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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1888, p. 5

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. Call on H. C. TA IT for Photographs, School Books, Fancy Goods, Picture F):ames, &c., Bowmanville. Mr. Mark Prout, Salem, has decided to sell milk in town. Two of the Peterboro' Salvation lassies 0 play brass instruments. (Listowel's ra.te ia 25 mills. The ratea <.-:- ·-:.. '- \ ,seem to run high in all q uarters. Charles Quinn, of Gananoque, was h i t on the head by a base ball and died. ThPre is little hope of the recovery of Mrs. Youmans, the temperance advocate. Olarke Fair will be held at Newcastle on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 28th and 29 th . Pans of water placed in fruit and berry patches will keep birds from eating t he fruit. For the Sea.side. For Pickmckmg. Mrs. Jona.than Stephens will give a soFor Oam ~>ing Out. cial in aid of Trinity church building fund For Trav1:tlling. For Staying a.t Home. shortly. Special bargains in millinery at Mrs. l\ioirison's as she intends clearing out her summer at.ock. Mrs. Shaw is going to build ·a brick dwelling on the site of the house burnt at the time of the AIT a fire. Will sell iny entire stock of straw hats and summer underwear at and below The Great Conveni.e nce and Luxury of cost. M. l\fayer, Furrier. the day. Rich and Full Flavored, Whole60 pairs of women's heavy laced b oots some, Stimnlaeing, Easy of Use. Economical, the General Favorite. No Cheap marvels of cheapness. See t hem at Geo. Substitute of Peas, Wheat or ,Barley, but Buck's popular shoe s ~ore. Whitby and Newcastle bass ball teams Genuine Mocha and Old Government recently played a gams at Whitby. NewJava. castle won by 13 to 11 runs. JQY-For ~al~ by Grocers CYcLoRAMA.- We would advise a ll who and D1·u~gisfs in lb., half- intend visiting the Industrial Exhibition, lb., and quarter-lb. bottles. to see "The Battle of Sedan." TRIAL !!ljfZ.E :i CEN'.l'S, Merchants, now is the time to get - -------·--..- ··--------·--·---·-............ ... _. your bill heads printed at the STATESMAN office, be~J.·e the rush of fall trad&. ,..Mr. Isaac Jewell, of Clarke, has bought ,. Mr. Jas. Mi.liar's fine brick residence on ·scugog· st. Price,$1,900- a. bargain, · . Ho·. .D. m NElt FAm DAY. - 'fhe W . C. T. U. will serve hot dinners on Fair Day for 25 cents. N otice of location later. Remember your friends at a disiance --o-now that you can have TuE STATESM AN sent to them th e rest of this year for 25c, P ickle Spices, Rev. W. G. 'Vallace, :B. D ., of GeorgeCatsup Bottles, town, has been inducted pastor of the Bloor Strflet Presbyterian Chmch, Toron· Corks, to. · Sealing Wax, T ALL Co1tN. -,Mr.·T. F. Brooks, Courtice, left at this office yesterday a stalk of Sticky Fly Paper~ \ corn over 12 feet m length. \Vho can Poison Fly Paper~ beat it 1 Mr. Samllel Burden of this town has taken out an auctioneer's license for Wast Durham. H e is a u old hand at the hammer . New fall goods arriving d aily at Couch, Johnston & Oryder man's. · They will show this season the most superb steck of (This ::::'cstroy<"r kills every fly m dry good~ ever Geen iu town, a room in halt an hour.) At the Council meeting on SepL 3, very little ou~in e as was done. Mr. \Yilliams wits instructed to move his fenca off Main St.. by the 20th. THE STATESMAN was rather previoue last week. The iceman is still oo his & round, and our thanks are due Messr s. N . B .- If 'you never tried Williams and Hall fot· a largs hunk. om· spices give them a trial and Mr . John Willis of lot 30, broken front, compare them with what you get Whit by, threshed his barley week, The yield exceeds 50 bushels to t he acre. at other stores. Many of the neighbors are as for tunate. Eat plenty of lemons and yot1 can GRAND' TRUNK RAILWAY. stand the h eat infi nitely better than those who do not m~ke use of the fruit BOWMANVILLE ST.A.TIO'N. with which nature has supplied tropical countries. GOING EAST GOING WEST , The summer is over. Though tful peoMall ......... 8.37 a m Mn.ii ........ 6.17 a m Express......10.33 a m Local, ........8.23 a m ple look ahead to m1ike themselves comMixed ......... 3.'10 p ID Ex press' ...... 