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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1888, p. 6

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~------------------------.._ __,. NUTTIE'S FATHER. i hopes so as to buoy her through t he so much, yet consciou~ of the soothing feverish ea.rly hours vi' the night when the ot h er sympathy. Aud Mary, watching pain was aggravated, r.he t£~rors r~turn~d, ~er all through, had been Et ruck with the IS P U BL ISHED t he b oy was tormen totl by bis dua.h ty with mcreMt;d ~"!"eetne.~ii ~ml 11oblenee~ h.erco1 rn· El'.ERY WEDNESDA.Y lUORNING Fan, and th e p~st misnrl~s wer~ a.ote.-! over ! t~n~nc~ had acquired d uring t~ese yea.r~ of llY CHA RLOTTE M. YOUNG, a.gain. E ven nurse and srnter did not euffice, d1Ss1phne. More of her mothe~· s expr ession -llYand Mithter Button l·n.d t-0 be fetched by j had come than could have been t hought pos· ]Yf, A.JAME 81 CHAPT ER XXXV II.-(ConrNUED.) Mark before he could reel quite secure thllt 1 sible in features 0£ such d ifferent mould, AT Tlllll OFElCE W hen she i·eturned in the morning it was he was Alwyn aud not F an. Indeed, in ! formed for so much more strnngth and rost O!ll ce Block, I U n g StJ·cc t , Jiown um· to find that since daylight he had been more these li~ht-hea.dEd mo1uents, a better notion 1 energy. T hey ha.d not met since. N ut tie ville, Ont.urlo. quietly asleep ; but there was a worn, Wl\S gained of what he must have end ured 1 h ad bceu summoned home to her mot her's sunken look a.bout his face, and she could than "iu the day time, whrn all seemed put deathbed, and t heir time was ch itfl y spent T E RJY.I'.S : aside or for gottrn. After a t ime be became on r eminiscences of t he old sor row ,liQ I" , J. 1 1n m, or $ 1 if patcl i n ntl vnnce. not be ea.tidied to leave him alone while the capa.ble of being soothed by hymns, thon"h and t he new ; but, when t he t ime for p artnurses stirred about and bre11okfasted, 2'ayment strictly i n ad vance rnqutred from He awoke smiling and happy; he looked still asking why his sister could not sing lik e ing was nearly come, Ma.ry said affection· bFcJtbere outside or the coun ty. Orders to t hat vieion of his mot.her w aich had com· ately, " And you, my dear?" i!Contlnue the pa.per muat be accompanied by a.bout and said gladly, " Wyn at home ! for ted him in his previous miseries, and for and "Oh, I'm all right," said N u ttie, and her <a :nonntdne,or tbe pape wit notbeatopped. 'Vyn's o wn nursery," but he did not want cr aving for her r et urn. Then at he fell eyes shoue with a ligh t .Mo.ry did not for a b~ct'lbers c.rn r esponsibleun ti full payment le o get up ; "Wyn's so t ired," he said, i-ea.king of bimself in the form t hat quietly asleep, and Nuttie was left with a . moment understand; " you need not be ' "CMtorlais sowellad4ptedtochildrentha.t Casto:rla cures Colie, Colll!tlpatlon, ·e had for several mon tlrn ·liscarded, but he few sustaining words and 11o pressure fro en anxious for me now." [ reeomme . nd it aa superio!' to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhrea., Eructation, . &A.TE!! OF ADTl'R TiSING: I~ ~,,. Mr. D lltton's hand. " I rnppose 1h11.t uohappy valet's death ltnown to me." F.L .A AllCBKlt M D Kills W !Jnns, gives sleep, and promm.e. dl· aid his pretty " t hank you," and t ook de'Whd e Columnone/ee.r ....... . ..... $60 00 1.,, . . :;; ... ' · " gestion, t he ne w consulta tion could only , will mak e your task easier, " said Mar y. Alas! ight in breakfasting in his cot, though still ·· " Hal yeal' . .. .... ... . . 36 001 · ~o Ill So. C>:m>rd St., Brookl;ru, N. Y. Withou~ injurious medication. r at ify t he first opinion. The inj ury need " I thiok it will," said Nuttie. " Poor ·· " One Quarter .. .... .. . 20 oO ~.,. n a subdued way, and showing great r eTHE CENTAUR Conm l.:-<Y, 7·7 Murray Street, N. Y. not have been necessarily fatal, t tiough d ,;n- man ! He was- I can' t h elp saying it- the Ha·rcolum.n one year .. .. ,.... ... ... 36 oo - - luctance to move or be touched. . " Halt year ...... .. ..... . 