c.: · TERMS :-11.60 PBR AMMUM. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M.A. JAMES EDITOR A.ND PMl'RlE'.IO:&, NEW SElUES, NUMBEB 520 BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1888. VoLU ME . XXXIV. NIDIBER 2 U. SUMMER SALE OF It IS . Absurd RAMPTON. Standing of the p11piJ9 of Hampton school, for perfect recitation and g-ood conduct . for the months of .JUDA an'l .July : SENIOR DlVI· RtON.-51 .h Clns·-M J :Elliott, '" Cryde·man, E Brown. Sr. Hh - J Horn, F Mason, E Scor.t. Jr. Hh--L McLeun. W In ch, L Salter. Sr. 3rd -M J Katerson, R Hobbins, l<' Cryderman ..Jr. 3r<l- D WilC'lX, H J,aw. N Moyze. G. w. .1 AllUEsoN, T eacher . .TUNIOn D1vrn10N- M Wilcox. I Tay l or,~ Moore. H: CJark.T 'l 'aylor, I Heard. E Parish . M Mnrtm, B Martin, J McJ,ea n, E Cla.t worthy,vV Oliver. M l:tobbine, E CreAper, A W ll<lox. W Cla1·ke. E Hobbins, S Martin. E . J . KEUSLAKE, 'l 'ea.cher. YEL VE RTON, CLARK.E UNJUN. For p eopl e t.o r.xpcc t a c ure for I mligcs· t ion, n nl 0~;:., th ny r efrain fro1u en.Li ng wl1 at is n n wholcsomc; bnt H anyt hing " ·ii I s h :ir p<'Il tlu~ appetite ::uHl give to n e t o the d igcst.i\·e organs, it. is Ayer's Sar· s :iparilla. Tl1ousa 11tl s all O\"IJl' 1-he la n d testify t o 1 he m erits of this m c!l icin c. :'.\1rn. Snrah Dm:rough~, of 248 Eighth sf r~ rt , Smilh T:os ton , writes: " :.'tiy hus. ha111l hns ta k en Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for Dy o ]W p~i:t arnl tor p itl .l h-er, arnl lias bccu g!'eat l y bc ncfitc<l. " New Dry Goods. -~~~ o -~~~ NEW HAVE'fr. Mrs. :l!'enny Pear ce bas r eturned from a visit to Rochester. Mrs. Hunt he s been visiting at her sis ter's, Mrs. Wm. Rundle. Mrs. VaoC..mp and her daughter Nellle have been visiting friends In Orono. Mr. and Mrs_ Pollarrl, of Montana. have been v isiting at Mr. D. P ollard's, Mre, C, B. Borland, of Orono, ia visiting at Mr. O. R . Hall's. Bigham i s also home. Ia it true or a story that a gentleman f rom Oshawa visits down this way o·ccasionally ~ Young man, when you see your b est girl home, don·t. stop out In the buggy, Get in· doors, Harry. Miss Effie Worden. second danl!hter Councillor Jas' Worden . who while running broke a blood -vessel, is recovering. During the next two months A Confirmed 0 yspeptic. C. Canterbury, of 141 Franklin st., i\fn~!-{. , ' vritrs, that., snfCcring for y ears f rom Indigestion , h e was at J:;o~tnn , COUCH, JOHOSTON & CRYDERMAN will elear out their surplus stock 1of SUMMER cooot · AJot of DRESS GOODS will be sold at about llALF _ PRICE. -----0- --- 'P ARASOLS sold at an,d below cost. ----o---- These are new, fresh, fashionable goods but must be sold to make roo, m for our New Fall I mportations. Oonch, JohnSt on &Crydorman MAYNA RD, One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. FASHIONABLE GOODS and where to find them. Miss Bertie Virtue is v isi ting he r brother, JHmes, in 'l'oronlo. use of Aye1 ",; S1irnn p:1rilla. " Three Mr. R, Davey bad ~sheep worried recently. SuJJpoaed to he by curs. lwttle>i o( t his m c Llici111>," s he write:;. 11 l\>lr. Richard Staples has returned from visit'; <~nr:c cl tu e. ing fr iends in Ho" ick. D ick looks as if h e bad been in clover . ~Ir. .John Staples los t a h orse on Frid!Ly of laat week . Old N ed, after br eakinir his leg, l'"RE!'.