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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1888, p. 2

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- - --._.......___ Canadian Jtattstttmi. WM ----- -- losing her figure an ·bow, and the o!11Y GLIMPSES CF F ARMERS' DA UGHrneana of sa.ving it t o t ake radical Hee.rt Disease: TERS. measures at onoe. " \Yell, h ere go my F ormerly when tne physician with his st ays," said the actrepa ; and t he dress. ALIC& BROWN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1888. stethoscope detect ed a certain abnormal 1maker proceeded to lit her a twenty· 1 . - - --"-':== --------'---=::....----sound, called cardiac murmur, indicating 1 five inch . At the end of the season she . The lives of n,iost people ~re all cban$es, heart trouble, he said nothing abou t it to a.gain. " Ma.k·1 me a twen ty-seven 1a.nd ~he farmer B daughter I!' no e~c~ptlo!l. the ;i;,>atient , or if he did r eveal bis dlecovery inch waist," sbe demanded ; bu t in the mean- IShe IS found everywhe~e fillmg po?1t1o_ns m · he did so in such a way as to take a.wa na· tirr.e her figure below and above t he waist ·every rank open to women, and this will alt nre's most powerful restor ative..:...J;0 pe. had reeumediits uor mallpropor tions, her skin wa.ys be ~o, fer s~e ca1:1not always stay . on ~~~- o---But a change in t he methods of physicians had gr own t wo shades fairer and clearer, ~he farm if s~e wishes 1t, and her education has been taking place in recen t years. Says and she looked younger. Since then she IS beet wh~n i,.t fits her for · the Medical Record : has never worn a stay, and she says that _ T he Sw1s~ Govern~eut treats its children Having purchased the business formerly carried on bv llUMPHTlEY .& " The opinion is now r ooted in the minds whereas before she aban<loned tfiem, it was . wmely wh~n they WISh to l~ave home. Jn. MAYE_ R , I have moved it across the street to the ~premises lately of the advanced guard of t he profession that all she could do to drsg through t he act, J·e~a~ o~ hm<lrances and d iscouragements, occ~p1e? b~ Shaw & Tole, where in connection with my Tin and Stove cardiac murmurs are often devoid of the after she had d ispensed with them, she was aid 1a given to those who leave the crowd~d grave eigLificance formerly attributed to so fresh and vigorous that she could have mo~her-land. They are watched over m Busmess will b~ f~und a full line of ~eavy and Light Harness, and all them. So, too, we have come to learn that done a sixth a.ct. a.nd not minded it. " t heir new_ homes \).nd not ouffered to beco~e · other furmshmgs usually founrl m a first-class harness shop. . · · ·lfil1111Mllllamiil considerable damage to the valves may be paupers Ill the land they adopt for ~heir ~-Do you .feel dull., low-spirited, life· so thoroughly com pensated by hypert 1.ophy" own. The wide knowledge and experience l~, and mdescrlbably m1se!·able, both physi- (enlar~emeut) "that it seems permissible to Tho Clever People. of the government are used for t he protec~ll~~ud hl.00~~lly; f~:xperi~noe a ~0.¥ 60 of speak·of recovery from organic disease of the How it to p' that so many take tion of i ts weakest children. 0 1 0 will receive the most careful attention, havinj secured the senrice> of neSii," or ~m~~11 ~~ ~f ~1to ~;g~\~\~1 e ~g~~= heart. . such an enormous amount of ~elight:in speak. In farmer 's families where it is _probable 1ng, to~gue coated, bitter or bad taste in "True the anatomical le"ion persists · ing of themselYef., their doings, their rela- t he daught ers· must be self-support ing when Mn. W. RUMPHREY, whose skill in this branch i'3 so well known -~o~tht irre bglula1·dflppet1te, tllzziness, fr·eq.uent But the lndividua.l t hus affected may liv~ tives, their hopes, t heir prospects and above they reach womanhood, their education throughout this district, as ~o need no further comment. ueauacnes, · urre eyesight, "floating specks" f h Id b h t · . th f · h before tbe er.cs. ner vous proetmtlon or ex· or years without impairment of his health al1 their wonderful cleverness and intelli· 8 on. e sue as ogive .em a air c a.nee I and with a working capacity in no way re'. gence? To hear some folks talking you of rnccess. Wheth.e r as wives or working All my W?rk is. finish~d