· A good seconcl hand top buggy for sale J Thero is money to be eave t McClung 1 · E XCURSION .-E~erybodr arraoge. to go The name of McCausland & Son, of To- SERVAN .r T GI R L WAN T..,.D ..,, tor general housework. Apply at ON~':.mo cheap. Apply to M.A. JAMES. Bros' June-July sale. on the ~d?fellows excursion to Gnmsby ronto, is directly associir.ted wit h the best st ained windows in this country. Ther e BA~K :______ __ 22-.. -:v~ REDUCED RATF..-We will accept 50 REDUCED RATE.-We w·11 accept 50 on Domm10n Day. See advt. cents for THE STATESUAN for the balance cents for t h11 l::!TATES:IIAN fo the balance Farmers should read Porter & Noden's are several offshoots from this veteran WANTE D,-Horse, good fo r ri.Hn_g and driving : a.lso light set of har ·iel!!tof 1888. of 1888. new advertisement. They will be found h ouse, but experience tells t he tale. Their NDllHSON, Howmanvllle. 26- 1w PU-R-;Geo. 'Buck sells hoots and shoes cheap· The Band will hold their usual open splendid men with whom to do b usiness. equipment11 and pers,mal knowl edge make W . C. SA them p eers in the Ornamental, Cut and · d d' er than any other Rouse in Bowmanville. air concert in t heir stand on Ji'r1day even· YOUNG ~t E N.-Dont forget the big ea.le . d Gl tr d d 1d B OY WANTED. -A goed smar t boy 1l t d as8 a e, an we are g a t o . to le!lrn the butcherlng: business. f\ 11 pty an un f~lr strength. Try him. ing i;iext. of Gent's furnishings st ill going on at Sta1ne ' Special bargains in millinery at Mre, Mrs. l\lorrison offers her whole stock of Geo. Buck's po pular boot store. This hear of the flattering success this firm ha1 to W . R , R. CAWKER, Bowruanvillc. 211.~ ,v Morrison's as sbe intends clearing out her hats, bonnets, feathers and flowers at cost new and n obby stock muat be cleared out enjoyed during the past fo rty years. ITCH EN M AID WANTED.- E iHlv WHOLESOME, summer stock. for one month. l\t once, regardless of prices. in J uly. a girl to do t he kitchen wori: A Succ& SSl!'UL R Es ULT. -Sirs, I was Purifies the blood, whore a housemaid is kept. Apply to MJ:s. troubled for five years with L iver Com- REID, King Janetville celebrates Dominion Day, on FARMERS.-- You can buy the bee Street .!Ca.et. 25-U and aide digestion. Saturday 30th June. There will be a turnip seed, all the newest kinds, at .f plaint. I ueed a great deal of doctors' Personal. medicine, which did me no good. I was pic-nic in S11:muel McGill's i;trove. J.YLE's, Bowmanville. Mrs. w. Brittain is vis iting h er son s ORSES F OB, SALE.- Four Brood getting worse a ll the while unt il I t ried Mares with foals at foot ; t w" gcneril REFRESHING, Ladies will save money by buying NEEDLEs.- H. C. Tait has received a in Toronto. purpose colts t hree years old : anll three gocrd Tones up the syetem millinery and dress goods at McClung large variety of needles and can fit any Mr. C. W. Buntivg, of the Mail, and Burdock Blood Bitters. Aft er takinl! yearling cnlts. Apply lo Jou:-< Fos~·mi. drover, four bot tles I am now well. I can also Bros' great clearing sale for June and make of sewing machine Miss Bunting are in England. recommend it for d ys oepeia. Miss H attie ! Bowmanvill~·-· -·-··--------~!=~-~ FRUITY July. See advt. Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket,, r-:_ R EWAR D Strayed .cl1 i"n flavor. \"h ' . ' Plamng . F act ory, L I'b er t y last Mr. R. in Mallory caught 14 fine ' lunge L . Sw ick, S t. Williama P. 0. , Ont . nod rl " a t a dds more t o mans appear ance e tc., a t M orris week two days' fishing. Oe from lot ll, con. 5, Darlington !lo bay ye~rliug bl~od filly. Any person gi vitig than a stylish hat? Mayer has just re- stteet, R . H. Osborne, lea.see . Medicine vendt>rs everywhere con firm mformat1on leading to her rcoov;;ry w ill l'.&ceived from New York all the latest styles Miss Shaw, of Bowmanville, is visiting the fact, and i n th11 inter est of their ceive the above reward. A HTII UR HAa nr~. COOLING, and his prices are right. Headquarters for Lace Curtains, Carpets a t Principal Oliver's, Brantford. 21-t'f pocke t~, . the confirmation m :iy be relied 'l'yrone. · Just the drink for and all kinds of Rouse furnishings at "" A nr 1 d FARllIERfl ATTENTION.