\ i : RD nv was used as a target. Dr. J. C. Ay:er & C o., Lowe ll, Mass. J8mes Morey's phrn Is viee.ble h ere once :Pr i ce $~; tih: 1~ot tlcs 1 $f1. "~ort h $5 n liottle~ more. How he like.d his sojourn with t he Yankees I can't say, but I believe he came back minus a wife, 'fhe Long Sault Exceloors had a friendly Fll1'NK J U. FIEl~D, D. A. game ot foot ball with t he Hav<l.on Clippers t nd, After th1ee·qu1uters of an hour's ARRISTER, Solicitor, Not ary, &c. July p la y, came off a ti e. COBOURG. Our well known m echanic, ' Vm. Hambly, O.flice,- Ar!IHlur Block, King Street. 22. has the cor..traot f·>r puttinK up an extension to the barn, of Mr. Jolin 'fa~. the seedsme.n. The n a.mes of Messrs. James Mann. Albert Heer and Aroh. Hooper were omitted from tns li·t r>f contributors to Mr, P<Ltton's wedding presents last week. On \Vednesday last, M t·. Rice had Ute f rame work: of liis barn rit1"ed. Subee<1nent pvent,s EXACTING 11nequa/.lfJd showed he knew h ow to t reat his ho.nds, which SERVICE he did to S01J1ethi1tll better than his own n a me in - strawberries and cl'liatn . <luite a number from here attended t he Hs,y. dou tee. on Mond,.y, 2ad lust. 'fhe day w a s firni . the 1ea. was Hne, tbere wus a very tine lot of fin e looking people there, and if we mtt.y be allowed to j udge, there wa s a very fine time a l! ro und. The . fishing fever has i. ot altogether subsided h erti yet. Mr. Ed. Virtue celebrated the 12th, in waging war with the finny tribe. It seems he came oft' vic torious, fo.r h e r emrned home w ith a very fin e show of speckled trout. Good for you, l~d. 1 l'he Long Sau lt Excelsiors hac l a very frioncJ. Jy !{ame of foot ball with the Long Sa·1tt n anJ;"~rs on July Hth. 'f he nangers first bad th ~ .vind in thelrfavoran4 af te1·ha lf a. thour's play, noither aide secured & goal. 'l'h.,1 Ex· celsior· next had tbe wind in their favor and in thirty minutes hO.d captur ed two goals. THE JEWELi.EB, Mr . z. Pollard is enlarging his barn. On the llt!IJ. iu.Mt., be Lad a raising, also a. razlnl'!. 'l'he wind w as blowing a lmos t a gale, iu1<l w bile Has been appriinted so l e agent for t he men were t rying to r a ise the t imt>or, the wind blew otf a portion of tlrn roof or a n a.d· the cele brated ROCKFORD ATCHES, joining barn. Hie liLtle son had a narrow e1:1<:ape, a s i t fell w ithm a bout two reet of where they alf:e. the b est American Watch ho w a s s tanding. l ast i111l11cc!l to t ry A ycr 's Sarsaparilla m11l, l1y its use, was e ntirely cmed . Mrs . ·Tosnph Anhin, of High s t reet , IIolyolw, Mass., s uffcrn!l for over a year from D yspeps ia, so t h at s h e cou ltl not <·at s ubsta.u l ial foo<l, hocmno Y M ? W<'ak, atltl w ns rnialilo to cui-e for ]1<.'r family. Xe ith< ~l' the tne<l ic in· c s pr~sc ri11e!l l1y p liy:;i dnus, n o r n.ny o( t11c r c n w,1irs mh·atise1 l for 1h e c u re, of r>,rnp c;psin, Jw lpe!l h er, 1mtil s l1C' commr:ucc!l th e LUNO SAULT. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, B ~OCK FORD 1.!uick·Train WATCHES Old Mrs. P bilp,or this place, is very ill. Hayin g is finished with the majority ot Mr. 'l'. Evan~, of t hisple.oe, and Mr. R. Dun- farmers and b11rley harveet has commenced. das. of Cavan. on June 5fh la·t started for Somo of our younir l · dles seem to enjoy Scot land wit.Ii the purpose of bringing home \S. Leigh )ing. even in a phreton , vVho can Pnme Sllottish bloods. Ou F ride.y , 6th of Ju ly. interpret th!