9.35 a m . ..... .. . .7.U v m j Mixed ...... . .. 3.16 P m fortable. This can bei done by calling at Mail . . .. .... 10:07 p m Me.ii . . · ..... . 9.00 P m McClung Bros., the l~a ding D,ry Goods *Except Mondays. House, Bowmanville. CONCENTRATED . ·~i~~,:1~ '-~ ; OF COFFEE. ~tt~f~E£~r~ FLUID COFFEE, , E As o N S FRUIT STOTT &JURY'S INSECT DESTROYER, All·the above at lowest prices at STOTT JURY'S. I BOWMANVILLE , SEPT. 12, 1888. Local and Otherwise. coon-hunting now. S hort days and butternuts ripening. Business prospects a r e brigh tening all over the Province. Who will t ake the moRt pr izes at t he home fair this y ear ~ Rot is found among potatoes in West· ern Ontario. There is a big cr op. Apples are big crop throughout W estern Ontario and Niagara D istrict. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDEXT I nsurance. ROBT. VIRTUE, A11:cn t , Bowman ville. tf. New honey-comb shawls, ne w hosie ry and gloves, new cor set ., etc., a t John J , Mason's. See advt. A young lady a t BA llev1lle has be come insane through religious exci tement , aud yesterday went to a mee ting attired in a man 's coat . A hor~e - ra~ away and j u mped over an embank ment at Peterboro' on T uesd ay e vening, throwing a iady and a boy into the water , b11t they were got out. Kinsale cricket club d isR ppoint'ed our cricket ers on TueBday. They migh t have sen~ w ord that they were no t coming. Our club wen t t o con~iderable trouble t.o enter tain them. The residence of Mr . Ralph Bur ton, of W arkworth , was totally d estroyed by fire, on Sunday, Sept. 2nd. Loss, $2500, insured for $1400. 'fhe cause of the fire was a d efoctive chimney. . R ev. Jv.bez D . Dyer, junior pastor of circuit, p reacher! twice Tyrone on S und s.y in the Ch urch-st. Methodist church t o very brge congregations. Hoth sermons wer·e highly appreciated . SENSU1J.E Grm.s - The young ladies of a wester n t Ol'l'n at a r ecent convention pas~ " ! the follo wing resolut ion :- That we 1 1 not mar ry unyone who is not a pat on of h ome newspaper s, for it is n ot only a strong e ddence of the want of intelligence but thn.t he will prove t oo stingy t o provide for his family, educate his children or encourage institut ions of learning in his community. CONSUMPTI VE TE])fDENCIES are oHen iqh erited, but t he disease itself may gain ·-a foothold through impure blood , ba.d diet, u11ventilated (\Oms, et.c., keep the blood 1mre and t ho circulation perfect by means of Bllrdock Bloud Bitters, tJ,nd thus ward off consumption , which is simply scrofula of the lung~. l<~ine Mr. J.C. Vanstone has built a new Bowmanville Fair, Oct . !th and 5th. Murdoeh Broa. sell the Gold Medal stable and driving hotl8e near his roller Peterboro's rate this y<1£1r has been carpet sweeper, the b eet in the world:· · fixed itt 121' mills Very low. A job lot of braces at John J. Mason's, "mills. A letter fro~ J. E. Starr, Victoria, B. A Port H ope firm is .1atablishing a . over 100' kinds at less than usual prices. C., aaysit is likely several China women knitting factory in P~terl~oro. See advt. Trinity chtirch is r oofed in again and Tbe Oshawa editors have our sympathy. will sh.. rtly be brought east and sold. Mr. Harvey Warner, of Napanee, has the walls of the new school· room are up. A religious dism~ssion is being carried 011 accepted from a. tenant, who ia financialSee those men's hand madA boots that in both papers. Geo. Buck is selliug at $2 25; $1.50 and A. H. BrintweH, of Orono, will exhibit ly crippled by bad crops, the sum of $20 $3. his steam buggy on the grounds at the in discharge of rent amounting t o $ 300. HEAVY SENTl!lNCE.