------ CONCENTRATED I OF COFFEE. ~ For the Sea.side. For Piokn1ckmg. For Oa.moing Out. For Trav~lling. For Staying at Home. LTi~£Mf~~ ·The G reat Convenience and Luxury of the day. Rich and Full Flavored, Whole· : FLUID COFFEE, ~For ~ale some, Stimnla.tin~. Eaiiy of Use, Econom· ice.I, the General Favorite. No Cheap .Substitute of Pens, Wheat or Barley, but Genuine Mocha. and Old Government Java. by Groce1·s and D1·u~g·isfs in lb., ltalf· iJb., and quarter-lb. bottles. ·7a1Af, !l!llZE 9i CEN'l'S. - -- ··---- --- --------·-- -·---··········-·····- "··PU-RE PARIS CREEN ! Lowest Prices ever heard of. 'Pedlar's Quality ..... ..... .... 20c. ·Commercial. ..... ......... .... 30c. ·Chemica.l!y Pure .............. 40c. We never be:i,,vo in selling second <qualities of any kinds of goods but we find there is some demii.ud among a .,certain clasl! of customers for a chm1per Rrade of P .. ris Green, and we have there· fore laid in a stock of each kind, and we .ate positively giving as good value for the ~money as can be obtained anywhere in -- Oanada. STOTT & JURY, The Ri;liable Druggists. $10.00 REWARD I The above reward is offered to any per· aon giving evidence that will lead to the conviction of any person selling Paris ··Green or other poisons in violation of the Pharmacy Act. For the information regarding said reward enquire of any chemist or write to "REGISTRAR," Ontario College 0£ Pharm, acy, Toronto, Ont. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOING EAST GOING WEST . Mail ..·..·.· . 8.37 a m Mail .. .. .... 6.17 a m ·;Express......10.33 am Local, ........8.23 am · :Mixed .........3.40 p m Express· ...... 9.35 a m _ Local ...... .... 7;.li p m j Mixed .........3.16 p JU . Mall ........ 10:07 p m Mall .. , ...... 9.00 p m ·Except Mondays. I BowMANVILLE, JULY 4, 1888. Local and Otherwise. Sewing machine needles at Tait's. TURNIP SEED.-All the popular vari·eti es ai J. LYLE'S. Subscribers who have received accounts will greatly oblige by remitting promptly. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. RoBT. VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. The population of .Napanee has de· e reased several hundred durin g the past few y ears Ladies, make a dollar go as far as you can, it will do wonders for you if you take it to Mrs. Morrison's cost sale of mi:llinery for one month. We show a lovely range of Parasols a nd ·every one new, M we did not carry over a single Parasol of any kind, Couch Johmton and Crye, ~man. A BAD Cu'l'.- A yo t1!lg man, son 0£ Mr. W. Thickson, 4 t.h con . Hape, while aitting on the 1:1iep of th e b:~rn door sharpening his scythe, a gust of win d blew the door too, striking the snath anu sending the eythe with such force tha.t it cut the left arm b etween the elbow and shoulder to the bone. A surgeon had to put i n eight stitches to close t h e wou nd . A RA.RE fREAT.- The Rev. W. H . Withrow, M. A ., D. D., F . R. s. C., will preach the Anniversary sermons in con nection with the Church Street Metho· dist Sunda.y School on Sunday next t h e 8th inst. As Dr. Withrow is Editor of the Sunday School publications and one of tho best posted men in S unday School work in the cont.inent, a rare treat may be expected. u NPARA LLELEDPROGRESS ..