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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1888, p. 5

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--- '='-------~ .. CONCENTRATED Sewing machine needles at Tait's. Citizens continue to admire Mr. Wood's fio1Ver garden at the station. 'foronto Industrial Exhibition will be held September 10th to 22nd. The bachelors beat the benedicts by 68 to 28 in a recent cricket match. 1 Trinity Sabbath School enjoyed the . annual picnic 011 Thursde.y at Erpingham. Mr, Rich. Darch is c nmoloting a new brick dwelling on his lot, East. Mr. M. C. IJalbraith has become owner of the Sheppard Cottage on Concessionet.REDUCED RATE.-We will accept 40 cents for THE STATES:H.A.N for the balance of 1888. Dr. A. M. Rosebrugh, of 'foronto, will visit Port Hope professionally on Friday, l OF COFFEE. For the Seaside. For Pi,,knickmg. For CamµiI1g Out. fpr Travo0lling. Mr. Hobt. Barrett'~ nice 1 .iai~ence on E lgin-st. is approaohing comp 1,hon. Messrs. W Roenigk and 1 1. Glidden assisted the Port Hope Band ,.n the 12th. REDUCED RATE.-We wil l accept 40 cents for the 8TA'l'E8'.\1AN for the balance of 1888. A troup of the powder, smoke and shout order appeared here l 1n f; week to a meagre a udience. BINDER TWI NE. -A car 101 ,J of No. 1 binder twine just arrived. Price very low. C. RoGERS. You ARE SAFE in buyipg Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder . It is the purest made, All grocers soll it. :t: Cobourg Presbyterian Sabl, School eent fiowiirs to the Children'· H ospital, T(Jront,o, J a~t Monday week Loo . G?oD FAitMS. -'1:'~is paper Is a popular medium for ad vertis:ug fari;n . Several i;iood ones are advertised thrn week. Evel'y person conternplati11J.( a trip . to the Old Countr.y ehou~d c··_ll or \vr1te M. A. ,T,\MRS befota b uymg t ickets. Some of our cltliens IVl\lnt·to the "Orange Walk" in Port H ope 011 tho J.2th. Abou t 10,000 people wer e in the sleepy old ham· let. The Trin:ty church people have decided to rebuild at once and expect to have their edifice ready for reopeniag by Christmas. M. Mayer has just received from New y ..rk a lot of the latest style straw hats, which he offers at very low prices. Give him a call. La.dies, don't miss the bargains now going at Mrs. Morrison's, to be continued for one mohth only. The goods are new and stylish. Mr. M. McTavish received some ugly wounds a few days ago by the falling of a fanlight on his head. Dr. Beith dressed his wounds. What adds more to man's appearance than a stylish hat? Mayer has just r eceived from New York all the latest &tyles and his prices are l"ight. The News' Tyrone trans-scriber missed the new8y Jetter of our excellent corresp< ·ndent wer·k 1cfore las t., but the fault w11,a om·s. It was crowded out. FARillER8.-A respectable young man j ust arrived from England desires to engage wi1h a g nod farmer. Willing to work for moderate wages. Inquire of M. A .lA:l!Efl, at STAT ESMAN office, Bowma:nillo, SuccESROF" A CLARKE BoY.- 'l'he N.t:ws tskes ple11sure in conirratulating Dr. G. H. Carv.. th on his well merited success since he commE>nced practising at 143 College S t., Toronto. Dr. Carveth is rapi~ly comin15 to the .front as one of ~he eadrng med ical practioners of that ~1ty. $100 EACII . -lu spector Powerg had C. Nixon, of t he Royal, A . A. Adams, of the Queen's, and Gamblo, of the St, George B utel, before the Beak week, for rnfract il·ll of the provisions of tho Canadian Temperanc·J Act. They each contributed $100 and costs. The mouy was paid. ·- l'imes. For Staying at Home. J uly 20~h. 0 .LT~Jt&£~~ ~ The Great Convenience ancl Luxury of the day. Rich e.nd Fu!l Flavored, Whole· ical, the General Favorite. some, Stimulating, E asy of Use, EconomNo Cheap Substitute of Peas, Whoat or Barley, but Genuine M ocha and Old Government Java. ~Fo1· ~a le by G1·oce1·s and D1·uggis1s in lb., half· lb., and quarte1·-lb. bottles. TRlAL ~IZB '1 CEN'l'S. I FLUID COFFEE, PU-RE PARIS CREEN ! Lowe~t Prices ever heard of. Pedlar's Q11ality ...... ..... ... 20c. Commercial .. _.. . .. .... . ... .. . 30c. Chemical y Pure . ..... .. .... . . 