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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1888, p. 5

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Personal. Money to loan- see advt. \ Cockle's Pills for headache. Sold UNDENIABLY TRUE.-- " I have need D:r. R.lTE.-We will acc11 pt 40 everywhere. 8' Mr. Artht1r Brittain is visiting in To- Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry ifud found it a sure cure for aumm~r comcents f or t h e ::iTATESMAN for the l11·lance Part of M'r. M. Burk's board fence by ronto. plaint. JI. was very sick and 1t eared me of 1888. the G. T. R. was burned last week. Mies Minnie Joness is visiting friends entirely." Alexander W. Grant, Moo110 B tNnER TwrNR.-A car load of N o. 1 CAsTIRoN.-Sixty cents(60c.) perhun- m · K" mgston. Creek, Oni. binder twine just arrived. Pric!l very ured paicJ for any ·1 quantity · of r.ast scrap Mr. Jones advertiJ:ies a 125 acre farm PURE 1ow. C. Ro GERS. a t the B owma.oVJ le Agricultural & CarIL .L,lJl'lll.UAN, Ill, D .. C, Jl'J..I and undiluted, The turnips are suffi.erinll for want of riage Co's Works. 30-4 w in Pickering to rent, full strength. EMBER OF COLLEGE OF, and the flie11 contributing their A few merchants did not close their Mrs. (Rev.) Matthews has gone to vis· ,,;JCJANS AND SURGEONS, Ont. 11hare for their destruction. shops last Thursday afternoon, and a few it friends in Brampton. Oltioe and Residence : Enniskillen, On&arlo. WHOLE'-'OME, Goon FARMs.- This paper is a popalar country people came in to tlJtJ trade and Mies Lillie Tamblyn, Zion, is visiting ~ Purifies the blood, medium for advertising farms. Several were accommodated. her cousin, Mi nnie Wright. aod aids digestion. ONEY TO LOAN.-li'rom $ 1000 :to 11:ood ones are advertised this week. Fon MEN.-The correct plaoe to buy Miss Pollard, of Charlotte, N. Y., is $3000 on ree.l cste.te security. Apply to W. A. M., Orono, P. o. 31>-hi'. Tin pail g11ngs are now making theiT a styli:1h hat is at M. Mayer's where you visiting at Mr. J. Pollard's. a.nnunl rounds to the berry patches t o will fi.nd a grand assortment from which Miss Rebecca Bray, of Mariposa., is visREFRESHING. TOHE ·ro LET.- The store now oo· the disgust and annoyance of farmers.' to choose. His gents' furnishings, shirt.. itini;i: friends in Bowmanville. Tones up the system S copied by Mr. W . H. Ives, on Kin_gStreaj;, Ladies, don't miPs the bargains now cuffs, collars, t ies, gloves, etc., are of the McClellan & Co. are advertising clieap two deore ell-5· of the P. 0 . Pos·e··1on May lOtb. AJlply to A. BUCKLER, Jewellet', going at Mrs. Morrison's, to be continued latest styles and as cheap as they can be coal fort.en days. See notice ·. 16--if FRUITY for one month only. The goods are new sold. Miss Flossie Snow and Miss May SmaJl, and rich in flavor. ORSES FOR SALE. ..::::F~~r :Brood and stylish. Ho NR Musunu! - Very favorable of Port Hope, are visiting in town. Mares with fools at foot; tw" ge~er&l The vilhge of Ripley, in the County terms aretoffefired 1° r comp anies of four Miss E Johnston, of Toronto, is a purl>'?se oolta three years old; 1tnd three g(ibd yearling C <?lts. Apply to JOHN FOSTER. tlrover. 1 1 COOLING, of Bruce, Ont., was nearly burned down or more a a rst-c a@s hot~ · we Ilington S t. Bowmanv11lc. f L k R f h on the shores h ii:ues t at Mr. J . Adams, 2-1--l!ru P Just the drink for e ·rly on the 13th, only two or three busi- o a e nPseau, one o t e most c arm· Will sell my entire stnck of straw hats neas places remainin!!. · nu Sum r t · c d p t' Bowmanvi!le 811.lvation' Army officers .varm weather. 1 b me resor B· ID ana a. ar lCU· rrAILOl'ING M H' --- and summer und erwear at and below lars may be obtained at the STATESMAN are to farawel:I on Sunday evenincr next. '" .-.- r. mdson, Tuilor The C P R T J hC h "' at llf _ cU.lung Bros.. is now prepared .! · cos· d ·ffi · ·t ehegrfapll .ompan y a~e office. Mrs. T. J, Mason and son Harold, of make a limited number of suits forootlllt.;' t M · M ayer, F urrier. 1 The Canadian Prel!s Association meets opene 0 ces a t e 0 owmg Paces m H Toronto, are visiting at Mr. S. Vanstone'e. buyers or from outside eAta.\Jlishment s. >tu Absolutely f1ee from in Toronto on the 31st inst., an excursion Ontario : Lindsay, Millbrook, Omemeti, ENRY, the Photographer, will be in Totrancetllrough Quick & Co's store 45-tf Bethany and Mount Pleasant. ronto for three days next weekJuly 31st Misses Maud and Helen Mason, of - - - - - - Alcohol. to PortIand, Me., will f vllow. and Aug. 1st and 2nd-in attendance at Peterbor0, are visiting at Mr. T. Sherin's. COLT L081'.