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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1888, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1888 CREAM PURESTp STRONCIEST~ BEST, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious materials. 'IOR ON'rO,ON'l'. E W GI LLETT ' . ' · CillCAGO, ILL. lilan'f'r of the CELEBRATED ROYAL YEAST CAKES. .CAUSE AND EFFECT. Many persons wonder at the timd, worn and weary feeling that oppresses them without any apparent cause; lt may be poverty of I.lie blood or a disordered stomach ; in either case the stomach, blood and liver are n~t performing their regulti.r funct.ions, and, w1tlL rn1my persons, there will follow a dull, lleav~-. headache. nausea and many other s ymptoms that precede a well developed case of Dyspepsia. Purify the blood, cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by using MEACHAM'S MANDRAKE MIXTURE, preJ>ared by J . B. Meacham, 133 Young street, a chemist of nineteen years' experience. Sold n Bowmanville by Higginbotha m & Son. :.FREEMAN3S WORM POWDERS~ Are p1ee.annt to t::Jrn. Contnin thelr c'l'lll /nrgntivo~ Ia a Dufe~ SUTO, e.u<l eflectua~ d1J11tro3er of wor .!JJJI in Cllildrcn or Adult.JJ. We We ~lE~ItmYi VETERI.N ARY SURGEON. Graduate or the Ontario Veterinary College, Registered member or the Ontario Veter!ne.r1 Medical Aeeociatton. ..-omce and Residence, Newtonvllle, Ont, Will visit Orono everT TueedaT andlSaturde.y Ofll.ce hours fr m 10 a. m., to i p. m., at Conlteril' Hotel. Calls by Telegraph receive lmr: ediateattentlon1 CHAI GES MODERATE. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Bll/OU8NES8, DYSPEPSIA, fNOIGES710N, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, 8ALr RHEU!tf, IJEARTBURN, llEADAOHE, di~dered LIVER, DIZZINESS, . DROPSY, FWTTERIN(J OF Tf:I': HEART, AClDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, tODNE YS, STOMACH, A!l~ every species o1 d isease a rising fror"' BOWELS OR BLOC"), '· MILBlJJ?N &ff.O., Prop<·i-f~R3enQ. BOU NSALL'S Marble and Granite Works, BOWlUA~ VILLEJ E S'i'ABLISHED, 1857. Ont. ALL KINDS OF d one in the la test styles and materials. SOOTCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND N E W BRUNSWICK GRANITE M0NU MENTS IN STOCK. Call and see our designs a.ud get our e·thuates before pu rchasing . BUTTERMII.K CAKE.-One cup ur butter· Life in the Country. Sensible Suggestions. milk, one large cupofsuga.r, two-thi .ls c mpof BY T. DE WITT TALMAGE, D. D When riding through the country, no one . shortening, two egga a.nd one tea.sp .. onful of AN ]:; G' ] 11toda. Flavor t o taste. Hy puttin(. in mixIt is never real morning excf>pt in the thing strikes me with more force than the Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Order. ew ducat1on tor Ir s. ed spices it makes a. good spice cako. country. In ~he city in the early p ll.rt of absence of trees, flowers and shrubs a.round many fine farm houses, and I often t hink While colleges and professors and ~earned OoNsoMME souP.-Six pounds 0 f J.,an beef the day there 1s a mixed color tha.t climbs wha.b a fine -looking ·place thab might be men and women generally are argumg a.ud . down over the roofs opposite and througl1 ui.t you th~ sm?k~ o~ the chimney that n111.kes people made. While many formers apprecia.te the wr3 ngling concerniag what is called the an old fowl and any pieces of bone c1 higher education of woma.n, it is not to be ' m~y have, two la.rge car~ots, tivo la.rge thrnk it ts time to get up and comb their value of these things, many do not, and in forgotton that their certain portions of omons, two leeks, one t urnip, three cloves ' hair. But there is rea.l morning in the the yl\rds of such one i;l oes not see even one cultivateu flower. Now I cannot undereduca.ti'on whi"ch after ll . th t make a bouquet of parsley, celery, hyssop, coun~·ry. , a m e grea sea.1 e th . 