'--.... ______..__ _ -a M & --------- . . ut ton · "I verily be. the dining-room door Wll.B s\.lllb. "I mus t . " Yes,' s~td :Mr. missed one another, . feagt my eyes on him. 1 lrnve we .might have t o him and l18 I w:i.s j Annaple nplied by throwing an arm i dm~~-llllilill'··llPi!RLllllll·RWm·1·1 ·11!111tili! -IWlllR!lllll&!!lllMll!l···IAmlMlllll.lillll~;t;W.1i!ai~lill · . but ~!'mie~'. ~ra up ·m off I he;ru a little . ronnd her and looking into her eyes, kis~ing ! lS PUBLISHED 1 ac~na.iy w i~,;'1gh i :M:~thu !' and ua.w 'her on e.wh check, and then, 'as they rcv,ch :EVEl tY WEDNESDAY lllOlli~ING JlY CHARLOTTE M, YONGE, vhoicc ~ay, .L \ °t u 'tmicinrr one another, 1 ed the landing in the r. ummer twilight, 1 1 e" -JJY· t vy were- we 1 u · · _, ' d tt ; <l th. , ,'M·ti. rer Hatton, Ivltthter : wa1izu1g rounu ana r oun """narrow space en can!c ~ J ,ome t',, wit.h her. CHAPTER XX:XVI.-NU'ITJE's KNIGHT. an A...JAME~S, · . "d' 1 , . ,,, , · .1 N · Button,, oh, t ··~e me I 11 ' T "The ni!{l1t cane on and the bairn.ie9 grat , ll.T 'J'lllll 0l<'El10ll: .E~ger caressi:1g h1>nds wei·e held out. to " iou fl 1cu 01. 1 p~rso~: . ~:i.lu uttie. Tht:ir miunie anrn.th the nwvls heard t b t t." Monsieur who Jumped off th. esen.bto rece1ve DJ vo11 mea.n tlu\t you so.w ! lJ'<!)8t OffiCIJ inocJ·, Kltl::t lH1·cct, nowmua· "LINDHtRST, 4th July.-Philip Dilttcn the p a.t.s 'and lat1dationa lavished on his :; Of course I di:1 ; , I'ye sF.1! eve1· S?,--" ,·illc, 01·!-:lrio. ~o Miss E 0 "ramont. l!'ound. vVatcrloo, curly round o-.te 3,11d had to be reduced to Nonsense! T nt;t s 1mpm101ble- - · rrER~A:S: G.15. " order before' Nfr: D..itton could answer tha I "lmposdhle to owla and bn.ts perhaps, "I knew he would," sa.id Nuttie, with a question whether he had any further diffi · but to nothm!i else uo t t? ate tha~ there was .to p r A1·1:1 :m, ur$1 if1>nld in advnnce. :" . I or.e sole a.n<l amgle hero m the world to you, . i'1iy.ment atrlo'..i;r ln advance required from strMge qnieluess, but as she t1ied to read it c ulty or danger. her fai;her her vuice chokEd, and she had to 1ieo:i\lera onts1de of the county. Ortl~ra to , . · d h t1 j and that to him t here was one single being ~ But for the first ~oo:u.Hnue t ho paper roust be accomp11n1ed by to hand it to Annaple. · 1 ttook h 1mtulpki1! my arms, a r·taou._t,non. in the world; and that being the case- - " for and rnmount due ortbepape wil not bestopped. time in her life she went up and voluntarily some ·rucu1en · oo wg wonnn 1 11 ~ · · " B .. A 1 ' b th _, d ' , h t I . . 8 about with her Ut·, nna.p e, you can u guess w a e bRodbel'll ~re reap9n~ibleun tl t uil psym·~nt. if ltissed her father's forehr ad. And perhaps me, ~·eman mg w a w' h 'S alwa ' S been to me " ...ib. that she knew 1 ' 11 Oh ',)d 0 't 1 k · ~. t f A h-1 ' "Calltorfa is sowelladapredtochlldrenthat Castorta cures Qolie, Constipation, it was for the first time iu hi.1 life that the caild. 'l'o which I answerecl_ ~ t b now· da. G~or 0 Hr~ t [recommend itasauueriorto anyprescription Sour Stomach, D1 arrhrna, Eructat1on., __ .., Jt.~~il~S Oll' AJ&VEi!TlSUIG : ;i;2i,.. exch1.ma.tion broke from him, " Thank God!" very wdl he was no such thmg. Her m::m I b" h ; f 0 1 , . decl aring i mpudently 1s .op_ .o an er ury an corge eno known tome." RA AR.Cmm MD Kills vr?rms, gives sleep, and promo..,,..,_,. "'3 oo 1 · !"' ~"" ~ ~Y.lltle Column one y5ar ...... · , ..... ..,o ;:! ,., Perhaps it wi>s well that the telegram came swa.ggenng up, . . . r olled mto one. SJ much the more reason · . . ', ' · ., gestion. . . 