1 " Lady St. Austell has left her villa at He sa.1d your divorce, making the ma.tter, Pos1hpo, for the Island of Capri, where she as it were, a foregone conclusion, and in will be the guest of the Marquis of Lugarno Valentine's espec1a.l interest. -==...:-== d1 Me1ioa, whoee picture~que chat.,.. u and "I am not gomg to pet1t1on?' answered Of all Lung diseases are much 1he same : -- --==-- ---- --=-=- - ora.nge grove~ are known to Italia.n tourists Va.lentine fevenslmess, loss of appe1 1te, sore WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 1888. No C><se of cholera has been heard of on' the The Colonel tried an impossible cannon throat, ]lams m the chest ' utd back, ____ _ _ = .- ' fabnd." Ioff the red m sheer confusion of mmd, headache , etc In a few dayA you may AUTJ:LOR OJ!' "LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET," "WYLLARD's W1,mo," ETO · ETO. I "So she ha.scot a.nd run after all," said "Not going to petition I" he faltered. "No, Why should I? I don't WElnt to be well or, on the othor hand , you may 1the Colonel " What nervous fools some \~~C~ t>' ' w omen are-anrl vet they are of the same ma.try again-£ never should marry a.ga.lnbe down with Pneumoma OI " ,;allopmg \e as a:":t, LITTLE I claya.sFlorenceN1ghtmga.leand b.erf>lster ,whatever mightoocur. I have ma.de one Consumptwn " Run no risks, but begm t uvf?..a~'"e LIVER ICHAPTERXXXVII.-COLONELDEVEIULL ered for a hfe of excitement, found the houd." m1stake,andihadratherab1debyit" immediately to take Ayer's Cherry 9\.\.0'\.5 PILLS. HAsHoPES steamlaunch dull, a.nd instated upon a After this, the Colonel glanced at thel "MydearVa.Jentme,tha.t isone wayof Pectoral. yacht. cholera. news with a careless eye. The one lookrng at the ma.tter, but foru1ve me 1f l Several years ago, James Bachard/of DEWABl!J OF IM:J.'l'ATIONS. ALWAYS Colonel Devenll lo1tered in London for a Mrs Biirldeley had made this worthy woman whose death m1ghc h .. ve seemed a say n'a not the right way" ASK POB DB. PIEB<JE'S PELLETS, Oll week. or so after he left the Abbey He put couple's acquaiab1mce a.t Marlow, where spemal fovor of p~ov1<lence, waa out of reach 1 "Where's the wrong?' D anen, Conn , was severely 111 The LITTLE SUGAB-OOATED PILLS. up at a sporting club In P1ccad1lly, where their villa was used as a water·side hotel by of da.nger-safe on her sea girt isle I "To youraelf first-to my wretched doctors smd he VI as 111 Consumption, Bein"' entirely vegetable, they op. there were roo ms for birds of passage, and a somewhat rowdy social circle, and where Colonel Devenll unfolded his Galianam daughter m the second place. You don't and that they could do nothin g for lnm, erate w1lhout disturbance to the S\Stem, diet, he spent his life Ill a variety of smoking the luncheon table wa$ openly talked of as one wintry mormng m Pil.ns, some weeks want to marry ayain, you say-of course but advised him, as a last res01 t, to try or occupation Put up m glass vials, hermeti I rooms and b1lhard rooms, card rooms and the table d'hote. Leo and her choat.n after he ha.d forgotten a ll about N 1<ples a.nd 1you don't-not now. your wound 18 too Ayer's Cherry Pectoral After takrng ~ally sealed Al"ays fresh and iehable As I readrng rooms He was a member of seven friends used the table d'hote freely, made the cholera, and thts time he waa startled ra.w yet , every touch is ·gony. W·1't t1ll \!'.!. JaxativeLalterathe, 111 purgative, 1 f 7 ~ ~ tlns mechcme, two or three m onths , he 1 ithese IIttle rellets give the most perfect 1 West end clubs, u.nd ha.d a choice o Paces und1sgu1sed fun of the Smitherses, and much more seriously than by the Nea.pol1tan your wound is healed, my dear boy-and was p1 onounced aw ell man H is h ealth sat1sfact10n whwh to smoke and saunter: but the found fa.ult with their cook· but anythmg news of September. fa.ncy yourself then bhrown into the society remains good to the piesent day clubs w ere nearly empty at this time of the had been forgiven Ill a lady who had two or ! "\Ve regret to announce the death of ,of a pretty and sympathetic woman-who J S Bradley, Malden, Mass , writes HH\ A A year, and the few men whom he knew were three tame noblemen in her tram, first L11.dy St. Austell, who expired at Les pities you, a.nd is quite ready to give you a commg a.nd gomg-full of tueir autumnal among all, Lord St. Austell, whose reputa Orangers, Capri after a long illness He1 happier experience of mat>r10d hfe Get ' " T hree wmters ago I took a sm £re cold, Bilious Headache, engagements, un·ettled