err THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 18 PUDLlBHED LIKE AND AuTli::> R.oF -· rnz-· UNL~ KE. Ere., ETC. El'ERY WEDNESDAY lllORNING -BY- M. A.JAMES, AT THE Ol!'ElOE :rosi Onlce Block, King Street, Bowman· ville, Uiltllrio. By M. E. BRADDON, "LADY AUDLEY's SEOR.ET," "W'YLLARD's WEm"i " at a pace that was almost a run. H e wanted to be face t o face with his false wife-to surprise her by the suddenness of his com· ing, t o stand before her without a moments' warning strong in his knowledge of her guilt. That was t he one pasaiona.te craving of his mind, the one hope for which he ex- Want of Sleep Is senlling thousalllls annually t o the insane asylmn ; aml the d octors say t his trouble i s alarm ingly on t l1e increase. Tho us ual remed ies, wh ile t hey may give tern porary r elief, a re likely to do mor e ha rm tha n g ood. W hat is needed is an A lterative a nd Blood-purifier. Ayet·'s Sarsii parilla is incomparably the hest. It cor rects t hose d isturbances in tile circula tion wh ich canse s leeplessness , gives i ncreased vita lit y, and restores the n<ir vous sys tem lo a healthful cond ition. Rev. T . G. A . Cote, age nt of the Mass. Home 1\Ussion a.ry Sol:iety, wr it es that h is st omach was out of :>rder , h is s lee p very often d isturbcll, and s ome im purity of t he blood ma nifest ; but that a. perfect cul'e was obtainecl by t he use of A yer 's Sarsaparilla . Frederick W. l' ra tt, 424 W a8hi ngton street , B oston, writ es : " M y da 11ghter w as prostrated wit h nervous llebility. A yer 's Sa l'sapar illa r estor ed her t o h ealth ." W illiam F . Bowk er , E rie, Pa., was cure tl of n ervousn ess and s leepiessness b y taking A yer 's Sa rsapa rilla for abou t t wo mon ths, during which. t ime his weight increased ove1· t wen t y pounds . R. PE.ATE, Tal!o? Gentlemen'sClothes Made to (lrder. isted at this moment. After that, there DAILY LINE TO ROCH. ;:STER ,.,. .. l} B would be &uother meeting, between him and St. Austell, a meeting which must end in blood. Yes, straight before him in the near CHAPTER XXVII.-AN UN~'INISHED "What's your bet, ?vi'" Belfield, if its not distance he saw inevitable l:iloodahed. No L , · &n impertinent questiou 1" asked the man moarrn vengeance beat en out inch by inch, ,1)0 1 }tr·· A11Jl1fm, or$1 if paid in advance: ETTER. easily. thin as good leaf under the gold·beater's Pe.ymeni strictly In advance required from Mr. Belfield sat brooding during the rest " If it wa.s, I wouldn' i1 mind it from you, hammer ; no thirty d ay scandal in the law bPcri'hersoutside o f the county; Orders to of the journey to King's Cross, and hit Jones," answered V1.1lcnti1ie. "I've laid courts with all its pettiness of foul details llOOntinue the paper mu~t be accompanied bv thoughts grew . darker with the darkening two to one that Raviull fetched over two and lying and counter lying of hirelings; eamount due,orthepape w il no· bes topped, not for hini the modern husband's mode ol 'b .,·i,ben are responsibleunti full payment is night. Yes, St. Austell ha.d haunted bi~ hundred:' '.-lie. . " I think you're prethy safe, sir. I remem- retrib lltion, lmt swift sharp vengeance, such wife's footsteps all through the sea.son tha.t was past. He bad heard of them riding in ber the horse. He wan one of Captain Pop· as one read.a of in old Italian chroniclee. &A.TES OF A.DVE:BTISING : ';; ~ 1 the Row, it was St. Austdl who had chosen pinga.y's lot, and they were all good 'uns. Vengeance speedy and sudden, if not as Whole Column one year .... ... . ..... $60 oO;~;;; Helen's horse at Tattersa ll's, and who had I'll turn up the ca.talogur. in a minute. April secret, a.a those dealirgs betw~en man and " " Half year . ........... 36 oO · ::;.., .. One quarter ....... ., 20 00 ~ ~ been officiously obliging in attending the l 7th, 10th, 14th, yes, h ern they are, hunters, ma.n which made the glory of Venice in the Half Column one year ............... 