--The best Turnip C ouc1 J oh nston an d Cryd erman, s. two .varm weather. l p mrs. kd l . ., e ch · · an · ,.,.. daughters, J M ·of u po n as eorrect that suffe re rs from Liver OLT L OSl '.-Strayed from l o~ 6, S eed in all the leadiug varieties for sale a r - a e, are v1S1tmg at m.r. . orris . disease, Indi~ee tion, Hear tburn, Head· con. 1\ Darlingto11, a de.rk bay maro colt. at J oHN LYLE'S Grocery and Provision Every person contemplatin~ a trip t o Misses Harriet and L ouie Dunst an, of ache and Acid ity of S;omach will fin d 2 J.enrs old, No white on her $;) rewaril the Old Country ehould call or write Essex Centre, a re vis iting their friends sure and safe relief from a dose of Dr. will be given for information leading to 11._er Absolutely f1 ee from Store, Bouniall's Block. M. A. J°AMEfl before buying tickets. h recovery. JOH N JE WELL, Bowmanville. P. o. Cockle's well-known Anti-bilious Pills. 4 The Ontario and Burham Exhibition ere. 23-tt Alcohol. Aesociation, capital stock $10,000, was Citizens who can enj oy a pleasant drive Miss Annie Nichols and Mr. F rank organized at Whitby on Monday. The into the country on Dominion Day Belding,of Toronto, are in town for a few Chronic Ooughs and Colds rtiAILOltlNG.-l\1r. Hindson , Tailo.r, ](n ordering. specify DOMINICA, and don't be directors are Ontario men. sho·ild attend the church tea at Haydon. days. .. at 1\fol.Jlung Bros.. Is uow prepared to And all diseases of the th roat and lungs make limited number of snil.s ror country putotrwithanyimitations. TIIE NEXT E cLIPSE. -The next eclipse For tbe newest and most elegant Dress Mr. a nd Mrs. W . G. Hyland , of Osha- can be cured by th e use of Scott's Emul· buyersa or from outside eetcabliahment s. ~ea trancethrougb Quick & Co's store 15·tf of the moon will occur on the night of Goode with all kinds of Trimmings to wa, were gms ts at Mr. W . B. Couch's on sion, as it contai ns the hea ling vir tues of REFINED EXPRESSLY FOR July 22nd, and will be more interesting match call at Couch Johnston and Ory· Friday. Cod L iverOil and H ypophoepbit.es i n their OOD. B UILDING LOT FOR SALE. than the one on January 28th. derman's. Mr. Thos. B urden is . chairm an of the fullest form. See what W. S. M uer , M . -'l'hat splendid building lot opposite the SonA.-A number of the most delicious M. Mayer has just received from N ew E quali zation Commi ttee of the Count ies D. , L. R . C. P. etc., Tru ro., N . S ., say'!! : residence o! J ohn W*'sley Esq. , on tho 1im MONTREAL. " After throe years' experiencs I conaider west o f this of the A~erican Flavors are dispensed ·t Ynrk a. lot of the lates't style straw bats, Coun cil. town will be sold on Yery reR.Bon-: For Bale by Grocers and Druggists In Pt~. Stott & Jury's soda. fountain-every which he offers a t very low prices. Give E mulsion one of the very best in able terms. Apply 10 M . A . JAMES or .lOrtN Sco tt's Mr. E. L . },ortt, t eller i n th o Ontario and "l.lts. {lmperial measure.I l!'LETCIIER, owner. Bowmauville. 13· U · the market. Very excellent in throat eho11ld \'iait them as they are verv him a mill. B k d .. ,,. F · Person " · an 1 an lurs. ort t are v1sting at affections." Pu t ap in 50c. and $1 size. ..\..LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRAJ)E. and very different from the old Ladies, don't m ies the bargains now Lindsay. fine G'"No charge rcrCa.ses. ARM IN PICK ERING FOR SALE. fashioned flavors ~old ly most dealers. going at Mrs. Morrison's, to be continued ----:: -=:: - :: ..-.:: __:: _ ::_::__::-:========~ -50 acrea. bAing part of l ot~ Base Line. n· Mrs. Thompson , of P ort H ope, is v .is- Marrh1~c Notices ·o cc t · bl th8 1 I The new " orocery firm of Young & Co., for one mont l only. .·'ho goods are new 1 ·t· " 25 cent,.. · · " n ·; r a nt well underdra.ined. 12 aorea o! valuable ti'lnm g h er d aug1 iter, M rs. W . B . C ouch, deaths, ber. New barn, good house. For furt.her have got down to busineas in their stand, and stylishCentre-st. =7. = = -- - --=:c.