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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1888, p. 4

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-THE- PRBTTIBST I - - 0- - v A DISEASE called "theyellowa" is mak· ing coosiderable headway among the peach orchards of the Niagara peninsula and efforts are being made to get the sale of infected fruit prohibited with the hope of forcing growers to stamp out th" e disease by destroying the infected trees. IN an address on commercial union before the Elgin Farmers' Institute, at Port Stanley, on Tuesday, \fr . Erastus Wiman s1.1id the sentimAnt of the Canadian people in reforence to the President's messa11:e had been most admirable. They~ were dignified, self-reliant and self-contained, yet manifesting a disposition to meet any fair proposition half way. FRIENDS of Sir Charles Tupper oom· plain that those Conservative organs which are known to be gmded in their utterances by Sir John Macdonald, have scatcely noticed the iiromotion of Sir Charles Tupper to a baronetcy. No such furore is .made over Sir Charles' h onors as was heard when Sir John got his G. C. B. Had the Dominion Government been consulted about the matter, it is very doubtful if Sir John would have permitted his rival to secure an hereditary title. F .rmers th,; Burd~n Bearers. Local and Otherwise. All desire my beautiful patterns of WALL PAPER. It is acknowledged I have the best assortment and prettiest patterns in town. - - o-- Don't fail to give me a call. P. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. p· ·so, and driving horst1s from 5 to 10 years ..Jd, for which the highest prices 'l'he undersigned ha;;:;;;eived instruction to EXACTING sell by private ""le thM, s"ve" "crei or lot 23 in ' ,will be paid. This week, mind you. SERVICE :Lord Stanley will visit tho Kingston the 7th Concession or th ~TownsLtip of Darling· A DozEN YEARS.- · ' Dc·ar Sirs,- Fur ton known as belonging to I.Ila Little Estato, Provincial Fair on the 13th inst. ye1na l)ast been rent· and which has for some twelve years I suffond fr,m, '1yspe1--·i:t ed and occupied by .James Pye, blling compos· and liver complain t ,. ., ., wae .,, .veak I ed of the seven acres lying immediMely· 1o the Sm. Wn,LIAM HoWLAND, who has been ·could not leave m v lwd for eiKht months, South of the Northerly nine ac· es of the South half of the East half of said lot, PRESIDENT CLEVELAND now possesses, making· a tour of Manitoba, reports very and had little hop · of ewir being cured. Title indisputable, pos~ession can be gi>cn ' by the Retalliation Act of 1887,the right favorably on the wheat crop. · 1· t" -l Three years a;;., l tried Burtlur.l.. Blood immediately after harvest. For further particn lar· apply to & Ji BiLters, and am ·hanl<ful to say I now entu prohibit absolutely all commercial D. BURKE SIMPSON. )!; &,,.;..>\' \.. 0 ,.vn.tor:i:-;bY SQlicit.or for Vendor. c '!{{!.. n ~ THE uominationa for the local election intercourse uetween Canada and the Mida Matthews, of Toronto, has been vis- joy good h ealth, and I arlvise all who are 35-tf Locomotive Jll by exclusna iting at Mr. R. Worth's afilicted to try B. B. B." Mrs. Harriett - - - - - - - - ·- - - - · · Eng-ineers.ConAgents (lending in Froatenac will take place on October Unittd s ~ates by means of Canadian .iuct,ors,.,dother Jewelers). with .. Rev. H. S. Matchews has gone tn Win- Hobbs, Muir Avenue, Brocton, Ont. \ Ra11v·:1 men. The.Jr F'ull Warrant>·· 4th, and the polling on the 11th. vessels. He now asks for power to stop nipeg on a holiday tour. 'l'hc September issue of Tho American imports from and exports to Canada io Miss Furby, of Port Hope, has been J\Iagazine is a notewr>rthy one. In adDR. WILLOUGJIDY, ex-M. P. P., of bond by rail. The east and west through visiting at Mr. D. Beith's. ditio n to an intere>ting and varied colin Colborne, has been selected as the Con- traffic over tl!e Canada Southern, G.