~'.~~~i~~~~q~1~~'J:~W~~~~~~~~~~~!_~~-2t!ll_!:~~~!~~~~~~ll -~~~~~=~~~~!_"!"~~~~' YOUNG FOLKS, them with ang ry cries for their ~eds of VENTUltES IN LITTL£ :BOATS. Since time immemorfo.l men have been ness, slipped q uickly along a ho lZ)lltal fond of deeds of di,ring and bravery, but BY THOS. STEVE NS. bough, and thrust his arm into a h le. it is a question if any ancient athlete or Everyhody who travels in Indi11. comes in His eyes wandered guiltily 11.rpn nd, ll.S ~arrior whose praises have been ;sung contact witb. monkeys. Hindoo mythology though expect11ont of detection 11.nd punish- Ill song or prose would have cared to tells of a monkey king, Hanuman by name, ment. This apprehension quickly justified perform some of the crank foats of the who performed prodigies of valor in war. itself in the shape of a. blue pkmaged bird moderns, such as tumbling through the He was also commander ot a. great army of that fluttered angrily a.bout the robbers Niaga.ra rapids in a. barrel, jumping off ,the monkey soldiers that once invaded the island hea.d, and c11.nsed him to beat a hasty retreat. Brooklyn ':>ridge or venturing a.crnss the of Ceylon to do battle with King Ravana who Birds' eggs were the booty he expected to wide expanse of the Atlantic ina cockle-shell reigned there. find, arid, methought as I noted the number, craft scarce big enough to hold subsistence King n ..van"' wv.5 a m·)nster with twenty mischievousness and activity of the free- for its louesome crew of one. These modern hands and ten head·, a very warlike being, hooters to whom birds' eggs would be most tests ot endurancs a.re mere cranky acts of for and and exceedingly difficult to overcome. In toothsome . morsels, ~atehful, indeed, must foolhardiness, done only for the sake of order to reach his island, days the st-ory, be the parent bird whose maternal ambition bringing the performer into notoriety, or '. "CutmJai~ i!!O'Well~toehildren tha' (Yutorla eurea Colle, ~nl!f.lpation, Ha.uuo:mn's monkey soldiers were obli.gcd to bore its legitimate fruit in this monkey· to put a little filthy lucre into his pockets. £recommend 1t aa superiorto-an;rproscripliioii. Sour Stomach, Diarrhooa, Eructation, build a. bridge across the sea. infested grove. Although one or two attempts to navigate lalowtHome.·· R. A. AllCBltR MD Kills W!Jrms, gives sleep, and prom.otell, cU· Oo. account of his V<>lorous deeds a.nd In me these monkeys seemed to recogniirn the ooean in craft as small as ten tons burgestxon. ru So.. <n:l!orll St..B?'00kl7u, N. Y. Wi&llou5 illJurlous medication. gre~t wisdom, Hanuman is regarded by the a possible da.ngerous enemy, and at my first den were ma.de a century ago, people have superstitious people of Indi11. as a fit subject a.ppearaEce they hastened to hide among been generally content to cross the · wide TBll: CENTAUR. Coru:PANY, 77 lturray Street, N'. y. for worship as a. god. Idols and temples the thickest folia?e; peering c11.utiously ferry in regulation sea boats. But a.a recent a.re erected to his memory, and monkeys down, th,i:y yielded themselves up to excit- as 1862 a brigantine-ri17ued boat n11omed the everywhere are regarded as his represeuta.· ed chattering and broa.d grimaces. After a "Vision," about fifteen feet in length, left tives. For this reason monkeys are oon- while they bec11ome somewhat reassured, and New York for London, with a crew of two sidered sa.rred by the Hindoos. They are regarded me with less apprehension. The men and a deg. A keg marked "Vision," FOR SALE BY J", HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANYILLEt Tpe treatment of mnuy thousands of cas;::e never molested, and are permitt.ed to take wild monkeys and the natives seem to get was picked up off the Western Islands about of th.os,; obrouic weaknesses and distressing -~-====================~====~ aliments peculiar to females, at the Io v!Uldtl' up their a.bode in the towns and viHages by along famously together ; one