-G enrge Rinii:er and Mr. w. L . Law, of Solina, showed us I Toronto exbi:bition. a fine sample of P russian blue p eas last Pc>tatoes ar'e so plent.iflll in South Es· Albert Jam ea, t WO firebU!!S who have been week. sex that it is difficult to obtain a market convicted of setting fire to buildings at Smith's Falls, were sentenced to fourteen Flannels all kinds, top shirts and under - for them at any price. years imprisonment wear, half a car load just arrived at John There is a young lady in Durham, PROFITABLE CROP'- Wm. Brown, afar. J. Mason's. Who never will tramp on a wurha.m. mer in Clar ke, sowed last spring, nine At Mrs. Morrison's-Hats and Bonnets -Grip. bushels of fancy p eas. The proceeds was for 25 and 50 cents, worth 75 cents and Just receiv~d at Geo. Buck's popular 75 bushel8, leaving 66 for his labor, for $1 New this season. shoe store $1500 stock of the chvicest c lass which he got $2, a bushel- $132, a pretty Tbe Methodist book room, Toronto suf- of boots for the fall trade. good profit. fered no financial loss by the defalcation James Clarke, Raglan, desires to hear Hon. G . W. Ross, Minister of Educaof Book.keeper McVeigh. of any person wanting a married couple tfon, lias receiv ed tl1e degree of.L. L . D ., to go to Manitoba. to run a farm. · from St. Andrews University, Scotland, Robt . Barrett'e new brick dwt:lling on The Grand Trunk Railway has decided in recognition of the valuable eervice h e Elgin-at. is greatly 11dmired. The archito run the tra.ins on the d ouhle track be- has r tlndered educat ional interests i n On· tectural 1joppearance is very fine. tw een T vronlo and Montreal on the Eng- tario. A new Meth odist church has bAen dedi· lish system of keeping t o the left . 1 Goon l'OR llANADA.-Ilev. D. V. Lucas, cated at Deseronto, and the Presbyterian A prominent and extensive Darlington Church has given $500 to help pay off its farmer i·emarked to us last week that h e speaking in Kingston, said he ,had ex:ptirience with the drink traftlc the world debt. found the plow points h e gotfrom Porter's over, and h e was prepared to say that When you meet a friend and feel like F ound ry would last nearly as long again Canada was freer from t he liq uor traffic standing treat, go to Mrs. Keya' resta11r· · as others will. than any other country. ant order up "milk shake." It is a Mr. Wm. Bryce, the Toronto publisher, BOATS TO S>roP R UNNING.- The Riche· bonnie drink. has obta.ined the Canadian copyright for lieu and Ontario Navigation Company FARlllERs. - I have some new steel-frame "A Mere Child"," by T. B. Walford, Au- decided t o wichdraw their' boats runtwo-furrow plows that you should see. thor of "'Mr. Smith," "The Baby' s ni ng bet wePn Montreal and Toronto and All kinds of plow points kept in stock. Grandmother," ' ·Nan," etc. calling at Port Darlington, fo r the sea C. RoGEltS, Bowmanville. AN OLD FAVORITE that has been popu· s on,on the 15th inst., a·o d send them into While out boating nn the St. L!!owrence lar with the people for 30 yeai·s is Dr. winter quarters a.t Sorel. near Ganaooque, on Monday, Mrs. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stra>Vberry for A swindler r egistering M R e\' . M. C. Pierrepont Morgan, of N ew York, lost all varities of summer complaints of chil Pullman,Chicago,111.,nlayed the "clergydren or adults. It seldom or sver fails to man" racket pret ty ex tensi wily in King· jewels in the river valued a t $1500. cure cholera morbus, diarrhcea and dys· aton last week. He cl ean ~d out a Mr. Cmu.l\.P P.U'EltS.- The Week ly Globe, D orland, a tail or who endorsed a draft o n Witness, Statesman, F amily Herald, M ;iil entery. The night watchman e.t the Org~n Fac- New Y ork for him to the tune of $500, or En1 p1 re from now t o the end of 1888 for 25 cents. Subs cription must be sent t ory saw the illumination caused by th.e and then left for the Ll nd of the free . big fire ·in O&hawa last Wednesday nig ht · Ther e seems t o be so me uucer tainty as to l\'l. A J A111RS, B owman ville. an<:l r an g the fire bell, thinking the fire t o t he precise amount of d:<m'lge don ti by The Grand 'l'runk Railway will r un ex- was 111 t he west part of the to wn. Anoth- t he ir ost t o the crop in Ma11itoba.. All cu rsion s to l'oronto d uring t he Ex:hibi· er version of th e ringing is th at it. was to agree t h at it has received injury, b u t the tion as foliows :-Ticket 3 go ·cl to go from disturb a n bwly married m ember of the accouuts vary so much tlH,t it is difficult Sept . 11th to 21st inclusi ve, good until fire b rigade. to arrive a t any thing like a definite cou · Sept. 24th, rit "ing le fir,.t-class fa re . 