36 oo - - sale and getting the 11>nimal for a price tha.t park hacks, team of COl"'h horses." good old days of the Council of Ten, when ' ·" Hal:C year .............. 20 00 seemed 1J.lmost ridiculously at variance with lie ran his finger down the pages of a ca.ta.- every seducer went with his life in his ha.nd, " One quarter ........... its quality. logue, his practised eye following the figures and knew not whether ·the sun t hat rose Q11arter Colun>n one yee.r . ... , ...... 20 00 Re could reca.11 the whole transaotion : with amrz'ng rapidity. The pl'ices realize<i upon his guilty pleasure might not set upon " " Ralf year ........... 12 50 " ·· One quarter...... .. 8 00 Ii how in St. Austell's p~esence one evening, by the horses wel'e written in the margin his untimely in the Canal yonder, and Ten lines and under, first insertion · , 1$0 50 afteralittle dinner in Mi·s. Baddeley'srooms, beside the lot numbers, and the names of the when every false wife had a. daily expecta· Eaoh subsequen iineertion ...... 0 25 Helen had entreated him to buy her a horse, purchasers on tb.e other side of the pa~e. tion of poison in t he domestic wine cup, or 1 :l'l'Om six t ot.en lines, first insertion 0 75, ·urging that it was odious to ride hired "Ravioli, five yeara' old, thorough-bred, 11. daggtr under t he matrimonial pillow. Eaoh subsequent insertion...... 0 351 0ver ten lines,flrstinsertion,perline .O 101 - l o animals, smelling of the livery sta.bles, and ha.a been hunted with the Pytchley, carries Valentine B elfield had no uncertainty of Each subsequent insertion " 0 03,suggestive of a riding maste1· in butcher 11. lady," he read. "Your money's safe, Mr. mind as to his manner of dealing wit h St. The numLer or lines to be reckoned b:V :· boots; how he had declared he couldn't B elfield. Two hundred and seventy-eight Aastell. They two would h to stand ihe ep&ce oconpled,,measured by a scale ofl afford to buy; ana how St. Austell had told guineas. Lord St. Austell bough1 him." face to face upon some quiet, easily acce~sible · Dlld Nonpareil. him that it would be a more economical "That's your ticket, " answered V alentine spot in F r ance or B elp-ium, where a brace ~~ - ----~~~~~~~~~~~....... arra.ngement than hiring, and had suggested light ly, "I t hought I was pretty safe. Good· of pistols would settle all scores. How he DRS, lllcL.t.UGHLIN &: REITH, that a good horse might be got for a very night, a thousand thanks." was to O.eal with h ia wife was a. more comlittle money now that the hunting was all He h;i.d just t ime to catch an afternoon plex quest ion, but for the moment h is "esire O FFICE :- MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE· over. train for the West of England, a tuin was only t o confront her and to wring the Dr.J',W,McLAUGHMN, Dr. A. BEirlI. Gradu "What do you <>all a little mcney ?" which left Waterloo late in the afternoon, acknowledgmen t of her guilt from those! licentiate of the ~?Yal ate of the Toronto Valentine had asked, annoyed at his wife's and which was due at Chadford-road S ta· fal se lips. College of Phys1c11ms l\nd mco iber of the Umvers1ty, l:'hys1cian persistence, and at St. Aust ell's inter.. tion a little before midnight. l t W<>B a. slow The house was da.rk for the most p art, as Royal ·College of Sur- Surgeon, &;c. ference. train, and one by which he would only have be had expected to find it, but there were aeons, Edinburgh. · "Well, I suppose you might pick up a travelled in an emergency. light s in the library windows, and in the DK · .J. CJ. JtUTCJHELL, good Park hack for ninety or a hundred," He had t elegraphe<I. no announcement of windows of his wife's room, above the EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICI.A.NE "Nearly twice a s much as I should like t.o his coming, either to his mot her .or his wife. library. She was not at rest then, la.te as it . and s.u rgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. give," answered Valentine, curtly. It was a part of his plan to ti:;ke Hillen by was. H er guilty conscience would not let .9filoe and Residence, Enniakillen. 