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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1888, p. 1

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- ------------- '· . BOWM.A.NVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY ~. 1888. H A MPTON. GREAT RUSH at the Hampton W ooleu Mills. Goods selling at greatly r educed prices for GO days. Corne w' your wool and get bargains while they last. High· est prices inlcash for wool, D . TAYLOR, Proprietor. r,Jr.'Ta';:'"cryderman who has so l'ery ifitfactorily performed t.he duties of owoship Collector wm n ot be an appli· nt for the position this year. The pay is"n~ommonsuute with the physical exertion required. Considerable repaira have been made in our 11idewa.lka, and our West Ward commissioner bas adopted the narrow gauge system, very much to the annoyance of two fat women who tried to walk double breasted on Dominion Day. Dominion Day at Hampton wa.s a. redletter day in our history. The churoh ttia realized the unprecedented sum of $180, and the Base Ba.II Club and Division realized $90. Hampton base-ball team beat Tyrone by 19 to 17 and one inning:1 to epare. ln the foot-ball match, Hampton beat Leakard by 1 goal to 0. Hurrah for our boys; full next week. VoL U.ME M, A. JAMES EnxroR AND Pnor11.1xroR, TlllRMSi-Sl.60 Pu Auw. O'U'R TOWN AND ·OOUNTY FIRST: THll: WORLD AFTERWARDS. ==~==~==================::=;~== ~=:.N~======.==================================================~============================================ N:sw S:e:R111:s. NuMBEB 518 XXXIV. NUMBER 27. COUCH, JOHOSTONI & CRYDERMAN'S Rave opened out during the past .week about \IV'e are now Showing all the Leading and most Fashionable Hat Shapes and Styles, N ew s, New Bonnets, New Ornaments, Ribbons, Flowers, Featl1ers, and Fringes. (From the News. ) There will be a garden social at the residence of Mr. Roger Cole, Bet.hesda, Mr. Albert Clark left Monday :?5th ult. on Friday evening, July Gth, 1888, to for Haywarda, California. commence at 4 o'clock. Proceeds in aid Mr. and Mrs. John P r oc tor, of ToronMay d o for a stnpitl boy's excuse ; b11t of the church. A cordial invitation is to, visited friends here recently. what can be said for the parent who extended to the general public. · Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arm~trong are vissees his child langnisliing daily and fails iting relatives at Bradford, Penn. U , S. LUNG SAULT. to recognize the want of a tonic antl Rev. D . Prosser and daughter, of Oshblood-purifier? Formerly, a course of Mr. W . R. Adame demolished a p ortion hit,ters, or snlplnu antl molasses, was t he of his barn, I s rebuilding over stone awa, were the guests of Mr. A . A. Garns· by on Sunday week. rnle in well-regnlated families ; but now fouadation. Mesars7-- 0 . A. Gamsby, E. B. Wilaon all intelligent households k eep Ayer's What about tho poundage complicaSarsaparilla, wl1 ich is at once pleasant tion? Were tlrtl pigs found in the field, and J. H. Hallett, attended the closing exercises in Demill Oollegt>. to the taste, an(l tho most searching aml or on the road? Which? effecti,·e lilootl medicine ever discovered. The Christian church pulpit was occuThe bee at Beacombe Bro11. last s~tur pied Sunday morning and evening .Tune Nathan S. Clevcla ml , 21 E . Canton st., day wae a success. Boston , writes : "My daughter , now: 21 About fifty rods of fence were con· 24th by Elder Prosser, of Oshawa. years old, was ln perfect health m~t1l a The Oran gem en of the District of Clarke structed in an incredibly abort time. The }·em· a"'O wh en she began to complam of ht.iguC, h cadnchc, debility,. dizz ines~ , dexterity with whioh Billy pnt on the ba~e decided to celebrate the annivers1\ry· indigestion, and Joss of appet ite. I conof the Boyne this year with their brethwire, was a. marvel. clnded that all h er com11Jaints originated ~ ren in Port Hope. in irnpnrc