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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1888, p. 2

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-1 ···rm A ~auadiau Jtatt~unttt. Th~!.~1=~~~~~~1~~:.TF:~~.sG~~:~y, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1888. pain, A.ustl'i1m, Italy, B1'azU, VWll, VWna, an<l Japan. Ru~sia, POTSHERD. DY I!ANS GOEDEL . " The roadv·iJ.Y of life is strewn with potsherds."- Oorn·ish P roverb. Harness I Harness 11 ----o ---- · CREAM ~J4K1ttC. POWDER PUREST, STRONCEST,, BEST, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES · or any injurious materials. ' '£ · w · GILLETT ' TORONTO,ONT. CHICAGO, ILL. 1tan·r·r oftit Cli:tllBllAT:ED :BO?At. TI:ABT OAlill. MEACHAM'8 :BEEF, IRON AND WINE. If y aro languid and weak, and your appe· i.te Door " My Beef, Iron and Wine ls the tonic, be sure. As $.n invigorating tonic it is recognised by 'the Medical profession as the best etre:agtheainll' medicine thus far produced. It ie inval11a·'b1e as a blo?d and muscle maker, especially "in those oases where weakness ls the reslllt ef i l:IJ.JHJrfect or insufficient food. or wasti·g ":fevers or excesses of any sort. It conta.!111 t,he nutriment or Beef, the stimulant propertie8 et Wine and the tonic powers of Iron, and is ad-. mlr.a:bly calculated to build up tbA emaclat1f11 J.:ystem. Sold in l'lowm11.nville by Higginhoth· · .:m BrOI!. - .: AUTHORS & COX, Manufacturers of f.; ;~ TRUSSES, Artificial Limbs, And Appliances for all De· formit!esofthe HumanBod7 -Spinal Disewies, HlpJoinl Disease, Diseases of the Knoo and .Ankle. Knock Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, Etc. ALSO CRUTUHES. ·J17 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, ONT. we We DJl(~~mYi VETERI.NARY SURGEON. "The sa.nd di,pla.ced by the climber runs For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, (Joughs, Colds Gradu· a te or the Ontario Veterinary College. t~ ui;iar3°9;g °i:uiser:h Pr~{ Addl~ert a.n~ heroes slain in battle, to join these e1pz·g, · ns'. e exan rme an roystering immort als, and to pa.ea an eter- rustling down, and crea.tes A 1$0und like ~he 1 S 11" d · · · · ' ~·egilitered member of the Ontario Veterinar~ Areona, 2,370 tons, the Charlotta, 3,360 nit y in chanting sagas and qu~ffing mea.ds distant dash of waves on the seashore wh' h Glsi.ndu ar we m gs, a.n all Skm Diseases it has no rival. and Medloa.l Assooh~tton. 2 01 10 · ""'>:WOffioe a.rid. :llesldence, Newtonville, Ont. t~ns~ th~hFreya, HO! l6 ·k t v~s;~~ from the skulls of their euemies, when a multitude ascend and t he <;Qntr!lcted an d stiff joints t~ acts Uk:~ a char~, ' 0 ern, 'th Of an entirel y different complexion is blows stl.'ongly against the face of the bank = · Will visit Orono every Tuesday andlSaturday ~ e a!h ~~~trm°Je Bl't etz o1 2 1 3 ei an z, · 8 tons; e the heaven of the Bttddist. One ought r esembles the loud clash of cymbles Wha.t'. .. · ' omce hpurs tr m 10 a. m., to 4 p. m., . at ,ne; e 11u1Q vessels o! 17 ,knots, rat\11\'~ fl? a,:; h!!_iwens1 for there are ever sand may be displaced from the: top is Manufact ured only at THOM.AB HOLLOWAY s Establishment, 'Coulters' Hotel. Call~ by '.l'l}\Q~raph r eceive Z!ethen, 975. She h1 1 8 0 11 imr. edlate attentloni )}ti~1J ~ undc\. iiitruotlo~6 : 0 IY~ci~~ l t\veuty-elght of theui, the grauua.l 'l alwa.ys blown ba\'!~ II~alfi · k-st rong 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late tJ38, OXFORD STREET), LONDON 0 CHAI GES MO_DERA'l'll!, · rons, w, ~c s ,expcc .g o cending scale of happiness b eing as follows : winds whfo, \ add" tountl lb~ b~se .l.d 9d · 6d 11 2 2 knots, and the Grief of 2.000, for which 20 Th t fi ht" th J "oyful the change " -1 , ,. · ,., ;] ,, · d d 4.nd sold &t ls. l !l ., 21. . , ,.,s, ., s., a., and 33s . Bo:r or Pot · . d: .She h as a l so th r~e un- enJ"oyin e nog tghe mg, e ' . . ~ll.K!n ~ 0 11 our ooots my COinl.'a es an b h· d f k no ts are promise changing ot hers arbitrarily, I tr '"h f t' t h lt m ay e ~ rom a ll M e dici ne V en d or11 t h roug h ou t ·L ...e WorId , ' ' fl s ugg1e up. .1. e e11o cos me a an armor ed <e~sela building the I r ene Pr-nce~s "' 'lh 1 th ' f 4 , 00 t' · h the assembled Brahmas, the servf.