74. "How much would you give it there were surprise, and he was willin~ t o haza.rd t he her rest, perhaps. ,.....,..,.-- - -·- - - in opportunity? I am at Tattersall's nearly difficulty of getting into a house in which He knocked a.t t he glass door in the lobby W, f., ORllJJSTON, L, I,, B. every day, and I would be on the look out all the servants might have gone to bed be- next the library, a d oor which stood open !Bsrriefor, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c, Money if I knew what you wanted. " fore he could arrive. The chances were all day in fine weather, and by which his "I don't want anything. There are plenty that Adrian would be in the Jibrnry, where brother went in and out of t he garden twenty to 101ill. Office, in fle&ver Block upstairs in .~~~o,:~-~~";;lff!.rly occupied by Dr. Harni~n of horses in Devonshire that my wife and I it was his usual habit to sit reading long times a day, loving the old world garden can ride when we're there." after midnight, almost as he lovod his books. H a heard "But D evonshire isn't the l'ark, Val," C hadford·road Stat ion was nearly five t he library door opeu, and A<lrian's footsteps Dlt. E. C. ltleDOWEI,L, pleaded H elen. "I want a. horse for the miles from the Abbey, and Mr. Belfield was a.pproaching, and then t he shutter was t aken ICllN'flATEOFROYALCOLLEGE Park, awfully," whereupon M.r. Belfield in no humour for a Jong walk. The Station do wn and t he door opened cautiously a lit tle or Phyeicians, Lonuon, Eng.:Member or Lollege 0 1 Physicians "na Surgeons. Ontario. shrugged llis shoulders, and said he would Hotel, a decent inn, which could provide a way. SURGERY "ND RESIDENCE:- Rcnr of Messrs. give tifty or six ty guineas for a hack, rather one-horse fly upon occasions, and which " \Vho is there ?" lli ggi nbotham'~ Drug· Store· , Bowma nvl!le, than be bothered; and wit h this ungracious called itself a postfog-house, was open, so "Valentine." 6- lyr.* "Va len tine I" cried Adrfan, throwing permission his wife was fain to be content. he went in, ordered a bra.ndy and soda., and Three days after this conversation, Valen- a trap to take him to the Abbey. open the door, and holding out both his )). ntJJurn SIMPSON', tine found L :ird St. Austell's groom waiting The ostler and the fiyma.n were lazy and ha.?-ds to his br?th;r, " this is indeed a sur.A.RRisTE'R, SOLICITOR, &c. MOPRIE in front of Wilkie Mans ions with a t hor· E low, and Mr. Belfield had to wait a quarter · prise, Why didn t you telegraph ! H elen BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bo"Vman· oughbred bay horse, which he was gently of an hour while t he fly was being got ready. wen t to bed nearly three hours ago." e, Solioitorfor the OntarioBank lead ing up a nd ~lown the road. H e stood in the bar, drinking his br andy "Her ca.ndles ~re still bu_rning, a nyh ow( l'rJvate MoneTs loaned at the lowest rates, "His Lordship's compliments, and this is imd soda, and talkin~ to t ho l11ndlad y, a. answered Valentme, gloomily._ ."I tak e i t shall find ~ er awake, late as it 1s. . Good che horse h e has bough t for you, sir," said large and blooming m atron of the Devonshire I _ .John Keith Galbl'ai th, che man . " B,avioli, grandson to Maca· dumpling order of beauty, whom he had mg ht: We ll r eser ve all our t ill t he ARRISTER, SOLICITOit , NOTAR'\' roni." k nown from his child hood. morn mg. " PUJ3LIC, &c . Ofilce-Bounsall's Bloc,ll Valentine looked t he animal over criti· " 1 never thoug b.t to have t he pleasu re cf ." Won't you come into ~he library !or t en S:tng Street, Bowmanville . M.onev to ~n d,'. cally. wiiiting up on you to-night, ~r. Belfield,," mmu tes or so? Al~ t he servants are m ~ed, WILLIAlll "tVIGll1', " Is he sou nd ?" he asked. Q he said. " But I always wait up foJ: this no dvubt, but I might get you aomethrng, " Yes, sir. H is Lor dB h ip's vet. look ed a t train and send the "iris t o bed. And yet perhavs- wine, or bra.ndy and wat er." ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the I 'm always the first ~p of a. m orning. l 've "~ot a thing. Good night:" . County of Durham. Orders ieft at the before the S(l.le." 8'.U'.l'ESMAN office or forwarded to Tyrone P . 0 . H is s trv.nge manner myat1fi ad Adnan, " W d l he is very handsome · a.nd if his I been expecting yon d own at t he Abb~y, too, 1 wllll receive promp t a ttention. 28 :6 m mannern 'are us good as his look~, his Lord - for I saw, Belfield dr iving with her and impreGecd him wit h a forebodi ng of ohip has made a good p urchase. " · l!lldybhip the ot her day , as pretty as aver, trouble.. N."'v",r. ha d he seen so drea.dful an S. (). HUNIHNG, Va:len t ine met St. A·ustell at his club next bu t look ing r a ther p ale and out of sor t s, I expres~10n lll m~ bp~ther's frce - t_hf1 conICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR iiay, and gave him a cheque for fifty-seven thougiit. · . trac ted brows, t he rigid, bfoodleas lips, ~he the Cou nty of Durham. Sales attencled guineas, a.t which sum tl>e horse had been " Yes, she ia not over well. She is down fixed look of. t~e haggard eyes, s.tarmg 10 on shortest notice and lowest rates. .A.dd roes 1rnocked down to him a t Tat tersall's. At her e for her health. forward, a.a if mtent upon some hideous JovRncli P . o. 3C:tf " T o be sure, sir. The L ondon season vision. such a p rice t he animal if scund was an Llnquestionable bargain'. Valentine hd doe.~ take a; deal out of a. lady, " r eplied ~he Adrian ~vatched h im as he went u p the Pianos Tuned &nd RepaiI·e(J. ridden h im round t he Row and had found in keeper's wife, shaking her head , and with little p rivat e s;;ai.rcase which led only to his paces admir able, al G hough he was obvi- an air of knowing town dissipation~ by that one suite of rooms in the library wing. ARTIES WISHIN G THErn P lANOI: <>Usly . over -weigh ted by a.nything above heart. '"I'hera's been on~ of your fnends . Watched, and felt inclined t o follo1v him Tuned or ropaireu t hom attendee· twelve stone, F or a light weig nt like Helen stopp mg at Chadford for tne last few days, ~ nd yet held back, not liking to p ry into t o by le11<,v ing word at t he DOMINION ORGA~ ,he horse was perfect ion. Mr . Belfi eld; b ut he hasn't brough t any his brother's secrets. Wh1t could th a t Co's O F J'IOE, Bowmanvllle .A. ftrst-clas n 11u "The yard must lrnve been asleep when horses t his time, and not e_ven so much. as a t r ouble be which had wrought such an evil now 'l:ieing in .their eru.plor you brought him," said Valent ine. bo~y 8ervant. H e c'."m~, mto t he place as influence upon Valen tine. Money t roubles, " Oh l knew how t o bide my time and q uiet as any commer c1a.l. perhaps- turf loss<Ja. Adrian had heard watch ~y op portunity," ans we.r ed St. Aus: : Indi;ed I Who's that?" . enoug h while he was in L ondon to k now that cell, lightly. " I am very g lad yon'r e sat faLord St· .A:us tell. M~ master. aaw . him his brother wa,s t he associate of r 1tcing m en, f.ed with my choice." r esterda;y evemog saun termg by t,he rive~, and it waa easy enough t o guess t hat he had JUSt outside the L_;imb gard_ ens, and he hea1d ' involved himself in turf trans11,ctions. " More than satisfied, ,my dear fellow." Yet t here wa.s that in his face which in · S.i the er had ended. M.r. Belfield, ~terwards t hat h is lordship had been stopfull of his own schemes, pleasures, and ex· prn;;t at th~ . L~m_b for t he ~ast three days, dicated stronger passions than money <1itements, had thought!no more of t he horse, which, cona!dermg t~at~here a no sport except t roubles should cause in any reasona ble beexcept to remember that he had made a e·almon fi:shmg at this t1mi: of year, and that ing. But then, Va.leotine was apt to give !lo sacrifi~e to his wife in buying him, and ~ha cookmg at the Lamb IB about as bad as way t o unreasonable wi·at h against 1Jonyt hirig t hat sne ou gh t t o be very grateful; it c1'.n be, pu~zled me and my ~uaband as to t hat \:>et ween him and bis wishes. To-night look ing back at t ha past in t he what attractum a gent leman hke L ord St. "It is nothing of an y momen t , perhaps," new lig llt ~f awakened doubts he shrewdly Austell could find here." thought Admin. " He will be in better .uspected that St. Austell ha.d fooled him, "Oh, th~re is always spo_ r t fo_r a true t emper to-morrnw morning." H A RN DEN' L · D · S · 11,nd that, under the pretence of get ting a sp?