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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1888, p. 7

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- ) ======= = :---======= WEDNESDAY, JU LY 25 , 1888. E~-.· -' ~*i:' a t&&ttLM!llBllll ::l!tDmi!!.'.'.'. '" "'-'-'- She says sheknows if God loved .~ erenough t o / M'lru'lr..f t1"U ~ g(tattsnuni. I YOUNG FOLKS. ' give her His Son to suff~r and d;e for ?~h;ae I ~.M M-U"'-" loves her enough t o give het every_ i~g j J '"!~~~!J.!~~~~~!!!~~~~~~~!!!'!!!!~~·~ :J:iiiliitiS&~~i!!illllllllBlllll!!!!:!~IC~d!!!l&L~!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!~~~!!!!!!!!i!!'!~!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!P7'!!!!T!!!'!!!!tsa&!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!1~!!1!Blll!!iiflli!!!~~*IM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~~!!!! .~ AN OC.EAN-COING :BALLOON. Capt JoviS: To Cross From America. to Aerona.utic Society, undec of Capt. f ovis, one of the ================= '1 J !sand J nmie im dywell he knew can't see any reason for thrngs )iap:i;>emng_ as most danng aeronauts, will soon undertake .. · · '~~o it was hliat ~anted him, too. I t hey do. " That was all that JV[~rian t ried. an expedition destined to cast in the shad_e Sile T1·1ed ID V3UI to Get . to say, and Gr ace made very little reply · all those previously attempted-an expediRelieC and Juul quite 'The boys in the street r an after him, t hen, but weeks after she sent a note to :tion t o cost $40,000. Tile higher atmos· Shout ing quite loudly, ",Jim! Hey, Marian. "Dear Mari~n," it rea~, :· I want '. pheric currents (trade winds) are to be utilG1ven up Hope. J -i m·m I" to thank you for your Aunt Marians words. ' ized for the passage of a balloon from Until the echoes, little and big, Th ey clung to me and I to them through ; America to Europe. A few days ago I Campbellford, J une 9, 1887. Seemed to be dancing a Jim Crow jig, those dark days, _ and at I found com- /heard Monsieur H. F aye, a member of the . . fort in them. I thank. Him now for those j Insitute, give his opinion with reference to MR. E . MORRIS, Tor onto, . w_eeks of darkn~s, for m them I have found j the result of the proposed voyage. Said Grandpa pa,_ who was. d1gmfie:d DEAR SIR :-I feel it my duty to give A~d feld ~is h~ad w! air of pride, hrn marvelous light, and now when I am the eminent scientist; "True there. are for and "-~ _you my testimony for. the good ~ had'. D1dn t believe m abndgmg names, a.ble to take up my chosen work I shall do highe,r atmospheric currents, whose d1rec~om your Dandelion L~ver and Kidney And made the most that he could of it, 0 so differently, please God. I cannotltionisfromAmericatoEarope buiitisa.lso 1 "'CtutG!'faisl!O'l'l'ell&d&pt.edt.ochildrentha\ Cutorta C1lJ'eG Colic, CoMtlpation, - ~itters. My liver was ma bad sta!e a~d "J-a-m-e-s." write more now, but, believe me, I shall true that in these currents a:e found the C'rooommend it as superior to any prescription S<?ur St.omach, Diarrhrea, Erilcta.tion, _ . always hold yon in grateful re1!1embra~ce for t empests. Starting~ for,insta.nce, from Oar· I waa a. great sufferer. I ~ad ~ned m powa io me" H. A,. .DAL1.HJS1a-, · - - , , .,.. D Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promoteil ...,. ' JU.. ., gestf.on, the message you brought me m my time of acas, Veneztiela, 10 degrees north latitude, vain to get relief and had qmte given up Biddy O'Flynn could never, it seems, :W So. O:for4 S$., SfOOklru, N, Y. WlU&ou' iDjuriOUS medication. need. L ovingly, GRACE." and ascending very high, a balloon has all hope, till a friend told me of your Call him anything else but "Jeems/ And wh~n the nu~se, ~Id Mrs. Mc~ yse, ·'It w aB my op:iiortunity," said 'v.larian, always a. chance of encountering one of Tms CENTAUR C OMP.ANY, o7 lllurray Street , N'. T. Bitters. I got a bottle at once and I am Called hrm "Jamie," it sounded mce. softly. "I wonder if it is always true that these