\nts o hour's exertion although those who ·Purch1uera hould look at t he Label on the Pots and Boxea. u d "~- m, ~n on 3 ea.c 1 Brahma, th0 great Brahma, limited light, aocustomed to can do it in less t ime T he t n 533. Ox ford Street, I.ondon., they are 1-..u.rlou1. 0 oke IS. ~r, ~ ,~ w S c i_ar~ ma e f illimited light, pure light, limited purity, r ocks beyond are limestone whose 2har p, iloMd t' p 1 0 ' -l . l &S h~\ iir~or-~!~ ' tsn\ O:da.yot, illimited pur ity, p erfect purity, gre!l.t anzul ar surface forbade our further ascent 2a~n 9 9J> 1 'l'hinks Stanley is all Right. · onsdw ~ ma 0~3 42 nto ' esi : 3 two merit , unconscious, th e not great , the ex- wi~h b11ore feet We the boys r ace 3 0 u~:i·mof~ lS~~iserst 00'n 030ons detc ·· empt from pain, the wellseeing, the beautiful do wn. One a~complished the distance in Writing concerning t he various r eports ' on tinues t o do a General Banking Business 0 " d , an our o· ·· thc high est, illimited spa.ce, illimited science, t hirty seconds. After t he toil of ascending, afloat about t he expedit ion of H enry :M:. Stan- sBo wmanville Branch. ' , Ions, dw 8 h eerhso f I t th t f th ht d · · , · d · f as none c asse as 16, an none as 18 th 1 knot vessels ; bu t of 17-knot unarmor ed e P ace 0 naug 1 · a 0 no . oug an t he sensat ion o! r unn mg <>OW a 1s .eh ght ul. ley, t he London corresponden t of the N ew D EPOS ITS cruisers she ha.s the Arra on of 3 342 t ons that of ~o.t no thought. Th~s means a - "A petty _ chief of our party , wmls bou~d- Y ork Sun notes tha.t the famous explorer, Sir [ · .'. . j j thg Rd' ·.,.. al firm g-out process until t he result mg down pitched forward his hea.d which Samuel B11oker says that it would be a new leoeive~ in Savings Bank Department and - C · t' 1es' gradu and t he R cma t ie m s.. · e ma "' 1ercec · b 1 l ·1 Th fi I I fB d ' ' · _ · _ . _ 1aH and mter es t allowed a t current rates, No a.nd t he Alfonso X (I. each of 3 090'. is .a ~o ute Y _n1: _ e na goa o 1:1 - sunk deep in t he sand, and lus heels rema1n- feature 1n Central African t ravelling if Stan- 1 otice of withdr awal necessar y. All deposi t , Spaiu is becoming fa1~011s for fast ·war dh1s~1c sa.lvation is, _ind~ed, th~ destruct ion ed up in phe for a few ~econds in t he ley's party of near ly 490 m en CQUld progress 1 payable on demand, , OL.t ti of sm by exhaustmg it s existence, or by most ludicrous ma.nner. H is own people d d t 1 1 a.t a fixe~rateper diemoveruntrodden groun~, EX~HA. NGE n~o~:c c~:ise~~ impeding its ':ontinuance, .The ~ta.te . of were com'ltlsed wit h laughter, but he pr e- and £:!S:r s,th:~ si~~rm~~edr l~~ -~ a.rrive at Alber t N y11onza. at any approx1· f 7 000 to h Sh h . d b 'Lt of blessed nonemt y and ecstatJC nullification served his good-lmmor. " mate period. T he gre11oter the number of his ~oughto.nd solda11d D1·atts lasued upon :U:urope o , . ns, eac · e as a1soa1rea. Y U1 is known as the Nirvana. There is somepar t y t he greater wculd be th e difficulty of ] nlt ed States and Canada, also Gold,Silver and t he famous un~rmored R iena R egente of thing pathetically simple in t he dishis advance, as it would be impossible to ob- J n!ted States Greenbacks bought and sold , 5,6 )0 tons, makmg 2~ knots, th e faetes.t t inctively opposite idea that regulates the A Warning to Young Ladies. necessary supplies and carriers. T he (10LIJE4JTl01"8 ves~el of her class . m the world. This red men's heaven. To him there is spread crmser may be p ractl.ia.lly tho mo~el for the out t he happy hunting grounds, where, with Youl3g l adies- and, for t hat matter, old t ransport troubl es would be excessive ow ing n?w 20· knot unar~ored vess~l of o,300 ~ns his dou and bow and arrows, he may follow ladies a.s well- who have bestowed t heir ·io.t he swampy valleys, every depression be· Promptly made at cur rent r a tes n potl a i1 pat Great Brittain, the United Stat es and Do displacement provided. f?r m. the p~ndmg t he deer over r ustling prairies and through 11offections upon gentlemen under 21 years ing a deep morass. When Baker himself dis- at minion o! Canada . .