11 0 d . r ttl b 1 f t' d · h · of er1uivalents, may be quite as high as, if £~ - sn a ~ery1 !h e b ar fa 'l let WI~ Morning descending "from God out of stand how a.ny woman ca.n be willing to live not higher t han, any accomplishment in a. t rea ithpu rt°~ e ee ow · e ·c. ' i~ heaven like a. bride adorned for her h us- without flowers. I think I hear some of 1 conic sections, analytical chemistry or Greek wa. er, wi a. i t e sat. t must i:ot boi ban d." A few moments before I loo.ked yon say, "lack of time," 1Jond o.hers, "it roots ; and while these things may be done, ha~d at any time a nd n_iust be well skim1;11ed. out, and the army of night shadows were would be of no use to t ry to grow flowers the others should not be left undone. ~011 slowly, and keep it cqvered ~rom si;c to striking their tents. A red light on with all these chickens. These the For, in the first place, t he art of life is the ?Ight hours. All the water that i s ;qmre_d the horiz?n t hat ·does not make me think. objectioll8 most oHen given by the farmchief thing we have to learn at r.11, the art 18 :put ~n at first; ~qua.rt and a pmt of it as it did A lexl.nder Smith, of "The er's wife who doee not culti vato flowers. Unapproached for of living at life's best, of taking care of our- will boll away,, leavmg three quarts ot ~oup Barren Beach of Rell," but more like Let me give you who are busy, some hints Tone and Quality, selves and of others; and with tha.t as well when do:ie. 'Ihe vegetables are p~t Ill as fire kindled on the shore by Him whom as to ma.king, savinl!:, or you may what may be called the art of death, the art soon as it has been thoroughly sknnmed. the disciples saw at daybreak stirring the think stealing time. In the first place, I CATALOGUES FREE, of smoothing the way of others to the grave Remove the grease and serve. blaze on the beach of Genesaret h. J ust wonder t!iat we do not see more hardy ~hei;i that way has been so directed to an A PPL~; PUDDIN"G.-Sulr l\ cup of corn meal now the dew woke up ·in the hammock of pla.nts in the grou nds of farmers, for when mevit a.ble close. How few of our girls are into a quart of boiling milk ; then st ir in a the tree bra.nchea, and the light kissed it. once planted they repuire very little care, there who have any common sense or a.ny quart of sliced sweet a.pp Jes, a cup of mo - Yonder , leaning against the sky, t wo great and richly rep ay all t he attention they reproper instr uction as to the art of ta.king lasses, ar d a teaspoon of salt; mix all to- uprights of flame, crossed many rundlea of ceive. For instance, a bed of perennial care. of themselves ! The propositions of gether well. ·w hen r eady to put into the fire! SemeJacop must have been dreaming · phlox will give more s atisfaction that many Euohd m ·Y be play to many of them, bu t oven add two q uarts of milk, pour into a Through those burnished gl\tes a. flaming bedding plants, a.nd all that is needed from they do not know enough of the first prcpos- large, buttered pudd ing dish, and bake chariot rolls. S ome l!:lij~h must be as- year to year is to di ville the r oot!! as they get too large. Pinks,·aquilegias, campanula.s, itio!1s of_ hY:giene t o keep their feet d ry, slowly until done ; when cold, a. clear, cending. Mornin g ! I w ish [ bad a rousing bell to pyrethrum, perennial poppies, the hardy then· bodtes m loose bonds or warm flannels, amber-colored i elly will be formed . wake the whole wo1·ld up to see 1't E'very lilies will give a grancl display, wit h a. small Properly noucished and protected, or any of :FrsH Prn,-Take a.ny firm.fleshed fish, cut leaf a pa11lm. Every flower a. censer. · Ever y ou tlay of money, time and strength. the rest, to speak of, of the mere physical d m 81 ices, an season with salt and pepper; bird a choris ter. Every sight beau ty. And t he hardy shrubs and r oses. Oh, t he minuti te of hea.l thand comfort. And quite a.s important as the care of let stand in a cold place for two or t hree Every s ound music. 'frees tr'1.mfi ,.ured. roses ! They not to be excelled by anything in the floral kingdom. their own health is it that they shoulci know hours, t hen put the slieed fish in a baking T hti skies in confhg,.ation. "' Half an hour eRch d ay will k eep quite a The air as if sweeping down from ha. n g· how to care of that of others. If they dish, with a litt le cream or water, and butare to become mothers, then there is the re- ter ~ and flour rubbed to a cream, with ing gardens of heaven. The foam of eel· lar ge fl·)Wer bed in order, and there is no fancy work which c11.n give more rea.l enj oy · minced parsley and ha.rd-boiled eggs shced ; . h"b'l' t f th h l h f h 'ld sponoi 1 1 y .or e ea t o c i ren to