 to con- a fee of $1 to all can aida~es presenting We are also making arrangements with severtil other firms to handle able lat Juoe, I haven't t he courage to die, sir, tingent account. The r est l'> ccount is themselves at the Entrance examination 1888. . . . . . . . . . 52,500 00 their repairs. Hardly t he cour»ge fo live ; was not entertained, the Council consid- Quebec Governnow $550,000. E xclusive &gent s for PROVAN' s P ATENT H AY CARRIER AND F ORI\'..-the Can 't drink enough t o forget. sir, ..,,...-...""""" ment tax: r,nd ering t hat. such a fes would ret11rd t he Ain't Christian enough to forgive. very best and cheapest in t ho market. costs . . . . . . . . . 9,45G 71 . A MODEL FARMER. advancement of education. This was th e wail of & man who had A petition from t.he trustees of the Rest. . . . · . . . . . . 25,000 00 of our Hard-to-Beat Plowt>, and Famous Two-Furrow A full stock endured the torturs of "liver complaint" A few days a,;.:o we spent an afternoon public echool at Warkworth, asking that Con tingent a cGang PJows. and dyepep!ia, fo r years ; and he mi£?ht coun t . . . . . .... 50,000 00 with our old friend, Benjawm Ashton, another cedre for the Entrance examin·· -- - $ 189,456 71 have endured them for life, had he not Farmers, be Eure and ask for Porter & N oden's Diamond Steel Points. E sq., and family, at their pleasant home ation be established at this place was heard that Dr . . Pierce's Golden Medical 110 delightfully eiruated in the extreme granted, Best Discovery would milke h·m, a. well man. Highest price paid for all kinds of old iron in cu.sh or trade. south ·eastern corner of the township of A by.Jaw to levy a u te upon the m11- Balance of profits carried He gave it a· trial and 1 vas cure d~ Once of Machine Oil always on hand. brands forward. , . . ..... . . .. . . . $ 4,094 05 Darlington. on the shore of b eautiful Lake nicipalities within the United Counties he w es hollow-eyed , emaciated , and slowOntario. Few people are aware of the for Public school purposes wea passed. Tho usual inspections ot the different Quality ~nd price- best in the market. Plows given on trial. location of this fine farm residence, as it The sum of $6,334,-equ11.l to the Legis- branches of the bank have been n:.ade ly 1ottering toward tl1e tomb; but n ow he is vigorous, robust a.od healthy. T here ia not in view of the traveller on the main la.tive grant of 1888, will be raised. Of d uring the year. PORTER & NODEN, is nothing that can compare w ith the .r oad, but a short dl'ive down the town t his sum, Northumberland will contribute 26-3m 'l'he branch at Por t Perry has been " Diecovery" as a curative agent for sour East End Foundry. line.brings it in siriht aud we were well $3,405 and Durham $2,929. closed, and new offices have been oi:ieiied -=======~========~!!!!!'~============~ A by·law to levy a rate for County at K ingston and Aurora, which alteady stom~ch, constipation, impure blood and !!!! r epaid for our visit. Mr. Afthton'~ rc:sid ence is built of r ed brick, is commodious purposes was paaeed. It fixed tbc sums give promise of being desirable acquisi· biliousness. The worst cases of chronic Nasal Catarrh positively and permanently and convenient aud corumandn an ex - to be paid by the minor m11nicipalities to t ions to the bank's influence. cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh R emedy. t ensive view of t he Lake where the sailing defray t he current expenses of the11a The officers of ·the bank continYe to :i: vessels, st eam boats and other marine United Counties as follows : discharge their duties to the satisfaction craft may be seen during the summ~r .Alnwick... . ....... . . .. ... $ 363 00 of the directors. s eason passing up and down on the surface Bowman ville.. .. . . . . . . . . . 630 00 All of which is r espectfully submitted. of the beautiful blue waters . Between Brighton Township.. . .. ... 1060 00 w. P. H OWLAND, tho house and the lake is the Gmnd Trunk ·Brighton V i!Ja.ge.... . . . . . . 203 00 P reeident. Railway, a.nd every few minutes there Cartwright .. ... .... . . · . . . 752 00 Toronto, 19th June, 1888. goes flying along east or westwa rd the Camvbellfcrd.. . .... . . . . . · 213 00 GENERAL STATEMENT. '1ightning expl'ess with its load ot Iivin~ Cavan. . . ··.·... . .. . .. . .. . 1524 00 freight or the rumbling freight trai n with Clarke .· ..... . ...... . ... ·. . 2023 00 LIARTUTIES. its load of merchandise, at-0ck, machinery Orama.he .... . . . . .... .. . . · !l 12 00 Capita.I stock or other cornm ..dities of transport. Thus, Colborne. .. . .. . . . .. . ..... 