> H ouse Na.val Appropnat1on bill. Spam has the whisp ering woods with no paleface to of age, should closely study the case of cover ed t he Albert Nya.nza in 1864 his party .AND ALL SUMMER COMPl.AINTS Telegraph Trans:f'ers also the Daatruotor, of 458_tons, a 20-knot drag him to school 0 ; shut him up in a Holmes v. Bria.rley, concluded th e other day consisted of only 13 men, and wit h that ~ND f"LUXES OF' THE.. BOWE:LS ve sel, and bot h of the Regente and r eservation in the Court of Queen 's Bench. Miss small number t hey were starving for three Made tor large or small sums on all parts 1T IS SAFE AND R ELIABLE..__. FOll of t he 20·knottorpedo types she is building -·- -- - - - - Holmes engaged t o Mr. Briarley mcnt hr<, and inca.pable of moving from one Canada. This Is espeolally a dvantageous three more vessels each. ·tHJLDREN OR ADULTS. · while he wa.s a minor, but after he attained locality, as carrien; had disapp<, On his pe-rso:e.e living in Manitoba or t he Nor th-we It makes t he fund s available ai once at ~ Russia has one armored aud three una.rm· The Sin of Ovel'Wcrk. hie majority, on account of some change in second ex pedit ion Sir Samuel was in com- as place of paymen t. - er ed vessels of 15 knots, and is building her father's pecuniary posi tion she offerei mand of t he K hedive of Egypt's forces. They The woma.n who spends her life in unl!'orturther particulars oa.11 a t the Bank!n t hree a.rmored vessels the Tchesma, Sinope, to rele.ase him from his engagement . Thia were two and five months without · and Catherine I L, of 10,,181 tons each, to go n ecessary labor is by t his very labor .unfitted offer Mr. Briarley indignantly declined, any communication wha.tever with t he out· House. for t he higher dut ies of home. She should 1' . RODIE, GEO, McGILL , 1 · 16 knots. S4e aleohas five middle-class iron· t hough he sub3equently threw the lady over. side world. As now, all kinds of rumors .Accountant, lfanRger clads, the Dmitri Donskoi, of 17 knots, and be the haven of rest to which bot h children The quest ion ohen w a.s this : Did his refusal were oir culatied in E urope, and all were false. -ly the Admiral N achimoff, Alexander II., and husband turn for peace and r efreshment . to accept the offered r constitute a. new Sir Samuel is t her efore unable t o see why Nicholas I., and Azova of 18 knots. She :Should be the careful, :intelligent ad- promise, or mer ely a ratification of the old gloomy views should predominate respecting She has an unarmored cruiser of 19 knots, viser and guide of the one, and the t ender promise? A fine dist inction this, and one Stanley's sit uation. lie w ill much to the Admiral K orniloff, and two small craft confidant of the other. How is it possible which the plaint iff, to her sorrow, failed t o suffer, as all those have who venture upon for a woman exhau sted in body, and, as a appr eciate. Baron Huddlestcne and Mr. t he unknown, but he has good officers who of 20 knots. Brazil has her famous Riaohuelo of 16 natural consequence, in mind also, to per - J usr~oe Charles have determined that there can be trusted wit h good men, a.iid, above knots and Aquidaba.n of 15, besides t he form eit her of these offices. It is not pos- was no new promise, but only a rat ificat ion a.11, a good bUpply of ammunition. H e is The constant strain is t oo great. of t he old and inva.lid promise. Ladies, well experienced in African travel and BOW1'l.A1'VILLE, Ont. unarmored Almiran te of 17 knots. sible. Chili hPe the r enowned E smer alda of 18 Nature gives way beneath it. She loses t herefore, who wish to make assurance legally thoroughly capable of extricating himself E S TABLISHED, 1857, knots, and a larger vessel building of 19. health, and spirit, a.nd hopefulness, and sure, must la.y to hca.rt the distinction be- from any difficulty. P r obably some recent Austria has one armor ed vessel of 16 knots more than all, h er youth- the last thing t ween a r a.tification and a new promise. ho1tility in