a.nd somew1se dis tion as a. ma.n of fashion seemed all the Jadyship was a.rnong the E nglish residents your d1vorco-a.nd you may let the ooming wluch i,iptllly tleveloped rn1o Bronclnt1s JDizzlnes!l, ()oustipa. tracccd , not a aohta.ry wanderer like the better bac11.use of its savour ofimqu1ty. No 1 who fiect from Naples, at the first outbreak jlyea.rs do what they like for you-find you a ciou, Iudigestiou, 1 and Consumptw11 I was so " eak that JB1lious Attaclts, andnll Colonel, who had ma.de no plans for autumn virtuous noblemEln had evu achieved snoh of the cholera.; and, frnm the time of her wife or not, a.a heE1ven may order. But I could not sit up was much emac1a.tcd, derangements of the storn or wmter, and who was beg1nnmg to feel old world wide renown as the errmg St. Aus flight, she had been auffermg from a. nervous keep yourself bound to a woman who ha.s and cougherl mccssantly I consulted ach and bowels, nre prompta.oil desola.te tell. fever whicn ei.ded fatally on S!!.turday been false to you, and you shut your.elf out several doctors, but thoy wer e power· ~~~e'b';,diggv~1em~fe~/'.'. Tnc men he knew were civil, and some of Colonel Deverill went over to Ostend, tol morning. Lady St. Austell was the third from a.11 hope of future coaaolat1on," less, and all agr eed that I was m ConPier,p,ols Pleasant Pnrg~ttve Pellets them had a sympa.thettc air, whwh 1mphed confer with his elder da.nghte!, and was re daughter of the }Jar! ol S v>Lthhng. II "I am not the kind of ma·i to be consoled In explanation of the remedi ii powei of these com piss1on for ht n m his aflhct10n a.a a ce1ved on boE1rd the Clotho with almost op I "Gone," cried Ghe Colonel. " Then,, there I-in that w·y," answered -.-r oJentine, dou. sumption At last, ,1 frie nd b10ught me Pellets over so groat o. vaucty of d1 sousee, 1t f h l h f It t th d l f f ~ 'Q " mo.y t1 uthfully be a>ud that their action upon at er, mt e e as m g even m sympa y, pr~:s1ve cor. ia ity ' " · will be a chance or my girl a t eI all gedly, goinv on playmg, aud makmg a shot a bottle of AJer's Cherry Pectoral the ssstem is u1m ~tsul, not a glund or tissue and dreaded lest some offi.,10us fnend ahould . You w.111 stt>y, uf coarse, Colonel, sa.id To rehabilitate his dg.ughter, to raise her 1between each comma "I would rnther From the first dose, I found relief ~~~~:~'fu. ~~~:nt~ai\.'~~:J~ ~f,~~ :7Rt~1ur:do~i t?i~ offer to condole w ith hun. He wondered Digby ~m1thers, who wa.s a short stout from disgrace e.nd seclusion to a better p1ace bear my burden Ill my own manner, if you Two bottles cured me, and my health Chnrrnc i i Lnboratui y Qf Wom n 's DrSPENSAHY whetheI h is daughter's flight had become man, n mk of complexwn, and sandy of in the world than that whtcl1 she had 1pleaee Colonel D a.-erill I don t compla.in hns smce been perfect " l\lilPIC~ L ASSOC IA I ·ON, Bufialo, N Y t<i wn ta.lk T here had been no stir made- hair, "you shall ha.ve one of our best occupied - before her fall, was the m1 st 1of anybody, and I don't ask ~nybody for =====:: : no row, no op~n scandal, a.nd it was possible cabms-the one we saved foi St. Austell: fervent d esire of Colonel Daverill's mmd 1consolation-that's gs.me, l thmk-or for tha.t her dngrace was only guessed a t by the He promised us a week m September, bu. He hardly stopped to ask nimself whether Iadvice." PREPAUED JJY few who I' here llehm c l the scenes of socuity. those tuesome doctors have sent him off to soc:ety would accept such a marriage as a "So be it. Then we'll leave you out of 'l hem ·11 a.s one man, however, Sir RandEll the 0 ·s~ " , rehab1htE1tion, whether the world wuuld the question," ~Md the Colonel, putHP" his Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Go~wold, of the County Oiare Rang·as, with The 0olonel spent a couple of mghts on ever co11$ent to condone th e past, whether cue rn the rack, with an air of nnperturb Sold by all Drugg1ate Price $1 , e1x bottlce, $& 1a offered by t he mauufactur- 1diun Colonel DevP.1111 was on te1 ms of al boa.rd, Ill t~e ca.brn that was to have been the divorced Mrs. B·lfidd would be for able gootl temper "But now we have to Rs of D.{" §~gels (Jatarr~ mo,t hiotheily confidence, and from him he S~ Austell a. lie only s~a.:ted those, two gotten m the second Lady St. Austell, !thmk of my daughter, I have her interests Ch~::;, ~~s1ilCat~nha~~h1in WhhtJ<ild noth·nJ nights m order to ha.ve a quiet talk witn hrn The one pomt m his mmd was that re very much at heart, Mr Belfield, although ~~'1~~~~~~1t"ii"'~Jfthey cannot cure 1' "Have you heard a.nythmg about that daughter. . . paratlon could n()W be made to his daughter, I gnnt you she has behaved dooced badly , ' SV1'IPTO:JIS OJF CA'.Jl'AIUtH.