40c. We never be1ieve in selling second qualities of any kinds of goods but we find there is some dem1md among a certain class ol customers for a cl1flaper 11:rade of P eris Green, and we have therefore loid in a stock of each kind, and we are positively giving as good value for the money as can be obtained anywhere in Canada. · STOTT & JURY, T he Reliable Druggists. $10.00 REWARD T The above re ward is offered to any per-son giving evideuce that will lead to the conviction of any person selling P aris <Green or other poisons in violation of the Phe.rmacy Act. For th1o1 information regardmg said re·ward enquire of any chemist or write to REGISTRAR," Ontario College of Pharm-acy, 1~nto, Ont. 0 "' Bowmanville's band j 8 expected to be the chi1imp1on at l31>rlin on the 25th and 26th i nst. Special bari;?; in millinery at Mrs. Morrison's as she intends clearing out her su_mmer stock. At Mrs. Morrison's-Hats and Bonnets for 25 and 50 cents, worth 75 cents and $1 New this season. ' Mr. Alex. Hume, butcher, has left town bearing the best wishes of many citizens for his future w1ilfare. Mr. W. W. Jsrdine, B. A., of Newcastle, was the presiding examiner here for 2nd and 3rd class teachers. On Monday evening of last week the Son~ of Canada had a pleasant time at Mrs. Keys' after their installation. The program at the Oddfellows' decoration service might be varied a little from year to year with increased interest. Very few country people came to town last 'l'hursday afternoon The shops were all closed and the streets were deserted. HALF HOLIDAY - -The merchants have agreed to close their stores on Thursday afternooncluringJulyandAu~ust. Good act. Rev. Dr. W ithrow said in his address on Sunday afttrnoon that Bowmanville is one of the most beautiful towns in Canach. A plate glass front hM been put into Mr. HorsAy's th-reo shops, one of which is occupied by M~s3rs. D.lle and Ma~on's saddlery. ' Rev. R. G. Davey preached a very practic!!.! and well preparei sermon in the church-st. Methodist church on S unday evening. Miss Sarah Duncan, "Gart h Grafton" of The Montreal Star, formerly of Brant· ford, will, it is said, be married shortly to a Napanee barrister. Mr. Wm. Bryce, publisher, Toronto, sends ns a splendid picture of what the new parliament buildings, Toronto, will be when finishecl. It will be t he fines t picture we have when framed. I PORT PERRY, July 14.- rhos. DiLncast· I If you want to bu;>:>o,. sell o. farm, ader, Geo. Brown, J ohn Stewart e.nd Robert vertise in t he Toront0 Weekly That H odson were fined $50 each yesterdl\y for paper r eaches 100,000 farmer s h omes violation of the Scott Act, and seven bar- every week, and your advertisement rels of beer were seized in D a.ncast er's should meet the eye of some one who houee. wants to purchase. Advertisements of FOR M EN.- T h e correct place to buy this class are inserted in t he T oronto a styliah hat is at M. Mayer's where you Weekly Mail for five cents a word each will find a grand assortment from which insertion, or t wenty five cents a. word for Address, The Mail, bo choose. His gents' furnishings, shirf11 five insertions. cnff~, collars, ties, gloves, etc. , are of the Toronto, Canada. la.teat styles and as cheap as they can be WELL T ESTED. -" I was nearly dead sold. with Cholera Morbus, onA bo ttle of ExOne ,,£ t he greatest surprises to the tract of Wi'ld Strawberry ctired me, and E n>tlish public at the Colonial B xhibition at another time I was 80 biid with Sumin London was the extensive and artistic mer Complaint that I thought I would di"~play of Memorial Wi"ndnws and House· never get over 1t, · wh en two b ott1es cure d hold Stained Gla~s from the celebrated me." Mrs E. Askett, Peel, Orn. McCausland .I) Son, Toronto. The Prince of Wales and t h ousands of othMrs openly - ----- ~-~--~ - ----- - - - - -- - expressed their surprise and delight in_ ~· JUP..THS. the specim1ms of glass works. MUNSON- In Bowme.nville, on the 15th inst., '"· · ' .,. the wife or Mr, Louis Munson, of a ·on, Personal. .SMITH- Jn Orono. ou Jnly 5th. the wife or . r. Thomas Smith, ot a. daughter, BR~DLEY-In Orono, on July 8th the wife of Miss M R y Piggott, of Toronto is Mr. David Bradley, of e. daughter, ing in Bowman ville. Hu ~ rrnrn.-In Darlingtqn. on the 7th inst., Mr. H . Brnce, of Toronto, is visiting the w1(t!"'Of Mr. S. C Hunkmg, of a son. -'\;AIL.