his rear has t·endered i t imposand one of 17, besides two unarmored cruis- tha.t a woman should allow t o slip from her ; They must be a bsolutely and uncondit ionally sible t o send m essengers from hie main ALL KIN D S OF ers of 19 knots and one of 18, with three for, no matter how old she is in y ears, she off wit h t he old engagement before they body . Meanwhile he is doubtles11 steadily journeying his wa.y, with wearying delays, sma.11 t orpedo boa.ta of 20. China's armor · should be young in heart and feeling, for th e on with the new. through bogs a.nd enormous grass, over ed vessels include one of 15, t wo of 16) and youth of age is sometimes more attractive mount ains a.nd in dense forests, t o emerge nne of 17 knot3, while she hasfour unarmor· than yout h i tself. - :B-Ycro the overworked woman this green old at some future t ime upon Albert N yanza., The Work of a. So-Called "Trust." ed cruiser s of 15, four of 16 and t wo of is out of the question, H er disposit ion relieved of t he h eavier portion oi the sup18 knots. Japa.n h a.s three armor clads the There w as a flourishing cot ton seed oil plies that were intended for E min Pasha. I tsuk usima, Matsukuexma, and H akid&ti, is often ruined, her temper s1>ured, her very · I am fully prepar ed to attend ~eralso done in the latest styles a.nd m at erials . the shortest notice, at t he lowest possible ra. 4,140 tons each, of 16 knots, and an nature changed by the burden which, ltoo mill operation in the t own ·of Amontcwn, heavy to ca.rry, is only dra.gged!along. E ven Ala., which gave employment t o idle labor , and Burial Ca ses rea dy on short not!· Oaskets unar mored cruiser of t he same speed, and First-clas s h e11orse on ver y moderate ter n sh9 has t hree vessels of the famous Naniwa her affections ar e blunted, and she becomes and enabled t he farmer to dispose of his and Coffins constantly on h a nd , B'il· Shrouds A man must get up ea.riv in t he for enoon mer ely a ma.chine-a woman withou t t h e seed. The philanthropic Trust 11olong .SCOTCH , ENGL ISH , GERMAN AND t ype, 3,650 tons, a.nd 18 k nots. er al oard s supplied a t on ce. Furniture Shop\ · how Rooms-Bounsall'sNew Block. ['hese statist ics show tha.t the House t ime to be womanly, a mother without the and purchased t he plant and .shut it up, and in order to get the degree of A. M. NEW B R U N S WICK The minist er soughb to improve t he t ime Naval Committee, in now calling for one t ime t o t r ain and guide her children, a wife for two year~, sa.ys Hon. Ale:r. C. Davidson, . . more 17-k not armored cruiser, t wo more wit hout t he timci to sympathize w ith and "steam has not been s ~a.rted in t he engine," by giving Bobby a lesson in morality. " My Little Mamie had frequently been told by -v. 19.kuot unarmor ed cruisers, and one 20-knot cheer her husband, a woma.n so overworked which stands as a. monument of t he lack of boy, " he said, " I have Jived 45 years, and cruiser, ar e only on a level w it h t he t imes. d uring t he day t ha.t "when night comes" thrift of tbe people, and yet in r eality it is have never used tobacco in any for m, nor ! her mother t ha.t sh e must not ma~e r emarks her sole thought and most intense l ongit.g a monum ent of the rascality of a combine, told a lie, nor swor e, nor play ed hookey, about t he iood: She ob~ye d until one day IN STOCK. are for rest and sleep. Better by far let which robs aLd swindles t he people so as to nor - " " H ave you got any little boys?" when served with lemon Jelly, she could not Boy, t o teacher : " Was Alexander Sel - everything go unfinished, and live as best enrich itself even to the extent of crushing inter rupt ed Bobby. "No I have never contain hel'self longer, and l ooking np at Ca ll an d see our d esigns and g et our kirk a civil engineer ? It is said h e was she can, t han entail on herself and fllmily competit ion by buying it out and stopping had any little boys " "Well t hey ar e her mother, said : " 0 , m t>.mm11o, 11ee how. monar ch of all he isur veyed," esfonl!.tes before purchasing. the curse of overwork , the work of labor, I