=--=- -= - -= particulars apply to M. MoCAUSLAND. Picketrmg, Ont. 2~-4:w* Wellington Buildings, and h aving got in R ev. R. D. Fraser was preaching in Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bruce, of P or t BIRTHS. a complete stock of groceries and pro- his old church last Sabbath, and Mr. p CnA SSWk ~U,ER-1n Oshawa. on the 16th inet., visions, ihey are prepared to supply the Buckannan, a student from Knox Colle2'.e, erry, spent Sunday, 1 7th, in this t own the wire ot Mr. c. J,, Cra.eeweller of a son. OUSE TO RENT - Si1uatc il on ·· with friends. Beech Avenue. containing ten rootnJ1 public wholesale and retail. Give them filled the pulpit of St. Paul's very acceptADAMB- In Darlington, on the !ith inst , the On the premises hard and soft wa,t~r. und a Lowe5t Prices ever heard of. We had a friendly call from Messrs. wire of l\1r. E lmere Adams. or a son. a call. ably. good st.able, Possession m!ly be had imrneo.i· WH E1£1,1rn- A 1 . Mitchell's Corners. on the 7th atetr. }'or furthe r particulars apply to owner. Pedlar's Quality ......... . . . .. 20c. Miss M . J. Cartmell a returned miss· On account of the immense success a.t· Rich ard Moore and ,John Thompson, of inst, the wife of Mr. Thoe. Wheeler, or a son. JAMES CARSCADDIOi· Ll·tf Brool;.Jin, last week. Commercial .... -.. .. .... . . .. .. . 30c. i.mary from Japan will visit the B owman- tendin g my big, sale of Gent's furnishings p.N >Lflf"""l n Ellst Whitby, on the 16th inst., C Mrs. D c1nnelly, milliner, has bought ~ wife or Mr. JDdward Conlin, of 11. daughter. ARM FOR SALE.-Situa.ted i n the Chemical> y Pure .... . . . ... . .. . 40c. villo auxiliary to the·W omen's MiKeion- I will continue the sale two weeks longer. 2nd conceasiou, Jot 26, 'l'ownsl'lip of ary Society of the Me thodist Church en Geo. Buck, B owmanville, noted boot Dr. Hillier 's cnsy r esidence on King-st . C Baoo~ -Jn Darling>.on, on the 19th instant, I~ miles south or Orono, 2i miles oorth Clarke, .... till~11'e ol"Mr. Wesley Brooks. of a. da ughter. We n~ver be:i-Jve in selling s econd Thursday, June 28th. The meeting will merchant . · east. Price, $ 1,600. ot N e wcastle. contain ing 10() n cree all clc!ltjld '"--c:~~'l'>ltr.L -A t Tauutnn, on tho 20th instant. qualities of any kinds of goods but we be held in Church St. Church at 3 p. m . A dessert for every day in July is given R ev. S. II. Matthe ws lrns been reap- t bo wire or Mr. Wesley Glnspell, of a. daughter. and in a go 0 d st.at" of cultivation. I t i" one o! lhe be!lt f!lrmi in the Township. 'l'her·~ is .on tind there is some demand among a A hearty welcome is extended to ladies in No. 83, of the Springfield, Mass., pointed Chairman of Bowmau villeDistrict tho p :·E mises 2 d welli ug houses. 2 b:irna, 2 certain class of customers for a chflaper interested in missionary work. MARRIED. c ...tt.Je stables, 2 tumi p cellars, I ata"1e-r.>om Good H ousek eepiug. All newedelllere of the M ethodist church. for !J horses--good dr1 ving ~hed and ot her oiltRrade of P~ ris Green, and we have thereAt th e Buffalo International E xpostion sell i t, 10 cents a copy. It is btit $2.50-a Messrs. W . Chartran, W. J. Jeffery buildings ; good orchard and garden couta i.n · fore lai d in a. stock of each kind, and we ing apple. pear nnd nlu m t ree9: 2 good wells to ht! held on September 4 th t o 14th , pro· y ear an d is published for tnightly. and Hug h l\foKay had a successful fishin are positively gi>ing 118 good value for t~e a.ud 1 Cistern ; a ll6\' Cr failing stream of Wat.er R ev-. R. Mallett, B . A ., will reside in excursion on Scngog last week. runs tl11·0 111<h the precniseo closo L o the barDoo money a.a can be obtained anywhere m vision will be m ade to accommodate 800 yard. Will sell or exchange for smollei- vlaoo. and the sam e nnmber of Mtt le, Picton . Before lea,·ing his old circuit Mr. R ichard J ames and Miss M ary horses Canada. F'or further pa.rticnlars upplv ou the premlile~ b~sides sheep, swine and poultry. There the L ongford people presented him with Jamee, of Cambray, were visHing frien ds _,,.,,_ DIED. to SUWEJ, WOOD, Orono. .P. o. 213-lf wil! also.be a be~c~ show of clogs,_ at a fin e address and purse of $52; and his in this t o wn and \·icinity this week . MAR'nx-In I~miiskillen, on the 20th inst ., Rev. J. A. P a rsons, formerly of Baltiwhich will he ex:h1b1ted representatives Atherl ey friends gave h im a mag nificent oho l\fo1 tin, aged 85 years. The Reliable Druggists. from tbe mor,t famomi1 kennels in the I easy chair and an address. more, Ont ., bas received t he degree of country. UNION ScHoor, P ICNic.-The Aud!ey, Bachelor < ·f Arts from t he Alleghany :Kill':D WORDS ANn T Rt' E.