-- we received the Q uarterly r eport of the Royal 'l'emplars of Tempera nce and it contains much valuable iuformation respecting t he work d one. T ho last quarter's record is as fol;.. ~wa. -14 new council's - upwards of ~-..JOOO new me mbars-$0000 added to Benefit Supply Fund- 580 public tempera.nee meetings reported- 610,000 pages 1;f temp era.nee literature distributed- 33,000 pledgecl in R oyal Revival Works. BRAMJ'TON, Mar. 28, 18S7. Mn. S. PERRIN, DEAR Sm - Yonr cough remedy, PINE TAR CORDIAL, ha~ worked wonders h ere. It is the , only thing that relieved my daughter of a most distresaing cough ancl cold which eettled on her lungs . [ coald sell it for you in thill locality ; would like to have the agency. Senti along one· quarter gross. Yours, JOHN Fr.A.~ K . Mias Byrom has been visiting in Zion Mrs. Donnelly, milliner, P"id $2,000 section. for Dr Hillier11 houae on King·Bt. Mr. W. Brittain spent Dominion Day Rev. H . S. Matthews ie att11nding the in Toronto. , <Treat Prohibition Convention :tk MontreMr. F. Consaul, of Rochester, has been ;I. visiting in town. Prof. Williams and wife, l'ort Hope, Mr. A. vy-e_lch and son, of Parkdale, were guests last week at Mr. John Med· spent Dormmon Day here. fand's. Miss Thompson and Miss l\fabel Couch R·llDUCED RATE. -We will accept 50 speJJt Monday at Port Hope. cents for the 8TATESMAN for the balance Mr. and Mrs. A. H . Adanu, of Toron- of 1888. to, spent Dominion D11.y here. Mrs. Morrison offers her whole stock of A good second hand top buggy for sale hats, bonnets, feathers and flowers at cost cheap. Apply to M . A. JAMES. for one month. Miss Flossie Cowie, of Toronto, is visi- Pound and impound the cows as you will ting her cousin, Louie Andrew. They'll break down yourfences and bothMr. Lucius Vanstone, of Toronto, was er you still. attracted here for Dominion Day. Mr. John Hellyar has gone on a trip Up in Strathroy they have a bylaw to Western Ontario for a well-earned making it an o:ffenco to sit on a fence. rest from business. REDUCED RATE. -We will accept 50 FARMERS.--Yon can buy the bes cents for THE STA'IESMJl.N for the balance turnip 11eed, all tho newest kinds, at .J of 1888. LYLE's, Bowmanville. NEEDLES.-H. C . Tait has received a Geo. Bt,Jck sells boots and shoe<J cheaper than any other Rouse in Bowman ville. luge variety of needleiJ and can fit any 'l'ry' him. make of sewing machine Special bargains in millinery at Mrs. Mr. Wn.. Painton sails this week for M orrison's as sl1e intends clearing out her Scotland . to aPsist Mr. Robt. Beith with summer stock. his shipment of Clydesdales. A soaking rain fell on Thursday last in Order Doors, SashEls, Blinds, Picket,, this section that is likely to "Poi! the etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty small potatoes. 11treet, R. H . Osborne, leaseo The y oung men ought to have a picMr. Carl Kent, our assistant.postmastnic this snmmer. It being leap year the er, won the silver medal in the bicycle young ladies pay for the ice cream. What adds more to man's appearance ra~es at Port Hope on Monday. than a stylish hat? Mayer has just re· Headquarters forI,ace Curtains, Carpets ceivod from New York all the latest styles and all kinds of B ouse furnishings at and his prices are right. Couch Johnston and Cryderman's. FARMERS ATTENTION.··The best Turnip Every person contemplating- a. trip to Seed in all 1.he leading varieties for sale th e Old Conntry should c~II or write at .JolIN LYLE'S Grocery and Provision M. A. JAMES befora buying ticke ts. Store, Boumall's Block. . Mr. R ichard Shaw, Church-st., has HELD 0 VER - We have held over a lot sold his farm in the 9th concession of of news l ette rs in order to get the paper Darlington to Mr. Armstroni.? for $12,500. out on time. Corre~pon<lenrs will please For the newPst and most elegant Dress sencl letters early for next issue. Goods with all kinds of 'frimmings to DECORATION DAY. -The Odd fellows match call at Couch Johus!o n and Cry· will dteorate