be line the sides oi the dish ha.If wa.y down est_m1 seas sp1as ed on the white t ?ps of the ment to the lover of flowers than the sight pla.ced on their consciences and their capa. d 'th . t B k . ' spu re;i,. The honeysuckle on one side of t he ~.When I say Cu mn I do not mean :mer ely t ocities, and not only of children, but of hos- a.n cov~r Wl a mce pas e. a e Ill. 11.n porch challenges the sweet·brier on th~ of that bed. Have it where y ou can see it while about your work if possible. Many a IJtop "th oi)l for a t ime, a nd then>band and servants also, and of all who a.r e oven, quick moderat e at first, but godually growmg 1 other · The odor s o f h er10t rope over fl ow woman oouid save some time almost any day t urn airam. I !<IEAN A RADJCJ.AL CUlU~. members of their household. And whether · . j the urns and fbo d the garden. Syren~ ! have made t he disease of they become mothers or do not, they are Wash y_our tomatoes (ripe ones) and chop 1 with bridal blossoms in their, and roseE by using fresh fruit on her table instead of ma.king it up into pi:es. As to the counec. FITS, EPILE PSY prob11>lily alre11>dy under obligations as fi_ne_; l!ut ma kettle and let sunmer slowly ' bleeding wi th a very of color. daughters, sistei·s, nieces, and it is t o be t1 1l i h is a. soft, ~ushy mass : r~move from Oh, the glories of da.y-dawn in the coun- tion between pie and dyspepsia, I have no· IrALLING SIC!-i:NESS1 hoped friends; and in all of these relations the fire an~ strnm thr ough a sifter, pr._ess t ry ! My eyes moisten. Unlike the fla m· thing t o sa.y, but in one home I k now that they will have duties to perform when ever y part icle of rnbstanc~ throu~h the sift . ing sword th1tt drove out t he firs t pair from fresh fruit, if placed upon the table, w ould L~liro long- study. I WARRANT myremedyto Hrrn:,th o worst cases. Because othel's those ghastly visit11nts, sickness and death, er except the seeds a~d _skms, winch thTOw Eden, these fi ery splend ors seem li ke sw or ds be ea.ten in preference to pie. There is no ( ~a1 led 1 s noreas on forn ot now rcccivin~ a. cure. reason why fresh fruit ca.nnot be found upon ornd arrive in their house or neighborhood. away; measure your JUICe ~nd to . every ga.1- unsheathed by angel hands to drive us in. u.t once for n treatise and aFRE :o BOTTI·T~ t he farmer's t able every d ay in the year. or my INFALLIBLE R E llIEl>Y. Give Ex---·~'.13 Row many of our young girls now are in- Ion put one q uart of goo.d cider v m.ega.r, one We all need the refreshing infl1 10nce of Apple> last unt il straw berries ripen (ours l\ l!Cl Post ~Hile~. It costs you nothing k~· a. structed in the branches of learning that pound of sugar, five or six large omons peel- more out-door life. Almost every nature, :;r.i;il, and it will c ure you. Address l oal to· will avail them here? How many of them ed and chopped very fine, one tablespoon of however sprightly, sometimes will drop i nto l ast longer). You can do a · great c D~, H, G, ROO'l', 37 Yonge St., Toronto, O !it. know how to t urn or to shift in bed a. sick bla.?k pepper , one tablesp.oon each of sa.l~, , a minor key, or a subrl ued mood, tha.b iD wa.rdsieduca.ting the t!l.ste of vour family. Do yon say your family would not be willing to and helpless person of any corporeal weight, white mustard, mace, spice, cloves. Jh1l j common parlance is recognized as "thf go without rich and fancy pies and cakes ? without straining t heir own musc1es injuri- slowly till thick, pour into bottles while hot blues.' I once thought so, too, of my family ; but I ously 1mc! half murdering the pa.tient - and cork tight. There may be no adverse causes a.t work know how, indeed, ta turn t he pa tient GREEN TOMATO S~UCE.