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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1888, p. 7

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A few days a.go we noticed the recent publication of the well-known Professor . How to Ketlp Well lll Summer, Henry Drummond on Central Africa. The ~ ----· -· The title of this communication might cmes, and o:hers who. ~cc1 herb, following extracts from that work having WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1888. lead some persons to suppose that it is a learned the virtues of this part1cul t f special reference to the Arab slave hunters .::.::.-:__ , -11 qm ·t.e agree w1 -tii t h e a bove est.. na more difficult matter to keep healthy in WI t e o and their monstrous doings will be interest. 11 summer than. in any- other season of the it. The dried herb can be obtaiue any ing to very many. Professor Drummond holds strongly, and to all appearance with \~vc. .. The Original year. I t is, however1 hy no means an estab- drug store. 5 lished fact that summer possesses a pre·emi· WARM MIL.K STIMULANT. very good reason, that if the Arab slave· 'easa~~LITTLE nence in increasing-the disease or mo;tality According to the Medico.I Recm··l, mil~ hunter dealer cannot be kept down, · U'9aa'-\'V9 LIVER reoords so fa.1: as ihe countr.y at l.l.rge 1~ ~on- heo.ted to much above 100 deg. F11\irenhe1t there isand nothing for the immense lake region e_ \ '\0'\S Pll.LS. cer~ed_ I & ~s .true th~t ow1~g to the vwrni;s losses for a time a degree of its sweetness of Central Africa but misery for the present BEWAIU!l OF IMJ'.TATIONS. ALWAYS metnods of h".rng t~au preva il among ce~t_iun and density. It is affirmed that no .. 11e who, and utter hopelessness for the tfuture. He ASK FOB DB. PIEB<JE'S PELL.1ST8, OR classe~ of the mhabrtauta of'.the larger c1t1cs, fatigued by over.exertion of bo·iY and says:the disease au~ d~ath rat~ is woefuUy ailg- mind, has ever experienced the reviving in· "The life of the native African is not , LITTLE SUG..AB·<JOATED PILLS~ for and ment~d, .but this is mo!e than compensa. t ed fluence of a tumbler of this beverag" _h~a.ted It i> darkened by a tragedy whose Being entirely vegetable, they 9p- for, .rn t~~ r~ral d>stncts at, .by t.he as hot as it can be sipped, will w1llmgly indyllic. terrors unknown to any other people ernte without disturbance to the _system, diet, or occupation. Put up m g! vials. l1crmet1- opportum.y g1ven by :warm weather for hv- forego it beca.use of its being somewliat less under Heaven. Of its mild domestic sla.v· '··c11111to:ria ia!IOwelladaptedtochildrenthai Caato!'fa ctll'es C<>lie, Constlpatiott, cally sealed. Always fresh and reliable_ As i~g the g_r.,ater par;t of the dity in the open acceptable to the palate. The pro·nptn?ss ery I do not speak, nor of its revolting ['recomniendit:iasuperiortoanyprescription Sour Stoma.ell, Diarrhooa, Eructation. a laxative 'a lterative, or 1nirgatlv6, air, and It must not be fur gotten that very .with which its cordial influence ia ft,! tis ID· witchcraft, nor of its endless quarrels and lCllo~ to me." :a A.. An~~ .... D. , Kills W _orms, gives sleep, and promotl!ll d{'-'· .-v1;1-,,...., JJ.I.. gestion 'these little 'Pellets give the most perfect cold weather makes sad havoc among. those deed surprising. Some portion of lt sei:ms frequent tribal wars. These minor evils are ,.satisfaction. 111 So. Oxtord St., Brookl,yu, N, Y. Wltboui wJurioua medicatiOD. who have r~a?hed old age or are aubJ ected to be digested and appropriated alw ost im- lost in the shadow of a great and na. Tim CENT.I.UR COl!PiliY, 1·7 Murray Street, N'. t'. to ot?er deb11ttat10g ca:nsea. · mediately, and many who now fa.w> Y they tional wrong. Among these simple and It 1s not to be questwned, however, that need alcoholic atimuh~nts when e~ hausted unprotected tribes, Arabs-uninvited stran· there. e:x;i~t in th.e summe_r certain in?erent by fatigue, will find in this simple iiraught gers of another race and nature-pour in Bilious Headache, Dizziness, ()onstipapecuha~1t1es w_:h1ch predispose to d_1sease, an equivalent that will be a.b11u~an~ly from the north and east with the deliberate ti ou, Indigestion, and whrnh are m a great me~sure avoidable, sa.t.sfy'ing o.nd for more endurinf. m 1ta purpose of making this pandice a hell. It B_ ilious Attaci..s, and all and to these I propose to direct the atten- effects. seems the awful destiny of this homeless derangements of the stom· FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWM.ANVILLE1 tion of the reader, ach and bowels, are promptpeople to spend their lives in breaking up COTTON WOOL I N TIIE EARS, ly relieved