-Dull, ·coundrel, St . Austell," he asked "Do Mrs. Ba.ddelev was lookmg ill, and was and that ic was, lm bu~mess to bring h er and her mte1ests demand d1vo1ce wtGhout j heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal peopl» know tha.t he h11>s gone off wi th my obv10usly out of spu;ts, though she put seducer to book 1 ' loss of t ime. " r~af~~· ;J;~g~~~z,~~i~~~f J;c?1~se'.1;~at.;i;.~ daugh teI ?. ' OD an atr of forced gaiety now a.nd then The first thing to be mana.ged however "Wh t y 11 t t and acnd, at others, tluck tenacious, mucous, " Upon my word, Deveal!, I don t tlunk out of cornphmeat to her hostess. Even wonld be the 1tl'rorce · an( that must a ou rea. Y wan see Your 's blandi hments seemed to have lost b k f ' d ' da.ughter m t he divorce court, to 8 purulent, bloody tmd putud the eyes are anybody kno ~ s a.a much a.a t i.at, b u t I b e Tory needs e a wor o time an or u np1easant h d· d b t ,, have her weak, watc1y, and mflamed, there is rmgmg heve ·here's a general idea. tha.t Mrs. Bel their cha.rm u 1d she allowed that ::1agac10us It t b b t b . h th n1:1me an ie a ou ID every n~wspaper Ill · ' ' h fi kl f m the ears deafness, hackmg 01 coughmg to " b ness mus e rough a out wit e the kmgdom ·" clear the throat expcctorntion of oliens1ve field has gone wrong somehow 0 nenever cau ammal s somew at. c e ancy t~ e won least possible publicity, a.nd it would be "I want to see her ii hted b tno nio.u m11tter, together 'with scabs from ulce1s, tho 1ell how these thrngs get kuov.n. They"seem by Mrs. Digby Samthers, who had con ceived tne Coolnel s duty to use all the rnflu nce h h 1d h ff Yd rJent aftectiou for him, and who mm he could cnmmand Ill order to sho;ten W o a,~ e er. wrong, a.nswere the co; vowe is changed and has a n°sal twang , the to be m the air. St Austell was always au & breath JS offensive; smell m,ct taste n1e 1m, T iatered to his ar)petlte with a reckless drn h h d · h 1 f h one! I want oo see her Lord St. Aus.ells parred, there 18 a aensiition of dizzmcss, with about w1.h her, yo1 1 sne bere was no ' t ose 1 eous reports w 1c i orm t e wife before these h g mental depress10n, a buckrng couga nnd gen- nvstakmg the n ature of hrn attontwns Thl:l regard of con~L equ~;cice~d b" Yofu l~ok dre~ d del!gitt of the n<>wspeiper reade~, and the row to the "rave 'f.rey airs 0 c1own Ill wr era! doolllty Only a few ul Lile .tl>ov~-numtd tellow 1s all tne more cfangerons because fully cut up, 1JO, ~ai er at er, VI t1n c01ef terror of those wbose names figu re "Loi d su"' Au<tell's wife ,., cried V u.Jen ~:pt~l1tso~~n1a~ct~ tga~~ l~~~~~t~l~n ~fh~~~ there 15 <l> vein of smceri ty in lum I ~e is they were sittmg together under an awnmg, t herein Colonel Devel 111 ha.d been na.1ly t' th . h t l J h "Oh I 1rne·t !o1 the t·me berng nt a comfortl!.ble distance from Mrs. Digb} expecti~g 'O l ear that his son rn law h ;d I m"l, w. a ys erica aug ' see mamfostm,,. balf ot the nbo' e sym11toms ie- desperateiy m e · " "nii'thers and a brace of fliaky mations d f" d game, C olonel. L'>dy St Aurtell d.ed h h , l)OUr suit m oonsumpt1on, and end m t he grave P eople S"-W that he wa8 over head and ear s u , ' pet1t10nc or a 1vorce, 1 mt e au as yet l ~t , 1 St A 1- 11 · f No disease is so common, m 01 deceptl\e and m love with Y'>IH dil.ughter-and when he all absorbed by ~he fasm.nat10na of Tory, r eceived no notice to that effect 'j he ta wee' o. wo a.,;o,d an< luds ,lekois r ce cians. l · bl d and all diver"ifymg the manity cf then o marry agam an ;you wou 1 ., mm to dani;-eious 01 less understood h J plws1 By 1ts nnld, soothln<>-, ancl h" ting p opcrties, sold hw St\a e rn t 1e racmg sta e an a.n young man w.\s 1vuent1 y m no haste to marry your d aughtai you are a fat aoerng . 1 Dr ila~ws vata1rb llcmedy Clll<o the "ornt wwnced hrn intent10n of going to Cevlon, conversatlOD bv still more iuano gigg rngs tree him< 1f t:ut n ow he would have to l}e I,, caseso1Cata1111t,"co lc.'