-and Mrs. D. Smith, of P ickering, is visi ~ - lection nf choice literary features, are two the will of J.AM]jjS CAHSCADDEN. late vi or tbe Town of Bowman ville. in the County of ing friends in Bow m1\uVille. very forcible articles on ques r . ions of the servative candidate for East Northumber- Trunk and other roads will be stopped if rlAceaAArl, .TH.mes McLaughlin. Phy· THE JEWELLER Durha.m. Mt·s. C. L. Mun3on has been visitiuQ' at dr.y-one on "The President's Error," by sician. 'l'homas Bingham. Agent. and Elizabeth ' land. retaliation goes into force, for the simple Mr. F. A. Philp's, ColbDrne. .James G. Blaine, and the other by Gov- C><rs~11dd,m. Widow? th o.,Executors and ~x- Has heen appointed sole acrent for ecutrxx, named in said Wu! are open to receive . h reason that the freights cannot get into Mr. and Mrs. Ud. Shaw were in De-· e1·uor Foraker, on "Tariff and Labor." offers and negotrnte with parties ror the pu.r- the celebrated ROCKFORD WATCIIES JosEPH SALTER, aged 93 years, touched lVlr. Blaine takes Mr. Clavebnd severely chase and sale of the South half of lot No. 20 m the United States at either end of these · · ' an electric b11ttor1 starting all the matroit last week visiting r elatives. t;.1 task for mamr of the asaertions madt1 tbe 'ith Co~cession of the 'l'!Jwnahip of Clarke. they are the best A . merican Watch which .lie within sections of railway chinery in the Buff·.lo Bhow, which openMrs. Morphet, of Petetboro, has been in his message of last D ecemb1;1r, and Gov- A ea!& will be made subJect to a lease to laaacChap~an. for :five. year.s from manufactured and are guaranteed Uanadia11 Territory. visiting al;.,Mr. C. l'.1. Cawker's. eroor Foraker h~ndles his subject in his .Tobn_and the first <lay or April, 1888, which yields a · · ed un Tuesday <>f l ·st week. · Mrs Gatenbury, of Winnipeg, is visit- usual cle1Lr style. ~~i~t!~~: ~~~if:h'o~~~~eP!.)~~~~esi~.months in 1from the factory as being fint-class, 'I GENERAL BooTH ha9 issued e.n order to In a le ~,ter to the Globe, tho Hoo. Wil- ing relatives and friends in town. · . THE NEW YORK DAILY GttAPlIW has . '!' js conveniently sir.H!1ted ' Call and examine them of rich sot!, and has excellent bu·ldmg· and ' · the Salvf\tion Army in England and liam McDougall discusses tho fisheries Miss Lottie Glover was in Toronto re- started a new fe~ture, "Our Poet's Cor· 1s fences; the terms of payment can bo m~<lc to 1 America for the observance of a week of question in reply to "The Haldimand De- cently at the wc~ddinA of a friend. ner," and, as THE GRAPHIC i.nnounces, suit the purchasers, but not less than one-third \Ve have also the hnest stock of purchase money is to be paid down, balance self-denial, by which he expects to realize fence." He declines to regard the adMrs. Grose, of Dunkirk, N. Y., has ·~the depa.rt~en\i~ ex12ressl~ designed f<?r of can be carried for a time at six per cent on a all kmds of Watches, Gold and . · dressas on that ccca11ion a defence. He been visiting at Dr. McLaughlin's. t 1 " P'.ofit an · ?e e r~t10.n _ 0 . our poetic mortgage being given upon the premises for ·. .£5,000. . . . , . ,, . contr1 hutors," 1n which 1t is mtendecl to the purchase money, ' Silvar, in the town of Bowmanville I<'or fnrther particnlors <>PPIY to any of the · - - - --- - _ first alludes to the enormous strength of . ~i~s. Lome ~c<Jl~llan~ of _S_t,: Ihomas,_ publish all the verses sent that paper. Executors or Executrix, in the Town of 1 In J ewellry, we have an endless . This is, we believe, t.hc £rst attempt of above 'l'HE Globe commends Sir .John for the U~ited States as compared with Can · JS visitmg relatives ID tlus vicmity. Bowmanville, or to · · t · d l Mr. Ed. Bassett, of Toronto, was 111 any metropolitan daily to encoura"e the u. HUHKJJ: t:llMPSON, variety-Clocks of all kinds very ~.i-tf Solicitor for the Executors, .:,, · staying awey from the Beaverton demon- ada from a mihtary pornt 0 view, an a - town last week visiting his parents. developip.ent of Amzrican poetical ~enius - . ---- --~;.