the graves of their deceased derman's. brethren on Saturday il.f te rno1Jn next, M. Mayer has just received from New le11ving their. lodge room at 2:30 p. m. York a lot of the latest style str aw ha ts, In our nolice of the death of Rev Ja.s. which he olfer:i at very low prices. Give Carscadden last week we should have him a ..:all. said h e leaves four childre n and that Rev. L~dies, don't miB s t he bargains now J. E. Sanderson was the officiating min- going a t Mrs. Morrison's, to be continued ister at the funeral. for one month only. The goods ara new and stylish, A " Citizen " rises to remark : And his language is plain, Torouto was declar ed a city on Thurs'.!.'hat for ways t hat are dark day, March, 6th, 1834. The population And for tricks that are vain, was !hen 8,731. William Lyon M ackenOur School Board i11 very pec:uliar ] zie was the first mayor. SPECIAT, COUNCIL MEE'l'ING.- There was The hanging bows have been lopped off no m<Jet.ing of the T own Council on Mon- the shade trees <·n moet of the streets day night, but there will ba n meeting with very good eff~ ct, not11.bly on L ovet"s this Wednesday night for general bu~i La.ne and Church Streets. ness. It will be an important r.ession. On account of the immense success at· Th e Social at Mr. John McClellan's on tendin~ my big sale of Gent'a furnishings Monday was one of the most successful I will continue the sale two weeks longer. and pleasant t hat wo ever attended. G.eo. Buck, Bowmanville, noted boot Every ono present was delighted. The merchaut. proceeds eJrceed $80 for the organ fund The latest issues of Mr. W. Bryce's of St. Paul's church. popular works of fiction embrace two new Hamilton Times : Rev. Dr, Ormiston's stories, "Molly's Choice," by Frank many friend s in this locality will rejoice Merryfield, ancl "Mr. P otter o{ Texas,' to hear that his h ealth is much improved. by A. C. Gunter, They can be obt.air~ ·a H e participattod in the commencement through your booksellers. exercises at Rutger'11 College, New York, Fon MEN.·-1'he correct place to . on Tuesday, and was warmly received. a stylii1h hat is a t M. Ma.yer's where ou SoDA.- A number of the most delicious will find a grand assortment from wh h of the American Flavors are dispensed at to choose. His gents' furnishings, shir Stott & Jury's soda fountain-every cuffs, collars, ties, gloves, etc., are of th e person should vieit them as they are very latest styles and as cheap as th ey can be fioe and very different fr0m the old sold. RlMDING THE BIBLE WJTII RELISH, by fashionecl flavors 11olcl l.y most dealer s. Too B.rn.- Out of 500 accounts sen t R ev. \Vilbur F. Crafts, cloth 25c. ; paper out in June to subscribers in arrears for l 5c. Published by F unk & Wagnalls, TuE STA.TESMAN, with au urgent request N ew York. This little book is hardly for payment., 482 lrnve no~ obliged us. second in impor tance to nuy of the largtir We will W11it till July 16th, after which books of the s~me author. "It makes date $1. 50 will positively b e charged. the B ible read Iiko a. romance, like a ne1v A DrsTINOUISHED AuTHOn.- The Rev. book/' is the testimony of one who has Dr. Witlll'ow, w ho will preach t he S unday tried it.. School .sermons, i n the Church ~treet WHY IIE ONLY GOT FOUR YEARS.- We MeLhod1st Ch~rc.h on. Sunday n ext _ is one understand the Express robber, big Ed. of th.e _most dis.trnf,ms~ed authors m th~, Rice, after the trial confessed his guilt to pomm10n. His History .