--------BETHESDA. ......... ~~,'-'~"' Whera to Spend Your Vacation; .......-...,.-....,-...,.-...,-....-.. ,r../-.., ....__,.._.-..,,........,.,.... ........,....._,...._,,.....,... ------- BowMANVILLE, Jl.'~E 27, 1888. "--·- CLARKE UNIVN. Quifo a number from here attended the anniversav at Providence. Ivlr. John Parker cut his ankle very badly with an axe recently. Mr. Geo. Lusk lost his valuable horse v11llled at $150, with lock-jaw. Mr. L. Berry's house has been impr~ ed by a coat of paint. It looks well. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cobbledick have returned from visiting friends in Port Hope. \Ve think woodchucks will coon become sc1rce, as two 1.>r three boys may be seen almost every night with either a gnn or a tmD. Several have already been captured. On W ednesday last Miss Smith, of this· place, WJS united in wedlock to Mr. Neil McDonald, of Bowmanville. After partaking of a sumptuous repast the happy couple left on the evening train for To· ronto. W e wieh them much happiness. Mrs. McDonald wns the recipient of a lot of very fine presents. LUNG SA.ULT. What is wrong with the Sault girls? 'roo tony, Dave ? 'l'he wife pf Mr. R . Byers has been serionsly ilJ, but b uow con valeecent. Mr. C. Staples has been visiting friends . at Coboorg and reports a high old time. Sorry Mrs. Davey came to grief by losing a flock of go~lin~a- Wns it minka or dogs ? Mr. R .. Davey has made quite an im· provement on his d welling-houee by a coat cf paint. Mr. D. Noble, formerly from the Sault, but llO\V of Clarke, we believe, s~cured a better half last Wodqcsday. Mr. \Vm. Hambly has the contract for potting up an extensive barn for Mr. \V. Northc;ote, This speaks well of our first· class mechanic. Mr. Wm. Virtue, afte1· an absence of about {our yea.rs in Michigan, is visiting tho sc~no~ vf his childhood, looking as ~pruce a9 a kitten. The Long Sault "Excelsiors," with IJapt Brown in command, expect to play the Haydon " Olipper8" a friendly game of foot ball July 2nd . OSHA WA. (F'rout tlie Ontan'o Refo1·mer.) R,eva. Me11sra, Manr. ng and Hill will preach their farewell sermons on Sunday ,July lat. The Whitby Gas a.ud Water Company, with a capital stock of $10,000, has been incorporated. The Whiting Scythe Works, at Cedar Dale, are to be enlarged by additions to the present buildings. Mr. Jno. Rolland, of 1 'ort Hopo, mate of the schooner Tradewind, was drowned 1tt the Harbor, Oshawa, on Sltnday night ll7th inst. On Sunday, July 1st, the Sabbath Sd10ol Annivoraary of Columbus Methodist Church will be held, aud on the Monday following the corner atone of tho new church will be laid. Samuel Synenberg, of Toronto, wh'> was charged with receiving a cutt11r, robes, ~w., the property of Mr, L. l}:f Urnoks, ,.. of OshaXa, J~;;~.w ;n,.; th<ml tQ be at·::!'.'.~· a ~ · . '. · , · ~ £, · · ) 'wa~ ;neu at Whitby la% week. The jury b rought in a verdict of not guilty. The following 11ppointments appeared iu la2t· week's Gazette :.:...34t!i Ontario, No. 3 Company, Oshawa- '.1.'o be Lieu '. enant provisionally, Frederick William \Varr·\n, t>ice Deans, resignation accepted·. To be 2ud Lieut. provieionally, John A. Cii,rswell, vice Rundle, resignation accepted The annual picnic 1.