by experienced workmen, none other employed. htrnstion, lrntabillt.v or temper, hot tlns!Jes ' · ~~rna~ng . wi£h ?hilly sensations, sharp: duced from his normal sta.ndard would think t hat never such persons had singly, they will find life smoother if they ~I~ I a:sk is an mspect10n of my stock and you will be convinced that 1 5 1'eeCg Jro ;~~~~~s fri\~'. u1~~1~~ ~~te~~~~~8°~~ "The time has cor~e when the pr ognosis ever before appeared on the face of the earth have been wisely fitted in girlhood to do cllsturb~d 11nd m;u·efreshing' Bl'1ep, constant, of despair must make Wl\Y for the modern and even when t hey clon't speak their silence wel_ l at l~ast a few things. , A muaic11l edn- it is the largest to choose from, .best workmanship, and prices really tnd{)f!ci1·1bable feehug of dread, or of impend- doctrine of hope in the possibility of a cure is siiznific11.nt and points very evident ly in cao10n mven to one farmer B daughter has lower than. any other place m town. My expenses bein(J' lower, . ug cti arnlty 1 . · dt ~ 1 d fit t h . If you J1 ave all, or any conslderable nurnbei· · '\Vhat was formerly equivalent to a sentence the same direction. J ust think of some one prove a. cons anu Pea.sure an ~r~ ? erm therefore I give my customers the benefit. . Gentlemen, place 0 in your of these symptoms, you m-e su!Te1 ·ing from of death may oe commJlted to carefulpess starting on a talk abol1t her household ar- herwomanhood. S hebecameamm1 ster swtfe, Repairing promptly tl'!o.t most com1nou of .A.mori?ri11 maladies- for life." rangements and housewifely triumphs, the and in church, praycr-maetine: a.nd Sunda.y· orders at once an~ don't miss this oppo~·tu nity. 8 done. Don t forget the pla ce, Quicks Block, Bowmanville. e~~lt~~s'~ fp~S~'.\?... ~%~~~tf c>1,~:r·,M,~oc;;~~~·~ Rheumatic feve~., or some. oth er dis!, cooking she does, t he knitt ing, the darning, sc}i~ol is. her hnsbrnd 's ~ependence a~d <;ompl1cute<l your disease hl\B become, the may have caused mflammation of the hmng the mending, thti ma<'ting, the p resening and wtllmg helper. whe11 or~amst or leader is .greater the number nod diversity of s.vmp- membrane of t he heart and thus laid afonn· Heaven only knows what else. She has her abaent. But If her music was used only for ~;;'!a:i~)<t~~~~J~~f'i~~ 1~~8~c,;1~~i~l, dation for permanent o'bstruction to the flow washing out before any of her neighbors, the pleasure ~nd !nstruction o_f her family Bowman ville, May 15th, 1888. 20 · wil l subcl ue it, if taken according to dire!'. of blood through one or more of the valves. her ironing ia over before others begin and of boys and g irls it would be mvaluable vo t1<ms ·ror a r~nso~mble lcng:th of time. If not But nature in time overcomes thia obstruo· so on and soon. Oh, the weariness and her. ,s;nrcd,, oomJJlw1ttions m1!lt1ply and Con~ump- tion not by removing it but by enlarging terror to the p oor li~tener as t hese rnaan1". _ 1 aon of till' Lungs, Skin Diseases, Heart Disease ' · . '. "' Ilh~umatism, K!dne;v Disease, or other grave the heart and lncreasrng its force. fiers of their office take up their parable ! Another oountry-bred girl, one of a large anamclics .nre qmto hal.Jlo to set in aud, sooner True, there m:i.y be at length a weaken- Then the corresponding tribe of men ! They family, found no opening at home for her 0 " lu:t.e!:i_ !nduc~ ft f~itnl terrnimttio~. ing of thti walls of the heart and a conse- had their . difficulties, but thev· alway· energies after graduating from a.young !!I.dies' D.1 . 11.· 1erco-is Golde n lUetlteal Disa . · ·· ' · covery nets pow01·fully upon the Liver nnd quent 1 essenrng of its ability to do its work ; triumphed l Some folks tried to "do" them seminary, and led an aimless, h a.if-satisfied th»oi1gh that great bloo<l-purifyiug 01!gnn and t here ma.y come on palpitati<'n, diffi· but they soon d iscovered their mistake l ex istence until a friend urged her to learn "!ca,n~es tile system of a ll bloocl-taints and im: cult breathing cough and signs of dropsy And any game of bluff ! Ah, it was a caut ion dress -making. The result was a busy, in --M.ANUFA0'£URER O F - p.1r1ties, fr om whl\tever cnuse nrisiug Jt is B t th' f ·1 ' b ' d ' t h · d S equa lly effiouolou.s in acting upon tlie Kidu is at ure may e ue to preventable o see ow it