......_~- - tsman. TBRMS :-11.60 Pu A.1urux. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD A.FTERWARDS. M.A. JAMES VOLUME EDITOR.U!D PRO:PRIRTOR, N11:w S. ERIE8. NUMBER 521. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1888. XXXIV. NUMBER :30 . SUMMER SALE -W-OOL ARRISTER., Solicitor , N otary, B COBOUR G. Ottlce,- .Armour Block, King Street, FRANK Jll. Fl.ELD, B. A. &c. 22, CARTWRIGHT. Two pupils from Creaar ea publ ic school, Mr. I. Barclav, teacher, l:'assed t h e recen t En trance Examinations at P ort 'P erry. ,Tames Lane obtained G 02 marks and Louie Prout 561. · OF T - EBENEZ ER. The annual pic-nic of the Ebenezer Young People's Associat ion was held on the beach, on' Samuel E verson's farm, on Friday afternoon last. as announced . There was a very large number present and a very enjoyablo time was sp(mt. Swinging, boating croquet and b ase ball were freely patron ized by t he young peripl& wl1 ile th4'18lder ones sat and chat ted and watche~he games. T he base ball contest was between the young and married men, and after three innings th e r former were consid.,.rably ahead. SuJtrH> was served in genuine pic-nic style about G o'clock, anti judging from the sudden disappearance of several chicken pies and a large quantity of other toot11some edi bles, t.I?e Jake air in th "t locality must he a gr eat appetizer. J n fact t he wr1ter b as posi tive con vict ions of t he fact. Hope t.he yonng ladieA were n on e 1he wor se for . Some their drt'nchiug b~ t ho waveR friends from the vicinity of Oshawa au d Bowman<-ille were pre·ent hy invit ation, and wer e delighted with 1heir entertain· ment. The Ebenezer people never do things by halves and thi!l pic-nic was only one of many successful undertakings. A G U F.81'. OS ffAWA . (li'rom t ire Ont ario R cfor 1111r.) R. McCaw's DflW brick building New Dry Goods. ----10 - -- Leskard Mill. Come along with your Wool and yoi1 will find Duri ng t t1e n ext two m onths Blankets, Tweeds, Y a,rns, F lannels, &c., in exchu.nge. R oll Ccu·ding and all kinds of C11," Jm Work done promptly. Highest Cash Prtoe paid for Wool. COUCH, JOHOSTON & CRYDERMAN J OHN S I MP SON, w ill c lear out their su r plus stock ;?OCK ·· of ' . k·Tram . nmc fJnequalled -----;-'- ···- -·- - ----... 25- 2m P r oprietor. -···-··-~---.--- FORD WATCHES EXACTING . SERVICE SUMMER. CODD$. --- -o--- HAYDON. Several from this vicin ity attended Mr. Thos. W oodley's r aising on Monday. Mr. J . Slemon's P atterson anJ Mr. J . Rundle's Maxwell binder work s like a charm. Messrs. D. Ora.ham aod J ames Mann have returned ftom t h eir soj ourn i n th e sunny town of Bowmanville. 1'he following were visiting friends in this dist rict last week : Mr. and Mrs. D . McConnachte, Mr. Alex. Colville and Mr. Geo. Bowman, of Clark e ; Mr. Gibson , of Ut ica ; Mr . and Mre. E. J . W heeler , of P ort Perry ; Miss Z. Br imacombe. of B owman ville ; Mr. H. Gibson and Miss Maggie Col ville, of Clarke ; Mrs. George Argue, of Solina ; and Mr. E . T. Siemon ii; spending his vacat ion with r elatives here. A. very exciting game of foot ball took place on Sat urday evening between our Olipoers and L esk ard team, and resulted in a victory fer t he latter by 1 goal t o none. Some very r o ugh playing was done by the lat ter and some vulgar language used, and especil'lly when there a.re a l nt of ladies on t he grou nCJ. We think when a disfJU!e arises the u mpire is the -0ne 10 sAt tle it aud without young men yelling R ats, lt'\ts, in a very disdain· ful manner . "We hope t o see a mote friendly game uext time . I H AMPT ON. lfl·cd b)' ~h e N.EWOA S TLE. Mr. E d. Brittain and wife, of Tor onto) visited her e recently. Mrs. Reid and Miss Livingstbu are visiti ng the Misses Simmons. Several