>f the farmers of $ outh Ontario was held at Corbett's Point on Vvedneaday afternoon. Several thousand were present. William Smith,M. P. for Sou th Untariu; Mayor Long, of Whitby ; M:;.yor R. l\'IcGee, of Oehawa; and Reeve M:athewrnn, of Whitby Township, wero there, and with their Eietere, cousins and aunta had a jolly time. Col. Mulligan, Oshawa, two or three days ag0, returned home from Winnipeg, being h is sixth round trip to that place 1 >ince April, lh87, and travelling over 18, 000 mileo. His property in that city is a~seseed at $103,000, and last year he p aid $1, 400 taxes. Besides this he has large tracts of fa.rm lands; one homestead and surroundings having cost him$8,000. He says t he rush to the Northwest is as great. as ever, ea ch train going in that direction being crowded. On Tn urscfoy eveniug, quite a large l:rnw b e r of t.he congregation of Metcalf ~;;trcet Methodist Cburch, and others, met at the church, when stirring addresses ~nd epeechcs were given by Revs. Messrs. .K emp, Prosser, Manning, and Messrs. :r ~arke, Carnncbael, and D. Cinnamon, after which the chai1m'.\n, Mr.\V.E.Dyer, p resent.eel, on behalf of the congregation addrees and a valuable wattlr pitcher to Re v. N . Hill a nd wife. J\'.lr. Larsen preaenttod au addreaa and a substantfal sum o:!' rno1i<1y, which wa. s giveo bycitizansnot connected with the church. Rev. N. HiH accepted L he presents,, <~nd r eplied in feelin15 term;;, expressing his regret at having t o sep>l.rate from the congregation, to which he bec,.rne ~r~at!y utt< iched, and whom he lov1Jd so welL 'l'he company were then invited to the basement of the church, wbn No. 1. Division of the Y onngPeople's Agsoeie,tion eerved up cake, ice cream, and cool· refreahing leuionado. an Bead the Next _.. When the breeze is hot .._nd a.rid, And the body limp and f.:red~ When ambition is weak .incl .mclolcnt, Before my life has quito e:qnrecl, T:ike mP- where the scwe is changeful. Among the trees and fi.,~rant flowers O'er the lake, where coe>1mg zephyrs Sport in nook and sluuh" bowers SU.LINA. Midst the beauti&s of Ji,.chester, Amon'! the lovdy parks and places Scores of people are going in for goods Which the city interlacoll at wholeeale cost prices, as iho KirkpatLet me loll in peace anil rest. rick stock must be sold without reserve. 'J.'ruly this an age of rush .and hurry. A ConcessionA even below first cost would he made on large parcels of goods adapted life of ceaseless work an-:! worry after position wea Ith and daily food, and how often om· for F1lll uae. Turnip Seed, Paris Green and all necessaries are still kept in stock . tired worn out natures cry out for rest, for a relax of this terrible shain on nervo and for tbe coi1venience of customers. S. TREWIN, mu~cle. A cry we try to stiffie with patent medicine· n.n<l saline wn.ter3 which 8uffice for SHA W'S SCHOOL IIUUSE. a time and stimulate us and hold us to the There has been no school the last few days, whed a little longer, Lut tile cry has given the teacher, Misa M . A. ·welsh, bein~ sick place to an imperative demand by nature for with bronchitis. rest , and onr phy8ician,for the consideration We congratulate the trustees on tho Improved oppeara.nce of the school grounds since the new fence baa been erected and the rubbish of a dollar or two, recommP.nds a rest and change, and the advice is che11p at the price. cleared away. \Ve would advise tho men who disturbed the 'Ve purpo!le in a serias of articles to di· prayer meeting the other evening to be careful rect you to places where the beauties of naas the authorities intend to maintain order at any coat. Now mind, Daisy. ture and art abound, where the delightful · The first monthly meeting or tho Band of recreation of change can be had with little Hope, organized here recently. was held on Friday 11ight Inst., and it was a llnn success, ex:pense and without the fatigue of long There being about forty present. Mr. 'l'homas journeys. 'J.'he subject of our first 2 articles Bragg, the president. occupied the chair in his usual lively manner. 