BowMANVILLE, JULY 2 5, 1888. On Sa.,urday laat the citizen's of oar 'own were treated L o a musical program .seldom equalled in Canada. We said NuMJJER. Fou R. "lreated," for through 1he kindness of 1he MANOFACTURIES AND EXPOR.'r'i. DAL& l'. Co .'s Baud a oo.mplimenlary concert w&& airaDged for and given on au The manufacturies of British Columbia ele.vnled .plaLform immediately in fronl of have been hitherto comparatively few in nu mber ; but wa ter power is everywhere lhe musio warerooms of vV. H. Parsonfl, abundant. Those manufacturies which corner of John and Walton streets. The are at pr esent being carried on are in a ! prog1am was advertiee:l to commence al G prosperous state. The exports from the o'olook, bul owing to the faot thal the P rM·i.nce are already considerable, and Baud had t<> relurn .on the 8 o'Qlock train, wrn nndoubtedly in the near future be ·the lima was ohanged to four o'clock, but itJ.rgely developed. B esides t he large n umli>er of vessels that visit the ports of '*he people found it oui aud turned out in B1·itislt Columhia,, there are ateamers Jarge numbers at the honr appoir.ted. plyi:ng between Victoria and New WestThe program was an exceedingly enjoy. millster, and on the Fraser River as far able one, for though it was &horoaghly as ·:irale ; and ther e are also others. classical in ils character, the numbers were l'OPULA'l 'ION. performed in such good time and with grand effect that all, bath cultivated aad '!'hr~ tr>tal population of British Colum· bfa ·was 4!J,459 by the census of 1881. But those whose knowledge of mnsia was limit· sihc0 that there has been a large i nflux of ed, were ohara..ed by the melodious blend· TYRONE. Chinese, and also of whites, i11 connPction of thirly instruments. Whilo lhe with tho works of the Canadian Pacific ReY. R . G. Di.vey was here calling -0:n who.le program was first.class, it mighl Railway. There is a large disproportion Thursday. betwe£>n t he ruen and the women in the Mr. John Cotton left here for Manito- seem presumplious for us t:> chara<l.erize P r0vince, t he men being greatly in ba.on Thursday. any epeQial numbers in a partic'llDr man. excess. '.l'he disproportion will, howerer, 11er, s\111 we cannot refrain from saying, in .Berrypicking is all t he rage at present; p~ohably be remedied by the progress of our judgment-and as far as we have they are a fair crop. immig~ation. Miss Laura Bell, of T oronto, is visiting beard, in this we are in perfect accord The Indians of B ritish Columbia are with Ibo populDr feolini;:-- that ooe special r.ewarkable for their peaceable disposi- here for a few weeks. ti'on, Mr. F. Mason and wife were visiting at feahre in the rendition of the "Tancredi" Mr. S. M. Clemens last week. was universally remarked, namely, the I, A ND ltEOULATIONS. Tho r;iublic lands of British Columbia Mr. Gordon and wife, Orono, were~ueets magnificent manner in which the double parts were pl11yed, and tnen the gradual are vvsted in t he Pr0vincial Government at Buckingham Palace on Sabbath. w1th the <:');Ception of the 20 mile Rail way Capt. Ilarp()r and Cadet Wilson a.ttend- aad elol1uent de1ce11I to the praniesimo; Eel t (40,called, that ia, a belt on each ed ~he big go at 03hawa on M onday. the effect was charming and held the large sitle .uf the m il way), which was made ovn Messrs. R. Steel and C. A llin were the audience dcli:i;htod. One of our music to ·he Domini,,n Government es a aet ·ofi gue~te of Mr. T. Gardiner last week. teachers who ie a thorough musician, olap· fo r rnil.way works within th e P roviuce. Mrs. Potter has returned home from . 