-:-Take_ ~reen toma- bnt somehow the bells of t he soul stop ring' find the ea.ting of plain food and fresh fruit at all? How ma.ny know how to toes ; peel. by scaldmg with boilmg water, ing, and you feel like sitting quiet, and you more satisfactory all r ound. It is a great Manufacturers of bathe a sick person in bed- n very neces- and stew t ill a soft, smooth n_iass ; to one ~al- strike oft 50 per cent. from all your world ly saving of labor, and the health of the family l:.. sary thing to know, and one freq uently to Ion of s tewed tomatoes add five cups ofv!ne- a.nd spiritual prospeota. The immediate has not suffered from the change. Then put less work upon the children's garment s, thus be do11e- withont spilling a drop of water gar ; three. cups of sugar; one cup of omons ca.use may be a. northeast wind, or a balky upon the mattress or upon the patient's chopptid fine ; one . tablespoonful each of liver, or an enlarged spleen, or pickled saving the time spent in making, a.nd of t hose that are washed, in t he ir~ning. N eat, clean, clothes ? How many know ho iv to change salt, p epper,_ allspice (gro~nd ), mustard oysters at 12 o'clock the night b9fore. Arfi:ficial the clothes of a. sick person so as not to ex. (gyound ) ; boil all slowly till thcroughly In such depressed state no one can afford well ·made, plaiu clothing is good enough for Limbs, the child of any farmer. Give your child to si t for an hour. J!'irat of all let him get clothes that be can work u.nd play in, and pose or chill or wea.,·y her- a thing not of mixed. An d Appliances for all De. knack, but of suience-or so much even as G REEN To111ATO SwEETPICKLE.- G~t nice- up and go ou t of doors. Fresh air and the spe nd part of your t ime in helping him t o rorm.ities o~ tile Human Body to change the sheet beueath t he patient sbed, smooth, green tomotoes just before faces of cheerful men ancl pleasa.nt women a. good time, and in teaching hilll ho1v -Sprnal Diseases, Hip Joiu ~ wit hout giving tha.t atom of exertion which frost. Slice up and cover with strong brine and frolicsome children will, in fifteen min· to for flowers, and it will not be long Disease, Diseases oi the in certain cases may he fatal? How many for twenty.four houre, Dmin all the brine, kill .mopinq. The fa·st moment your before he can care for a good number himKnee and · Ankle, Knock Knee, Bow Legs, Club l<~eet, of our girls know how to take the tempem· from them and Jet lie over night in fresh friend strikes the keyboard of your s ou1 ii self. Say to J ohnnie, " help t o do Etc. turo or the pulse with precision, or to judge water. Next morning gr een by boilinl" in will ring music. A hen might as well try up the work this morning, and then we will AJ..SO CR UTUHES. of the condition of the patient in r elation alum water and then d rain and soak again on populous Broadway to hatch out a' feath· work in your flower· b ed, and sst out your to failure or gain of vitality ? They kuow and free them from lihe alum. W hen they er y gourd, as for a ma.n to successfully pansy plan ta." And if your boy is like mine, ONT~ the table of weights in the arithmetic, but are fr esh, meamre and weigh and set brood over his ills in lively society. 1 he will g' you quite an amount of t ime, how many te1 >spoonfuls to the dram or the aside. One gallon oi vinegar is s ufficient Do not go for r elief among those who feel and b e happy in thinking he is of use. ounce is'still Arabic to them, They learned for one and one-ha.If gallons of tomato es. as badly as y ou do. Let not toothache, and I have little patience with those who say, the figures of the apothecary's measure when For every pound of t omatoes allow one· half rheumatism, and h ypochondria, go to sef " Oh, I had rather <lo it myaelf than bother at school, but it is of no sort of use to pound of sn~ar. Put vinegar and sugar on toot haches rheumatism and hypochondria.. to t each a child." Do it for th'! child's sake, t hem nowadays in reading t b.e physician's to boil, with the seasoning, spice, cinnamon, On one block in Brooklyn lives a doctor, then, if not for your own, and you will soon prescrip tion, or the possibly careless copy oloves, mace and celery seed. W hen they an under taker and a. clergyman. That if find the chil.d will be glad to do many t hings made by the druggist's clerk. They h1:1ve, all come to a. boil add the t omatoes and cook not the r ow for an nervous m'tn to walk on, for you, while a.t the same time he o.r she is in short, a world of fancy knowle]ge, of all slowly for an hour and a-half or two lest hi; soon need all three. Throw back a.II forming habits of or der and neatness, "'·hich French and and the Musical hours. the shuttera of your soul and let the sunlight will be of service all through life, and which of genial faces shine in. Glasses, but the things that