blood, and induced lier to take OUUR.TlOE. Mr· .James Leigh has shipped a large Aycr 's Sarsaparilla. Thi ~ medi cin e soon r cstor etl li er blootl-mnkmg organs to The school children had a picnic on iron wi.ter wheel weighing about 13,000 11cnl t hy action, an<l in due 1 .i1!1e rcl'stal_i· lhs to Mr. Thoe. Cronkhite. Thia wheel Friday !ishcd her former h ealth. f J1 1Hl /\yC T'S Sarnapa1·illn a. most val1rnl1le remedy for Mr. Harry Gay moved a barn for Mr. is for the large carding mill which Mr. Cronkhite has \ r acteJ at Wis ;i. ;vasa. t lte lnssitll(l e ancl tlcbility i11eitle11t to R. Nichol3 on the 29 ult. s11ri ng 1 .imc." Mr~. S. B. Dobson, and daught er J,,ena Mr. Geo. rin,.le is building a stone .J. Cast1·ight , Brooklyn l'owcr Co., on a sho rt visit to her father's home, stable for Mr. Jas. Courtice. Brooklyn, N. Y .. says: ' ',A s a Spring Mr. John Young's, n1.1ai: the \'illage of llfedici uc, I find a splemlul ~ nhstltnte NEWCASTLE. Miss Sanderson and Miss Brooks are A psley, Peterborn, accompanied by her . for t ho old-time compomHh in Ayer's The Rev. A. A. Drummond is still un- home from Whitby L'!.dies' College for aunt, Mrs. A. Tam blyn ancl d\ ught er 8a1·snparilla , with a few doses of Aycr's J'llls. After their nsc, I feel fresher and able to fill his pulpit, in fact his health ~he vacation. Nellie. s t ronger to go tln ongh the smi1mcr." Mr. and Mrs. L. !.\I. Courtice anrl appears to be about gone. The funeral of the late Mrs. Hunter Dr. Farncomb took his departure last daughter spent a few days of hist, week took placa la~t Thursday 21st ult., and visiting friends in Cutwright. week for England, accompanied ·by his was very 111rgely attended R ev. J. A. rilEI'AllED RY sistt>r, Dora, and brother, the Rev. Wm. At a meeting of the patrons of D. U. McKean, B. A., conducted the services Farncomb, of Bobcaygeon. Or. J. c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. C. Factory on the 26th ult., Mr. L . M. at the resid ence and Cemet <Jry. The rricc $1; ei¥ bottles, $5. Worth $5 " bottle. Mr. D. Allin has pulled down the old Courtice was reappointed salesm1n. flwal offeriugi were numerous and lovely, 'fnnr. building opposite the Methodist church. 11howing thu respect in which the deceased lt was probably one of the first frame was held by her nei>!hbors and friends. ENNISKILLEN. FRANK JU. FIELD, D. A. buildings erected in Newcastle, Mr. Hunter has theelmp1thy of the whole community. Yi~itors: Mrs. Ovetland and children, The base ball match which has been ARRIS'fER, Solicitor, Notary, &c. .kefield ; Mrs. D 110 long talked of between the Sons of Erin ; Mre. Smith, L OOBOURG. Office,-Armour Block, King Street. 22. England and the tew11, came off on Satur- Lockhart., Newtonville. OSHAWA. day and resulted in an easy ·1ictory of 20 An earnest discourse was delivered by (IJ'rom t he Ontario Re;formei ·.) to 9 for the t own. Rev. S. Salton Sundny evening in cou· A ne w elE>vator for storing peas will be Several meetings ara being he!d for nection with the death of the late Mr. erected eas t of the station. the purpose of organizing a brass band. Jno. Martin. There were several narrow escapee We do n ot see why those efforts should The La.dies had a successful time a t EXACT/NC not be successful when we have such their Social Friday last. It was held c.n frop1 drowning l1ere on Sabbath. SERVICE musical talent as those of Messrs. PickMr. R . .A. S<'arlett, of '.l'oronto, has the Pareonage Lawn and nll appeared to 11rd, Rose, Rolfo, and many others. enjoy the entertainment.. Strawberries bought the drug business of A. E. Luke. On Sunday week a large congregation in abundance. Tho practiso game of. base On June 23rd, Mr . .John Short., of this attended tho Methodist church in the ball the same afternoon attrncted a. large towa, struck his foot with a pick axe, ineveuiog to hear the last mission from crowd. Goo<l play was exh ibited by both flicting a severe wound. their pastor, the Rev . R. Walker, who teams, but the battery of Tyrone was too Simcoe-s t. Methodist s ~b bath School delivered a very eloquent and effective much for the Dragoons. Score J6 G in will pic-nic in Mr. H enry's grounds, at sermon. Mr. Walker, on leaving this fav or of the " Gladstones. " t he Lake, on July 12th. place C!lrries with him the respect, not Messrs. F . Kean, Son & Co. have puronly of hill churc!i, but of the other coa· C.A HTWRIGII'l.'