~f Canada Judge Benson, and that he is :t reform· is a g1>neral text book _ a nd . The Cata-1 ed man. This is one r eason why he got c?m bs o~ ~o!".e and t?e~r t~sti~!1o~y rela· such a light sentence. It is also s11tisfac. t1ve to I nmitive. Christian1~y, gives the tory to k now from him that the evidence author a world-wide reputat.10~. . 1 gh>en the witnesses in every instance ST1r.r. GoING oN. - The genurne clearing was strictly correct. out sale of dry goods that has been fo ,r The Sabbatl· 1 School serv1 ' ce i'n St. Paul's 1 M M c urtry s church next Sllbbath afternoon at half some mont 18 m ~rogr~sa . at -yvest E nd.House IS shll ~n rogress and past two o'clock, at which Rev. Dr. Mom· II m s t ~c k rea1 ent, of Brooklyn, New Yol'k , is to speak, m su.ch 1i_nea as. are B·I I Rev. Dr. P otts, wife ancl two daughters have gone to I reland. Mr. Frank Rnse, of Exeter, has been visiting in this district lately. Mrs D . Adamson, a skilled violinist is visiting at Post master Fairbairn's. Mr. Robert Beith has be1m chosen 2nd vice president of the Ontario and Durham Exhibition Association. Mrs · .T. M. Brimacombe, Miss Lottie Brimacombe and Miss Cryderman have been visiting friends at Tau. Have you ever tr:ed Imperi~l Cream. Tart..r Baking Powder 'i Do so ; it is the purest and best, a.lwaya reliable. t Mr. D. McPherson who has spent several ye><rs in Morris' Carriage Work11 has taken a l(Ood situation in Toronto. Farmers sboulcl read Porter & Noden's new advertisement. They will be found splendid men with whom t o do business .. Rev, W. A. Hunter, M.A., of Orangeville, has received an unanimou!! call to t he i)astorate of Rrskine Presbyterian church, Toronto, rendered vacant by the death of Rev. John Smit.h. YouNG MEN.- Dont forget the big sale of G ent's furnishings still going on at Geo. Buck's popular boot store. This new an d nobby stock must be cleared out at once, regardless of prices. The name of McCausland & Son. of Toronto, is directly associated with t he best stained windows in tbi<J country. · There are several offsh oots from this veteran house, but, experience tells the tale. Their equipmentAand pers0oal knowledge make them peers iu the Ornamental, Cut and Stained Glass trade, and we are glad to hear of the flattering success this firm bafi .enjoyed during the past forty years. The Supreme Court of the United States is a tribunal that exercises an im· mense influence, but is l ittle known to the people. Ausburn Towner, in Fra.nk J,esli<J's Popular Monthly for July, gives a very in teresting account of the J us ·ices, tlrn room where they sit in j udgment, their rPsidencea, as well as portraitA, views, etc. that. will open up t he j t1diciary to a.II. In "The Rides of th o World," N oe'l Ru>11ven takes up an attracti ve sub· ject, and t reats it in a most fascinating manner. The famous rides : Hois de B oulogne, at Paris, Rotten Row, L ondon, Central P .. rk, New York, the V ienna Prater and Berlin's renowned ' ' U nter d en Lio den," day by day see the wealthy · arid fashionable dashing by in elegant turnouts drawn by sploudid specimens of horse flesh. "Adventures of a Young E xplorer," ia a story of the six months' capt.ivity ·of ::i. young Frenchm1n among t ile Nomad Moors of Western Sahara. It is a thrilling narative of real experience in 1~ cou ntry hitherto unknown to civiliz'ed men. The Popular Monthly still leads t he r,st of the monthlies not only in variety uf artic 1es but in the merit of the stories. THE RUSH -.A. T- was immense during l ast weelc McOLUNB BROS. for cheap Dry Goods and Millinery. ----: ::=: :- ---· When we announce bargains we mean bargains and not hum.bug. Big bargains which cai1 be seenwithout the aid of an eye glass or lYllCR.OSCOPE. This cheap sale of