-Strayed from lot ·6 The English Rifle Team won the John Engla.nd takes the ban for .quick the annual convention of the Canadian Mr. J. L. Thompson and wife, of Port con. l , Darlingt<m, a. dt.rk ba.y c9rt In ordering, specify DOMINICA. and don't be Kola.pore Cup, at Wimbled on, beatino building, having had a new stable erected Photor1rapl1ers' A·soc1·at1 'on. He w1'll cer- H ope, were guests of Mr. W. B. Couch, . 2 ·)fbars .old. No white on her $a'd I "' on a. atone foundati'ol'l ·n a li'ttle over ,.., " wt e ~ven for information !en.din~ to h~r . put ofl.' with any imitations, 1 t h e Cana d iana by on y 13 p<1ints. tainly c h 'th 'd d b l k reoover:v JonN JEWELL Bowmanv'1Jle P ' 1 t hree days. School Board mako a note ome ome wi new eas an e ast wee · ·· · ' Z:l--ft · REFINED EXPrtESSLY FOil. Mr. John Collins has been appointed of this. able to please his patrons better than ever. Mrs. w. Hanson and youngest d"uabhOOD BUlLDING LOT FOR SALE. ' Call and see him as. so0n as he returns. License Inspector in and for the hcense -That splendid building lot oppoaito~be N h b d The Central Livery looks very greatly ter have glilne on a visit to her mothers, fE . · reaiden ce of John \Veeley Esq on the ill One of the gFeatest surprises to bhe at Acton, Ont. d 1str1ct o ort u111 er1an . improved by the painters bruEh. T. J. E 1 west Of 1.bie town Will be SOid on' very reflB tb= Mr .Tait ahows a very well ex.ecuted group McMurtry has shown good taste and W. ng ish public at the Colonial l<~xhibition Mias Harvey, of Exeter, and Miss able terms. Apply co M.A. .TAMES or .lotrN MONTREAL. 13·tJt For ea.le by Grocers and Druggists tn Pts. picture of the Congregational Sunday Morrison ha.s executed the order with in London was the-extensive and artistic 'Bartlett, of Lonueu, are visiting at Mr. FLETCHER, owner. Bowma.nville. School taken on their picnic day at Er- great eat' display of Memorial Windnws and House- Jin . hn Hellyar's, and Qts. (lmperlal measure.) 1sfac t' ion. ~ ·-----~hold Stained Glass from the celebrated SM--'\ L L FARM FOR SALE.-lOacr,es A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. pingham. Some people occasionally wonder why FARM:&Rt:S.-A respectable young ma.n McCausland <It Son, Toronto. The Prince Mv . A. S. Tillev a,nd Mrs. W. E. Tilley of land, more.or less. baing part, ofl;>t 1!'4 U"No charge for Cases. . f I . just arrived from England desires to enof Wales and thouaands of others openly spent Sunday in Port Hope the guests of m the 7th conccss1011 of the 1'ownship ofDa'ri-~-··-------------------·-· ...--... ----~~-·-certain notices o birt ls, marriages or ·h d f \" 1 .11. · h Mr. Luke Martin. lngton, r: · .ounty or Durhatn. Honse and sta~le. deaths are not iu the paper. Simply be· gage wit a goo armer. '· mg ~0 expressed t eir surprise and delight in Well wa.~red. For further pa~ticnlars a.1,jJ!l:r cause they are not sent in. work for moderate wages. Inquire of the specimens of glass work8 · Capt. Fisher, from Toronto, will lead to W. '1'. GREENWAY, Ouide Office. Port 1-f'.Tl/e, A H M G B I . M. A . J.AMES, at STATESUAN office, BowMr. T. H Everson, son of Mr. Robert the meet~ngs in the barracks next 8atur- or to J. o. LABELLE. Bowmanv11Ie. 2!J;IW FTER OltSES.- r. eo. ante' Jr., man~ille. Everson, of Harmony, aud l\'lr. Flawk1-n" , day evenrng and Su.[lday all day. HO USE -AND -LOT SALE~:.__.A of by his father, .u. · Rochester, faccompanied d A BRo.,,.uN AR~ 0 M l I t have boug h· out Mearns' li·rdwaro ' Dr..fas Brown, formerly of Enniskillen J.?ood brick house- seven rooms. ~·~o is spendin4 a ew ays at Hampton, buy~ ~.. n one ay as · · m h d cl.othes closets. good cella.r, frame sum~r ing horses. Now is your chance, farmers. Chnrl··tte, d aughter of Mr. Alex. Elliott, business in Oahawa. Harrv is well and as been electe au Elder in the Presby- k1~cht>'1 ;, fram~ stable and an ocro o f F(ard~n Lowest Prices ever heard of. OSHAWA'S LIAR BADLY KNoc ..rnn OUT. lot 23, 7th con. Hope, while out driving favorably known through DorJin!!'ton andi terian church, Plum Creek, Neb. w1~h ch<Jlcbe fr;nt r.ree~. enrr"nte, ra·pberr[es n1'ecc ' the hors e t " 0 k f rig · ht an d East W bitby, and l·1·s '"fe·srs. w1·1.1 and F·ed ,Jones·, H . 'F. an straw err ~s The above p·operty Ul' Pedlar's Q11a.lity ......... . .... 