. chased the stock of L owes & Compa.r:y; greg11.tions. · Rev. R Hassard and Mr. J ohn L. of thi&:o w .. , at 45c. on the dollar. Office. ' THE STA.'l'ESbUN wants a regu'ar c ;:>r· Power hav11 returned fr om the Me thodist There has been an ariv1 ince in the price respondent in Newcastle. Conference. of br ead in Oshawa. Th e prices are now: Mr. Lewis A. Werry, of the ST ATEl!Mil.N Two l b. !oaf, 7c. ; four l b. loaf, 13c. LOTUS. Staff, has been rusticatin g ;it his father 's 'l'he o~hawa Cricket Club was badly Once more t o thee, reapected H.nghe1, the past two weeks. defeaied by the Kinsale C lu b, on SaturWe sand some freshly gat hered news ,· Messrs. W, H > lssard, 'l' hos. H . Fergu· day w.' ek. Kinsale, 57 ; Q; hawa, 17. Has been a ppointed sole agent for Having arranged them in good o rder. eon and Stanford Swain conducteu eevicee Ou Tues rlay , 26th ult. , a fire broke out you'll print them iu The Warder. P erhaps the celebrated R OCKFORD ATCHES, oa conference Sunday in the absence of in th e roof of the tnonldillg shop of the Mr. Thompson, a lumber merchant of ~ Mas:<on ·works. It was quickly t'xtinthey are the best American Watch P eterboro, has been purchasing pillfl trees guished. · · Ne on Marlow raised a lar!(e barn manufactured and are guaranteed in l\lanvere and Cartwright. He of!'ere Mr. Fred. T. Thompson, formerly of a resident of Blackstock $ 200 for ten, b t on the Lattimer fa.rm last Tuesday. Nelfrom the factory as being fir~t-class, the offer was not accepted. Mr. Jose aon is making valuable improvements on Oshawa, was united in marriage, on the 28th ult., at R ochester, t o Miss Hann11h Call and examine them. Magill, of Yelverton, disposed of four at . rty · $60. he Cartwright creamery und er the Dank, of t hat city. We have also the finest stock of M rs. G eor~e S tapIea, Darlington, and ..iiJ1 of Mr. R obt. Philp, is doing Mr. C. H . McGee, eon of Mavor McGee, passed the June portio11 of t he her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Fer"us." , of ·a good business. He started to churn on all kinds of Watches, Gold and " ~· the let of Juno and has made over 3200 honor examination for the D e!(ree of Our constant ailu is to benefit ~be people by cou!!ltantly "Fairview," L'.ltus, are visiting wick lb of butter. If he does a satisfaotory B. A. at 'l.'rinity Uni versity. Mr. McGee Silver, in the town ofBowmanville. friend11. 0Jle1·ing bargains. 'Ve ~how what we advertize, " "e In Jewellry, we have an endless business this summer he intenda making takes honora in classics and mathem<'tics. _¥81tt1ll:ble improvements before another Miss Lena Bradburn, of North .... ._"""' T he Columbus 1md B rooklin Presbyniean what wl1at "\Ve say. We nevH· tbink it worth variety- Clocks of all kinds ver:y vers, enjoyed a \"ieit at the home of her season. R ober t has showed a groat deal terian Sabbath schools pic-nic< 1d at Coruncle, Mr. Wm. NelGon, L C'tus. of enterprise in starting the business and while to quote p1·ices, to1~ what can any one know bet's Point on the 26th ult. There was a · cheap. Trout fishing in the Cadmus pond this now the farmer's wives aro ready t o s mile large g11.thering of children and their about articles inerely by the price in a newspaper'! Io Silverware we have the e~ season has not been rewarded with that on him for taking so much work off their friends, who enjoyed a pleasant day 's outing. The :c.u· bette1· 'vay is to call and ex.a mine the111 Co1· clnsive right to sell for the largest amount of success its votaries would like. hands. Mrs. Robert Strong, Yelverton, has Rev. Mr. Booker, Baptist Minister of yo111·sel£ Suffice it to say, iCtbe1·e Js Jao1101· Jn 1na11, 01· firm in the U. S. The quality and been suffering from a strained ankle. SOLINA. this town, has received imd accepted a Til·tue in good GOODS at Jon· priecs, ,.,.e 1ncan to be prices are the best aHd lowest in Mr. James Denny cleverly passed his · Mrs. A. Washington is visiting friends call to the pastorate of the Baptist c hurch examination for professional teaching, at Wes tern Ontario. at Blenheim, and will preach a farewell master oJ the situation. Uo1ne and see our DRESS this part of t.he country, We ask the Ottawa. Normal School. He speaks in Ha.yin~ has commenced in' thi~ locality sermon to his Q,,hawa congregation on Sunday, July 15 th. GOODS, tile best value in town, (or be otrc1·ed) you to call and examine our goods in eulogistic t erms of Willia m Scott, Esq., and is quite a light crop. B. A., one of the principal teachers on Mr. and Mra. A. A. Bo wernHo, of On '.l~u esday week, d uring the ringing before buying. witlt all sorts of Tl°i1UJRi11gs to suit tile articles. Tile the pedagogic sta ff of that institution. Columbus, are visitin~ here. of tho ti re b ell, a son of R ev. T . Manning Capt. Wm. Brown, 45 th Batt., graced was run over by a horse and buggy 0 11 general stock ot· STAPLE DRY GOODS-ve1·y co1n- Spec:> an<l Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., a fow Mr. and Mr~. Wia. Pi\sco~ h ave bean Simcoe Strtet. The httle fello w h ad an days since with his military prewe carry the leading stock, and ankle sprained a.nd r eceived· several sence, t.he romantically sitnate1l village visiti ng friends in Hop9 'l'o wn~hip . 1>Ietc. 'l'DrEEDS witl1 us are soon Jnade u1>-i11 a of Lotus. Some of our sports 1wn t to Scugog last brnises, but fortun ately no bones were Vestt·y, Cote1·ie and Panfl·y, b!' vet')' skilletl and note- guarantee every pair for G mcnths, Mr. J ohn Bro wn, South Manvers, all week for a fi 1h and were well repaid . broken. if well used. H they qil"eak we of whose outbuildings were destroyed by Mr. H. Jiil. Kirkpatrick is a ellin~ goods On the 26 th ult. , while Mr. A. McMilablc work1uen. will repair them free of cl~arge. fire several weeks since, is energetically at rock b ottom prices. .A ll should l{ive Ian, manager of th e A . S . Whiting Manpushing forward the erection of others. him a call. uf.:t.ct urlng Company, wss lifting a box of Call and get fitted properly. E lder R. V. Lyon of Suaptiosion Bridge a xes, the bottom of t he box dropped ouj; ' On the 21st ult., the thermometer at 0 UR REPAIRING D EPARTMENT.-- We L otus store ranged 94." in the shade. U n- preached t wo sel·mons at t he Advent and ono of the axe p oints entered his left Church on Sunday last. H e will also le1-: above the knee, mak ing an ugly aud can only g o over the same old say- licensed pedlaril, take warning. painfol wound. John Nesm ith, Esq., of '.l'oronto, lias preach next Sunday ing, th1< t we repairvVatches,Clock:s been visiting his son, Mr. ·John Nesmith, The S ,ilvation Army intend holding an Ou Sunday morning waek, a youth I ce Cream Social at Solina on Wednesday named Dun can l\foKiunon, of t his town, and J ewellry ii~ tbe most skilf'ul Lotus . No improveme nt in th e conditi,, n of evening n ext, Jlth July. This will no while bathing a t t h e n orth pond, went ! m au1 H :' ' . \Ve are hoked upon as Mrs. Strong at time of writing. doubt eclipse anything yet a ttempted in out beyond his dep th, and not bei ng able 1 this village. All should attend. to swim, h o went d own the third t ime, the only reliable Watchmaker in Enj oyable t ime at the pic-nic of the 't ' 1Y presence 'vVe con!!rat ulat e Messrs. J . A wd~ and 9 11d