-Mr. Joh a M USICAL E NTERTAI.NMEN:r.- A Cantata Balsam, Brooklin, Green wood a.nd Mt. U niversity, M eadville, Pa . We con- H. Carttlr, of Cor betton , Ont., wri t~s as N P URSUANCE OF R. S. 0., 1887, entitied "The Flower Queen , or the Zion public schools will hold a union pie· gratulate our for mer p upil on h is success. follows : "Hagvard's Yellow Oil has stood Chap. II O, l:lec. 3C, notice i~ hereby given Corouation of the R ose." will be rendered n ic iii the grove of Mr. Clark, between t he test often when all others failed. Our that the creditors of ALIC ~ MAU\' STF.W.\P.;r, late of the Township o! Darlington. who died by a cla~s r,f young ladies of the Sunday Kinsale and Greenwood, on Friday, June J ohn H. Rodd, of Gesto, has passed house i3 never withont it, a nd it will alon or a.bout the 10th d:iy or May, 1888, aro, on The above re'l"ard is offered t o any p er - sch oo1 of th e o· · les· clmrch th" 1sc1p is w e d - 29th., assem blin~ at 11 o'cl ock. B ow· his third year's examination at Toronto way s find a welcome s pot on the ehelf." or before t.he 'l'W E Lt.T JI VAY ou J uis , r,ext, to eon g iving evide·1ee that wilr lead to the nesc 1ay evenrng, · 2~ th · · · send by post t o \V. S. OHM1s·r oN, ESQ .. Barj ms". , cornmencmg manville cd cket club arc to play 1\ m atch Ul) iver sity, with first-class honor s in rister. Bowoo· a nville. l h illr names c.nd a<Ldress~ conviction of any pt'rson selliDg Paris at 8 'o'clock. Admission .15 cents, or two with K insale. . H istory, Germ'\n and Spanish, and with BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. cs, full particulars M their claims and 11.ccQurits, G reen or other poisons in violation of the for 25 cents. Proceeds t o be applied to second-class honors in E nglish, F rench and the no.titre ofthe secm·i ~y (i t any ) hai-ct by Pharmacy Act. the library fund of the Sunday school. ~ILroysNESS-" I should. not th}nk it and Ital iau. Correetccl b y .J, ~lcllur1.ry, n-cry Tuesday. tl1c!)1. and L hat after t1'.e 12th d ~ y or July, 18a3. the assets or the deceased w ill be diat ribu~d The officernrWD omioion Loctge, N o.17, rig t die 1 not give my tost1mony o w.hat . A fishing party from Bowmrnville went F or tho information regarding said r ea mong the P'-'rlies entitled thereto~ r~g,ir·d ward enquire of auy chemist or write to S r C d f ti . t I ~ now t.o be. the rnlue of Burdo.c~ Blood 0 11 T h ursd'iy to Bobcay~eon . Di·. Beith FLOUR, ~ 100 tbs.. . .·. . ·. $2 20 to $2 50 being had only to t.he claim of wh ic h notiCG u RlGISTRAR, " Ontario College of Pharm- ons>""{'l i>na a, or ie ensumg erm, Bi f,ters. Bem g a su.ffererfromBih?usness and Mra. Beith ; Mr. J . Wesley a nd Mr~. 'WHEAT, Fall, ~bush .. . . · 0 83 11 0 85 shall ha.ve been received, and theAdmiuistra.tor not be liable for the assets so disr.nb11te"d. ~cy, Toronto, Ont. ;t,e~-;-!"res. , Jas. Ga~e ; lst Vice-Pres., I to?k one. bottle _of B. 13. B. and it ~ave · Wesley, of t he D omi nion Organ & Piano " Spring, " 0 80 11 0 85 ehall nor for any part theroof, to perso n& wh~ ~~~~~~~-~~ - ~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~ . L1v10gston ; 2 nd V ice-P res., Dr. Pot- me immediate r elief. I recommend i t m C _ M r W M ·K· d M S S B ~b l N 1 O "0 o 00 claim ~hall not have t eeu r eceh ' 1Jd by .the s~d t er; Chap., A. J . H oney; R ec. Sec. , J . a. cure for Biliousneae. Annie McL ean, Eds~ll . th~ ·a~, T an r. . . AltLEY, us 1, o. 2' .. · 0 ~- II 0 00 W. S. OHMISTO:-<, a t the L ime of such distriGRAND TRUNK RAILWAY: bution. J. M uson ; Fin . Sec. , Chas B urden; Wood ville, Ont. ma. e u , par J· :: :: :: 3 : ::: 0 ~ :: O 5 00 Dated at Bowme.n·:Jlle, June lat, A .D.. 1888. Treas. , F red Bro wn ; S te ward, ,Jop. Oak· FALSE CIIARGE.---Some t i me in the Mr . and M rs. '" . R . Osborne, M r . am{ R 11 0 55 11 0 60 BOWMANVILLE STATION, \V . S. Oltl\HSTON, ley ; Aset. St eward, Chas. Hicks ; Guard, M rs. 0 . Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. 'f homas · YE, · · · · · · · · · · 11 Wm. K eyes; Ae~t. G uard , W. McRey- early part of this year a par agraph ap . Osbo rne a nd Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg OATS, · · · · · · · · · 0 50 11 0 50 Solicitor for .Jolin Ste w&1·t.. the Admi nistrat~. 