and permanently the homes of others. Wherever they go in Excessive beat caust:s gastric andintestincured by the use of Dr. A Berlin physician advises that u1 1ly dur- . Urio1.1 the followers of Islam are the destroy· Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets· al diseases, and especia.lly a peculiar disIn explanation of the remediul 1)ower of these order known as heat.fever or sunstroke. To ing extreme cold, or stormy or rainy weather .ers of peace, the breakers up of the patriarshould cotton wool be inserted inl;o chilPellets over so great a variety of diseases, it lessen the liability to the first group menchal life, the dis~olvers of the family tie. may truthfully be said that their action upon dren's ears ; under ordinary condHions the ti.e system is univerB!l.l. not a gland or tissue tioned, some attention to the food taken in- hf'althy ear does not need to be proteot- Already they hold the whole Continent They have efescaping their sana~ive infiue~ce. Sold by to the system is necessary, and itis especial- ed. This precaution must be taken in under one reign of terror. druggists, 25 cents av1uI. Manufactured at the ly requisite to avoid vegetables or fruits fected this in virtue of one thing-they Chemical f,,tboratory of WoRr,u's DrSPENSAUY the case of every ear predisyiosed to that are not fully ripe. There is scarcely a inflammation. All persons whose mem- possess firearms ; they do it for one objeotll!EDLCAL ASSOCIATION, But!'alo, N. Y. vegetable grown in our climate and which branre are perforated ought to pro- 1vory and slaves, and these two are one. The is nsed. as food whiol::\ is not wholesome if tect their ears with cotton wool. The slaves are needed to buy ivory with; then -----~~-o~~--~~ eaten in season, not in a. semi.decomposed more slaves have to be stolen to carry it. entrance of cold fluids into any ear must state, and properly ·p repared fox: the tu.ble. So living man himself has become the comalways be prevented ; and so, while bath· A like statement is applicable to fruits, from merci11l cur;:ency of Africa.. ; is offered by the manufactur- the strawberry, wliich is the first to appear, ing or diving, the .ear ought to be plugged. " It is quite a mistake to imagine that Patients with perforations of the membranre ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh to peaches, and apples, which come should be very careful in this respect, as slave.hunting is a thing of the On the ··~·"'~ ueinedy, for a case of later iu the season. But when they are contrary, the Araba have quite recently be'Vlt, " which brought from a distance, having been picked violent irfla.mmo.tion may be CMtsed by the come bolder than ever. Mai:y a.t home im· entrance of cold water. a.gine that the death.knell of slavery was SYIUPTOllIS OF CATAKRH.-Dull when still green, and after their arrival freSIIAKE ur THE INTERNAL MECHAN"IS~I. struck with the events which followed the Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surrounding heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal q uently been kept by the dealers until they pas.sag s, discharges falling from the head are more or less rotten, they cannot be con· It is a. good rule, says an intelligent phy- death of Hvingstone. In the great ex· mto ·· e throat, sometimea profuse, watery, Townships that he has opened out business in the old stand, formerly and crld, at others, thick, tenacious,. mucous, sidered suitable articles of food. Children sician, always to ride up in an elevator, and plorer's time we heard much of sl1.1· purulent, bloody and put.r id; the eyes al'e are especially liable to suffer from eating when coming down to take the stairs. Like very ; we were appealed to; the Govern· occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and wealt, watery, and inflamed; there. is ringing 'such substl\nces, Their digestive systems· going up hill, walking up stairs is hard w·rk ment buised itself; something was really in the ears. deafness, hacking or coughing to exceedingly delicate and their nervous· and sometimes risky, especially for people done. But the wail is already forgetten, will at all times keep in stock all goods usually kept in a first-class clear t he thl'oat, expectoration of offensive systems are very impressionable. Frequent- with weak lungs, defective r espiratory orHardware Store, corniisting of and Eogland hears little now of the open matter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice is changed and has a nasal twang; the ly the groundwork for serious organic gans,. or heart disease. But going down sore of the world. Bllt the tragedy I have breath is olrensive; smell and tnste are im-, from which recovery is scarcely sta.irs hurts nobody, but is good exercise ; alluded to ill repeated evey year and every paired; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough and gen- possible, is laid in childhood through the going down on a brisk run is a good thing- month-;vitness such recent atrocities as eral debility. Only a few of the above-naml'd neglect of pa.rents to properly supervise the it shakes up the anatomy without iucurring those of the Upper Congo, of the Kassai symptoms are likely to be present in any one food of their children duriI)g the summer the danger of physical over-exertion. This and Sankaru region described!by Wi~smann, case. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, re- season. I have witnessed many cases of sho,king up is ~ood for one's interno.l mcch· a.nd of the Welle-Makua district referred sult in consumption, and eud in the grave. epilepsy which have been caused by green aniam, which 1t accelerates, especially the to by Van Gele. It was but the other day No disease is so common more deceptive and berries and other fruit, especially apples, liver, the kidneys, and the blood circulation. tha.t an explorer, crossing from Lake I shall also keep .a well assorted stock of the best max;.ufacturers' dangerous, or less understood by physicians. have been eaten in childhood. Nyassa to Lake · :I'anganyika, saw the By its mild, soothing, and healing properties, that does not necessarily result ·Heat.fever , whole Southern end of Tanga.nyiko., peopled Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy cures the worst Advice as to a. Headache. ~with large and prosperous villages. The cases of Catarrh," cold iu the h ead," from direct exposure to to t.he rays of the ()oryza, and ()atarrhal Headache. sun. It may be cansed by the diffused heat A teacher in Tennessee, who has long suf- ' next: to follow him found not a solitary Sold by drnggists every where; 50 cents. Stove Pipes, Micas, &c. endured by a person while under the shelter fered from headache, and haa trfod physi- human being-nothing but burned homes of his own house. In these fatter cases ciii.ns and remedies . with only temporary and bleeching skeletons. It w~s but Tile n1anutactu1·c and putting UJ) or Eave Troughs. "Untold Agony fron1 Catarrh." Prof. W. HAUSNlm, the famous mesmerist, there has ueually been some long-continued relief, asks our advice-as to diet and man- yesterday-the close of 1887-that the will 1·cccne special attention. of ltliaca, J'ii_ Y., writes : "Some ten ago ' exhausting disease or some untoward mental ner of Jiving. He has a good appetite and Arabs at the north end of Lake Nyas· I su1fe1·cd untold ugony from chronic nas11l disturbance has occurred, or· the patient h11os is otherwise apparently well. au., after destroying fourteen· villages catarrh. My family physician gave me up 1tB been indulging in excessive physical exer· We many presume that a. headache may with many of their inhabitants, pursued incurable, and sairl I must die. My case was be due to one of many caust:s, or to several the population of one village into a paten such a bad one, that every day, t owards sun- tion, .set my voice would become so hoarse I could TAKING PROPER PRECAt'TIO::<S. causes actin" together. .A remedy suited to of tall dry grass, set it on fire, surround· ba1~ely speak abo,·e a whisper. In the morning my coug·hing and clearing of my t~roat woul,d The persons who suffer from heat.fever one case me.y be harmful in another. Nor ed it, and slew with the bullet and the spear nlmu.t strangle me. l!y the use of Dr. Sage s through the a.ction of the direct rays of the can !l.ny case be cured without the removal those who crawled out from the more merciCatarrh Itemedy, in throe months, I was a well ful flames. The Wa·Nknonde tribe to sun generally th oee whose mode~ of lifo of the cause. man, and the cure bas been permanent." W ithout some knowled~e of the ha.bits, which these people belonged, wero, until Bowmanville, April 2nd, 1888. have been in some respects vicious, or "Constantly Hawking and Spitting." whose s11onitary aurroundinus are bad. Sun- the temperament, the physical tendencies this event, one of ti::te most prosperous tribes ....._____________ . ---- - - -··-- --·- - ---- - - - - --- --·- --===s:&nd the ge11eral surroundings of the sufferer, in Central Africa. They occupied a. THOMAS J. Rusnrno, Esq., ~90~ P·ine Sw·eet, stroke ro.rely occurs ~o th-0se who take it is Impossible to mark out any any scheme count1y of exceptional fertility and beauty. St. Louis, Mo. \vrites: "I was a great sufferer from <9.Mrrh for three years. At tnnes I CO!Jld proper