~ ·1 Mr. T. EvanR landed a t Pontvpool s te.t ion with The he.ii storm on Wednesday did no serious some of th<i finest Clydesda.les that ever came dama.ci:e this section although chunks or ice into these parts; Hiq g1 ·oup is corupo9ed of a. nearly a in s large a s pli;teon eggs fell. roadster and a filloy three years, two fillies two Mies Ro~ie Berry has returned from visiting years, and t wo fillies ona year old. One of the two year olds won a first prize and a silver fri~nds in Port Hope, l\nd Mr. J ames Berry, medal at one ot Scotlands lo.rg-cst exhibitions. teacher, of Dale , Is speniling va cation at home. 'l'he oth ers 11re also pr i7.e takors. The arrival of these fine beasts has awakened great inter· SULIN.A. . es t in this ann tile ad.ioinlng l oca lities; Mr. E van's yard ha.s been like & fair ground since. Barley h arvest has commenced, Mr. Geo, II. Hogarth, D. A ., ot K inoa rdine, OUURTIOE. Is h ome for vacation. Mr. E . .A.nots lo~t a v aluable m are by falling Mr. R . B. vVatson, or Fergus, is visiting t h roug;h a trap door recently. f riends in this section. Mr. Wm . Baker bas moved hla bousehollt Mr. and Mrs. Durrent, of Brooklin, were effect· to his farm ea st of the vi!le,ge. gues ts ot Mr Richards, on Sunday. 'l'he Enfield Evangelistic Band oond1Mted Miss Nellie Rrn wn has returned to her home the services at E ldad on S unday evening, in Pis.Infield, a ccompanied by her uncle, Mr. Sam. Courtice. llir. Alfred Hogarth has sold h is t rotting The Y. P. C. .A.. intend he.ving B pionio on mare t o J ames P axton, of P ort Perry. for $ 200. Mr. Samuel Everson'a fa rm a t the f,ake shore Mr. W. J. Bray. or Kntleld, and Miss Mary en the 20th inst. Goard, or B owmanville, have been viaitin°' Mr. Syd. Brooke hae gone to England, where here. h e intends spending a 'few months w ith his Mrs. Jes. Vice, Mra. W illiam Joli and Miss brother and other relations. Me.ry Elford have been visiting frie nds in. Mra. Sanderson and Miss Le ..vens, also Mr. Cam bray, and ~11·s . · John Short spent a da.y or two in The infant child of Mr. \V. Brunt was buried Pickering, visiting friends lately. !l.t Elde.d on Wedneoday last. I t clied or wat,cr on t he brain_ At a mee ting of th e officiale r ecently, a t Ebenezer, lt was nnenirnousl y decided t,o adopt The corporation t ea.m fatted to rl o n p- tliothe en velopo system in sustaining thA quarter- suburban t-eam on Wednesday ovening last. ly funds. Score 17 to 13 In favor or the tatter. Probably the most interesting and b y for the The Salv1't.ion A.ru1y i ce cream social a u c l most exciting base ba ll 11amo that has been j ubilee was an immense "Go," lMt week. The played on t hese 11roun ds th is ·aeason took place 'l'yrone corps WM In attendance and renderod ou Sat urday afte rno ~n. between the married valuable assistance. an cl unmarried men or this section, r esultino: 8 0Ll'.'<'A STORE NOTICli1.-Special d rives !Orin a score or 25 L o 27 in favor or the married one week. Oxford Shi rtings, Bille and B1 ·own men. R a ts! Duck~ and Gacnbroons, CoL too and Denims, TRDI, Cashmere Hosier y, Gloves and Cor·e ts , Tn order to c !oar out balance or stock: in th ese NB WTO NJl ILL.E. lines, we place them before our customers t h is Tbe farme rs tLre busy ,., a ther ing in hay, week a t sacr ifice prices, ICun.::PATRICK m Liquida tion. which is a very light crnp, JACK. Mr. W ··J. Oven s hl\S a flelcl of turnips that eannot be be<>ten. He has five acres t hinned USU.A WA. out. 