are going to ca.n at no fut ure time be so easily learned. come into their life withou t a shado w of Row to Buy a. Horse. We all need to freshen up in our work, Teach children t o help while they young , doubt:, for which they med very positive F and .a dose of the coun try is a mighty cor· if you expect them to be willing to help you ·romsome wild Western journal comes t knowledge, are things concerning wh ich the following a.musing sketch: " Jf you rec ive. when they are older. I believe it is the fault :Is Canada's Favorite Brea.d -makE>r. they. are left in ig norance, and in whose want to buy a. horse don't believe your own R ow to get out of the old ru without of the mother if the daughters leave her to 1 0 years in t h e 1narke t wHhou.L a eom~ handling e.nd treatment they are as useless brother . Ta.kc no man's word for it - Your twisting off the wheel, or sna.pping tht. do all the w ork in the kitchen. No doub t plaint of any kind. The only yeast whi-Ol\ has stood the test of time and nevey m ad· themselves as babies are-as those firs t eye is your market. D on't-llii"fi horse in shafts, or breaking the hone's leg, is a. que~ ·here was a t ime when they wanted t o help, sour, unwholesome b read. babies who, despite the tenderest adoring ha.rness. Unhitch him and take everything tion not more appropriate to every teams1 er D ut .were sent awa.y because they wer e All Groce~s sell it. love, are apt to be sacrificed to their young off him but his halter, and lead him a.round. than to every Christian worker. Havio~ though t toJ young. My heart goea out t o 1l. C:1LIJl'l"l', li!'!'r, :roronto, Ont. &Cblcago, 1'lt mother's ig norance, If he has a oorn or is stiff, or any other -Dnce got out of the old rut, the next thinp all the t ired, over1vorked women, and they Most young women think that to smooth failing you can see it. Let him go by is to keep out. There is nothing more kill 11>re legion. Perhaps with some it is impos the pillow poetically, to carr y cooling drinks himself a way, and if he staves right into ing than ecclesiastical humdrum. sible to spare a. minute from · the constant to the lips, to arrange flowers on the table anyt hing you know he is blind. N 0 matter If we would keep fresh let us make occa toil ; but I know many might profitably with the viala at the head of the bed, to sit how olea.r and bright his eyes, he can't sional excursions mto other circles than ou1 spend some time in the open air, even if I.Iver CompJalot. beside the bed and read 1rerses in a gentle see any more than a bat. Blck him, too. own .Fer a change p11t the minister on tht pa.rt of the scrubbing and &couring went unDy spepsia. voice, to move abou t the room in flowing Some horses show their weakness at tricks hay-racli: and the farmer in the clergyman. '! done. Bil1011sness. robes with noiseless grace, is the sum total in that way when they don' t know any study. This is not written for those who can hire Sick Headac he.. ofnursingtheeick;andtheyarequiteready other. Butbeassma.rtas you can, you'll Letmread books not in our own line. the work done, and spend their time as they Kidney Troubles. to begin a. life in which they undertake all get caught sometimes. Even an expert gets After a man has been delving in nothing bu1 please, or for those who can hire a gardener. Rbcumatbm, womanly duties, when they ca.nnot make a , stuck.' A horse may look ever 80 nice a.nd theolog ic al works for three months, a few Such sometimes have lovely surroundings Skin Dts ellffs cup of gruel so that it shall not be lumpy. go a.t a great pace, and yet have fit!!. There pages in the patent office report will do him a.nd we admire the beauty, but I doubt after and a.II The care of the sick is in the real experience isn't a man could tell it till something more good than Doctor Dick on "The Per· all if they receive more downright p leasu re lm.pnrlttes or t)l.e something immensely different ; life a.nd happens. Or, he may have a weak back. severance of the Saints." . from them, than we, who must plan and Blood from w"bat. death hang in the b111l11>nce, and all the Give him a whip and off he goes for a mile or Let us go much into the presence of the contrive for every moment we give to our ever eau se arlrdn«: ventures of life, all the interests and