~tsman, answered '.7'al~ntme, lightly. He told himself this ; yet so intense was Graduate of the Royal College at Dentl\I bargain at Tattersall's, he had presented Well, as you say, air, it ma.y be t~e sal: his sympat hy with his brother , t hat he went Surgeons. Ontario. the woman he admired with a horse that mon, and t hat would account for h is not back to t he library trrnbled and ag itated, , 0 FICE OPPOSITE EX PRESS OFF CE. had cost three times a.a much a.a her bus- bringing any horses. " · with his heart beating violently. H e t ried NOLD FILLING, A SPECIALTY band was willing to pay. (And she had known "Ah~, there'$ the ~y; ~ood- n1g~t, Mrs. to uo on wit h the bode he ha.d been reading ~ the secret of the transaction no doubt and Crump, and Valentme Jumped mto the when Valentine knocked at t he door, but ARTIFICI.AL TEETH !NS~RTED WITHOUT they had laughed toget her at the husb~nd's htmbering old landau, and was jolted along his though ts wer e w ith his brot her and his . '* 'PLATES; mea.nness, and at the ease with which he the road to Chad ford. brother 's wife in the r oom above h im. He Great Reductions in prlce on all Dental ha.d b::en hoodwinked. Valentine Belfield He looked up at the Lamb as he passed. found himself listening for their foot steps, Work. Vitalize!!. ,, constantly In use pro· ll.lmoat choked with rag e at the idea of his Y es, there were ligh ts in the windows of t he for the sound 1>f their voices, which r eached ilucing P e.inless Operations. Pe.rticular atten own blindness. sitting room facinl! the bridge, the rooms him now and then, faintly audible in t he Uon paid to the regulation of Children's Teeth t "ll f ti · ht "To think that I should be deceived by that St. Austell and B eeching had occupied B I neds o te mg · . .ALL WORK WARR.ANTED . . _ any woman ·- above all by my wife- three years ago. His .vife's lover was The caHement w~s open in the mullioned Br~nch office, Dr. Rubherford's Orono, - the wife I won a.s eas ily as a pair of there. Her lover I He had no doubt as window yonder, and there may have been gloves- and by heaven, I thought she was to their g uilty love, now. That revelation an open window in the room above. .,. < ·M ' ! , as much my own as my ll'loves or my ha.t- about the horse was damnin!I' proof of St. (TO BE co~TINUED) as fait hful to me as my favourite dog. " Austell's pertidy, even if it left Helen's cony et remembering how easily she h&d been duct still doubtful. To Valentine it seemed . ,; _ ., , won, how quickly she had wavered in her that they were leagued against him, and No Wonder Mrs. Tomzon Started for Home, fidelity to a drian, he could scaroel:f wonder t hat they had laughed at his blindness, at T hree d ays aftor Mra. Tomzon left the that she had faltered in her truth to bun. him, the man who prided himself upon his S t. Austell was fascinating, a ma.n of em- knowledge of horse · fl~sh, and who had been home nest to spend a six weeks' vacation inently seductive manners, d eeply read in fooled and duped so easily. N or was ~his with her mother she r eceived a l etter from that modern literature whic b women appre- all. He looked back and r emembered many her husband who wa.s left behir.d. After ciate, dist inctly a man to please women- incidents, looks, words, arrivals and de· r eading it she announced her firm and unal · while he, Valentine, was a sportsman, car- pa.rtures, meetings that had seemed acci- t erable determination to return immediattly. "But , my dear, what is wr ong ?" ask ed ing very little for women's soci ety, a nd dental, circumst ances of all kinds, trifling