'l'he pic·nio held at Port Grimsby on July 5th (F·r orn til e Ontario R PJonner.) W88 a grand success. Everybody s eelll"d to The 12th of July passed otr without any dem· have had a good time. onetration here. D r. L eitch, who oeme here t h is spring- from R ev. A . B. Demilt a t tende d t he Temvera nce Kendall r.o t.aJrn th e place of Dr. Olver, who left for Roch ester, is h aving a large practice Convention at Montreal. ao<i meeting wit h vory good success. The Woric is b eing r!l.pldly pushecl for ward a t the doctor is very popnle.r. Williams Piano Factory. One evening last w eek one of Newtonville'· A r thur D rew, who h88 been attending the fair niaideos was practisin g singing In a h ouse London College, is h ome. in this villag-e ; the window oho.need to be U pward~ or 20 men a re now engaged on the open a nd a number or pedestrians were soon Hall \ Vorks irnprovc m ent a. gath er ed to enj oy the music. Sl:e we.a a In~pector Ferguson m ade a seizure or liquors charming yonng ltLdy, aud h er voice was a in one of the hotel s here la8t Tuesday, cross between the ba rk <if a fox and the whistle of a l ocomotive under full force of steam. I t 'l'he Salvation A rmy is going to h ave a big t> ernbled away as does the c ry or a 011.t on the time here on the 2!9t, 22nd a nd 2:~rd. inst. back fence at midni~b t. a ud r ose a(lain like - T he storm on Wednesday did' g-reat damage t h e cr:v of & l1ound in distress. A gain it rose in mellow toneR not unlike the wind Playing to shade trees. A number were l>lown down, Mr. and Mrs. A . E . Felt a nd family. e.nd over the m outh or au empty ;jug, S topping only long enough to take wind, she raised her· J\lise Strong, or Londo11 , are the gt1es· a or Mrs. self on h er toes, spread out her arms and let a D . Drew an'l family. final howl- a howl th "t ne&rly f rightened Sam On Thursday, J uly 19th, the employeps or the .1 one·' pet fox to death , though it was over 20 Whiting Manufacturing Company, Cedardale, rods off- and vanished. I t w as t he first time will hold their annnal plc-nic. our cit izens ever enJoved snch inspiring and Mr. C . ./I. Mallory has the contra<:t for ereet· son\ stirr ing music, and we only hope we may i np; the ne-' v < :levator "t the G. 'r. H. station h ell.< ' he1· a ga in .- Times cor. and bis full force or m en are a t work. ' NEWCA/STLE. spend t ho summer. A number of campers are a t Lake Scugog spending a couple or weeks. Miss R . F'ortune a ucl l\H1 s L. Rowe, of Port H ope, are the guests of Miss Wilmot, Rev..T. T hom deliver e·l his first ser'.Ilcn h ere Jn tho M· thodist chur ch last Sunday evening. Rev. R. D. Fras~r. M. A., of Bowmanville. occnpied the Presby terian pulpit on Sabbath week, Miss M . Allin, of Whitby, has been visiting h er friends a r ound here for the vast couple of week s. Rev. .J. 