often sees six months after the departure of the lilipu- ~~~~~~~~~~:"-~~~ Hotel and Surgical Institute, J.lulfalo, N. Y., the thousand. It is considered a m~ritori· them occupying the shade of the same tree. tian brigantine, and a.pa.rt from this nothmg has afforded a vnst ll:Xperience in nicely adapt- ous act to feed them, a.nd nothing less than In the valley of the Hooghly, down to· has since been seen or heard of the Vision, ing an<!. thoroughly testing remedies for the sacrilege to do them ha.rm. wards Calcutta, my road sometimes partook her crew or the dog. om·e of woman's peculiar maladies. As ma.y readily be imagined, a swarm of almost of the character of a tunnel burrowThe Red, White and Blue ma.de a. sucDr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription She:"'as twenty-eight ls the outgrowth, or result, of this great and mischievous monkeys occupying a town need ing through a mass of dense tropi~al vege- oessful trip ii: 1866. vaJuable experience. Thousands of testimo- a good deal of watching. The monkey tation. Cocoa-nut and toddy-palms mingleo feet long, riggedas a. ship, and canied nials, received from patients and from physi- everywhere iB a. notorious pilferer, and in their fea.thery foliage with the dark green , ~hree men safely from N.ew Yo_rk to London cians who have tested it in the more aggravated and obstinate .eases. which bad battled India he repays the na.tives for the super· of the mango, the wild pomolo, giant ham- m the ~u~nmer of 1866. ThlS boat with their skill, prove it to be tho most wonderful stitious regard for his welfare by stealing boo and other indigenous vegetation charac- the patr10t1c nil.me was afterward on exhibiremedy ever devised for the relief and cure of their fruit. teristic of a hot and humid climate, and big tion at the Paris l<Jxpoaition. · suffering women. It ls not recommended QB a. The big bunches of ban.,,nM, baskets of creepers swunir from tree to tree and wound In 1868 a twenty-five-foot boat called the "cure-a!!," out as a most perfect Specific for woman's peoullar ailments. dates, nuts and parched grain on the village among the mass in inextricable confusion. John J. Ford left Baltimore with a " crew" As a powerful, i:nvlgoratl11g touiCt In this m11.gnificentconserviitory ofna.ture, ?f two men, bou~d for Lon~on. .Aftercrossit imparts strengtn to the whole system, stalls, have to be watched closely to prevent and to the womb and its appendilgea in their being carried off. Scores of monkeys big, blaok-fa.ced monkeys, with t11.ils four mg th~ _Atlantw and while off the Irisb. P.articular. For overworked, ' worn-out," may be seen perched on the low roofs near feet Jong, romp a.ud revel through the trees, coaet, it 1s i·ecorded that herba.lla.st bo11.rds ·run-down,.. debllltated teachers, lllil1iue111, by, watching for an opportunity to slip nimbly climb " the creepers, _ and thoroughly w_ere used as fuel, and a storm arose imme· dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-1rlrls," housekeepers, nm·slng mothers, and feeble women down and help themselves. Eternal vigil· enjoy their life amid the sylvan scenes about diatelf there11.fter. 'l'he Ford capsized, her generally, Dr. Pierce's· Favorite Prescription ance on the part of tile shopkeeper alone them. It was a curious sight to see those Captam was drowned, the other man was is the greMest earthly boon, being unequaled prevents him from being robbed at every big anthropoids, almost as large as human saved ~nd the derelict was washed ashor.i Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surrounding. as an appei '.,<ing cordial and restorative tonlo. hour of the day. beings, · swing themselves deftly up the near Waterford, Ireland, where it is said tv Townships that he has opened out bufJiness in the old stand, formerly A8 a s;.:,otbing and strengthenlntr nervine' " Favorite Preeorlption" is uneSometimes the monkev population of a festooned creepers at my approach-to see be still in the possession of a gentleman occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and. qualed ana iS invaluable in allaying and sub- town becomes so numerous, that the people their queer, impish black faces peering named Andrews. . duing nervous excitability, irritability, exI~ was several yea.rs a.f~er this suggestive will at all times keep in stock all goods usually kept in a first:.