1! ' AR.ll F OR SAu:. - That val u ~bl e farm clusi<1n as to what p ropo r tion of the crop · A writer i n the Or~1o N ews J,1bors of 135 RCres, of .Lot 35, 6th con., Dar- has been hurt. Theaorrowfo I intelligence reached Lind· hard to say oomethini; fu nny about t he lington, will be wld at auc t,ion on the Bowman ville base ball te am th at played premises on Tuesday Sept 2fi. This farm say on Saturday of the d~ ath at Cacouua, the Orono boys_two weeks ::igo, but D~ve is a. very d esiri;.ble one, and a rare chance of Frank, a fine little fellow of 13 years, l\1orriaon, Ed.t or of the Sun, could sleep is offer~d to any person to secure a farm eldest sor1 of Mr. S. A. McMurtry, man· S. ager of t he Ontario B ank, L indsay. The and write more fun without any ~ffort. on easy terms. See advertisement. fam ily were s pend ing s ome t ime at t he lt is awflllly flat and smells of a tannery. C. Hunking, Auctioneer. SHUT Ur . -The Port H op e Guide say s Canadian wa terin g p lace and were joine d Lh!htning s truck a cedar tree near Mr. it ia q uite evident that ths hotel-kee pers by Mr. McMurtrv early Ja~t week. Diph· B~rgess' house on toll·gate hil~ between are not keeping faith with Inspector t heria. is said to have been the cause of thi? t_own a nd Hampton on Friday week, P o wers, who wi thdrew the charges death. - Post. stnppmg the bark from top to root. The aaainst them f ur third offences on the The Napanee Express says:- ' 'There is electric current _Passed .down the end of ) c~ndition t hat th ey would stop selling to be a new feature inl ru du ced at th e the house tea~rng o.ff the plaster and liquor. 'I h tire will be no wii hdrawi11g of North Hastinge fair this fall . It is 'a kn.ockmg tho down. One of t he charges i u the fu tur e, and if t h o hotel· grand wedding, which will take place on childre n was also slightly st un ne d. keepers clo not s hut. clnwn t hey will be a public platform on die .·econdd 1~y . Tho fin est display of costly presen t s ever 15iven N E W FmM.-Mr. J , B. 'l'ray~ s has ad- i shut up'. mitttd Mr. H. W . Laird, of Toronto, into ! A savmg of 2b per. cent: on .the pur- to a bride in 1his count ry, will be 011' ex:· pannership in the Port Hope Times pub· 1 ?!ms of a t·cl.a s~ piano .1s an import~nt hibition . This will h.i a new and pleas· lishing b t1einess. Mr. L aird is a skillful item, but such is tho offer of . Octavius in~ fe ature of the show, and a profi table S< en ugra.pher and will n o doub t prove a Newcombe & ~ o . , whose new Piano ~ac one to the couple gattiug marri~ d. " valuable par tner. The 'rime.~ was for tory, Bellwood s avenue, Toronto (Just N oT A R run MA~<. -The will of Archmany y eitrs a good local paper, but for a complete~ ) is t ho. finest in the city, . and b;shop Lynch has b een filed for probate. couple of yea rs its moral tone has not eq ua l in its machm ~ry and e.q uirment to H e l eaves all his proper ty to his successor , beA n as high as ,some could wish. We the lat~st and beat m t~e U m ted StatE.s. but directs t hat in cons1dcrat.ion ther eof look for great improvement i n t,he local lnt.e?dmg I>urcha.sen will do well t o eom- h e sh "'ll pay to his sister, Mrs. Eliz \ Mcnews, as this will be Mr. Lftird's pnticu- mumcate with the m. 37-tf Donald, D undalk, Ireland, one hundred Jar departmen t . We wish the new firm It is well to be posted in the pract ical dollars per year as long as she lives. The details of one's business, t he more espec- personal estate of 1h e late Archbishop is much succe ss. ially so when the business is exception · valued at $1,444 .09 made up a.s fvllows: H APl'Y EVENT - On W edn;,eday last a ally intricate. $ 10.()00 wa s recently Cash on hand, $925 ; cash i n bank, $ 334. · larn;e and hanpy company asse mble.d at saved by t he McCauslands, of T oronto, 84; wearing a pparel and personal eff.icta, M"yfield, the residence of Mr. E. G. when an American specialist in the Stain- about one hundred dollars, He directs Power, Darlington, it being the occasion ed Glase business fol:lnd t o ·his stirprise t ha t t wo hundred masses sha ll be said for of the marriage of his youngest da ughter that his firm h ad been working fo r years the repose of his soul. Miss Annie G. Power, and M.r. J. D. the very item that h e had to d ispose of The at tention of our r eaders and esStorie, of Osha wa. The knot was t ied by and which. was 11.upposed t o b e of recent F