'J.'ho P rov incial le.nds are nuder t he man· a short visit wilh her son at Har mony. ping haads and shouting above lhe rest of t he people, "that is tho beet band the.I agemeu t of th ~ Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, Vict.oria, who has Our senior pastor has purchased a new .ever came i n. town." , ofucial asaistaut s in thed"tricts. horse to convey him on h is pastoral The program was icterrupted for tea. apd rounds. A lJy he11d Df a family , widow , or single ooDcluded after re!reahments, the baud m3n o ver 18 years of age, a British sub· Mr. C. Potter is spending his vacation j ect., or an alien declaring his intention with his sMer, Mrs. '11 . Creeper, ··Wind- playing the "Maritana" l o tht! unao'noeal. ed pie ~sure of the waiting crowdP. 'l'his to become.such, may record any sun·e1 ed sor Castle." or unsur.veyed Crown Lands not already Privates Cole and Bradley, of S. Army is the piece that t!iis band will play io the occupied ot· recorded, as eith !'l" a. "home· corps here assisted in the meeting at L es- epproaohing tournamenl in Berlin. Al s toad" or "pre·emption." The quanti ty kard on Sabbath. half-pasl sevea they played the National of t!t1ch land n ut to exceed 320 acre3 north Misa Bartlett, of London, and Miss Anthem; .Mine Host of the Queen's propoa· and east of t he Cllscade or coast range of Fannie Hellyar were here calling on ing lhree cheers for the Bowmanville Bimd, of. mountains, or 160 in any ot11er part of friends on Saturday. and the crowd gradually diepereed. the f'ro,·ince The heart and home of Mr. R. L indDuring Iba progress of tha concert, hie pa;~blep:~~efo~r ~~n~~~ m~i;;ts:c:~~ say was m ad e glad by the presence of a Worship Iha Mnyor mounted the platform first instalment to be paid one year from young d aughter on the Hlth. and addressed Iha Band in well choae11 ~hfl d ate of record. Quite a number from Ennisk1llen and complimentary language, expreseing the L\pplications to be made in writing to town witnesed the game on Saturday. plea.sure th&t the concrt was giving the . j<h'a Land Commissioner in duplicate, with We ex pected some from Hampton. &ssembled multitude. Utllkription and plan of the land, and Mrs. Rawlinson and daughter Florence Mr. Wesley, the firu1noilll manager of decfar~tion under oath that the land is of Kinmount, have been spending a few the Company came down on the five o'clock properl,ll' ;.abject to settlement,_ and the days visiting friends ia this village. .appl~cant to rb..~urd · A recordrng fee of Some of our young men expect to se- train 1i.nd wus introduced to the Mayor an d two dollars (811,- ,'ld. stg.) is to be paid. cure a job in the Match factory when it some oth~r prominent citizens in the ~an:* recorded or pi:·ei;ipted. omn_,ot be gets iu runnin g order. Success b?ys. of Mr. Par~on9, who ·is repre. transfer1e~ or convoye(). unt~l a Crown Drover Wight has. gone .to the nei~ h- ecnling the Company hero and who r eeeiv· grant or patent has been iasUt,. ·· borhood of Burnt Riv er and snrroun.img ed the thanks of many of the town~-people . '.!'h':' !;ind must be staked oft' a.n..'.. P~~!: country to purchase cattle. Success Will . for his troable in erecling plalform and fi\lt at Mell Ml1llel't 1:~~}!~~ pmn 4.,m~~~~ Mes~ra. J n_ o: Hodgson, W. McLaugh- assieling in the arrangement of this;sp,eeial square1 l!.nd 5 feet il,Uo \> IJ grounu, with l , · fam1hes, Mr. Potter, Mrs. T. enjoyment lor our cilizenP, the ai:Jplicah!li 11:Une on each post, and its !Lnu. - d "'DY others were ruetcating Pori Hope would gladly wel~om e such position as : k E.,.S. W., etc. reeper an 11·~ednesday. The settler must ent er into actual at Lake Scugog on ; . . ,, b music as tha.\ f'very l:Jal urday.-Cfoitle. occupation of his .location withi.n thirty Many long fa.ces might 11·., e een ihea~ ~·"·'-- ~-days after recordmg, and contmuously here of late when t~e news caln" ··· 1'9 KEEP FRUI1'.