loves two, then a.llof asuddenhe stops in the road, natura.l world if we can get at it. If we flora.I friends of life, the sufferings of the dying, the hopes After a rest he starts off again, but he soon would once in a while romp the fields we C~EAT and fears and terrible sorrows of the living. stops for good, and nothing but a derrick would not have so many last yea.r's rose The Last .Buffalo Robes. Any serious illness is a fight all the wa;> could move him. Thll weak part of a horse lea.vea in our sermons, but those just plucked, Price, 75c. (with Pills $1 ) through between doctors and nurses on the can be better discovered while standing dewy a.nd redolent. Seventeen hundred bales of buffa.lo robes - TRYhave arrived in thi1 oity. Several ago one side, and death and dissolution on the than moving. If he is sound he will stand other. firmly and squarely on his limbs, without "Oil on Troubled Waters." these robes were for sale at severa E11o11tern Dr. DODD.ER'S It is, then, one of the > shameful things of moving any of them; the feet fl'l.tly upon · and Western points, and were boul(ht up for our civilization that; our daughters are the ground, with legs plump and naturally Instances of the successful use of oil for the Canadian use, The Cu.nadians did not want brought up to chatter F rench, to take the poised; or · if the foot is lifted from the purpose of quieting the waves during great t hem and they were sent from Toronto to last new dancing'step, to talk critical jargon ground and the weight taken from it, storms at Aea are now so frequently reported a. dealer here who had owned a large num(very small and easy to tBJce.) concerning the merits of this.and that style disease ma.y be suspected, or:a.t least tender - that there can be little doubt that before ber of them, The iii.voice is a. remarkable NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA. of painting , ~to discuss theor ies and philoso- nese which is a precursor of disease. long this mtthod of protecting ships will be one, as known tu be the only commercial Sold everywhere ; pl'ice 25 cents. phies, mathematics and meta.physics, a.nd If the horse stands with his feet generally adopted. Among numerous cases collection of what was at one time a special The llNION MEDICINE CO.· PROPll lETORS. to remain utterly ignorant of those things spread apart or straddles with his mentioned in a recent issue of the Pilot American preduct, one that can never again Toronto «:an· which are the most vital to every woman, to hind Ie~s, there is a weakness in the Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean is that of be obtained. Within ten years the buffa.lo every one also with whom they connect- loins and the kidneys are disordeted. tlie schooner yacht Iroquois, which on March will be swept from the face of the United ed, tthhe thingtstofwhhich botdh thAeyda.ndothen Heavy pulling bends the knees. Bluish" TlOheenccRoputnate .nreudseadtmer!'nifiero·g l aslpeeorffmSan d,y Hetoto i·nkg. State.undalmosto~tof existence. All that ~ TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY·. 1 1 ~ 0 11 1 are e sures o ave nee . n we ven- milky cast eyes in horses indicate moonremam of these a.n1mals are t he few small og.@.,.1.:;iQ 106 York st., Toronto. ture to predict·that in days to come no girl blindness or something else. A bad- it run through pipes near the bow, a few small herds owned by the Government and will be thought to have finished her educa· tempered horse keeps his thrown hack. ta.b;espoonfuls a.t a. time. The result is t hus stragvling specimens in the south-west. SHIR1:8, COLLARS AND CUF;FS· tion in its chiefest point who has not spent A. kicking horse is apt to have scarred legs. d esor!,_?ed :- "It wae truly wonderful to see ~ Commerce is not sent imental, ~ndthe thrill· l?i ~:f~~1ti~~tte.?d~~ ~ a~d~~t~~ 1 the nights and days of some months at least A stumbling horse has ble mished knees. t ie euect it had on tho sea. A huge com- mg fea.ts of the h11nter and hl.8 banquets of lU per instrtictions. in hospital duty, learning how to make a When the skin 1s ro11gh and hars h and her would come down upon the ve.ssel, buffalo hump on the wide gra.ssy table , of G p SHARPE Proprietor patient a.s comfortable as fate permits, not does not move easily to the"t ouch, t he hors.o threatening to bury her twenty feet d eep. the West count for litt le in the matter of · · ' · t.o leave one in discomfort a. moment, as, un- is a heavy eater a.nd diEestion is bad. The comb would strike a pa~ch of oil no supply and demand In less than the pa..eL l'loxt door to Palmer house. Randy to Union learned in hospital a.rte, she must, and to Never buy a horse whose breathing organs lar~er than a common dining table, and in ten years the hunt h~ yielded over 100,000'1: !!