wa.a settle l ome how they depeD dent life and many opportunitieij to ne')ls, nnd other excreto:-y 01·gao~ cloanfjiug causes. An eminent medical authority enum- come al waya out cock of the walk, and "cl brighten the lives of the people who employetrengthculug, and henling their diseases. As erates some of these causes They are just said" seems always to have been au end ed her, m:my of them old friends who made au appetizing, restorative tonic It P,romotes · t' h h' h · · f 11 KING STREET, BOWMANVILL dl;restlon and nutrition, thereby buildii1 g up omit _mg t ose w 1 c are the result of dis· o a controversy. T he dear good people! her welcome as a friend as well as a. worker. both flesh and strength. Iu rnalarinl cJlstrtcts ease m other organs of the body : muscular They are to be found in all classes,but their Being the forunate possessor of a contauious flas now on hand a number or. vep.iole6 (and Is }lla nufactnring a great many more) ot the ne thJs 'yondet·ful medicine bus gained grcnt overwork; exhaustion of the nerve system grand features are all much the One good -humor · the families in which she sewed pa ttern~ and best finish, which I am ofl'ermg fo r sale at the lowest prices oonsisten* cole!Jnty Jn curmg Fever and Ague Chills and ca1; d b Y wo.rry or exc1 ·t ' scare«l } k nows w h 10 . h of them is · t h e most often laid aside some load of household with due regard to wor1!:manship and quality. The following i E a lbt of Fev(jr, Dnrob .Ague. and kind.J·c d diseasrJs. ement; a.n d t h e the principal vehicles manufactured by me :D··· Pie1·ce·<1 Golde n l'l.lodlcal D i s · dauy use of alcohol, tob'l.cco, and, 1n some intolerable, though all of them have acer- trouble, and perhaps forgot to take it up v~o vc r y c~ses, o.f tea and coffee, which act as car- dash of absurdity mingled with their a.gain af ter the sewing was done and the D_ouble Covered Carriages ...... .. ....... ... ..... . . ..... ............... . .. ... .$150 Upw-11rd1 Single Phretons .... .......... ............ .. ........... . ...... ... ... .... ......... JOO 11 HUMORS d1ac poisons. odiou~nesi which relieves t he gloom and dressma.ker gone· The girlhood of another woman was ;,pent .fr om n common Blotch, or Eru tion, to fhe In any ?aao the patient should obtain tl~e sometimes makes t hem even tolerable. ~pen Buggy....... ................ .. .............. ....... . . . . . . . . . .. . · . · .... ·· · 70 11 in ha rd work in a family of seven boys, and ~orst Scroful!t. Salt-rheum, "frcver-sores," b.e~t medical advice and be r uled by 1t Pe1·haps tho patronizing Lady Bounbiful, or op Buggy................ .... ... . ..... ,..... . .......... ......... .. ... ............. 90 11 Sonly 01· Rough Skin, in shor t, all d.iaeM~~ r ig idly. the woman that has a. mission, or the father was followed by a.· few of teaching, D emocrat Wagon............ . . . ...... ... ... .. .......... . .. .. ... . . . ....... .. . .... 65 11 caoaed by bad blood arc conquered by t his who trots out h1·s f ·1 th 'f t h t when she became a. farmer's wife. After ten powerful, pnrltying~.and i11vigo1·uting med!am1 y, or e w1 e a Lumber Wagons........ .. ........ . ........ . . .... ...... . ......... . ........ ....... 55 11 the family ·moved to a growing young <!lne. Great Ei:tting u lcers rapidly heal unuer The Gospel of P ain, " d ears " her husband at every t urn, and Light Wagon. ............................... ..... ................... . ..... ....... 40 u its bern_gn rnflucnce. Especially hns it mani· would fain convince the world that the city, bought a house whh a lot large enough Express Wagon........... . ... . ... . . .. .. .. .. .... ................. .. . ...... ....... 75 ,. ~,ste? its pot'!ncy m cutfog Tetter, Eczema, The power which rules the universe uses soulless blockhead is a hero, or mult itudes of for a barn, c bi cken h ouse and range and ""p-sip~las, llo1ls, C)arbnnclesi£lore '.!'Yes, i:;crof . . pain as a signal of danger. Just, generous, others may be worst, but who sha.ll R ay? a garden. Here the wife raised fruit and Skeleton.............. .. ...... ... ... .. ... . .. .... ...... .. . .. . . ..... ........ . ........ 60 u u.ous Sores and Swell1ngs, Htp-jomt Disense b t ·f l N t 'k f ·1 Sulky....... . . ... ...... . ...... .. .............. .... .. ............ .................... 40 .. ·"Whit-0 Swellings," Goitre, or '.l.'hick Necli:' eau 1 u a ure nev~r str1 es a ou blow ; T he whol e race of t hem is as a terror t hat veget ables in t he garden, 011red for the and Bnl1;1rgcd Glancls. Sencl ten cents in never attacks us behind our ba.cks; never flieth by day, and is more formidable than chickens and cow, supplying the table with Possessing superlo~ facilities for manufaoturlng carriages, I intend to sell very obea to atamps for a. la.,.ge 'l'reatise, witb colore<i digs pitfalls, orlays ambuscades ,· never wears th t'l th t lk t h · d k ·Oh as fresh and wholesome fare as though still or appruved credit, and by so dolng I hope to greatly increase my nnm her of sales PW r ~.; :plat,, s, on .S}rin Diseases, or the srtme amount e pea i ence a. wa e m ar ness. sell the wood parts only, or the gearings ot buggies Ironed, ' ou · .. 0 1· a Treatise on Scrof ulous Afl'cetious. a smile upon her face, when there is ven· whatctoes not the world every daysufferfrom living on the fa.rm, and bv the sale of milk . ' ·FOR THE BLOOD I"' THE LIF""." geance in her heart. Patiently she tea.chee such gad·fliee and.gabbler s. And t hen t hefr a.nd eggs always had a. few dollars at hs.nd ..., "" us her laws, plainly she writes her warnings, strea.m 0£ talk · so t Th I '.12boroughly cleanse it. bv using D r. Ple1·ce·· t d 1 h d 1l m cessan . ey a - for unexpected demands upon her puree, ~oldeu 1'I«:~ical Dt' s covcry, and good fen er y ~ e gra uate8 herforces. Long be- ways ready to ca.p the mo11~ absurd incident sueh as arise in a city household. Her eduAt the Shorteat Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired · ..d1gest10n, a fair skin, buoyant spirits vital ore t he fierce red danger- light of is with something far stranger in their own cation in t he hard school of her country· strength and bodily health will be esttibilsbed. flashed, she pleads wit·h us, M thongh for experience. Shoot a tiger thirty feet lopg house, harder t han is usual for t he farmer 's A.t the Factory I also do Plan.log, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle Band ., Sor Saws, and prepare all kin.dB o! !umber f<Jr oat'penters nd others for building purposes, her own sake, not oms, to be merciful to ancl they are ijUre to have seen one fifty. girls, titted her to make tl-.e most of her Ornament a l and Plam P10,rnts for .ences in every style required, made t o order. ' ourselves, arid to each other. :;:he makes Tell of some sm"ll boy and forthwith they city garden, saved to her husband ma.ny dolwhich is Scrofula of the I,m1gs, fs nrrestcd the overwor ked brain to wander from the illustrate the incident hv some still mor e lars of expense, and was her special pride and. cured by this remedy, if takon In t he aubJ' ect of its labors. She turns the ov·er- remarkable experience in their own family. and plearnre. No one else could 1aiae q uite earhei· smgcs of the . disense. From Its marvelous power over this terribly fatnl di~easc indulged body against the delight of yester- A doting father lately said to his Benj t·min, so many tomatoes· from the same number of 'When first ol.fer!ng this !'.!OW world-'l'nmeri rern~ day. These are her caution signals · "go "you'r e t he cleverest of a. very clever fam- vines nor have strawberries so plentifully edfy to the public, Dr. Pierce tbougbt Bel'ionsly slow." She stands in t he filthy courts and ily," a.nd hn di'd not "peak e"'fimnJlle ei'ther. from a patch of equa.I size. The row of beans (l or.lling_ it his "CoNSUllIP'.l'ION Cuma," but 11 th v w· · sbaridoneg tll!lt. name as too restrlctlvo for a. eys at we pass d~ily, and beckons us But what is the use? Every one knows. wv.s always loaded with podG , and it was -....;.