0 " " Halfyea1· . ........... 36 ~0 1 ~~ hv,d net come earlier in the day, for Mr. t hat I had better be off-but I believe he: d d 't k h I' b ' :!ll3o.Oxi'.orosi., :Brookl;yn,N.Y. Withoutinjuriousmed1ootion. 1 i t th 1 ho came round would I my ear, on now w en ve een so u ·· One quarter ······ , · . 23 0 .rt '· · I Tae C:E!'iTAUR COMPANY,~..- Murray Street, N . Y. !Ha~t Column one year . ........ ...... 38 0 ~ - - l~gremont was very res1lrni, showing pim- si~w lka h ' e peop fe "h 1 gl!td in my life than that your good t imes . , !elf much shaken in nerves and spirita be- not ta -e 1ll p~rt, .or e gave m muc 1 more 1 h Ii b :: Half ye~r '."'... ·-···· · .. 20 o i: . k . t h" It · One quarter........... 12 5 I fore the time ior driving to the station, easily than 1 expected. I expla.i11Cd. as loud E ~~T·h e commg. 1 · ey are come ,~ ·t~~w mg _ 18 1 is . Q'1e.rter Colun:.n one ye~.r ... ., ··· ··· 20 which he greatly ard;edated. Nuttie could as I could that this w11s a gentleman's son wno bad bfen stolen from bis nurse in the) only t oo :vonderful'. Sal(.( Nuttii:, as t h~y " " Ha.Hyear .. .. ....... 12 5 fi ltardly keep him in the carriage, and indeed " .. One qul),rter . ..... . . 8 001 the _ l'.lants m t.he ht-1 ha.!l to persuade him to return thither , when P J.rk. The man began to protest that they j s tood togdher among Ten l!nes a nd under ,firac ln~ertion, $0 50, 11 0 FOR SA.LE BY J. JIIGGlNBO'l'H.A M & SON, BOWMA.Nv;JLLEt Eaoh sub3eqnen 1 m~er:t10n .... ... 0 2~ he had once sprung out on the ardva.l of h&d found him deserted, and ta.ken him with I t!e conservatory. ~ tbe. ay up~ta1r~. I th t f l ·i requestina to be paid ! a: ways thought 1t ms~lLmg to hun when ltl'l'om six to ten lines, first rnaertiom 0 7o1·a. wrong train. t m. ou 0 c ;ari y, . 0 they teased me about him." · Each ·subaeque';lt insertion ·.._. .. 0 35,:=_10 "The did did the.!" . And after all, wheu the train did for his keep. .:so I th~ught it better to give O·er ten lines ikat msertiou,perlrne 0 10, :ome his blue spectacles were dir ected th em a sovarmgn at once, so as to have no j " Y ' - · Y G . &ch subsequentinsertton " O 031' = f. ti . t bl d ·t him awc.y as fast as My father, , mc1ted by poor regon.o. to the row of doH~ at the other ur leI rou e, an ge · 0:1, Annaple l don'c let any one siuess t ill Tl11a nmnl:Jer o.f lines to be reckoned bY _ ond, and Nuttie was anxiously tr~ing I conl<l. The woman ca.me a.fter me, mak.rng ' we know how my father will take it. What th~ rJpa.oe occupied,.mee.surod by a aealeof! demands, but the sight ef a police -! . . . ~" l "d d ·· inl!d Nonpareil. I to save him from being jo>tled, when a voice fur ther t t - ed her back I 1s 1t, E :len: as t 1e nursery-mat ap pea.re · th d. said " Here ! " and close beside them stood mau m e _ 18 ance 11' :1 · ou the stairs. YJr. Dutton, with a little boy close by hia went up to him and explamed. I found he " , DRS, McLAt!GUUN di Bill'l'U . loss aud the reward, and If 1~1! please, ma. a~, Mrs. P.:iole would l $ ,. oide who looked up }~ her face and said knew all a.bo11t the 1y < ,. my pri"· e We went be.glari If you ar tl comrng up to the nur' 1 {)FFICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWJ\:C.tl.NVILLE· I oo e d r cgre tf u . lu u ' ,, · . k ' 'Sister I " It was said in a dreamy, almost . d lDf.J.W.M.oL.AUGll'J.JN. Dr. A.. BEirH. Gra.du pnzzled way, not with the ecstatic joy back to the hotel, where I saw Alwyn to sery. They bonh ha.ate;ned up an . nurse came ikentiate of th" Uoyal nte of the Toronto Nuttie had figured to herself; and there ri hts as well aa I could, sent out for some lgt i h th 1, ce would pro- out to meet them m the day nursery, mak · ICollego of Phyaiciun2 \ . ,, waa something passive in the mode of his e 0 ms, sduc l _as 'Illa member of the Un.1vers1ty, Phy~.c!a.n h ·: 1P a:t as he says a. sign to E llen to take her place by tl!e 1 h.ea.riog his father'~ "My hoy, my boy l " d ucd lloyaJ College of Elur· Surgeon, &o. e, .,abn "r' h i~ a . e · 1 · fi·ai"d, t he' cot, and withhol·'.l ivg the two l)!