currents but in this latitude they trahappy to say the Bitters a new WO· man of me . I can heart1l! re~ommend But sweeter and dearer than all the rest, 1·there is one for us where~er we go.. I shall vel ver y alow'ly-slow enough to make a one pet that he liked the not dare go anywhere witho?t asking God last from ten to twelve_ days .. Bethem to any one troubled with hver com- W as the hest . to kee~ me on thi; wa:tch for ~t,. ai;d to he,~p sides, these carrents do not immediately - plaint. Yours truly "Da.rling !';-he heard it whate'er he wa.e a.t, me do it when I find it, even if it is hard. take a course tha.t will lead them to the .FOR SALE BY J. IDGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLEt CARRIE STEPHENS. ]'or none but his mother called him that. NORTHl!iRN PORTION OF EURO PE; - - - -- - -- -- - -- - - -- franklin's Addition to Genesis. their first direcbion is west and north until 30 Good News at Ho.m e. degrees or 35 degrees, then north, then east MARIAN'S OPPORTUNITY, 1. Andi~ came to pass after these things and finally northeast. A current above Oar· E. Mo:&Ris, E sQ., - DEAR Srn,-1 h~ v .i that Abraham sat in the door of his tent aca.s will travel first towards the.Gulf of Mex· reason to speak well of your Dandelion about the going down of the sun. ico then enter the United States by Texa.s, BY KATE SUMNER GATES, Liver and Kidney Bitters. I have. been 2. And behold a mall, bowed with age, then leave the continent by some point became from the way of the wilderness, lean- tween!Philadelphia andNewfoundla.nd,cross troubled for aome time with my Kidney "God never sends you ~nyw~ere tha~ he in,g on a staff. the Atlantic in an oblique direction a.nd at and a. friend of mine r ec<;>mmended them does not send an opportunity with you. I 3. And Abraha.m aroee and met him, a.nd last reach the c0ast of Ireland, Sweden, or to me and I tried them m my case, and Margie's Sunday-school book lay open on found them to work like a _charm ; there- the l!t11nd, a.nd Marian's eyes fell on the said unto him, Turn in, I pr~y thee, and Norway. It must not be forgotten that in fore I have much pleasure m recommend· above sentence as she looked there for her wash thy feet, and tarry all night, and these higher currents of the atmosphere are thou shalt arise early on the morrow a.nd go found the cyclones and I beg those who Ing them to all p ersons ".Vho are troubled gloves. thy way, contemplate making the voyage to think of She was in & great hurry lest she should in any way with their Kidnev. the terrible risks to which they expose Yours truly, lose her car, but something in the words at· 4. But the man said, Nay, for I will a.bidt. themselves. Certainly, it would be grand to J, J . JONES, tra.oted her attention, and she stopped to under this tree. describe the course of these winds that pla.y rea.d them over a second time. As she hur:5. And Abraham pressed him greatly ; so an imporant role in soienoe and navigation; New' ·nville, May 3, 1887. ried out of the house they were still ringing he turned and they went into the tent, and but if, as has been, thf fate of Bulgaria in her ears. Abra.ham baked unleavened bread and they is not worthlthe bones of a Pomerania.n gren- Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surrounding God never sends you anywl>e1 " that he did eat. Consumption Surely Cured. · adier, a hundred times more true is the does not send an opportun ' y with you. 6. And when Abraham saw that the man fact that the lives of three enterprising Townships that he has opened out business in the old stand, formerly Was it God who was send;· ,i: her into the ['o THE E DITOR : blessed not God, he said unto him, Where· Frenchmen are worth more than a scienti· occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and Pleaee inform your r eaders that I have city to-day, and was he nnding also an op· fore dost thou not worship the most high fie con quest." will at all times keep in stock all goods usually