Masons attended the Grand Lodge in Toronto last week. Colonel Deniso11, wife and fa mily, of Tor ontc,, have been visit ing friends here. Miss N ora C~leman has retur ned from P hiladelphia lookin~ much improved iri h ealth. R ev. W. Mc Williams, of P ort Hope, occupied Mr. Drummond'a pulpit last S unday. Mr. W. W. J ardine, B. A., Principal of our High School, is on Grand Manit oulin I sland. Mr H . Davidson, B. A. , ao d F . B. Chandler intend camping a coup le of weeks at lake Scugog. Mr. C. Coulter h as purchased t he farm occu pied by Mr. C. Fligg and has erect ed a large barn on the old r uins. Mr!!. Emer son, ;f T oronto, is here waiting on her husband, Dr. E merson, who is slowly impNving in h ealth. Mr . W. F. Waddell, late of the Ne; Yor k T emperance .Society, conducted Gospel Temperance meetings here last week. As Bertie B rent and Willie Orchard were on Lake Scugog last week th ey wer e suddbnly s tr uck by a squall which capsized t heir skiff aud tipped t hem into the water. T hey were rescued. PERHONAL -Mr . Wilmot, }'ishery Over· seer, h aa ret urned from a t rip t o t he R es· t igouche R iver. Miss J essie and Miss Jennie McNaughton, are on a visit to A. McNaughton, their father, P olice Magistnte at Sudb ury. Wm. P ar ker, Superintendent of the Sandwich Fishery, was in tow n last week visfoing his mother. R ev. A . .A. Drummond continues very poor ly. .A i,ot o f DRESS GOODS w ill b e sold at about ·Coast Survt!V; i n U . s. lfavo.I Ob· :-ler va.tory ibJ LocomotiTo u. s. Fl&U1'Q iritn . '.l'he;r ductors M il otber Enrrineent.Oon- HALF . PRICE. ----o--- - -PARASOLS -will b e sold a t and below c ost. ---- o--- MAYNARD, THE J E WELLE R, Has been appointed sole agent for t he celebrated RocKFORDWATCHES, they are t h e b est American Watch manufactured and a re guaranteed from the fac tory a s being fir, t-class, Call and e x amine them. We have a Jso th e finest t-LOCk o f These are n e w, fre s h, fashionable g oods b ut mus t be sold to m a ke r oom fo r our N ew F a ll I m po rtations. all kinds of W a t 6h e s, Gol d and Mr. is being puahed abead vigor ously. Mr. F . E . Dingle of the Dingle Im· plement Works, Is at Winnipeg. The building of the la.rge stack at the Williams Piano Works has begun. Mr. Wm. Bambridge h as started the eTection of a new blacksmith shop. A bicycle club has b een or ganized in Oshawa with M ay.or McGee , captain. Our town is filling up. There is not a · good vacant house to rent in Oshawa. The hay crop i n thi~ section is very light. One farmer i ook only two loads off eigh t acres Mr. J oho Irvin, of P or t P erry, has 11 . :~~~~~~l: ;!~~~~! in Mr. W m. Allchin's Cherries have b con quite plentiful this season . Mrs. Marsh has returned after visiting friends in P eter boro'. Mr. H. J . R oidge, wife and cb.ild , Bloomington, are visiting friends here. Mr. J ames McLean is very busy setting up binders, having sold a large nu mber t his season. Mr. J . Salt er has been improving his p remises by an addition t o hie out-buildings in the way of a barn. Some of our young men start for a trip to the northern la kes this week. We wish t hem a pleasa.nt time. Quite a number of farmel'I! in this locality ha>e cu t barley i the straw is short, but the grain is plump. The " Beavers " are not ·afra.id of tile "Gladstones," they say. They'll find they can 't al ways h 11ve things t heir own w11y. Mies B. Co wl in~ wh () had h er leg fract u rfld when vieiting friends near K irby, last winter , is impr oving very slowly . J oseph Ward has com plet ed. The Boss wir e fence In fro nt of his door ; It j u-t 1 ·oh immense. , O o Monday m1.. r ning a large numhel' of persons might have be en s ee11 wend ing their ways t o the various berry pat ches in this lo ~ality. The Cheese Comp1 my ha.ve sold l\ nd ehipped their J uo e cheese. W. T . Crandall & Oo .. ,Picton , were the buyers ; 9~ eta. was the p1·ice r eceived . The young people of t his place had t heir ann ual vic-nic to Scugog Lake, on Sat urd ay. The day was all that could be desired. A very enj oyable time was spent. Sww Bo ~ . OR ONO . The Council does n ot meet again t ill A.ugu:1t 28. Indigents gr& nts by t he Council for last month ~8. Sheep damage11 paid by the Council last meeting $37. 