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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1888, p. 4

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PRETTIEST I All desire my beautiful patterns of WA LL PAPER It/is acknowledged I have the best assortment and prettiest patterns in town. Don't fail to g iv e me a call. The B uffalo Internstiottal Fair, on Sep· tember 4th to 14th, 1888,: will, by a singu lar coincidence of dates, occur upon th a> one thousandth anniversary of the introduction of fairs among ERglish·spe:tking people. Alfred the Great inaugurated the . first fair and cattle-show in Englrmd in the fall of the year888-probably in September, as that month has baen for cen turie.:1 the popular !eason for English --o-country fa.ira. Ii you waru to buy or sell a farm, advertise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. That paper reacl1es 100,000 farmers homes every week, and your advertisement should meet the eye of flome one who want.a to purchaae. Advti tisements of this class are inser ted in the Toronto Weekly Mail for five cents a word each insertion, or twenty five cents a word for five iuaerUous. Address, The Mail, Toronto, Canada. The Third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for "Want" advertisements. · I It is an arrangement by means of which If you want to buy or sell anything. If PROF. WM. BROWN, whose name has 1all the natural and manufactured products you want a situation. a mechanic, a busibeen familiar to Canadian farmers of late I of Canade. wonld be 11dmitted to the ness, machinery, lodgings, if you have years in connection with the work of Lhel United States duty free, and all eimilar lost or found anything, or if you want to o t · A ri ultural College at Guelph productions of the Un~ted States admit- · find out where anyone is, advertise in the . . ' ted on the same terms 10to Canada: n ario. ~ c --o--has resigned, and, it is understood, goes country beinl!: at full. liberty to impo10 Toronto Daily Mail and read t he advertisements on ~he third page of that pato Australia. to take an important position such duties PB it may choose upon imports per. The charge is two cents a word in the Government service. from other count ries for revenue purpos- each insertion. Addr~ss, The Mail, Toes. ronto Canada. . 42-tf fo opposition to this we have the spirit THAT if a reassuring statement which of retaliation and the tntereats of a few IN Lonr WrTll Hrs WIFE.-" What can Mr.Blue, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, industri..s that deserve to die heciuse they I do to regain my husband's love?" writes makes regarding the crop prospect He are sustain"'d only by condensed (very Mrs Carr ie R., or 'l.'oronto. Sha adds says that recent rains have reached nearly condensed) food imbibed from a govern· that seven years ago she was married un· ment bottle, and !Upplied at the public der the most happy auspices, and, until the whole Province, and t hat if no un- expense. six months since, happiness crowned her favorable conditions are manifested · durIn support of it we have the existence d omestic life ; then her husband became ing the ensuing two weeks all fears of a of the N orth Pole and t h ... Gulf of Mexico; dist ant in his manner towards her, until the St. Lawreooe and the Missi~sippi; the now he is positively cold. Mrs. R. gives failure of crops will be over. Allegl1anies and the Rockies; the Atlantic no details, but if she is afflicted with disBowMANVILLE , JuLY 4, 1888. and the Pac;fic ; prairie and forest: minea eases peculiar to women, 1f her cheeke OuR sister town, 0dhawa, is working and fisherie:i ; supply sud demand ; food have lost their bloom, and her eyes their THE Parkdale Co·mcil and Toronto up a boom once more in a manufacturing and clothing ; r ..ce 11nC1 and lang uage ; ten sparkle, it may explain the cause nf her Scn(;ol Board are afflicted with ta.lkati ve· way. The Dingles have bee!!. awarded' experience of restriction ; a trebled c·m1plai11t. In this event Dr. Pierce's neas. public debt ; iuortga;.ied fl\rms; low wages; the contract for enlarging the old Hall high prices fo,· m!l.uufacture~ ; poor mark- Favorite Prcscripti0n will effect a magical Having recently aaded more machinery and enlarged our staff of ch&nge and restore her to hsatth. .As a skilled workmen. we are prepared to do a.11 kinds of Engine, THERE is a. calm in O;madian political Works for the Williams Piano Factory. ets ; rings; monopolies and com· powerful inv1gorat· 11 ~ t ·nic, Dr. Pierce's The cost will reach about $30,000. Our bines ; and the fact that a few manufac· Fav'.