'l'he program was both will be the beautiful city of Rochester. We interesting and instructive. The best number wi:t imagine tlat ) ou have arrived at the of the evening was a recitation by Mies Violet Osborne. The singing waa also excellent. The pretty~to,yt of Port Hope, rendy to i,mbark reading by Messrs· Matthews and G. Rickard upon the boat for a beautiful sail across the onlled forth munh applause. 'l'here were two more nsrees added to the lonR: listormember~. prettiest ot lakes. Just right here prob:i.bly, it would not be E.N.I!IELD. amfas to say a word regarding the staunch Mrs. Levi Niddery hits been visiting here. and pretty steamer Norseman. .Among the M1·. ]«red, AFhtou is ill with inflammation ou minds of many there appears to he a doubt the lunge. of the seaworthiness of what we consider a~ Miss Mary Ashton ha.s been visiting friends good a bos.t as sails the lake. 'J.'he very fact in Enniskillen. Mies Lilla Pascoe spent e. few days of last of 1\fr. Gildersleeve's name as proprietor, i8 week o.t Solina.. a sufficient regarding the condition of the Mr. Charlie Tait.. of St. Cathaxines, is spend· boat. :::n 11ppearance you can imagine noth· rng a few daye here. Our Yoluntee1·s returned from ca.mp Inst ing prettier than this boat in her new dress Saturday look in~~ hungry and tired. of a spotless white; trimmed and gnrnished Fo.l'mer W'onnacott had a valuable owe die in harmoniou· tints, she looks handRomer from the heat, while it wa.~ being ehorn or its wo~I. one day last week. than 11 bride. The new officer io command, Our usually peaceful viiltlg· h11s been thrown Capt. Dunlop, is a wao with whom all can in a great excitement by a wild·cat sc11re. 'Vonder which was most sea.red. the m~u that fool '11.tj\home ; a first-class sel\mao and a climbed the tree or the wild·cat. thorough gentleman. '!'he genial Mr. Cun. Some evil disposed person throw a stone ningba.m, is still the Purser, and delights through a window in Mr. Ashton's vacant to look after the comfort of their patrons. house which was being used as a sleeping room by tbe carpenters working here. ~ome In fact it has neve1· been our pleasure to of the inmates mtrrowly escaped being struck travel upon a boat whereon one is mad_ e to by it. feel so much at home, and where accommo· HAMPTON. modations are so complete as thuy are on the Mr. 'l'. Elliott is busy repairing his mill. No?"Seman. The sail across the lake oc()upies 'l'he 1'ownship Council will meet on Satnrduy about six hours, which bringR you into June 30th. Mr. John Kerslake is able to be around Charlotte. The view on entering tbfl har· again. Mr. Geo·, J,angdon is alee improving. bor is Romcthiog· grnml. The beach which Everybody should comn to Hampton on the First or Julv and hear the special sermons in but a few :;ears ago was an unm viting combehalf of the Sabbath School. Choice music bination of hot sand and anLient fi~h, is now by tho school. under the direction of Mr. H. Elliott., Jr. On Monda.y. July 2nd, things will a magnificent garden. A grand pavillion reach the climax here. A grand program by hotel occupies tne centre of the beach, while the children of the school, followed by" choice around it are grouped lovoly summer cottea. During the afternoon there will be a number of gamea which will no doubt be vory tages, beautiful flower beds and all manner interoetir.g. In the evening a grand concert of amusements for you1.g and old. ·ro the will be ,..1vcn under the management of the Son~ of 'l'emperanco and Base Ball Club. The right and left, as far a~ the eye c~n reaeh, managers will !!pare no pa.ins to make this one can be seen hundreds of snmmer cottages, or the best ontcrtainmets of the see.son, nil the best available talent having been secured. 