armers having auction sales will find the R ev. R. Sanderson. After the mar- d iscovery. pecially t hose abou t to furnish or re· it t o their advant age t o order their s ale riage cer emony th e company partook of a furuieh their homes jg called to th e adBoDY FoUND. -The body of t h s late vertis ~ment of Oouch, J ohnston & Cry· bills at this office and g_et a free. n otice in su m ptuous repast , after which Mr. and was washed ashor e at about Miss H olland TuE ~TATESMAN 1 vmch nearly e very Mrs. Storie t ook th e eastern b ound train d erman on t he firat piige of this paper. farmer m 'Vest Durha m reads. forP~ rtHopeenrouteto R ochest er,Albany 7 30 last Friday evemng, at a p oint 'l'hey have j uat opened out a lively asabout a mile w~ st of P ort Hope, n ear the sortment of carpets of the very latest d eCAN You.R ~OY Swrn ?-No ! Thei;i d o Tn,y, Saratoga, Boston and New York. Mr. H amilton si~ns bough t direct from on e of t he not trust !um 111 any sort of boat llntil h e The bride's presents wer e both num erous farm of G. H . Hill. Clarke and Capt McClerken, who were has le~rned the art ~nd feels as much at and costly. Miss Power will b. e much on t he search, discover ed the body some largest and most reliable manufacturers in England. This fi rm sell their goods hrome i.u the water as upon dry lan.d . missed by tbe y oung people of the section distance out in the lake, and watched it as low as a ny lit:lllse in On ta rio and· t hoae You might as well s end lm1i out alone m with whom she was very popular. until it cawe a~hore . . The fun eral took a crowded street before he baa learned 1 who examine t heir ~tock will be con· · To DELINQUENT S unsc1 tIBEits.- We place on Sa turday after noon, a.nd wa~ a. vinced that tlie most fast idious taste as to walk. private one. well as the most e conomic<il buyer can F on. THE H Am.- Mrs. A. Davis, Neads suppose ther e is no use in tal king about ST. J OHN's CHURCH H ARVEST F ESTIVAL. Block, over Mayer 's Hat s tore , has the it,- b ut i f the hundreds of delinquent - On Su nday, 16th inst., eermons will be ea sily b e pleased. subscribera who owe us small s ums from agency for D e Blong's Great Fren 2h Mag-. SHROl'SHillES BomcrNG.-'l'here were preach ed in this church, at t h e hours of ic, a cure for dandrllff, fever, dryness, $1 u p ward, would remit th e amoun t of 11 and 7 o'clock, bv R ev . Dr. Clark, P ro- shipped on M:onday week from Brooklin, itchiness a nd irritability of the scalp their indebtedness t h ey will sa ve us from fessor in 'r rinity College, T oronto . Spe· 81 head of pure bred Shropshire sheep of and prevents baldness a nd grey hair. the use of a great deal of unnecessary lan- cial collections . On Monday evening, excellent q uality, to Mathewson Bros., guage. W o are not begging for favors; Call and buy a bottle. we simply want our honest dues, and in 17 th inst., the same eloquent Divine will Bradley, Dakota, lJ. 8. Of t his lot 58 COLT A STRA Y.- It is seldom that any this connection we are surprised to find deliver i u the 'l'own H all, i n aid of St. choice animals were purchased from the stray anim al advertised in. 'f nE STATES· t hat some m en whose names ar e on our J ohn 's church, his cele brat ed Jectu revet eran sheep breeder, Mr. H. II. SpenMAN is not found , but the colt advertised lists have so little r egard fo r bL1si nesa subj ect :- R ev.Charles Kingsley's "Water cer , amongst which was the noted two by Mr. John J e well is still at large. D o and r ighteous deali~g as t o k eep us wait - Bitbies ." Ad mission 25c. 36 2 w year old r am, " ' Vhat's Wanted ," b red by any. of our readers know wh ere there is a ing one, two, sometimes three years for M r . Spencer, an animal of ex tra. q uality F a.rmers wh o carry insurances on their a stray colt ? T<?n clollara will b e paid for money that we h aye expend ed in t hei r nd siv.e, weighing ab'lu t 300 lbs. 'l'he b uildings or crops ought to carefully in the' season' s get of lambs of the safo re tur n of Mr. Jewell's. beh alf a nd at thei1 · request, a nd then for m themsel ves upon the condit ions of lot i ncludes " , . , . 