23:iw GOING EAST GOING WEST nolds; Past Pree., F. H . Mason. p eared in T HE STATESMAN copied from spent a cou ple of days at Scugog last P EAS, Blackeye, ~bush .·· O 60 11 O G7 :Mall . . . ....·· 8.38 a m Mail . . .. . ... 6.17 a ~ ~ the Bowmanville corresponden ce of the week, campi ug and fishing. They brought 11 Small, u 0 65 11 0 70 Exprees·. . ..·10.33 a m Lona.I, ...... ,.8.00 a m A~IAf'.,{l.'.tED GA11m. - ,Ve have recei ved Orono Ne ws in which it was stated th a t home 2 3 fine fish, but how man y were 11 Bl ue, 0 60 11 0 70 Mixed ...... ...:HO p m Express" ·.. ... 9.35 a m · silver bait is not stated. BUTTER best table ' ... '"' w "'-. · - O l" O 15 Loc_al . ......... 7.27 pmj Mixed ·....··..3.16 pm some communicat ions anen~ the friendly Jas. Vodden had b een g uilty of wife- caugh t .with a. · · v " Mail , . . ..... 10:07 p m Mall . . , ...... 9.08 p m base b all match at P ro vidence, 011 th o beating. W e are pleased to learn that L ARD, ~r lt .. .... .. ... . . . O 10 11 O 12 "Except Mondays. 18th inst . Ther e is no need of discussing the char ge was untrue and we gladly ,,, 1\Ir.dD. fB. S~i~pson adnd wife lea ve _on Eaas, ~doz .. ...... .. . . _ o 12111 o 00 1im·s ay or witzer an ' accompanymg P oT OES .,. b h the mat t er in the papers. The Tyrone make t.his correction in J nstice t o Mr. .L . oo -o-II O 00 T HAT excellent :. .. Tain aud graziua fa.rm, l . t A.T ' ,,. us . - . . . . . · .. ~ h is m o ther, !M ra. J . s· club o bjected t o allow a Bowm anville Vodden. impson, anc sis era,. - -· ____ _ _ known as" Erpingha.m," consisting of JJ)IJ · t Ro d Miss Ma~ g ie and Alicia, and Miss J on ess. acres. w ell fenced. well watered and m first d on II16 Ir J man t b e Pace ~mgs on a. Bw T nrn FOR LADIES. - The biggest ' S TORE TO LET . -The s tore now oc· class state ot cultivation, wit.11 good fruit orob· ~~·· .. , ... . ·--~- --- ~VV'-V" team in place of one of their men, opportunities for lacli "es who have d elayed The young ladies intend remaining t here . db .l\K W H 1 .. ard. is offered for sale on easy terms. . 8 1 ..,. 1888. h ence the game ca.-1e ~ t a Y i r. · · ves, on -..mg treet, 'J'here are large farm buildings. stone cell,ar ~ , 2 I, o n e nd a £ter the buyin2'. their m illin ery and d ress goods is for two years to acquire gr eater proficien· two cupie doors ease ot the P. 0 . PosaessiOn May 9 t bl 110 d ·1 , t k d t ~ B OWMANVILLE, JUNE "nn1"11ns the scor~ being 18 to 2 in " C/ in music a nd the langna 0 oes. Mrs. J. 10th. Apply to A. BUCKLER, Jeweller, a es erneci... 1 .or s oc an 8 ornge .o~ 5th 1 ~ afforded by M.cCiung B ros' great sweepf roots, etc. ,.. · favor of Tyr one. ing sale of this m onth and n ext as an - Simp son will remain with t hem. They . _ --·-- -·----·- _..._. __ ..... .. . ._ .. 15- t There i s a rolling dam on creek near bullcl~a1·1 f ro m "Tew Yor k: on Sat1 1rda.y on the ings, (oo expense for J> ast ten .rears) and 11 STILL GoING ON.- T he genuine clearing n ounced in their ad'l"er tisement on the · .c' breast wheel ei·ect.e d with force pump that out sale of dry gooda that h as been for last page. This is a genui ne clearing S. S. La Bi'etaigne of the French Line. raises water 50 feet to reservoir which St.UJ· Sewing machine needles at Tait' s. some m onths in progress at M cMurt ry's ·1 sale and decided r eductions will l}e made. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Simpgon will rlltum p~~~\l~~~~tthrough atoclratables anddwelUng West E n d . H ouse 18 · st 1 ' ll . in p ogress and y ou wi "JI'" th e ac lv t" bY ll" by th e N <>rth expect German L loydB owma11steamer A ttrst-cla.ss Dairy B tteiooss was carriorl on 0 bl' . r . tge . _ er isers . ca mg " Lalin" and t o reach f ' , ., b m · g k ept. _'I'Iier0 T URNIP S EED.