20c. -The Cannington Gleaner says : ":Mr. w ith her , ' partner· !1as been JJ: · · · ·· be sold as the owner is leavinJ'( town, Apply W. J. Cowan of this town and the station ran away, throwing Mias Elliott out and l' ·.ng in th e Mme shop a.nd i s qu.ite popular and R. Jewell, E. Osborne and O". Sando, to .Ln rns M t LLAl'I, Scngog St.. Bowmanville. Commercial. . . . . .... . .......·. 30c. w~th th~., public. We jom their many were campii:1g at Lake Scugog last week. 30-tf Chemica.l:y. Pure .. . .... .. - ... AOo. agent at Sundridge caught 115 speckle breaking her right arm. trout in less than three bours." · Bargains, Bargains, Bargains. M.. fr utls 'ii'. wis.hrng the new firm succesR. Mr. J ohn Pierce, jr., who left here for V-E~-A.SfRA-Y. ::::_:s\;:~-y~d f~~;;· 1ot We n~ver believe in selling second .rd summoned Nei·l Taylor· "lefore Mayer is dete1mined to give bargains eS; There JS wide spread sympathy willh c~JiforniA last Octobtir has r et 11 rned to 2.~ . con. S. Darlington, on or abou· Tnne 1, ' · 11 · I t d d ·~ H. R D F d f ·i b f f II 4 !In~ year old heirers. th,.eA or which lire Bl Dr.Haines, q ualities of. auy kinds of goods but we Geo. Esq., Police Magistrate, on pecia y ID summer ia s an u n er"-eft, ev . . raser an am1 y ecanse o town a ter trave i ng extensivdy on the nrmmp>il .ly rP.d, the largest h>tving white hltld fiud there is some demand among a 'rl d f as I wiint to make rootn f,,r fall imp,>tla- the d <!ath of his little daughter Agnes Pacific C»ast. John looks splendid. feet. white $t1tr on face ancl some whi·e j\n 10rs ay, on suspicion o having fired ti'on. Call ear·l.u tlie stock Jn!IS' be f rom sp11111. · l memng1 · 't" . fourth "nrl wl1 ito- eve,. ""lY certain class ol custom'ers for a choaper , as is. Il er su ffermgs M1'ss Bu11t1'ng, wl10 has been a :; :::uest at · 'l'lle ' ' r ~1" ~ his outbuildin~s, but the evidence failed Id ]\ spotrn<l. Any mform9.tion Jeac1ing to 1'trelr grade of p ,,ria Green, and we have there· to substantit\te the case and Taylor was so at once. M. fayer, Funier. were mo ~t mtense,£>nd to her, was a (.Jhurch-st. Meth. Parsonage, :returned to ·ecovery w ill he suit!l.bly rewai·ded bv ;rzrrN fore laid in a stock of each kind, and we discharged. Merchants should bear m mind: that happy release~ ~hough t~e. family feel Pickering on Saturday accompanied by BAR'llOS, Enniskillen. 29- aw positively giving as good value for the A WrnB FENCE .AocIDEN'.l'.-On Mon- newspapers are always bor.ming the'· own k een ly the aff:l.1chon . . This I~ the s~cond Mi~ ~ Liz:r;ie Matthews. I TiiARM FOR SALE OR TO REN'Il..-money as can be obtained anywhere in but that t he advertising columns arl\. the death from this tert:'1bly pamfu; disease Mr Jas Millar havin acce ted the .£1 Being nnrth h"lf of lot !?2. con. 5. Darli~· Canada. day last, Mr. Wm. Henwood, third con. b est guide a.a to whether the tov«,n is w1th1n a week, Mr..LB.l\la.rtyn s daugh: · ' g. P ton, containing JOO acres, more or Jess 'on Hope, had a hundred and fifty dollar booming. The, advertisements are w at ter Edi th having died of it apporntment of .l\1athemat1cal Master of which a:·e goocl. dwelli g and hams. sio.tte horse ruined for 11'fe by rt1nni'ng i ' uto ., -· · Parkdale Hfo:h School, offers his 11leasant st~blee and collar, we.II wa.tercd, clay lol!ft · 0 ~1 want to buy or se11 a f arm, a d - residence on ..Scugog street for sale See "ml_. OnI Y a h aIr u nu1e f rom 1·h e vii I1.1ge f " the stranger measures the town by. wire fence . He now swears eternal haie .u.Y · f J ert1se the Toronto Weekly Mail Th · d · S,olma and a nu!e ancl. a hn.lf f ·om HamprQn. The Reliable Druggists. against wire fences of every descr1phon. C OLT FiOUND.-M r . A · H arr1s, u ar· ao & vt. J<or terms and pa.rticulaM apply tn JoaIAH..13 .oe'a Corn°rs found h1 's colt that h paper reaches 100,000 farmers homes LICK. lot :>4, con ·,,or to 0°l1awa, p. o. · 88 dl " ' in the STATESMAN for Mrs · M · Rt1l1e · an d M'165· L aura T ay l Or', ' ev.iry week, and your advertisement 28-Bw CI" URCH SocrAL.