miflhty lucky, · !laid Bobby, ' mv jelly shivers,~' An interesting and valuable collection of st!Ltistica has just been laid before the Don't l)il around, I pray. Push it aside Uuited States Congress, comprising the vVitl· ruthless he.e l and hurry on your .way, pnncipa.l war vessels of all navies, classified You whom I loved, for whom ;I would have died, according to speed, In these days there Or deemed it happiness enough to sta.y is no place in such lists for veseels that can· Fo:rever with thy a.rm encircling me, not go 15 knots, while scores a chieve a Willing to do or suffer aught for thee, Having purchased the business formerly carried on by H UMPHRE Y & speed much greater. England has four armored and ha.If '\ dozPush it. aside. 'Tis but a potsherd flung MAYER, I have moved it across the street to the premises lately en unarmored cruisers that make 15 knots: Out by thy careless ha.nd upon ·the roa.d,by Shaw & Tole, where in connection with my Tin and Stove occupied Her armored 16-knot vessels include the My broken Iife-'tis only one among . Business will be found a full line of Heavy and Light Harness, and aU Imperieuse and vVarspite of 8,400 tons each, The many lives with which the way is strewed, the Collingwood of 9,500. the Rodney of 10,. If it be possible I'll no moan, other furnishings usually foun<l in a first-class harness shop. 300, the Camperdown, Benbow, Anson, and But bear my ·woe and suffering alone. Howe of 10,600 each. She has building the " To love and cherish until ue part,"Victoria and Sans Pareil of 10,~70 tons It sounded wondrous sweet unto my ears. each, and the Trafalgar and Nile of 11,940. will receive the most careful attention, havin5 secured the services of Her six un11ormored cruisers going 16 knots Alas I I since have learned, with breaking heart include four of the Leander class, 3,750 With loneliness and longing, and with, Mn. W. HUMPHREY, whos<: skill in this branch is so well known How little mean the promises of men, tons, while four more of the Blanche throughout this district, as tO need no further comment. class, 1,580 ton!!, are building. Passing How lightly made, a.nd btoke and made a.gain, to unarmored vessels of 17 knots, England All my work is :finished by experienced workmen, none other employed. I gave myself and thought you understood h11os eight of the Archer class, 1,770 tons, on All I a8k is an inspection of my stock and you will be convinced that And knew the fulness of the gift I made. which American gunboats of '.§'. orktown clase it is the largest to choose from, best workmanship, and prices really Myself, arrayed in spotless maidenhood are modelled. She has also the Surprise With all life's hopes, low at thy feet I laid, and Alacrity, 1,400 ton11; four vessels of the lower than any other place in town. My expenses being lower, For I did love thee better and far more Mersey class, 4,050, and the Polyphemus, therefore I give my customers the benefit. Gentlemen, place in your human heart had loved before. :I'han ever 2,640. Of British IS.knot vessels, the most orders at once and don't miss this opportunity. Repairing promptly remarkable are the ·armored Orlando, UnJust one short year of ha'(lpiness was mine, daunted, Australia, Narcissus, Galatea., Imdone. Don't forget the place, Quick's Block, Bowmanville. When thou wert all in a.11 unto my soul, morta.lite, and Aurora., of 5,600 tons, And foolishly I thought that I was thine, all but the two latter already built. The .As fondly loved : Over my spirit stole same high speed is a.scribed to the well-known A wonderful content to feel thee near. Bowmanville, May 15th, 1888. 20 unarmored vessels Iris and Mercury,3,730 Would I had died while thus I held thee dear ! tons and to four small craft of the Grasshopper class, 525 tons. Great Britain's 19My .aights were spent in dreaming and my days knot vessels now building are the unarmorIdltoving service tha.t is only known ed cruisers Melpomene, Magicienne, and ['o happy wives, who, sheltered from the gaze Marathon. 