-cla.Hs haustion, prostration, hysterilt, spasms nnd are fairly at their wit's end to keep from be- cautiously out of their hiding place, and to otker- distreBSing, nervous symptoms com- ing eaten out of house and home. When hear their peculiar sque11.k of surprise and endmg of the tra.nsatlautrn essa.y of the John Hardware Store, con;;isting of monly attendant upon funotional and organic things come to this pass, the pious Hindoo alarm as they noted the strange character J. Ford that the next attempt was made. disease of the womb. It induces refreBhing ia very much grieved to see the sacred an· of my conveyance, the bicycle, Early in ~e '7_0's ~he little 19 foot. City of sleep and relieves mental anxiety awl dethropoids growing thin for want of sufficient Sometimes a. gang of them would lope Ragusa. sailt;d Ill nmety _da.ysfrom L1".'erpool spondency. · Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescl'ip&lon food, and often shares with them his own awkwardly a.long ahead of the bicycle, look- to Boston with a ~'\.~strian,, an Englishman Is a Iegithnate 1ncdicinc, carefully inu every inch like veritable imps of dark· and a dog as her living freight. She afteroompoundod by au e:x'/erienced and skillful scanty mea.l. In sheer pity a.nd to save them from ruin,' ness pursuing theit· silent course through ward successfully essayed the return voyage physician, aud adnpte to woman's deUcato orgaulzu.tion. It is purely vegetable ln it.f the English Government officials sometimes the ~hastened twilight of green-grown sub· having another Englishman. for ma.te in compcsltion and perfectly harmleS!l in lta elfects in nny condition of th(l system. For -ta.ke summary measures to rid the towns· i;err11.nean passageways, their ridiculously place of the first son of ll.~b:on, who, unI sliall also keen a well assorted stock of the best marmfa.cturers.' morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever people of the multitudes of thievish pension- long tails raised aloft, and their faces most doubtcdly, h~d enough of 1t. The City of cause arising, wc;ak stomach, indigestion, dys- era that sw.-rm l\round tileir dwellings. Al- of the time lookini;r over their shoulder. Ragusa's performance, viewed in the light pepein and Ldndred symptoms, its use, in small though the Iiindoos would suffer from their of what has since transpired, is noteworthy doS(ls, will prove very benc11cial. principally on account_of the length of time "Favorite Prescr iptio··" is a pod· depredations even to ruin rather than do Stove Pipes, Micas, &c. t i v c cure for the most com pHcu:ted llnd ob· them injury, they offer no objections to beMaking a Nose to Order. consumed in getting over the 3,000 or less stinate mises of leucorrllea, exoessive tlowing, ing relieved of their burdensome charges miles of water. Tl 111anutacture and putting up oC Eave Trough$ painf ul menstruation, unnatural suppressions, by the government, so long as the rnea.suras A feat quite unprecedented iu what ha.a The gallant dory Centennial and her le p,t;oh1psue, 01· fallinll of tho womb, wenk back, will 1·ece1vc .sptcial attention. been called "decorative surgery" was ex- indomitable commander, Capt. Johnson 'fe1nn.lo w en.k11ees,' anteversion, r etrovet·sion, t11.ken ace not of a sanl:(uin11.ry nature. bea1·Jng-do-wn sensations, chronic congestion, m ecuted recently by a surgeon in one of achieved a. feat in 76 tha.t threw all ,_he monkeys are generally oaught and inflammation and ulceration of the womb, in· fiammutlon, pain and tendernell8 ln ovuries, shipped off in big cage wagons, or if near Boston's city hospitals. 