'l'he club houses, etc., painted in bright and Blackstock Brass Band will be in a.ttendanee pretty colors, ln the distance to the front afternoon and evening. The Wilcock farm is to be sold by auc- of you rise th1:1 picturesque Uene~ec heights, tion at Beer's hotel, here, on: Saturday forming a view that is simply grnnd. You have but a few minutes wait here be30th inst. This will be a good chance to fore the train that hies you to the city comes buy a nice 80acre farm. Sale at 2 o'clock · 25-2w. along. If in the city you have frieuds, yon Gm:a'l' 1.w;;.1:1 at the Hampton 'Voolen are fortunate; .if not, we would recommend Mills . Goods selling at greatly reduced you to the tender mercies ·o f mine host ?.fax. well, of the Uongress Hall, where special atprices for 60 d ays. Come with your wool and get bargains while they last. Hightention is paid the Canadian traveller at est p:i\ll;l~ in ga11h {or wool, D. 'l'AYLon, very reasonable rates~ Mr. Maxwell is a genial young man, and haa a house that is Proprietor, 0 homelik·: and tirat-class in every respect,eitA Sr.:v~R; ' T~~~~~.~i£hti~tl ~;loo endure l uatecl on corner of Central .Ave. and Mill the torturing pang11 o:i' Reuralgia, Rheumafom, Scilltic!l, Lumbag o and similar St., just between the depot aud Main Street. painful complaints are. severely tried, but Space prevents us from giving a detailed desc~pt!\li+ of the sights to be seen in this them is a speedy relief iu Bagyard'ij Yellow Oil, as thousands who have used it really pretty city, 86 we wiil just give their names:- Genesee River and Falls, Kimball's joyfully testify. It .banishes pain and lameness quickly. Gardens, Powers' Block and Art Gallery, The Wilder Block [11 stories high), The ENNISKILLEN. Germania Insurance Building. The OddMrs. B. Sylvester is home agam after a fellows' Building, Mount Rope Cemetery, lengthy visit with her daughter in Western Hom es for the Aged and Indigent, Work Ontario. House, l'he City Reservoir, Sib!ey, Lindsey Visitors last week :-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clemens. Kirby: Mr. ,J, Brent, Scott;. M r, R o. Pollard, Hamilton ; Mr. Jas. l\fartm. Col· & Curi;'s big dry goods house, the various .t>a1·ks, Avenues, and Places, The Nurseries Jingwood. We congratulate Messrs T. A . Brow.a, A. It. and Private Gardens, Elegant Churches B, Hut· bison and Robt. Stevens, of tlus place, and Music. Ontario Dea.ch, "Somerville," at having successfully passed their recent exams. the former at Ottawa Normal, and the ';Sea Breeze," "Bay View," "Glen's Falls"· two 1.;.tter at Ontario Business College, Long Pond, and places of resort at the Cha.tham, where they received. diplomas, \Veil done, boys, aod welcome home again. .Lake· Theao are but a fow of the most 'l 'he La.dies' Aid Society are making prepara· prominent sights, there are scores of others tions for a fine feast of strawberl'ies at their that will interest and plea~e. 'l'he fare from lawn social Friday afternoon, 29th inst. '!'ea served e.t 5 p. m., in Dr. Mitchell's orchard. A Bowmanville ~o Rochester is only $4.35 fine game of ba.se ball is expected in the after· and return, which is within the reach of noon of the same day when the Gladst ones, of 'l'yrone, will · play the Dr agoons, o! this place. all. Game to begin sharp at 3 P· m. - - - -+--- - -After a short illness Mr, John Martin. Sr., passed peacefully away on \Vedne~day, 20th TORONTO CONFERENCE. il1st., at the advanced ago of eighty.five year~, He died at the home or