kept in a first-class a positive remedy for the _ above named p)rtunitv for her? God, Creator of heaven and ea.rth ? "Yes, Here is the model of Il Atlantiq ue, " It makra me fet> almost shivery to Hardware Store, con~isting of disease. ';· By its timely use thousands of 7. And the man answered and said, I do the largest balloon ever constructed. It will hopeless cases have been permanently hink so," she said to herself, "I had not worship the God thou speakest of, contain 25,000 cubic metres (a metre is 39 cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles rather feel that I am just going out neither do I call upon His name ; for I have inches), be 36 metres in '1iameter and 112 of my remedy FREIC to any of y~ur readers shopping ; there's no very great responsibiJ. made to myself a God, which abideth al- metres in circumference. · The balloon will who have eonrnmption if they will send me ity about that; but it would be sort of ways in my hpuse, and provideth me with be made of a stuff manufactured especially d1eadfal to feel that God sent you to do all things. their Express and P . O. address. , for the purpose, This stuff will be coated Respectfully, Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, 37 something, and you didn't do it. I might with a varnish, my invention. This varnish not see it, you know, and I mightn't want to 8. And Abrah11.m's zeal was kindled will ren·d er the stuff absulutely impermeable, Y onge Street, Toronto, Ont. against the man, , a nd he arose and drove · · d do it even if I did see it," she added, w;bh I shall also keep a well assorted stock of the best manufacturers' at thE> same time augmenting its ynamcsudden frankness. And, truth to tell, Ma- him forth with blows into the wilderness. metric force. So light is the varnish the bal· 9. And at midnight God called unto loon will not weigh more than two tons and ADVICE TO MOTHERS. -Are you dis- rian was not very apt to do things which Abraham, saying, Abraham, where is the will be furnished with a valve superior to turbed at night and broken of Y .o ur r?st put her out. Once in the city she was busy with her stranger ? any ever before used." by a sick child suffering and crymg with various Stove Pipes, Mfo:i.s, &c. errands, and the subject which had 10. And Abraham '!nswered and said, I t will be remembered tha.t Capt. Jovis pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so ~end ~t ocJupied her thoughts on· the way down Lord, he~would not worship Thee, neither was illustrating hie explanations, and at The manufacture and putting up oC Ea1re TrouglH once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Wmsl? w s slipped her mind. . would he call upon Thy name, therefore have la,st he showed me the car. "This," said will receive spedal attention. S oothing Syrup." F o r children. teeth~ng, Jnst before noon she met Nora Kmg. I driven him out from before my face into he, "ia conetruoted and managed in a spe· Its value is incalculable. It will relieve "lsn,t it beautiful out I" said Nora. the wilderness, cial manner. N aturally fl could not under· the poor little sufferer immediately.. D e· " B11t, dear me, I' can' t half enjoy it for 11. And God said, Have I borne with him t ake such a voyage with an ordinarv car , of poor Grace Barr et. What ! these hund red ninety and eight, and and my sole object in t he construction of pend upon it, _moth e rs ; t here ts n o thinkincr 0 11.ven't you heard about her ? You know H mistak e a b out 1t. I t cures Dysenter y nouriahed him, and clothed him, notwith . this one was to prepar e somet hing for our r.n d Diarrhrea, r egulates t h e Stomach and she's been st udying so hard to fit herself standing his rebellion against Me, and safety in case the balloon it self, from one for a teacher, ~nd she's overw:irked her B owels cur es W ind Colic, soften s the couldst not t hou, that a rt thyself a sinner, cause or another , should. fall into t he ocean. Guma 'reduces Inflam mation, and