20 00 gerous to auy y oung child , and here it had I evil genius ofthe'honse. Dear mother k new was sent for to report of him t o N uttie " One quarter ·- .. ....... 12 -~ ~ ~· his father, who would not hear for a moment been aggravated by pre ~ iou~ ill treatmen t, I i t. struggied against him, and broko down Q ua; ; er ColutLn one yee.r .... ....... 20 oo" " Half year ... .·· ·.. ·.. 12 50of o.nxiety, declaring t hat the boy would be an d by the doses of spir its that had been i u :the struggle. It seems so stra.nge t hat forced down, besides which, .Alwyn was what she CC'ttld not do h a.s been done in " " One quarter . .. ... .. 8 00 5 . qui i;e well if they let him alone, he only Ten linea a nd under , firBt insertion. $0 5(),wanted rest, and insisdng on following ou·t na t urally deiicat c, and- t hough tho doctors such a manner, and a.t such a p rice. I won· ]'OH SALE BY J. HIGGIKBOTH.Al\1 &. SON, BOWMA.Kv;ILLE: Eaoh subseQucn 1inr.ertion ..... . 0 251 0 hia intent.ion of seeing a. police; auperintend- would not sa.y so to father or sister -there j der wheth ~r she knew it when she welcomed F rom six t o ten lines, first insertion 0 75 ·were llered it1>ry predis po~itions that giwe h er boy !" . Ea ch subsequen· inae~ tion ... ... 0 35 ·ent to demand whet her the kidnappiog him the leas chance of ba.ttling t hrough. "Hi;r influeJ:>.ce will you stiil," said Over ~en lines, first insertion,p er1in e 0 10 - 10 rnrnals could not be prosecuted. Each subsequent insertion " 0 03 Yet Mr. E gremont concluded his purchase Mary, " and you Mr. D utton to Lelp l much Nei ther by N utt ie nor nurse coulc 1 Th:i number of line.; to be reckoned be extracted from the p oor little fell ow him- of the pony, anu insis ted that Al wyn should you t oo. I was SD gl ..d t o find he W \lS so th ~ spaco occuvied,_measured byascalc of a.bou t his adven tures. He conld not be ca.rr ied to the window to see it ; 1rnd near you." self Ohl Nonpareil, "Oh, Mr. Dutton I" exclaimed Ursula, in bea.r to think of them, and there was a mist Alwyn's smile was almost enougll to br eak of confusion over his mind, partly from Nuttie's heart, but his head drooped on a str ange tone tha. i sent a thrill through D.RS, ltlcLA.IJGlllLI N ~ IU:ITll, weakness, partly, t hey also thought, from nurae'a shoulder, lie hardly lif ted his heavy l\;fary, tnough she knew not why ; but at vhe drugged sph·its with which he had heen eyelids, and begged. for " by-by " 0g11in. ~na.t moment they were i1!-terropted, very OF~'lCR :- Monms' BLocu:, Bow111AN VILL E · Even Annapl e burst mto tears at ~he sight, rnopportu nely, by Mr. Bulfiuch, who .could pr.J . ~V.McLAUGHJ,IN., Dr. A. B Eil'H, Grac l u more than once dosed. He dimly r emem ran out of the room with her sobs, a.ndnev-er not go away without a.sking Miss Egremont ·k, and t~<.:en tiate of the ~t~yal a te of the '.l'oronto bered mi8sing Gregorio in the pa1 augured recovery again, thcngh still she whether she thought her father co uld see College of Phya101ana \\DU member of the U n1verSlty, l'hys1 cui.n that he had tried to find his way home strove to cheer a.nd while away the poor him ou business if he came up to town t he iJ.lone, but some one, a big boy, he t hought, lfoyal College of Sur- Surgeon, &c. had said he would show him the way, took at her's piteous hours by making t he moat next da.y. She thought t hat suoh an int er· gE on~. Edin burgh. t.10ld of hi~ hand, drag11ed him, he knew not of every sign tha.t t he child was happy and view would rouse her father and de him good, 11.dvising him t o cail on t he chance. S R · .J. C. !lllTClilEI.L, where, into dreadful dirt and stench, a!ld not suffering much. That he would be viewed as a "pa,le placid EMBER OF COJ,LEGE OF PH YSICIANS llpparen~ly had silenced him with a blow TO llE CONTINUED. ) ~ 1. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. before stripping him. But it was all very martyr" was his sister 's chief comfort. ii is Otl!oe e.nd Itesidence, E nniskilien. H. as t o the mi:mn er of t he hur t, as well replies indistinct, he could not tell how Mot her Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowman ville ..and surrnur;.din()' - -- - --- - - -- - Bet got hold of him, aod t he being d ressed as his light-hea,ded wi>nderings, had made it Ghosts. "\V, § , OJutlJST(lX, L, L , n . Townships that he has opened out business in the ol d s tand, for merly ln t he r ags of a girl had somehow loosed more and more evident that the man B rag'·s How far do people nowadays take stock occupied Ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door ea'lt of Standard B1tnk , and Bauieter , Solicitor, Conveyall cer , &c. Mouey rris hol d of his own identity. He did brutality had been excit3d by his persisting lo lcao. O:ffict, in J:le&ver Block upstairs in in kneeling dnwn to Bly his prayers alot' diii ghosts ? Fifty years these shadowy roo n s fc1 merly cccupled by Dr. Harnden. not seen at all cer t nat t he poo1· little the only wo,y Le knew how to say them. Jn- pers~nages were act ually believed in by will at all times keep in stock all goods u sually kept in a fit-st-class Bo" manville. 3!l · dirty pet ticoated t hing who had wakened in Hardware Store, comisting of a. horrible cellar, or iu a dark j olt ing van, deed t here was a recurring anxiety night multitudes. They had been seen in well D R . Ii:. C. ltlcDOlVELL . who ha.d been dubbed Fan, who had been and morning to kneel, which had to be rea.· aut henticated clloses. They done thia away, even w hen he was t oo weak to that and t he other thing. '.l'hey had warned ICl lS 'lJA'.IE OF ROYAL COLLEGE lor ced by the st ick to dance and twist and soned of Ph y ~icln ns. Lonuon · .1£ng.;Mem ber 0 1 compelled to drink burning, choking stuff, m11.k e t he at tempt, and was only appeased by individuals of coming death. They had them ti mely not ice whereby a great Lollege 01 l'b y~icion s "1na Surgeons. Ontario. was tb.e same with Alwyn in bis sailor suit "Sister " kneeling by his side, holding his giveu _ S uJ<01 rnY ;1 ?-. D REBIDF N CE:-Benr of Messrs. or in his white cot. bands, a.nd r epeating the little prayers with calamit y was a.voided, and much elae. BiE1<inbo1hom·s Drug St ore, Bowmanville. It was Dr. Brownlow who at once detect- him. I t was of his own aooord tha.t he Children would not f!O to bed in t he dark, 6- l yr,* &c., ed t'iat t here h ad been much of this dosing, added : " And forgive those people, and and had to be stayed wi th till they fell a.nd drew for t h the tact. It had proba.bly make t hem good. " Annaple bur st- in to tears asleep. Is it differ en t now ? It is saia to I shall also keep a well assorted stock of ' the best maz;.u factu rern' D , JHJRli.E SlltU 'llON, been done whenever it was expedient that again and almost scolded when she heard of be. People ar e so scientific. They k11ow .A.RRISTEU, SOLICITOR , &;c. MOPR!S it. " Oh dear! oh dea.r ! now I know he so much. T hey have sifted nature's secrets ·BLOCK, up stairs, King Street . Bowman· he shoulcl be hidden, or unable to mak e auy won't get well I I 'm glad Billy isn' t so hor - so thoroughly t hat, in shor t, t h ey have 1e. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank appeal to outside1 ·s. Alwyn was qui te him aelf by day, and showed no ttoreasonable ribly good ! N utt ie, Nuttie, don't ! You no b"lief in and no fear of disembodied .. _::~~vale ~l!onevs loaned at the !Owest rates~ Stove P ip es, Mic'.l.s, &c. fear .or shyness, but he begged not t o "be know l don' t mea.n it. Only I j 11st can't hear Fpirits of any kind. fa that so ? SJarcely. .John Kcttb. Galb r aith , touched, and though he t ried to be good and it. He is the s weetest little fellow in the Let pevple be honest and in nine hundred '.l'lte m:u 1utac llffc and 1m Uing ll ll ot· E:n·e 'l.'rou 0 ·bs world l .'\ud oh! t he cruelty of it ." 1 ' and ninet y-nine cases o.:it of one thousand '1 ii'> AR R I 8 TE R, SOLICI TOR, NOT.ARY ma.nly, could not k Eep from cr ies and uill J'ece!.v e sp ~ cia I aUe n H o n. e " Yes," sai_ d N uttie in her dreary calm- they will ack~owledjle t \ at they feel unD PUBLIC, &c. Office-- Bounsall's Bloc,k <Jcreams when the doctcr ex<1.mined him. ·ltlng Streat:!~owmanv_!_!le . Mtli:'_.!'