good goods will continue during July. "We are determined to m ake it hot for high priced inen d u ring the warm weath er. Sweeping Reductions . Ill every departr.u.ent. Come early and ·come direct to the SICN OF THE COLDEN SHEEP, the popular and reliable Dry Goods House of The ud intelligence of t he death of Miss Lizzie Tod, t hird daughter of Mr. Chae. Tod, baker aud confectioner, of tbis town, re11ched here on Friday lsst. She had sp mt the winter iu Califomia, with h "r brother David, for h er h ealth, but not h~viPg improved much, he r brother started on Tuesday night, 26th ult, to accompmy her home, two· physi· cia.ns having given their opinion that she Id stand the journey. After 26 hours ' \·el aod when nearPeachSprlngs, Ari:i;ona, a about 5,000 feet above sea level, her spirit passed peactifully and lmeAp~ctedly a way ehortly after midnight. The body w,is removed from the train a nd enbalmed and coffined at 'Villiams, th'l first. place of importance to be reached . Mr. Tod and Mr. Cha9. Tod, j r ., w.mt t o Toronto on Monday night t o meet D11v1d and the remains and they reached home yosterchy by the 10 a. m. train. Funeral to-day at 3 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. T od and family have the sincere sympat.hy of their fellow-citizene in t heir sad affliction. McCLUNG BROS., Bowmanville, July 3, 1888. Bowmanville. work 25- tt TORE T O L ET.- The store now oo· I TCHEN MAID WANTED. - Early S cupied Tves, on King Stregh K in nly. girl to dG tho kitchen two doors ot P. M-a-y wh11re a l1ousemaid is kept. Apply to MRS. J a ce 15- tf ORSES FOR SALE.- F our Brood ARM F'OR SALE.- Situated in the Mares with foals at foot ; two general 2nd conccasion, lot 2ti, 'l'owuship 1\'t purpose colts three yea.rs old; and foree good Clarke, g milca eouth o! Orono, 2~· miles north yearling colts. Apply to .TonN FosT1m. drover, or Newcastle. c ontain ing 100 acres all clearf)cl Zl- 2ru Bowmanville. and in a good stato of cuJt.ivation. I t is one of lhe b e8t rr,rm~ in tho 'J.'ownsh.ip. 'f here is Qll ~ REWARD Strayed tha premises 2 c1 welling houses, 2 barns, a U · . from lot 11, con. ~ Darlington catt.le sta bles, fl turnip cella~s. 1 stahle-roobl a bay yearling blood filly. Any person giving for 9 horses- gooil tinving shed and other outinformation leading to her recovery will re- bnildinga ; goo<l orchard and garden contato· ceive· the ahove reward. ARTHUR HARRIS, ing apple, pea= and ulum troos; 2 good w ().U lf and 1 cistern ; s, n e ve r failing stream ot wa~t' 24 - tf 'l'yronei rune th rilugh th:; premiees close to the bar·· yard. Wi!J sell or excliu.nge for smaller pla!ll!o OLT L08'l'. - Strayed from lot 6, For f urther partlculare app!y on tho prerui.$l'f11 con. 11 Darlington, a ii.t.rk bay mare colt. to SAMUEL Wool.I, Orono, P. o. 26- tf 2 years old. No wb1te ou her $~ reward will be given for Information leadinR" to her recovery, JoJIN JEWEr,r,, Bowman ville, P. 0, RmD, ·- - - - · - -- - - - - -- - -- - King Street Kast. lOlh, by llfr. 1.Y. H. case the 0 . Pos~ession Apply 1.0 1· . Buc 1u,ER, Jeweller, H F $ QO C 23- -tt Fonthi!l Nurseries! J · .~~tmST JN CANADA, I hr P . Many thmgs are be1 .ng sold at and below wholes:ile cost, so if yon have a ftiw dollars to spent ~n_d you want dry goods make a speedy visit to thEl West End House d w'll b e . . · an you 1 surprised, exceedm gly. ~mong the guest~.at Mr. John McClelJans strawberr~ festiva_ l at the Harbor on Monday was Mies Rathe Sutherland, who goes out a fortnight hence, along with Rev .. Dr. J. F . Smith and h~s wife to join Rev Mr and Mrs Goforth rn the Colle"e . '. · ·Fr' . CJ .