-A soct'al w1·11 be held been advertised in aid of the Congrezational church fuuds . . w ·h· b h' . should meet the eye of some one who d11.uo;hler of Mr. E. Taylor, have returned AKM lN PICKERING FOR SALE. at the residence of Mr. N. S. Young, King ~:~i~~n;,:·Pno~!r ~~o or ~h:eet~=~~s ;,;~h~ wants to purchase. Advertisements of frol18 ml fa soj~ur11Tiu NIew!Yorlb> of a year and - Om". o~ the b~st farms in Pickering tor sale conta.1mog 12<> acres, all oe which (lre St., on Friday evening next. A lirst-cla~s vicinity of B,·ooklin. It had got far from this c!Ms are inserted in the Toronto a · i.uts& ay or ias ecome q uite cleared and in high state of c11lt1vation. o~ program has been prepared and refreshhis master's crib. Mr .Jewell's is still at Weekly Mail for five cents a word each proficient as a musician. the prernirno are a good dwelling house i\tjtl The above reward is offered to any perout bmldrngs and t.wo wells. 'l'hio urooertY,' Je ments will be served during the evening large. insertion, or twenty five cents a word for Mrs. W. C. King, Mrs J. H. H. Jury, son giving evidence that will lead to the Everybody ei tnat<>d on lot l .'.i, b. t .. one mile l\nd a i;iNr welcome. A silver collection. five inser tions. Address, The Mail, their children, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sampson from Pick eri!lg villa11:e, half a mile from Gritli.d conviction of any person selling Paris 'ING u~ Cou Th R f FLoRALPICTURE. - TaitthePho·ogrnph· Toro11to, Canada. and the Misses Wiudatt have rented a 'l'runk Station. threa mi es from Pickering KEE[ -Green or other poisons in violation of the ~ RAGE.A e ormer er has made a nice photo of the wreaths Ho.t·bor, nn<l six miles 1'rom Whitby. ~ is whistling up the courage of the Oshawa- and floral otforini!S sent as tributes of Cn:EAP CoAL FOit 10 DAYS. - McClellan house about two miles up the lake shore futthe~ J·t>rtlculars ,.pply tn J AMES P 1 crt,:UtD Pharmacy Act. 29-ll syinpathv to adorn the casket of the late &Co., will R <>ll Stove, Chestnut and No. 4 a.nd enjoying: the refreshmg breezes on the prr: mises, or Piclrnring, P. O For the information regarding said re- ites thusly: What a hum it will beward enquire of any chemist or write to the Messrs. W1lhams expect to manufac- Edith Martyn, d'iughter of Mr, John B. Co:il at $a 50 at the Harbour a,nd at $6.00 of Lake Ontario· AJ'!.l\i 'l'O LET.- Composed of J.5 0 REGISTRAR," Ontario College of Pharmture not less than 1200 pie.nos a year at Martyn. There are 15 pieces and they dehvned; and Grate and Eim at $6.25 at Mr. H . G. McGill ~is home fr ,\m Los acres on the north end of lot l, 6th c~, their new works at Oshawa, besides a arc very neatly and be:~utifully arranged the Har.hour and $5.7fi delivered. p , r· Angeles, Cal., for_ a month's holidays. Pickering, nncl iiO acres on. the north end ot~¥.'t acy, Toronto, Ont. 31, Gt.h oon .. Whitby, more or leas, in tlw cout'j~ quantity of parts of instruments for the with a large wreath bearing the word sons paying cash wfien orderiug will get He holds a good position there wi<h the of Ont&rio. 120 acres of this is under a go{ld foreign trade. "Edith," in jmmortelles in the centre. twent,y·five (25) cents per ton off. We Western Union 'fdegraph Co., and has ste.te of cnltivalion, on which is a good br1pk: CANADIAN BuT'.r.ER.-Mr. Lynch has PrcNrc.- The officers and ten.chBrs of m1ike this offer for ten (10) d11.ys, al!I we recently sold Ins fruit rauche for $10,000 11ouee nnd ou1 -houses. two large barns w~1 scabies nncfor them. sufficient to h lll .· concluded his enquiries into the dairying the Church-st. Methodist Sabbath School must have cash to rnn our business. Cit- which gives him a handsume profit. Well atone full year' ~ crop ; living spring or watl'r n r BOWM.ANVILLE STATION. the bnrn ; E ituated four miles from Mr~t , of E1i"gland, Scotland and Ireland. What held th~ir anoual picnic on Saturday last izens, be alive now ancl buy your coal, done, Harry. miles from Brooklin and eight miles:l'r he iiaw on the Continent convinced him at Lovekin's the residence of Mr. George pay for it and ~et tho rebate. McCL1n.Messrs. Frank Brown, Chas. Tod, R. thrAe GOING EAST GOING WEST Whitby ; all good market~. Possession on st J. Niddery, 'f. A. Brown, A. Elliot, a.nd November next Liborty t.o plough after h~ Mail ......... 8.37 am Mail .. .....· 6.17 am that Canada will find a desirable market Wight. The day W · S fine, the company LAN & Co. Enqnire of G E r1RO<. JONES, Whi by P;.o· Express......10.33 a m Local,. .......8.23 a m for butter in England, d1spite the 10w jolly, and a general good time was the bt~oRTlNG STOCK.--Mr..T. Dryden, M. Thos. Hoidge left on Monday for a boat- vest. 30- 8w" Whitby, July 24th, 18&g .Mixed .........3 p m Express~ ...... 9.3.5 a m Loca.1 .......... 7.H Mixed,,_ .... .. 