~ W~<lic~e W!Jloh, :from "-- wouderfol oon1- to euter, and realfae with our senses what ]~very one at one t imes or other, has had only because the family demanded sweet · .'binut1on of tonic, or stren~theu!Ilg;-nlterative, we allow t o exi~t 41 the mid&t of the culture thoughts of suicide as the only refuge from corn three t imes a day that her supply of _ __...._1?.;:.,,,b~Ot?d-cle~nsing-, nn_ti-billous, p~ctornf, aua f>f 'l\'b~9)!, VI'</ h<;>!l.11~. t he continued and selfish clat·-1· l th11.t ever fell short. ., -. J.JuLll ive p1opertlcs, 1s unequaled, not onlv A·· ' ·-t ·· ~" .... · · "" as .n rnmedy for Consmnntion but for a'·· rm w at uv we do for ourselves? \-Ve Some farmers' daughters remain at home. ' . ·A ply whip anJ spur to the jaded brain, as - ~ Chrouie J>iscas~s of tho Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the One living in comfortable circumstances.saw Why She's Woe-Bee;one. ...!.though it were a jibing horse, -force it buck her brothers and sisters leave for homes of. into the road which leads to ma.dneas, a.nd LIVER, STOlllA.CD, KID:NEVS A.ND BOWE.L S , An E1'stern ed itor wants to find out "just their own, and still stayed to bA t he compan· .'F01· Weak r.ungs, Spitting of Illoo<l, Shol't- go OD at foll_ gallo11.. We dru~ the_ rebelli- for curiosity" why women break down. ion and helper cf her mother and father, They i nvigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions an °llesa of D1,eath, Chronic Nasal catarrh Bron- ous body with stimulants; we hide t he He's either a bachelor or a brute. Some- stayed after the mother's life was over, until are invaluable in all Oompla,\nts incidental to Fema les of all Ages. Fo~ c2!tis, Asthmt1, Severe Cougl.Js, tm<l ltindred sigua.l, aud thiuk we have escaped the da.n - times there is not much difference between her fat her passed away, and still she re. ~u.ectloua, it is an efficient r emedy " b ef ore mg · ht, w e Children and the aged they priceless. "Seid by Druggists at lj!I 00 01. fl' n0 W ger, and a.r e very f est tve them. vVhydo women break down, indeed? ma.ined, t rying always to make country 'lor $6.00. · · ' ix ee turn asicle, as did the Pharisee of old, aud Because women cannot in the morning , after life as br ight as pJssible. by enter taining -.. ~Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Picrce'a by on the other side, with our nose a br eakfast, where all wa.its on the word friends, by study and r eading, by growing ....,o ok on Consumption, Addi-ess, cloied. 1 and t aste of one high a nd migh ty person, flovrers,and vines, and trees, and studying s an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds World's Dispen~ary M e d ical A ssociatio n At !ast, we have bro~m Na.~ure's laws light a cigar and stroll down to a comfort- hotany to interpret the wonders Of t he and Ulcers. It Is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For disorders of p,,, 663 Main lS ' and disng,i.rd her warnmga, ane comes, -Chest it has no equal.t.~ BUFFALO. N.1!". dritms beating, coiors flying right in front, able o{lice-an office where six hours covers woods, which near her home were pr fus.ia day's work. Because women c"nno~ put ly filled with wild flowers. After her to punish us. Then we go down upon our their hands in their pockets to indulge in the er' s death the and supervision of the For Sore Throats, B 1·onchithl, Cough s, ·cold.s , . knees, and whimpe1· about its having pleased simplest plea.sure. Because women have a farm, the live-stock, and the house kept her God Almig ht y t o send this affliction upon t housand ills of which men never dream. If life wholesome, and the two motherless nep- Gl11.ndular Swellings, and a.11 Skin Diseases it has no rival · a nd . :\ us ; and we pray him to work a miracle in they did t hey would t urn over and sleep on hews under her care kept solitude and lonclicontracted and stiff joints it a cts Hke a charm. ' order to reverse the natural cons~q uences of t he other side. Becanse women have all the ness at bay. F lowers bloomed all winter our disobedience, or eave us from t he trouble cares aod little of the comforte of the house· in her sunny sitting-room, and her fingers M anufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S E stablishment of doing our duty. In other words we put keeping. Because women can never snore wereec1ually at home between the pages writ· our finger in t he fire, and beg 1hat it may through a bass solo while croup and dipther· ten by emivent author s a.nd in the soil of her '18 , NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFO.RD STREET), LONDON be not burned. ia are stalking abroad. Because women garden and flower beds. 4.nd a re aold at ls. lid., 2s. 9d., ils. 6d., llB., 2211. , a nd 33JS, each Box o r Pot have to make one dollar rustle r ouud for two A r eal love for the country