'fhom preached his first sermon in this pla ce Sunday evening, All wore well pleased with it. If all rumors be true the Wellington House has been r e-opened by Mr. Crawford and tho bar by M r, G. Par ker. Mr. F isher arrived l1ome Thursday bringing with him his bride. We wish t hem joy and wealth in their new life. A brass b and or fifteen members was organ ized h er e last week under the tu ition of Mr. W . P ickard. The boys h ave a lr eadv settled down to work. Dr. Emerson has bAOome a favorite among the patients entrusted to his oa.ro during Dr. Farnoomb's absence in E ngland, and is making many friends. :Misses I da and Effie Morton. daughters of our respected public school te1i~lt lr. are home rrom t heir schools for vacation and r eceive a warm welcome f r om frien d~. Examination for ce1·tiflca tes and t h e en· t rance to the high eohool wae held in the school room, week before last by Mr. Creeweller and Mr Da.vidson of Bowrnanville. M r . .A. Oolwill arrived home on Saturday after completing h is cours~ and graduatinqo at the Ontano Hnsin ees College, Belleville, bringing with him his Diploma e.nd letters of recommcndatwn. An old Nowca·tle boy, Mr. Earl Atkinson. passed s uccessfully the recen t examiua.tioos at the Toronto Art Sch ool , and wa s i,iwarded a cer tificate for m achine drawing. being t h e only student in T oront o successful in that branch. Dr. Rm er son, w ho is attending to Dr. Jt'arn · comb's ofilce was suddenly seized wHh brain fever hat Wednesday whi le s pend mg an hour of leisure at the m arsh. Ho is under t he care of three d oct ors. and a t present is in a fair way of recovery · The Musical Society' s concert on Thurs dav evening .ot.h inst. drew a fairJy.Jari~e e.udience t o Mr. Fotherg-ill's music ball. 'l 'he concert m arked t he t erminnt ioo or a oonrse or train· ing bv Mr. C. E. M. De.dswell, Mn8. Bae., ot Cobourg. Miss Florence Helm sang a couple o r songs in a. pleasing mttn oer, and Miss Egan's numbers ge.ve good opportnl1i ties t o a promis ing voice. 'l'he piano solos by M iss Symons a nd Miss Brent and t h· violin solo b y Miss D uncan were welcome renditions, Mr . .J. E. A tkinson S1'ng a couple of so11gs and was fa· vored with an encore. 'fhe trio by Misses Egan and Brent and Mr. Dadswell co.lied for th h earty upplause. 'fhe co11cert concluded with a gipsy scene , in which Miss ] 'ortune, of Port Rope , su.ng with Impressive feelini;; "'The Gip· sy's" Warning." Miss A tkinsol1 and Mtss Rowe we re accompanists. Mr. D1'dswell h as worked zealouslv. a nd his training mnst be condu· cive or beneficial r esults.-Ti1n es . ' f'h e Misses Atkinson leave for " Waterloo to A hr·"" " '""rn· owned by Mr. P lasbett, 7th con., W r.ith1. h ·shadtwiufoi) a t wo years in ~g ~~s· itm . They are a ll living a nd doing 1 w manufactured an d from Sorce of the farmers have started barley hal'\Vesr.. 0111 and examin e them. Mr. F . Manning is home frem Ile.milton for vacation. Miss Ada Harris, Enn iskillen, was name on We have also th e finest stock of Sa bbath. --~kiErds of Watches, Gold and Miss Nellie Bing ham is spendini!' a few da ys - -- o - - · Silver, in the town ofBowmanville. at Burnt River, M rs. F . .A. W eeks and childr·m who had been visiting in town, a rrived home on Friday. We invite your att'ention our care_.3ewenry, w e have Mark, the Happy Butcher, from to"° n, CO l1· ducted the meeting in t he barraclta 011 Sabbath ~k f vanety- C l ocks of all kinds very momiug, y se ecte stoc che ap. 1\1.r. !F. A. vVeeks has the contract of Kalsomining the