3.lG pm prioes, if such measures are ta.ken as have resulb. Boating, swinging, ball playing P. P., has r eturned from England. He ing tour of the back lakes, startmg from ---~ili~-M FOR sALE.-Situa.t;a-·i~-the :Mall . . . ....· 10:07 ti m Mall ......... 9.00 p m raised the Canadian cheese industry and croquet were t.lie principal pa>times. had a very pleasant trip across tho ocean. C1marea. Their headquarters this week: ..Except Mondays. ::!utl concession, lot 26, Township "bf SINCHJLAR .Accrn:ENT.-On Tuesday last, Lovekin'e is the best place for a i;mall While in England Mr. Dryden purchased will be at Sturgeon Pomt. Mlly thev Clarke. 11 miles sont.b or Orono. 2} miles no~ Mr. W. J. Goslin, fourth con. Hope, had picnic party in this district, 175 Shropshire sheep, which wore selected have a good time. of Newcastle, containing JOO aorea oll clea '· his team in the woods, and he was using DIET FOR BRAIN WoRKERs.-The most from the best flocks in the country. One Prof. 'f L . Doyle, organist of Janee and in a good state of cultivation. It is on l best farm· m the Townshi(l. 'l'llere is gn an axe cutting a stick of timber, by some · ui·able diet for brain workers, says an of the pens purchased by Mr. Dryden M. E. Church, .BrC1okly11, N. Y., and of the the pr<mises 2 dwelling houses, 2 barn~';2 means the a.:x:e slippad and struck one of au ·hority, consists of rice and sweet milk hns recently taken the second prize a t. Plymouth church week night servi~es , catt,Je stables, 2 turnip cellars, 1 stal·le--l'o~ BowMANVILLE, JULY 25, 1888. 9 horses-good rlr1ving 8hed and other o · th~ horses, breakii;ig the jaw of the poor with da~s, raisios or figs, with brown the Royal Aaricultural Society's Show, accompanied by Mrs. Doyle and two sons. for buildings ; good orchard and garden conta · ammal and knockmg out several teeth. bread and butter There is nosabstanc~ held at Nottingham. This fine l ot of is spending his holi:!ayll with relativ1:Js in ing appltl, pear and plum trees; 2 good w ; a never faiitng stream of wa; r The horse was a yaluable one, and las in the vegetable kingdom more nourish- sheep are expected to arrive in Ca.uada this town. They are receiving a hearty and 1 ciatern _ runs thl'ougll the promises close t<> the b~ been rendered entirely useless. ing and strengthening than rice. 1 t is a about the first week in August. welc0me from their many friends here. ;yard. Will sell or e:xchange for smaller pl,e. TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT is improving diet on which persons can do t'1uch work A LEAl'-YEAR MARRIAOE.-Not long Mrs .·Jno. Joblin and two children, For f.urtller particular~ apnlv on the preru o1 S'.lbscribers who have received accounts 26with each nuUJber, last week's issue being either brain or body; ibwill keep a healthy ago a young merchant only a few weeks who have been visiting friends in the Isle to 8A:'lfU EJ., \VoOD, Orono, P. o. will greatly oblige by remitting promptly. ~he beet yet. It is a first·class society person in health and build up a debilitat- out from Scotland attended a party near of Wigl1t for the past year, arrived home FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. JOuroal and has attained to a very large 1 ed constituents of his diet . Brantford. wh<ire h"l met a young lady on Sunday morniul?. They c!lme over in RoB'r, VrnTu:&, Agent, Bowmauville. tf. ?irculation.. " Don's " l~~ters appearing "o, for · a horse that can fly,, wrote who considerably facinated him. In the the Parisian and had a pleasant and q uick McGU AIG & MAINWARIN:&, Ladies, make a, clolla.r go as far as you in curr~nt 1s~ues are very mterestmg an~ Shakespeare. Had he seen Geo. Pierce's course of co11versation she asked him how passage. Mrs. J oblia ha.a greatly improvEstate and Financial Agents, can, it will do wonders for you if you take tlie se~ie~ will _be .alona worth a yenr s horse fly down King Street with a d"mo- it was he didn't get married, and he re- ed in health by the sojourn on her n ative l b VlC'l'ORlA. STilEltT, TORONTO. subscription, JUdgmg from what has crat partly loaded with lumber on Monplied that he would as soon ae he got a Island . it to Mrs. Morrison's cost sale of millinery Can exchange a number ot well rented ho\l!lell ~!ready ~ppeared. Mr. E. E. Shepherd day morning he might have been satisfied. job. "Oh well, said the fair one, "that - - -- - - - - - -- in 'rorouto. paying a good rate or interest,Jor for one month. firat-elasa !a.rms free of is the Editor. :May be had at the book· George's horse took friRht at the noise of needn't matter, for I've got plenty for a Married. At the recent High School Entrance ex. Why let money on deposit at J per , . . the planing mill machinery and left the while. " And she h11.d. She paid his aminations at Brighton sixteen passed out stores. In Semiahmoo, W. T., Juno 29, 1888, 1 when .Jttdicious investment in Toronto 'ilro· STILL GoINO O.N.