of themselves, even when they of diet adapted to a particular case. Three rivers, which never failed. in the . s evhardly breathe. and was coustantly hawkmg are fully exposed to the direct rays of the But any one who is a.n intelligent observer erest drought, run through their terriand spitting, and for tho last eight months sun, The victims are generally those who of himself and is possessed l?f a strong will, tory and .thei~ crops were the richest a.nil could not breathe through the nostrils. I thought nothing could be done for me. ·Luck- drink alcoholic liquors to excess or who ca.n, probably, treat himself as successfully most varied m the country. They posily, I was ad vised to try Dr. Sage's Cat!'.!rrh have overloaded the stomach with improper as any ordinary physician can treat him. eessed herds of cattle and goats; they fish· Remedy, and I um now a well man. I beheve food. Still, cases of sunstroke do occur We will address -our correspondent direct- ed in the lake with nets ; thi:y wrought it to be the only sure remedy for cnta;-rh 1,1ow when the mode of life has not been at vari· EOVT:M:..A_N"'-VILLE~ manufactured, and one has only to grvo 1t 11 ly, but the advice, with the necessary modi- iron into many-patterned spea.r-heade with f.air trial to experience astounding results and anoe with the laws of health. It is, there· fications, will do for others : exceptional ingenuity and skill ; and that fore, well for everyone to take proper pre. a permanent cure." 1. You a.ware tha.t vigorous out·door even artistic taste had begun to develop cautions a.gains t all risks. The clothing 'Illlree Dottle· ()ure Catarrh. should be light, and that worn next the exercise is essential to sound health in all among them was evident from the orna· ELI RdDBINS. Runyan P. 0., Columbia Co., body :ihould be of some material capable of persons, and especially so in the case of a mental work upon their huts, which were Pa., says: ":My daughter had catarrh wheu readily abaorbing the perspira.tion. Wool brain·worker, under the peculiar strain of themselves unique in Africa for clever con· he was five years old, very ba~ly. I saw Dr. a school·room. Yoll need, at the minimum, struction and beauty of design, This p eople, Sage's Cntarrll Remedy advertised, and pro· is probably to be preferred, !lond it should cured a bottle fot· her, and soon saw that it be pure- that is, unmixed with cotton. For two hours a day of such exercise. Perhaps in short; by their own inherent ability and helped her - a third bottle efl'ected a permawith your Southern habits and conveni· natural reso·irces of their .Jountry were on nent cure. 'she is now eighteen years old lllld the head <luring very warm weather nothing enccs, horse· riding might profitably the high road to civilization." is better than a straw hat, for not only is it eound and hearty." "'!"he plain issue," Professor .Drummoud of light weight, but, if properly made, free interchange with rapid, cheery walking. 2. You are equally a.ware 1 hat a.t least adds, "is now before the world. Is the Arab passage of round the head takes place. Tne so-callFd h>'ts, w hich so eiuht hours of solid sleep a rr still more or the European he..iceforth to rule Africa?" closely woven that they will hold water, essential-sleep in a well-ventilated, sun. lfonsuchanalterna.tivethevoiceofhumanity, Twenty-five cents extra wiH be charged when accounts run of religion and of civilivation decide, a.s it are the worst possible covel'ings for the disinfected room. 3. You may not be aware, but it is true, must do, in favor of the European, the fur· head in summer. over one month. lt is a remarkable fact that sunstrokes that "biliousness and ind igestion are gen . ther question comes as to the particular erally due far more to o l"er·eating or under. European nation to wliom tht: work ought a. r e very seldom met with an1ong persons who expose themselves to tho full heat of eatinv th11on to the kinds of food eaten. See to be entrusted. The Nyassa region, in par · the sun in the country or outside of the if you can trace a connection betwaen the ticular, has been almost won for civiliz;i.tion quanhty of your food and yout' distressing by B~itisheffort.. It is now to be given up? limits of large cities. It would aeem, therefore, that one of the symptoms. Lessen it below average of the And if not, who is to do the necessary work? best ways to avoid this disaster is to get past, and note whether the tendency to It is to be Portugal? To this Mr. Drum· out into the country as soon as the very hot headache lessens with it. If it does, you mond replies on the right track. If not, try the " By every moral