-In Darlington, on the 3rd iust., Bow man ville frie nds. UNDKNIAB1.Y TRUJ~. -- " I used l)r. Fowler 's Extract of Wild Strawberry ~nd foun d it a. sure cnre for summer c1o rnplai nt. I was very sick: and it cured !.00 entirely. " Ale;: andet· W. Grant, M ")fie Creek, Ont. TORE TO LET.-The st ore now 00· cupied by Mr. W H. Ives, on King Strope two doors eas· . ot th" P. O. Possession Afkr 10th, Apply to A. BUCKLER, Jeweller, S purpose colts th.-ee years old; rtnd three B'«lid yeal"iing o<>lts. -"'-VPIY to JOJIN Fo s~'ER. drOqJr Bowm1i.nvillc. 21-2 11-' ' r rAILOltING.-Mr. Hindson, Tailor' at McUlung Bros.. is now prepare<1 en make a limited number of suits for oou tH··v buyers or from ou·side estabhshment a. ,;;11 t rancethrough Quick & Co'sstfJr., 4:5-tt $~-REWARD-= - s;:;:a U 0 from lot ll. con. 5· Darlin~:bon a bay yearling ttlood filly Any pel'aon giv ing information leading to her recnvery will :.»ceivo the al1o·e i·eward. J\ RTIIUR HA Htq~ Tyrone. 21 U ff ORS KS F OR SAI~E. --F'our B t·..;} Mares with foals at foot; tw" g\\no1'1\I lr. If 00- --- -------------~- I SAGE ADvISll. - A western city paper says : " Gentlemen of the pulpit, the weather is warm. Your sermons on Sunday should be short." This will apply for Every Sunday, everywhere, till the months of J nly and August have passed away. ----· ---- M iss Cotton desires to thank t he GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. oflicers and frie uds of the Disciple Sabbath School for · their very generous BOWMANVILJ,E ST.ATION_ present on the occa~ion of their pic-nic . GOING EAST . GOING wms·r , last wetik, and wi 8 hes she were able to ......... 8.37 a. m Mail . ....... 6.17 a m f · h · · . d f year or 'Express......10.33 a. rn Local. ........8.23 am urnis a pie-me groun ~very _ Mixed .........3 ~O pm Express* ...... 9.35 am such a well-behaved lot of citizens. ..........7.Upml Mi'!'ed .........3.16pm The attendance at the funeral of the Ma.ii ........ 10:07 Pm Mail .. ....... 9.00 pm late Annie Cubitt last Wednesday was *Except Mondays. · large and the floral tributes were numer· ~··tn1,,., .;1; ,.,'E'.. i' lil:+ttll-.."ttH!'ti ous 1md beautiful. She was· a general e "' \!ll.n..,""""t;. iP'.W.~jl'tM44<- favorite with a wide circle of acquaint--- ------- --ances. Her illness was borne with r eBOWllU.NVlLLE, JULY 18 , 1888. markable patience, and for her death had no terrors. She had great resignation and her end was peaceful and calm. . . . · MI. P . Palmer Bmrows, M. D., Pres1dent Executive Association of H ealth S'.lbscribers who have received accounts Officers, asks us to nntice that a sanitary ·will greatly oblige by remitting promptly. convention and me .. ting of the Executive FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. Association of Health Officers will be · ·t t . f th M d :ROBT. VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. h eId b . y mv1_ a 1011 o e ayor ~n I Council, of Lm<l.say, on the 14th, foth A training school for nurses has been Subjects of st arted a t tha General Hospital, Guelph. and 16th of August, 1888. general interest to every city, town, Ladies, make a dollar go as far ae you village and hamlet will be discussed. can, it will do wonders for you if you take STILL Gorna ON. - The genuine clearing i t to Mrs. Morrison's cost sale of millinery out sale of dry goods t ha t has been for for one month. some months in progresa at McMurtry's 'I'he harvest has been fairly commenced West End House is still in progress e.nd in this section, a good deal of barley hav- in such lines as still m stock real ing been cut in East Whitby and Darling· ba.rgaine will be ~iven . Many things are ·tOn on Friday and Saturday. 'rhe yield being sokl at and below wholes11.le cost, is fair, the heads b eing heavy. so if you have a fow dollars to spent and SURPRISE AND PitESENTA'l'ION. - l'he you want dry goods make a speedy visit members and adherents of St. Saviour's -to the West End H ouae, and you will be church , 01·ono, gat1.ered at the residence surprised, exceedingly. of Mr. John Cuttle ·.11 Tuesday evening Wn1·:-; GitEAT R ECORD.- Our own Wym last, a_ nd presented Miss Jessie Cuttle A d H ·1 d Alb n rus, in the am1 ton an any with a neatly worded address and a hand base ball game on the 6th, macle a magsome sum of money. 