>dies. 8he · 'm a §!EIQDB, Jl:dinb11rgh. · · d th f ff ') 1 d [n$tinctively all turned to th1 ha.rbo&r of ma. e a oy o · Im agam. process was rather t rying from such unac· 1ma e .· .em come as ar o as possi J e,_ an ~he carriage; Mr. Dutton lifted Alwyn in, cuatomed ha.nds, though ho was very good, t hen !HHd that she was not. a t all satisfied an . .J. c. l~HT<CH1&1,1., a.nd as Nnt tie received hb1, a pan~ shot he has been ssleep almost all the way ' a.bou t J\fa~t~r Al wyn . . ~he~e h~d been the ~.~EMBER OF OOLLJ!:GE OF PHYSWI.A.N8 · l crosa her, as she felt how light, how bony and h a his Benses all as in a dre~m same drowsrness and d1smc\matton to speak, i'i1.l and SU>geons, Ontario, Coroner, etc, ~ he little frnrne had become iu these three ome, an,,, and wheu she had undressed aud washed Office and .Resld.enco, Enniakilkn. 7L weekq. . bo un '1. up. h1 · 11 n. Begs t o inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and su rrnu n:dtng The heaviness-whet herwea!'iness or con· !"· ,ne h a d seemed ten d . er a over, an " Come in ! Come ha.ck with us l Tell tent, atill continued. Alwyn seemed to find m;1ed '\V. s. cmitH§'fON, L, L . n. cu t !l..nd moaned a~ if her touch hurt Townsb ips that he has opened out business in the old s ~and, for merly 11s all!" said Mr, Egremont, as Mr. D11tton it too much trouble to talk , and only gave him,. especially on one side wh~r~, she felt occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of S tandard Bank, and JBa.nistc::r, E'olicitor, Com·eyanoer, &c. Money 'nas about to he'i. P hi·m in. le> fosn. CfficF, in lleuver Blnck upstairs in " little smileg, more like his mother than him- convmced, t~ere was so.me _mJury; but 1ccrr s foi rnerly occupied by Dr. liarndt'ln "M.y dog," said Mr. Dutton, while Alwyn will at all times k eep in stock all goods usua.Hy kept !n a first-clafJs Bo~manville . 3.'J looked up from nes~ling in Nuttie's lap to self. He clung quite desperately to his sis- w~en bhe as.:red ~bout it hn eyes gr_ew ing of H ardware Store, con1::isb ----~ -- - - - - - aa.y, "MithterB11ttoncome. And Mothu !" ter when M~rk offered to lift him from t he !n gbteMci and b~wildered._and heonly cri!ld .' DR. E. (), lllcDOWELlL. " We hwe room for him," said Mr. Egre- carriage, but nurse W!l.$ close behind, a.nd it' l~j~ feeble Sort Of way, as If sobs gave him was good to see the little arms stretched P , · . .h ICl N'l lA'JE OF ROYAL COLLEGE mont graciously. "Here; poor fellow." oJ Phpiciana, Lonuon, Eng, ; l\fombor ot "He hll>s the right," sa.id Mr. _Dutton, out, and the head laid on her shoulder, the . She . had soothed. him, and he ad gone hand ut u to stroke her cheek, and the mi:o his own bed with the same gentle lan· (;ollege 01 H1ysiclsns nna Surgeons. Ontario. "for he was the rea.l finder." . P h. P. SunoEI<Y A1'D RESIDENCK:- kear of Mfssrs "\~T · wn nursie " The gmd glad ness, bu t had pr.esently begun 1p~ w ispermg " yn s o · · d · 1 · · b· I k illiggii::t~them's Drug Store, Bowmanville, And Monsieur, curly and shiny, occupied I · b.l t reeting and triumpha.nt proces · ;noami;ig, an imp ormg m IS a e~p, wa. en1 · 6- lyr.