consideration the Por· weather makes its ap 1earauce. effect of more frequent and abundant tuguese have themselves forfeited the per· WHERE TO REST, meals~ . _ _ . mis~ion to trespass further in Equatorial 4. Constipation fills the blood with poisons Africa.. '.l'hey have done nothing for the Where to go would seem to be the next con· that affect the bra.in_ Let this be remedied, people since the day they set foot in It. sideration. This is a question in regard to which no very definite rules oan be Jaid if possible, by your food. Abjure wh~te They have never discoumged, but rather dawn. It may be in general bread, and use bread made .from "entire connived at the slave trade; Livingstone terms that people who reside on wheat flour," or mu.h from oatmeal or himself took' the servant of the Governor the seashore or. tts vicinity should, at the "wheat germ-meal," wit h a free addition of of Tette red· handed at the head of a large sl11<ve gang. They have been at perpetual approach of hot weather, go into the interior, fruit. 5. Notice whether any particular article feud with the native trites. They have a.nd that those that live far from the ocean should come to some place where they can of food positively disagrees with yon-in taught them to drink. Their missions have VETERINARY SURGEON, get sea air. There are excElptions to this itself, and the mode of cooking it, or in the failed. Their colonisation fo not even a eaten-and govern yourself accord· name. 'With such a record in the past no ORONO. ON'l'. rule, and, after all, experience is our only r1uantity ingly. pressure surely can be required to make the guide. Make trial of these suggestions for three Government of England stand firm in its Of course a large book could be written repudiation of a claim which, were it acon the subject of " How to Keep months and note the result. ,. - · · knowledged, would dEstroy the ~ast hope Healthy in Summer." There is scarcely for E!!.st Central Africa. · a point in the whole science of hygiene :Blizzards. If not Portugal, then Professor Drum. ' that could not pr(lperly be considerl suppose the bare mention of the word mond contends that it lies with England to ed, but I have said enough to do some good to those who may be in want of informa tion "Manit.oba" in Europe or the States, immedi· carry out the great work she has been so as to how they should live during the sum- ately suggests the word "blizz,.rd." If a long engaged in. Indeed he says, and with ~ ...: mer, and I have only to say in conciusion town in Do.koto. or Illinois is whisked a.way, truth, that England is the only European the devouring monster rushed down from nation that can grapple with this great .&re prepared to pay the highest price that if they keep'cool both in mind a nd body, get a sufficient supply of pure and changed Manitoba., where it was born and bred l problem with the slightest hope ot sucall kinds of Grain delivered at the air, attend to the digestive organs by avoid- This sad land is the era.die of the entire cess. In. the meantime the Arab slavers are ing improper food, bathe frequently in cool merciless brood of hurricanes, cyclones, tor· Wharf' or their Store House in town. water, drink nothing in the way of alcoholic no.does, bli1-za.rds and water.spouts I The pushing on their work of desolation and liquors and take moderate open-air exercise only big commotion we don't orginate is the blood, destroying the very possibility · of they will place themselves in the best condi- earthquake I In fact the "" is here legitimate trade, and fulfilling to the letter tion for living comfortably not only through too. All right enough : but the crust is the scriptural description of the locusts : this irummer, but for many other summers frozen so solid bha.t it can't be era.eked ; in " A fire devoureth before them; and behind which case what ca.n the" quake" o.foresaid them a flame burneth ; the land is as the yet to eome.-[Dr. Hammond. do but make a!l.n for Charle. Garden of Eden before them, and behind ston or Italy, and there shout out? Yes, them a desolate wilderness." Old and New Cures. this is the very headqu11Jters of all the at· I mospherical outbursts which periodically Inspc('tion Solicited. Do Figures Lie ? 1 For sleeplessness, restlessness, and nerv- shake the continent. Victol'ia Buildin~s. MlTR.DOVD B.ROS. 