once pla.n ted may be h a d f r om all Medicine Vendorathroughout t li.e World. ' tfhe Fatal Results of Tie;ht Lacing, dollars. Becau ae women have to plan, in t he hearts of t he daughters of the farmer, ·Purchasen honld look at t lte Label on the Pot11 and Boxei, u The following is from the London Lancet, ·think and act for sever al instead of for one. will never lie entirely uproote<l. To the l n 633. Oxford Street, J..ondon. t h ey are aourtoo·. of r ecent date and teaches its owu .moral Because women have to r ip, press and make· pa.rents is entrusted the planting of such a. without comment :....:... over so that a certain member ef the family love. A bright home, where sympathy and " In our issue of J une 25th we draw at- can sport a new snit or a silk hat. Because all possible advantages are given to the Sheep in Australia.. , t ention to the abuse of tight lacing, which women rarely offered a seat among the growing girls, will make the country a mag. The foll owing summu.ry of t he develop · possesses, for many wearers of the corset, roDes of r elaxation. .Because women are net to hold them contented while t here and ment of the sheep induGtry in Australasia as ontb:mes to do a General Banking Business such a fatal attraction. Sh_ortiy before that forced to keep their noses to the grindstone draw them irresistibly when they in the g iven by the recen t issue of JJrcidst·;·eet's \ eBo wma.nvill6 Br anch. date, an inquest held upon the body cf an of drudgery. And this is why women break cities that, wit!. buildings and pavements, commercial report will be of interest to D EPOSI'.i'S elderly femu.le, l'evealed the fact .bat death down, Mr. Editor.- [Sa.n Francisco Report. smother out the count ry life, both vegetable farmers : 1 :teoelved in Sa.vinga Bank Department-and had resulted from this praclice, Only a few and animal. Thovgh wool has been for ~everal years 1 all and in terest allowed a t cu rrent rates. No. days ago a nearly similar instance waa reHundreds of country-loving girls have unusually cheap the world over, t he size of 1 1otice or withdrawal necessary. All depoelts corded. In t his case a young. lady who He Didn't Pint Out. spent years of their !ives in ~ities and hm~.. Austrafosian flocks is steadily increasing. ~i;yable on demand, 80· ~~fferecl from fatt~ infil tr~tion of _the heart, J There is a colored cong!egation of Metho· di:eda of. t~ose growi~g _up will d? Is _i~ The gain has not been so marked since 1881 VETERINARY SURGEON, EXCRA.N'GE aied suddenly whxle dresS!Dfi hastily after a dists, says the Kansas City St:i.r, who until w1Se to msist that.thi~ 18 onl;v eyll, and di~ as it was in the prec~diug decade, but yet 8 spirati~~l P 0 jti~g hearty meal. H ere, also, tight lacmg pbya couple of months ago were led in the pa.tbs courage _every sued has been consiuerable. Australasia now con3ought and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe 0 .N'I'. OR O NO~ ed a prominent part in determining the of rectitude by a. very young preacher He occmpatmns ls P 0 ~1 e Y Ill ct es a~ll t11ins about tl'I ice as many sheep as any I ] uited States a nd Canada, also Goid,Silver and fatal result. was a fluent eou of Ham; and t he length of towns? 8 uc 1 occupatmns or a woman wi other r egion save the Argentine Republic, J nlted Sta~es Greonba.cks bouirht and sold , 91 "We had hoped t hat sensible reflection the words he hurled at his hearers was only ti·y her streng th and. courage at the bea~, being credited with 86,352,020 last year, tJOLLEC'i'UJN~ Y up?n the bad ~ffects o~ this injurious custom, limited by the amouut of oxygen he could a:id how ;i:mch more if, ~h~·ough th~ o~p~slf aglj.inst 75,000,000 iu the Argentine Re· '" as 1 llustra.tecl m the hwtory of a former gen- take into hie lungs at one effort. tion: of friends, she en texs a new wor . a public in 1885, 4·7,508,960 in European Rus · Promptly a t curreu~ rates npon all ps.r era.tion, might have impressed upon the Thia w9.s all very well for a time, bu t eqmpped au?