-The genume cleumg yard suddenly, turning westward. He board, bought the wedding riu~ and the -of forty·six candidates ; at Colborne, at the residence of the bride's mother, ' perty wlll realize ten times that amount! MONEY LO.AN.ED on l·'arm J>ropcrty .a.t eleven out of twenty-nine ; at Campbell- out sale of dr;r goods that has been f~r ran up the hill west of the bridge turned marriage license and the neces·ary furni· at 7 o'clock a m . J. A . Martin Esq some months m ~rogr~se. at McMurtry s to the rii;:ht and made for the pond but ture to begin housekeeping with. They ., loweat r ates. ' ' .' ford thirty out of sixty·six ; at Cobaurg merchant and postmaster, of Sem1ahmoo, '\Ve can offer several investments In ren~d ~est End.Rouse is st!ll ~n progress and upset tho wagon and £.ill entangl~d in the were married inside of twenty-four hours thirty-five and at Bel'eville thirteen out central localities, Toronto, pa.yi n ~ ten after the proposal. 'Vl10 says girls don't and Miss Margaret Egan, of the same housesm h.n es as. are still m st~ck real harness. VP.ry lit tle dama"e was done. per cent. on amount invested. of eighty. bargams will be given. Many thmgs are "' take advantage of )eap-year, when they place, anti ynungest dau:;hter nf l\'Irs. By notitying ns direct or t>y Jea. ving no.illle Egan, formerly of Pontypool, Ontario, at 8'1'ATJi~8MAN At a recent meeting of Alert Hose Co., being sold at and below wholcs11le coat, $477 FINES ANll ClosTs. --The following get the chance. 0FJt'lCE, Bowmanvilltl';;'l>I." by Rev. A. Warren, assisted by Rev. No. l, a. vote of thaLl-'s was passed t o the so if you have a ftiw dollars t o spent a.nd pers~us hef<?re Bis Honor with P. TREBILCOCK. Bookseller. 8owmlm. M. Tm: CROl' PROSPECl's. - A subscriber to ladies who so kindly l)r ovided for the you want dry goods make a speedy visit Ferns? Poh?e Magistrate for these Umted the Oshawa Reformer, and au e:x:perienc- Levin Johnson. P. Foster was the grooms- ville. iuterviewo;i ll'IBY be arranged with"~ur representative. Mr. lt C. SINCLAIR. 14 :?cu. firemen a liberal eupply of coffee and to the '\Vest End House, and you will be Counues, viz, Alonzo Fee, MHrk Raper, ed farmer, who travels extensively man, and Miss E. J. Egan was the bridesmaid. A few friends were present, and 15a,ndwiohes during the tire on the 7th surprised, exceedingly. John and Samuel Crocker, of Millbrook, tluoughout E1st and '\Vest Whitby, and inst.,- &l!W, a vote of thanks to the actin~ '\Ve omitted mention, among several and George Seeney, ?f l\IIou!lt Pleasant. a few miles into the adjoining munici.pal- as soon as the bride and groom were proMayor and Fire Commhtee, for attending other things, of the D. 0. & P. Co. Band's They all plesded gmlt.l'. to mfraction of ities of Darlington, Re11Ch and Pickering, nounced one, a delicious breakfast was to the welfare of members of the fire promenade concert in our last issue. lt the Scott Act and the Millbrook qnartette has given us his O[)inion, based from ob- served. The happy couple left at !J a. m., brigade on the above d ate. was one of the best musically and Jinan- were fine d $100 each. and $5.25 costs~ servations of the state of the crops in the for Victoria, B. C., via Vancouver, to i T HA.1' excellent i::rain and grazing fa~· " Wild Jim " the Indian Scout and cia.lly that has yet been given in the drill Mr. Seeney escaped_ with $50 and $6.lo section named . Barley and peas will be spend t.heir honeymoo1!-, receiv i n.-:. con- : 1 h.nowo as" E"I>ingbam," consistmg of 60 Texan Cowboy will not strike the pockets shed. Everythi11g on the program was costs. The case ag_amst \V. J ..Coulter, of about an average yield ; wheat, below the gratulat1ons and good wishes for th eir fu h appiness from their many frien ds. acres, well fence~, w:en w~tered and m , _- t of our citizens so accurately again, should t'ende1·ecl in a skillful manner and the Pom;rpool, was adJonrned until Sa.turday ayeraie; corn is looking well, and pota- ture . . . class ~,r, of cultiva.t1011, with good fruit o~Oh· he ev!'r return to town. His exhibition full dress of Mr. Waldron, the director, 2 l~t mst., as the defendant wn:s ill and toe~ have a fine growth, but the yield T Jun 3ournal also extends congratulat10ns, urd. is o!Y.,red for sale on ef<sy terms. 