* with great dignity t he back seat beside his J? an. g h' h h . b0 t · rni:r wit h screams and entreaties, "Oh, e was .rne ups airs I'll do it l I'll tr " and she thou ht him master, while:At wyn, in a silent.but dreamy ston with w io almost to oppress him. He ap· . Y . g D . lHl"llKE Slltll'l'JtPl~, oontent, as if he only half understood where seemed I shall alw keep a well assorted sbock of the best maliufacturers' pear ed almost as if he was afro.id of very feverish. Woul~ 1~ not b e bet ter that he was, rested against his sister's bosom with m1 ARRISTE~ . SOLICITOR, &;o, MOPRIE wakening from a happy dream, aud his a doctor should see him · #.!. JlI,OCK, up stairs, King Streot, Bowrua.ll· b.is hands in his father's. Nur se w".s always au alarmist, and Nut1~, Solicitor for the On Lari e Bank "Come, old chap," ea.id his father cheeri- lively merriment seemed a.11 gone ; there were only beams of recognition and gladness t ie could not help thinking that to wake the at the lowe~t rat es, ... li'Mli(i~te IlltJnevs loaned . -- ly, " tell us a.II about it." Stove Pipes, Micas, &c. Bat Alwyn only shuddered a little, rnised at "Wyn's own nursery,' "Wyn's own child to see a. stranger to .night would only .roh11 Keith Galib.raltll, his eyelids slightly, and gave a tiny fa.int pretty cup," touching it as if t o mske .sure a.ad to hiM terror and distress, while An· 'J'he n1anutaclu1·e and 1·utting up oC Eave 'l.' rougbs it was real, and pleased to see t he tw uited na.ple declared her entire belief t hat though fil):ARI:H81'ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY smile. nill .1.·eceive Sf>t.'. cial aUention. no doubt the yoor little fellow h ad been !i.ll Pil.BLW, &;c. Ofllce- Bounsall's .Bloc,k "I think he is very much afraid," sa.id Mrs. crusts, his special treat. W12g F.!t11Mt, B-Owmanville. Money t o iend! But he could not eat much of them, and c1 uelly knocked a.bout and bruised, a night 's Dutton. There was a good deal to be done co make him presentable this mornivg . soon laid h is bead down as one weary, wi th rest wouid pr obably restore his bright self, .1VILULUI WIGHT. 'l ou must t orgive me for aa.crificing his the exhaustion of eontent; and nurse, who and make all that was past only like a b ld ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the curls, t here was nothing else to be done w ith had allowed that Mr. Dutton had, consider- drea.m. There was n o judging to-night, and ing all things, done much for the outwa.rd slecp·wa.s wonderful r eparation t o those lit· County of Durham. Orders left at the them." l>7U'ESMAN office or forwa!ded to T;vrone .0 ' restoration of the du,intincss of her recover ed t le beings. "Ah 1 ·· a.nd Nuttie looked aga.in. The ~ecei'Ve prompt attention. 28:6m Then however the moans and murmurs behoy was in a new. rather coarse, rea.dy - child, was impatien t t o give him the hot made, sailor suit that hung loosely upon lath and night's rest tbat was t o bring back gan again, and now the awakening cry. S , (), lllJNKING, B owmanville, April 2nd, 1888. the bright joyous Alwyn. So Nuttie only They started forward, and asNuttie came to JOENSED AUCTIONEER FOR his little limbs, his ha.fr was short, and he lingered for those evening prayers she had the cot-side the child threw himself into her the '1ounty of Durham. Sales attended was very pl\le, the delicate rosy liush was yearned after so sorely. When she held his bosom with, " Sister I Sister! Itis sister !" ilO .in allortest uotice and lowest rates. .Address quite gone, and with it the round outline of cite soft cheek ; and there were purple mother's picture ,to him to be kissed, h e but his eves g rew round with terror at si ~h1 J OI Jl\~1£11 JI. 0 . 