>rito Pre3cripb ·,,, i , pa:· · s strength to Mill and Agricultural work and repairs. circlea, and a spirit of easiness prevails ardent wish is that the citizens may turers h be ~ome wealthy at. the ex- the whole system , llld to the womb snd We have also made arrangements with the leading firms to handle and over our coun try. pense of those iO whom the National its appendages 1 u particular. For ovet·realize their highest expectations. keep in stock repairs for their machinery. 'J'he following Policy t<ither pretended or never pretend· worked, "w·.ru ·(·" t", "ru11-down" de· ed to offM r a me ·.s11re nf protection. are a few of these firms : Tmr. way to keep working mem in bilited teachers, 11lllliners, dre~smakers, IT is cause for regret that there is not seamstresses, shop- girls, housekeepers, PATTERSON BROS., Woodstock ; FLEURY, Aurora ; WOON & Canada, l!"YB Grip, is t o raise their wages more honor among business men. ln the nursing mothe rs, and feeble women gen- CO., Oshawa; L. D. SA.WYER, Hamilton ; WA.TERO US, Brantfol'd. Our Geographical Relation. by lowering the t ariff. erally, Favorite Pre:.cription is the greatrace for custom some would rather sell Elihu Burritt, in his essay on the est earthly boon, unequalled as an appe- We are also making arrangements with sevewl other firms to handle an article a trifle under cost tha.t to allow THE most pleasing, palatable and pop· tizing cordial and restorative tonic. their n ipairs. a neighbor to make five cents. I t is t ime "National Provisions for Peace," says ular feature of the " egg combine,, is :i: " The arrangement to make one natioo Exclusive agents for PROVAN'S P ATENT HAY CARRIER AND FORK- the cut-throat business was stopped. t his dependent on another is the primitive found in custard properly seasoned. very best and cheape1:1t in the market. The merchant. suffers and no one thanks basis of international commerce and comity. " Legisll\a1res, h owever, for A full stock of our Hard-t o-Beat PlowE<, and Famous Two-Furrow A ,.ERY popular exemplification of a him for his generosity. Trade is terribly party and political purposes, frequently Gang Piows. " combine " is ta.king a trip to Europe demoralized of late years, and it is the attempt to improve upoo D~me Nature's merchants' own fault. If prices were kept Farmers, be sure and ask for Porter & Noden's Diamond Steel Points. well-ordered plans. and to substitute when one can c-0mbine business with up to what is called living profit it would thereforo r ules and regulations, which, to ·H ighest price paid fo1· all kinds of old iron in or trade. Best pleasure. btl much better, and an honest man would a very serious extent, mar the old lady's · brands of .Machine Oil al ways on hand. methods in so far at least as material GRIP emphatically denies that a To · stond some chance. local progress is conc,,rned. Quality and pl'ice-best in the market. Plows given on trial. An examination of the map of North ronto man killed himself on Yonge St. P ORTER & NODEN, W1TH th~ heated term cornea the press- America. caonot fail to convince any nne by suppressing a sneeze for fear of being 26-3m of average inttollige·' ce th"t the boundaries East End Foundry. ing need for c. holiday. All people arreated by a policeman for disturbing eng11oged in active labor, in mental or pulitical do not iu any de ~rea corre1pond the peace. with those laid down by the physical physical, are the hatter for a few weeks, conformati·m of the continent, if THE Ropnblicans have nominated their or even a few days rest, with a change of indeed it can be B!lid tliat there any men for the presidencies, and their pros- scenery and surroundings. Some ca.nnot naturnl bouudaries at ail. However this may be, a.JI human expects for overwhelming defeat were never afford the cost of a lengthened trip from perience goes to show that true " intermore promising. 