2,950 tons, and the B~rham and And comments of the world, in undert-0ne Bellona, 1,800. Of 20 knot vessels, she has Of blessedness sin!I' softly and prepare building the Medea and Medusa., 2,800 tons; Cradle and dainty robes with tender care. the Vulca.n, li,620,a.nd the Blake and Blen--MANUFACTURER O F - heim, 9,000, besides seven small vessels of trhe child you had entrusted unto me, 735tons. ['o bear and rear for you and for our Lord, Fr11once has no fewer tho.n four armored I fondly held ha.If mine and half of thee. and thirteen unarmored vessels of 15 knots. ~nit, though to-day he sleeps beneath the sod, KING STREET, BOWMANVILL She has of 16 knots the armored Courbet His very grave is dearer for tha.t time Ela.a now on hand a number of vehicle· (and is manufaetUIPlg a great many more) ot e ne built a.nd the. powerful Roche, Magenta., patterns and best finish, which I am offering for saleat the lowest prices consistent . That glided by as some sweet, happy rhyme. with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following le a list of a.nd Neptune, 10,581 tons eac~, now the principal vehicles manufactured by me And, e>h ! could I call b~ck but one sweet hour building. The unarmored Tourvdle and Of those glad months and hear you say "my wife " Duquesne are also 16·knot cruisers.· Of 17 Double Covered Ca.rria.ges ........................................... ...... ... f150 Upwarda knots the most importanu vessel 111 the With the old love·spell's tender power, Single Phmtons .... : ............................................................ 100 11 Sfax, 4,480 tons, while there are four more I'd give my fame, aye, everything in life. Open Buggy................................................ ............ ........ 70 i1 Ah me I with bitterness I since have guessed una.rmored oruisers of the Faucon class, Top Buggy........................................ ;............................... 90 11 about J ,272 tons. In the IS.knot a.rray we I was mere pendant to your life at best. Democrat Wagon.............. ................................. ........ ......... i5 u find the two most powerful vessels in the Lumber Wagons........................................................... ...... 55 w Yes, but a pendant l tha.t is all the place French navy, the armored Marceau of 10,581 Y 011 could accord me in your lordly Jila.n L ight Wagon..................................................................... 40 w tons and Brennus of 11,000. Then there is Of life and work. How very little space Express Wagon.................................................................. 75 11 the swift unarmored Milan of 1,550 tons, Is there for woman in the heart of man ? besides eight torpedo boats of the Bombe Skeleton.................. . ........ ........... ............. .. . .. .... _... ·· . . . . · · ·· · 60 11 And when he wearies of her, as he will, cl11o11s, 321 tons. France of 19 knot unarmored Sulky ......................................................................... ...... 40 " Poor, foolish soul she trie8 to love him still. vessels ha.a the Forbin, 1,848 tone, already Possessing superior facilities for manufacturing carriages, I Intend to sell very oheap for O'l. built and five oi;hers of the class buildor a.pproved credit, and by 110 doing I hope to greatly Increase my number of sales. Woul11 Ah, yes I my life-'tis but a potsherd flung ing. ' She has also under construction the sell the wood parts only, or the gee.rings of buggies Ironed, Out by thy careless hand upon the road,Jean Ba.rt, Alger, and Iely of 4,162 tons, the My broken life-'tis only one among Cecille of 5, 766, and the Tage of 7,045. She The many Jives with which the wa.y is strewed. claims 20 knots for the armored vossels If it be possible I'll no moan Dupuy de Lome, 6,297 tons, and also for At the Shortest N otice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. But bear my woe and suffering alone. the unarmored Da.vouet and Suchet, 3,027 A.t the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turnin g an· d Sawing with Circle, Band ~ ·1· Sor Saws, and prepare all kinda of lumber fo:r carpen ter s nd others for building purposes, tons, all now buildinl.". Ornamental and Plain Picket!! for fences in every atyle reouired. made to order. Italy has two big armor clads, the Duilio 11nd lJ,i.ndolo, of 15 knots, and half a .do zen HEAVEN :FOR EV.ERY ONE. Musical Sands, 1 m armored cruisers. She has three powerful _ _ _ armored vessels, t he Andrea. D oria, Ruggiero There I s Lots of lloom for Free Choice. Th .