..V to !en~. '.l'hen it came out. "It's where h e ki cked ueaa ; " he is too sweet and l ovely and comfortable gomg t hrough a gr ave-yar d at beatiful a11d good to i)e anywhere but safe I midnight alcne. Why ? Because they ar e 1ne.,, WU.LIAlll WIGHT. with mother." in danger of r unning against stones? "vVho ?" F or it was mor e 11.pparent that they could No b at all, It i s because a certain inborn 1CENSED AUCTIO N.F~ER for t h e "That man- master, she said I must oall County of Durham. Or ders Iert at the him. He kicked poor little Fan with hi~ ne t k~ep him. It did not long ; ther e se.ns~ of the super natural er spiritm·l is ST~TESMAN office or forwarded to 'f yrone P.O. great heavy big boots-'cause F11tnwould say were a couple of piteous day s of r estless I w1thrn t hem, aud, do what they lik <:-1 the} .. un <e'?~ve R~ompt atteution. 28:6m pain and distress, and then c 1me the more c11n't get quit of i t. Are -people noJ longer \Vyn.'o prayers. " : I ' ' Wno was ]'an ?" ask ed the puzzled fatal lull and a.bsence of sufferin11;, a drowsi- t roubled ahont dreams ? P erhaps some, bu ; B owmanville, April 2nd, 1888. !i. C. JllJNIUNU, ness in which tne little fellow sank gradu'l.l - here, too, i i u 1u honest truth were told, the doctor. - -----'- _ __ _25 1CE NSED .AUCTIONEE R FOR "Himself," whispe1·ed Nuttie. · "Alas ! ly away, lyi ng with a st range calm beauty present generat ion is not much bett er than on his face,_ and smiling fe ebly when he now t~ose which w~n t before. The visions of tho the County ot Durham. Sales attended oimeelf !" 10 on shortest notice and lowest r ates. Address " vVyn was Fan, " said Alwyn. "F1.1n's aod then lifted his eyes t o res\ t hem ou nigh~ upon their beds t rouble them, t hough. ~lll\'I!Cl! P . 0. 36:tf sister or nurse. H is father could not bear they would not fo r the world acknowledge gone n ow 1° " And did the ma.n k ick poor little Fa.n, ' the sight. It filled him more with angry as much, a.nd they wonder with a strange 1cl"? Tuned and Repai red . compassion than with the tender reverence ~onderme o t as they think over t heir sleep. repeated the doctor-" hern ?" " Ob. don't-don't ! It hurts so. Master and hushed aw e with which U rsula watched mg ad vent ures just as Pharaoh did long ·fp ARTIES WISH!Y.G THErnPIAN O!:i said be would have none of that, and he her darling slipping as it were from her a.go and al most wish with him that they had . 'l'nned or repairen can nave thorn attended kicked wit h his big boot. Oh ! Fau couldn't hol d. So Mr. Egremont wandered wretch- some sure interpret er to tell t hein wha.t it edly about t he lower rooms, while Mark a.nd all mea.nt. No, with all the t alk of proto. t o by l eaving word at the DOM INION ORGAJ\ dance one bit after t hat." Annaple tried their b est for him through the plasm . ~evelopment and monkey ancestors, Co's OFw-IOE, Bowmanville A. flret-clas mai H e could not tell how long ago t his had now neinR In their em plo~ long summer evening, dal'keoing i nto n ight. the sp1rnua.l and t hen the minculous will' been. He £eemed t o have lost a ll reckoning By and by Alwyn lifted his hand, t urned COJI?e and bother even grim philosopher s in of days, and probably fel t as if ages had past his head, opened his lips, and whispered, t ha1r se_renest moments and amid their most in F unny F r1 mk's va.n, b 1t Dr. Brownlow " Hark, sister, she i s singing." The look of self-sat isfi ed thoughts and resolutions. chonght the injury could not be above two or exceedinging joy beamed more and more \<Vhat am I? N othiog, spring from nothiug, chree days old, and prtb.1bly it accounted over the pinched little face. " She's come going to nothing, a mere phenomenon. All ior there having been no more obstructions again," he; and once more, " Come to being easily said, but-yes, the terrible but put in the way of removing the child, since take Wyn to the dear Lord." After that comes in, and the quest ion will uot down. he had ceased to be of use, and the discovery there were very few more long breaths be· Wha.