his daughte1-, Mrs, 1' . Rogers, of this village. The decea3ed ha.a been Tha statistical report shows the ohurch a resident of this tewnship for a. great many veors and was a man universally respected; of membership in this confexence·dislrict to a. very ob!igii;ig disposition and, at ~he sall!e time very upni;:ht and conscient10ua m all hi. be over 36,000, an increa~o of about 2,000 business transactions. he naturally roa,de ".nany over last year. Amount . collected for war m friends. A large concourse of relatives and friends attended the funeral obsequies to circuit purposes, $21B,OOO. the 13owmanville Cemetery on Friday, 22nd DllAFT OF S1' A'l'T0Ng, inst·. 'l'he fervioes were conducted by the Rev. d. Salton who will further improve the death The following is the dratt of atalions in by a sermon in the Methodist church here Sunday evening, July 1st. Whitby llnd Bowmanville Districts: 'L'HE DOIVMANV!LLE DIS1'11ICT. "WHAT AILS YOU?,, You don't Bowmanville-Church atreet, H. S. know '! Then why don't you try . Ma.Uhews; Qneen streel. J . E. Sanderson, TVARNER'S t::iAFE CURE? Oh, M. A.; Paul Robins, superanuaied. my kid neys are all right ! " Are Oshawa- Simcoe slrcel, N. A. llfoDiaxmid; they ? " You p erhaps don't know W. Scales, superanualed; A. · B. Demill, that Cons11/niption, Ne·limlg·i<x, ' supernumerary; Medcalf street, J. W. Rhe1imo,Msm, Stomach Disorders, Totten. Newcastle and Orono-James M alarici, Cldlls and Fever and Thom, B. A.; T. Dunlop, Orono; NewlonAgue, II eadcwhes, L'ive1· D·i:svrden, villc-J, Whitlock. Tyrone-W. Kenner I mpai·recl Eye Sipht, Constipation, (J, D . Dyer). Hampton --E . Barmsa,M. A, Abscesses, Eruptions, Imp otency, S. Sallon (Enniskillcn). Sonth Darlini;ton La??W Baek, L1;.,m.bago, BoUs nnd - R. Sa!lderson; Carlwright-R. Hassard. Cc t1·b·1incles, and, among· women, A. E. Sa11oerson at college, There will be a garden social at the residence of Mr. Roger Cole, Bethesda, on Friday ever.fog, July 6th, 1888, to commence at 4 o'clock. Proeseds in aid of the chnrcli. A cordial invitation is extended to the...__ general public. _ _ __ ~ A. ·o. F ,-The half.year!}' meeting of Cour' Pride of Onlario, No. 6000, was held on Wednesday evening, June 20th, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year.:-Ohief Ranger, Bro. J. 0. LaBelle; S. Chief Ranger,A. Blute; P.Chief Ranger, II. J. Weekes; Socrelary, J. JI. Kenner; Treasurer, L .·Tollow; S. Woodward, J. Laurie; J. Woodward, H. Jollow; S. Bead!.,, L . Alexander; J. Beadle, C. Plummer. SUCCESSHL CANDIDATES, - Among the list of successful students at the receo' Normal School Examin11tioos 1 we notice the foll.ming, who nre from thiia county, either ns former; lenchern or pu}'ils: Messrs W. N.. Tilley, and W. Jomes; Misses Thompson, Brown and McCrea. There were in attendance 125 etudents, firn of whom took honors in all departments; and Wd are pleased to see that W. N. Tilley,son of Dr. W . E. Tflley, our Public Sohool Inspector, is mentioned as a close oom. pelitor for the l\Iedal. We congratulate Mr. Tilloy on his su,cess. For the pas' few days the agent for H. IL Werner & Co., of Rochester, N. Y., the largest proprietary medicine house in the world, has been in town distributing books, posting bi:ls, supplying the dru~gisls with ~how cards, eto., relative to the firm's preparation- Warner's Safe Bewedies, War· ncr's Safo Yeast and Warner's Log Cabin Remedies. Each of these prepautions has 11 large snlf>, which is deser~ed . Tbe Messrs Warner & Co. know, and so does the render, that they put out only articles of merit, but Ibey do not forget the value of printer's ink, having contracts wilh over 10,000 papers iu the United Slates, to say nothing about their contracts wilh papen in Great Britain, Germany, Austria, India, A ustr111ia and ~aw Zealand. It pays to be liberal with the printer, llnd none know this better than Messrs W1irner & Co. Oun CElrE'rEnY.