36:tf mai:ks under the languid eyes. She bent raised his eyes to her a.nd ·said : of Annaple, and clinging t ightly to Nuttie, 1town and kfosed him saying, "Was M r. " \Vil! she come to me 'lt night now?" he gasped, "Send her a.way ! don't let her 1·ianos Tuned and Repaired. " Who, my darling?" touch me I Fim's not here !" Dutton nurse to yon, Wynnie?" "She, mother dear. " To tell him she was Cousin Anna.pie, Billy 's He smiled again and murmured, " Mr. ·p ARTIES WISHING rnErn. P IANm Uutton made me boy a. ain." "Here's her picture, de ar boy." mamma., '·cad no effect; he did not seem able Tuneit or repa1rea can1111.ve t h om attendet "No( only the picture - she came out of to understand, and she could only r etireAfter a question and answer or two ~i.b.f lea.v-ing word at the DOMINION ORGAl' o n the nasty -smelling nurse being thus convinc.ed tha.t to le t him Qfo Orv:\\:JE,Bowma.nville A ttrst-cle.s m1u ~s to main facts of place and time of it, when I cried, up · in the van all in the dark." see another stranger to-night would only do bundle ~ow 1>0ini('ln ~heir emplo; ohe discovery, Mr. Dutton told his story. "She came?" further harm. Nuttie and nurse succeeded "I did not effect much with my inquiries " Yes, she cs.me, and made it so nice, and in reassuring him that he was safe at horn~ i.fter the circuses. All I heard of were of too 3uperior an order for kidnapping practices hushed me. I wasn't afraid to go to by· by and with t hem, and in hushing him off into Eiowever, l thought the only way would be when she came. Aud sh~ '!ang. Sister, wha.t they hoped would be a quiet wholeso1m you sing like that?" sleep in spite of the hot sultry night, oL w haunt fairs and racea, and 1->ok at their can't "Not here, I'm afraid, dear, dear boy," which Annaple laid a good deal of the blam· i amp follow era. At a place in Hertfordbhire {saw a performance advertised with Sl'Ver· she whispered, holding him BO tight that he of his r estlessness and feverishness. a lit tle cry 'f "J.t hurts." Then came N tt' l d f h t t· J . .... " ·. " .. " · .... ' . .... ' .. · · . ..1 children &a fa.idea, so I went to see it. I gave the prayers, not a. word forgotten, and the u · le on Y came own or a s or 1me waa soon.satisfied tha.t A.lwyn was not ther e;; lit tle voice joined in her murmured thanks- before the visitors went away ; and then she out it struck me that I had k nown the fact giving for bringing him home. wrote a note to Dr. Brownlow, which Mark Twenty-five cents extra will b .e cha . rged when accounts run of the prime hffJ, a fine ha.ndsome supplt: She was much moved and awe-strick- promised to lea ve as he wam to t he city fellow, who was called in the programmt en a'; these words of her little brother; in the morning, Mr. Egremont, in his preover one month. Herr Adalbert Steinfuggen, or some such 1.>ut she had to dr ess in ha.ate for din- sent relief, pooh poohing all fears, and uame. Well, it aeemod t hat he knew me, ner, lis tening t he while to her maids r e- b:i.cking up Annapla's belief in the powers of N L n S for as I struguled ,out after a considera.bl" joinings and vituperations of the wretches "tired nature's soft restorer"; but Mr. Dut· H· A R. N in~ LI I!. i · I.!'