'l'he campaign will be home ; but there are few who are not national commerce and comity " implies able to take a day off occasionally. For freedom to give and take In no portion very Harris'n. those who can take a week or two a trip of t.he world is this more clearly exemplified than at our own doors. Canadian A .C.'CORlHNG tO the latest cenalls there down the St. L<1.wrence or up the lllkes, grain and fruit, Canadian fish, and provide the needed change . But will were no fower than 20,930,62() widows in Canadian mm,,rals in large measure, are India, of whom 382,736 were under 1!l ease and comfort should be sought in in active rlemand by the pl:lople of the years of age, 209,388under14, and 28,976 summer excursions, wh ether these last United S tates, in exchl\nge for their produce, many of which we are as unable ]Sf under the ago of 9 1oars. These figures for a week or only for a day. Rest is to produce fur ourselves as they are to required from act.ive labor, change from prelient., to all who understand the produce what they are to from us. Dispite the B r iticial obstacles that have position of thes.- ()hild widows, a fearful home scenes, v11rfoty of occupation if nothing else, freedom from won·y and been interµosed by legal enactments in Thia powrter never var1es. A marvel ol picture of hllmau misery. the sha pe .,f the N. P., we con tinue to do purity, strength and wholesomeness. More care. than the ord!nar:r kinds, and can a large busin~ ss with our southern neigh· cco11omioal not be ~old in competition with the multltnde IN driving recently through the country !>ors, 1m<i it is only r easonable to suppose of l ow teat, short weigh&, alum or phosphat.e P EOPLE who have for generations ob- that if all restrfotions were removed the powdere: Sold onl;rin cans. ROYAJ, BAK· we notice that herb wire is now being tained yearly and so highly prized Ayer's amount of tariff between Canada ancl the NG P OWDER C0·. 106 Wall St,. N. Y. well pulled alld stretched and soon wili Almanac will be interested in hearing St!\1es would be doubled and - -- - -- -- -- --·····-- --·wipe out all th~ wooden fences, One old ENTRANCE that judgment in the cai1se celebre Dr. J . quadrupled within the next ten or fifte en settler says there is no fence for the protection of crops equal to the rail with C, Ayer & Co., of Lowell, Mass., vs. the years.~==========~ CATARRH. lltake and rider, if well constructed. Governmen~ of Canada, was rendered at True, but where are the rails to come Ottawa on 'Vedneeda.y of last week, after .l. New Home Trentruent ror ll·c Vnre or llOW'.IU NVIL'LE HIGH SCHOOI·. a year's clehbere by Chief J uatice Ritchie. from? Valarrh. Cat urrh nl DeutnCS8 'rhe Entrance Examinations or the Bowman. - ---+-- The action was dismissed, the seized antl llaJ' .t'ever. ville High School will bo held on Wednesday, Thursday and .lfrlday, July 4th, 5th and 6th, I T has been a question with bnsiness goods were released to their owners, and a t 1:30 p. m the seizing officers were severely censured.. ,...The microscope has proved that these beginning: on Wednesday, W, W , TAMBLYN, men, what is the most effective, desirable diseases are contagious, and that they 2! --td Head Master, and cl1eapest systein of advertisin~ ? The judgment will be r r: ceived with the are due to the presence of living parasites E xperienced advertisers a.newer correctly livel~e&t satisfaction by the commercial in the lining membrane of the upper air when they declare that. ne1Vspaper adver · public of Cannd a. The action t aken was passages and eustachian tubes. The · to r es ist a heavy seiznro of goods and a eminent scientists, Tynd11oll, H