- All t he pormlar vari- . l t ll t k al d k f I 1 or years. f rom " ~" to .,;>cows eties at J, L YLE'S. m sueh rnes ns are s l m s oc re an ma m g Rn mepcctwn o - t ieir gooc s ville by Aug. 2 nd. We wish them all a - being several acres of r ich .. Flats," t.hroilkh "senients, btit es· bargains will be given . M:any things ar e 1 and prices. l t l f t Ontario E ncampment, No_ 11, 0,1111.wa, an· 1 wl1ich runs a Jivr:Ji; strea~. acces~ible rr6m.. R ead all the ad ~erti · bei ng sold at and below ·. wholes 11.le cost , . . . . . . P eas~n voyage anc sa e r e urn nounce an ei;:cursion on evory field on bot)1. sides. this farm a tfor.e ls tho pecially McClung Bros' this week, so if you ha ve a fow clollars to spent and The evenmg meetmg of ~ t he Tmnty ~~~ i~g~\i~: t~~~~~fs J~;i~~~vil~~ly half a S:i.b scribers who have r eceived accounts you wan t d ry goods make a speedy visit ch arch on ~abbatli last, ~ook thli 0 r '? .of R ev. Jam es Oar scadden. j iro~ sale also 50 acres in the 7th conc.easion of will greatly oblige by remitting pr omptly . to the West End H ouse, &nd you will be a song sern ce. '.f.'h e ch oir, both md1v .1dDarlington.j ust 80 rode west of ·Gnidt:i 8011.ril.' ually 1rnd collect1vel s sc,me very fi ne For full p11.rt\cula~a apply to S'l' EPHE N· FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT I n surance. surprised exceedingly. . . Y ang A ,-ery worthy and h ighly re3pected , C OT'l'ON; P.owmanvillt>. 2tltf ROBT. V rn.TUE, Agent, B owmanvillo. t f. S ' R ff d music and the service was much enhanced m an has paesed from the active dut ies of .. _ ____ .A URE ELIEF.- I su 'ere from a by a solo " P ray for us, " by Mr. W. J . life to sweet rest in heaven in the de· PER STEAlVIER L adies, mak e a dollar go as far a11 you hard Cough con tracted by d am p feet. M cMg r try. R ev. Mr . Warriner stated =-c:i ~~ can, it will do wonders for y ou if you take Having consult ed a loclll d octor wit hout in t he course of liis sermon that he had cease of Rev. J ames Carscadden, of this i 'r.O';t )~ ~ ~!rp9 ~'\? ~ @ "t t o "'[ Morn·son · ·11· 'ect of thi3 sketch was\ ~~~@ '?!.,::; oi,;,~ ~· @('\ l u rs. s cost eaIe of ml mery effect I thouglit I would try H agyard's now rea.ched t he sixth aauiveraa.ry of his town. The aubJ ., f th p lB 1 B f born in the county of F ermanah , Ireland, the boat leaving Bowmanville at () a. m.. call· -- Ol'or one mon · ectora alsam as a ast r eijort. e ore pastorate among them and adverted to on Fob. 2 J 8l0. In 1839 h e with h is ing at Oshawa and Whitby, reaching tile W e sh ow a lovely range of Parasols and I had finis hed the first bottle my cough t·he many changes that have occur red in f "l . '· d C d d I d Camp Grounds atll a, m. "d no t ca.rry ovor lia d en t ire ' Iy cl 1 -sappear e d , an d t o-d ay I en- th e congrega t w " · 1 b ecame th e1r . in l\!DI y irt migrate a na a an sett c J. . th . r tl Q d n s mce 1e t he township of to Clarke, where h{) re- 0 N~wt 1Tee~cpf:s'~Yu ·t:k~pef:;~f ~t wtiichrnn e every one new, as we d 1 111 a 11in0 ole P arasol of an y kind, Couch j oy b etter health t han b efore. l can coo- pastor. l' sid<? d and was widely k nown as an honest RIGHT HON. SIR ~ O.HN /'-· McDONALD, ~L - - o-J oh.n&ton and Cryd, rman . scientious1 y recommen d it. ClJae. H . A Sw -EET Turn .- T he ice cream s ocial iadnst rious and well-to-do farmer Rav- c, B., ond otller cl1 stmgmshed ·Poakera w ill ·.;.~ Ir. Justice Falcoi bridoe has decided Kent, T elegraph Oper ator, East Selkirk, i " n t he Church-s t .. Methodi ' st Scliool i·oom . · . · give addresses. Ttckets for the ro1md trip $l, lJuder and lly Virrne of a Power of Sale con,., » M m g a massed considerable wealth, he Yery Children from '; to ll, Mets, to be hitd from tained in a mor tp;age ·wh i c h w ill he prod1teecl tha't if an emp loyee uses insulting languan. on ] 'riday evening w as a good succ~ss , wisely r ttired from far ming about t"' enty W . K PJ·:THTC K, or J . P. Owi>Ns, a.t the time or ea le, t nero will bo offered for age towards his employ er it is perfectly .D~nIINION DAY.- A stra.:ivberry s ocial over $40 beiug r ealizeu from th e sale of years ago and bas eince li ved <J.Uietly and Sec:r. of Com, eale UY PUBLI C .H JGTIO"". at Beer's Hotel, i.n the in order for t he latter to d ismiss h im will be held at the r esidence of Mr. Joh n ticket6. The au tograph quilt was sold to happily _ H e b ecame a resident of Bo w. without warning. McClellan at P ort D arlingt on Harbor on .Mr. W. C. King for $52.00 A very nice manvill e in March 1882, since which time VILLA.GE 01" HAMPTON, in the Co;;nty of Durha m, on t:nder the Ontario act a H astings farm- Monday July 2nd, Dominion Day, whoo program c.f m usic was rendered. M iss one of his chief delights w ,1 8 the atte nd- , er has been fined $26 and costs for adding a ver y pl easant time is expected. Free Edith