.!1ntheli>0a d," pvc-yone knew what it meant. He.was "lamdie1:1dfullycu t up,"she answered gently .st;mu'hted to t he effort \V:th a mau,uponmysou. <Joi yll:a, nnd Catarrbal 1F!leadnche. · ' , tl He burst out 111.ughrng- laugned long and .Sold by druggists evcry whe1e, 50 cents. gr Lili? off with Mrs Beifield. cur Y· man of St Austell's tompi·rament there u Do you knov. - if anyone has seen them "~ell, I don't wonder at it The girl 'ii as no time to be los·. He must not be loud this time, but it was the la.u¥h of hy "Vntold Ago1<y :h Oll!l. Catarrh." was m J otir charge, and you must have felt alloYi ed to tire o± hrn la.st vwtim before he stert<o\ and not of mirth His face nad wl11t t"gebhei ? ' faltered the Colonel. Prof W IL1.uSNL l, tbo f imous mesmerist, ened gradually stnce the begrnn.ng cf this " Re waa seen rn Pans-with a lady ; he respons1ole for her, m some measut"e I wa~ free to espouse her. of Jtlntca, N Y: , "ntcs " Some ten J ems ago suppose there's no doubc she went di' with . conversatwn, and he now looked ghastly as I [ sul!ered untold .igony f1 om clno1 JC nasal "'as heard of at Geno ~-with a Ja d Y , and h e St Austell-and n ot wi t\ any other mau lie felt that the matter was one. m wh10h he stood lAanrng.,,ga mst t he 1nlhatd table catarrh My family pb3 s1cian g.n e me up !l.8 was heard of <t~amat Vemce-w1th a lady"Doubt~ ]f you had seen them togethei , he could not afford to ~e precipitate. Ile m the glare ot the lamps. Presently the 111cm·ble, and mud I m1rnt die My case was y ou would not a~k such a question i ' must approach the question delicately, rn the laugh changed to a chokmg cottgh, and he llUch a bad one, that e' Cl> dl1J-, to vards sun- ouly a weok ago ' " I have a g ood mmd to go after them and "But i( you saw hoVI i;hrngs were tending character of a d1smterested fnen?, a ud put hrn h"ndkerehief suddenly to h is lips. set, my voice" ould become so homse I could barelJ speal, abo1eawl11sper In themo1nmg tr:y to b ring her back with me,' said, Colonel why didn't you stop her-you are ever so b roken hearted father. W ith this view, he \Vhen he sook it away a rnmnte afterwards my coughing >mcl c leunng- uf DJ) Llnoul. wuukl much older-and a. wom&n of exp eneuce." wrC>te to Lady l3elfield, a.skrng her to hire the Colonel noticed on mson stams upon the almost 0 ttanglo me Uy thu use of Di Sages Deverill "Don't attempt ill, my dear fellow. A , S 0 p her 1 Could you stop the Ga.nges? the lurn1sbd cottage on the b!Lnk of t he wlute cambrrn Catnrrh RPmcdy, rn thrne moncl s I wns n '\> Oil roan, and the cum has been permanent " father's 1r fluence and a fathers authority go Sh ' , t headlong to destruction from the Chad for h11n, 1f 1t were still m the mal ket "D t bl d?, h k ~ . f t c. f ti t ' e wn1 " I t' d f p d I d 't f o you sp1 oo e as e1 1. · t f or noth 'lllg a.garns ··n m a ua -ion ia. hour he began to care fox her You don't am ire 0- ans, a.n ?,n c;.re or "Occa.s10nll.lly. It is nothmg of any con· 4'Constm1Uy JJlm,v!ting mul Spitting." kma A little fater, perhaps, when they know wh~t he 1 ~ when he pretends to be in ~~other 'IHnter .on the R,v1era._ he wrote efquence." THOMAS J RUSHING, Esq . 2902 Pine Sl1eet, ,\re both tired of each other, you may do love with a woman God knows what he 18 I spent two wrnters at Nice with my two "Th ti8 t' f d t , d St Louis, 1Vlo , wutes "I was a great suifetel "es they · ..-- 1 1"1l· when ltfe wa brighter with me tn·n a a ques ion or your oc or ·0 e Besiu frnm catarrh for tin ee ycara At times I could somethrng-b \l t noL n Ow ' when he 1s really Ill love and I suppose he g ' Th " Id k~ c1de I don t like to hea.r a poworfully hardly b tcathe and wao constantly hawkmg would be on boa rd a P and 0 before you was really in love with Helen " 0· 8 e scenes wou It 16 now on1Y a.wa . en built young man nyster1ca.l, or to see h~m and sp1ttmg, and fot the last eight months could Qet t o Vemce-cr they would be hid Tht: Coluuel listened with a thoughtful pa.1nfnl assoc1a.t1ons Your Devonshit'e dun sr.nt blooa., could not b10athe th.tough the nost11ls I , ate IS mild enough for a tough old soldier 'T' ., f · t thought noth ng could be done 1or me. Luclr- mg somenhere lD the Apennines or the Aus- brow' Is Canada's Favorite Bread·make1-. Ik f t th tt f nere was a s1 ence or some mmu ea, ~ly, I was nd' i~ed 1o try Di Sage's Cntnrrb trw.n T yro1 ' "Its a had bu, iness," he said, "Elnd I don't 1 e me-so 1 yon can ge eco age or me while each man took out his case and light 1 0 years in the market without a eom· Remedy, and I am now a well man I beheve The Colonel felt the wisdom of this advice. a.ny remedy for it If he wer e only free on reasona.ble terms, I will engage it for six ed a cigarette plaint of any kind. 