uxley and tising ~ tands at the head of the hst. B eale eudorse thi?, and these aut horities Ad ,·ertising by clodge r aud circular may la17ge fine imposed by the customs author- cannot be disputed. The regular rnethod T lu·ee well kHO\Vn citizen s serve for a seafon, but thero arc iuera- for alleged unden'aluation, but the of treating these diseases has been to ot'th is town h ave t a lrnH t h e dicable defects in s uch met.hods, and w~akness of the case of tho Crown was apply an irritant r emedy weekly, . and sto1·e l atel y occupied by .A.:SSOLUTELY soon tht-y become n othino but. sinkholes made apparent at e.-ery stage in the pro- even daily, thus keeping the_ d.ehc.ate ft! EL LS, 'vhich t h ey ltave "' · membrane in a coni1tant ata.te of irntat10n down which money rnns with no return. cee~i~gs of. the CM~, and the ultimate I allowing it n o chance t.o heal, and as a stocked witl1 a t"tdl line - · -·- -+- . - -dec1s10n will snrpne.e n o one. The ·nat ural consequence of such t reatment CoMPI;A INTf:l are ruade by visitors to j ud~ment, which occupiecl t l\'O hours in pot one µerma~ ent cum has eve~ been delhrery carrie~ costs:.wai nst tho Govern· r ecorded . It. 1s an ab aolute fac , that · I · d f 1 mso Toronto of tie ence r eco1vfi1 rom I ' , these diseases ' cannot be cured by any the police and other public officials. It m~nt. Th'e condemnat ion of the Cueto. m s application made oftner tha.11 once in two co1··liallyi11vite a slta1·e ia hardly safe for a man to ask admission olhcers, _ o.Harn and ~rossea~, and of Mr. weeks, for t he )membrane i::et .a We or t ile public 1>att·o11age. to the cour ts of JUstice for fear of beiug Underhill, by the Chief Justice w~s most chance to hea~ before an apphcat1oi:i is ·, The goods seiir.ed and the repeate~. It .i s now sevehn years . sm~e H igh est price tb1· Butte1 hu stled down ·the steps by the door sweeping; · l\fr Dixon discovered t e parasite m Egg·s and al I Jdnds or keeper, nor to stop and speak to friends penal he~ ~ttached amounted to ~ver a cat; rrh and formulated his new treatFar ut P1·o<luce. on the sidewalk lest he be arrested for half a million dollars. The M essrs. Ayer ment and since then his r emedy has ~Goods Deliv'e red promptly were exonerated fro m any blame whatbecor:ie ahouschold word in every country not "moving on. " Civility and common ver · and they will it ia said sue the where the Engl ish' lahguage is spoken, to all parts of the town. Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and.Feed and Grain tracie e seose are 11011e too conspicuous abou.t the GoYe~nment fo r <lam:gos. ' Cures affec.ted by him ~even years a.go and has determined to C . YOUNG, persons of t.he public servants in our are. cures still, there havmg been 110 re· ... W. ALLIN, great educational metropolis. turn of the disease. So highly are t hese remedies valued F . HADDY. Then And Now. tha t ignorant imitators have started up THE Amer ican campaign is going to be and ext end his Grocery into the premises n ow occupl.ed with e\"~n·ywhere pretending t o destroy a para· fou" ht on tho tar :ff c iuestiou, an iasue Ten years ago our exports· of m anufac0 DRY GOODS. tured articleit to the U. S. were worth site, of which they know nothiI~g by that Canadians will pronounce upon at $2 000 000 more than they were last r emedies, the results of the application of which they are equally ignorant . Mi\ To ma~e a clear sweep, everything in the Dry Goods department the next general election. The American ye~r. ' . is now being sold AT AND U NDER COST. The goods are all :first~ dutilll! now average 47 per cent. and the I In 18G 5 the total trade of Canada w1t~1 Dixon's r emedy is applied only once in two -w eek~, and from one to th.roe apR epublicans propose t o increase them the States was worth $84,000,000. Thu plicat ions effect a permanent cure in t}le class, carefullJ select ed for the regular t rade and no old culled bank· · k. · · year it has been only $82,~0,000. rupt stock, the public can understand the immense advantages of. . With S