-We doubt if there is another town iv Canada to-day that can boast of a prettier Cemetery that Bowman. ville. Just al present it jij looking beautiful,and Suim-inte:cdanlD. Truscott,and his assistant, Mr. Mullan, cleeene great credH for the taste they have shown in arranging and keeping things in order; bul there is one great_lack there 6till and one for which they are not a~ all ree11onsible. We refer lo tho w11ter supply, The old Pump aecomrnodation is worse than useless, and parties who have flowers and sod to water, nre forced to carry w11&er from the creek 8' the bottom of tho hill, which in the case of women and children, iR almos& 1111 imi;oesibilily. We think it ie time the Oonn· cil took Ibis malier in hood, especially when ibe money was appropriated last yenl' for this work. As tho aummer is slipping away, we hope the matter will be taken up at ll1e nex' mealing of the Couneil,and a system of Water Works arranged for. Let us have something definite about lbe matter 11& once. If Ille Water Works cannot be put in at present, Jet the well be sunk deeper, so that water can .be procured from &he pnmp. FEATHER RENOVATING nY HoT Am .1.1m S:rEAM.- We wish to call attention of the public to the fact that there has lately been established In a·his town, 11 Sloalll Fea&her Renovating Machine, which will no doubt prnve itself of lhe grea.lest value to housekeepers, and should be nt once liberally patronized. It js estimated by tbe lead· iog medical authorities of the day, tl111i a large porUou of the disease 1hat floats in the air is incurred from impure beds aad pillows, breathing, as we do, theee impuri. ties, eight hours out of the twenty.four. Again, in all feathers unrenovnte,1,whetber old or n ow, there is a ID()St destructive insect called the Fealber Midge, or Moth, which in lhe course of a few years,eate,a.nd turns to dusl the quill pa.rt of the feather, thus injuring very materially their lasliog qualities. It is also well known foat in plucking the feathers from the fowl, a cer· lain amoun' of oil or greasy matter adheres. This, in time, c11uses the feathers lo mat togelher and to become very unwholesome and unfit for me, till thoroughly purified. This new process of steam feather renovating, thoroughly cleauses them from all destruolive insecls and impuri,ies, removes all offensive matler, and at oJJce renders the be.Is wholeaome, ancl lasting. Beds urnd duringa. period of sickness shouB bo clel\nsed nnd thus have removed nil fustiness which always more or Jess adheres. This procrss of renovo.,ing iucreases the size af the beds and pillows from 20 to 40 per cent. There is no wasle,11s lbe machine refills the ticks. Every per~on's work is done separabely and each kind of feathers is done by itself. Mr. S. Wrigli' is proprietor of the machine, and will ta.ks plea.sure in showing nnd e:xplnining lo nil bow H works. Beds brriught in can be taken home the same day, thus preventing any inconvenie11ce. Orders can be .left at lhe dwelling, King at. As lhe prices of renovating beds is very reasonablc,this import. anl part of house cleanliness, too often neglocled,sbould havi,, immediate attention. For p ries lfot see advertisement in another column. __.:. :e rM -a :z: C':) :.:=...~ en rM - IJ~ = = ~ · as:. ... 