'l'lle operation in previous endeavors far in the shade. The aocompanied with " internal heat." the railroad in' oars, to some point many question involved the construction of a. .Centennial was twenty feet long and sloop As a regulator aud promoter of func- miles away and turned loose in the wild new nose-no novelty iteelf in medical rigged. She sailed from Gloucester in J"une, tional action, at that critical period of change 'f f h science for a. woman who had been afflicted 1875, and after sixty-seven days of suffering from gil'lhood to woman hood, "Favorlte Pre- jungle to sh1 t or t emselves· . Jocko isa very sagacious and knowing from birth by the want of one. Therema.rk- for the cap'n and ha.rd knocks for the dory, scription·~ is a perfectly safe remedial ag·ent, and can produce only good i·esults. It Is customer to deal with, however, and has to able p11.rt of the achievement lay in the both arrived in Liverpool. equally efficacious and valunble in its etreot8 be removed a long distance or he will soon building up of a bridge for the organ, none One la.dy only enjoys theuniquediatinction wben taken for those clisordel'B and derangeBowma.nville, April 2nd, 1888. ments incident to that later and most critical find his way back to his old haunts . The whatever having been supplied by nature. of having sat cramped in a dory for the period, known ns" '.rbe Ch1u1g" of J,ife." municipal authorities at Bena.res once un· Hitherto .it had been customary, for such length of time neoessa.ry to run aoross, in "Favorite Prescription," when taken in oonnection with the use of Dr. Pleroe's <lertook to thin out the multitude ,f mon· purposes, to take pieces of flesh from the her case just fifty da.ya. Mrs. Ora.po is the Gol<len Medico.I Discovery: and small laxative keys inhabiting a. certain temple in the forehead or arm of the subject and graft lady referred to. In company with her husdoses of Dr. Pierce·s Purgative Pellets (I.ittle suburbs of the city, by catohing them a.nd them about the nostrils in as good shape ba.nd, Thomll.S Crapo, she st11orted from New Liver Pillsk_ cures Liver. Kidney and Bladder turning them loose in the jungle on the as might be-thus producing, in the case of Be Hord, Mass., in the two-masted leg-of. dieooaes. :.i.·heir combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes eanoerous 11.nd other side of the Ganges River. The very a. person whose nasal bone and cartilage . mutton-sailed.dory, New Bedford, on the 28th eorofulous humors from the system. next morning every monkey wa.s ba.ck in the are lacking a. putty-like excrescence far of May, 1877. They reached Penzance, Eng., "Favorite Prescription t' Is 't he onlJ' frcm beautiful. The case in point, how- on the 22nd day of July. The New Bedford ·mP..dicine for women, sold by druggists, nuder temple ag11oin. ever, was proceeded with in a very different was twenty feet in JeQgth and about two a positive g-uarautee, from the manuThe English oflicia.ls were astonished. manner. FU-st the woman's nose-what tone burden. facturers, that.it will g ive satisfaction in evGry The Ganges at Benares is a swift-flowing th f ·t r d · . t 0 d -the case. oi- money will be refunded. '.l'llls guara.nt.ee has b1iAn"'printed on the bottle-wrapper, river, several hundred yards wide. The)'. tla~set-=:~ed ~a.~w~! sth~e ch~ek~. a.Then a. NBefBored thde' interest associated with the and faithfnl!y'-carried out for many years. couldn't imagine the . monkeys cN.pa.ble of young chicken was killed, a.nd a piece of ew e for s trip had abated, the _Andrell'.s l' "_r.rge bottles (100 doses) $1.00, or six finding their way b11.ck by swimming, and the breast bone. of proper shape united to brothers ca.me upon the scene with their b ··ltis 1·or $5.00. [r'111.rge, \llustrated ·.rrentise on Dlse8- of so they instituted an inquiry.