142 00 ·d $l 500 000 OO D ar1· ., m . a m1-asure separa t e d f N m tiie w h i,e mg t on .... . . . · · · · . · · · · 2226 00 R pat up.. .. ·550·000 00 vi , w of the rest of the world, the dwellers Hastings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 00 B=~~ ~ ~· ~ f ' Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and F eed and Grain trade in this charming r etreat enjoy a lit.ti .Haldimand.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 00 fi t . and has determined to 8 Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1860 00 pro catri· world of their own. The farm is one of 4,0!)4 05 the best in this section. I t slopes gently Hope . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . 1775 00 C ed .forward t . to the south east and the excellent soil Manvers.. . . . . ... .. . ... . . . 1275 00 ontmgen . ac00 makes it well ad:w ed to grain and stock Monaghan . .. , . . .. .. . .. .. . 250 00 Di~~\~n~~l~i~~d 50,000 3,551 96 and ex.tend his Grocery into the premises now occupied with raising, and be1tcr vastures or grain fields Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · 965 00 D' N 61 1 we hi<ve uot seen t his year. Mr. Ashton Newcastle ...· · : .... . . . . . · 142 00 ;;yabl~ lst . DRY GOODS. may fittinj:(ly be t ermed a model modern Percy.. . . . . · . . . . . .. · ... · 1005 00 J 1888 52,500 00 farmer. As a breeder of thoro'-bred an d Seymour ·... .·.... .. . . ... 1127 00 R une,d f .. To mak e a clear sweep, everything i n the Dry Goods department eserve or 'high ~rade boraeP, cattle,sh eep and swine, A by-law. licensing, r egul a.ting and interest due is now being sold AT AND UNDER COST. The goods are all first· h e certainly takes 11o high position, and governing hawkers or petty chapman and class, carefully selected for the regular trade and no old culled bankwhy he has l>Ot been a more frequent repealing all by-laws now in force relating deposit 0 rs, rupt stock, the public can understand the immense advantages ofcompetitor r.t our county exh ibitions we thereto, was passed . It enacts (1.) that exchan g es, 61,414 51 fered to pmchas.e rs of this stock. Everythin~ usually k ept in a. cannot unders·and. Be has a very ex· from and after the passing of the by-law, R:~~t~ · ·~ blil~ eellent lot of horeoa, and u.n ltke too many every hawker or pett.y chapman, and first class Dry Goods establishment, and i·equired in the Clothing of our West Durham farmers he keeps other person carrying on petty trade, or discounted. · 33,586 24 House Furnishing line, oftered at AWAY-DOWN PRI CES. and 2 5 4 ,Z5 ,i G 7G his beat young Clvdesdale mares for who goes from place to place, or to other Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash only. Positively breeding purposes. "A fin er lot of horses wen's houses, on foot, or with an animal, Notes in cirand colts Wt> h avt' not seen on one farm bearing or drawing any goods, ware~ or culation. · · · 912,529 00 no Reserve. Everything must go. Call and satisfy y ourselves that for year~. Bis catile are very highly bred merchandise for sale, or in, or with any D eposits 110 t the WEST END HOf.!SE is ~viJ~g greater !"alue for a lit tle money and n bt>I ter Jot of cows would be hard to boat, vessel or other craft, or otherwise bearing i n 'l'hle powa.er never var1e11. A marvel of than any other house m the d1stnct. will pay you to lay in a t erest . · · · ·· 1,717,527 73 purity, strength and wholesomeness. More find. 'l'he fa·. m b uildin g..; M·) very ex- carrymg goode, war es or merch~ ndise for economical than th e ordinary kinds, and can year's supply, as such goods cannot be .repeated at my prices. tensiv~ and exceediug:y w,,!) arranged sale, oxce ;·t t < ) retail dealers only, shall D eposits bearnot be sold in competition with the multitude for c, nven i<Ji;co ill al l do11artment s. before t·x ·,r cisioir such c:\lliug within t he iug interest. 3,064,807 67 of low teat , sh ort weight, alum or pho11phate r Ra.lances due p()wders; Sold onlyin ·oana. ROY.AL BAK:. There are roomy s t» bl,,~ for horses separ. United Counties of N orthumberland and b an ks i 11 NG POWDER C0.. 