Allen and M r. F rank B rown sang ance at i·eligions @ ervices in connection I a.. · water t o milk supplied t_o a ch eese factory. con veyances will leave St. Paul'e church solos iu a pleasing manner, M iss Ma ud with the Q ueen-st. M e thodist Church. ; · __ Under the Dominion act the penalty for an d M cClella n & Co's ofllce at 2, 3 a nd 4 F airbairn delighted all with her violin A t the comparativPly early age of 22 1888, a t 2 o'clock i.n t he tifternoon, the followlpg llQW}B::\V I l,LE IHG H >lC JfO ' .L . valuable Ja.ndli, viz : ~.he North West qno.rter this offen ce is $60 or $100 i n th e discre- o'clcck. '.l.' here will be boating and other solos and though e ncores were forbidden Mr. Carsca dden was appointed a classof I.ot No. U, i n tb.e 8tt1 Con. or the 'l'owusll).P t ion of the magistrat e. amusements. The proceeds will be ap- th e audience insisted <>n a second appear- leader in his native co un ty. T his position or Darlmgton, in tbe iJ01mty of Durham. and '.rhe :E:ntra.nce Examinations of tile Bowman· s splen didly h e also held for many years i n this coun- ville High School w ill b~ held Oil 'Wednesday, the South E ast ·I.:. a crce of the scame Lo*· 'fJHl SALilllI T EA.- Tho weather on Monday plied to t he new organ fund. Tickets ance. "The L ost Ship " W& above is a. 'faluable f&r m. property and ia con· ursday and Jfrid1 w. J uly 4.th, 5 ~h and 6:h , p1evented several of our citizens from 25 cents. A very cordial invitation is ex· sung by ·Mra. O'Dell and Mr. K ing. Mr~. t ty, also th at of Sunday School Superin- Th y er1i<Sntly situated. bcginnint;( on \Vednesdriy, at 1:3() p. m going to Salem tea. Th ere was a goodly t ended to the public. O'Dell also sang " W ailing" with clario- tendent . After coming to this country he \\T. W. ~'AMBL YN , TEJR. iv.rS. 2J td Head Master, number p tesent however, t h e sale of T HE Puny. STm'F.- lf you want to get net obl ig!l.to by Mr . Wallis very n icely. j :>ined tt e Wesleyan Church, but in 1848 'l'en per cent. of ionr~hnse money to be paid down at time of s 1 <l< l ; for the bnlnnco, tCJJDll tickets amo unting to a.bout $40. A 1 some of the genuine P:tris Green like Mrs. K ing a nd Miss Byrom played two at t he time of t he split in th at boc1y he liberal, and to ~Je rr>ade known at the time cf ch ildren's tea. was h eld last nigh t . t hey u sed to sell years ago before they piano du els in their u sual excellent style. left and j oined the M . E. Ch urch in which sale. J:' or furll1er parti cdi~L·e 6;,PPlY to Rev. H . s. Matthews will preach two manufactured the cheap~r gradr.s for The t otal proceeds in connection with the he was a ll active and zealc,us member un· J . 11. GH.ll!:R8 0N, epecial sermons n ext S unday. In the pota~o b ugs _yon can get it at Stott & q uilt is $333. b l t ho Union. In 1851 he was licensed Vendor'e ·Solicitor. 2i - 3w The semi-annual meeting of the D. 0. as a. local proachcr an d in 18G3 he was or · Th1·cc well ){ DOWD citizens .Oshawa, .:;;um; H h , 1888. morDing he will preach his a nniversary J ur)'. s: Jt will cost you 40 centl a pound, llermo;1, in whic h h e will review the past but 1t 1s the s_ a me gmde t hat used t o c?st & P. Co. Mutual Benefit Society was held dained and gh-en all t he powers and au- oC this town lt:l l ' e taken 1h e year's work of his church, and i n the 50 cents and 1s well worth the extra price la:;t Thm'.s day . The reports of th e t hor ity of a t ravelling minist er, On the evening he will preacli a. patriot ic sermon, -Stott & Jury B ell ;r'edlara Green at 20 Secrelary and Treasurer showed d urin g dav before his ordination he was appoint- stol'e lately o c cu1)ied by W. cents, Pi;i~e Commer cial a t 30 cents, and tho past h alf yea.r as follows: Income ed a Justice of th e P eace or M agistrate WE f , r-'s, whiclt the y la ave appropriate t o D om inion D ay. ULL FOR SE P.VlCE.- The thoro'k . the ch em1cally pu re at 40 cents. T he ~ !)5; ~xpenditure.