school house inside clurln~ tho holidays. In Silverware w e have the e~- comprising extensive lines newest 'M r. W. W . Jardine. of N ewcastle, and tbe cln s i ve rig ht to sell for the largest Misses McLaughlin , Paisley, w ere hero ce.lllng a n d m o s t f a s h i,o n a b l e 01\ friends la.st week. fir m in the U.S. Th e q uality and Prof. A. B. K ent's lecture was fairly attend· ed on F r iday m ght. It is a lecttrre which is pnces are the b es t aud lowes t in profitable and a mus ing, Mrs, Cook left for her home a t Mount Alber t this part of t.he country, We ask on Thursday a fler spendiug some t ime wit h you to call a nd examine our g oods h er mother, Mrs. 0. Stock. Mesr~s G. H . Jardine a nd 'l'. Ha rris. Bnrot Hiver h ave been spen dlr.g a. few days at !tome, b efor.e buy ing. '!'hey retul'Ded again on Mon day. A number from a distanca came to see t h e SpecM and E ye ·G l a ti,,es, Cases, &c., match between t h e Beavers and Gladstones or. Saturday. n ut were disappointed carry the leading s tock, and w e popular stock of fashionable goods Rev, J, D. Dyer preached a. profitable s ermon g uarantee ever y pair for 6 m< nths, on Sabbat h .evening to a large congregll.tian frnm th e t ext, vVbat think yo of Christ! Matt. is perfect beyond criticism or compariif well used. If they l),reak we ~2:42. Their is talk of K a lsomininr,r the walls a nd s o n . W e a r e s h o w i n g t h e c o r r e c t s t y l e s will r epair t h e m free of charge. ceilinit· and giving t he seats a coat of pu.int of Methodist c h11rch an d vestry. It should be doue, Call and g e t fitted prope rly. the season in colors and Mr. E d. Obannon and wife were out to on Se.bbat h e.ttending the funeral of O UR REPAIRING D !EPAilT.MENT -- We Meriposa th eir . uncle, Ml". .los. Che.anon, who died ou designs of every fabric and material. Friday last. can onl y go over the s ame old s ay'l.' he officers in charge of t he S. A , I.eskard, concluct ed the m eeting a t t he barracks on ing, thatwerepairWatches,Clocks 1'hursday night. A fe w soldier· w er e also and J ewdlry in the m ost s kilful present from the promise d land. I am sorry Mr. Falcon could n ot glea.r. his Olle Call Se r e s p e C t a b le g oo for t h e Ne ws from THE S'rATESMAN or rmanne r. W e a.re h o k e d u pon as tbudget he 3rd i nst., but t he omission wa s not m y c h e a p e r · . w e d o u b t i f y o u c a n f i n d a n y - j t be · ) I lly reliable Watchmake r in fa.nit. 'l' he special was on hand with a good budget of fresh news, bu t the publisher could get it int o t ype in time. I ts a dark day Qlle Willing to m e et prices o n tbi ·· . p art ?f the c ountry. M e r e not when 'fHE S1'ATESMAN or Its corps of 's pecials' d tal k mg cant do the work, b u t tool s , got left, Mr. Falcon. 'l 'he severe b ail storm that passed over here qua t i es near g oo · ese ability a nd expe rie nce combin ed on Wednesday last did considerable da mage. 'fhe barley in some places in this n eighborhood is spoiled. Some far mer s say they won't reap are bargains vievved from standCa n, Ofwbicb we haV(; plenty. t he a mount of seed tl1at was planted. There w a s hardly "' house escoped without having p o i nt . Nothing can had. some win·l ows broken, The garden produce w as ~ b attered to pieces. The J eweller. The "B<Javcrs," of Hampton, sen t the " Glad· THE ROAD '.l'O H EAVEN.