-.A.LE O F ____ _ -- . ! · cheap. that he would have so finaucially,and .then discusses the Pres · · 1 certam · 1y "fill a 1ong f e l t want" Btration and augr·ests ~ Mr. S. S. Edsall and family · ha~e been and wil I In Silverware we have the e:o:- """' shown still greater wiedom. had he. kept idential indictment of Canada on the rusticating down by the Bay of Quinta. as well as increasing the already exceed. Mr. Tupper and Mr. Foster a.way also. question at iesue,4!!1nd concludes that we Mrs. Pope has returned from Syracuse ingly .great popuh~ity of the Graphic. elusive right to sen ror the largest - - -·-- -- are substantially guilty on the four counts, to viRit her daughter, Mrs. D. D. Deach. Here is an opportunity for ou~ local poeh 110 ACRES. firm in the U.S. The quality and 'h M th d" t · · . . · . . . . t.o become celebr ·ted by sendrng their ef· f T RE rncome o · e e o B m1ss10n- that we are uneighborly, we misconsture 1 Miss :r;;tra Glover is vlSlt~ng he~ aunt, fusions, written on one sidA of the sheet, , -o'pl'ices are the best ai.JCl lo west in . ary society for the year 1887.-8 collected and misapply an old treaty, we a re mean Mra. Brimson, and other friends in To- to the Poetry Editor of tho Graphic, New The undersigned has received instructions . , from the owner to sell by Public Auction, on this part of 1.he country, We ask by the v11rioU3 con'ferences in Canada, enough to accept fa>'ors which we re fuse ronto. York Mrs . N, S. Young and her sister, Mrs. · amonnts to almost $220,000, or an in- to reci'proc 11te,and we continue to violate Barber, enJoye · d a trip to N. iagra F<a11s reyou to call and examine ou r goods CUURTICE. crease of nearly $20,000 ovor tho pre- our own contract of 1871 respecting can- cently. · before buying. Mrs . · John Richards and daughter of 1888, at RUEBO'l'1'0M'S HOTEI,. in the vious year. The desired "quarter of a ttfa . The Globe leditorially reviews the Miss Caroline Stephens, of McGraw- Pickering aro visiting friends here. Town or nowmanviue, Specs and Eye GlasRes, Cases, &c., million for misaiun3" was not reached. l etter and contends that Canada's inter- ville, N. Y., is visiting relatives, in We~t Our champion trader has been at it again, at 2 o'clock in the a.fternoon, that valuable we carry the leading stock, and farm known as the - - - - - - -- ·pretation of the Treaty of 1818 is sound Durham. four times in one day is not a bad record THE Globe hears on good Conservative and that Canada cannot fairly be charged Our readers will be pleased t o hear for trading horses. guarantee every pair for 6 mc·nths, ~uthorit.y that the Dominion Government that Hon. E. Blake's health is reported if well used. If they l:}reak we Rev. J . .J, Ashton, B. A. , ancl sister with unneighborliness. much better. containing 110 acres of land, being the same will repair them free of charge. have decided to take no step to avert reof Newcastle, were visiting friends in more or less, being composed of the South one Mr. Harry Taylor and Miss v.urn Tay- this vicinity last week, hundred and-twenty.Jlve acres er Lot No. 10, C a11 an d ge t fitt·ed properIy. taliation, but to wait, simply wait, · aad MR· BLAKE'S BEQl.'JEST. lor)have been vi ..iting friends in Campbell'l'here was a private social gathering at in the 7th Con. of the 'l'ownship of D1tr!ington. let Mr. Cleaveland play his hand and in the Count.y of Durham, except about ten 0 . R , D , n:r ford and vicinity. the lake on the 4th inst. Cracks! it was acre" on the ::lot1th-west cornor thereof, owned 1 lJR EPAIRING EPARrME.NT.