'J'he address was base; yea.d by Mr. Geo . .l\foI,ean, and the pres- nificient reco1d. He played second h entation made by Miss Sarah McG!irth; he had fifteen chances a nd took t em all Mr. Daniel Hall acted as chairman, and a~dhing in three double plays ; hio had eigl t b ut outs,. sevf:.~· ass}{ts and ~o a pleasant evening was spent. On Tuesde.y last, n. horribly painful ac- ~;~:ntin'::~ ~~d~ ~~o i~~ns :nda:e:~h:i cident happened t o a young man named second base twice, th e whole being un Arth ur Thomp_son, an apprent ice in the marred by a single error. Good for Wym. Mowat Foundry, at Whitby. The unforBy invitation of Canton Toronto, No. t unate young fellow was putting the b elt 7, Mr. and Mrs. N . S. Young visited To· on a drilling machine pulley \vhen his ronto on June 30th, and were the gnes right hand was caught between the pulley of Major F. W. U nitt. In the eveni g and belt,, The arm bone was broken at a few of the Canton ladies oallecl on M ' t he wrist, ond. tho fl eshy a nd muscular Young and presented her wit.h a beautif~ tissues of the arm torn off from the shoul- silver icepitcher , a.nda beautiful address. der down He bore the pain h eroically. Thfl presentation was mode by Mrs U nitt, T he arm wa~ amputated immediately be- and a beautiful b ouquet w·a.s presented by low the shoulder joint. 'fhompson had Mr . Burton . Mr. Young replied in beonly commenced work as an <ipprentice a half of Mrs. Young in a short address. fortnight ago. 'l'he pitche r bears the inscription . " PreWhen Dr. Chase, author of th e famous sented to Mrs . N. S. Young by a few Chase's I~eceipt Book, died two years ago ladies of Canton '.l'oronto, I. O. O. F., lle left the manuscript of what he said June 30th, 1838." was his " Crowning L ife 'Vork. " Lt has 0DDFELLows.- Mr. J. F. 'l'amblyn, b een published in a magnificent volume District Deputy Grand M aster, has j ust of nearly 900 pages. l t contains more concluded the installation of the officers t han six times the valuable matter that of the various Oddfellows Lodges iu this his old book did, and is the result of his District, which comprises Oshawa, Bowwh<Jle life experience and ob!ervation. manville, Port Perry, Whitby and If t he value of this book, having mor e Brooklm. The Order is in a flo urishing than six times as much in it and t hirty - condition, the combined membership of five :years of addi·ional experience, can t he Lodges comprising the District, being be measured by the value of the old one, G38, an increase of 41 m embers during i t is a book that no home should be with- the pasr six months. The assets of the out. 'l'he publishers olfer a rare oppor- six r~odges in th e D istrict amount to t unity to agents. See advertisement in upwards of $20,600. '!'here has been another column. only one death during the term, and t hat MA.LA.RIAi. FEVER ANU ()UU,J,S are bes t 'broken up nntl 1n·e·n,nte1l b y udn:i; 1\111· _loss was sustained bi Beethovan Lodge, B rooklin. 1Juru·s Aromatic {llllnlne ·wine. ~----- I ft'h., Local and Otherwlse. l Miss Arletta Maynard, of Toronto i MAm'YN-In Bowmanvllle. J uly !Gth , Mary ALVES ASTRAY. - St.rayed f:~m~t Edith. youngest dau ~hterof John B a nd ~.iiza.25, con. S, Darlington, on or a.bou' Tnne :I, visiting her b?:other at L orne Villa. 4 one year old heife1·s. three of which nm -8 bettt Mar1yn, aged 7 Ytll.tlB. 4 months. 2J days. principally Mrs. John R obertson, of Toront 1 rerl, the largest h><vlng "\\ hito llfntl Jfuneral to·day at 3 p. m. feet. white sta:· on race and eome whit11 on in town, the guest of Mrs. Davey. '""'""'! "!""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ flank. 'l'he fourth, red and wLite-evenly M r . W . Fletcher, of New York, is vis· spotted. Any lending to ·hi;tr B ROKEN D owN.- " After s uffering with ···covery will heinformation suitably rewarded hv JORN iting friends in this t own and Or ono. Dyspepsia, Kidney Disease, l uaa of appe- BARTON, EunisJ,illell. 2!)