· The natives the root of the' nasal member on the skull ?ory Nau~dus. The Nautilus was 19 feet Women . (IGO pages, paper-covered), send ten were very loath to appear as witnesses by silver wires Then the flesh of the old ' in length and o~ly ~feet 5 _inche~ in depth. ciente .i n stamps. Address, ag.,,inst the_. sacred representatives of nose was ca.ref~lly stretched over it by The Andrews sailed from City Pomt, South Hanuman, a.nd for a. time the affair remained ligatures. · Plugs of cotton were intro·iuced Boston,., ten y~ars ago and arrived off World's Dispensary Medical Associatiot, shoulded in mystery. temporarily to give the nostrils their cor- the L1z~.rd, Eng., after a forty-five 663 l'llain st., BUFFALO, N, Yo By and by, however, the fact leaked ont rect shape ' and the physicia.n's t11.sk was days' tnp. After the Nautilus had tha.t the monkeys had been covertly ferried complete. 'The new bone promptly bec11.me returned fr~~ · Paris, where shl'. ha.d back ag11.in in the night by a pious Hindoo united with its atta.chment, the wound heal- ?een dn exhi~it on, aGother ~ory tnp ":as bo9.tman. He had seen the big drove of ed and the opention ha· now been decla.r- Ill or er, an apt. oldsmith and wife Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run ' . t were announced as the voyagers. They monk eys congregate d on t he opposite river ed 11o perfect success. The yat1ent a.tpreEen took things ver ea a.nd d 'ft d 10 n the over one month. ba.nk, gazing mournfully a.cross the river -a htLndsome woman she is, too-ha.s a fine t h Y ti sy,d . ri ~ ah g d · · 1 h d t k' 't th R b · d h coas , none a 1 an· y roppmg in ere an 1 th t a e1r o d ome, an a. mg Pl Y on em Jman pro osci~, >ln . ~ e on Y &car _is a there to show tr.emselvea. They finally left had taken them aboard his ferry-boat in the scarcely precepttble lmc down the middle St J l N B b t th 12 th 0 f J l d night, and stealthily rowed them back to of the freshly made feature. Formerlv the w 'reonm't h. ·d· fa. ou .eth 19 t h uhy, atnh 'ty waR so d' fi i th t th ear rom on e w denh · e d ef orm1 n m11.res. ts gnr ng ,a e poor B e'till) ex h' Q f N t' ·, k Moukeys used to living in towns and as- creature did not stir out of the house for fl ! 8 1P ueen .0 a ions PIC e t em Socia.ting with humun beings a.re very much years save when t he niuht"s friendly dark- off their dory, :wh!Ch had become wateraverse to shiftinp for themselves in the wild ness hid her misfortune from view. logged, and earned them to Liverpool. jun~le. Very oft.en when unable to find -·· T'he acme in dory deeds was attained in their way back to their native pl11.ce, they 1880 by Capt. Traynor and his mate, who take up their abode in some town nea.rei· To Light the Night for Mamma. cro;>sed from Bath, Me., to a French port by. in the seventeen-foot dory City of Ba.th. The sight of a car-load of monkey ex1 'les fl The sixteen and a-half foot boat of Capt. ~ -= -= -= -~ -= -~ -~-: ~== -~~=-=-~====~==--~=::--""'"'.: '.'""': _-:_ ~:':::~~= -::-: ._ :"..== ---: .= - -~ = ~ -'Little boy Desmond sat on the oor. being taken from their homes to the j ungle, A golden-ha.ired lad die was he; Norman and mate George Thomas be11.t the always excites pity in the breasts of the But sturdy and stout from his head to his City of B-'oh's record in 1880 by crossing . . Hindoos. One day whilst a train containiug feet. from Gloucester to the Isle of Wight, and As a wee Irish laddie should be. subsequently making the return trip. Thus one of these queer consignments w11.s sideswitched for a few minutes, a compassionate He watched tliesunbeams, mexry and bright, far the Little Western, which was.the name Brahman secretly opened the door of the ca.r, As they frolicked his toys among. of their boat, is the smallest vessel that has and liberated the prisoners. Till at fast a wonderful wish sprang up crossed the ocean on its own keel, and it :S:A.LL~ The town where this occurred was alA nd loosened the silent tongue. · is also the