'I he onl y yeast wluctt 800 it to be the only sure iemedy for catarrh now has stood the test of time .intl never made "HM my daughter sent for her lugg<1.ge manufuctured, o.nd one hns only to give 1t n !le was not the kmd of ma.a to wander all -but I suppose there 8 110 hope th<1>t hw months, and telegraph to ml old butler and sour, un wholeson1e bxend. fair trial to experience astounding nsults und over Etnope in search of an errmg daughter, wife will take it mto her he:i.d to divorc~ his wife to take posae~airm. yet,,, All G1 ocerR sell it a permanent cuie ' though he wa.s aasuxedly the kmd of ma.n to h.m-" L>\dy Belfield replied by t elegram. " Cot "No.' ii. W. C:lLLJ:TT, !?! l'r. '.t'oronto, Ont, & Chicago, lU. ~luot his daugnt er's ~educer, could the) two She ca.n't do it, if she would Her own tage ta.ken lJ't>el sure you wdl E1pprove " Stra,uge." Three Bottles Cure Catarrh. , , "Very strange. Will you come to the c:? @ TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY, ELt Romirna, Run11an P. 0. Columbia Go., be brought face to face without too much position won't bear scrutrny. He 1mght te~;iis." Pa sa~s 'l\iy daughter bad catarrh when tumble on tht colonel's part La1s&ez faire have divorced her five years a.go 1f he ha.d Admirable woman, r~phed the Color:el, Jrav;1ug room and have a chat With my o.® i;t ~ l06 York st T :n· she'w11.3 five yenJS old, very badly I saw Dr. had been the gmdmg principle of his exist c10sen . but he didn't choose. There \\ ere "as busmeas like as she 1s charmmg. Ifmy mother>' ~ <I --~- oro · 0 · Sage s Catarrh Remedy advertised, and pro- 0 "1 think not I t's gettmg late, 80 I won't ;) SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFF& cured 11 bottle for her, and soon saw that it rnc~ It h:\d lvft hun m very low water ID money interests at stake, and I think he poor girl had married the right brother 1D Fn , A a specrn1ty. Out of town work helped her , a thlrd bottle effected o. perma- this later stage of h~~. i but he did n~t m~r p referred his own position as a ma.rned man ste~d of the wrong one, how happy we might disturb her. I' !II gorng to walk homo " nent cure. She is now eighteen years old a.od mur agatnst fote. I ma last blow hit him w1'thout the1 'ncumbrance of a wife to the have been " T' · 1 UJ UJI promplly uttended to ai:d returned · l f f t H t · · . ney went mto the 11all together, and Val iier mstructwns. Bound and heru:ty bard<>r t",an any oss 0 or une e wen idea of abso]u.,e freedom. He might tr.fie He mE1de all his arrangements, 1>11d was en cme nelped the Colonel on with his over G p SHARPE p t to WHk1e Mansions, in search of sympathy with. any 'l\oman's afiectrnne and not fear established m Myrtle Cottag? w1thm ten ccat. When they shook lrnndd, Colonel 1 · · · roprie or. hom his eldei: daughter ; but Mrs, Baddeley to be called to account, don'o you see. And days of thau announcement 1n Gal1gnam Devenll noticed that the young man's hand ,oiext door to Palmer house. Randy to Union w, s at Ostend, with some friends who had a to a. ma.n utterly without pnnciple, the The slovenly old Irish butlllr and the u n was cold and clammy. f .P_f!.!?.!& big yr.cht; a certam Mr. and Mrs. Digby position has its advanta.ges," tidy Irish cook h ousekeeper had the a.rt of "There lS something wrong with my son ~~~~=============~ Smithen, s tock exc11ange people, newly k th t th bl f t llch, and very glad to mullvate the frrnnd " I wish he had been free t~ make a.n m a mg eir mas er oroug Y com or in law" he said to hun~elf as he walked ahip of a L.dy who went everywhere-or honest wom1n of your sister, said · the able A red elbowed di udge, hired in the across 'the park, on his way to a small cot nearly everywhere- and who knew nea.r'y Colunel gloon11ly neighborhl"lod, and a boy to clean boots, run tage, "and it's deuced awkward that he nevel' was Intended, so f11.1 as I c!Ln learn, everybo Jy That thexe V1ere some people "You mean free to ma~~ her Lady errands, a.nil work ID the gii.rden, complet should put up his back aga.inst a. divo10e P 'lhat either men or women VI ere intended to whom Mis B 1 d deley ha.d never aucceer ed St Austell,' sneered Leo. If she had ed the household, and the Colonel was more I believe it 1s sheer malevolence towards my be bald 3 I lhmk you will bel!eve me, mdeed Im sure with a. Jones or a S m1t.h, ca.refully mim tored to t h<1>u Homo noblemen unhappy dauahter There are some men 10 knowmg, gave h er JUSt tha.t touch of poor run away you will, huma:nty whrnb brought her in sympathy you would not ~are n a.lf ~0 much about it wi,ch thirty or forty servants. · who don't kno~ ho~ to be generous.' If at the Pan$ Hair Vi7 