· M' S l ...,d Miss10n, \SS ut 1 1er au omtn, una. is, 80 for as we know, tho firs t trained nurse who has gone to the foreign field from Canada. _ She is a lady of fine pres· ence. Th~re 18 ample acope for m ch workors. T H E P u R F. STun' . - 1£ you want t-0 get c th · p ans · G 'k e some o. e genume · -reen l 1 they used t o sell years a<:1o before they manufa ctured the che!lp~r gradr>s for potato bugs you can get it at Stott & J ury's. It will cost you 40 cent 3 a pound, bu\ it is the same grade that used to cost 50 cents and is well w01·th the ex tra price - Stott & J ury sell P edlars Green at 20 cents, P ure Commercial at 30 cents, and the cl1emically pure at 40 cents. T he public will get; full value and saye mon ey by giving them a call. H YUENIA r..- Rev. I. ·r ove) was in town yesterday, called her e to unite in the bonds ot holy matrimony Re.,, T. w. I,egott, of 'l'oronto, to Mifs Louisa V. Choate, of t.hia town (formerly of Bow· manville.) T he ceremony took place at the residence of Mra. Choate, Brown streBt. The happy couple went west by the e veninq express. They will ViBit tho Falls of N iagara before t hey return to J>ort Hope. Mr. Legott is stationflcl at llfax well, township of Ospray, County of Grey, twenty miles from Collingwood.- Port Hope Guide. WELL TESTED. - " I was nearly dead with Cholei·a. Morbus, one bottle of E xtract of 'Wild Strawberry cured me, and at another time I was so bad with Snm · mer Complaint tha.t I thought I would lllAL.&.RU.L FE\'EK ASD 5RU:.LS nre best never get over it, wl1en two bottles cured 'liroken np and prevented by nelng lllll· ,, "i E A k t p l 0 ·~mrn·s AromnUc C&ulnlne Wine. m e. u' rs.. " · s et ., ee , nt. ba~gams will be j!'Iven. \Ve ws nt rflllable, energetic men to eell ·ont' nursery stock ; previous experience not nece. QOOD BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. sary ; any m an with ta.ct and energy en.it. - That splendid building lot opposite the succeed. Terms liberal, either sa.lary or coiit; outll ~ free. res1'd ence of J oh n Wesley Esq., on the hill. misaion Our ager.ts have advantages, such as selllP.C will be a Flower Service. Eacl1 scholar ~~~r:;:~!i:~:i~t:t~:i~ori~~ delight in !'l,~!t i!r~~~ to,;;PJ;.iltob~~ol~ 3-~~~~yorre1~~~ houstigrown, hardy Canadiri.n 9tock. 'l'Jil11 scason we ha ve a number of choice soocle.lrJ.e· in the School will bring a bouq uet of fresh , }'LETC IIEn, owner. Bowmanville. 13·tf which are o f value and which can only .J>o flowers, and the whole collection will be - - - - - - - - i secured from llA. rnch as & complete list pf sent on Mond · t 0 ti H ·t 1 Harriage Notices, 110 eents; births and fiO USE TO RENT - Situated on New Russian o.µploa, the Hitson pear. Sau~ ay mornmg ie ospi a d eaths , 23 eents. · Beech .A.venue. containing ten· rooms. ers plum. Hilborn raspberry. Moor's lt nby an<I for sick children, Toronto. Rev. Dr. On the promises hard and soft wat11r, and a Black Champio~. ourrants, Moore'd Diamond Moment will also preach in St. Panl's ~ BIRTHS. good stable. Possession m!.IY be had immedi· graPl'. etc., otc, ' Ve have given p1u·ticular attention to tho church at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. The p - - GooDNA~-In Haydon, on the let inst., the ~~~iiis ~~~~~~t~~~~~rticnlars apply to o1'J~~r. propagation of hard y varieties suitable to the lie are cor dially invited to all the ser\' i ':~~e or~,"1.:_ Good~an, ot ~~~~ _:____ _ -·- ----- ...____..____ northern scctiono of Cann'1a. For ter ms;...apply to Wh D · F ARM: FOR SALE.- Tho subscriber ~n r ..Chase, aut~or of th e famon MARRIED. otfers for sale seventy acres or ae good ;;;ton e & Wellington, Chas6. 