'l'he local sbore·kee per, or busi ness compel us t o spend val uable t ime and t heir policies as t o threshing engines Mr . ::;pencer e floch, which are of au penman who is shre wd , will al ways patron- h ard cash send ing ou t dunning accounts now. Many co mpan ies req uire a. special or siv.e and ·l uality, many of them weigh ize th e loc1~I pape r. It ben efits him by every few mon t hs for a year or two befor e thre&hing licence to iss ue before they iog over 100 lbs eacl1, and one ram and keeping h is n ame perpetually befor e the they pay up. S nrely there is no room will be boun d by t he policy to pay losses seven ewes r ecently imported by Mr. community i n wh ich he li ves, and i~ al- for such people in the heaven ly la nd. caused by fires which or iginate from Dryden.- Broo/;lin 'l'imes. ways b enefits him in a.i1 i ndirect way, by Subscribers will ple[lse boar in mind th at threshing engines, and ::ill require cer tain A nasty little t hi ng ull rankle, f!. nd helping to make t he paper p ros perous, 'I'm~ S'l'ATESMAN is a dollar a year at the condi tions to be observed. J t is better burn, a ud work on your insid e~ fer which, in its tui:n, will help to mak e the beuinning, and not as many think it is , at t o be s ure than sorry. Look 01rer your weeks, a ffi[tkin' of yo u sorrerfn1 ancl fown or village prosperous. There is the end of a year. T he price is $1. 50 policy and see t hat you are safe. mi.srable, and when. some nice libtle t hing nothi ng which helps t o attract people t o when not paid in advance. h appens it d on 't make us happy. Oh, no. Two l?rospective wed~ing~ are d eeply N . th ' · b · l t · · a t own more t ha n a well-conducted local ice m gs 18 onrs Y n g 1 s, we magme, A OITEAT' H.tRVESTER.- Week befor e 1 mterestmg Cobourgsociety JUSt now. On n ewspr.per. - T h e Art of Advertising. And aint worth a tha ukey, and l\"e thinks A PoruLAlt H ousE.- Att ention is asked last we visited our uncle, Mr. R ichard Wednesday (to· d ay_), Sept. 12th, Capt. H. we've a go od r ight t o fu me, and fuss, and . g on 0 to the new Fall announcement by Mr. J. J ames, Cam bray, Ont. , who works a far m J. Snellgr ove, editor of t he Cobourg grum ble over some lit tle t hin"' " J. M ason, of the great dry go;ids and of 44:1 a cres in the township of F enelop.. ~odd, awl forme rly pf Bowman ville, wrong. Findin' a fifty dollar b ill would je wel ry establishmen t. Call when you I n the course of conversation one day ·;111 ~ead to the alter ~ Miss Fra~ces Maud make rne happy five m ini ts, but losin' a will during b usiness hours a nd h is clerks when looking over the fa.rm, he happen ed E ern s, daug_h ter of ,s. ~- F er ris, ex -M. dollar , or bein' cheated fi fteen cents ull hich shOWS are busy. For reliable and ch eap goods t o mention that he had one of Sylvester P. P., .a nd mec~ of Sheriff P roctor . <;>n make me fuss a whole day, W this h ouse has a moat enviable r eputation B r oth ers' self binders t he Minnesota Sept. 19, M r. '.I h urstan, a Toronto barns- clear as we take more nateral to onhappiand every effc1rt is bein~ ban t t o not only Ohief We i nquired how he liked the ter, a~d M iss Har t<,raft , d a ugh ter o~ t he ness than we do to Jiappiness. If sich retain old customers b ut to gain new machine ? He r eplied that he h ad used late VI m. Hargraft., ex- M.P. P ., will be little frifles could make us lu,ppy as his machins t hree harve::its cuttinoall his u nited. Both brides-elect are pretty and ones. If the best class of goods at lowest mak rn us miserable to the utmost., this prices and obligin g att endance will secure grain .a nd much of the ground ; as ver y popular . ud be the h appiest world the eyes of a rough , and up t o the present t ime t he Som e American horse b uyers came this end, Mason i a going to win. Give k ind pedectin ' Pro vid enc ~ ever looked machine had not cost h im one cen t for very n early gett ing themselves into trou- down on- an d atiybody' s got a good right h im an early call. g hton. to look do;vn on us . ' Ve've g ot mighty MILK SIL\KE .