01ks"you J1ave called, The cottage was picturesque without be Although the Colonel was very fond of a >Hth Mrs Digby S:rnthers, who found it I know your Irish pride ing damp, an admirable quality in cohages good run with the h ounds, he did not take There is one thmg Nature thrnka of- let us hard work to foi ce her way in scctety, even " Ca.n I help ha\ ing a. Iong 1me of a.nces It stood well above the. ri ve~, with ~bout an advantage of Valentme s offer of a mount thank her for all w9 canbv t he aid of Gunter and D ..n Godfrey, tors. A feelmg of thElt kmd 1s in a m an 's acre of ga.rden sprawling ID an irregular He went the round of the stE1bles wi'th Sir She takes partwular trouble with our race, Under these mrcnmatances, Mrs Digby blood Do you know where V1dy S,, Aus. fi th 1 ll d d ll d She knows a scanty growth of hair, the gray gure on ~ l l ,81 e-goo · o c gar en Adr1<1n one non hunbnl( morning. and ex and wh1te;:nng locks, h · d · , Suut hers' nou eo Ill Eton place aud at M Elr· tell is and whats e 18 omg? g_round, tee.mrng with old fa.sh1oned peren amined all the horses, imd praised some of 'V1ll detract from the heauty of the face. lo v, a.nd Mr D ghy Smithers' yacht, the " She is at N u.pies, I beheve-she has a ma.ls, and m.:h lD old fashtond shrubs, gueld them ; but he would not put himself under But Nature has her laws so strict that you Clotho, were very much <1.t Mrs. Iladdeley's villa wmewhere in tbe suburbs, and lives er roses, g'>lden bloc m, arbutus, hhc and an obligation to his son in-law. must never err, service, and still more at the servwe of Mrs. in a certain style She has a rich Itr.llEln laburnum. The rooms ~ere small, cosy" , l!'or you'd surely pay the penalty at last, Mai nuis for her banker, and 18 sa.id to spend furmshed with substantia.l old fashioned , I don t feel hke hun~mg this wmter ,,, for Su8tam 1t the t bounteous head of hair Badtlel< y',; fo.sluouable hangers on. -· rather recklegs1y I am tol d she furmture of the Reform Il 11 era-clnmsy, Ive <>out· he Dr.Dorenwend'sHairMaglcsunsurpassed. "Ask as many mce fellows as you hke," monev . had " some UJly "' twitches of " . said Smnhera "'!:here a.re eight good t , ke1 chloral, so there m1ght be a chance ponderous, comforta.ble Lady Belfield said; I shall wait for a httle fishmg m Just t1y 1t you afthcted, you nover will regret ca.bms in tne Clotho, ar d she 8 pretty well f , r Helen, if St. Austell doesn't get tired of ha.d taken a basket of hot house flowers to the sprmg, or I ma~ have a. ~hot a~ the birds A~get;!a~~d'th'a~e.te~ ~Wta~n~v:,~ t~~~ilniake found, a.a I tlnnk yon know." her too soon." fill all the howls and vases, and hEld .seen on the marches-with youi permission, Sir you soon forget SURGEON, "The Clotho rn fairy land," cried Leo, " H ow heartleesly )OU talk of your &ister " cheiry wood fires h~hted in all the rooms Afdrianh Ibthkmk your land runs down a.s '.the expenditure a bottle will entail. "Th C l tl ht t b 11 d F ""'b h d t b t I h d h d d , d d" ar o.s t e as et maker's cotta,-;.i." l O.N'l'. ga.1 y e o 10 oug o e ca e or "' e as cease o e my sis er ave a.n a sprea. . new mag~zines an peno 1 "And for nearly a mile beyond," r eplied This now famous preparation for i nvfgtnnatus, or the Wrnhmg Cs.p. One has only done with her forever. ca.ls on a table m the drawmg room, so that Adrian oratrng and $tlmula ·mg the o-rowth of the to ask and to have. When Iha.done of my "One would thmk you had been m love the Colonel's first excfo.ma.tion on entering · JI i"' l La~y Belfield begged Colo11el Deveri!l to hair is umversa y .wcephtec as kt ie mAo~tl · bad headaches the other day, and Mrs Dig wivh St. Austell, or you would hardly be so the rnom was . "This looks like home." by Smithers 'ii rung from me that there was bitter.' There wae a note from Lady Belfield on drop m at the Abbey :vhe?ever he. hk,ed, valuable specific c n t e mar et. only one brand of champagne that ever did "Suppose I wa.s in love with him I At the chimney piece, asking him to <linner tha.t She felt very sorry for him m his sohtua? diseases of the scalp are either relieved or my hea.daches the least good, there was a any ra.te, I did not comp1om1se myself on evening, which he ha.staned to accept by and she felt also that Valentme owed him permanently cured A rich and rapid M. bottle of that 'ery brand open beside my Ins account. Why could not H elen take meElnB of a hurried scrawl and the handy boy., som~ amends fo,r the e':il en~ tha.t he.d come growth of hair will follow after