gives eyes. She has bBen very sick, and now the bear with him orie n ight ? The car is of osier and measures only four doctor says she must stay in a dark room meters by thr ae meters ano a half. On Bowmanville, April 2nd, 1888. to:ie ~nd energy to t h e_ wh?le sy,~te!11. for the dear know s how long. They say 12. And A br aham said, Let not the anger each side are t wo cork bla1de rs covered " :I' Winslow's S ooth rng Syr up }\tor she's about wild, for they are poor, you of my L '>rd wax hot against His ser vant ; lo with impermeable oloth to keep it afloat, children teething is "Pleasant to the t aste k now, and she w ..nt ed to help her mother. r have sinned, forgive me, I pray thee. M we ·and is the prescription of one of the old - lf I was one of you good folk s, and knew 13. And Abraham arose and went for t h MIO HT BE DROWNED IN THE WATER est and best female physicians and n ur ses what to say, I'd go and see her. Think into t he wilderness, a.nd sou~ht diligently In the Uni ted S tates, and is for sa.le .b .v how the hours must drag; for her mother for the man, aud found him a nd returned t hat would fill car. 1 have made a all druggis ts throu gh the wol'ld. Pl'1ce has to sew, so she's alone most of the time. with him to t he t ent, and when he had double brid~ E, EO th at only our feet would be under water. T he space bet ween t lie 25 cents a b ottle. B e sure a nd ask for You and I don't have mnch to troub le us; treated him kind ly he sent him away on the bot tom c:f t he car and the bridge will serve do we ? Going to the Symphony this afterwith gifts. morrow " M RS. W1,NsLow 's Soo:rHING SYRUP." as a storage room for the b'i lla st ; this is to noon? Then I'll see you there. Good-bye." 14. And God spake again unto .Abraham, an d take ..w h >-ther k ind, Nora turned t o go home, aud Jl,~arian aaying, For this thy sin sh all thy seed be be small shot instead of sand. On one side ~~~~~~~~'!'!'!=~·~~~ ~~~~~ went slowly in the op posite direct ion. How affiict ed four hundr ed year s in a strange ar e t wo cabins provided wit h mattresses that may serve for life preservers. Suspend· hard it must be for Grace I She would try land. ed beside these cabin g is a Hfe-bo.i.t, thoroto go and see her some time. She not 15. Bat for thy repentance will I deliver sure that she knew what to say any more them, and they shall come forth with power ughly equipped. B esides there will be When Baby was sick, we gave her CaotoTla, :han N ora did; but perhaps she could help and gla.dness of heart, and with much sub- cordage, scientific instruments, a nd, as the voyage will last for more than t hree days, her pass a.way an hour or so. . And then all BtElnce. When ahe w·s a Child, eho cried fer Uast.ria, some t hought must be expended upon food. at once M arian cam e to a standstill. Was When she became Miss, she clan; to oria, A stove surrounded by met allic plates like this her opportunit y? When aho had Children, she gave them Uastor:ia, the Davy lamp, will be of service in our The She Made, " O pshaw !" she said, impatiently; "I gastr onomical arrangements " wish I hadn't seen that miserable little At a party the hostess said t o a guest; ~·How will the balloon be infh ted?" t·. sentence. I want t o go to the Symphony "I want you t o enter tain Mr. B lank a little; "By hydrogen, because this gas has a.n the worst way thia a.ft ornoon, for H elen h~ looks bored to death. I will ~ntroduce ascensional force of 1,150 grammes a cubic Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run Douglas will have her cousin with h~r, a nd him an d you must try to amuse him. You metr e. T hue we could ascend with 54 000 it is my only chance to meet her, I 11 go to know his Btrong point is butter , on which he ·pounds weight but as our balloon-'c ar over one month. see Grace some other day. Besides, I've h a~ written · · a b ook" · . travellers, etc.,' will weigh altogether not' bought my ticket ; I m ust go." T he lady guesu gracrnusly undertook the more t han 20 000 pounds we are able t o HE SCIE~ CE OF Lllrlll, " I t doesn't m at ter if y on ha ve bought tas~ of enter~aiuinr? the ms.n, iI?