8 Receipt Boo~, died two years a _SMITJr - RICHARDS - At St. Paul's }fanse, l and a.a 10 in Darlington township, being com· 21-3:n 'l'oronto, Ou4i. he left the manugcr1pt of what he icl Liberty-st., on Monday. July 2!1d. 1888, by Rev. p0secl or a 1>a1·t :of L!>t 6 nnd 7, in the second was his "Cr owning Life Work " has It, D. l<' raeer. J\I. A., Mr. BenJ. Smith to Miss C~n. Good brick house and young orchard ' b bl ' h d . 'ti' ' t "' Jane Richards. a ll of Bowmanville. with plenty or w11ter; first-class out builclinge 1ume een pu i~ e m a magm cen - ~o and fences. 'l'he land is in first·class condi· of n early ,,00 r>a<>ea It conta1 more DIT.lD tlon. \Vil! h3 soln oo eas;p; terms: For par. 0 . .' _,..,.,,,.... Ali · tloulare apply on 1h ~ premieee to Mus. GEO . · · t~an six h~es.the va~ua~IEl 1:'11ltter ~ 'l.\rn-:-f!ucldeuly, ~nrot~t~ from J,oa AngcJes, PAT~~RSON, Ro_,"..mll:n~111~.--------~7·_tL his old ?ool, did, .and is .he r esult of _ hu Cahfornm. June ~Sth., Eh?.'.l.bcth R~1m11.n 'lod. ! whole hfe exrB rience and ob·ervation third !].11.ughter ot Char.cs and .Jane rod, BowrJ-i H AT t1:KcBlle:it grain a nd grazing fanµ, ~ · manv1lle, aged 2l years. I . If th ~ va~ue of t ins bo?k, . h avmg J:?-Ore Funeral to-d.ay. n~'ednesdar'J.. !lot 3 o'cloGk, .I.. k n own as " Erpinp:ham." CQusisting of l ull ncres, well fenced. well watered and in ~t than six 111 1t and thirty- from the family re idenco, D1v1a1on·s t.., to the McCUAIG & MAINWA R I NG, fi . tunes aa much . ., . · Cemetery. cl a ss s t.;;.t.e of cultivn.tion, with. good fruit orell-· Estate an<l Financial Agents, ve Jears of addi~10nal experience, can ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a rd. is otrered for sale on easy terms. · 'J'her.:i n.re large t::rro buildings, stone ccll!ll'.' u; YICTOil!.A. S'r RE ET, TORONTO, ?e, meas ured by the val ue of the old o_ne, :E'ACT Wo1tTH RmIEMBERINa .-- Mr. J'as. Can exchange a number or well rented houses stables i.:.uderneath fOr stocl" and .storage bf it is a book tha~ no home should be w1th- Binnie, of T oronto, stat es that his little etc. in Toronto, paying a good rate ot interest, ror roots, out: The publishers offer a ra_re oppo.r- baby when three months old was so bad first-class Tht:rc is a rolling dan1 011 creek neai· builiifauna free or mortga.ge: ings, (no expense for pa.st ten yes.re) and · tumty to agents. See advertisement m wit;ti summer complaint that under docWhy let money on deposit nt J per cent. breast wh1Jcl erected wi t.b force pump tfiat when Judicions investment in Toronto 1 1ro· anothei· column. raises w ater 50 feet to rcser,~oir which auoa· tor's treatment her life was clespairecl of. plies W!tt e-r through st ock stables anddwellio· A G1AN'I' FA!lrILY. - The Plymouth Fo ur doses of Dr. Fowler's E xtract of perty will realize ten times that amount1 MONEY LOANED on Parm Property at throughout. (Eng .)Moriiing N e ws of J nne 12 says the Wild Strawberry cured her. She is now lowest rates. A first-class Dairy Rusinesa wa.s carried oa · years. from 25 to 35cows being kept. 