JUdic10us berth rn two mmntes. The Clotho is a yaoht care of herself as I have done? Could she There wa.s no one a.t the Abbey but the to his daughter 8 rnarned life It lia.d not and re"ular treatment It remams with tire prepated to pay the highest price of miraclee If it were only big euough to not like a man-without throwing herself family, ~nd the dinner. was not hve.ly, al· ~f:~ ~!ft~":~sc~~':!:ed ;-:h;ehu:::~~·~i~~s the u;er alone tu secure the d esired carry 11. roes egg, I should not scruple to ,1sk into his arms " though Constance Belfield did all m her results. Dr D or en wend's "Hair Magic" 0 11 all lands of Gram delivered at t he for one I know it would be there. Per "She was lees a. .woma.n of the world than power. to mamtam the interest of the co~ could but see her Lad St Austell ls sold by all druggists at $1 ppr bottle, 1 .haps you h . ve some patent. co~,press1ble you, Leonora. It ia not every woma.n who versa.ti?n-, There was '." dogged gloom i.i before 1 die I mi ht 0 down ~o the rave or six bottles for $5 If not ~,..,.t11mable r' Wharf or th01r Store House in town roes egg Ill tne hold, all th,s tune. can take care of herself, as you h ave done, Valentrne s mimner w hich r epelled confi· · " h' 'dgt0 lg If g m your loc<1.hty send direct to the sole . b h d H l k d M d h S · h l 1f 11 d " d and there a a ubd d l h I 1 m peace, e sai umse · 2 0 D 1g y m1t ere aug e . e i e 1 rs. an yet a.muse erse as we as you o. ence, . , w s ue me anc YI He bad area.ms a.bout her in liis cottE1ge manufacturer enclosing price A DORN· Baddeley to chaff him about his yacht, · · · . . · upon Adnan s countanance, winch was only b cl h b l ll d b th 1 h 1 h f ti p 'n a.ir W ors, k 103 d 105 · fll h Cl ID ·11 db ht d h h dd dh' th 1 e camer,n e y epis p as o 1e wmrn, ans an though hechdnot always o ow er mean A month later, oone. even opene r~7 ene wen ea re~se is mo er: flowmg tide His slP.c·p was haunted by Yon St Toronto. For sale b J. rng He wa.s not a man of profound read 1 his Times, on board his Scotch frrnnds' Val has had one of his long da} s with 1 th d" t t d . 8 . h h ge ., Y ing: He had, in fact, never read anyi;h1~g yacht m the Orkneya, a.nd started at seeing t~e foxh~unds," sa.id Lady Belfield, apolo~e 1reK!~tio~ o~ir :~~~~~ ; ~~k:;ctho~g'h~~l: H1ggmbotham & Son, and all druggist except the newspapers, and ther.e lus studies l a lme m la.rge type, among the telegraphw I t~ca.lly, so you 1~~t not take any notice interwoven with the nonnense pictures of _ !!2££5 = wer e confined t o such mformat1on as a.ffect news, "Cholera. at Naples, seventeen IO· him 1£ he ~a du.11 . 1sleep He saw her sta.ndmg at the altar Female Fun, ed his own interests. .For thirty yea'rs of deaths." . Colonel Devenll was bent upon conclhat I with St.Austell by her side but there was · , his hfe - from seventeen to forty seven, he "By Jove," muttered the Colonlll, with a mg his s~n m law, and was n11r~ful to talk a lways some discordanb unage somethmg ~o The editor said to hta wife.: 'My dear, had given himself up to the busmess of mon thrill of guilty plea.sm e, "LE1dy St. Austell I of 1he th mgs Valentme l_oved T b.ey pla.yed stop the ceremony before the vows were if you only had a little gumption .Y&ll could ey makinr- and now at forty seven he will have to cut and run from her Neapoh 1 a couple ot games at billiards afcet· dmner, I k St A t 11 h d t sit down and help me uut by wntm g a few bad a· last brought himself to believe t hat , tE111 V illa " I and talked of the huntmg. V alontme waa ~po en - or t us e ctbanghe mh 0 somet funny paragiapl' s of a miscellaneous charac b t t H di t d mcoogr uoua s ranger-or e o urc was no f f h h k · ar y, unle.ss g1~?my, u no i11 na ure '8 c hurch- or the parnon was not a p!trsou ter o a teTnoo~s w en your ousewor is h e had m ade enough money, and. eould af I ·would ahe cut and r un' ford to spend some. Hitherto hrn wife and he she wer e a very foolish woman. Di.re dis 1 If you na.re about huutmg, we can mount No aui h dream ever came to a ha end 11 off your hands. 1 d 'h h d h d b th PPY ' g "I don't supposo I ht1.ve much of what 1 had born content to h vo their Joo trot lives cases which ravt\ge the narrow streets of a you foi two days a week all through the t " d crowd e d season, ,, h e sa1t . 