-Now that lbe canning reside on it, eithe1· himself, his family, Harper was gomg to leave. But a season is near al band, it may be of in· Qt his agents. Neither Indiana nor change as b een made and the. Capt. re-Ohinese can act as agents. mains at her post. Welcome m the vil- tereat t o know that cans that have Josi their covers made be rua.rle lo keep fruit in Absence from the land for m ore than lage awhile longer, Capt. two ll!Onths consecutively, or for four Mr. T. Woodley 's many friends have perfect condition. Fill the cans as if tbe cove1a w~ re to be scr·wed on, then simply month11 in the year, renders it su bj.e ct to been rend ering h im assistanc -i in getting a. barn replaced on hia premises . His lay over the top a. piece of co\ton baUing, -concellation. After the payments for the land have bees last week were well attended and on split, wilh lhe fuzzy side down, and Se· b een m ade, and the land surveyed, a Monday of this week a larqe crowd turn· cure 1t 'l'<ith a small piece of board or any· patent will be granted, upon proof, by cd out to help him with his raising. thin g else that will answer for a weigbt. A ..cfeclaration in writing of himself and two Every one (\id his best to get the building pr.d of coUon batting makes a cork that other persons, of occupation for two ye~rs in shape for his crops which are abo ut noeds no sealing, No one need hesit(lte from d dte of prc·empt1on, and havm g ready to harvest. The people are followmade permanent improvements on the ing the teachiog of the Golder. Rule. to treat the fines I preserves n this way. land to .the value of $2.50 per acre. .B ut A very ex citing game of base ball took THE followini: are ihe ofllcera elected any. alien must become. a naturalized lace here on Saturday, between a com· by the members of F lorence Nightingale t1u b1ect before he can receive such. patent . binatiou t eam from Bowmanville and the Lodge, I. 0 . 0 . F.- Jolm Maynard, N. G.; The patent excludes gold and silver ore Front R oad and the "Gladstones." At A. Mitchell, V.G.; W McCullough, J.P.G.; and coal. . . tho end of the game the score st ood 12 The heirs ? r dev_1sees ~f the h ouse_ h old in favor of t he < combination team. Our J. W. Archbold, R. '3.; 0. Smith, F. S.; . settler are, if resident 1n the Provmc~, b la a ood game all thr ou ah but M. Mayer, T. ; F. Wright , W.; F. McDow· enutled to the Crown grant on his oy~ P .Y g . . . some wild dec1s10ns were g1 ven by th e ell, O.; J. Mcintyre, I G.; G . D. F lelcher. d ecease. If th ey are a bsen t f rom lhe fi . . h d d. t .P · t th t . · l11 · d 8 11tl1 th rat umpire w11ic cause some ispu e O. G.; N. S. Young, R. S. N. G.; R. Du. .s · e aft er which Mr. Ed. Moses umpired r<;ivmce a · . ~ ime or C.nief Co!llm1ss1oner. may d1spos~ _ of the the rest of the game and gave universal mas, L. S. N. G.; Rev. W. H . Warriner, R. S. Y. G.; T. Downing, L. S. V. G.; pre·empt10n, an~ make such prov1s10n for satisfaction The Bowmanville battery the person entitled t hereto as he may M B · d d B d t' d · t essrs ur en an ey en eavour o Geo. Maynard, R. S. S.; D .Nioholls, L.S.S. R . Allen, Chap. Representatives to Grand ·eNem JUS · h ld th shut our boys out all together without 0 pet~son 00a°? 0 · ~mo t~e anPr0i .n ore ecoring any runs. but that's where you get Lodge, N. Horne and Geo. Baden. District·emp 10n c1aim a.. o m1e. h · Deputv Grand Master, F. J. 'l'emblyn, record to pre-emption of one claim, and left Punc · Our news would not be complete this Oshawa. Total number of m embers, 155, a ll rights under it, are forfeited by subsequent record or p1·e-emption of another week if we failed to g ive an account of SHORT S1m~roNs I N SE.i.SoN. - Shor' ser. daim. M r . T. Woodley's raising on Monday. By the H omestead L aw of British About eighty in nu mber were p resent moos are in season. The mercury is away Columbia, r eal and per1onal property, and gave abl e assistance, everybody up, and though the spirit may be willing duly registered, is protec ted, to