-wardly wo~- llElrry 34,000 pouncls of baila.Et. " the great medic!\\ work your ticket," said conscience very clearly; dermg t hat ne ~hQ!Ud._pe so mterested m " How much ba.llas t will be needed'/" or the age on Manhood, "you know that Edna Graves wovld b';l lmtte r-of ..ltliic.h $he k new very little"That we have carefully cal cula.ted. The Nervous and Physical De· delighted with i t ; i;he neyer would t~ke it when his face indicated a mind given to balloon will lose daily 1,000 metres, a loss bility, Premature Decline, from you as a gift , _ bub if ~oil offe; 1t be much profoun~ t hinking. . . produced by t he dilat ion of gas. We ~re t o Errors of Youth, and the cause you can't use i t she w d lfecl different· However, with butter Ill new, she began travel sixty miles an hour, and shall m. all untold miseries coneequent ly. I don't believe ehe's been t o a on t heweather, gradu11lly got to the country, probability be eighty-five hours en route, thereon, 300 pagea, 8 vo., 126 t his winter ; t hink how she would enJoy t hen onto I), far m, from that to cows, and consequently about 8,000 pounds of ballas ~ prescriptions for all diseases. Clot!J. full gilt, it! You ar9 going t o be busy sewing, and at last to butter. The man lookecl more will be utilizecl. " only $1, by mail, sealed. I llustrative sampl~ won't be likely to come in again for several bored th!l.n ever, the magic word butt er pro" What do you think of the dangers to tree to all young and middla aged men. Sena now. The Gold and J ewelled Medal awarded weeks. I t hink you shou ld go and see ducing not the sligh~eat effuct, an~ he left which you and your two aides, L ieut. :M:alto the auther by the National Medical ..:\saooi· Grace to- day. She m ay be bet ter before her somewhat abruptly and soon withdr ew let and Pllul Ar ene, expose your lives ?" ation. Address P . 0 . Box 1895, Boston, !\lass., " I no mistake in my calor Du. W. IL PARKER. graduate of Harva.rd you can go aga~:n, !l.nd you wil~ h:i-ve missed from the house. Medical College, 25 years' pr actice in.Boston, this opportumty. Suppose it is the one " I did my bes t, " she expla.ined to t he culat ions. lr.;bhe past ten year s I ha.Ye made who·may be consulted oonfidentia.Jly. Specialty that God sent you to do to-day -will you hostess ; "I wen~ through agonies to prove 220 ascensions and fallen in the water Diseases of Man. Office, No. 4 Bulfinch St. not be sorry by and by if you neglect to t hat I was deeply int erested in butter, but t.wenty-nine t imes, twice aga.insb my will, do i b?" T hese questions and others like it was all in vain." .. but t wenty-!!Cven times for the purpose of them kep~ coming t o Marian as she went ~E-W- O:S:::I~..A_ ' ' Bll'tter !" exclaimed the hostess. "What perfecting my e.xperiments. Once I remained from one store t o another. possessed you to tt>lk to that man , o~ all seven hours before aid reached me, and then "There's no use in my trying t o go t o the me!1, on butter ? I told you he had i ust my car wa8 a n ordinary one, not like that Cleaned, Died,:Pre.ssed a nd.Repaired by concert now," she S!J,id, impat iently. "I w~itten a book on Bad_ d ha, and ~ knew how of 'L' Atlanticiue..' 'We been ask ed by won't t ake any comfort if I do." de~ply you two were interested m the same the manager s of t he E xposition of 1889 to So it came to pass that early thElt after- subject. "' postpone our crossing until next spring, noon sh e found herselt in Grace's dark - And they said in chorus " Gracious !" and make a 5ensatiou at the () de Mars Dy(lr and Cl.othes Cleaner, room · but she was more t han surprised at by appearing in the midst of the spectators Goods warr'11.:{lted to be as no . one will know th e ~elcome she received. "0 Ma.ria.n," gathered there for the inaugurat ion of the Sam Jones on .American Politics. 