WITHOUT 'HBTll WITll TEETH, making no sacrifices to please them, despis· enough in themselves, yet signs and tokens t he mot her. "Wrong I Wrong! J ust read that!" and ing them rat her as a lower order of beings of secr et guilt. H e had Ileen so cer taiµ of his whose nature it was to be suppliants and wife's allegiance, so aecure, as to have been she hand ed the loving epistle to her mother, PH..ttTIC:A.L DENTIST, adorers of the master spirit, man. H e had the very last t o observe those indications who re11.d as follows : ··!:A W hen uncontrovertbl upon t he never thought of his wife's love for h im as a. wh ich had been obvious t o all the rest of the OVER TWENTY YEARS E XPERllllNOE. j ~lusies of dormant efeotion riste to t he surtHa10xide t'or Patnlell measura ble quan t ity, which he might ex· world. " If I had known that all women were.- face of occasion. I am all righ t . How a r e h aust. · Operations. " She has been a fool, and she has beAn a. But no, there is one good woman in the you ? Incomprehensibilts ma.y wreck things; "? ltJ(J(JI,lTNG'S BI,0():&;, Ol'FIC:B coquette, " he said to himself, a.a the train world, my mother ; and I have grown up in what t hen ? You all rit? So I. F or if a steamed past t he shabby st reets and gas!it the belief that all ed women were man don't take care t hings, things won't windows of northe~n London, "but I don't like her . I thought tha.t it was in t he t ake care him. Tha t righ t ? So am I. For believe she has been anything worse. It nat ure of a well-born l(irl to be chaste and to live in .iongor is bet ter t han t o afection a will be my business to drive her wit h a true. I ought to ~ have k nown differ ently. city. II you love I as we love me, tighter r ein in future. You have been God knows I ha ve heard stories enoughNo wife can buat our love in three. i{ allowed to go, my pet. It must be but I thought that t her e was a line of "M.eroy on me I What does that mean ? curb instead of snafil.e, henceforward." d emarcation, a gulf between the sheep and And can't ho spell ?" exclaimed the old lady. He had business in London which must the goats." ' .. i ~. ' ' ~ "Spell ! Of course he can. But he'll ha ve needs be done before he could look after his H e ground his t eeth in an agony or r age, wife. P ostcard's defeat meant losses .vhich not more infuriated a.t the idea of his wife's a worse spell t han that when I get home !" amounted almost to financial ruin. Money falsehood than at the thought of his own answered the daugh ter, viciously. would have to be r aised, and at a ea.orifice. blind confidence. The hard worked old r H e could not bring himself to appeal to his horse was rat tling along the r oad at a good Good Enoug h Cold. mother for · help in a turf diffioulty; firstly pace, eager to get his business done and go ' , ~ ., . ., ·· . f,' · because she ha.d been very generous to him back to ·his sta.ble, but t o Valentine's im. Woman of the Hou~e (to tramp)- I can't !.fter spending m~ch;ti~'e a~d- mone~, ~ru already,_ and ~econdly beca/Us~ th~re were patience i~ seemed as if he were crawling. give you not hin' hot, 'oep t perhaps t he 1 0w prepared to ft\!,. all orders _promptly. ~ other d1fficult1ee, other d ebts immment , for A~ last the fly stopped short, and the driver wea bher, bu t I k in give you 'most any t hin' :ave a fine assoi'tmmit of WiA.VES, B'A'.NGS1 which he would be obliged to .ask her assist- got down to open the gates leading into the you want cold. SWITCHES.~ COMBS a.nd P l NS .,.ery cheap.· 1ance avenue. Tramp (a tear of gra tit ude t rickling down :SANGS . (E'Rb:Nl: .'!B¢ WP'- " U~der theFe circumstances he went to ' a The gates were rarely locked a.t night. his w&n cneek)- Thanks, ma.dam; I think .Jld Swit~bes' oi}lli.·l.\~&'lfiladb t'o 'iook l!J!:e ' Jew. mon~y-lender, and involve.d himself The lodge windows were dark . B efore t hey I'll take a litt le cold cash. Dew. Highest price. Vaid for long cut hair. deeply in order t o raise money ag~inst set - were half way down the a.venue, Valent ine HA.l,R TONI~ ' t"J:\J · ' tling day. From; the money- lend~r's office called to t he man t g, st op, and got out while Nervous fears. W · t d t "'1t" .....t'tb.' '1} '. t . I) '. 