- lm?helped by the support that sia in 1882, 44,759,314 in the Uni ted States ~t Great Brittam, the United States and _ .,...11 would-ho-fashionable the obvious teaching when the elders of the church saw that the sympathy gives· in 1887, a.nd 28,955,240 in t he United King- tnlnion or Canada., _ of experience. The cases juat quote?, how- arguments adduced did not draw the erring dom in 1886. The sheep of 1he Aust ralasian Telegt"aph T1·ausre1·s Mcl\~urtry ~ver, are probably but a repr~sentat1ve min- ones nearer to tho big white throne, a change SISTERS rn Y ucATAN. colonies have increased in number 73 pe1· Made tor large or email sums on s.ll parts of· 11num of i> larger number, which do not come was decided upon and a committee ef one cent. within sixteen years. The flocks Oanada. This .le especially advantageous to· Sisters in Y ucatan have a fancy for dress- aggregated · 19 773 584 in 1871 78 063 426 in!' persons llving m Manitoba. or t he North·wes\ prepared to pay the highest price before t he coroner's court; and the evil tbey was appointed to ~sk for the preacher's re exemplify, though certainly less aeneral t han si'gna.ti·on. ing preciaelyalik.e in the minutest p articular, 1882 82 169 3'54 in 1886 and'86 a52 020 as t.9 lt inakeB the funds .available at ODOe at tho , 11187. ' ' The gain 'last year ' was · 5 'per ' .. n]a.ce of payment · . as a potent When the error had been stated the so th a t not a b ow or a b u tt on ,a fi ower or an above, a.11 kinds of Grain d elivered at the of yore, still continues to act ... cause of ill-healt h. prea.cher iudianantly asked w ha.t the c;ngre- art icle of jewellery varies. In the tropics cent. For further part iculars call at t he Hankin Wharf or their S t ore Hou se in town. "It is hudlY. neces~ary to repeat, at ga.ticm expect~d for nething. large families are the fashion, and any day The colony of New Wales has a Bouse. · " \Va.a.I now doa.n' yo' see we duzzunt one may see girls ou t in groups of three or long lead in the industry, its sheep number· T. RODI!ccount t GEO, McGILL, length, the causes which render this abuse of the corset so effectively mischievous. expect -_:_" ' ' four to a dozen ,who ,by one glance at their ing over :~9.000,000, or toward one-half of an' Manager Path?lo.giat~ ha_ve _ a clear perc~ption of ~ll " Isn't my character a.way up yan a bove clothes, one may know belong to the same t he aggrei;ate in Australasia. N ew Zealand ·Iv that 1s 1mph ed m_1ts doubtfully graceful d is· procra.stinasun ?" parenuage. Thus it is easy to distinguish t he comes second with about 16, 700;000, and comfort. The clrnplacement of almost all . "No trouble 'bout da.t · but sah yer memb~rs of a family, and not. infreq_uently Vict oria third with 10,700,000. Almost all I the organs in the chest and a\Jdomen, t he I isn' t fur enuf eddicated to_:_ ., ' ' the fa ;r ones are callep by their f~vo.·ite col· t he flocks of .New Sout h ' Val es are merino ! compression of several of these upon the " I talk confluently enuf ter rnit de or. 1l or,l~e fik senorita:~ th~ sheep, and 27,915,000 out of the total of hrnrt and great vessels, and the restriction most rapashus ?" Espanoza house 0 are nown as.' t ~re 38,0G7,000 of this bread are set down a.s of breathing 'spaoe which is thus entailed, "Dat's it chile- dat's it · hole r ight. on roses," beci£5e. ha:ch of t~em mv~!1;' producers of combing wool. A free trade bavt: in t heir eyes no beauty, but the ,sad whar y'ar ;,ow. Yo' kin ta'lk and yo' kin la.donis herse wit iacquemmot.s, w 1 et e policy, on .t'lie whole, has prevailed in New aspect of feebleness willfully acr1uired, with talk but yo' doan't p'int out. yo' kin argify people sp~k of the Gonzal\girls "lad South Wales since 1852. Wool manufacture the promise of a life-time as brief as it is an' yo' kin argyfy but yo: doan't show ~olordadasT, ~ beca~se \h~y_ a~ a ":'.aysd resse t has had an extensive development also in I "·· 0 practically useless." wharin." ' 11~ re · e sty e a~r- ressmg oes ~o the adjoining colony of Victoria. 1 ...:-'f,~ The r~signation was handed in d irectly. differ as often h ere .aa ! 11 other countries, Sheep thrive in almost every pa.rt of Aus- """' p robably from utional lack of enterr he climate iaex"eecl ingly favorable 0 orset s andBa.d ururas. _,,_ l!lll! · t l constit th' else Years ago tralia'. · . . , - ' n prise more ia.n any mg · . no she1ter bemg r eqmred Consul Griffin . ~-li ~ s ·v1~U . Notwithstandingtha.ttheprincipal excuse Experimentearestillbeingmadeunderthe ' t he "bang " was intr oduced into Mexico of Sydney in a report o~ year's wooi · . 