- '.l'hat's th e name of an re pairs. H e lrnd ovm· 200 acr es of grain ble over a horse escapad e at Bri. Americau pa&en t , which has been pur- this year wh ich he expects t o yield over They·p urchased a number of hor ses dur- i ncapacity fe r happiness, but of m isry we chased by Mrs. rV. Keys In order to 6,000 bushels. He worked t he Minnes· ing th e day and stabled them in the h o- kin commoda te a pile. give t he people of this sec tion t he latest uta Chief with one span of ordinary horses tel stables. I n the eve nin~ t hey i mbibed I DoN'~· \VAN'.r R.ELIE~', Bv:r Co:;n:," is refreshing drink. It seizes the milk i n anct they walked along on level ground Canadian whiskey to a m uch g reater ext he exclamation of thousands suffering half a d ozen places at t he same inst. q uite comfortaLly wi th it. 1£ we heard tent than was ~o mpatible with t he good from ca:tarr h. To all s uch we say : Cat · t urns it u pside d own and inside out, and of any bind er worked better lrn wanted of th eir h ealth, and when the N orsearrh can be cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh shakes it around and arou nd, until it is to know it. Mr. J a mes is quite a st ock man arrived t hey p ut their own brought to t hat state of perfection wh ich raiser . H e has 60 head of cattle, includ- hors es on board and one of their land- Remedy. lt has been d one in thousands The of cases ; why not i n yours 3 Your d:m· prompts t he thirsl;y to exclaim, " Mrs . i llg soma t horo-br eds and h igh grades ; 15 lord's in t o the bargain . ger is in d ele.y. E nclose a stamp to Keys has s tru ck it this t ime." Milk h ead of h orses includi ng five span of was n ot discovered until, a fter a vigorous World's Dis pensary M ed ical Association, shake is the most delicious drink of t he w orking. H e baa one yearling and one sobering up, they fo und their stock in season. H o ! all ye t.h at are <tthirst ,md two year old Clydesdale filly for which he tra de consisted of one horse t oo many. Buffalo, N . Y., for pamphlet on t his dis· has r efused $<.150. F rom wh at we could Ch ief D ougl as was communicated with, ea se. Gold en iv.tedical D iscovery p urifies go t o M rs. Keys fo r the new drink . gather we conclude t ha,t farming p ays b ut his services were not n ecessary, ns t he blood, st re ngthens the lungs and in1·1JKI'f i' Ole INGJtE DIEXTS tllatl llccuracy 1 vigorat es th e wh ole system. of compoundlni:, make ltlllb1nn's A.ru111at11i rtiuch better in M ariposa, Ops and Pene- t he horse had been put off at Cobourg ·tuinlne ·wine f.J1c Hltcrl.on o l excellence. Ion than at the Front. and sent to it3 r ightful owner . ( Contiirnecl on e<litoifal page.) I BIRTHS. Tileonburg, on the 3tst l iiL., the wifo of Mr· .A. G. L . Guy, manage:r of ·\ ·ostern Dank of Canada. o'! a daughtex:. JAYNEEl.-Jn Orono, Aug: l f th, tbe \i·ire or Mr. Tbos. Jaynes, nt a son. · KELL'lr.- fo. Clarke. Aug. 12th, the wife ot Mr. \\", ll. Kelly, of daughter, COKNISl1.-ln Orono. Aug. 30th, the wife of Mr. Wm. ornish, of a daughter' J,11:101:t:-Jn.Orono. Ang. 31st. the wife t Mr. Albert Leigh, of a daui;chtc1·. GERRY.-ln Orono, Sept. 2nd, the wifo t 'Mr. W m . Gerry; of a son. HERRIN.-ln Taunt~n. on the 6th inst., tlte wife of Mr. 'Vm. Her m, of a da11ghter. Vm·ruE.- ln Enniskillen. on the l)t,h inst the wife of Mr. R. C. Yi·tue, of a dn.n~h t er. " ? u11.- A t - -- - " M4RRIED. .. ... STORIF ~1"ow1m.--At Mayiiflld, Sep1 ·. :lth ai the residence of the bride's father by t ho ltev E . Sanderoon Mr. J . D, Storie, of Osha wa, tG A.nme G .. youngest daughter of E. G. Power ' Esg., of Darlington, BA!<KERVlLLE-MAYNARD.-At t be r e·idence of the bride's mother, 168 1'erauley St.,'.l'oron' o, on the 5t.h inst., by tne Rev. D. G. Sutherbna Mr. H. Baskerville. n.nd Miss Alber tina M ily! nard, daughter or the late Jos . .M:avn<1.r d both of Bowmanville. ' DIED. Mun·oN. - SuullenlJ , in Bowme.nville, Sept. 8th, ' Villi11.m :Mutton, a.~ed 62 years, 6 months. GRAYDEN.-In Harmony, Sept. let. llicharll · Grayden, aged 77 years. McMuLI.EN.,-ln Clarke, Sept, 5th, Maggie Star le, wife of Geo. McM11lleo, lil(ed 25 year. W AJ.'l"ER!l.-In Orono, Se1lt. 5th, \Viilia,n Francis. Cecil. infaut son of William and Francia MORROW.-Io Bowmanville, Sep tember 3rrt, Arvilla. May, daughter ot Ada Zilla a.nd James Morrow, aged 3. munth9. MoMORTRY.-Suddenly aL Cacouna, Sept ; 2nd, FrankOg1l vie, aged lZ, eldesc son or S. A. McMnrt.ry. Lindsay. ____JJti BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Currected by J. lllcll1utry, every Tuesday, l!' LOUR, f' 100 lbs. . .