-- n e then consider what steps should be taken by Vanstone, aud several Village lots sold oft' 1 th ld The Hon. Ed ward Blake has nrnnifestMr. Rebert Beith was in Buffalo last a cold day for a picnic. from the south or front part of said Jot con- can on y go over e same o sayfor the protection of Canadian interests. · A uumbcr of people in this neighborh" d week, a j udgo on Clydesdales, at the big taining five acres. more or less. · tl t - W l Cl k ed ane w in a very substant1a1 way ts e- International fair. On the premises is a good frame house with ing, la - we repair ate l0S, OC S U · hood are making preparations to ~o to large kitchen aud wood shed attaohod, in a d J, 11 · th . t k" lf 1 SEVERAL individuals recently registered votion to the interests of the -niversity Mrs. John Percy, jr., and Mrs. L. A. the Toronto Exhibition. every way suited for a first-class farm, and is n ewe ry Ill e mos S 1 u at one of the Tor onto hotels each signing of 'foronto. The Minister of Education Tole are visiting their sister, Mrs. R. Miss Bessie Brooks has resumed her in ~ood repair. Also good barns, the main W 1 k d being on a stone foundation with stables manner, e a r e 'JO e upon as him~elf doctor, and commenced business has been notified that Mr. Blake h1ts Sylvestei-, at Lindsay. scholastic duties at Whitby Ladies College barn underne.a th for horses and cattle, and a cella.r th 1Y 1,el"la hle ,.,.T ~ b I . · for roots ; this WliS put in thorough order e On VV at;C flla (el ln under the name of the London Medical \transferred to the University the sum of Miss M. Nott, Miss E. Hall, Mr. K. which oponod on the Gth inst. the year of 1887. '~he other buildings th" , t f tl t. M ere , Association. Information laid $2,500, to be applied . to scholarship3 in Morrison and H. Smale left last week to A Bowinanville paper advertises a base during are first-class and commodious; the fences are IS par O le conn l y. was attend I'ort Hope Model school. ] Jl t t th F 11 I" · t good order. t lk" 't d h k b t I · t th b · If 0f the Ontario the DerJartment of Political Science. This Ja ournament a e a i air, o]_'len o in'l'he farm is ·ituated within 100 yards of a a ing can 0 t e wor , u too s, agams · em on ena Miss McTaviah has been in Toronto all the prominent clubs of West Durham mill. church and school. and the Post OJlioe of b"l" · · College of Physicians and Surgeons for sum is the amount Mr. Blake received for purchaeing millinery goods, and has the excepting ours. The Star!! don't see why Tvrone, and has a good road to the Harbor a 1 ity and expe rience combined · f h" h h ] t contravention of the mec1imi1 act i11 prac- his argument in the case of Ontario s- latest styles for the ladies of this section. they should be shut out from competing and Town or Bowman ville. about seycn miles can, o w ic we ave p en y. dis1ant. tising without a licence and they 1eft the gainst the~ Si. Catharines Milling and H . JWiott, E sq., Reeve of H ope, came with the other,. (Probably it is open to 'rhe soil is a fi no clay loam rolling. and in a good state of cultivation ; about 80 acres are city to e vada pro 3ec ution. Lumber Company and the Dominion Cfov- over on the Norseman on Friday. .H e amateurs only.-ED.) '.l'RIM. arable Without the slightest obstruct.ion. j -·- -- - - -ernmeut, less the actual uecessary expen- had been paying a. visit to tht) Flour · - - -----.. ··It is watered with good wells and cistel'ns, 44 The Jeweller. and a livivg stream or spring water flo ws A K INGSTON paper having boasted that ses of the ablfJ 1.tlld eloquent. pleader. The 5J~ty-;, h D' . SULINA. down through the We~tern edge of the !arm 1 . U . . ,, t . 1 ,, · Rev. M. Gunn, pastor of t e w1p e JJrcssmakersare numerous around here. . f. eleven too . k fi rst p1ace out ad vice of the m v .e .