106 Wall S t .. N. Y . ate from o!lrnr s tock; large airy Durham ta:ke out a license therefor, GreatBritain 162, 772 7fJ c ow byres i:nrl se parat. ' 11ppartments for unless th e gc.ods, ware~ or merch:mdisA Balances cl u e calves, sh eql and b ogs . The arran ge- are the growth, produce or mauufact ure banks in ments for feediqr a1;d watering are very of this Proviuce ( not, being liquors within 1 · uu,l S 09 gooJ. There a re a!so lar,,;o bl1eds for the the meaning of the hw relating to tavern I Ca.mtda · · · · -- - - 7- 9'>3 8 h ousiug of m ilch iu ery an d implements, so or shop licensee) and aro being h awked o-that nothing 1 mfforo from exposure to or peddled by the manufacturer or pro- Total liabilities to the ~ublic 5, ~ · 15 24 storm-s or weather <1f atJy kind. ( duce.r of such gocd s, Wt\rcs or ruercha n · - ---The v e r y highest Cash Price Mr. Ashton iu 11 great h orticulturist as dide, or by his or their bona fide servants $8,178,962 00 well as farm er . He has large orchards vr employees, h av ing written authority ASSE'fS. will b a paid foranyquantity contai1:ii;g all the ch oice8t varie1ies of in that behalf. (2) that such .license Gold a ud Eilver of WOOL a t apples, J>lums aud cherries. B e h as sh alJ be in fqrce for n ot leas than a period coin .... . .. .. $222,871 46 grafted very E·xfrnsively and h quite an of six mont113, n or fo1· a l onger per iod Government de· authority on fruit culture. He has than one year from t he issuing thereof ; mand notes . . 483,069 00 11.c quired his know·ledge of horticulture and t hat the sum to be paid for such Notes & cheques chiefly from experimente and constant license shall be according to the following ofother banks. 284,053 75 ·nadiug of the best publications treating scherlule, that is to say,- for every person Balanc e s due Grocery and Provision Store, on this subj ect. If many farmer6 who hawking or pedd ling on foot : -For the from banks in BOWMANVILLE. h ave good ht althy trees that bear c"mmou United Oountie&one year, $20 ; for the Canada . . . . . . 85,373 95 or infe rior varieti~ s cf fruit would adopt United Counties six months, $12; for one Balances due Mr. .Ashton's method of grafting they County one year, $ 12 i for one County from banks in . w ould b e amply r epaid f.;r the labor and six months, $.>7. For every person hawk· U nited States. 107,891 09 expense. As a cultivator of small fruits ing or peddli11g with an animal bearing Government seand gardening h e occupies & foremost or drawing any goods, wares or merchan curities, and position, fol' his assor tment of raspberries, diae, or in or with any boat, "easel or municipal and currants, strawberries, gooseberries, other cl'aft, or otherwise carrying goods, other deben· grapes, apricots, et c., would be hard to wares or merchandise, except on fo ot :tures . . . . . . . 413, 770 58 aurpa~s on any farrn in the county. For the United Counties one year, $40 ; Qur µurpooe in visiting .Mr. Ashton for the United Counties eix: months, $25; Total assets immediately a· was to interview him r es pecting h is for one Co1mty one year, $25 ; for one vailable · . ,.,, ·.. . .. ···· $1,597,02(} 83 Oome along with y our Wool and you will winter's eojonrn and travel 011 the County six: months, $15. (3. ) that every Bills discounted find Pacific C1ia"t in British Columbia and person to whom a license has been current and California, b u t wo must defer our report granted shall upon demand made for its advances on ·.. of the interview till next week. · production hy any person to whom goode, oall ... .. ,. , $6,124,970 59 ;r~:wares or merchandise are offered, or by Overd ue del>ts 84,782 82 FoR MEN. -'l'he correct p lace to buy any constable. police officer or magistrate, secured .. . . in exch an ge. a etylish h "t is at M . Mayer's where you a.hall produce the same ; or failing to do Overdue debt s Ron Carding and all kinds of Custom will find. a grand assortment from which so, shall be considered as prima fficia not specially Work done promptly. elling withto choose. His gents' furni11hings. ehirt11 evidence that he or t ltey are K securecl (esHighest Cash Price paid for W ool. cnffa, oolla.rs, ties, glove11, etc., are of the out a license. (4.) That any person or timated 1011s JOHN SIMPS ON, 3G,705 67 l ateet etyle11 and as ch eap as they can b e persona offending against any provisions 'Provided for) of the by-law shall forfeit and pay for R eal estate ·.. 25- 2m Proprietor. 97,742 25 sold. -THE- The Counties Council. PRETTIEST I --o--- VARIETY HALl is the spot for bargains in All desire my beautiful patterns of It ac now e ge have the best aSSOPtment and Prettiest · t own. patterns In D on't fail to g ive me a call. PAP ER L WA L · k I d d I Base Balls,~ ·~ Croquet Set s , Picture Frames and Window Blinds. Indelible Pencil. F a ns, l ---o --Come in and see the 5c. A utomatic ---" P. TREBILCOCK \:liaUi&UUA1l lilta·..,.mau. J. H. KENNER. THE OLD RELIABLE Still Booming (leads the Van), FOUNDRY & IACHINE WORKS ----o--- ~~ ..... ...... ~ .ABSOLUTELY QUITTING The Dry Goods :Business 1 ;." ·· JOHN lll clllUBTll Close Out His DRY GOODS BU8/N£88 0 ------$ n ro:a:N Koll.'D'lt'J;E.y WOOL I WOOL! I --- o --- JOHN LYLE'S, Pure Paris G reen - .A. T - Puru Whitu Holluboro DRUG STORE. - ..A..L S 0 - -W-OOL ! Leskard Mill. I J.H ICCINBOTH ! I &8011'8 ~ i JEmIDJ ~~£00 ~~9 Blankets, Tweeds, Yarns, Flannels, &c., ~~~ ~ Some new shades.