l ia d 1 no t b een f or t ime I B ·· h e wou ld have b een this part of the country. Mere a lyduffband, in Ward's grove, on June J . G. J,angmaid 0 f D · WIiee 1 of this place at h avin a er 20 hh. Addresses were delivered by H. 0 drowned. talking can'taothewol'k,buttoo1s, A. Ward, M . P., and the R ev. Wm. Mc- succassfully passed t h e ir examination~ at Mullin. Ontario Busiuess College, Belle ville, and The marriage of Mr. W. C. Phillips, of ability and experience combined · obtained their diplo mas with honor, h a v· th e Cobb an M anufacturing Company, Mrs. J aw es N icholson, J, ·Jtus, has b een ing each made over !)0 per cent. ·on exam- o f T oronto, to M 1as Ella M cMilla.n, second I can, of which we have plenty. very ill. ination papers. Well done boys. daughter of Mr. T. II. McMillan, cashier Slight improvement in the condition of One of our ministern got almost lost so of the Wc3tern Bank her e, took place they say, wlu·1e gom · g to z· Tbe Jeweller. Mrs. Bragg, So uth Mauvera. · ion on S unday last Thursday night, R ev. M r · ..M:cL ella.n, 44. On the after.n oon of iast Saturday, n, morning last. J AClC. of Whitby, perform ing the ceremony. - - -···· -------- ·- - --·- - - - - - - - very good game of base ball was _played The bridesmaids we ro Miss G ertie Haines on the Lotus grounds IDe tween a nin e, For Rickets, Marasmus, and all and three sisters of th e bride. The ,,1~ representing the Yelverton public school, Wasting Disorders of Children. groom was supported by Messrs. .J. l-Iarcaptained by Mr.Veal , its teacher, and a graft, J. Phillips, F . W. Cowan an d nine representing the L otus school, com· Scott's E mulsimi of P1 .ire Ood L iver OU, Harry T . McMillan . The bride was mantled by its muscular pedagogue, Mr. with H wophosphiteB, is unequalleb . The elegantly attired in a crushe d strawberry · James Windle. '.l'h e game was a closely rapidity with which children gain flesh satin dress en train, trimmed with paaseand strength upon it is very wonderful. men trie lace. · F ast Colors and Durable. N e w P atterns. contested one.- Warder cor . N ewes t Shades. " l ha\"e used Scott's Emulsion in cases · _ _ Orders solicited fr~m the Wholesale and BRo K;:N Do:i"N.- ' ' After suffering wit h ?f Rickets and Maraam?-s of long stand"Cntil the b lood in cleansed of i m rnl'it· I Dyspep sia, Kidney Drnease loss of appe· m g. In e very case the improvement was ies it is useless t o atte mpt th . 1 f Retail trade. M.\GOG MEXTI LE &; PmN'L' Co.. tite anct pain in the head 'until di~cour- marlieJ." J ..1"1;., Main, ~f. .D ., Now an; disease. ' R heumatism, whic~ Y~~~ac~- - - ___ -~~~~~~---- -- - - ·- ~ged, 1 h eard of Bnrdock Blood Bitters, York. Put up 111 :>01}. and $ 1 size. able to an acid in the blood , has been 1 . · , . .ook t wo bottles and am happy to say fee cured, in numerous ca,·es by t he use of . TIIUCE AUE MANY UiDICATIONS of , as well as e ver " Mrs Rufus E M orr DEi;TRO'l' 'l'RE WOltltlil or they lll:tY d e s · A , S · ' ·worms, but lll·. Low·s '~'orm Syr111· meet s ; N . Alb· N . S · · y, 1 troy the cltil·lreu. Frccnum's worm Puw· }'. Cr s araapar1lla, ext ernal t r eat men t ew any, · · , ders 1les lroy :uul c:qicl all I·i1&1l~ of,'l' bemg of n o avail. :t: tltcm ln every case sm:ccssfltlJy. "Did n't Know 'twas Loaded-" BETHESDA. ORONO. ~ 2000 Yards of new Brussels and Tapestry CARPETS Aye r's Sarsaparilla, Bought direct from the celebrated B manufacturers, John Crossley & Sons, of Halifax, England. FORD Newest designs and colorings and no better value anywhere. WATCHES Couch, Johnston &Crydurman One Door West of Post Bowmanville. MAYNARD, w GEORGE LAING, The Farmer's Friend. ----o---- 1t . i · ----o---- MiITINE!!X: NEW GOODS TO .HAND 0 MAYNARD, "WE EXCEL IN · C " NA DI AN PRINTS I FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. GEO. LAING. I I , I

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