Vlt!W to chec mg Imports, or Jil '!'en years a"'O the produce of the farm most aggravated cases. .Mr. Dixon sends n pamphlet descr1bmg Come along with your Wool ancl yon will fered t o purchasers of t his stock. Everything usually k ept in a other words, swe&ting the many to gain entered t he U. S. free. Last year the fi nd first class Dry Goods establishment , and required in the Clothing the few. The ·Democrats, on the other duty amoun~ed to $3,000,000. This came hie n e w treatment on the receipt of stamp t o pay postage. The address is A. H. Blankets, Tweeds, Yarns; hand, propose by r educing the ta.riff to \out of the farmers' pockets. and House Furnishing line, oftered at AWA Y PRICES. Dixon & Son, 305 King street weat, improve the farm er's condition and those Flannels, &c., Toronto, Canada.- S cientijic .American. Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash only. Positively who are dependei1t on the natural and -· '£he Aroma of K indness Can N ever Die. i:n exchange. no Reserve. Everything must go. Call and satisfy yourselves that UNDENIA llLY T1w £.- " I have used Dr. Roll Carding and indigenous ind ustries, and t o lift from - In calling attention, Dr. Cockle's Ant ikinds of Custom t he WEST END H OUSE is giving greater value for a little money Work done promptly. labor the taxation h·\posed upon it in the bilious Pills for all cases of s uffering from Fowler'e E x.tract of Wild S lra'ltberry and than any other house in the district. It will pay you t o· lay in a biliousness, indigestion, headach e, heart· found it a sure cure for summer com· Highest Cash Price paid for Wool. name c,f hii;;h. wages. 'The election 'of burn and sourness of stomach, there is plaint. I was very sick and it cured me, year's supply, as such goods cannot be repeat ed at my prices. JOHN SIMPSON, Clevela.nd means the.... downfall of protec- positive k inclueos. F or sale the world entirely. " Alexander W~ 9~ant, Moose Proprietor. J'O~N 25- 2m · Creek, Ont. over. 5 tionism. ·~ - THE- W ho Pays The uuty? '£HE Toronto Empire staff strongly favor1 reciprocity with the fair sex, if Sir John A. l\fudonal·l has himself not with Uncle Sam-five of them have answered this question for 11ia farmer, for, married within two weeks. a&id he:"Suppose a farmer to li~e on the THE STATESMAN wants to know why boundary line with half of his farm o~ each side, suppose also that the Amerithe farmers 'and stockmen of D urham cans impose a duty of 25c. on evary bush. were not apprised of the meeting for of imported grain : If this farmer sell organization of the Ontario and Durham one hund1ed bushels at $1 per bushel Exhibiticm A!socillUon at Whitby· last grown on the American side of his farm he will receive $1, but for the same week? quantity sold to the Americans from the Canadian aide he will get only $75." Between forty and fifty Farmers'. Jn. THE idea seems to obtain with several of our public men, judging from their stitutes out of sixty-seven have decided in fnour of a policy th&t will enl\ble the · conduct at recent meetings, tha.t their producer to get a dullar for a dollar's I duty is to abuse each other rather than worth evPry time. to promote tl1e town interests, There is Wba.t is U n restricted too much dog-and-cat na.ture evinced for Reciprocity? the public good. VARIETY HALL is the spot for bargains in ----o---- Fan s, Base Balls, Croquet Set s , Picture Frames an d Window Blinds. Come in and see t h e 5c. Aut omatic Indelible Pencil. P. TREBIL~~~ J. H. KENNER. THE OLD REL IABLE Still Booming (leads the V an). FOUNDRY & IACHIN EWORKS ----o--- POWDER Absolutely Pure. -4Klf4G Pore Paris Green -...A.. D - - - -- --- Pura Whito Hulloboro - ...A.. T- EXA.lVIIN ATIONS J.HIGG IN BOTHAI &S ON'S D RUG S TORE . - ..A..L S 0 - NEW" FIRM. ~~~~ i!! ~ ~IDY ~£i~ ~ ~9 Some new shades.· w. or 0 FIRST -C LASS GROC ERIE S . I QUITT ING 'l'he Dry Goods :Business ! JO DI lU clUURTll Close Out His DRY GOODS BU8/NE88 -W OOL T Leskard Mill. I I .:nowN an· KoK'Ultr'l':B.Y

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