'fher" are large farm buildings. stone eeUa.r wishini:: them a loner and h appy life. was a grand sell. He gete out of per- gave tone to the concert. 'l'he proceeds unable to attend the court.- Gmde. promises to be light. Oats will be a fair · "' stable~ for stock: Bild storage'l>r forming hia 1:,ig acts by complaining that reached $50. It is very evident that the ·--- ·-·-- roots, c t<:. " The Battlefield of Gettysburg ; Its average crop. The hay crop, which has ~·* ----·----'l'ber" .s a. rolling da.m on creek near build· the funds contributed do not warrant it. band has the good wishes of our citizens. Memories and Memoria,ls " 1s most inter- been harvested, is very light, not averaBIRTHS. ing~ · . no expense for past ten years) an'!'·.& He would make a boss canvasser for a br~asL wheel erected with force pump tlib.t G cum l'O MUSKOX.A. - We have received es tingly treated in the Populttr Magazine aging, probably, wore than half a crop. HRA Y-Nea~ Ra~lan, on the 18t11 inat:mt, t h e ra1eee water 50 feet to reservoir which sup· missionary society. a copy of "Guide to Muskoka, U pper for August. The famous points of the Mangels, carrots and turnips ptomise fair- wife of Mr. Wm. Bray, of a de."1ghter. piles wa ter through stock stables and dwelling thronghout. When Dr. Chase, author of the famous Maganetawan and Inside Channel of the great battle, the visits paid to it by the ly. 'l'he apple crop will be about the DIED. A. Dairy B11siness was ,curried on -Chase's Receipt Book, died two years ago Georgian Bay with maps of the District-· commanders and by ofticers and soldiers same as last year- about an average crop, for years. from 25 to 35 cows b~ing kept. 'rhere BOWERMAN-Ill Columbus, on the Htb inst .. bei1_lg several a~ ri;s ef rich " li'!e.ts," through he left the manuscript of what he said the famous pleasure resort of Canada, the of both armies, the monmnents that now and peat·s will be plentiful. Emma Louise. beloved wife of Mr. John wluch runs a living stream, e.ccesslble frbm was his ·' Crowning Life Work." J t has tourist's and pleasure see.k er's paradise m11.rk the ground where regiments held G.nw~;NrNc; F OR L ADIES.--Mako up Bowerman, of Port Perry, aged 29 years, ,; every Held on both sides. this fa.rm affords the been published in a magnilicent volume and sa,nitorium of health and enjoyment their own under witheriug fire-all these your bec monthe and 2-1 days. l early in the morning ; sew butbest facilities for this business. Only halt: a mile of nearly !JOO pages. lt contains more - boating, canoeing, hunting and fishing come before the reader vividly. rrom the town of Bowme.nville. Itou·rr,ExNear Brooklin, on Tueaday J.ith "Tbs tons on yonrhusbarid's shirt ; do not rake 1 Fo: a11la also 50 acres in tb'e 7th Qoncesslon or ife or than six times the valuable matter that in abundance. Everybody can get a copy Spice Trade of N 0\V York" is an illustra· up grievances ; protect the young and instn;nt, Honer .Jane Rm1tley, heloved W Wilham Routley nnd only danghter of \Villiam D arJ:n~tou,jnst &J rode west of 'Guide Bo:-rd.' his old book did, nnd is the result of his by writing to Williamson & Co., 5 'King- t ion of how " many a mickle makes a tender branches of your family; plant A. aad .A.JjY,e W llte, ai?ed 30 years. 1 month ]l'or full particulars apply to S'l'El'HE N 2~tt C OTTO N, Bowm11nvill e. , ~ whole life experience and observation. st., West, ·roronto, mentioning this pa- mu ckle." Few would suspeQt the amount . smiles of good temper, and renp a crop of anj,i!3 'dlt")ly~""~ l!'RM;rm.- .A t St. Paurs :Mane!l·.Bowmanville. If the value of this book, having mure per. annudly invesced in tllese trifles of the health and happiness) root out the 011 Sabbath, July 22nd, Agnes Wilson ]l' raser. than six times as much in it and thirtyDirectory.~ 'l'he continued assults upon member s kitchen, or how the world is circled to of nervous debility and "female w~li: third daughter of Ill'v, R. D. l:l'r a.ser, aged ! :five years of addi~ional experience, can of the Salvation Army in Quebec are as get them. Our young men will be more ness, " by the use of Dr. Pierce'sFav ,rite years and 7 months. be measured by the value of the old one, cowardly as they are disgraceful. In this · interested i n single-hand yachting, the Prescription. It is a ·sovereign spe 'fie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J B OAR FOR SERVICE.