only one of the many that has "VETERINARY SURGEON, ready groa.niog beneath the curse of a done the trick and repeat, starting from numerous monkey population, and the 'Mamma ! ma.mma ! when I get to the sky. this side. ON'I'. ORONO. people were in no frame of mind for ex tend · '.l'he thing 1 wa.nt most to do; Several yea.rs passed ·by ere another ating cordia.l welcome to the new arrivals. Is to roll out thesnneach morning, you know, tempt "to dory" the Atlantic w...e made. The monkeys, however, must not be inI don't think 'twill be heavy, do you?" l'his time it proved to b~ a decidedly k th' t "I fear that it will," l answered, amazed, novel attempt, but :i.las for the crack· d th B h · JUre ; e rv man ep is own ransacbrained "hero" who tried it. His skeletion secret, and with true Oriental philosoAnd hid from his'eyes my smile, phy, the people concluded that it was their Little boy Desmond's face grew grave, ton has probably adorned for many a ' fate to receive this addition to the monkey He pondered the matter "' while-· month one of the million anatomical population of their town. "museums" of the deep, d8ep ·"drink." The roadways of British India are lined Then earnestly"Well, do you 'spose,mam· Capt. Traynor, of the City of Ba.th Jno.~lcMurtry with splendid trees on either side for much ma, wa.nted a chance to retrieve his dimmed If the Bun too hea.vy would be, laurels, and he therefore proposed to row Me :nrepa.red to pay the highest price of their length. The&e trees are the a.biding place of troops of monkeys of all sizes a.nd The dear kind God would give the round a.cross. He procured a dory, which he moon christened the Harold J. Bibber, after a all kinds of Grain delivered a.t the varieties from pretty little white-faced felTo a little angel like me?" Bath (Me.) doctor, and he started out for lo·"'s no larger than a squirrel to ugly bfackWharf or their Store House in town. And now he likes in"' chil>ir to stand, his pull. He reached St. John's, N. 1!'., by faced apes almost as large a.s a ma.n. And watch when the moon is bright ; some means, and remained there a. few days During the World · fu I eyes beforesettingoutonh1'slastvoya.ge. Nothh 1 Around d f h on Ilut a. sad ness sh a.d ows t h e wist . l my " I "Tour a B icyc e, w ee e some ourteen· unWith ·Very moonless night, ing has ever turned up to furnish the least dred miles along these monkey-infested A d h ,M h J' clew a.s to his prohable fate. highway a, and saw some very curious sights. n e says : ' a.mma,. w en m moonkeeper there Traynor's fate did not deter one Richard Sometimes the monkeys · would file in long strings across the road, close behind one I'll remember what I am to do, S. Chandler, of Truro, Ma.as., from trying another, each one looking anx iously behind, And I'll never /oraet to roll out the moon to make a similar attempt. Chandler rowevidently v1ory much disturbed at the strange To make a. bright night for you. " ed from Truro to Bath, but he failed to enIns1·et'tio11 ~olicited. a.ppearance of the bicycle. list the sympa.thy of Dr. Bibber, and being Shinning up the tall toddy-palms or ooooawithout the neceaea.ry means at his own Victoria Buildin,s. MlJBDOUD BROS.. nut trees one after another, they would A :Marvel in Steel. command to fit out for the long row,he, for· 'l th I h h" k tuna.tely for himself, stayed a.t home. h as t 1 y ensconce emse among t et 1c I There are one hundred an_ d fifty thouThe last victim of the unexplain11oble fas· f r d · ve11 I d o iage, an peer curious Y. own at me as sand miles of railway in the United States : cina.tion tha.t has mastered the ambitions of wheeled three hundred thousa.nd miles of rails-in so ma.ny mortals was a. Capt. F. A. Cloud't dgiving · vent O to d their I perturba. b . · pa.et, t Jon ne b ay th remem er length enough to make twelve steel gir- man, w ho set oub from J11.cksonville, Fla., 1n exc1 e cries. ·1· h w h i mg awa.y an our or so ·enea a grove