~~D~o~p~ o ~t..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ keep the sick alive in some other than that are at a.ll impaired. Place your ear at an n~stant t he top of the sea"' as smooth and ha.lea, containing a d ozen skins each. Skins which might be adopted by a. savage, by the side of the heart, and if a. wheezing round, without even a wind ri1ple, and the that were skilfully d ressed by t he red men sheer force of vitality and letting alone. sound is heard it ia an indica.tion of trouble. · little .schooner would pop up on top of it as were sold from $15 down to $4. The rem. easy as a. gull. I'he yacht rode out the nant now her e is quoted at from $ 14 to $25. It never was Intended, so far as I can learn, u Th B F · u ., storm in p erfect safety and wit hout any Ma.ny other skins have been forced into 'fhat either men or women were intended t(} "D e oy is a.ther to the .w.a n d amage, at l h ough b oth t opmast s were on use for the purposes once supplied by the b e b aId · Seasonable .u.ecipes. D RESSING FOR SLICED '.I'OMATOES.- Eeat A Swedish boy fell out the window and a.nd the jibboom out, a.nd a.II the oil used in buffa.lo. Buffa.lo robes almost out of I th!n~~o.:;ill,ill believe me, Indeed I 'm sure_ wa.s badly hurt, but, with clenched lips, he thirty-six h ours was fifteen gallons. " W ith fashion.- [New York World. If at th1> "P aris Hair Works" you have c11.lled, two eggs we11 together, add one teaspoonful kept back the cry of The king, so simple a mea.ns oi defence at their comsugar, one-fourth of a teaspoonful of,, the Gustavus Adolphus, who saw him fall, pro· ma.nd mariners should be easily able to defy '! 'here Is one thing Nature thin ks of- let us s~me of prepda.rtehd mutstbalrd, oneftea.spfoof!ful phesied that that boy would a man for the waves. The New Germa n Emperor. ShotfaaJ:1e~ ~:~t~~~1~! ~;:~-;.ith onr race: 0 cream a.n ree a. espoon u18 o .· .vme- a.n emergency. And s o he did, for he beShe knows a scanty growth of hair, the gra..r ga.r, P lace tbe bowl containing itin & ::ha.sin came the famous General Bauer. The new German Emperor may, after and whitening locks, of boiling water and stir till about thej~bickHow She Ohanged Her Tune. all, noo be so bad as he is r epresente i . Will detract from the beauty o! the face. ness of cream. It will a.hove fiv~1niD.A boy used to crush the flowers toge~ People say that he is selfish, fond of But Nature has h er laws so strict that utes if the bowl is thick and t he water boils their color, and painted the white side of · He put up a job on the hired girl whereby war a.nd determined to make himself die· must never err, YOU. at t he time. Cool and use as needed. his father's cottage in Tyrol with all sorts he hoped to sell her a patenii process for tinguiahed as a conqu eror, that he has For you' d surely pay the penalty a t last , p . . \ of pictures, which the mountaineers gazed ma.king fire rugs she would never need. quarrelled with his father and hates Bostain it. that bounteous head of hair T S . hOMAr 'f AL~~·- tie1ripe t~ma.~oes wr~ a.t as wonderful. He was t he gr ea.t a.rtiat Then he rang the door-bell, and when she his rrother, with much else of similar Dr. Dorenwend'sHair Mag ic's unsurpassed. s arp m e, s ice crosswise, a.y. Ill a sa a. Titian. answered it he put on his most insinua ting description. B ut what if all tha.t is mostly, Just t ry it you afflicted, you never will regret, r~~I1 and season on ~~e t~bl~ with sir· a A n old painter watched a little fellow who smile, lifted hie hat high off his head a.nd if not altogether, false ? What if what he 'l'he Mag:io was never yet known to fail ; 1 e euga.r, pepp~r, 01 °'!1 vmega.r. eep amused himself making drawings of his pot remarked in his blandest voice : la tely to tb.e P rince of Wales be And~~~~~~~ l~~e~t w ill do you will make the toma t oes on !Ce until actua.lly serve d. a.nd b r ushes, easel and stool, and said, "The lady of the house, I believe ?" literally in accordance with fa.ct? Wha.t he 'l'he expenditure a bot tle wlll entail. They cannot be too cold. "That boy will beD.t me one d ay. " So he "Oh yes !" she said, with a mouth full of said wa.s :E GG SNow.