'tl'P-l~l ousness in general, physicians usua.lly preA taller lie never grew. Our Northwest Let us see:iil scribe bromide, chloral, laudanum, or mor· knows nothing of blizz1rds or cyclones. In Two women had thirty chickens each, phine, whichever they happen to favour five I have not seen one. What which they took to m!l.rket. They agreed most. A correspondent of Good House· oommonly called blizzards here, are simply to divide equally the proceeds of their sale. keeping reminds us, however, :of an old- fierce anow storms. They diffe1· from au One sold her chickens two for a dollar, fashioned herb-scutela.rfa, or skullcap- Ottawa stormchieflyin being built ofstronger getting for her thirty chickens fifteen dol· that is "safer than bromide or opium, w inds and Jess snow. I ouRht to. recognize Jars. brings to the sufferer none of the ill effects Mr. Blizzard at sight-I was once introduced '.l'he other sold hers three for a dollar, getthat are sure to result from a continued use to him away down in Nebraska. I have not ting for her thirty chickens ten dollars_ Has received her new stock of of either of these drugs, and is otten a more yet met him here. ¥Vhy, in a genuine blizThia twenty-five dollars realized for powerful quietus of diseased nerves and an zard, eyes, ears, a,nd all the senses are simply the sixty chicken~. · over-active brain." "Years ago," Fhe saya, useless. Get out twenty yards from your The merchant ca.lied on to divide the mond invites the Ladies of Bow- "when one of a household foll sick and be- house and it becomes a. "toss up" whether ney said:wakeful and narvous, our grand- you come back alive. You might as well be ' ' Yon sold your thirty chickens two for a man ville and vicinity to cail came mothers would s teep a generous handful of stone blind. The central characteristic of dollar, and you sold your thirty chickens and see her Pattern the s~ullca.p herb, anO: the patient :vas made l the trn@ blizzard is this-the furious bla.sts three tor a dollar. That makes sixty chick· TllE OEST .LlJJIRICATOR JN TllE JYIARKE'1.". to d . rmk freely of the mfus1on, which often· seem to como from all sides.' yes, ahove and ens at the rnte of five for two dollars_ Well quit:ted the tortured brain and nerves. I ! below too at once. Heaven a nd earth chum five into sixty goea twelve times- twice When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils have giv~n this tea t.o little nervous, res_t- i together in one chaotic epitome oi all the twelve is twenty.four_ That m akes twenty' and assortment o± 1 lesq babies, who twitched and st arted m confu~ions. Caught iu the snowy maelstrom, fourdollarsyourchickeushavebronght." their sleep as though convulsions threaten- a man knows where he is and what is the But, as shown a.hove, the women actually . "" ' ed, and it soon quieted the lit~le pa.tfont s .· I matter with him, just about as much as does had twenty.five in their pockets. P.nd yeti' T ·t d "11 h 1 ha.Ye seen skulloap tea presor1bed for a dis- \a grain of wheat among the cogs of a. t hresher. the merchants figures were r ight! ry l Once, an JOU WI USe llO Ot er. ' Do figures lie? s· roBE:-SeeontlDoor west or William eased old person, who often declares he is - Otiawa Journal. nothing but a bundle of nerves, and this I lateher Stan' JJlcUOLL BROS. k CO'Y, 'J'oroutel. ~auadhtu jtattsuutu. 0 HEALTH. ________________ I es, and . 1 h b . fe, s1mp e er te:i. quiets, soot , rphine I ,induces aleep. when bromide and m .. y who have for him failed to do so." M a.j mediI Ia~e addicted to old-time methods a ?:ant!lolly a~ Slave-Hunting in Africa. 00 Infants I Children. SICK HEADACHE, HARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! ! Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. 1~\, $500 REWARD ~;J~~:W f~~~~in~gia~lfi~:nrrh BEO.E.MANNINB Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, :eutty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c. CDDK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES, Having purchased cheap for casb., I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. ~gQ~~g :m~ H~OOlf~ll@e M~DOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as follows : Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.2,5 Grate and Egg, ..................... -... ., ... 6.00 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST &_ OORD WOOD .n .. Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF. JOHN SPENCER, Murdoch Brothers' N""EVT O:::S:IN"'.A EE.A.LL., where are to be seen GRAIN Jno. McMurtry Co. 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patter:as, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 20 "White Bed Room Sets. ....... Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. I 1188 McTAVISH GOODS., THB.ESHERS AND FARIERSUSE ONLY McCOLL'S : : L A R D I: N E MACHINE OIL. BONNETS, HATS I TRJMMINGS FAMILY SAFETY& SUNLJGHTCOAI OIL Children CrJ for Pitcher~s _C.,1.l&r!~!

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