$318:41, leaving a for the U nited Counties of N orth11mber - stoclrn'I with a Cnll li11e or m B 11U, Bramvton, will be kept bred Dur11& 00 re- public will get full value a nd save monor bal~nce of $!.'10.41. Thia soc10ty has do ne b.nd and D urham, thus uniting C hurch T H E C R OI'S. - All spr mg crops 1 ror service on Lot !l, Broken E'ront., Clarke. Terms ;- $1 for seaso12 . T nOMAB Mo1r1 ,.A· .rr, . an immense lot of good and been of great and State. H e wa1 always a. liberal su pm arkably well. Hay will only b e a fair by givinu t hem a call. 23- 3w crop, bnt barley is heading out well with " . . {~ benefit among the mechanics of the por ter of all. benevolen t and church i n· · · . Proprietor . a fair gro wth of stra w and spring whea t, Do111rn10~ D.<l.Y.- Port Hope 18 agauv to facto..ty. The elective officers are :- - terests and h is h ouse frequently the home OAR F OR SER VIOE.- A Thor()'· oats a.nd pe!l.S give promise of one of the the front :W':Lh a gm nd progr~~ of sp~rts I Pres., J. B. Mitch el ; Vice-P r es., A. J. of t he m inisters . M r . Oarscad.den was a . · · · · bred Yorkahlre Whi te Boar is kept for P otatoes look for Dumm1011. Day, comp~ismg HOJ:se Hook ; Secy., J. w. Dutton ; Treas., .r. str ong supporter of the Reform P arty and We COl'thall)_'. lftVIt:e a share service on Jot lG, con. l, Darlington, on tlu~ Joli b est crops for year s. Farm, IL hair m ile s~ 11t11 of Hiunvton. Teru111 flourishing and turnips are comi ng up Races, Athletic Sp orts, Bicy_ cle R . a.~, K eachie ; Directors, . Geo. Maynard, IC an ent husiastic and zealous temper a nce oC tile llUbltc patl·onage , $LUO 25-1w· n icely. Fruit will be plentiful. The Base ~all, .Lacrosse, Aq.uahc S~. s, P. Field, E. L. W elsh , M. O'Dell, J oh n worker. H e is t he second of eight bro- D """) e st )l .. iCe fo r· Blttter· r ain of S unday was general all over the concluc h n? with a gra~d display of h; - fri.sby ; Auditors, Wm. McKay , D. T. t h ers to pMs a way. ·~ 1 · .. . . · ' ULL F OR SE RVICE.- T he '.l'horoprovince. The pr ospect is excellent. works. 'I he program is a very att~ctiv forris; Physician , Dr. E . C. M cDowell; T he funeral on Wednesday was lar gely E gg·s and all ln nds Of Bred Short Horn Bull " i3ollna Champion", is kept tor service 6n Lot 23,Con. 6. D.:u'llngton. A LAf>T R ESOllT.- L ast summer, says ? ne, a nd ~s Port Hope elways carrrns out ~--;"W.R. Piggott , M. Hern, G , attended. A very valuml frien<if Rev. F1u·n1 Pt·oduce. 'l'erms. -l~or t h.e season, $1.00, 1 111.rahle let Oct., Wm. J. J ames, of Atherly, Ont., I felt its p romises . t o ·.he letter, all who go Maynard, N. S . Young, C. Roblin. On D r . Pirritte, of B righton, was present and j:£l~ Goods D elivered prompt ly 1888 ; $1 .50 payable I et .l!'ebruary, lSS!l. 'l'Hos. WARD, SoIma. 2~H w. · very miserable with pains over my kidneys th~re from th is neighborhood a ro sure t o t h e t ermination of t he meeti ng t he mem- as9isted at t he services. Re v. R. D , to all parts of the town. fluttering of the h c;a r t and nervousness; enJO Y themselves. Se~ lal:'ge posters and .hers were i.n\'ited to the Grand Central Fraser, M. A.,alsoassisted. The r emains OLSTEl?.i BULL FOR SJmVl0$. after taking different kinds of medicine, prog_ rams fo r foll pa~bcnlars. L ow ex- wh ero a collection of ice cream and oth e r were borne t o Orono cemetery for inter C, A thoro'-bred Holetllin Bun, " OC'J'.'Ol\';" No. 3i08, registered in the l>. F . 11. Hook~.Yol. h earing of B. B. B. I thought I would Cl~N ~~ln(Jr ll at;s no EnBalLloro aD i lwbay~· r Mll r efreshmen ts were given by t he retiring ment. A devoted wife and t wo child ren 4, the property of J . & S. Penfonncl wilfl>e 0 1 try it , · one bottle completely cured me. barn's .., .. Bccr, .. l r on11ncl " Y · ae use P kept tor sen·ioe at S IMON l>,ENFCU Nn1s , on .Lot 1Vlne, wlllcb snppllcs :.resident · . , . ' Mr · N "· · Horne . · and the n ew mourn · . t h e loss of a kind husband an.c af · I I can highly recommend it t o otbere. Ole nec<'s~ary Moocl bnlhllug wntcrla l. . 1 resw en t, Mr . J. B. M itch el. . , fech onate fath er. · · · 33, Con. 2, De.rli.ngtou. f rice :;u. 19't !· I,,IME . FRUIT JUI CE DOMINICA I K H $ 00 C LYMAN , SO NS & 00., PU-RE G F PARIS CRE EN ! H F STOTT & JURY, $10.00 REWARD ! ·:Notfceto Creditors. I .l k p I ERPINGH AM FARM F. O R SALE. 0 1 ° Local and Otherwise. Ix cul 8t 0 N. QDDFELLQWS to Grimsby Camp, I 0 ! D 0MI N I0N DAY I Au cTI oN SALE ~ AlUABLE F ARM PROPERTY ! EX i\M I NATIONS ENTRANCE THURSDAY, 2S TH D AY . Of JUNfi NEW FIRM. Breeder's Dire ctory. I · I I Fl HST CLASS GROCERIES B B B 1 Y OU NG, W. A L LIN, F H ADDY H