~ if after all there is something more of the injury might have brought tl:e per- fore little Alwyn Egremont's spirit was gone ~ormtda.ble and more permanent ? Yes, what petrator into trouble. Indeed, as it was, to that unseen world, a.nd only the fair little if? Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run Mr. Egremont caused the police to be writ- frame left with that wondrous look of delightten to, demanding the arrest of the man ed recognition on the face. Marriage in Ne brasb. a.nd woman Brag, but they had already deover one month. A newly-elected justice of the peace who camp ad, and were never traced, which was had been used to drawing up deeds a.nd wille decidedly a relief to those who d1eaded all CHAPTER X XXVIII. andlittle elsewas called up to m!\rry a couple H A RN DE N 1 L · D · 8 · ~bat a prosecution would have involved. TRE UM ilRELLA M A N. Graduate otthe Royal Collegect Dental And Dr. Brownlow became very grave Little Alwyn was laid to rest beside hia in haste. Removing his hat he remarked, Surgeons, Ontario. over the injury. He it was a surgical mother in a beautiful summer noontide. His "Ha.ts off in the presence of the court." .All O FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. ca£e, and he should like to have another father wa.s not in a sta.te to attend the fun- being uncovered, he proceeded: "Hold up your right hand. You John Mankin, do ~OLD FlLLINO A SPECIALTY opinion, enjoining tha.t the child should be era!, and wa.s left under the care of Anntple, yer solemnly swear to the best of yer knowARTIFICIAL TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT ktipt in bed, and as quiet as possible, till he his own choice among those who offered to ledge an' belief that yer take this woman to PLATES. · could bring his friend in the afternoon, staya.ndministerto him. It was.his own wish whiuh was no diffie.ult m:i.tter, for Alwyn tbt his daughter should be to the with have and hold for yerself, yer heirs, execyrtGreat Heductloos in price on all Dental seemed to have no desire for anything but her little brother. He had even said to her ers, administra.tors, and assigns for yer a.nd their use forever ?" Work. -Vitalizec! Air, constantly In uao pro· ducing Painless Opere.tione. Particular. atten rest and the sight of his friends and his that she had been a good sister, and his boy "I do," answered the groom promptly. tlo1l paid to the regulation ot Children's Teetll. treasures, which were laid beside him to be had been very fond of her, and he would not "You, Alice Evans, take this yer ma.!l handled and stroked but not pla.y· keep her awa.y on any account. ,...ALL WORK WARRANT.ED.-., gently ed with. Mothu and Mithter Button And, with a man's pre~erence for a young for yer husband, ter have and ter hold for· Branch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono. were among the friends he cra.ved and kindly woma.n, he chose Annaple to be ever ; a.n' you do solemnly swear that yer lawfally seized in tee simple an' free from - ------ - - -- ----- - - - - for, but he showed no desire to see Billy- wit h him r ather than Mr. Dutton, remem- all encumbra.nce, and good right to boy, and it was thought best to keep that bering likewise that but for him the boy young gentleman's rampant strength a~ a would have died in some workhouse, Un· sell, bargain, a.n convey to said grantee, yer~E O:S:I~_A_ dista.nce. known and unclaimed, or among the self, yer heirs, administrators and assigns?" "I-I do," the bride, doubtfully. The chief difficulty was with his father, wretches who had caused hie death. So "Well, tnat 'er's worth a dollar'n fifty who deolared they were all croa.king, and Nuttie had the comfort of Mr. Dutton's go. that t he boy would be ae well a.s ever to- ing ttown with her, as well as Mark, and cents." " Are we ma.rried ?" asked the bride. morrow. ·. He went and sat by tbe oot, and poor broken-down nurse, but not a word re"Yes. K now all men by these presents talked merrily of the pony that Alwyn was ferring to the confession of that happy even. to ride, and the yachting they would have ing had passed between them during the that I, being in good health and of . sound In the