· ' mterval, I heard myself accosted, 'Mr. Du:t· who had maltreated the child. t on looked grave and said t hat he had re· Gon I Sir, sur~ly ha.ve t he honor of speaking Graduate o!theRoyal Ooller:::ecl Dentt:.l When she oame down the found no one ma.rked the extreme tenderness, but bad Surgoom1, Ontario. co Mr. Dutton of Micklethwayte?' Ia&ure in t he drawing room bnt Mr. Dutton, whom hoped that much was due to his own inex 'O FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFOE. you he was the very pink of politeness. Da her father had asked to the h appiest meal perience in handling little children. The )(} LD FILLING A SPECIALTY you remember, Miss :!!:gremont, Abel Stone?" that had perhaps ever been e&ten in that parting clasp of t he Mnd had a world of A:&TIFICIAL TEETH INSERTED Wn'HOUT "Oh, Abel Sto?ae ! He was a choir boy house. meaning in it, and Nuttie openly said t hat ;,t Micklethwayte, I remember ! H e wa.~ She went towards him with winged steps she hoped to tell him after matins at St. PLATES. very h'llndsome, and had a splendid voice ; in her"· l. ite d ess : " Oh ! Mr. Dutton,'we Michael's how t he boy was. But she coul d Great Reductions in price on all Dental but he waa a real monkey for mischief ; have.not said ha.lf enough to you, but we nob be there. When she went u pstairs at '\Work. "Vitalize<!. Air, constantly ~n use pro· b d ld h' b t th ihming Painless Operations. Pa.rticular atte~ ~nd no o v cou manage 1m u mo night the half· delirious terrors had returned, never, never can." Shin paid to the regulation of Children's Teet er, She "was al ways pleading t hat he He gave a curious, trembling ha.If smile, and t here was another difficult soothing and _.,ALL WORK WARRANTED."tlllA 3hould not be· lurned out, and at last he ran as she held out her ha.nd to him, and said : comforting before the ehild slept again. · l Way." "The joy is great in itself," speaking in a Nurse fanci'ld the unwonted presence migh t JBran4lh office, Dr. R utherford's O rono. "yes; he went off with a circus, and very low voice. disturb him, and insisted on her f{o:ng to her ohere he found his vocation, r ose and throve, " Oh ! I am so glad that you did it,' own room, married the prima donna, and is part owner . cried Ursula, "It woul d net have been (TO BE CONTINUED.) He seems very r espectable, and was so half so sweet to owe it to anyone else." C:S:I~ friendly and affectionate that I ventured to " Mise Egramont, do you know wha.t you consult him ; when on hearing whom I was a.re sa.ying ?" he ·exclaimed. 6 .Race Prejudioa. oeeking, he became warmly intcreEted, and " Don't call me Miss .1£gremont I You I grinda de org' and I plays de fid' o-ave me just the informatiou I wanted. H e never used t o. vVhy should you ?" And I sella de ripea banan' ; ~..id he h~d llttle doubt that F unny :Frank "I have not dared - " he began. N I} steala, no rob, I never did was a clown called B rag, with whom he.ha.cl "Dartld ! Don't you know you always But l work like de honesta man. had words some years back for mis1"sinll' the were our own Mr. Dtton- -best, wisest 1: buy me de monk wid de leeta red hat children. H e said he did not hold with friend of all, and now more than ever. " And I tie 'em a. string by de neck, harshness to the little one~ in t eaching "Sta.y " he said," I cil.nnt t allow you in I grnbs de org' and I t 'inks me da.t chem to do the feats, which cer tainly were your fe;vour to say such things to m e, 'Wllll'a rll:B; rH, WlTl!Ov'r TBBTB I maka de mon' by de peck. wonderful. If they were frightened, they unaware of the strength of feeling you are I pla.y de tune from " II