'i' Il ' 1 he wen t to ['attei;sall's wher e he was almo11t he was pulling up,hi:i. hor se, Brown : arran ~ut ~~ 't;fil'.m-ak \-,i,t'~~~9;,~~ .:~·.i~~· !".l:.w ell-know!1 as 'Lord St. Aust~ll. · I!e saw "I'll walk the r,est of the way," he said, Jarl have aia.t;_&, fh:t~ilot oLnewi stampi·n g .f?.~e o~ the chief cli:r.ks, a. man with ":hom qe giving the man a shilling out of the loose Patterns. All o~;tlromptly attended to. .'1ia.d : been on fa.m1har t erms ever amce he silver in his pock!lt. " Good-nigh t." . '""' . 11 l' S ·:._ A . ~ .« IIA:VJC r·'· ,lia.d been aJ requ,e nter of the fa.moue auction " Good·night , sir, and thank'ee," and t he .Ll'.l ..~ '·~· .. ·· ~'- I· ya.rd. ·· 1 h orse-of-all-work turned and cantered gaily joying themshelves very mush . She sha.ys !17 ··:',11.Jl\~d~ ~l,Qo~, J.J<>,~nville. · ·\There was a horse! sold her e last April," homewa rd, while the driver thought what she'e nerv ous f' fear I will drink t oo mush ·· ·· ~J~ t: \;~b·V~ '.h~H~id, " a thorough -bred hay,. grandson of a pleasant man Mr. B elfield was, and what · ishwater. · . ~ $8 a - . -"' . ~~lk~~J!: . 'M;aCf1.roni1 · I want very much .to k now a.t a cheery v oice a.nd manner he had, Brown : She must be const1tu tionally ner· B::~~ SAFETt-, what figure that' hor_ae was knooked down. Mr · .Belfield wa.s walking d own the a venue vous, Robinson. Co.. Holl, Mich, I've got a bet upon it." I T BE STEAMER NORSEMAN (A. DUNLOP, Master. ) r oute, leaving Cobourg every morning a t 7:30 and Port Hope at 9:50 o'clock, 0 11 arrival of G, '!' . R . trains from i he East nnu Wost; connecting a t R ochester with the Nuw York Cen tral, Northern Central, and Erio Hailw ays and the Lake Onta rio Division of 111.e Rome, Wa ter town and Odgensburg HailwtLy for all poin ts East '\<Vest and Sout h. RRTUR NING- Will leave Charlotte (port of Roc:hester ) on, ' V'ednesdays and Fridays a t 12 o'clock p . m., Tuesdays ~t 9 p.m . Thursdays e.t u p. m.. a nd Satur days for .P ort Hope, direct, at 4 p . m . Dealers in stock will find this the cheapest a nd most expeditious route to Oswego, Bost on, Albany, New York. &c. .For lur1 her particulars apply to A. DUNJ, OP, or C; l!'. G I LDERS l,EEYE , Por t Hope. Kingston, J. R . K ENN H:R , A.i':en t. Bowmanvi!Je. 0 aa W ILL Make her regular trip~ on this l"'!. 12·501 - I I I. I .. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PRE P ARE D BY BELL" Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggi·te. Price $ 1 ; sh: bottles, $0. -----------------........... ...... ~ .r ORG ANS U napproached for -.. Tone and Q uality. M (.~ .C? .~·:.Q!n .~ v6erf s ~C-O-~ ~)a grfic CATALOGUES FREE. e out tt o · ai·udl C:l:'cs C :1ronh Const ipation, BELL & CO.~ Guelph, Ont. --- - - ----- - -- ·- -· L C Jst.iv~ and :::!! C ompla ints ~1 : · '. .'ii n '..{ THE LARGEST SCALE WORKS IN CANADA. OVER f rom a cl i ~o r d1~:-c·cl stat e of t h e L iver , 100 ST YLE S OF 8 t uHia1.;h :rnd llowe ls, such n :?: J'yspe.psia or Indigestion,.Bilious Affections, HAY SCALES, GRAIN SCALES, JTcadache, l!ea1 ·t b111::1, '.;on. Ii ll ~ti.rr.1, ~. cidi ty of tho St om- Loss of 1\ ppetit.e, Gravel, V0mitil1g~ FARM SCALES; TEA SCALES, Non -ous Debility, Nausea, or C 1nr.n n rn~ J .TKF. n ! 1\ToT1,.::r::s r;n.:-n l T ! H<'c:insn it i. .; <1J.trC~:a.l.1hJ 10 th 4 t :1n", (1 0 ·' S n o t occasio n N :111s i·a , :1c t.s waho ;d, g:;;1l11 ·, i s cer tain i :.i i t s cffl~cts 1 a nd i s (~ iJ~!divc i n s ;n;.tl d os e:>. JN U Q U ID FOAM. L I~a.rgti B o t tles, 2 i> c<~ nts each. IMPROVED SHOW CASES MONEY DRA WERS Meat Choppers ( ~~B'.!llllii.mlll:4"Fili1Wi ~~ A DDRE S S I N FULL, · A POOR MJU\l' S FRI END. One t,ha.t wi ll d nys of sickness a nd 111a11y n. Doll:u in t irnu :md JJ 1Jctor's JJil 1, , on e al wavs nenr a t hn,nd , r o:1dy :1 t u. m onrn nt's call.. 1 l 1liis fr iend is P ElLn'Y D AVIS' AND BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Write for terms~ 91 C. WILSON &. SON, ESPLANADE S T REET EAST L TORONTO , ONT~ Mention this paper every time you wr ite. Clwlor:-1.. ])in rrh oori.. Crn rnp an (l Pain j n t h o .Rj, Bowel CouJplain ts, c r 1 s Co lic , T J\EEN I cures Dyseutery, STANDARD BAN K OF CANAD ..