- " A map vf T h e q ua l i t y a n d s t y l e a r e T he stones" word on Monday of last week, stating t h e road to heavAn, by a so ul in p u rgathat t hey would play our boys if t h ey would come a nd Jlla y at Hampton. A fter a llttle t o ry, " writes an ;i u t ho r and li terary critic, price much t he cheapest, quality oons1 de ratfon t he boys sent word that they d esc ribing his ideal, and humoro usly conwould go. A few days after our boys received considered. a telegram t hat the Beaver s could not play, fessm g his failures t o attai n i t. But if o n e Wily show tb e white feather, boys ? 'l'he k nows the rig h t path, h e ~hould follow Gladstones are a.nxlonsly waitil1g to m eet it . Why, t h en, suffer i n the purgatory You know and the g oods, therefore the Bea vers on our gr ounds. Don't flinch, of disea1:1e, w h e n the way o f escape is in boys, 'l'he Ri,;orAn , 'l'I<ADE sh ould be careful to obp lain sight ? As a r emedy for scro fn lo ua a ll a s k . i s a t t h e e n G o f t h e s e a s o n , ser ve th11t every piece of print purchased bears FROM Monol'.ANO M AN. - Mr. J oaeph afliectio ns of the throat and lun gs, includthe s tamp ot writes- " All last winter I was so ing consumption in t h e format ive stage Come now and get big bargains. The Magog Textile & Print Co'y Clark bad wit h Inflammatory R heumatism t hat _ o f t ubercles, ciitarrh, chronic bronohitia, in order to b ~ s ure of get ting the genuine 1 was not expected to li ve . I used no t umor s and morbid g r o wths of all kin d s ar ticle . will put k n i fe i n l i v e l y you want other me dic ine but Burdock B lood B itt- / caused by impure o r impoverished blood, to buy parcel. WAIHJl10US IJ)1 !)3 St. P~tor -Strcet,MONTREAL. era and can now get aronn d agai.n feeling J Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery b etter than I e ve r wus before I was taken , has n e ither a r ival nor a worthy co mpetiC h r onic naaa l c atarrh p ositively T1rn1rn ARE !IIANl:' HlUl()A.TJONS of sick, and I owe it all t o Burdock B lood t or . \ T · · · wo1·111s , 1111t Dr. 1.ow'!l l V01·111 Syrn11 m eets Bitters. " c u r ed by Dr. S age' s Remedy. t ~ tllClll lll C \ 'Cl'Y cnsc SllCC> l'SSfnlly . ---- o---- t:be factory as are g uaranteed TYBONE. b e !.ng :tint-class, SEASONABLE GOODS FOR WARM WEATHER. l d 0 ------ -·-·iall to rn DRY GOODS ' of a~ endl es~ f u11 Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, ·N ove lties. Prints and Domestics. Our of all new ~·g ~Bl(~~I £~m LQJWti N0 11 YO_U dS . ; 11 l _. y as d OUr better Th goo s any be there. MAYNARD, ~----------- l1ev. S. H. Eastman left last week for San F rancisco, where he will atte nd the National .l\:dnca tioual meeting. He will be a bsen t six weeks. Mr. Harry Sing, is about to r emove to Port Hope, to IJe man8gtir of the large grain elevator recently purc hased by Messrs. J . O, Guy & Son. At the Entrance E xamination just held 69 candidat es wrote, but owing to t he difficult n at ure of the papers, especially that of arithmetic. only 8 passed. On Friday last a fire occured in the d r y k iln of the Heaps Furniture .Faotory. The F iro Brigade were on h and pr omptly, and the 6.re was confined to the kiln. H aying is over, and . i s the lightest crop ever known