the value worked like tr ojans and before the time t he minds of mortal men cannot follow Iha of :jji2,500 from sei:rnre a ud sale. expired t o go h ,.me, the horse stable was average proacher throu gh a wordy wilder. D murveyed or unreserved Crown ·lands boa1 ded all around a nd shingled, so i t ness lhat slretcbes frow Dan to the Beer. ruay be purcha>ed m tracts of ·not less miaht be used . The barn was also r ;.ised sheba of thirteenth and lastly. Church than 160 acres for $1 per acre , payable at and t h e larger portion of it was boarded services are not strnngtbened by their time of purchase, hy giving two months' up also. The bee was one of the largest notice i L1 the British Columbia Gazett ~, that h as taken place in this ne igh borhood length. There are Presbyterian churches and any local newspaper, stating llame for some time and it past off very success- in ·t he oily where fifly.five minutes are oc. of applicant, boundar ies of land , etc., fully without any person receiving any cupied with the preliminary service . A and such notice must also be poRted in in1uries. Mr. ·woodley wishes t hro11gh sermon of .almost e1J.unl duration addod to some consoicuous place on the land itself, Tim STATESMAN to tender his h earty this p: otracts tho proceedings until the and at the Govern ment office of the thanks to all presen t for their assis tance. worshippers are wearled. Pa~tors are not distric t in which the land is located, The Messrs., Gardiner & Gilders wero yet free from t ha idea & hat there is Yirtno land must also be staked off as in case of the builders. in length. They err in this, for the great. pre·emption, and eun-eyed at the expense ·- -- - - - -of the applic«nt . The evils resulting from habi~ ual cos- est sermons are thB shortest. This is nol Surveyed la.nrls, not town sites nor tiveness are many and serious; but the saying that all abort sermons are great, but the preachers whose sermons have Indian settlem ents, may, after th ey have use of harsh, drastic purgatives is quite been offered for sale at public auction, be as dangerous. In .Ayer's Pills , however, gone home to lbe henrla of m en in all ages purchased at $1 per acre, t o be paid for the patient h as a mild but effective aper· have not clouded immortal thoughts in a at t.iorn of purchase, ie nt, superior t o all others, especially for mist of mere word~. Long sermons may Partner", not exceeding four, may family usti. :t: he a.n ·e ffec·t of a preacher's unwillingness pre-"lllpt, as a firm, 160 acree, west of 'Vhat ad.ds more to man's appeara nce to endure the menial t oH of separating the the Cascad es, to each partner, or 320 than a stylish hat? M ayer has j ust re- gold of idea from the alloy of words. Their acres, eae t of the Cascades, to each . Each partn er must represent bis ceived from New York a ll the latest styles ' dia0crorsos arc lengthened by repetitions interest iu the fitm by actual r esidence and his prices a re right. and ·the too deliberate statement of porBut on ihe land, of himself or agent. M. Mayer has just r eceived from New feetly obvious trutils. 'f he pastor of each pM·tmw, or his agent., need not York a lot of the latest style straw h at s, Cooke's church is original in his roccgniresid e on Lis particular pr e·emption . The which he offers a t very low prices. Give tioll of the wisilom of brevity. Hie dispartnera, or their agen·s, may reside him a call. courses a·r e sincere expositions of Gospel together on one homestead , if the home· truth, He gives his thoughts upon a. t ext st ead be situat ed on any part of the to the people in the shortest and simplest partnership pre-emption. The Aroma of Kindness Can Never Die. way, and his sermons have .a natural elo· For obtaini ng a certificate of improve- - In calling attention, Dr. Cockle's Anti- ·quence that is all their own. He has m ent s, i ~ is sufficient to ehow that b~l~ous P ills .for. all i::ases of suffering from learnca to 1:1ay more tban older preaQbers improve ments have been made on som e biliousness, rnd1gest10n, h eadache, h eart· say in twice lhe time, a.nd the earnosl 60r· portions of the claim, a mounting in the bm-_n. and sourneea of stomach, ther e is vice that holds the undivided attention of agf(regate to $2.50 per aero on th e whole 1 pos1tiva kindness. F or s ale the world a devout congregation is over in an hour. - Toronto land . I over. 5 BRITISH COLUMBIA. Military and naval setblera may acquire free grants of land under the Military and Naval Settlers Art, 1863. The Leiutenant·Governor in Council may make special grants of, or partially free lands, under such r.estrictions a.she may deem adviseable,.for the encouragement of immigration or other public purposes. He may also sell, or make free grants of any vacant lands for the pnr, p orn of dyking, draining, or irrigating them, subject to such regulations as may be , deemed fit . Landholders may divert, for agricul· tural or other purposes, the req11ired quantity of unrecorded and unappropriated water from the natural channel of any stream or lake adjacent to or passing through their lan.d, upon obtaining the written authority of the Commissioner. An Oregon newspaper lately said : " E migrants coming here are extremely wary in looking after the titles of the property they -Oesire to purchase." In British Cohmbia there is no ne.cessh y for this, Titles are secure, and there is no difficulty with regard to them. DOMINION OR(l l\.N AND PIANO COMPANY'S JtAND CONCERT AT POltT HOPE. B1uNcn Lurn.- 'l'ho Campbe!lford H er· ald,.saya: Mr. E. Burk, manager of lhe Nortlmmt>erl11nd paper mills, of Campbell. forrl, is negotiating for the cons truction of THE RUSH was imm~nse. d'u ring last vv,eek ..;!l, '· a branch line of mil way from that inslitu. tion to the Gtand Junction, a distance of of about three quarters or a mile. The output of these mills is now ver7[ extensive and the transportation of the paper board to the elation by tel\me is slow and labori· ous. If tbe branch is bni)t ,the cars cea be run to tbe mills, nnd ebi!l.meni can be readily and quickly made. · Several cars are sometimes required for one shipment. Mr. Burke has been in communieadon with the Grand Trunk autb orilie~ . ~nci we undersland wilh satisfactory r esults. -..A.. T- MCOLUNB BROS. for cheap Dry Goods and Millinery. When we announce bargains we mean bargains and not humbug~ Big bargains which can be seen ~ithout tbe aid of an eye glass or MICR.OSCOPE. This cheap sale of good goods will continue during July. "We are determined to make it hot for high priced men during t...,1 e warm weather. -4Klf4G POWDER coonomioal than the ordinary K.lnda, and can nQt be sd,ld in competition with the multltnde ot .low t~t, short weight, alum or phosphate powders: Sold onlyin cana. ROYAL BAK· NG POWDER CU.. 106 Wnll At ·· N. Y. purity, ·strength and wholesomeness. More Sweeping Reductions in every department. Come early and come direct to the of Tbl~-~owaer never vartee. ~bsolutely Pure. A marvel SIGN OF THE COLDEN SHEEP, the popular and reliable Dry Goods House of I ::;::f GREAT RUSH - - -AT THE--- McCLUNG BROS., Bowmanville, July 3, 1888. HAMPTON WOOLEN MILLS. GO ODS SELLING AT GREAT· LY REDUCED PRICES, F OR GO DAYS. ~co~rn WITH YOUlt _ WooL .~ND . GE1 BARCIA.INS WHILE I T LASTS. Bowmanville; AESOLUTELY- ' ga f.llC+B:{<;ST PRICE IN CASH FOR WOOL. QUITTING 'l'he Dry Goods :Business ! Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and Feed and Grain trade and has determined to D. TAYLOR, 22· tf Proprietor WOOL I WOOL!l -·o-- - JOHN BcBUITll Close Out His DRY GOODS BU81NE88 and extend his Grocery into the premises uow occupied with DRY GOODS. . 'l'o make a clear sweep, everything io. the Dry Goods department is now being sold AT AND UNDER COST. The goods are all firstclass, carefully select ed for the regular t rade and no old culled bankrupt stock:, the public can understand the immense adva.ntages offered to purchasers of this stock. Everything usually kept in a first class Dry Goods establishment, and required in the Clothing and House Furnishing line, offered at AWAY-DOWN PRICES. Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash only. Positively no Reserve. Everything must go. Call and satisfy yourselves that the WEST E ND HOUSE is giving greater value for a little money than any other house in the district. It will pay you to lay m a year's supply , as such goods cannot be repeated 1Lt my prices. · The v ery higha3t Cash P rice w ill b e paid for any quantity of WOOL at I JOHN LYLE'S, G rocery a nd Provision Store, BOWMANVILLE. 0 ' TOUt'i M,,'l¥t'tr .{ ,"!'B.Y :tOyean ha the mnrket withoatacomplalat et any hind. Tho only Yeaac wblcJa ··· ·t·od the teat oC time and ae'rer made ·our, unwboleaome bread. .&.II Grocer· s e ll u , E. W.CILLETT. M'F'R. TORONTO. ONT. & CHIOAOO. ILL. ROYAL YEAST Ia Canada'" Fa'rorltt> Yeaat Caknl THE OSHAWA MO"WER. ----- - - - - - - -- ' ~!f~~lf~! ·j ~ · eORDIA . . . ~~ · DIYFIOUL 'J: Dnrumm:<<> : ,, and allThroat :mdLung · 1 l . CnouP, I NFL LENZ . l I I t 1 complaints. Pleasant to tak.:>; ohild· r en aro fond of i t. Instant rellet from firHt dose; heals and oures ' . ~--~=~ · ~ · from the Pure Pino '.l'ar· Propa~~~~:oi;~t11ficully 1 Mu. S. Bn..1.MPTON, PEHRIN, Mar. 28, 1887. \ Ve beg to ann ounce that we have purchased from the J OSEPH HALL MACHINE WOl-tKS ES'rATE all the I'atterne, Te mplet,, Drawings, Flasks, &c. 9 and necessary machinery to carry on a first class Machinti S hop. We have secured that portion of the Jo~eph Hall Machin e Works known as the Joseph H all Malleable Iron Shop, a forge commodious b rick building immediately in tho rear of the main Joseph Ball Machine Works, where we shall keep on hand for prompt delivery a large st ock of R epairs for all machines made at the JOSEPH l-L\.LL M Ar"":J NE WORKS. We have bough t parts for a large number of Mowers from the Joaeph Hall Machine Works Estate, and are completing a limited nnmber fo r the season . It 111 constructed i n the sam e manner as the Champion Mower , al most entirely of~Sbeel and Malle able I ron, only enlarged and improved, 32 inch Drive Wheels, 4! 1 feet Cutter Bar, Steel Frame, Steel Axles, S teel Guards. T he stron gest and the ,best Mower in the market . D:EA.R Srn - Your cough r emedy, PINB TAn. ColtoIAL, has worked wonders here. It is the only thing that relieved my daugh ter of a m ost distressing cough and cold which nettled on her lungs. I collld sell it for you in this locality ; would like to have the agi>ncy. Senn along oneq u arter gross. Yours , JoIIN FRANK. Lang uor, Headache, Constipation Rem oved by Sclczc1· Apericnt. Sol<I byT:irraut &Co., N.Y., n.nd Druggis ts e'·crywhere. Tn1·1·n.n t'f.4 of preaeher s or Christian workei·s. From $50 In stock for a ll Machines and Machinery made by the Joseph Erall Works . to $~00 per month fo r bright, capable persons. (~nly those open for positions anrl 1 .t re bona JOBBING and REPAIRING of all kinds promptly attended to at moderate r ates. fide &llplicanta will be answered. Write fully; T. S. LINSCOT'l', BHAN'l 'FOHD, ONT. -W-00~ CO-~ A.dd. r ess GEo.P.RoWELT, & Co.,Spruce St.,N.Y. TE OI Five intelligent mechanics, WA . · fifteen clerks, thirty farmers, fifteen teuchers. male or female. and a number l1 I' We boug ht the parts at a i·ate on tile dolla1· off'ering at Low Price. Fl.. E: :J::> .A. I :Fl. s , 21-5eow aucl ai·e 'f0 AD\'ER'l'ISEUS,- Lowest Rates for adwertising in 1000 good R_ & OSHAWA, ONT. PORTER & NODEN, AGENTS, BOWMANVIL LE . Pitcher's c . a storia;