11aid Gr ace with a sob, " you don't know them from new when done, ' World's ]!'air,' but our preparations will how thankful I am to see you ; it just seems DETROIT, July 1-Sa.m Jones, the corner or !\:ing and Ontario Streets, be completed, I hope, for the coming an· to me that I cannot bear it a.ny longer, aud Georgia r evivalist, preached in the Metho- tumn. In October our mat erial will be transBowmanville. yet I can't help myself. '.M.obher is killing dist chur ch here to-day to an immense con- ported to New York. At some point chosen herself a.nd h'e re I must sit m the dark and gregation composed largely of Americana, we shall inflate the balloon and wai ~ for a fold my ha nds. I believe that I sh~ll be After saying tha.t on the whiskey question favour able atmospherica.l disturbance, then N ervous Debility. Seminal Losses and prema- crazy before long. Do tell me eomethmg to Canadians were no bet te.c than the residents start for Eur ope and land- - I know not on t ureDecay promptly and permanently cured by cha.uge my t houghts for a few minutes any of the States he cause<'i something of a sen. what coast." way. " "If I were orie of you good folks, sation by d eclaring :- " Now I'll tell you, I and knew what to say, I'd go in a minute". think we are running the last political comN ora's words flashed through Marian's 'mind ba t on the lilies we have been running them The Stomachs of Horses. just then. She was one o_f the g?o~ ones- on, It is between the Republicans aud Hor ses have small siomachs ; remember Does not Interfere with Diet or usual o.ccupa- that is she was a professmg Chnstia.n, a.nd Democrats, this contest, and it is the last this, A good plan is to divide corn rations tioll and fully r estores lost vigor and insures ]Jerfect manhood. Sent to any address, post· she ought to know what to say tothi~ friend ra.oe the Repablicans will m ake in America.. into three daily portions-the (hay, too. paid on receipt of price. One Dollar per box:. in ber sore need of help ; but. she did not, ~he Democra.ts are going in overwhelming. Ma.ny object t o giving hay just previous to Sole agenoy, SCHOFIELD'S DRUG STORE, nor could she remember having ever spoken F our ye11.r s from now we will break up the work, as it distends t he stomac'b. and causes K ing stn et, Toronto. any such words in all her Christian life. solid South. T he issue then will be God the animal inconvenience. Delicate feeders Inspe('tion Solicited. "I can't preach," she thought, with an or no God, drunkeness or sobriety, must be tempted to take their r ations, and impatient shrug of her shoulders, which, or no Sabbath, Heaven or hell. That will should never be fed too strongly at one time. '7'ictor.ia Buildings. MURDOCH BROS. fortunately, Grace could not see. "I. don't be the issue. Then we will wipe up the A "Scotch plate" i s a rule very generally believe in it, and I couldn't sa.y anythmg to ground with the Democratic pa.rty and let observed in E ngland- everything . clea ned help her if I tried. I should only make a God rule America. from that time forth." up before placing other food in the racks or bad matter worse." mangers. A little linseed boiled to a jelly 1 "Then you ought to be ashamed of yourThe Pope's .Encyclical and mixed with the corn is seductive. Hay ,_ ~ self," said that troublesome cons<:ien~e. "If , , . . ' . dampened ana salted will tempt ~the~s. you had any real love for Christ m l'.:our The P?pes e!1c~ch?a.l on llbe~ty says:- 1Beans, a dou ble h andful, area relish m heart you would be able to say somet hmg. Human liberty m i~divi~ua.b, as m s<><:ieties weakly subjects ; pale malt for the conva.leGrace isn't a Christian, nor her mother. and Gov:ernments, impltes t!1° necessity_ of , scent or indisposed ; damp bran and oats Think what an opportunity it may be that conformmg to a supreme national l~w which ' are engaging for others. Some grooms give ~ · &od wants you to use ! " It all went emanates from God· . :rhe C~urch is not. a._n ' carrots and ta.res in small q uantities, Car· t;hrough Marian's mind in a moment or two, enemy of honest,_ legitimate liberty, but it is !rots superind uce diabetes if given in exces· and there went up from her heart t he most 11;n en~my of h~ense: It con~emns false 1 sive quantities. The pecula.r habits of horses earnest cry for help tha t ever she had offer· hberabsm _ or na.tion~hsm, which declares demand the attention of all horse-owners ed in;her life. t hat there is no S?-perior la'Y · and that ~v_ery ; and grooms. A sufficiency fof flesh is all _ . . "It must be ever and ever so hard, Gr acie, one must f?rm his own faith and reh1 pon, : that is r equired, a nd not "hog fat" o r TUE BEST L1JBRICATOll IN THE 1'1ARKET. 0 Or the PD ··tj:e.1y C,uretl dear' " she said softly a nd hesitatingly. to tdestroy the . " beastly fat" as some phrase it' by Lu1n~r.1.Ia.b_,t, Acbnm1ster1ng r · .a.auncs · . l Su ch doctrme h d'ff t ends b d consciousd 'l I " · (l;l o.lden Specific, "And I don't see how you can bear 1t on y ness, t e i erence e ween goo an ev1 , I · -·- - -When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, n cau beg!ven)ina cupof co_ ffee or_tea.withon· as you feel 811re that there is some good jbetween justice a.nd injust ice, and ma.kes 1 · 1 0 g_i~{g;~;;~'1te:~,rn~:s~~£ ~';:~~~[f,~tJt1~~·~ ~t:J~ reason for it being so. I haven't ha.d any Iforce the aole hasis of society. The Ch~rch ! "~illy, olcl b?y, you look hke a. su nm~~ cure whether t he patient is a mo!1cra~e drtnEer or trouble myself to speak of,but you know how · is not au enemy of democr acy, and r eJects mornirig. What s happened to glorify you . ~~ ~!.;~~.0~~~v'fi~v~r~"·\~~;',:'~~v'i' ~~e~i·~~= much my Aunt Marian has h a.d, and she i no form of government , I" Tommy, ?ld f~l, congratula~ me, 1 pro· Try it once, and y0u will use no other. bas followed. . Il never fa_ils. The system ,o nce sa. s she has ' ust clung to t hat verse, ' He rposed 1iO Nhss l< !ya.way last night and she 0 0 l:i':~~~~1'?,~{11~ 'f'~~t.tt1:. 1~rJgi ..:'v~~~i~~~~~i~~ '~~~ tn~t spared jot his own Son, how shall He Thought is t he wind, k nowledge the sail, a~cepte~, me, " " Shake, old man, So she c\rcular F and full particulars addre~s GOLD1 E N not whh Him also freely give ua all things?' land mankind the vessel, . .lll ctJOLL BROS. & CO'Y, Torontoe .jl'Jll<IJ IO ()(),. l~li R 11rco St., C1111cbl.~11,' , 0 , , · , did me I !N ' must be so Y So auntie says sl J JUSt chngs I The French IT~;,ercalled\i~jhn%a.n~ni:tJi~'andJames, ' to tlrn.t verse, and trusts_ eve· whe~e sheithe dire5ltion The One Pet Name. h d b mQ s : else that is beet for her; don't y~u th 1 ~k it ., , J',u .. ope in me Air l I an I Infants I Children. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE I! Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. BEO.£.MANNINB Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c, r CODK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. ~JmQ~@/m ~e gj11fN(l(Nf~e M~DOUGALL & METCALF, are orrer1ng Coal as fallows : Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 Grate and Egg, ........ .................. ,... 6.00 EXHAUSTED VITALITY ! T I LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & ~ CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McD OUGALL & METCALF. nrdoch Brothers' EC..A_LL'J where are to be seen Gents' Clothing T H 0 S. P E A T , ERRORS OF YOUTH, 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets! very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, 20 "White Bed Room Sets. SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR CLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. +BtUMH\~HYillaa+ '? BAKI N C OWDER 'S BEST FRI END THE COOK s · DUNN Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. THB ESHERS AND FARMERS USE ONLY McCOLL'S :::L A R D JI N E::r NEsS DRUNKEN MACHINE OIL. I FAMILY SAF ETY & SUNLIGHTCOAL0IL.

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