50. Our Council have decided t o borrow $700 t o meet current expenses. Orono whipped Newcastle at ba.se ball last Wednesday to the tune of 25 to 13. Mrs. P aton and Miss P resto, of Toronto, are visiting friends in and ar ound Orono. M1 5, ,!. r11: ie K incaid, who has been vis iti1;g fnends here has r eturned to Tort,nto. llev. J as, T ho m, B. A. , occupied the Meth odial pul pit morning and evening on Sun day . Orono a nd Clarke Orangemen are well pleased with their r eception at Port H ope on t he 12th. Messrs. Jackaon & Davis have purchased the L ivery business, horses, r ige,etc., from Mrs. Dunsford. The S Jns of Temperance inten d holding a pic ·nic one week from Friday of this week, at P ioneer Point. Mr. Arthur O'dell, ot R ochester, is home for a few days, Mr. Kerr , lf the same p lace, accompanying him. Clarke Council are willing to pay Mrs. J as. B allagh $30 for that part of her land on lot 8, con 5, used for r oad purposes. Mr. L . T ourjee was summoned by t elephone t o Cobourg, on F riday, to at· tend t he funer al of his brother , Mr. 'Vm. Tourj ee. Four of Mr. W. C. Allin 's pupils p assed the Entrance E xamination at NewGood l castle, and one recommeuded. Miss Braden of S. S. 10, Ol a.rke, sen t two and both·passed with good ma.rks, Wha.t's th e matter with N ewcast le P ublic School t o let little counh'y schools beat it ~ C. G. Armst rong is q uite a pr ophet. H e pr edicts that Howhi.ud will ·no doubt be prime ministor of c ~ ua.da wh ·cn the pr ohibition parry g"t into power; CleveJaod is almost surti to be t he coming pr esidenG of t he United States; Gladstone will perhaps b e leader once mor e before he dies. R eferring to the recen t Scott Act Court in Orono, C. G. Ar mstrong says: P op mo.nufaoturera will pleasB take notice t hac there is t he 11.nest opening in Orono for :i good man with small capita.] to make a fortune of any p laoe in Canada. There were ·e nough fellows swore they got pop, and no thing but pop, the whole truth and n othing but t he t ruth , so help them pop, to CJn vi 1 l ce any ambit ious m an that (lr ono is a gr eat place for a busi· ness of that kind. We offer no bonuses but will guarantee t o support hom~ manufacture. Mr. J ohn Moat and wife, Oakville, were visiting at Mr. N . F. Hall'a. Mr. Guy Andrus, of Port Hope, is home for a fow days. Miss Melissa F erguson h as gone to Manitoba. Mr. J ames Odel l, of Rochester, is home on a visit. J ohn Spencer, V. S., spent a fe w days at his fa ther's in Brooklin, last week. Mr. and Mrs. 1'ylor Gamsby, of Mariposa, are visiting their n umerous friends in and around Orono. Mrs. Chest er, of L ondon has been visiting her sister, Mrs . 'fhos . Vickars. Mr. A. J. L ockhart, of Or ono L odge A. F. & A. M ,, at ten ded t he Grand, L odge of Canada, in Toronto last week. Mr . Alb ert Odell, P r incipal of W~tf~rd l::>chool , and Mr. ,fohn Odoll, Prmc ~pal of Tyro11:e sch ool, are home spendmg their va.oatio n. Couch, Johnston &C rydorman On e Door West of Post Office. Bowma nville. FAS HIONABLE GOODS and where to find them. - -- 1 0 -·- - SEASONABLE GOODS FOR WARM WEATHER. --- - - o- - - .