dies for the earth's oil'cumference. This not very long ago, to dory it a.round the · d peepuI· t rees, wat ch mg the amusmg o f sacre ev,ormous Iengthof rail is wonderful-we do worId · The 0 uting, as Cloudma.n's boat wa.s f t f k · th b h · ~ Ha.a received her new stock of ant ics h oG. a roop o mon eys Ill e ranc es not really - grasp its signifioa.nce. But the named, put into Sn. Augustine on account over ea · rail itse:f, tile little section o· steel, is an of stress of weather. '.l'he day after she ~ GOODS, Their marvellous activity was here dis- emgineering feat. The change of its form left she was wrecked on a bar off the played to perfection as they quarrelled and from the curious and clumsy iron pear-head Fl d c I d nd invites the Ladies of Bow- chased one another fro!l' tree to. tree. The of9thirty ye11ors ago to the present refined foro::d ~o ~:~~ a.:h1!e. a.pt. 0 ou man was old ~ones seemed pass~vely irritable, a.nd se~tion of steel is a scientific de\"elopment. decidedly avers.e to being both~red by the . 1t is now a beam whose every dimensio.i and and see her Pattern antics and m1s~hlevous 8:ctlv1ty of the! curve and angle are exactly suited to the 'l'DE BEST LlJBRICATOR JN THE MA.RKE'I' ., Y_oungstera. . Taking possession of some liar· tremendous work it has to do. The loads If there is anything in the world tha.t will tici:lar branch, ~hey wa.rne~ awa.Y. all would- it carries are enormous, the blows it receives , ;nspireha wthom11.dn ~i~hta dfietedrmined dhesirle to When buyin_ g Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, b~ intruders with threaten1ng grimaces and are heavy and constant, but it carries the earns or an ' H is o n among er tus· and a.ssortmen t oi femte. loads and bears the blows a.nddoesits duty. band's ~~pe~st sheet fa!~ of my~erious w}gThe youthful mem~ers of the party were ' The locom . otive and the modern passenger gly ma1 s, lll ersperse ere an there with full of pranks, _carried on to the grea.t I and freight cars a.re gre11ot achievements ; 11.nd the initials of the woman she doesn't love. a.nno;yance of the_ir more aged ~nd sedate I so ls the little rail which ca.rries them all.The mouth is the window of the intellect. will If so, ia toothache the window-pane? ·TOBll::- 8eeondDoorWe·i ·I Wlllla· rela.~1ves. Thos.e, ip. reveni;te··put m no s~a.11 [Soribner's Maga.zine. · portion of thell' tune pulll8hmg or pursuing , M~UOLL BROS. & _(}O'Y, Teroato. lw&cller S&all' WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1888. MONK1Y LIFE IN BRITISH: nrnIA. a time before on tilo same thievish erra:ud, with an air of 11musing secrecy and .~gu1sh- wanton annoyance. One mo1 1key, t'~at had \' ery evidently been there many an'd many Cros~lng The Atl:mtlc In Cockle Shells. Infants 4 I Children. ' · · ·- I HARDWARE! HARDWARE! I Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. BEO.£.MANNINB Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shel(_ Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c. r CDDK, HALL & p,£\RLOR STOVES, Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. «ID~Q~@~ Ee ·~mm1roo@~- MCDOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as follows : Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 Grate and Egg, ......................... ., ... 6.0'0 0 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST &.CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. _ ::_ :_ : 11urd0 0h Bro th ers:: ,. N""E'VT O::S:IN""..A.. where are to be seen McDOUGALL & METCALF. JOHN SPENC ! EiR, GRAIN & Co. 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns) 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, 20 "White Bed Room Sets~ SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. THB.ESHERS AND FARMERS USE ONLY MoCOLL'S ~LARD JI NE:: ma.nville and vicinity to call MACHINE OIL. BONNETS, HATS TRIMMINGS I FAMILY SAFETY & SUNLJGHTCOAL QI l Try it once, and you use no other. · Children Cry for Pltcher'~--c~_r!a~