summer; and the little fellow smiled mournful fortnight which had since elapsed. mind and disposition, in consideration of a and was pleased, but went to sleep in the May Conda.mine and her husband had dollar'n fifty cents to me in hand well and midst. Then Mr. Egremont went out, ta.k- made all ·as and consoling as they truly paid, tho; receipt whereof is hereby W I TH l \IT TllllTB WI'l'il T llllHB. ing Anna.pie witn him, because N uttie would could. There were white-robed ::hildren to acknowledged, do, an' by these presents, I[ ]I not go till the doctors' visit was over, though bear the boy from the churchyard gate, have declared you man an' wife, durin' 1 he declared that they were certain not choristers aang hymns, the grave was lined good behaviour, an' until otherwise ordered PRA.(lTICA.L D:ENTJST, to come till long af ter her return from with moaa a.nd daisies, and white roses deck· by the court." OVBB TWENT:lr Yll:AR8 EXPERl1£NOlll the drive. H e actually went to the dealer's, ed the lit tle coffi n and the mound, There $r··10xldeGas A.dmbtlstered ror Palnle11 11oud had pony after pony p11oru.ded before the was as much of welcome and even of triumph carriage, choosing a charming toy Shetl11ond as befitted the innocent child, whose death Modern Girls. O»eratto1111. at last, subject to its behaviour with the had in it the element of testimony to the I n one of the debates of a ladies' college, ·CVLIJ!VG'8 Bl.Ot::&. coachman's little boy, while Annaple hope- t ruth. And N uttie felt it,. pr would feel it held some time ago, the motion was carried hopefully agreed with him that Alwyn by and by, when her spirit felt less as if by a large majority, "That we are better would be on it~ back in another week. some precious thing had been torn up by than our grandmothers. " Perhaps in some H e still maintained his opinion, outward- the r oots-to be safe and waiting for her respects girls of t o-day really are, though ly at least, when he was met on his return elsewhere, indeed, but that did not sola.ce the fact is not so evident as to be taken by Nuttie with a pa.le, almost thunderstruck t he yearning longing for the merry loving without debate as somethin ~ self eviface. D r. Brownlow had called her from child; nor the aching pity for the crushed dent. Some say that girls now much trying to soothe awa.y the fright and suffer· blighted creature whom she had wat ched more practical, more helpful and more lns1)e('tion Solicited. ing of the examination, to brea.k to her that suffering and dying. It was far beyond her rightly independent than were their grand· both he and his colleagu thought very ser- power as yet to acquiesce in her aunt 's con- mothers, though others might be in- Victo1·ia Buildings. MURDOCH BROS. iously of the injury and its consequences, solo.t ion that it w11oe happier for t he chilrl clined to put in a " query " even at and deemed it ver y doubtful whether the himself, than if he was to grow np to tern· that. :Hut whether t he girls of to-day 1 t ation from withont, and with an unsound are r eally better educated then were their poor lfotle fellow could be pulled t hrough. Mr. Egremont was again angry, de- constitution, with dangerous heredita.ry pro· grandmothers is quite a. d ifferent t hing. clar ed that she had misunderstood, and clivities. She could believe i t in fait h, nay, T hey may know a good dea.l about ma.ny , · made the worst of it; t hat Dr. Brownlow she had already experienced t he difficulties t hings of which t he venerable female an Uter spending much time and money, I am was a c.onceit~d young ass } that his frien~ her father had t hrown in her way of dealing cestors were ignorant , but on a w hole is it 1ow prepared,. to fill all orders promptly. I j played mt o his hands; wi th othe·r . a.meDl· with him, ahe t ried to be r esigned, but the not the faot that they read less and as a rule ;;' ~ave a fine assortment of WAVES, BANGS, ties of the same k ind, to which she good sense of t he Canoness was too much are not so well informed as t hose were whom SWITCHES, C O~B_S and PINS very cheap. listened w ith mingled irritation and for her. · t hey affect to pity and patrnnize if not :BANGS F ROJY.