Treva.tore " were nervous 8Ild met with accidents; stirring within me." And "Tom by His Mudder H e Stick," but ma.ke much of them, and they thought ·· Yon I yon! Mr. Dutton!" cried Nuttie, And de monk' he climb up de seoonda story, PBA.CTICA.J. DENTIST, it all fun, and took a pleai.ure in their per- with a moment's recoil. "You don't mean Wher e de leeta gal gib 'im de nick. !W'llR TWENTY Y.KARS EXPlllRIENOlll, formances. However this Brag, though a that you care for me." I worka t'ree day and I ma.ka four dol, clever fellow, could not be hindered from l\'!!'l.lb.aO:ii:tdeGa 11 A.d.minlstere<il ror Patnle~ '" I know it is preposterous- -' -he began. And I feel me so rioh like de k ing, bullying, 1Wd at last he went off with a girl Operations. " Preposterous ! Yes, that you should When-11a.cra. diavlo, eatrito chryst&I ! of the troupe and set up on their own ac· M4JCJ,1TNG;S BLOC.Ill. care 011e bit for silly, foolish, naughty, self. De Irish kid ou tta. de string. count. Stone, or wha.te'l'er be pl eases to willed me. Oh, Mr. Dutton, you can't Like- what you c11.ll 'em ? Ah, yes, de blue call himself, had met them several times, mean it l" strea.k, but he-spoke of th11m with gre11ot contempt ., " Indeed, 1 would have kept silence and De monk' break away and was hid. as "low," and they did not frequent the not disturbed you wit h my presumption, I find 'im n o mo', and I go busted dat week, same places as he does, However, he refer - if- -" Dat's why I h11>tea. de Iriaha. kid, red to one of his men, a nd found that they " Hush I" she cried. " Wh y, · it ma.kes had been at Epsom on the Derby day, and me ;o glad and so proud, I don't know what .&silv Discouraged. moreover, tha.t t here was a r eporb of them to do. I didn't t hink anybody was good lnspet'tion Solicited. ha.ving lately narrowly escaped being in a enough for you- unl11ss, it was dea.r, dear " Yes," sa.id a base ball man, " I 'm tlis · scrape about a child who had been inj ured, mother- and t hat it should be me." couraged, and have given up the business Victoria Buildings. llllTRDOCH BROS. There was no scruple as to advising me "It is true," he said Erayely, " my forever, · W hy, the ve:y ~rst game t hey got where to look for them, or as · to the best younger days werewhen spent in vam dream on to me Ill the second mnmg, and pounded means of detection.. Stone was. very indi'l· that angel then all11o was ended, of I! me all over t he field." Mnt, and made me understand that all his thought! su dh were not for me ; but the old "Tha.tJ ought not to discourage you. 1 young people were either to the manner born, feeling has wakened, it seems to me in J.fany a pitcher has 11ad similar luck." or willingly hired out by their varents. I saw greater for~e than ever, t hough meant t.o "~es~. bt·t I wasn't the pitcher ; I was the uter spending much time and money, I am them in private lifo, and t hey looked happy ha.ve kept 1t under control-umpire. lld>w prepared to fill all orders promptly. I and well fed, but that was no guarantee. for " Oh, I am glad you didn' t I It seems as /Jave a tine assortment of WAVES, BANGS, Funny Frank. Well, I followed him up if the world swam round with happin688," Red, white, and blue is the favorite color ~WITCHES, COMBS and P INS ver:y cheap. without success, trying each place Stone had and she held his ha.nd all if to steady herself, :SAN GS FROJM: $2 UP. set down for me, t ill I came last night to starting however as Anna.pie opened the co11. bina.tlon for lawn tennis suit s. Mada.me Patti, according to her own