-oW Mrs. John l\faynard and child are tite aud pain in the head un t il discour·ARM F OR 8 AJ,E OH, 'fO RES 'i'.spending a week with Toronto friends. aged, 1 heard of .Burdock Blood Bit ters, n o~tu n·lf of lot 2Z. con. 5. J)1u·Jinp;· We are gl arl to see Mr. John Milne, jr., took two bot1 leB and nm happy to say fee ton, Be'ng H1 100 ncres, more or lesa. -on containi1 home from l\fontr.,,iJ, greatly improved in as well as ever." Mrs. Ru fu R E Merry, which al'e goo;· rlwelli g and hn.rn~. stone and v~J.,.:·, well waterP.d, clay lo~ stables New Albany, N . S. health. ·oil OnJ) & I'.f.lf a mile from the VLIJago or ~olrna and i< -i1 le and a lrnlf f orn Ham pion. l\11s. N . ~- Cole and three children, of BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. J. or terms nnc r u ,.twular· "llPlY t '1 Jos rAu·s . Brandon, Man., are in town visiting with L rc K l ot :H. e c$1 "i, or to Oahawa, p . O reldives. ' ~8-<>'w Cot·rect e·l by .J. Hc~l11rtry, every 1'ncS1l·)'. 1\1isa E. Braden, teacber of Starkville -,,_ _ 1 "1...t--,AIU\i ~h)}·, 8ALE - The ·nbscribor schoo l, is spenclin';( a few clays with friends FLOUR, IJI' 100 tbs.···· .... $2 :to to $2 nO j 1...1 oll'ers for sule sernmy acres or as good WHE.A.'1', Fall, ~ bush ... ,. 0 83 " 0 85 land as 1 s in na.rlini;ton townsbiJ?. bemg comin t "wn . 11 Sprin"' " Q 80 " 0 85 p0sed or " part .of Loi. G and 7. m the secvficl Mr. and Mrs. H. Matthews and Master "" '· · · · Con. Good bricic holl"O a11d youn g orcha:i'd Harold, of Montreal, are at Mr . BAULEY, II" bush, No. 1. . . . 0 70 " 0 00 wilh plenty of wa ter; first-class out build·Dl(S II II II 2 ... . 0 65 If 0 00 and fenCPR. i he Lmd IS lil firBl · Cl9.RS concbR. Gould's. tion. vV11l be sold on easv terms. For p io11 11 3 · · .. 0 55 1 11 1 0 00 ticulars apply on 1h~ pre mi see to MRS G~. Mr. Wyman A.ndrus, of Orono, wou the RYE, 1 1 . , .. , , , .·· 0 55 " 0 60 PATERSON, Bowman ville. 2i-tf hundr ed yard race i n Syracu~e, l\t tlis 4th OATS, II · · · · · · · · · 0 50 If 0 00 of Ju ly sports. Att \1 lN I'ICKERING FOR SALE. PEAs, Black eye, lll' bush.. . 0 60 11 0 G7 - One ot t lie best farms in P1ckermg tor Mrs. Thos. M cYlurtry is enjoying the 11 Small, " 0 65 11 0 70 sale coutainioi:, lZ.5 acres, all of whictL llJ:6 clearf'd ond ill h1gJ, stat e of cultlvfltion. era scenery nmong the Thousand I sla nds and 11 Blue, 0 G O " 0 70 the prem ises al'e f' t(OGrl rlwelling honse arµ:l K ingston city. B UTTElt, best table, ~ lb. . . 0 15 If 0 1(j ont boildrngs a·Jtl 1 wo '"'lie, 'f luo pro peri~Ef r Mi5s Bunting a nd sister Annie, of Pick- LAitD, ij)' lb ' ...·· . ..·. . ' . 0 10 If 0 12 sitmJt~d on lot l b. fJ. f. ono mile .!'!.nd a. f , o m Pick e rinc: \ lU av;e, h alr a m1} 1:} frorn Gra; ering, are vi,iting at t ho Church-st. Meth- E oos, IJI' doz . .. ... . . . .... 0 15 1 1 0 00 ·r rnnk Stol!<m. lhr'l~ mi es trorn P1ckerlb!r: odist Parsonage. PoTA'l'OES, ~ bush. . . . . . . . 0 50 " 0 00 Harbor. and si: miles from Whitby. ~ further p11rt!cular· apply t .., JAMES J'JCK<\._tb> Mr. Norman Tilley, of Bowmanville, on the premises, or Pickering, P . 0 29- tI has secured a situat ion us teacher of Cainsville school. ARM F ·} R SALE.- Situated in the 2nd concesernu, lot 26, 'l'ownslnp "'bf :M"r..J . B. F airba1rn, P. M., h'ls r eturned Clarke, J J ini:e9 ~Ol1th of Orono. Z~ railes not:~ from a trip thrvugh Prince Edward and l'euple fv· n11·1ly l1a1l, 1 r.' in;.; to swallow of Newcastle, <'Onto.ming 100 acros all cle1Ll'J)il 11nd in a good state of cultivation. It is onifbf Peterboro counties. tli1; o l d-l.~~ l 1i·J1wtl pill w ith it~ film of the b~Bt r1trm1 JU the Township. There iij 'bo ANoTHERFIRE.--On Wednesday m orning the pr.mises !.! dwe!Jmg houses. 2 barn¢ Mrs. G W. Dunn, of Syracuse, N. Y. , 111d ·~1H;~ia, ':1iu ly t1i·;gn1s1ng H~ biitc1last the outbuildings on Dr. Bird's farm catt.Je stables, ;, t1 rnip cellars. l stanle-ro~ llco~ ; :1111 1 11 IJ.u a · u11rru~t to A;yer's for fl horses good d1·ivin~ shed and other oljleast of this town were burned down with Is vidi1iug her mother-i n-law. Mrs J. 0 . Dunn in t his town. · ; good orchard and g,\rden conte.oibnildings t !1dt. li,l\ o IH·c1 1 11ell1 ,tll c1l "n11-.l l "Hls, contents, including a new self binder, 11 ing npple, pea: 11]1(1 plum tree~; 2 good w~tt ·d s11hn 1-plu1us"- t lle 0 1i l y fe a r l;t'Mr. a nd Mrs, 'V. R . Williams aucl son 11 .1 l < r eaping machine and some implements and l c1stt"rn ; a never failing atre1<m or wa'ftll' runs through tl11!' lll'emise~ cl·,sc to the bai:.,. owned by Mr. J. D. Hoar who r e nts the and daughter, of Napanee , are visiting iu ~ thai pLll i 1 ·11 t ~ 111 ny he t en1ptetl in10 :vurd. Will sell or exche.n.:e for smaller plall§!