1 " T nere are plenty of goo d I- an e a sue reams y e score ll , b u t there would b e no 1 ill Bloomsbury at an expenditure of fifteen city the lanes and a.Ile} s an 1 you ca 'gump"1on, I hundred ,\ yea; , taking their chief pleasure qua.;ters where the ha,·d workmg poo1 con hnnters My mother has beeu very generous 'f "I shall go off U:,Y head if I ~ead this lonely ! harm m try mg " 1 from the knowledgethatJ they were ama asmg gr egate-arerarely kno >\ n t o visit 8uburb>.1n to me lately u.nd we haw increased tne stud. h.e much longer, he told himself, wakmg Seatmg h ersetf she dashed off the follow WI I~ J~ ~~ ~lJWXi (~,~ ~.!~ 1' ~" I thousands year aft er year; but at laet the 1villas perched high up on the <>re·t oi a It 1s the only th·ng a man can do in this In the ?~ad of ~1ght after o;ie of t hose trou. ing an<i passed it over to h er lord and M l~ ,~ ~ ~!Iii\~ .I 1r"l!f fl ~-'Ii.~ llt " ' t.n1e had come when Mrs. Srmthers, child flower scented hill, with their backs to the glcomy bole " bled vmons I ,~rnst get .ueonora to come master : Has received her new ntook of l 1ess, and eeemg her charms on the w1:1ne, ornnge groves and their faces to the sea I "You find Ch,.dtord gloomy " and stay with ID" "Snc docoratcd her room wit h bric a bi;uc [ t old herself and told her husband that it N o cholera. pornon woukl pollute the air that "I always u 1d. I have tolerated the He telegr~phed to Mrs. Bacl<lefoy next and pwtures and surmounted the whole with ' Ii::':>., ' was n >W or n ever. I' they were 1>ver to see blew mat Lll.dy St Austell's winuows She place b·causo 1t s my home-it has boen mormng. . ! her husba.nd a photo , then, sitting down 1life and enjoy the frmts of pro~per1ty, there 1would be safe e;ioug'h · · h L d' fB . needs must, don't you .kno·v,-but I believe "Dull, despondent a1>d ill,, Fo1 God's sake I in ad1m. at1on of h~r work, she exclaim~ , d n 1nv1tes t e a ms 0 ow- wv.s not an hour to lose. Notwithsta.ndrng thts opmlon that no h·:>.rm I have always hated 1t. Im very sure I come and take care of ml . Now everthrng la lovely and the goo\..) manvHle and vicinit1; to Uiged by his wife therefore Mr Smith 1 cottld posmbly con:e to Lady Sc. Austell, hste ib now" I Mra. Baddeleywaa for from berng peifect, hangs high? " ~ ~ .J ' 'ers E1ssumed tho pren'omen Digby, bestowed Colonel Deverill read the cholera column This seemed natural in a man who had but she was not a G·oneril, .and El·e arrl':ed l "Ahem, my dear," said the " boss;" "we and see her Pattern \ on him m baptism by an 1mpeCU'JIOUS half w ith a keener lllterest t h.an other parts of been b,adly tn:ated: '.[he Colonel pause;l by the express next day, with her Russ1E1n do not usually do thes~ thmgs up exactly m pay captain, with whom Smithers the eldet· the paper, and had a pattlcularly sha.rp eye upon h is stroke to. sigh, and then made Ins poodle. I that style. Betr.er strnk to your househad claimed cou11msh1p. With an Ellmosti for news from Naples Cholera was report cannon neatly, with a s11bdued air. 'j (To BE CONTINUED) work.' and assortment Oi ' fevensh haste he exchanged Bloomsbury for ed all through Southern Ita.ly, as well a.s at "You have had reason to be set aua.inst His photo hung <oo high to suit him. Eton place, and the solid upholstery of Fms Toulon and ~a.rseilles z and every day the place-lately,' he said? tlesvoi;idently, Never Closed. ! bury Pavement, for the artistic cabmet work showed o. new hat of v1~tims All the Eng and then he dawdled ~or a. little while as ho The land devoted to wine grapes in Fra.Jace "Is that Mr. Smith's place of business ?" would, if g1 ven over to the cult1va. tion of He bought lish visitors were lea.vmg NE1ples and its cha.Ike? his .cue, trymg to fin~ the best 1 and high art fabrics of Druce. 1 a river side villa at Marlow "Ye~, sir; but it is closed now." and a steam vicimty. words m which to approa.ch a difficult sub whea~ a.nd corn, supply that country with " Will it be open in the morning?' l!TOll.ll 1-Seeond Door west or William la.unch, which speedily beca:Ue a horror to At last appeared the name for which Jeot. "You-y()u have not petitioned for gra.m for which she now gives tG', other coun"No; but his wife's mouth will." l·leller IUaJJ· · rowing men- but Mrs. Smithers, who hank Colonel Deverill was on the w11toh. your divorce yet, I suppose." tries about $120,000,000 ea.oh yea.r. LIKE AND UNLIKE. By M. E. BRADDON, The First Symptoms ' "S Tha Oriainal 00 I I S uw HEAD ACHE n Im I l I I I I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ° I 0 I I ° 0 !ROYAL YEAST -\) n I 1 I ANOTHER WONDER. 1 GR A I N ' J no. cMurtry & Co. I I ! l I I I If ·'1£ I Z[ I l , · ! CT [!iJj ! Ge'\. Q DC.::! l I call : I I I" B 0 N N ET S, HATS TR I M M I N G S l