~ . Rost , $:;-'<ll;i.tlO W< - P rnliri:rn.n <l lth enmnti sm . ·"'JJ~R o l d by Dealers in Family l\Icdiciues t he W orl <l Around. 25 CENTS PER B OTTLE. USED EXTERXALLY, it cures Druiscs, OL1 ts, Burns , Sc1tld s n n d S prains, Swellin gs ot' t l1 0 .Join ts , T oo thache, P n io in t he F ncc, N cu- Throat , Coul~hs, &c. J ly" pcpsi" o r rnd ige:;Lion , Sudden Cold:;, Sore Ca pita l paid up, $ 1 , 000,000, 'I'his B iln k ls p repared to do Leg ltl- "" c<. r nte Ba nk in g in a ll i t s b r a nches. F< u·mei·s n ot es d iscou n ted ; D eposltll ece i ved a n d I11terest paid on a m ount s of ~() u p ward s in S a vings B a n k D epartment; DENTISTRY. ·lleware of Counterfeits and i mita tion s. hiW1Wlil!f,ll1ijll'mU .D iil11 FT S L Benod and Collectio n s mad e Jn Europe :Juit e d S t a.t ee and Canad a. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Dr~ CHANNING'S W . J ··TONES , A~ nn ComD 0 1 md E xtract o f Pure R eil Jam aica SARSAPARILLA a.11 Skin D iseas es, 'l'umors, Enl:Lrgcm c nt of t h e L iYCr an d Splee n, Rhcumatio A ffcction s, d isease s o f t h e Kid neys, Bla lltlcr a nd Urinar y Organs, F or the cure of Scrofula, Salt Bhcu m, Cancer, T o buy Foot Ge ar for Men, W omen, B oys and Maidens, at opprcs5ion s of the Chest or L un:;,rill1 l.1cu corrheo, c~1 turrh ) a rnl n ll di se rtscs r esu lti11g from a de~ p r a vcd a n d i mpu1 '0 c onditiou of tho b lood. C.4..U'.L10N.- A s1< f<n' " D i ·. Clta nnfr1y's S a-rsa11a'r i lla" t < t lt c n o o tllc1· in i t s pfri cc. Davis & Lawrence Co., Limited, S OLE AG ENTS, , .... ... I , DIGESTIVE TABLETS l'liru;,, or 1"l«tt1.lll111;c, ~ 1uu p h·:o1 VJS' Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! Our N ew Stock h as ar rived, and com · prisea s omethin g neat a nd pl'0t ty for Ladies, Good and Ser v iceab le for M en and B oys, and B oots that R B oots for eve ry m ember of the h ouseh old. ~O ~ T ::S:e:: ~L · OR A FTER D INNER D ENT . LS T RY m ~~~·cc~ltfJ!1:~11~~d"~~}~;s;)ifn~r~J~~~; t t110 PILLS, They gi \"'e inl.m e di a.t.:~ sec r e t ion of t ho G1 1st l'io J u ice. i ·e J ie f i ll D yspc11sin. and lnd ig e st] o n . viU·'I i mm ediately ufecr the eatf.n q or 1 d 1cm. "'!Jft-riH[/ from, I1~diyi>dtfo u 1 l/10111111~ t./i(. D IRFJOT TO N S.-Tn,k e onc ur til' 11 t f r l'f·. A <l~l 1Tl)'i Davis & L1wrcncc Co. . (Limited,) Mont real. ~~ HlND' S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM. fci r Chnn p_!'I\ }hnd~ . F :te c J~ l pl4 , R oagh n.1111 H iml Ski n, Ch 11.::n;; , , ..; 11 nht:r11 . Hu n1s, S c:-tli1i'! , l t.c hin;;, Chil bl:ti n;:;., S o re ~ i pplc~ . "J; :tivz !'in.iL;, " trnd !tll unpleasn.n t c outiitiOlll4 o r t hll ::ik iu o f Ji\;e cllnral! . B rittle N:i.i l ~ 1 mf t enco.i i n one 1 ni ::l1 ~ J r ir:1! 0 0 cent,.; lH!l" bot1l1,;. Sol d by l h ·u:.;g ht.s. _,.,_ T RUNKS, V ..lLISES, & :S.&TCJDELS, IN STOtJJl. J.M. BRillACOMBE, ...-ord ered W ork and Repairing a Specialt y , as usual. D. D AVIS. - SPRING- Fine :'.Hair Goods. ;·'. ·LAD,IE S, TRADE. I OPmN!N~ ! --o-And with its advent LADIES Your attent ion is d irected t o the i m m ense stock of MILLINERY of e ve ry d escription a t She h as just ope ned out one of t he largest and m ost stylish stocks ever br ough t t o town, consisting of ;J · 'Patronti B' ,Ho'rn'e MRS. IVES MRS. DONNELY'S has opened out a fine new st ock - of- Laces, Embroideries, Plushes and a lovely stock of lllillincry, D1·ess Silks Velvets, &c., wit h a very fine st ock of Fea ther s anCI. F lo wers. Call and inepeot t h is fin e dieplay, which cannot fail t o gi ve satisfaction. ; t $5 ·f!: · E %-' HO'I.h*' , I Chil~ren Cry for Pitche~~s__C.;J~!_o_r!~-~ Bowmanvllle, March 13, 1888. 12