in t.his nP.Jghborhootl. Tho p r ospects of the barley erop is mnch bet ter than wa s anticipated a week or te n days ago. Mr, J . F. Tamblyn , or Pbcenix Lodge, and Messrs, li. Sau uders and vVm. Ford, ot Corin · thian Lod ~e. w ill represent the Oddtellow8 ot Osha wa a t the meeting of the Grand f,odge at Barrie on August 8t h. Mr. _ John Lavis, ot this town, h as purcha sed a dwell!ng on Bond·st. East. f rom Mr. Brown and one on Hichmond·st lila.st from Mr. Cb.as. Honey, Six hundred dollars were paid for the for mer, and $550 for the lat ter. Mr. John Davidson, of Ashburn, shipped, at t he Brooklin st&tion, a few d ays ago, two fine Durham h eifers, and Mr. Alex, McTag· gart, of SonyR, shipped une fine. voung Durham bull to Mr. Geo. A.. Ha.rs, Maryland. Revs. McDermaid and Totton, the new Meth. minieters preached their inaugural s ermons on Sabba th 111.st . 'l'hetr discour ses w ere of a highly intere·ting c haracter, and they c aused a very favorable impression among their re· spoctive conl!r egatioua. H ere is a worthy example for Bowmanville School Board . Mr. 'J'ho· . Conlin . 4th Con,, East Whitby, wh03e d w,,l!in11: was bm·nt on May 18th last, h"s comp leted a lundaome residence one a.nd a ha! f swr le~ high, on t he ea.me site, 'l'h e honse is frame, a ud th e work W?<a don e by Mr . C. A. Mallory, Ooh1J.wa., in 5 weeks a nd a dayi!. 'l'he Ho1liday fam ily near MvrtlA, h ns lost its youngest m ember, David, a ged I7 years, H e was in Miobe.ghan a nd on the 28th u lt., was working at sawlogs in a. lmill· dam . D n· r ing the day his companions missed lli>U a ncl finally se&rchecl for h is bndy and fo1 rnd it in the w 1ter. His re111alns were brought home a.nd liuricd beside th ose of h is pare nts and brother. What Oshawa has needed for years past is a first·ol&ss b akery--one which will supply good bread a nd confecti .nary, yet not charge an exor bitant price. iluoh a baker y we are now going to have in our midst , M essrs. J . E . anu E . S Edmondson, of the 03hawa Roller Mills h ave pur uhased from M r. Geor ge llloomfield his baking business. and will t a ke p 1 lssession or the sam e on th e 23rd inst The old frame dwelling; on D nke·st. r ecently used by t h e J oseph Hall Company tor s tonng sand, and which is about to be torn down , hM some historic featu res connected with it. T his building was erected 51 years a go for a h op house, by the late ,,;amuel Hall, for which p urp ose it wa s used fut· s ix ye8rs. A t that time there were only a bout six houses in Osh· awe.. I t was th en turned into a dwellin g. and wa s occupied by the Uev. lfttther F itzpatric, who waR t he first Rom a<l Catholic P l·iest stat ioned a t Osh&w8, is CANADIA.N us PRINTS. For R icket s , Marasmus, and all Wastin g Disorders of Chiidren Scott's Emulsion of P'llre Cod Live1· Oil, with R ypophvsphiteJJ, is uneq ualleb. T h e rapidity wi th which children g o.in flesh and st rongth u pon it is very wonderful. " l have use d S cott's Emulsion fa c ases of R icketa and Maras m us of long ata.nding . In every case t he improvement was markeJ. " J . M. Main, M. D., New York. Put u p in 50c. and $1 size. DESTRO).' T B.E WOBlll!I or t h ey rnny dc1'· t roy f.l·P. cb lhl rcn. l!'reem:nt'~ Worm l'ow· dc1·s dcs1rov autl e xndnll. khul s of worms. we We the ~E a if o LA I NG I i