- Put into a sauc.-epa.n a pint of did, for he was Micha.el Angelo. sarc <lam, "if I'm sixty years old and got a "There is no rose without a thorn. I am T his now famo us preparation for invlgmilk,, a.dding t wo d esser tspoonfola of oran~e A Germa.n boy was reading a blood and · Equint in,one eze and ~,figger like a scare- a soldier. I have t aken two men for my orating un d sti mulating th e gr owth of t he wu:ter ~nd t'!o ounces of sugar, and le t it thunder novel. R ight i n t he midst of i t he cr~w, Is po~e I 1~1 her l models- Frederick the Grea.t and the Em- h air is universally a ccepted as t he m ost bod. ~ake six egvs, sep arate the y olks fr.o m i saii. to h imself, " Now t his w ill never do. rie saw his when too late, but as peror William. I would not b 3 a H ohenzol - valuable specific on the mark et . All the whites, beat t he latter t? a froth or a_n_ ow I I get too much excited over it. I can't study he olowly bac~ed d own the gravel I\ alk t o Jern prince if I did not feel convinced tha t d iseases of the scalp either t·elie ved or (h~noe the name) and put mto the boilmg I so well after it. So here it goes !" and he the gat e he said regretfully: the national existence of Germany depends permanen t ly cured. A rich a nd rapid m!lk by _spoonfuls; stir the whole about / flung the book out into the river . H e was " .How w as I to k new t hat.? I was told on the army. My military studies give me g rowth of hair will follow after j udicious with a skimmer. When doi:e t ake the ~ggs Fichte, the great German philosopher. tha~ she wa.~,young a.nd beautiful, and when grea.ter pleasure t han a.nythin_g else, but le . b and r eg ular treatmen t . It r. emains with ou~ and dress_t~em on t he dish. for ~ervmg. Do ou know what t hese little sermons I s,~w you 7 , · me t ell you. frankly t hat notb~ng ca.uses me the u ser alon e t o s ecure the d esired Thick en the milk over ~he fire with t he 1 mean W h , sim l this, that in boyhood , W ell, if yo~ ~~get ~ny patterns ,~ h k e gr.eater p~m ~nd h_eart burnmg t ha._n the r esults. Dr. D or enwen d's " H air Magic " Y the t "t f good 1 11 buy an outfi t, she m terr upted. Just wild warlike mtent 1ons t hat are at tribu ted 18 · 8 Id b 11 d · t t $1 b 0 tt l beateL yolks and pour this over the frothed I d . lh0 egg s ; let the whole cool before se rving it. . , a.n ip r h ? h areks tohwn ·n orra w iosma. onr good step in and I'll look at them." t o m'e. I am in every W'il.Y as pee.ceful as ~ b Ytt la f rug $gis 11 Iaf pe brt · bel' or evi1 w 1c ma ·e e m~ . . · or ai:x: o es or 5 . n ot o a.m a e R oLY·P oLY.- !'toll.out two pounds ·o: not . -·- . . ~he ~mperor W ilham wa.s, and for p~opl~ to in your l oCollit y s end d ir ect to the sole of paste, cover it with any iam or ma.rmal- 1 ' Let a. woman busy herself with hammer 1magme that I ever dream of plungmg mto . . . you like, roll it over a.nd t ie it loosely The 1\hrquia-of Lansdowne, late governor and nails, and it is usually difficult to deter- military adventure, or thab I e ven tacitly I manufa~u~er,HntloWngfricio" A. ~o~g..: in a cloth, well t ying end: boil one general of Canada, and Lady ·L!\nsdowne [ . mine wha.t she is driving a t. - [ Detroit Free approve of anything t hat could lead to a d is· 1 WE ND, ar s T a r or Fs, " an b Jo hou r and r,erve, or cut it in slices and 'serve are in London. P ress. tnrba.nce of bhe peace of E urope, is absolute- j Y ? ng_o 8 t. , oronto. ~ or sa 1e .Y ·. I --. ...,... ly absurd. IiI1ggmbotham & SonJ t\Ud all druggists..., with s11.uoe over it, HOUSEHOLD. I I R. PEATE, Tail<P- . BELL" I ~ORGANS BELL& co.] Gttelph, 6nt. ICURE FITSI or ~"' A! UT1 HDRS &COX, - "TRUSSES, 117 CHURGH ST. TORONTO, ROYAL YEAST w. CURES THE SPRING MEDICINE Little Liver Pills, CJ @ ,. . n ---- ANOTHER WONDER. b I f l b Children Cry·for Pitcher's_C@i_~P.r.!8..~ -

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