· farm. Dr. Bird's ri.ildings Wtlre insured at Mr. M. D . W illiams. l: tl, 111~ too 1wu1r at a <lose. But the For furtl1er pll.rticn lar~ a.pulv on the proruie'etl for $400 and cnntents for $320. Mr. d 111 , 11011' a1c til ,dn <t111l ,hoHltl be to S.nrnxL ·wooo, Orono, P o. 2G-tt H , . $ Mrs. Geo. McCullough and Mrs. S. oars 1oss is over 200 ; no insurance. Millman, of Columbus, were callin·Y on :,I' :,·11,y fullu 111~d. lncendiart3U1 is the cause. Dr Bird was f · d h T d "' J . T 'J" ·llu-. ]If. D., of Chi tten a ngo, n en s ere on ues ay. at Lake Scugog. j, \' .. " ' l'l ' ss1·, c,xa· 11~- wliat hundreds - 1,·on TUEMr. R. D . Davidson and wife, of BowJi.:-. c \\ 1111111 :i '. g11·alcr length. He 'l'he telegraphic match bet ween the rnanv1lle, viR iting Mrs. D<1.vidson's ~. : ·~ . r. -' ·' (' I's t ',tll1a1 I ic Pi lb a t e l 1igl1 ly Bowmanvil1e Rifle Association and the fathH, Mr. N . Peters, at Canton. ,1 ,l '" "' ·I T " j u1<i pcrfc-.~t i 11 form Toronto Association took place last SatMr. Arthur Cawker, son of Mr. c. M. urday aft.,rnoon on their respective Cawker is home frc>m t he British Amer: " l ' '"" ""·" · a 11.l 1lit'i r effects arc all Eata.blia neCl over thirty years. ranges, and resulted iu ~ victory for !he ican co:Umercial College, T oronto. I , : 1 <~ Jl'<ht <:JI Gflll pl1:; slClltll ('01\Jd '.l'oronto team by 47 points. Followmg Mr nd Mr8 G - B" k II M c', , '" -J'l11'y h.11 0 ~)) ppJ ,w1<~11 :tll tlrn 'r he old rellc<t>le nursery. Men wit,h pnJJh, 10 e · .sr:, · is the score of our home team :-J. B. , ·a eo. rs. ) 1 1 1 ~ f11Jln 1 t ly pupt1J ar h <.;n·, [Ul tl J t l li11Jc energy. good llabita and clean charac~ D (,eo. H. Buxton and Master \Vllhe Bux:. M' h W S R ,, 1 80 11 always succeed. ·w e can give you good 1'llY 9 1 ir. i:11 i. i.. be 1ongbeiu1e u 11y 0 1l1ur 1. . · un itc e ' i · · usse ' r, ton are visiting friends at Brooklin. ; and steady wor.r!:. Write for terma to McLaughlm, 78 ; D. _D. Beac~, 78 ; J. Ji· l 11ddc t lmt " il l at. nil (' l) l lpar11 " ·1th CHASE BROTHERS' CO .. S~ndo, 77 ; N. S: Young, 76 ; W. C. Ron. Oliver Mowat is expected t o ret' ·,"· r. T lll ·S <~ \\]10 l.J11y )0 111" p ill:i g1Jt Nurserymen, COLBOHNE, ON<r. K mk, 72 ; J . Curt is, 67. turn home from E ngland in the latter part ~gust or early in September. I HORSE STOLEN.- On Saturday evening, · W e congratulate Bro. Sam. Hughes on July 7th, a horse and buggy belonginu to I . . M . l"'" ., .1 ;,.vu , " u~ the co11 c1~u testil.u ooy l\ir. Alf. Vandyke, near Taunton, ';y'6 ' 11s prornotion,}o aJOr. Sam ha~ been McCUAIGI &,, MAI NWARING, , .. · <. 1·01;,;o E. \\r.llke1, uf Martinsstolen from the Central Hotel sh~ h.·figl~rr for 2~ years- the major part of }}ete.te and Financial .Agents, 1 Oshawa. 'f he horse was discovered ' _ is e. lS VIOTORJA STREET, TORONTO, ' . \ .\f'I.. > 1'1lls outsell all srnnlar prPJJMonday morning in Mr. lYiillm"n's yard, "Os. Bridgman, merchant, Otta· Can exchange n number of well rented llouses <i1 : lfl <>n~. The pul1lie 1 1.1\ i11g oucc nscil in 'l'oronto, paying a good rate of interest, IDl' near the Masson Works, and it had the wa, sails this week for England w visit first-class farma free of mortgage. "-:" ll1, " ill ln.1se no" - l3t.:t r, y , appearance of hard usage. The horse his olcl home and friends at P lymouth. , Why let money on deposit at ; per cent. < r::1iil<' & Collier, Atlanta, Ga. and buggy were seen in the possession of Bon voyage. ~ when j 1 1dicious investment in Toronto property will reaii~e ten timea that amount1 Abner Smith, jr. 1 of tlie H arbor, on SunMr. N . S. Young and Mr. W. E. PethMONEY LOANED on !!'arm l'ropcrty 111J day, and he was arrested 0 11 Monday, ic joined t he 'f oronto Canton in their exlowest rates. charged with the t heft. H e was com- cursion to Collingwood. They report an 1 l '"'l'-""rl 1,, JJ, .r. C. - l ci & Co., Lo" <"li , :-.i ..... We ce.n otl'e!' ~everal investments ln ron·ed mitted for trial. excellent time. localities, Toronto, paymg ten Der cent. on £:.mount invested. Late letters from Mayor Younie indi-\ Dy not1ty m1< us direct or by Jeav_ng no~a A MoNUUENT.- 'rhe m ~ ny fri>'nds in cate that he is enjoying his visit to his S'l'ATlllSMAN OFF'ICE, Bowmanville, fll' Canada of t he la te David Kennedy, who, native land, oonnie Scotland. He is to STEER As 'fR_A y .