·..... $2 WHEAT, F all, 'II" bush ... · · 0 11 Spring, " 0 BARLEY, 'II" bush, N o. 1. . .. 0 II H II II II II II 2 .. ., 3 . .. . R YE, OATS, ' ' . . . · · · · . .. . .· · . . , . . P EAs, Blackeye , ~ b ush .. . " SnmU " " Blue,' BUTTER, best table, '11" lb. . . LAlrn, ~ lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E GG8, ~ doz ...... ... .... POTATOES, 'IP' bush . . ·· , . · · to $2 80 !JO 11 0 95 !.JO 11 0 95 70 II 0 o n 0 65 I> 0 00 0 55 11 0 00 0 55 II 0 60 0 00 I I 0 3{) 0 60 ,, 0 00 060· ,, 000 0 60 1 1 0 '10 0 18 11 0 19 0 10 " 0 12 0 15 1 1 0 00 0 25 1 1 0 (!{) I)() Barley Wanted. The highest prices paid for any q ua ntity of Ba r ley de1i ver ed at my Elevat or or at th e W barf ; also for other grai.n and farm p r od uce . ., l J'OHN LYLE, BO.WMA:N VILLE. SS G ALBR AIT H will l'esnme h er M I c\assfo Painting on Friday, H th inst. ERVAN T WANTED.- A gi rl to ao S general housework. not i·equired to do B, FAHlJJ URN, washing. Apply tolMHB. .... J, 35-tf Elgin-st. QERV AN T W ANTE D.- A girl t o ao 0 the kitchen work where a housemr t"id l!f kept. Apply to M RS . REID, King street Ealit, Bowmanvl!Je. 36- tf AM su perior Leicesr.;r R Ham lamb' Apply to BROWN, 95- tf'. Hampton. E RVAN'l ' WANTED. - A general S servant wanted immediately. Apply ANNIE WALDRIDGE, Wellington titreet, FOlt S.ALE. A lRl11JN L. Mns. t:o I D ~ Bowman ville, TORE TO LET. - The store now occupied by Mr. Vf . H . Ives, on King Stre!lt~ t,wo doors easo or the P . O. P ossession M'a y lOt.11. Apply t o A· BUCKLER, Jeweller, R ESSMAKING.- Mrr;r; G OVLD lrni:t, sto.rte>d Dress and Mantle maki ng on her own account . at h e r home on Division stre&t no~~h. Bowmanville. A ca.II from ladlea solicited , -· ·- '·---·----- -- - -33-tf ATTLE LOST.- 3 yearling h eifer11 chiefly red, one line backed, and 1 white yearling steer · Any information ns to tlie1r whereabouts will be handsomely rewarded b]f apvlying to Jas. NESBITT, Enr.iskillenP. o. S C H 36- tf ORSE FOR SALE.-The otters .for sale h1s outfit, cons1.s tmg of soun~ young horse ~ years old, wagon, aleiglt~,.ha"'" ness, etc .. a ll in good 'f he whole wm be sold cheap for caelt only: THOMAS CUR'l'li!. .. - - - - - - ---- - - - - - 38-~ l\il"ONEY LOST.- Between Mr. N elson J: :.L Power's and Kendall, on .August lG tli a hand sat c~~l containing a sum .of money a;\iit other art101cs. The finder will be suitably rewarded 1'y leaving iL ut the Post Otliee, I Opono, or T HE STATESMAN Ollioe, Bowman. '! ville. 3G-9w 1 siguedhn.~ngdecidcd to ~iv!' uIJteamiqg u nder:· BOWrtlfJrnVI llE HIGH SCHOO L will re-open On MONDA Y , SEPTEMBER 3rd, 'i i. in t he building formerly known e.s the Prirul· tive Methodist church, which lH ·S been sui;.. ably fitted up for a High School, Classe3 wjll bo ori~ani'.'cd for all teachers' n'?n -pr~fessiona.l ex:ammations and for matrtculatlon with hon ors in a.11 departments. Intending students will please present themselves on the opening day if possible.. l·'or further info~mation upply to M . l\<f. FENWICK, B . A .. Principal. i E xcellent Chance for a G d F ' QO armer. I NE of t he finest stock, grain and grazing farms in Ontario, in the County on" of He.Jton, on the lako shore near Bronte; · al the> best milk statmns, w ill be let on favor · a.ble term~ for a period of years to au experi· enceil farmer ho.ving reB,sonable stock, iruple· ments and sufficient help to wnrk tho ·same efficiently. Owner will advance rneaI)s to add to stock and pay travelling expenses !11Pm 1'oronto for examining. ·tlchool and church nne mile distant. Addresd, WILLIAN: MoC..\nE, Toronto. 3G- 2w* O TENDERS WANTED. :SEW SCHOOL llUILDIN6:S7 :SOWM.A..."<YILL'E. LANS AND SPECIF IC.A TIONS wit h conditions of c ontract ma.11 be seen ~t u..e ofilco of the undersigned on and after 'Chun· day the 13th inst. Sea.led tenders .in envelope marked "'f(1nd1'lr " addressed to the u ndersigned will be r neciveil: nv to the evening of 'l'hursday the 2-0th inst. Lowest or a ny tender not nerJ.,~aarlly accepted. . Jom~ McOooGuL, Board or Education. Secy·'l'rea.11. 37- l w Bowme.nville, 10th Sept,, 1SS~1 P

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