~ We invite y.o ur attention to our care- wm fully selected st ock of DRY GOODS, comprising extensive lines of newest and most fashionable Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, N o v e lties. P r ints and Domestics . , Our popular stock of fashionable g oods MAYNAR D, is perfect beyond criticism or compari44. J ew e lle r . · son. w e are s h owing t h e correc t sty1es ----······------····- The -·---·-·-·· .. of the season in all new colors and designs of every fabric and material. ~~Ii] ~Blh~m~ &~;g L QY \W e . No one can sell y ou respectable goods j cheaper. w e dou bt if you can find any-1 one willing to meet our prices on qualit ies nearly as g ood. These g oods are bargains Viewed frQfil any standpoin t. Nothing better can be had. The quality and style are there. The price is much the cheapest, quality h M Texti · le considered. 1 e ag og Y ou k n ow us and the goods, therefore and Print Co. all we ask, is at the enc! of the season, Come n ow and get big bargains. We I w ill put the knife in lively if you want t o buy a parcel. GEO. L4AING. Mr. Robt. Byers has leased his brother David's far m fo r a term of year s. ".Just A bont one hundred of the admirers of as good a la.nd as t!Jere is i n the to1vnsbip, " th e Oaha.wa Base Ball Club went with so th e Go vernor says. them on Saturday to Whitby t o Reo the A fire was started near th e line fenc9, much-tlllked -of game. Aft er a wai'm between Mrs. S. H . T hompson and Alex. conte~t the scor e was 0 .;]111,wa 7 ; Whitby Wright'~ place, and had it n ot been for 3. the damp weather ther e might hll.ve been Mr. and Mrs · r. H 1\foMillan, Miss serious dama<Ye McMillan , Mr. n.. S. H amlin , Mr. J ohn M Th ,.., . w dl h f Cowen, M rs. Wh it ing, Miss Casa.ck and ~ r: omas oo ey, w ose arm · n at Ale d B d buildings weae rec. e ntly burned, purchased Mr . W . Br1e are xan er ay an b N d b ·1 k" · Thousand Isltmds spending th eir holi-1 ad arnh _ atb e t :ry,R ~nh wd 1 e ta mg it days own, is ro · er 1c ar r an a narrow f d . escape of boiug ser iously inj ured. . 1l r egret to , M auy o · our rea ers w1 learn of t he dcat.h of M rs. J . D. R iordan, '.Ihe poplar tree ~n t h e nor th-east formerly of Oshawa, but for t he past few co rner of Jas. Coulter s place, has b~en years of Ackron, Ohio, which s ac'! event bl_ o wn across the roa_~ '. by the recent high occ1 1rred t here r ecentl :1r. Mm. Rwrdan wm~. We wonder 1f it will blocade the w 11s a sist er to 1\lrs. Daniel H ealy, of t raffic l Of course you know the way, Osh awa. James. "D, Gr. A.US T:J: l"Sr, 'V"_ a . Mr. W. Mear ns, of thia town, h as dis- The sawing machine has been finished and triedHonorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary posed of his h ardware and ti nsmith It sang us a eong of late, Colleirn. b nsi ness to Messrs. T. H . Ever son and Office and r esidence. E nnisk ille n, J. E. H awkins, whe l1ave assn med control It was t o th e t une on which the old cow Prompt !tttention to calls by telegranh, died , I8- 3m of th e same. M·r. Mearns is one of our And it now lies in state. oldest m erchaots, and we r egret bis re-r On F riday evening last Messrs . George m oval from our m ercantile fraternit y. H is su.iceiisors ar e youug men of both Staples and Ar th ur L1w might have been ability and experience, and t.he wantK of seen on the race course, in th e 8th con., their customers will be carefully looked with Chief and R ifle man. 1t was which and tother with them. We expect at after. - - -- - - - -some fu tu re period t o give their record. Have now full ranges of all their Newest Designs, and in vite MERCHANTS to FROM Monol'A.NO MAN. - Mr. J " oseph The barley harvest has fairly comexamine same proviously to Clark writes- " All last winter I was so menced h er e. The grain is fast falling buying elsewher e. bad with Inflammatory