--Straye d f rom l ot at _ with P. 'l'ltF.BlI,COCK, Bookseller. BowmaA-o 2&, con. t, Darlmg~on. a red ,-ille. intervie w,; tnay be arranged with our with his talented fam ily , relighted his sail for home a.bout the 27th in&t . sieer. Any lnf?rmation of its whereabouts representative, rdr, lt. C. S1NCLA.IR. H 3m. countrymen in all the la nds by his gift of Scotti~h song, may be interested to know Mr . Walter Scott Russell has been ma.y be left at this office or w J oa:<r MKrCAl.~' 1 2'- Jw· I that a massive stone has been erected promoted t0 the honorary rank of Cap- Bowmanville, P.O, · tie over 1 u.s grave in v 1 G range cemetP.ry, tain a nd app01nted Paymaster of the 4~th E Batt., vice W. T. Scott, left the 11 ·m1 "t·. FOR SALE. ~ dinburgh, 6 little t o the e ~st of the n r estmg place of Dr. Guthrie. '1' 110 stone Miss Eva E lliott, of Bowmanville and heard t he inscription : "David Kennedy, Mias Braund, of P ort Hope, are' the LAHGJl:S'l' IN CAN AD.A. ']1HA 1' ex.: dlent gram and grazing farm, __ _ known iui "Erpinf(hsm," oollllleting oJ'l£() th e Scottish singer, born ai, Perth, April guest s of Mrs. H. Gordon, Osaca. Enacres, well fencecl, well watered and m .first l 5, 1825 ; died at Stratford, Canada, joyi~g their holidays with their country I We w&.nt rehallle. energetic men to sell 011r c ;lass sta.te of caltivn.tion, with good fruit or chnureery stock ; previous experience not neces- ard. is ofl'c::-ecl fo" Pule on easy terms. Octo jl-ri'mh,-188()." cousins. sary ; auy man with ta.ct and energy can 1 'I'here are ln.l'ge farm buildings. stone cella'l" PPOINTMENT.-- Mr. Jas. Milhr, Math- CIThe cl{ a!~a<lhi<m fO vBerseer classes Comrade succeed. Terms liberal, either salary or com- j stables uudercMth for stock and storage 'iit roots, etc. ematical Master of Bowmanville High ias. cit · 0 Owl"lanville Legion , mission ; outfi t free. Our a.gents have advantages, such as selling I There is a roJJi ng dam on creek near buildSch"ol, has beeu a ppointed assistant mas- l amtong t he rnf def atiirG~blo wL orkers at the housegrown. ings, (110 exnenae for past ten years) un<l.:>a hardy Canadian 3tock. This 0 ses.810110 t ie rancl egion at St. season we have a number of choice specialties breast whee ·orectcd with foroe pump that t er of th e n .iw Parkdale High School , and 1 which are of value a.nd which can only be raises wate1· 50 .feet to reservoir which BllP· Mr L E. Embree, h eadmaster of ' Vhitat larmes. secured from us, such as a complete bat or plies water thrOURh stables and dwelling by Collegiate lns titute. to the position of The l\Hs·es Moorey, of Rochester, N. New Russian apples, the Hitson pear. Sannd· 1 throughout. A D:i.\ry Ruslnesa was: 011r1·led 0 11 plum. Hilborn raspberry. Moor's lt uby and Princi);;iJ M :l'; Millar's removal will be Y. , who have been visiting at Mr. 1. ers Blaok Champion currants, Moore'a Diamond for years. from 25 to :lcicows being kept . There a serious blow t o our school, as an equal- Haggith's, hav" returned home, accom- grape, etc., etc. being several aoreB et rich ' ' l<'lata," througl:l ly e.tllcient successor will be difficult to panied by Miss Allie Haggit h, who has We have given particular attention to the I which run e a living stream. &ccessible fr om propa.gation of hardy varieties sm table to the every field on both side~. this fa.rm atror(18 the find. The Patkdale Board may congrat· gone 011 a " isit to tho F lower City. I best facilities tor this bnsincee. Only ho.If .a northern sections of Canada. ula te itself on having selected one of the Mr. Chas. Wakeford of t he H ove !l.1i!o from the town of Bowmanvilie. ]'or terms. apply to Stone & Welling ton Fm· sale a!Bo :,o acres in the 7th conceseiou :of. most suc~essful mathe1~1Mical teachers . i? I Brigh ton, England, ca~10 over on th~ 1 2L-3n Ont I Darlington ..1uat 80 roda west of ·Guido Bo'l.J'd.' Toronto 1 the Provm ce. Mr. Millar is a good c1t1- Sal'matian 1111d r eached Bowmanville on ' · . J<'or full parttculare apply t o B'J' ICii' 111~ N zen and all will regret h is removal from Monday morning after a very plettsan t .S-·---------------~ COTT ON, Xtt r._,:; lfawmanvilltl. - :....:__======: QUr town . voyage. He is highly delighted with COLT L OS: '. -Strayed from lot 6, OQP, J. D~rlin f.lton, a. dc.rk buy unit, 2 tMl's olJ. No white on her $:> rewall'd &wife Qf Mr. r:J, 'fnlVf!