state ~m , S~itches co:ored and macle to look like Lyndhurst, a very pretty place in the N ew :Hw., Ipgheat prlc~ paid tor long cut hair. Forest, where t here is to be a fair to - door saying, ' ' ·w e've been sending telegrams ment, received $ 10,500 as her share of t he with t he good news." receipts of her first concert in Buenos Ayre11 HA.IR " TONI~ morrow, beginning this afternoon. Stone T hen an arch light came into her bright 'rll'li:rranted to prevent the hair from taJUng advised me to look a.bout before the alfair eyes, but the others were behind her, and in April last. The services of Theodore Thomas and his orchestra of sixty musicians THE THE BEST LlTBRICA.TOR out &nd will me.ke it grow, opened, while unpacking and a.rranging was she said no more. · can be secured for a single concert for $3,000. B I he.ve also a fine lot of new.Stamping- going .on, 'Veil, after a.11, it was very Yet t here is more educational value in one JPatterns. .All orders promptly attended to. . simple, I strolled out with my dog round When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New the _ field_where the vans and boot hs V{Pre CHAPTER XXXVII.- Fou:trn AND TAKEN concert given by T homa.s's orchestra. than in a score of concerts at which Patti is the star, , . ' . · gettmg mto ord!lr. T here was whall I 1· · m · · ·· . · Ne.ads, Block, Bowfuanville. , h ht l"ttl . l f d d d tt' t u The angels of the gateway and as is generally the c3se at her concerts, ..·. ~ . t oug a i e gir m a. a e re pe icoa Bent sonly to the child, the only competent artist. Tbe compariBOn ~ · . ·. sitting on t he steps at the bot~om of a And stretched gle.d ha.ndst take him it once, and you will use no other. is an instructive commentary on the state of to $8 a day. Samples an~-d .·tut:r FRljlE : yellnur va.n with her head on her ha.nda. ,, To the kingdom undefiled."- B. M. Lines not under the horses eet, Write ..,. · · · d h" ,, 'd N tt' r BREWS'l1m's SAFETY REIN HOLD:a:U I "Th~t was me," said.Alwyn, light mg np. " Come up an see 1m, s1u u 1 e, as musical culture of the present day. MctJOLL BROS. & CO'Y, Toroa to; CO,, ~Ioli, Mich. · .::· ., l " And Mothu ca.me and kissed F.i.n I " T~iiE cA~AmAN STATESMAN M ... 11!" - I I N'UTTIE'S FATHER. 1 I ! I ° l I n1 ants I j I · Children. og1-· 0 I I A H RD WA RE ' 0 stoves and T·lflWaf0 HARDWARE! I p · t d alfl S an Q"} I ling ------0------ 0 SEO.£. MANN/NB L Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c, _____ 1 CODK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. L r Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared t o sell good s at small profits and prices will be cut close t o suit the times. @~@~®~ :me JmJ1llfllfJEJl(@e L McDOUGALL & METCALF, are onenng Coal as follows : DE.NTl&TRY. Stove and Chestnut, ............. .. ...$6.25 Grate and Egg 6 00 LU MBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORO WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. M cDOUGALL & METCALF. Murdoch Brothers' N""E'TV .A.. E:..A..LL., where are to be seen DE NTIST RY . f.:m:. BRIIIACO!t'°BE, 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty,_ 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, 20 White Bed ·Room Sets. SEVERAL CASES S UPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. Patronize Home TRADE. ==================================== TH BEs HER s AND FAR IE Rs USE ONLY McCOLL'S ,,1 ::LARD JI l\1 ES MACHINE OIL. IN Mrs A., DAVIS 9ua, S5 FAMILY SAFETY & SUNLIGHTCOAL 0 ILs Try .. ·i· Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria: