- TBRMS :-tl.60 PxR ~tJll. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 528. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1888. B. LAltlMHIAN, llf. D,. VOLUME XXXIV. NUMBER 37. NEW CARPETS! & CRYDERMAN ' c. M., M A EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHY. ::lTCIANS AND SURGEONS, Ont. Otllce and Residence: Enniekillen, Onta~!o. 30 ii. BURDEN, COU·CH, JOHNSTON B Have just received, per Steamship "Aurania," F UCTIONEER for the County of Durham ; Inaul'anco and neneral Agent.. Ynluator and neal Estate Agent. Sa.las a.nd other business promptly attended to. Box 172, Bowmanville P.O. 36-tt FRANK M. FIELD, B. A. ARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c. COBOURG. . Office,- Armour Block, Kini;i: Street. 22. - - - - - - - - -- - -- ---- - ---- rrAILORING.-Mr. Hindson, Tailor, at McUlung Bros.. is now prepared to make a limited number of suits for countl'y buyers or from outside establishment a. F.n trance througl1 Quick & Co's store 45-ti' FIVE BALES OF NE-W- ARM TO LE'J~ .-'l'he farm of Mrs. H, Scott. situated on the east Manvers road, in rear of 5th con., townshln or Clarke, containing 160 acres of good land. Immediate uosse ssion. Terms reasonahle. JCor further partioulars appl:v to Mns. H. SC01'T, propdetor on premfacs, or Kendall, P. 0. 33-tf ARM FOR SALE.- In Lambton Co. 130 acres, '.l'ownship of Bosanquet.. One of the prettiest vnd best in Ontario. Plea.eant and lively Rituation and i;rnod community-I mile from inooroorated village e.nd 6 miles fr0111 G, 'I'. R. For price and particulare drop a card to BoxllO, Arkona, Ont. 3!-iw' F - -- --·----- -- -----·-·- -· H F BRUSSELS TAPESTRY CA::C <.PETS, ORSES FOR SALE.-Matched span of ooHs. 3 years old, hPavy set. three straight crosses : and one brown mare 8 yoors old, general purpose. good driver. Will bo sold at ve1·y rea"onable figure. JAs. RICKARD, lot 2, con. 1, Darlington, Bowmanvllle P. O. 3G-4w' A.t(.M lN PICKERING FOR SALE. - One of the best farms in Pickering for sale containing i25 acres, all or which are cleared and in high state of cultivation. On the premises are a good dwelling house a11d out buildings a11d two wells. Thid propert1 is situated · on Jot Ji), b. f .· one mile and a hair from Piekering village, halr a mile from Grand Trunk Station. thre e miles f rom Pickering Harbor, and six miles from Whitby, For further particulars apply to JAMES PICKAHD on the premises, or Pickering, P. 0, 29-tt ARM FOR SALE.-130 acres. composed of south part of 1,ot No. 19, Broken Front. nEd is t.l\ree miles from the Town of Bowmanville. 'l'his is one of the best farms in the count.y of Durham . It is in a high state of cultivation and is well feiiced On tlie pre· mlaes there is a stone dwelling, t.wo large barns and otter out.buildings. with atono Rf.11blini;;forcattleand ~nraes·. · hree wells !l;nd four cisterns, also wmd.-m1ll for purnpmg water, For further particulare apply on the premisee01·ifbyletterto HENR~.MANN,Bowmanvme. 31-tt direct from the Manufacturers, JOHN CROSSEL Y & SONS, of Hall.fax ' England . · · t · . p . . El egan t D es1gns, ermanen F OI' Colors and D .urability the Goods 13 acres of Land for sale are. -qnequalled. in Hampton. EING part of lot 17, con. 5, DarlingB ton, on wl1ioh is a good barn. The soil is BETTER VALUE ANYWHERE No . . · good and in a good state or cultivation. Thia _ l s a desirable place for a retired farmer. Will p F r. , ' h Jh . c d uOlIC ' 0 nston ry orman ~;i~~didFarm For-'~~;:. be sold cheap, Apply to GEORGE LANGDON, One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. New Fall Goods! ..A.RR.I-VI~G east part of lot 9. con. 1, 60 acres of rich clay loam, highly improved. · On the premises are ..n excellent bri cK dwelllil!Ol house containing 12 rooms and all necessaries of a house ; two barns. RI able. driving-house, Rhed. et.o., also ten acres with choice fruit trees, 500 apple nnd 100 peal' treas ; an overflowing spring in the pasture field ; in fact it is such a home rarely otferetl for sale; ll' or terms and ot her p1utlou· Iara apply on the :Premises, or to JorrN Mc · MURTRY. Bowmanville, July 31, 1888. 31-tf ---- -----------~-~--------- ir. the t own of F·owmanville. being the north· rJ.,HAT Admirably situated homestead, .I. the estate· f the late Samuel McMnrtry, ..A.T Capital Farm for Sale by Auction. HERE will b e sold by public a uction, . on Tuesday, S ept. 25th, after the stock sale of the same day, on thA p!'emiaea. IR~ acrea of first·class land, being the south GO acres of the north 100 and tJie north 75 acres of the south 100 of Jot 35 con. 6, Darlington, in a high state of c ultivation, 30 acres is seeded with timotl1y and clover. about 5 acre s of standing hard wood ; never failing stream, good w ell ; framed welling of 8 rooms and stone cellar ; large barn with stone cellar and stables 2tx100 feet ; driving shed 2!x3G feet ; and other build· ings. all in good repair. Plowing possession imm ed1ately afte!' sale ; full posi!ession April lat, 1889. 'l'ERMS.- Ten p er cent. of purchase money on dny of solo, enough to m uke one·ha lf of whole amount in two months ; balance to remain on mortgage for two years at 6 oer cent in1eresr, · Fol' furthel' particulars apply to .Ton 'l'HOMP· SON, on the premises, '.l'nunton P, 0., 01' to s . c~ HUNIGNCJ, a uctioneer, Courofoe. 37- td l..&SNG'S. In order to make room for them anything in Summer Goods will be offered at a bargaip. all through this month. 00:.bLl:E EARLy- T First-class Farms for sale on Easy Terms of Payment. 1. Parts of lots 7 and 8, on the Broken Front. Township of Pickering, containing 2'!! acre6, all of w h ie h is in a high state of cultivation, except ~ Lu·i t 7 acres o! wood land and this is grassed over. 'l 'he eo:il is first.class clay loam. well watered by Jiving wells a nd contalris no bro!: "" l 11.nd. Thi' farm buildings are in excel· ' lem ' " lJ<iir, having been erected only >.oven I y " ' ',. .. ugo and have all the latest improvements ' v iz :- -stone stables, root collar, etc, On the p1"rnisee t.here are two good dwelling houses, three barns 1111d 11orse and cattle stable. The farm is well fenced and there are gates leading into all Jields. ItB situation is 5 miles from the 'l'own of Whitby, 31 miles from Whit by Harbor and 4& miles from P ickering Harbor and i of a mile from a good school. This piece will be sold in one parcel or will be divided into two as desired. 2. Part of lot 23 011 the 2nd concession of the Township or W hitby. containing 65} acres all of which l' in a high etato of cultivation. 'l'he soil ie clay loam, with no broken land and watered by living wells, There are on it first class farm buildings built only 7 yeat·s a~o on modern nrinmples. stone root cellar, horse and cattle stable> and an implement sh ed. It is situated g miles from tho 'rown of \Vhitby, and 1 mile from one ot the 'l'own schools, 3. With No. 2 or separately will be sold H acres or pasture land being part or lot 25 on tho dth con., or the 'l'ownship of \Vhithy. 'l'hiB is watered by R living stieam running thl·ough I tho ex trem e north end. 4. Part of lot 1 on the 7th con, ·rownsltip of neach, containing 50 acres all of which ls well fenced. On this thsra is a small frame house and a iJ.rst·class bank barn nearly new having stables underneath. The Boll is sandy loam and all under cultivation. It is situated 2} miles from the 'l'own of Uxbridue. Possession of any of tho above pro)?.er~ics oon ho given at once i! s o deafred. l· or further particulars apply to J AMES C.A.MPBELJ,. · 3Y -- fw Whitby. and get some Real Bargains. We are showing some of the prettiest designs in Boating and Promanadin~ Shawls in wool and silk and wool at tc,stonishingly low prioes. Geo. LAING. I ThA Slabtown young man is very convenient Mr. Geo. Langdon is offering his nice for Mr. Trim, saves him walking home wh. n l "ttl f f 13 d· · · h i_ e arm o ' acres a JOmmg t e Miss Bell, of 'l'oronto, is visiting at Mr. John they meet at the same residence, L . Rowe's. Trim has given up walkin!!' and gone to hir- village for sale. See advt. Mi~s Hill. of Bowmanville, is the guest of ing liverv rigs, n ext we will bear or him taking ------Miss Jennie McCulla,,h. an oocaeional trip cast on the oars. ENNISKILLEN. Mrs. 'l'hoe. Vinson attended the grand Fall One of the Base Line young ladies h11.s enterMiss Jennie MaoLaren is attending Millinery opening In ·roronto. ed t.he bonds of matrimony. Now there has the Almonte High School ; Master Alfred Mr. Rout. Jobnaton, Newtonville, was visit· been a start, who will be the next ?ing at Mr. Hlllens last week. Mitchell, the Bowmanville High School. PICKERING. Mrs. Dr. Ca:rveth, of Toronto, who has boon Mr. J. C. Callander is a resident of our visiting friends around Orono has returned Mr, J ohn Miller,importer, he.a reached home village at present, studying with our euchome. from 8cotlan<l. Mr, Jas. Linton has gone to Kerwin, Kan· 'fhe P ickering fair will be on Sept. 24th cessful and ever-on-the-move Vetrinary ·as, whore he will spend a few montlie with and 25th. Surgeon, Mr. D. G. Austin. his brother John. 'l'he boring for water at the new ecltool site A remarkably well prepared ~emphatic Mr, H. H. Spencer. of Brooklin, father of ltas been abandoned at a depth of 82 feet. our genial vet., Mr. John Spencer, spent a few and timely sermon on Temperance was Mr. Sterling, who is visiting with his de.ugh. dll(fe here la.at week. ter, Mr~. B. Abbott, is quite a 1l9herman. In delivered in the Methodist ohurch here Youniz fOlll'.s from Orono visited the residence three trips down t.he river he hae caught about on Sunday evening last by the Rev. E . of Mr. Wm. Chapple one evening lately and 60 pike wiLh a trolling line. the largest weigh· Barrass, M.A . were most cordially entertained by the hoBt Ing 9 pounds. and hostess and their amiable family· A Among the visitors last week Mr. Hoyt, moet pelasa.nt evening was spent. KIRBY. Myrtle; Mrs. Brock, Port Perry, Mr. Mrs. Dunsford and family and Mr, Joseph Xnott and family, will leave Orono for the Mr, 1rnd Mrs· .A.. Morrow spent Sunday in E. G. Virtue. Montrea.J ; Prof. J. Brown, States where they vurpose ta.kin" up perma· Pontypool. )-"-.iladelphia; Mr. W. G. Mitchell, Tonent residence. Mrs. Duns Cord goes to Ore· Mr, J'o hn Cooney bas l'Cturncd from visiting ronto ,·Mr. W. D. MacLueo, Hamilton. gon, while Mr. Knott and family settle at at Potcrboro, Walla Walla, Washington 'l'er. . Miss Jennie Miller, of Uoldwater, is visiting A large crowd will be in attendance at among frien<lshere, R. Hutchison's irmnense sale, Saturday N.EWCAS'I'J;JiJ. Mr. R, Lang, undertalrnr, has had three next, 15th iust. As Mr. Hntohison and Mr. Wm. Argall ls seriously 1.ll with con· funer1>lsin six: days. family remove to Listowel next week snmpti9n. Miss Minll'ie Purdy eµent Sunday with her h everyt ing has t" be sold-Mr. HezzelThere Is at preeent two dredges at work at sister, Miss E Purdy. the harbonr. . Rev, C, Ashton oocuplod the pulpit here on wood wields the h ammer Mr. T. Dougl11~ los t another of his fancy 8undt1.y and delivered a very interesting and An important ite m was l' nadvertantly Instructive sermon. dr1 vers last week. - - - -·- - ----- omitted from thti nccount of the Harvest Newcastle was w e ll supplied with Bowmanvilles roughs last Sunday week. LUNG SA UJ,T. Hom'e celebration in ltt.st week's i6aue viz: Mr· Fred Stillwell reaohed homo leet week Mr··Tames Moorey h"s ranteJ the J:towan the excellent music diocoursed t hat evenfrom ¥anitoba. He speuks very· highly ot bo1t1estead. What then 1 ing by ·.he popular H>1.rnp ton choir. They that p:rovh.ce. M~s. Anguetus Best. of Orono, is visiting her fully sustainod their well-earne d repntaMias lsabelle Motlatt, dauJ;:hter of Walker e s. j tion . The music on Sabbath was reuderMoffatt, formerly of this place, died at her oonsm, Miss Maggie Stapl_ brother's residence, EnBt Whitby, Sept. 8, of Mr. William Brawn should tia his ho_r8e m_ore ed by the choir of the church here securely in future when calling on !us neigh- I · diptheria, ..ged 20 years. A base ball match b etwee n a tea.Ill of Wm. Brown, a farmer residmg.iust north of bors. Mr-, Joseph Dyer's. residence, opposite the sch(}ol boys of this place and a similar the viilal{e sol<i in Port Hope 75 bushels of f. H , ' '"American Wonder" peas, tho produce of Kings Pala~e. was slightly damaged by a spark · team 1om ampton came off at the latthree acres at $2 per bushel and got tlle praieo from the olmnney last week, Mr. H.ob'lrt Byers has purchased a valuable ter })lace last Saturday in which our boys of bringing the best samples cf peas brought in this or la.st year. horse from his brother Nathan. on account of were victorious by a score of 23 to 13 Mr. C. N. Callander umpired the game. We .have in Newcastle one of the best and going into farmi ng extensively. fastest threshers in this mmntry. Mr. Wm. Our enterprising farmer. Mr, William Paton .. ,' d t' f · 0 .· ' t1r. Ju venlles Toms threshed ror It. Foster, Esq.. half mile exp~ots to }eave us ~oon, having rented Mr. gn mg goo ea 1a act~on . west of here ;\l.800 bushels or harlev in about Dame! Bm1th's place uear Lesknrd.' do morfl for the credit of the village than eleven hours and did first class work. Any On Sopt, 8th a prnctice game of foot ball was the seniors. The return mtttch will be man that can beat thfa we would be glad to p!_ ayecl In Mr. John Davey's fi!lld, between t.he played nt ~nniskille n Saturd,,,y <1fteruoon hoar from him M ..ple I.ea ves, Leskard. and Ex:celaiors, of the d . t · The Methodist anniversary proved to be a Sault. They had to quit on account of the rain 22 a ms ·· _ __ _ _,._........,_ __ grand success. On Sunday morninq the Rev. after dO minutes. The Captain of the farmern R. D. Fraser, M, A,, ofBowm11nville, occupied (Dad as they call him) will plea~e cheer u3 in TYRONE. the pnlpit and in the evening the Rev. James h.turo a· the Excelsioro. vVe don't answer to Thom . .1:1· .a. At each time the church was the name or Pine Ridge Monkeys_ A little too Mr. R. H. B1rnt, Hampton, is m a.king well filled. Monday afternoon tea was served fresh young man. barrels for M1·. S. Bingham. to probably the moat people that th~ achoo! bee t>ec n honored with for a number of yours. Miss Mcintyre, of Cou r tice, was visitBA.LLYDUFF. and at the evenin1< conoer.t the church wa.'3 ing her s ist er here o n Si~bbath. crowded to the doors. The children did re· · Mra, Thomas has been on the sick list, markably well. They were assisted by Mrs. Lieut. Haigne, N 11wcastle, was here and Mis~ 'J'hom and Miss Schoolie recited Mr. S. De well was the first to thresh in tllis last w eek the guest of C1tpt Pepper. 'the "First Settler's Experience" which was vicinity, indeed \\<ell 1·endered and reflects groat credit Mr. David Porter has leased his re.rm to Mr. Mr. A. W . Bunner, of Bowmanville, on the reciter. Mr. W , lttc kard. Supt., read Thos. Davey. preached here on.S11.bb1lbh morning. the report showing " total memllership of 250 Mr , 'Vm. Portor is abont to take his depart· schole.rs.-News Qor. Mr. G, H. Jardine and family arrived ure for Petrolia, Mr. and Mrs. Finnev, of Eldon, spent a few here from Burnt River on Saturday. days with Mr. J . Clarke. OSHAW.A. Quife ». number from here leave this Mrns Eliza Patton, of Manvers station, was (Zerom th.e Ontcwio .Refonne:r.) week f '" ·roronto tu attend the Industrial the guest of Miss Marth a Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Egerson, C1irtwri!,;ht, were ..li:x:hi 'lifo,u. The family of \V. E. Gillespie, will move to Oshawa in a few weeks. guests or Mr. C. Porter on Sunday. i\11 ~ ses Eva. Bell, Bertie Gardiner and Mr. McGre;;or nnd family, ot Lindsay, have Miss H arrison had a b ee on the 3rd and 4th Ma;!gio Lindsay, of Toronto, have b een taken up their residence in Oshawtt. inet., to build a new fence a.round the chtirch, vis1tiug here, Mr. C,\Villiamson has sold Vine Cottage, and c:eau up the grave yard. Mr8. Kenner preache d a profitable and B:rook-st., to Mr. W. H. Bennett, f<l<" $SOO. White Mr. Jae. H olmes, was reaping the Miss lWa J. James has the champion cue am. other day, his teo.m took rr ight and ran away, intnrestlu g sermon t o a. full house · on the rakes coming in contact with his h ead ber of East Whitby. It is 18 inches long and Sabb;i,t h e vening. knock!n11; him olf the sea1.. Hls daughters v~y large and heavy. who w ere out binding tried to stop the horses Mrs. Wilson and Miss Hicks, ThornMr. J. W. Smith, town clerk, sprained one with uplifted rakes. but the afl'dghted ani· or his ankles on Sunday and was confined to mals d ashed madly past them, catchini;r one of ton, are visiting their uncle, Mr. W. R . the ha use for a few days. tne young ladies on the separator, trailing her Ricks at Milburn Cottage. Messrs. J, O. Guy & Son are located in their almost the entire length. of the field. Stranga Mr. R. Branton is digging a well on handsome new office, four doors north of theil' to say she escaped 1minjured save a fe w old stand. 'l'he new office present~ a n eat and scratches and almost nude·-News Car, the farm of Mr. S. M. Clemens. Stephen handsome appearance. purposes building ne"Xt spring. Mr. · Tohn Dickie fell from the loft of his stable C.lESAREA. Miss Clark, Solina, a.nd Mr. W . Wright to the ground, a distance of about fourte~n feet. Although no bones we re broken he receiveil a and sister, Blackstock, wer11 the guests o f Many mistakes in last week's news from this severe shaking up a nd has been confined to the plac'l, such as 'is' for 'are', 'island' tor 'Leland.' Mr. T. H. Hancock on Sabbath. h ouse since. Mrs. Emerson a nd Mrs. Wesley Cro2ier have A detachment of the S. A., Bowman. Dr Rae left last week. for a trip t o Califor- !l'one to Essex Centre on a visit, and Mr. W11tnia. He represents the Gro.nd Encampment, eon to Elmvale. ville, a ssisted at the Holiness Meeting at of Onturio, at the Sovereign Grand Lodge, I n· Mrs. William J ohns is d a ngerously sick viith the barracks on S u nday morning. · dependent Order of Oddfcllows, to be held at bihous fever. J a mes Bruce i s recovering, · Los Angeles. ' l'iie foot-ba ll match at Bethesda resultJonathan J,ane, of Cadmus, is home recruiting Diphthe ria fo urevalent in some sections of after his last severe illness. ed in a tie. Each side scoring a goal. Eaet Whitby. On Sa.turd ·Y. 1st inst., Mis3 Mr, James Churehward, while a tte nding 'rho boy1> a.re anxious to have another Moffat, a highly es teemed young woman. who was niahlinl{ wit.h her brother on lot 12, 5th Mr, Dunn's thro.·hing, got entangled some way racket. con., died from an !ttta.ck of tl:lls deoadod dis· in the carriers in tho straw llouse aud was thr own a distance of 7 or 8 feflt falling on tho "\Ve want to inform the Hampton ease. on th e back of hie neck, whioh leav es him spec ial of the S un, that Tyrone boys are Mr. John Wilson has just added to hls stable sill in a v ery critical couditiou. of t.horongh-breds, another valuable stallion, Miss Jllfoggie Arurntrong, o1 Port Hope, is not in thll h abit of throwing mud, hilt purchased from Mr, It, P, Todhunter. of L exington. Kentucky. 'l'his horse. "Annex," is a visiting at Mr, Jackson's', Mrs, Mahood, of they intend to hold their own. brown colt., foale d May 5th. 1886, and his pedi- li'ordwich, is visiting her parents an1l friends Mr. Robt. Davey is bound to be UJJ gree is from the fastest trotters in tile United in thi~ locality, Miss Mary Dunn. Green bank, is down on a short visit to h er father. M1', J. with his neighbors . He purposes erecting States. 1,, Power ia off on an extended tour in Dakota a varandah aloni:i the n o rth side of his A frame h>1ilding. unoccupied. on King et.reet imd M11mtob.., Oshawa, was destroyed by fire on Fridav mornhouse, 'l'hat'a r ight dad, don't· be beat. On Aug. 31, at ab0t1t 11 o'clock, Mrs. Cnthing week. 'l'wo oth er rookeries adjoining were Thiessrs. T. T. Jardine and H. Stewart saved. A. frame bullding at tho rear of the bort's house caught fire and was totally desm alleable iron shov of R obert Woon was troyed . It is supposed to have caught from the went to L ake Scugng on Wednesday to burne.rl on Saturday evening week. Fortun- furnace in tbe buoJ;: Ritchen. Part of the furniture wus saved. . 1'he house was bricl< and fish. They rn1u~hc a 12-pounder with a te!~- there was no wind .or a serious fire might have been tho re ~ult, as the old Joseph Hall finished h'.st summer. Loss folly $2.000, in· the line, and wm<· wi1h the silver bai t, work· are situated c lose by . Both cases m·e sured for $1,000. 'J'hey ha · o the sympathy of Rather c old for fishing, Tom. all, doubtless incendiary. Great competition in tlireshing this - -- --.. +·-------'....··- -· l'he recognition social at t he Baptist Chnroh 1 on '1. n esde.y evening-, was a pronounced sucyear. No !es" than four machines travellluJ.PLE GlWVE. cess. Jtev. Mr, Auvache was cordinlly we!· ling in this sect iou . Mc Lean & Co., cometl by the resident ministers and by Rev. wi':i~'}~~e·~~m.Rundle aud Leslie Hall are sick Rowo & Co., Ramm & Co., and Scott & .1. Harker.1Hev,James Grant, of 'foronto, spoke earnest. words in commend11tlon of the n ew Miss Ethel Hall ia atto'lding the Model Co. , besides private inuchine s. pastor, as did other friends present, 'fhe~~ Another of Da·lington's old settlers was n houso full of people, the spre.id was <im· Schcol, Port Hope. ple, the musical part of tbe p -o~ram w11s fhrn Mrs. l~. Cole aad Miss Cole. of Geneva, and · t d t B th ct T oes d ay o f e es a on -for which credit is due the Misses Luke an d Mrs. IP, L, e were visiting friends here last W M' 10 erre a b~ ., week- Mr. Jas. Woods, who llved Mr. . Francis' Com pany. and the s!leeches were week. eloquent throughout. ,T. '·Dryden, 111:. P . P.,pr<.o Mias M . J. McCle~lan has returned home for a number of years east of the village , sided after a manner pleasing to a ll. f~~m a two weeks visit to Ga. ·den Island and and thence moved to Exeter. He w as E a.r ly on Thursday morning Oshawa was h.mgston. ' " f 0 11 f h I d J visited by the most disastrouA fire that hn.s ocThe New Have n t eacher should drive a a a_evou, ower 0 t e ...or esua curred here for many years. !t originated in larger or stronger horse, or els e one more sure Christ and .vas a local preacher of the Mr, W . Hare's Fout1dry, 'l'he fire h a d gained footed, so that it will not foll down when .h e BiblGi Chrfotian Church when h e re. He great headway before being noticed, and by . reached the ripe ago of 85 the tiwe the ularm was sounded on the bell·, has ladies out driving. Owing to the w et we.a ther the Divrnion pie· , ·. . the whole structme, to.f.\'ether with Mr. Glid.· nio was postponet.l until Wedne;ilay aft~rnoon rhe Harvest Home F estival rn conneuden's caroenter shop. was enveloped in flames, both of whioh w are totally d estroyed. togethar next, Sept, 12th , at Mr. Mttnn's beacll, sot1th of tion with this, the Tyrone circuit, held at with the entire oonter,ts, a s alao tho Maehino Shou and :E1r.gine H.oom or Messrs., Park, Scott M~~;~eG:o:::nb~~:i: ; n:n~a~~:P~~~~~:~led B eth esda last week, eame otf very sucExcellent sermons WtJro & I,a1. '"en. So'.lle piles or valu 1J.ble lumber be· at Mr. s . Jeffery's on ;sept. 3rd, to celebrate cessfully. longing to tllis !frm, and a qua ntity of other the birq1day of ~heir daughter Mf!-rY, and a preached on S ,.b b1tth by Rev. Jesse stock in the Yard waa also burnt. 'fhey ha,d very enJoyable tim e was spent until the wee Whitlock tu lar"e congregations On also about WO Seeders under construction, the small hours. One young man was so sleepy · · " , · · stock for w hich was n early all burnt, u s well that af t.er taking his girl homo he turned in '\Vednesd11.v a hrgo orowcl l.\Ssomblod to ~s th ~ machines for exhibit.Ion at the fairs. In the gate a little to3 quick and broke h is bugi::y p a rtake of the sumptuous repast which l\Jr. Hare's shop was stored about $500 worth shaftll, of patterns belonging to Park, Scott'" Larsen; Trim seems to be pretty certain as to the prepared. for t,be public. It was $500 wol'th of Major Harper's. of Whitby: identity of ··Dexter," ,judging, I auppo8e, from highly appremate<l by a goodly number . about $100 worth or R. Woon & Co'y. and $50 what .ho saw in tlie paper two weeks ago tl1at After te:\ all repaired to tile church where worth of machinery belonging to Mr. J . \V.. Dexter was not a y'Jnng man. We would . 11" dd d i· . d b Provan, all of w hich was destroyed and on remind '.l'rim tli.at we have some clever batch· exec toHt a _ r esses were e ive re y which there was no insurance. Mr. Uare baa elors, a number of young ladies and sou~e ol_d R ev . Mesiirs. ,Jas, Thom, Newcastle, W. in stock a large num her of plow9 and parts or m~ids. Dexter wears hoops and we thmk if J. Totten Oshawa E.Barrass Ham··ton tho same. which was also burnt. It is difflcnlt 'fr1m was hooped ho would attend bettor to S S l ' · '. ' ,. ' to obtain tho actual losses at present, but it his oheese alfairs. . a t on, E o mak1\fon. Our esteemed mu·t be considerably over $10,000, and all the ··Trim," keep your eyes about you friend, Mr. W .·J. Roy, graced the chnir. sulforors will-'lose heaV· l . · ly over and above the 1 For fear that you might fall, '.l'he chcfa of that place fumishecl abundin~urance. Messrs. Park, Scott & J,arsen were \Vhen you go down Goose Hollow, f · th" · {> d insul'eil ror $7.000, Mr. Hare for $1.800, and Mr, 'fo see the young M:lss H-, i ance o n:usic on ui occasion. rocee s Glidden for $20U. The ol'igin of tb.e fl re is nn· Who on the day or the picnlc 1 of collect1ons and tea, $100 known. Out of the boat did slip, . L --And fell into the wate~ , FRO><l MANITOUA . - " I have l~een cured And accidcntly got wet, T E N OnaNGNMEN KILLED at a picnic by DEXTE11· of chronic diarrhma. by the u's e of Dr. eating foo d made with impure bakiug Fowlor's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I i powder. The Imperi al Cream Tart:ir used a.bout twelve bottles of ii; and am 1 A SING.Lt: SCRA'fCH may c:uL~c :t lester. Baking Powder is tile only safe one to now enLirely free from the disease, : iJ·g sore . . \'ic.to··ia Curbollc S:ilvc ra11ldly use. Absolutely pure , All groce-rs sell 'll" ML Clearwat er, M11n1to . ba. , so··es. heub c:nt~. 'l\Ountls, bruises, burns nn1laU W1 tam o ·aren, · i~ t ORONO. (From the News.) NEW HAVEl'v. r HAMPTON. l 0 w:a.s -----------