· rn1ty oona e w11 ye church, has gone with his family for a a littlt.1 girl o which 'l'he title has never is indisputable dried up toand fail. possession to "' d t l t th 11 l b 1 f ' 'l'here are several I arms in t his section p!,,ugh oun b., given immedii>tely aftor the f lo o 1 can · Lda ei; recent ya e co eg- t aken as to the p11rt1c u ar rarw ies 9 J!llt..._ J,'s t rip, visiting in Western Onanle, and full possession as soon as tho one· for sale. fourth or tile purchase money ls paid. on or · iate instittne in that city, the Dundas I litical science in which the scholarship3 tario. ~ . , M rs. H ooper 1 1as been visiting fri"ends a.rter th e 10th day or October. 18~. Banner very rightly says that instead of ' shall be awarded. Mr. Blakoi's time ly Miss Bertte Adams and Master Edg~.r in Oshawa. 1 :-Ton per cent· purchase money atTEKMS time of sale, and enoug. h of to make 011e·fonrth being a credit to her parents and teachers bequest combined with other generous Adams are visiting _friends .a t Lakefiel?M B I H b · and Peterboro ; Miss Jen me Adams 1s ' i~s ert ia ogarth has een visi t111g of same within thirty days. The bala.nce can - · · · . ' . it is a disgrace donations for the same obiects, ensures . . t. . d s a t 0 rono. frien ds in Cobourg. bo given in cash or may remain on mortgage · to them. This destruc. . v1s1 mg f nen on tbe premises for five, with interest at Elegant in Design tion_of t_he i~1te_Hect~ of children by over- for the University a strong P~litical SciMessrs. Stephen Edgar and _ John McMiss D. W erry has recovered from a th<:> rate of six per cent. per annum, with irnch condition· as to payment of the whole, or any taskmg is cnmmal m the highest degree, ence Department. Mr. Blakes was ape- Pherson arrived here from Marshalltown, very severe attack of inflammation. Solid i n Construction vorLiou or Lile pi:rnuival moucy·, at the end of c;bserves the Toronto J_,abo:.- Refor mer, culiarly graceful act. H e has done the Ia., on Saturday. ,John's visit will be a Mr. J. Clark is practising a blood ~ny year as the purchaser may require. Excellent in Tone and mimy will agree with it. The pre- Province a double service, and at the memorable one in his history. horse for the Fall fairs. Quite a jockey will be mado known at time PRONOUNCED BY ARTISTS TO BE TH'" FINEST ofOther sale. conditions For further particulars applv to , ~ J,EVI A. TOLE, \ MflDE IN Cf1Nf1Dfl 1 and equal to the best United States cociously smart and over schooled boy is same time has well served the University. , Mr. a nd Mrs George, 0 f,Norwi~h; Mrs. Jo~~~ Job. 'fhompson has sold 25 acres or to Auctioneer, . Instruments, at (when duty and freight is paid} 1 0 generally tho father of the dull, stupid The fee he well earned by a splendid de· ~:~;~~~:n~{ ~!r~r~! a{~: ~fP~t~~~~~~; of land to Mr. W1i; . Bain and will move SAMUELJ.H.A.LL, I clod of a man. fence of the rights of Ontario he gives are visitino at Mr. Thos. Kirby's. t o the county of l)xford wh~re be has · . th.e p · "' J: Stenhcns, Cobourg, who purohaacd a farm. k to t l10 P rovmce b ac' t·1 irough . rov1nMr. Geo. Sm John McDonald was advertised to cial University. And Mr. Blake's whole h as been spending some months among , Mr,' J. Cl:irke has ren~ed Mr. Allan the Berlrnhire Hills, .Mass., seeking 'l.rull s.fa.rrn ~ioar.MitcheH.s Co~·t~er.s, and FOR YOUNG LADIES. OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBE &CO. · be present at the Beaverton picnic last service to CamLd:t for a quarter of a can- health, is home, not having found what Mr. K1vell Im~ renbti.:l t!,H BaJ,er farm Wykeham Hall. College Ave. Toronto. Ilo· 107-109 CHURCK STREET, 'TORONTO 1 Thursday, b11t he was "detained at Otta- tury has been equally unselfish:--Observ· he soblght; now uecupie'l by Mr. Clarke. opens WEDNESDAY, SJ~Pl'. 