~re h8:reh manykbanks fof sa tnhds m .the di L:i.uria and Francesco Mol'isini, of 10,045 . _ wor u w ic are nown or e musica1 tons each' besides two unarmored cruisers The Islam heaven described m the_K o- sounds they produce when the wind or any a.ll oin knots Of her t hree 17-knot ved'. ran is a place of all ee~suous deh gh.t, olher cause puts the sands in motiou, One of sel; th! most im. ortant is the ml.armored wher~ the righteous. r l'.clme on couc~e~ m t~eRe, in .A r abia, has been describ~d by p c t But i"t 1 "n a fa.rr garden, dnnking the deh c1 Lieutenant N ewbold ; and another, rn Af-s i · · B G1ovanm ~uaan, 3 ' 68 ons. b r d b t h f t - T ous . - d . b C . . her 18-knot vessels than I taly is incompar- everag~ supp ie Y e oun am . asn_im gham at an, is escnbed y ohn Mackenzie . able since these include the powt:rful and waited on by . da"!1sels or houns wit h as follo~s : ium~r cl!lds Italia 13 898 tons, and Le- great .eyes and yieldwg t emperaments. "It is a ve_ry steep ban}!: of sand, r unnmg Purify the Blood, correct all J?isor~er~_Q.f the t j b 'lt and the The hfe of the Moslem soldier was a. up a mouut am to the height of some three 13 · 50 " !l.rea Yd S ud i eg ' na. one, a long succession of fights hund red yards. The e'llond is extremely fine, ,,anUo, b 'to s , wearying 1 000 1 ... e s building m er o besides 1c1 ia an ar ' '*· - sun, ~nd w1 ' th - eupposed to b e unf at h omabl?· -If_ a LIVER, STOMA.fJU, KIDNE.YS AND BOWELS ton four sma.11 unarmored und er a bla z.~n!J . . the pr . osp ect an d rs vest~ls. Her J°9 knot un~rmored cruisers are of such a. aivme oasis awaitmi:r lum, he hole of any dept h whatever be dug rn it , m They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitution s, an f f th V · ty the course of a few hours all is smooth and 3 530 tons a d would almost rush tc death. are fnva.luable in all Oomplalnts incidental to Female11 of all .Ages, Fo1 fiour0 th ~ ~?'v~ ' three of't h n The lives of t '1e old Norsemen were full level a.gain. 1 Children and the aged they are prlceles11. ·" d obns~lt. Fi og~ ' 1 ' nally esef of alternate carousings and strife, and ~hey "On the plain below an annual fair is held, ye e1 b nme vesse s emg a rea. y ui , o h Id d · k th h - b d tr' ke f h f f rm e ea.vies ~n s i when many persons per orm. t e eat o a.ssmall 20-knot tor edo craft she has nine of w o cou a th T · rt ~4 1 t d · of t he F 01 the grea.test number of crushm~ blows cen:ling to the top, which is by no means - per minute were the~ gods. So their priests easy from its steepness and the yielding Is a.n infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breast s, Old Wounds So !!" ~ ype, ' oni, an six e .. goo"" ~s. b 0 t b "It d h If pl11.ced these gods m t he Valhalla, gave nature of the sand, into which the leg sinks and Ulcers. It la famous for Gout and Rheumatism, F or disorde rs of - Chest it has no equ al t:I'"" j d , mbal~· as mf~~u~ ~ u~h a~ a 1 a them the bea.utiful Valkyries to ba their t o the calf, the foot slip(>ing back at each ozen u1 mg o · o no ~· e as a so waiting maids, a.nd sent the souls of all . stride. .- _ HAND-MADE COLLARS L~ @e @lWJt~~e HAINES' CARRIAGE VVORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &o. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired ::EIEALTH FOR ALL! 1 fo THE PILLS J f "Ocf:' 3f7 THE OINTMENT I r 1· l I ; fvJ I I J a§ tfie . 1>R...FOWLER ,~ . · .s _~ -. · ·. ~ ·.~ ~X . T:OF!/' :. _ ,., .WILD t it 0 . . · nOitER~ ho1e raMorhus I C ,,...ai9-RAMPS TRAWBERRY' ° r THE ONTARIO BANK I I . ·: U'.JYSERTERY ; r.11 IARRHCEA ' s S B0U N ALL Marble and Granite Works, · CiMETEiiY WoeK CRAN ITE M0NU MENTS UNDERTAKl·N~ LEVI MORRIS. I I

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