'l'here Snell giant family arrived there the day fat and hearty. ' Ve can offer several in1,estmente in rented for being acres ef rich " }~lats;' throur,:h honses- ccntral localities, Toronto, payi.ng ten which several previous from Australia. They are Ans· runs a livinp; stream, nccessiblo frolll pe!' cent. on amount invested. tralian born, bnt the children of D evonfiold on both sidea. this farm affords tll11 every BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. By noti tying ns direct or by leaving notice best facilitlas for this business. Only halt -& shire parents. The father, l\ir. William at S'.l'ATESMAN OFF I CE, Dowmam·ille, or milo rrora ihe town ot BowmanviUc. Snell, was form erly a. baker in business at Corrected by .J. ltlc~lnrtry, every Tuesday. with P. TREBILCOCK, Bookseller. Bowman· Fo!" sale also W acres in the 7th concessiun ot ville, interviews may be arranged with our Da.rlini-:ton. j ust 80 rods west ot ·o nicl<J Boa.ra.' E xeter, where he married a Miss Eliza.I"eprescntative, Mr. R . C. SI NCLA.IR. H 3m. For full p:i.rttculara apply to S 'l' E P lI E N beth Snell, also the daughter of a baker. Fi.o uR, 'IP' 100 Its .·.· ·. . .. $2 20 to $2 50 26tf C 0T 1' 0 N, Ilo wmu.nvme. Clara is in her 15th year. is 5ft . 0in. high WHEAT, Fall, '!IT bush. . . . . O 83 11 O 85 and weighs 397 lbs. Her waist meaaurtJs 11 Spring, 11 O 80 11 O 85 66 inches, her arms 22 inches, and the B.A.RLEY, ~bush, No. 1. . .. O 70 " 0 00 calves of her logs 24 inches. T homas is " 11 11 2 ·. · . O 65 11 O 00 OAR F OR SERVICE.- A Thoro'· - -o- 5ft. lin. in height. age 10 years, weighs " " 11 3.... O 55 " 0 00 · ie kept tor bred Yorkshire White Boa1 service on lot l G, con.4, Darlington, on the Joli 184 lbs. Anna., 8 years old, weighs l 'i'O RYE, 11 · · · · · · · · · · O 55 11 0 60 The very h ighe3t Cash Price F<Lrm, a h alf m ilo oonth of lI~ mpton. 'l'erlll.· lbs. 1'om Jennings, the biggest man in OATS, 11 ·· · · · · ·· · 0 50 11 0 50 $1.00 25-4.w · . will b a paid for a ny quantity Aust ralia, weighs 476 lbs. PEAS, Blackeye, lP' b ush . .. O 60 11 O 67 11 ULL F OR SERVICE .- The Th oroNo matter what may be tl1e ills you Small, " 0 65 11 0 70 ofWOOLat n red Sl1ort Horn Bull ' ' .Solir:a ChamploJi."'1 11 bear from indigestion, a. dose of Ayers Blue, " 0 60 11 0 70 is kept for service on Lot 28,Con. 0. DarlingtO:il, Cathartic Pills will ease you without BUTTER, best t able, 'Ill' tb.· · 0 15 11 0 15 'ferme.-For the sea.son, $1.00. payable lst Oot., 1888 ; ljl .50 pv ,yable 1st Februar,r, m:!I. 'riil>e, quest ion. J ust try them once and be as- LAiiD, 'W' tb . .. .··. ..· . . .. 0 10 11 0 12 w AUD, So!ma. 2G-! w " s ured ; they have much worse dyspeptics EG os, ~doz . ..····.·.. . · 0 13 11 0 00 _ _ ........._._ _ ...,,"""'-__ · ...... "111:". <'Ured. You'll find them n ice and amply POTATOES, lP' bush ···· · ··· Q 50 11 0 00 YYOLSTEIN BULL Fon SERVI~. Grocery and Provision S tore, ~ A tboro'-brcd Holstein Bull " Ocr& 'f."· wor th the price. 1 , ~==== -=~==~~====~ No. 3708. registered In tlle fl. F . H.'Book:V~. NA.TIO:VAL PILL~ i i re ~ngar coat~ct. mlh! 1 ' B OY W ANTE D.- A goed smart boy RO Wl\fAN VIL LE. '1., the property of :J, &; $. Penfonnd will"b11 but, lltoro nrlt· . nnil 11rc the best. !ltoru:tck . to learn the butcherlng business. Apply kept for.;iervice at SntON' PEN'l"OUxD1s, on :Lot Jllltl Lh'er I Ills.in u ~c. to R. n . CA. wi,;Jrn, Bowman ville. 26·2 W 33, Con. "· Darlington. Price $3. 19-tt· One of the greatest surprises to th e En\(lish public at t he Colonial .lt~xhibition in Lonclon was the extensive and artistic display of Memorial W ind'lws and House· ho ld Staioed Ola.as from the celebrated McCausland & Son, Toronto. The Prince f uT 1 cl h d £ 1 l o n 11 es an t nusan s o ot iers open y rriAILOlUNG. -Mr. Hindson, Tailor, .I. at McU!ung Bros., is now prepared to make a limited number ot suits for country buyers or trom outside establishment s. Zn trance through Q ,ulck & Co's store i5·tf ==- ---=-==--:=== FARMS WANTED. ERPINGHAM F ARM FOR SALE. WOOL r WOOL I I Breeder's Directory. B B JOHN LYLE'S, --- ~ : ..:=~ ,V .