5th. As vacancies for new resident pupils are wa at the last moment by pressing public er in Globe. Robert Knox, Esq., and wife, of Orono, Visitors this week: Miss I. 0. Cowle limited, parents are requested, before the ' · who have been spending the past moRth and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. .James, Bow- opening d11y, to arrange for admission (by business." The fact doubtless is that Jetter or otherwi8e) with MISS GHIER. the Sir J uhn knows enough not to go around For Scrofula, Impoverished Blood at Ashbury Park, came home on Satur- manville; Miss Heard and Mrs. Telfer, Indy Principal. who will be at home aftllr the and General Debility. day. Mr. Knox is an enthusiastic tem- of Detroit; and Miss I{icharclson, of Osh- 3lst of Angn·t. 11:uamnteed with SA" L AR'I' .\ .NO ~ the country making buucombe speeches ., perance worker. awa. Circulars are sent at once on application, K\.l'.ENSES l'AlD. A.ny determined man can. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver, with just now. He could not very well make There was a monster family party at We omitted to mention last week that succeed with us. PAonlilw advantages to he· ginners. Stock complete. including many fast. a speech without dealing wit!i President Hypophosphites, has no equal in thew?-ole Mr. and Mrs. S . M. Thomas, of Dover. Mr. S. J: '.Villiams' on Saturday in honor selling spocialties. Outfit froo. realm of Medicine. Read the following : D elaware, U. S., and Mrs. and Miss of _ t~e v1s1t of Messrs. John and W. H. Si. THOMAS, ONT~l'tIO. A.ddrnss at ooce. (Name this paper.) Cleveland's threat to cut off commercial "I gave .Scott's Emulsion to my own BROWN BROTHER!), Redman, of Detroit, Mich., were recently\ 'Y1lharns fro.m the north. A very happy 17 Professor~ & Teachers. Nearly 200 Students interco11rce betwl!en Canada and the child for Scrofula, and the effect was mar- the g u\lsts of Miss ThomM, teacher, this time was enJoycd by all. Nt;nSERY)mN. RoCHESTEH. N. Y. 1 GRADUATING COURSES IN United States, a suhject upon which he velous. "- 0. F . Gray, M. D., White H all, town, \Vest Durham people should know that Jiltcrlttnrc, Lm1guagcs, 111ul"1c, J;'~nc Arts, II Languor, C:<.rn1111cr1;lal Science, Elocution. is not at pre~en t prepared to speak. So Ind. Put up in 50c. and $1 &i~e. Mrs. Jackson, Miss Galbraith and Mr.Kirkp:1trick's business here positively Headache, Master Howard Jacksoo of Lindsay, Mr. closes up with September . Goods are New Buildings, $20,000, Ready i~ Sept, he sends off Hon. Messrs. Foiiter and Constipation Tupper, two of the sma.11-fry ministus, Mr. R.~ Hutchison is selling offhia ~tock D . E. Galbraith, of Chatham ancl Mis& being sold d irt cheap. If every person l::l1 'itY·page Calendar free. Address Removocl lJy ··· . . furniture, etc., in Enniskillen, having Flora Galbraibh, of Hamilton, who have does not lay in supplies for Fall while the Pri nclp11 l AlfSTIN, Jt. D. 'l arrnttCM whose utterances the premier can repud1- bol!lght out a business in Listowel. His beenvisiting at the old homcstea·d , Liber- opportunity lasts ar..d extraordinary bar:Se!t.ze1· Aptirie11t. A.LJ; AGES AltlD CONDITIONS ot peophl ate if necess'>ry without any qualms of sale is on Saturday 15th. Ladies are ty-st., north, have returned to their gains are offered , whose to blame1 1 nrny use N1 itlonnl I'Ills W Uh Htt in.i1try ;uul Sold by Tarrant &Co.,N.Y.· 11omes. JACK, I 'l'lth great benent. ;1nt1 DrUl!l;lsta cvcrywllerc. conscience.-Free Press. specially invited to the sale. 12, 1888. ·rnE Toronto Court House Scheme is making astomshing strides. It began as a $200,000 structure. Soon the price was doubled, then $200,000 was spent for a site, and the estimated cost was again ad· vanced, first to $800,000 and later to $1,100,000. Tenders now in for the erec· tion of the building place the figure at $1,305,000, which will possibly reach two millions when completed. It is pointed 011t that this is about thirteen dollars worth for every man, woman and child in the cit.y. Will the Farmers of I li\nada t~ke no(Continued from fiftl~ page..) tice t The restrict.ionist press and Tory See Geo. Buck's immense stock of ladies' · l new fall boots. politicians, at election tiinos, unceasm~ Y din into the oars of the people that CanThe cash box of the George St. Methodist Sund.. y School, Peterboro, was broka.da' s chance of proeperity depends wholly en into, and $35 stolen. upon the policy of building up manufacMr. W. E. 