Rheumatism t hat before t h e reapers. We ha ve b oth t h e 1 was not expected to live. I used no Brantford Light Steel Binders and the 9 3 ST. P E TER STREET, / other medicine but Burdock Blood Bitt- Maxwell in our neighborh0od. Tho r eMONTREAI,. I rs and can n ow get around again feeling spective agents h ave been around an d put - - -----------·- --···-·----· ----··-·· · I better than I ever was before 1 was taken them in running or der. Were we called T HERE AUE llU NV UIDIC.lTJOXS or i · k d ·t II t 0 B Urd OCk 1, d on t · . · · . w ld th D l>llTJtOl' Till~ WOR M!!! or the.r mny d e · · n 01·m s, lmtJ·r . "Lo w'~ "\Vorm Syrn(> rnect ~ SI? ' an,, 1. owe I II ~1 00 r 0 gtVe our OpllllOil l'l e OU say ey 1 t r oy t hll eh ilclre n . Jo' r eem a u 'i! "\Vorm P o n " tl1cm in "very casc s11ccessr11Uy , · B itt ers. are both best. dcl'~ d cstro v 111111 expel 1111 liiluls of 'v~.rms. Silver, in the t ow n of B owmanv ille . Messrs T. J . H alliday and Alex. Gar· In J ewellry , w e have an endless tow, old o~h.i.wa ho:va, from U pper Bed· ford, Quebec, are v)siting in town. v ariety - Clock s o f a ll kinds very The new :iddit ion to t he A. S. W hiting ch eap. . Works is about completed aud makes a great impTovement in t he b uildings. In Silverware w e h ave the e~. The r esidents of Harmony are anxious c lnsive right to sell for the la rgest to see their pathmaster place men on Front Road to break the lar ge stones. firm in the U . S. The q u a lity and Miss Mothersill, daughter of Mr. R ich. pnces are t h e best aud l owest in Mot,hersill, has secured a sit uation as this part of t.be country, W e a sk teacher in a school at Sault St . Marie. Mrs. Dr. B oig, Mrs. J.A.Gibson, Mrs. y ou to call and e x ami n e ou r g ood s Dr. Rae and several of the yonn. S? ladies of the town are camping at H eory's b efore buy ing . grove, lake shore. Specs and E ye Glasses , Cases, &c., A . Smit h, of Cedar D ale who was ac· w e carry the l ead in g stock, a nd cueed of stealing a horse bel onging to Mr . A. Vandyke, E ast Whitby, was t ried on g uarantee every pair fo r 6 m on t h s , Wednesday and acq uitted. if well u sed. If th ey l}reak w e Mr. Ed. M. J ewell has t uck-pointed , painted and thoroughly r en ovated his r ep air th e m free of charge. residence on Simcoe St., and the p remises Call and get fit ted p rope rly . are an '·rnament to t he town . Mr. W . Rogers recent ly sold a heifer oun. R EPA.rnrna DEPARTMENT.-- W e to M r . Butland , weighing 700 lbs. live can only g o o v e r t h e same ol d s a y- weigh t . When it was killed and dressed OO ing, that w e r epair Watch es, Clocks the b eef, hide and t allow weighed G lbs. N ext. and J e wellr y in the nt ost skilful Several gen tlem en in town ar e enmanner . We a 1e b oked upon as deavoring t o arrange a private excursi on the only r elia b l e Watch m aker in to the Thousand Idands on civic holiday, August 16th. It is proposed to take two this part of the co unt ry . Mer e days and t wo n ights on the t rip. tal king can't do the work, but tool s, V. F . Cowan and Mr. Mr. nod Mrs. v Fred Cowan have gone on a t rip to a b ility a nd exper i .·nce combin ed Europe. Thev will probably visit F rance, Germany, Switzer lanu, Belgium, H olland, can , of which w e have ple nty . Italy and other E uropean count ries. LUNG S.A ULT . Miss Mary :l!'arrell has been visiting fr iends in Manvers. · Miss Raines, of St. Mary's, has been visiting in this locality. Which of our young sports had h is $2 whip stolen a t P ontypool. Mr. and Mrs. w. Bon ath on, N ewcastle, and Mra. w. J . Haycraft, H ayd on, spent Sunday at Mr. J . T ape's. The M isses F erguson , of Manvers, ha ve been visiting at their u nch,'s, Mr. Wm . Hooey, of Glenlt>c. I