<il. Qflli ~on, w1ll be ll'iven for information leii.i11nr? to Mrs. Joshua Adams has r eturned f rom flucMll.- ln Il:ast yV'hltbl;". iili the Hlth inst ., recQV(Jry. ;for, ., ,Jy:wg,i,, B!] wll)auvil!~a:~tS' a viei" t9 Port !lope. the wife or Mr. J. Pierce ota daughter. -""'=.,.,:.=.:.., c :: ::... __ -- -~~-· - ~ 0 11MISTON-Jn Ef!.stWh1tby, near Entleld, on QOOD B'C [LDING LOl' F OR SALE Mrs. D. T. Tees a!.'\U child, of Motilrea.1, the ,h t 9th inst., the wire ot Mn. WM. 0RMIS'l'ON, d'd b ii . . · --0~ eon . - 1 a sp1en 1 u ding Jot opposite t~ are visit1'lg her parent s. ; .~'li.. · residence of J ohn Wesley l~sq. on the h ill. l;'HAW At Por~ Darllngton. on July 10th, the weet or this town w ill be sold 00 ' very reasonMi·s. J. H . Keely and child h(Lvt'.J BeEin 1 w1fe of Mr. Wilham Shaw, ofa daughter. Ablo terms. Apply 10 M. A. JAMES or J OHN !'isiting Kmsale friends. FLE'ICJU£H, ownel'. Bowmanville. 13·tr MARRIED. Miss Susie Gould has returned from a ~l\ LL FARM F OR SAJ,E. - lOacms lengthy visit t o Montreal. RowE-H.UmLv- In Bowmanvilte July 4th, S M of le.nd, more or lesg. bAi11g part of ht )II Rev. M. Gunn, at the retidcnce of the m the Miss Eftie Porter is visitrng at Rev. by 7th concese1on nf the 1'r.wnehip of DnrJ:. b·ide's sister, John I,, Rowe, of Orono, 10 ington, Oounty of Dul"liom. House and stable. Dr. J ·mieson's, Perrytown. Maggie E .. youn~est daughter of the late Peter Well watered. J~or further particulars a.p'lilY' Mrs.\\'. R.Couch and her mother spent Hambly, of !!owmanville. to 'l'. GRll:ENW,\Y, Guide Ol:fice. Port Hnt> e; or to J. 0 . LABF.r,I.m , Bowman ville. !J'J;<tw Sunday with Whitby ftiends. ~DIED. 1 11r ,v. I C - - - - - -- - - - - -- F F 1 ,V. What a Time F 1 SAlES MEN WANTED N f WENGLAND NURSf Rlf~, I I FARM S WANTED. A ye r's Pills, I I ERPJNGHAM F ARM: Fonthi l l Nurseries ! : C 1 I I An exquisite portrait of Helen Keller, the wonderful little deaf and dumb blind g irl of .Alabama, 1s the frontpiece of July vVroE AWAKE ; and Sallie Joy White, in an illustrated article, "The Story of H elen Keller," gives details about this marvelous child that will interest old an<l young, school-children and metaphysicians. A.noth er very delightful piece of biography is the Monree chapter in " The Children of th e White House," t he fine President· al series which has been so long preparing for WI@ AwARE. Otherdelii~htful things "too numerous to mention." All for 20 cents. $2 40 a year. D. Lothrop Company, Publishers. Boston, M ass. Canada. !Yfr. John. Trebilcock, of Chicago, and M iss Beckwith, of Toronto, wel'e united in marriage at the first-named city on Wednesday. The bridegroom is a brother of our townsman, Mr. P. Trebilcock. .He h o lds a good position i n a wholesale dry goods house. l\fr. Thos. L 1ttleJohns, of Painsville Ohio, gave us a call last week. He ha~ been visitin~ his old birthplaca near Ilradley's School House. Tom was one of the good little boys of that school l 5 years ago, when we wielded the birch the'fe ; now he is a fine lookincr man who kicks t he beam at 185 lbs. " WOOL I WOOL I l --o- - 1 1 Breeder's Directory. $1.00 IB - The v ery h ighest Cash Price will be paid for any quantity of WOOL a t OAR-FOR SERYIC.E.- A '.l'iioro'· brod 'Y oi·koll i~e White Boar m kept tor ·ervice on lot 1e, co!l 4, Darlington, on the J oll l!'arm, o. hair m>lf> soattJ of liampton. 'J'oi'm~ Z.:>---.h v" JOHN LYLE'S , G rocery and Provision Store, BO WM.A.NV ILLE. ULL F OR s;::: g v rnE. ---The Tl1cn;o· Bred i:lhOrt Horn .Bu1J ··so1inm Chr.:.1np\ot1" /~kept to; service on Lot 28 ('on. G: DllJ"l,w?. on. l erms.-F or the R f"v;on, ::SUlO, :rayahio 1st Oct.. 1S88; $1.:50 pay.,J;le Ist Febrnary, 188'1. 'l"nm1. ' Y'ARDf 8ohn&~ B -------------ll !l li Bl! !l l ·i ' kept for ~Ol"Vj QQ at f! ~::J. Q1l ]>lw'l) ~t ' · ~V OLi':l'fEIN }':.TJLT, J'OH SE RV1dE. A thoro"-bretl IIolstein Bnll. " 0 l'<'t1f( "' No. :l703. roglrlteN>d ; 1"1 tl'-.e .I l . :i.·. H. H[){>l<f; vpi. ~. the pro:i;orty ol: .T. {' , s. P cnfo,, ,,, . "ni l t a =", ·H Q1jJ. ,.,_, ... 01 · ' , r7\j S:J, Con, 2, 11ar.llilgt;;n.x l'r lc\I ',;<, l' i LC;

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