-A 'l'horo 'it is a book that no home should be with- age of the world a person who will strike management of sailing craft that one with aud thousauds of Lhe fair sex bles3 L bred Yorkshire White Boar la (or .R ILll servwo on lot 16, eon. '1 , Darlinv;l.011. onkept tile J:.611 out. The publishers offer a rare oppor- a woman is looked upon as so despicable a little skill d irect, in fair weather or day they first h eard of it. lt is the only 11 }<'arm, a half mile sonth of H am1iton. Terfn11 tunity to agents. See advertisemen t in that we refuse to give him the name of foul, sneak-boats, canoe-yawls, cruisers, medicine for women, sold by druggists, $1.00 25-iw· - Jt'OR'l'lIEanother column. man. And it is not wonderful that the etc. " Old-time Ladies Headdresses and under a positive guarantee, from the Thomands have been relieved of indi- scoundrels who were bold eneugh to Mufflers" will give suggestions at least to manufac turers, that it will give satisfac- LI [ N~ i RSEDIES, B ULL FOR SER VICE.- Tlie Tlio;o· tion in every case, or money will be re· 11 [ U U 11 . BredShor~Horn Bull"Sclrna Champian" gestion and loss of appetite by a single throw stones at tue women of the S. A. lady friends. ·s guarantee ha.a been pr1'nted )~kept foi- servtee on Lot 28.Con, 6. 'Darlington. Tll) funded. bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilh. 'l'he use of had prUdellc C enougI1 t o run away as WELL T ESTED.- " r was nearly dead terms.-For the season, $1 oo. payable lat O~t Established over thirty yea:rr.. 1888; $1~50payable lat February, 1880. · 'ru oa: this mtruicme, by giving tone and strength soon as they found the men among the with Cholera Morbus, one bottle of E x- on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carto the assimilative organs, has made in· Salvationieta could give as well ae receive tract of Wild Strawberry cured me, and ned out for 11\any years. To cleanse the, Solina. 26·1' w .. 7 at another tiine I w,·s and '.!'ho old reliable .nursery. Men with pusl1, H OLSTEIN ·BULL FOR numerable cures of chronic dyspepsia. blows. - Spectator. " so bad wi'tli Sum- stomach' D p· liver, ' p 11 ts system generally, use ,. energy, good habits and cloa.n cha.ractere " SEB.., · v I·tA"-;; l,IJ!i. Price $1. Worth $5 a bottle. j: The perfect purity of lmperial Cream mer Complaint that I thought I would r. ierce s e e · -4- always ~ucceed. Wo oan give you good pay ·0 . A th~ro'-br(ld Holstei~ ~ull._ " OC'.J·O lt" . o. is ackn.owledgecl n ever eet NATIONAL PILLf' arc sugnr co:ltctl, mlM \ and steady work. Write for terms to ~ ·t:708, registered t.heJ). J!. R. Book. :Voi. MAl.J.Rt.o:. FEVER AND (JlllLLS ure best Tartar _Baking P ~ over it, when two bottles cured lint thorou:::;ll, :uul are tiac best s1omncl1 CH.A.SE BROTHERS' 00. 'k· fe JJropeFtY ot !n J. &8.Penfoanc1. will )Je broken up nud 1trcveu1.ed by 11slng lltil· b y 1eacl rng p h ys1cians an d ch em1ets. t 1 . me." E . Ask ett, Peel, Ont. :tficl Ll.-er I'i lls tu use· ' Nurserymen· COLl!ORNE. ,1 epc or ~eDrv1oli~ aito S lMON1"ID'!f'On;n 'r;, on l .ot 3 · ON"l' · ·,· . t en .· , ar n11 n. :Puoe .,,2, 19 Lt· b1lrJt'8 Aromatic Qulntne 'Thie. LIME DOMINI CA FRUIT JUICE Sewing machine needles at Tait'e. Dr. Bird lost his family dug in the re- ' cent nre· The Catholic pic-nic in Cobourg on Dominion Day realized $525. A.t Millbrook 19 pupils pa.seed the recent Entrance Examination. REDUCED RATE. - We will accept 40 cents for TnE STATESMAN for the balance of 1888. A young man in Kingston was arrested for swearing on the street and fintJd $20 and costs. Special bari;(ains in millinery at Mrs. ·Morrison's as she intends clearing out her summer stock. At Mrs. Morrison's-Hats and Bonnets for 25 and 50 cents, worth 75 cents and $1 New this season. The Massey Manufacturing Co. of To· ronto abc·ut to send agricultural imlement· ~ to Je"aa·lem. · w R&DUCE» M M H LYMAN, SONS & CO., --P U-RE G PARIS CREEN ! FOR Q · 0 c -· A i . 0 STOTT & JURY, $10.00 REWARD I 0 F F 0 ·o pm! I F Local and Otherwise. I FARMS WANTED.. -- r. E RPINGHAM FARM FOR SALE. - ~ -.---~ ~ Breeder's s'LESM EN WAUTEl"ll . w ENG LAN n

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