[ $ 2 UPpi ty for bis unreasonableness , and even a.t It was a. day of more ho.ate than suited the actually to contemn 1 \Ve have n o hard .Jld Switches co'.ored and made to look like . the sympathy which he found in Anna.pie's ideal of suoh a t ime, for Mr. Egr emont I wor ds to say about t he girls of t he present 1lew. Highest price paid for ·fon_s c _t _ 1t hair. , hopef. u l nat· u re. _ could not be l eft for a night ; so there was It is bot h ungr acious and untrne t o say that HAIR T ONIC: ··.. :rhe young mother never dreaded nor ex- only time for a luncheon, with little jerks t hey are ei ther lazy or helpless, that while Warranted to prevent the hair rrom"falling ;pected what she could not bear to think of talk, and then for an hour spent in shor t very pretty like the lilies, they, like these THE lllARKE T , out and will make it grow. possible; such as t he death-warrant of that private inter views. Mrs. Egremont obtain- fair flowers neitl1er t oil nor spin. They don't THE OEST L UBRIC:ATO R ¥11 have also a fine lot or new Stamping · .P.e,l!'uti, f ulchild, while N ut tie's nature always ed from poor Nurse P oole all the details, as a. rule make their moth ers drudges and expeo .ted t he worf. t, and indeed had read and, mor eover, her opinion of Mr. Mark's housekeepers while they themselves cul tivate When buying Coal Oil ask y our dealer for the N ew Oils, Patterns. All orders promp~'Jy nt tendod t o. ~ l ~, 'the doom ~i:i t~e doctor's eyes and voice baby, in .whom, it having b~en .born under j company i;ianners a_nd follow fashionable Neads' Block, Bowmanville. :~athe~ tha.nm his w~rds. SoArmap!e back- her ausy1 c1s, sh~ took a spec~al mter est. wa.ys. Quit e otherwise as a rule, though of ! 47 . . " I Cd M r. Egremont up wheu h e made hls N utt1e meantime was pacmg t he shady course, some lay t hemselves open to the · T · d 'I h 'daught er write to desire D r. Br ownlow to walk with her dear old friend Miss Nugent , charge. But, a.fter a.11, might not the fol1 t:!i~~gta~~d~:fte ':o~e~s~~!r ca.llin t he first adv ice in London ; and among I feeling it strange that l1er hea.rt did!notleap lowing kindly hints from one or t heir own ry It once, an you W l I use no ot er. BRli:v(f!TER's SAFETY R EIN B:o:c.~~= f i<hem. tb~y ~ade so sure that t l! is would . b e up a.t the bare presence of one she loved sex be taken in good part by the b est girls co.. .1;1.011, Mich, reffectiv-e'th~'t they actually r101sed Nut~1e's 1 l · lllcCJOLL BROS. k tJory, ~'oronto, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN I I I Infants I I Children. · 501 - 1t ·· ... · · ' · .... ' · - : . bYI:: HARDWARE! HAR D W ARE I I Stoves ·and Tinware, Paints and Oils. I. .. !\if ------ ..... 0 BEO.£.MANNINB L I Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, S helf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oiis, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, H oes, Spades, Shovels, ~ CDDK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. . L I H aving purchased cheap for cash, I a n1 prepared to s ell goods at small profits a nd prices will be cut close to s uit t he times. @m~~f!}JJ] ~e lVlt~,M{N(l{~~e L M~DOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Ooal as follows : DENTl &TRY. Stove and Chestnut, ..................$6.25"· - Grate and Egg, ....... ..... .................. 6.00 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & ~ CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF. .E N T . I S T R Y. D Murdoch Brothers' V\T :S::.A..LL., where are to be seen J· II BR I A CQ BE, 0 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR CLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 20 "White Bed Room Sets. Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. e 0m Patronize n TRADE THB.ESHERS AND FARMERS USE ONLY McCOLL'S I : L A R D I N ES MACHINE OIL. IN I I A. DAVIS, i I FAMILY SAFETY & SUNLJGHTCOAL'O J L $5 WJ!:fll I ·;l < Children Cry fo.~ . P,itche_~~s _Cas_torla~'

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