0 ..,, m · ,.,,. -I! C':)) BUYERS DELIGHTED I Fine Goods and Low Prices do the work. ... ~, Send. a delegate from every home and let us prove that we are away down to Rock Bottom for every price put upon our immense stock of Boots . and Shoes, Tt·unln~, Valises, etc. Everybody will find in our assortment just the thing they are looking: for. Our stock is perfect people-pleasers ; FASHIONA11LJ1:, DURABLE, SEASONABLE, REASO~ABJ,1~. PERFECT-l"ITTING, WEAR-RESIS'J.'ING FOOTWEAR, AND ABOUT PRICES :-We allow no one to undersell uH, greeting to yon this sea13on is "Bargains on every l.and, and we will give more footwear for a dollar than any other house." We only ask a chance t u prove with our goods that it is so. Om~ M. TRELEVEN:· Bowma.nville, .May lG, 1888. Sign, Big Boot drawn by two h orses. _____ .,..._,___ _ Whitby - J. F . German. M. A.; John J. among people who, like yourself, Hare, M. A., Ph. D. Pott Perry-H. M. insist th9.t they have no kidney Me.nninir, Brooklin--S. O. l'hilp, jun, disease i They have and don't Columbus·-L. Pl1elps. Myrtle- James know it. You will never get well Liddy, l'ickering-G. M, Brown. Greenof the above and countless other wooi-A. P . Latter; one to be sent common di~orders, which would (Brougham). Claremon\,-0. J . Dobson. r:.s~ Column Article. . g@" never prevail if the Kidneys were t:3carboro' Eaat-J, J. Redditt, I. Couch. --~ _ . __ · _ all right., unless you restore the Prince Albert- F. C. Keam, S . C. Philp, PRr~vEN·.rruN rs s~Tn:n _-rH_A~ CURE.- \ unsuspected disordered I~idneys son; D. B. Madden, aupernnuateil, GreenP reserve yO\U' healtil by ,1;1s1~lrng UJ?Oil bv tl.at i;:reat blood tome an d bank-Ueerge Walker. Sougog-W. (J. having Imperial Cream Iartll;r Ba~mg ~ "ft ~WARNER'S S 11 FE Washington, M. A. (Por~ Perry);Seagrave Powder. It excells all others m purity. puUrRI E e; ·· . ~ (' '. · All groce· s so II it. l -' 1 -H. A. Brown, Ferincile Cornplaints prevail mostly '.U!E WHITBY DISTllICl', If yon have liltle folks from five l o nine years old you ee.n give lhem morf) pleasure for ten cents by gaiting a copy of July Otu Li\tle Men and Women, than in auy wll:Y we know of. The July number is full of pictures of all sizes, short stories ancl preUy verses. You cao gel it 11\ th e news. dealers, or of D. Lothrop Company, Bo~· ton. $LOO by the year. · Scribner's Mngazine for June marks Ibo beginning of the very important eeries on the Building a.ntl Management elf Railways, for which preparations have long been making. n is also an unusually strong number ln its litenry fGatures-Henry Jamee, Thomas .Bailey Aldrich, Uobert Louis St&vanson, and Au:gustine Birrell being among the contributors. 10. G-· .A.UST:J:N', ~- S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collei:i:e. Office and residence, Em1iskillen. Prompt ,.ttcntfon to calls by telegraph . 18-3m t' TED f Five intelligent mechanics, WA II · fifteen clerks, tI1frty farmers, fifteen teacl1ers, male or female, and a number - - - ·- -·-- of preachers or Christian workers. Frnm $50 to $200 per month for bright, cspa.ble persons. Only those open for positions and are bona fide applicants will be answered. Writ@ fully, ::_s. LIKSCOT'~, BnANTFo~o, o wr. .I 'f0 AD"l'Ell'.l'JSl<;RS,-Lo west Rates for nd· vertisiug in 1000 good nowspa.pers s'en t ft·ee. Addres3 G1~0.P;Uowm.L & Co.,Spruce St.,N,Y. 'l'DERE AUE :HA.NY H'DU:ATION8 of wo1·111s. lmt nr. Low'" 'Vorna Syr111l 1ncels thcltl 111 C\'N'Y case 3l·i:C.CJ!sfnlly . " PERRIN'S PINE TAR CORDIAL CO., UNDSA.Y, ONT., -- - -------- -- ---- ·- -- ----~ Languor, Headache, Constipation . Ucrnovetl l>Y 'l1 nrrn.nt \ . I I Seltze1· Apcl'l ont . Sol. d by Tarr<u;t & Co., N.Y., anci Drugg·lsta C\'Crl'wllcro. Children Cry for Pitcher'~~ oastoJ~a~