111 lHJ ff~ ft . whi?h women give for w . earing cor sets is ~heir direc~iou of the. R ussian Government, with '.and Central America, and ev_?r since every clip, ascribes the higl~ degree of perfection - ;BY-Has reoeived her now etock o! an~ietyto have~ good figure, there 1s no t?eviewoffindmga. process,at once pnc- 1 femalebetw.eeu t he ages of a a.nd50. with reached in Australasia in t he production of article of dress which so deforms aud distorts t1cable as well as di;sirable on t~e s?ore of 1 any _pretensions t o st yle wears her lm1r cut blooded animals to the climate, toe:ether _, the fi?nre a~ the c.orse~. Less tha.n a 1!10· economy and cleanltness, of soh?fymg the straight; acrose t he forehead. with the unparalleled richness of the natural 1111' lam fully prepared to attend Funeral! :i t th f meut s considerat~on is necessary to brmg petroleum used as fi;el Accordmg to the gra.sses. The summera not excessively the shortest notice. a t the lowest possiblera~ n l~Vl es e · a. i_es 0 ow f"?llY before th~ mmd the fac~ t?~t Compres- report_m~de by Dr. K~uffmann who ~as had Ft.SIIION NOTES. hot, and the winters are never severe. ['he Gaskets a.ndBuria !Casesready onshort:qotl manvdle and v1c1mty to call 1 sion of the waist does not d1m1msh a per· the p rmciple charge ot these experiments, ' M ·11 . bl . k th condition of the last crop was better than First-class hea rse on very moderate terms · sons act ual bnlk. It only lessens the size of a. successful method of accomplish ing the de· I '.Ihe new arse1 cs ue ts to ta. e e usuo.I Shrouds and Coftlnsconstantly on hand. Fun and see h er Pattern the body at that particular point, and t he sired result consists simply in heating the ~lace of navy blue for summer gowns of · el'al cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop&; 0 extent to w hich the size of the body,is lessen- oil and aft erwards adding from one to three · lmen, serge and flannel. h how Rooms- Bounsall'sNew Block, ed at the waist necessitates a corresponding per cent. of soap. The latter dissolves in The novelties of the sea.son are the la.c~ One Advantage of Frenc ' 9 t . increase somewhere else. trhe consequence the oil, and the liquid on cooling forms a and crape parasols in white, black and pale Fond Papa (to daughter) - And so you The Prosaic Broker. and assort men of is that fleshy women who wear corsets are mass having the appMrance of cement and tints, with handles of gold, silver and think you must learn Fren?h,(Clai:a? " 0 for t he wings of a dove !" sighed the a:fllicted with most u nsightly protuberances t he hardness of compact tallow. :1'he pro· '. woods. The frame work is covered smooth· Da.ughter- Yes, ; ID fa.sh10na.ble a~> . below the waist. Some .ago, Mrs. 1duct ia hll.rd to lighb, burns slowly and wi th· . ly whh snra.h or pongee, and t he laoe or ciety there are so many things one can say ID poet. " Bosh !" said his friend t he broker. Scott Siddons was advised by her dress· out smoke, but develops much heat, and ' cr ape is then gathered upon it with even French that wouldn't sound well in English, "The breast of a t urkey is mueh better to l!TO'&E :- l!leeon dDoorwest or William maker to" leave o1fher corset." "What I leaves about two per cent, of a hard, bl11ck fulness, and leaving a tiny frill at the outer you know. 1residium, fill up on," Sa tcher l!ltan· lose my stllge figure?" she cried,, _ u Jm- 1 l edge as a finish. . Fond H - m. ~m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ po88ible !" The dresa-nu·ker urged t hat 11he FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. HEALTH. 1 "'"s I I Harness I Harness 11 CffANC!·OF~ llU8tNES8. HAND-MADE COLL ARS - ---o ---- HAT A I Ls Yo U ? 1 L e ®e ~Wl(~JI~ HAINE S ' CA RRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C.· HAINES, Proprietor, 0 OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C . - CURES ALL All Kinds of Vehicles Repai red HEALTH F OR .ALL! C O NSUMPTION 0 " I THE PILLS -' an d Lungs. · 1.iver, Bl00d THE OINTMENT ! ~or· . ' I THE ONTARIO BANK JOHN SPENCER, I frn ·W I G -RAIN Jno. & Co. I 9;; 1 I I I Mcr I @n I I --- r . I I I uN0ERTA KIN G. LEVI MORRIS. d. Go 0 D S · L d· B · I I --- B Q N N ET S HAT S TR I M M I N GS l I

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