'l'illey, M. A., Ph. D., h<J.s turi!1g industries by the hot-house systt1m been appointed inspector of Public of high ta.riff stimulus, and the Govern- Schools in Peterboro town. ment of Canada acts upon that policy Mr. White, the diver employed to search for the body of the late Miss Roland imposes hi11:h taxation accordingly, land, was paid $20 a day and expenses. the princip~l burden of which has to be Early one morning last wo"k two small borne by the farmers of thi& country. boys helped , themselve~ to a f 'v hil !s of But when discu~sing the qu.,stion of Can- pota.roes in Rev . R. D . Fra.ser's garden. ad 1.'s pro~perity these same papers and I Order your new suit from John J. polticians, in thei~ lucid mom<1nts,confeaa ~ason's new stuck of Scotc.h worsted 11uit·tyof C ana d a 1s · depen d e.1 rt mgs the best and chc:ipest m the market. · t h a& th e prospen , · f h "Jl f th Mr Cottons farm was not sold on upon the prospenty ~ t e ti ers 0 ~ 0 Sat urday. $79.50 per acre was the highsoil, upon-tho bountiful harves ts which est b :d. It is now offered at private reward the ltibours of the toi : in~ farmers. s1.Jn And y"'t the farmer-i, who contribute Dr. R E. Campbell, of Buffalo, has h been maki11g a visit to his nephew, Mr. more to the prospority of t e country Jonas Sa.mis and friends, Clarke, during than all o·hei· classes combined, are bur- his trip through Canada. dened with heavy taxation imposed for If the Council pays for the electric the benefit of a few people who have got light on Centre St. they had better see the ear of the Government and contribute that it i~ lighted. lt has possibly averto Sir John Macdonald's corruption fund aged about three nights a week since it W!iS erected. at election tiuies.-Montreal Herald. 50.000 BusHELS. BARLEY WANTED.,lohn McDoui.(all wants 50,000 bushels Personal. barley delivered at Port Darlington for Mr. F. R oblin was in town Ja9t · w~ek . which the highest marlrnt price will be Mrs. H. Jollow is visiting friends in paid. Office at McDougall & Metcalf's. Toronto. 37-4w. Miss McLaughlin has returned from HoRSES WANTED.-Geo. Bantel, of Murray Bay. Rochester, will be, this week, at BlackMrs. J. Roneigk has been visiting Belle- stock on Wednesday; at Columbus on ville relatives. Thursday; at Orono on F rid ay; and at Mrs. D . Beith has returned from vi~iting at Chatham. Miss Carrie Cherry has returned from visiting in Osh<1wa . Mr. Aaron Bnckler went on the recent excursion to l'iiontreal. Mr. Geo. Porter has gone cast to Mootreat and other places, Mr. Robert Sinclair, jr., of Toronto, was in town last week. I -W-'J'.D SELL Combs, Brushes, . Needles, Purses, Silver Ware and Fancy Goods AT LOWEST PRIUE~. A..G-E~Ts · FOR British American Dying Co'y, who have several GOLD MEDALS for Cleaning and Dying Gents' Clothing and Ladies Dress Goods. Prices given for all kinds of work. PICTURES FRAMED at Lowest 1·ates. J. Hr KENNER, VARIETY HALL. I Sale of Seven Acres of Land near Enniskillen. ~t~;;t!~:;1~~ i!~~Ym~;:~~~t.0;e~~~~r:t~!. I l I FORD WATCHES I Executors, Sale of Farm, ,,AV N A · R ·D, PURSUANT~o~:~~~nsoontaincd M I j . . , ! Valuable Farm . SATURDAY, SEPT. 29TH, THOS.H.F.HANGOGK HOMESTEAD, I I I NEWC0MBE MAYNARD, -. .- PIAN OF·a a · TE_ S . 0 I 25 p c l E T~fil;~~~7ffi~c~ksi~L ~;,\~~~~,~~~!~~~~~;.~~e I I I s,~T~. ~r~e~s!2s N~ ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE, 1 ! "'

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